Results for 'De'an Zou'

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  1. Ren sheng yi yi di tan suo.De'an Zou - 1986 - Shenyang: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Zunli Liu.
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    (1 other version)Medical experimentation, informed consent and using An Cocking & Ju Stin Oakley - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (4):293-311.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we argue that the standard focus on problems of informed consent in debates about the ethics of human experimentation is inadequate because it fails to capture a more fundamental way in which such experiments may be wrong. Taking clinical trials as our case in point, we suggest that it is the moral offence of using people as mere means which better characterizes what is wrong with violations of personal autonomy in certain kinds of clinical trials. This (...)
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    道家道敎敎育硏究.De'an Chen & Feng Qi (eds.) - 1997 - Beijing: Jiao yu ke xue chu ban she.
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    Dao jia dao jiao jiao yu yan jiu.De'an Chen & Feng Qi (eds.) - 1997 - Beijing: Jiao yu ke xue chu ban she.
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  5. An Invitation to Think: Three Entangled Problems in Plato's Sophist [Een uitnodiging tot denken: Plato's Sofist als kluwen van problemen].Martijn Boven - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (4):6-15.
    -/- In Plato's work the "Sophist", Socrates, who typically occupies a central position in Plato's dialogues, is assigned a supporting role. This has led some scholars to argue for a shift in Plato's oeuvre, where he distances himself from Socrates and introduces a new main protagonist. However, this new protagonist remains unnamed and is only identified by his social position as Xenos, indicating that he is an outsider and a stranger whose identity is ambiguous. In this article, I argue that (...)
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    Visual affects: Linking curiosity, Aha-Erlebnis, and memory through information gain.Sander Van de Cruys, Claudia Damiano, Yannick Boddez, Magdalena Król, Lore Goetschalckx & Johan Wagemans - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104698.
    Current theories propose that our sense of curiosity is determined by the learning progress or information gain that our cognitive system expects to make. However, few studies have explicitly tried to quantify subjective information gain and link it to measures of curiosity. Here, we asked people to report their curiosity about the intrinsically engaging perceptual ‘puzzles’ known as Mooney images, and to report on the strength of their aha experience upon revealing the solution image (curiosity relief). We also asked our (...)
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    Perceptual illusions in brief visual presentations.Vincent de Gardelle, Jérôme Sackur & Sid Kouider - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):569-577.
    We often feel that our perceptual experience is richer than what we can express. For instance, when flashed with a large set of letters, we feel that we can see them all, while we can report only a few. However, the nature of this subjective impression remains highly debated: while many favour a dissociation between two forms of consciousness , others contend that the richness of phenomenal experience is a mere illusion. Here we addressed this question with a classical partial-report (...)
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  8. Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues.Íñigo de Miguel Beriain & Jon Rueda - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (4):1-8.
    Digital COVID certificates are a novel public health policy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. These immunity certificates aim to incentivize vaccination and to deny international travel or access to essential spaces to those who are unable to prove that they are not infectious. In this article, we start by describing immunity certificates and highlighting their differences from vaccination certificates. Then, we focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in their use, namely autonomy and consent, data protection, equity, and (...)
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  9. Copyright or copyleft?: An analysis of property regimes for software development.Paul B. de Laat - 2005 - Research Policy 34 (10):1511-1532.
    Two property regimes for software development may be distinguished. Within corporations, on the one hand, a Private Regime obtains which excludes all outsiders from access to a firm's software assets. It is shown how the protective instruments of secrecy and both copyright and patent have been strengthened considerably during the last two decades. On the other, a Public Regime among hackers may be distinguished, initiated by individuals, organizations or firms, in which source code is freely exchanged. It is argued that (...)
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    Ethical issues at the interface of clinical care and research practice in pediatric oncology: a narrative review of parents' and physicians' experiences.Martine C. de Vries, Mirjam Houtlosser, Jan M. Wit, Dirk P. Engberts, Dorine Bresters, Gertjan Jl Kaspers & Evert van Leeuwen - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):1-11.
    Pediatric oncology has a strong research culture. Most pediatric oncologists are investigators, involved in clinical care as well as research. As a result, a remarkable proportion of children with cancer enrolls in a trial during treatment. This paper discusses the ethical consequences of the unprecedented integration of research and care in pediatric oncology from the perspective of parents and physicians. An empirical ethical approach, combining (1) a narrative review of (primarily) qualitative studies on parents' and physicians' experiences of the pediatric (...)
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    Embodied wisdom: philosophical reflections on boxing as a formative educational practice.Renato De Donato - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (3):539-554.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the intersection between the ancient philosophical concept of àskēsis and contemporary boxing discipline, investigating boxing’s potential as an educational tool for cultivating ethics, personality, and virtues. Drawing on Hadot and Foucault’s theories, the study analyzes the ethopoietic purposes of Stoic spiritual exercises and technologies of the self, examining their relevance to modern boxing practices. By scrutinizing the cultural practices of boxing, the article elucidates how they can judiciously be employed to foster ethical (...)
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    Sexual Harassment as an Emerging Problem in Peruvian University Contexts.Luz Angelica Atoche-Silva, Alberto Remaycuna-Vasquez, Gilberto Carrión-Barco, Jesús Emilio Agustín Padilla-Caballero, Lucia Ruth Pantoja-Tirado & Dina Marisol Calonge De la Piedra - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):113-123.
    Considering the prevalence of sexual harassment, especially in university contexts, it is essential to have a validated instrument to identify these characteristics in the educational community. For this reason, this study aimed to analyze the psychometric processes of the sexual harassment scale on university campuses. Using an instrumental design and a sample of 927 students, it was found that the values of the evidence of construct validity and reliability are acceptable. The practical implications of validating the instrument that will allow (...)
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    The Role of Nurses in Euthanasia: a Dutch study.Ada van de Scheur & Arie van der Arend - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (6):497-508.
    What role do nurses play in euthanasia? How do they experience this role and what should be their ideal role? These are the questions of a study undertaken to gain insight into the role of nurses in euthanasia. Answers to these questions were derived from 20 semistructured in-depth interviews with nurses employed in a Dutch hospital. To make clear the role of nurses in euthanasia, the issue was split up into four phases: observation of a request for euthanasia; decision making; (...)
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    Ways of Going On: An Analysis of Skill Applied to Medical Practice.W. E. Bijker, G. H. de Vries & H. M. Collins - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (3):267-285.
    Humans do two types of actions, polimorphic actions and mimeomorphic actions. The ability to carry out polimorphic actions cannot be mastered outside of socialization. Mimeomorphic actions, however, can be learned in other ways; sometimes, they can be learned away from the context of practice. Polimorphic actions cannot be mimicked by machines, but some mimeomorphic actions can. Other mimeomorphic actions are too complex to mechanize. Actions that cannot be mechanized because they are physically complicated should not be confused with actions that (...)
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    Yüan thought: Chinese thought and religion under the Mongols.Hok-lam Chan & William Theodore De Bary (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Ten conference papers which focus on the literature's attempt to regain control and rejuvenate the indigenous traditions of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism.
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  16. An Alternative Model for Direct Cognition of Third-Party Elementary Mental Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (1):15-28.
    I aim to develop an alternative theoretical model for the direct cognition of the elementary states of others called the theory of interaction (henceforth TI), also known as the “second person” approach. The model I propose emerges from a critical reformulation of the displaced perception model proposed by FRED DRETSKE (1995) for the introspective knowledge of our own mental states. Moreover, against Dretske, I argue that no meta-representation (second-order representation of a first-order representation as a representation) is involved in the (...)
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  17. Peirce's Nominalist-Realist Distinction, an Untenable Dualism.Cornelis de Waal - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (1):183-202.
  18.  26
    Easier said than defined? Conceptualising justice in food system transitions.Annemarieke de Bruin, Imke J. M. de Boer, Niels R. Faber, Gjalt de Jong, Katrien J. A. M. Termeer & Evelien M. de Olde - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):345-362.
    The transition towards sustainable and just food systems is ongoing, illustrated by an increasing number of initiatives that try to address unsustainable practices and social injustices. Insights are needed into what a just transition entails in order to critically engage with plural and potentially conflicting justice conceptualisations. Researchers play an active role in food system transitions, but it is unclear which conceptualisations and principles of justice they enact when writing about food system initiatives. To fill this gap this paper investigates: (...)
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    Biological Individuality.Ronald de Sousa - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):195-218.
    The question What is an individual? goes back beyond Aristotle’s discussion of substance to the Ionians’ preoccupation with the paradox of change -- the fact that if anything changes it must stay the same. Mere reflection on this fact and the common-sense notion of a countable thing yields a concept of a “minimal individual”, which is particular (a logical matter) specific (a taxonomic matter), and unique (an evaluative empirical matter). Individuals occupy space, and therefore might be dislodged. Even minimal individuals, (...)
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    Explicit Fixed Points in Interpretability Logic.Dick de Jongh & Albert Visser - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):39-49.
    The problem of Uniqueness and Explicit Definability of Fixed Points for Interpretability Logic is considered. It turns out that Uniqueness is an immediate corollary of a theorem of Smoryński.
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    Supporting ethical end-of-life care during pandemic: Palliative care team perspectives.Enrico De Luca, Barbara Sena & Silvia Cataldi - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):570-584.
    Background Italy was the first European country to be involved with the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many healthcare professionals were deployed and suddenly faced end-of-life care management and its challenges. Aims To understand the experiences of palliative care professionals deployed in supporting emergency and critical care staff during the COVID-19 first and second pandemic waves. Research design A qualitative descriptive design was adopted, and in-depth interviews were used to investigate and analyse participants’ perceptions and points of view. Participants and (...)
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  22. Coercion or empowerment? Moderation of content in Wikipedia as 'essentially contested' bureaucratic rules.Paul B. de Laat - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (2):123-135.
    In communities of user-generated content, systems for the management of content and/or their contributors are usually accepted without much protest. Not so, however, in the case of Wikipedia, in which the proposal to introduce a system of review for new edits (in order to counter vandalism) led to heated discussions. This debate is analysed, and arguments of both supporters and opponents (of English, German and French tongue) are extracted from Wikipedian archives. In order to better understand this division of the (...)
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  23. The Revolutionary Army.Zou Rong - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):32-38.
    Zou Rong received a classical education but, uninterested in an official career and frustrated by the irrelevance of his schooling to the day's issues, traveled to Japan in 1901 to further his studies. There he wrote The Revolutionary Army, which was published in Shanghai after his return to China in 1903. The Revolutionary Army, which was scathingly critical of the Manchu rulers of China, enraged government authorities who sought his immediate arrest. Zou was protected by authorities of the International Settlement (...)
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    Rescuing the Zygote Argument.Gabriel De Marco - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (6):1621-1628.
    In a recent paper, Kristin Mickelson argues that Alfred Mele’s Zygote Argument, a popular argument for the claim that the truth of determinism would preclude free action or moral responsibility, is not valid. This sort of objection is meant to generalize to various manipulation arguments. According to Mickelson, the only way to make such arguments valid is to supplement them with an argument that is an inference to the best explanation. In this paper, I argue that there are two other (...)
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    The Roles of Consonant, Rime, and Tone in Mandarin Spoken Word Recognition: An Eye-Tracking Study.Ting Zou, Yutong Liu & Huiting Zhong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study investigated the relative role of sub-syllabic components in spoken word recognition of Mandarin Chinese using an eye-tracking experiment with a visual world paradigm. Native Mandarin speakers were presented with four pictures and an auditory stimulus. They were required to click the picture according to the sound stimulus they heard, and their eye movements were tracked during this process. For a target word, nine conditions of competitors were constructed in terms of the amount of their phonological overlap with the (...)
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    Prenatal Screening: Current Practice, New Developments, Ethical Challenges.Antina de Jong, Idit Maya & Jan M. M. van Lith - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (1):1-8.
    Prenatal screening pathways, as nowadays offered in most Western countries consist of similar tests. First, a risk‐assessment test for major aneuploides is offered to pregnant women. In case of an increased risk, invasive diagnostic tests, entailing a miscarriage risk, are offered. For decades, only conventional karyotyping was used for final diagnosis. Moreover, several foetal ultrasound scans are offered to detect major congenital anomalies, but the same scans also provide relevant information for optimal support of the pregnancy and the delivery.Recent developments (...)
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    A Logic For Reasoning About Responsibility.Tiago de Lima, Lambér Royakkers & Frank Dignum - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):99-117.
    One way to allocate tasks to agents is by ascribing them obligations. From obligations to be, agents are able to infer what are the forbidden, permitted and obligatory actions they may perform, by using the well-known Meyer’s reduction from obligations to be to obligations to do. However, we show through an example that this method is not completely adequate to guide agents’ decisions. We then propose a solution using, instead of obligations, the concept of ‘responsibility’. To formalise responsibility we use (...)
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    Implementing structured, multiprofessional medical ethical decision-making in a neonatal intensive care unit.Jacoba de Boer, Geja van Blijderveen, Gert van Dijk, Hugo J. Duivenvoorden & Monique Williams - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):596-601.
    Background In neonatal intensive care, a child's death is often preceded by a medical decision. Nurses, social workers and pastors, however, are often excluded from ethical case deliberation. If multiprofessional ethical case deliberations do take place, participants may not always know how to perform to the fullest. Setting A level-IIID neonatal intensive care unit of a paediatric teaching hospital in the Netherlands. Methods Structured multiprofessional medical ethical decision-making (MEDM) was implemented to help overcome problems experienced. Important features were: all professionals (...)
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  29. Bet hedging or not? A guide to proper classification of microbial survival strategies.Imke G. de Jong, Patsy Haccou & Oscar P. Kuipers - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (3):215-223.
    Bacteria have developed an impressive ability to survive and propagate in highly diverse and changing environments by evolving phenotypic heterogeneity. Phenotypic heterogeneity ensures that a subpopulation is well prepared for environmental changes. The expression bet hedging is commonly (but often incorrectly) used by molecular biologists to describe any observed phenotypic heterogeneity. In evolutionary biology, however, bet hedging denotes a risk‐spreading strategy displayed by isogenic populations that evolved in unpredictably changing environments. Opposed to other survival strategies, bet hedging evolves because the (...)
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    A simple value-distinction approach aids transparency in farm animal welfare debate.Karel De Greef, Frans Stafleu & Carolien De Lauwere - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (1):57-66.
    Public debate on acceptable farm animal husbandry suffers from a confusion of tongues. To clarify positions of various stakeholder groups in their joint search for acceptable solutions, the concept of animal welfare was split up into three notions: no suffering, respect for intrinsic value, and non-appalling appearance of animals. This strategy was based on the hypothesis that multi-stakeholder solutions should be based on shared values rather than on compromises. The usefulness of such an artificial value distinction strategy was tested in (...)
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    Whitlands 1941-1951: An Australian Experiment in Utopian Catholicism.David De Carvalho - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (2):145.
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    Using Game Description Language for mediated dispute resolution.Dave de Jonge, Tomas Trescak, Carles Sierra, Simeon Simoff & Ramon López de Mántaras - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):767-784.
    Mediation is a process in which two parties agree to resolve their dispute by negotiating over alternative solutions presented by a mediator. In order to construct such solutions, the mediator brings more information and knowledge, and, if possible, resources to the negotiation table. In order to do so, the mediator faces the challenge of determining which information is relevant to the current problem, given a vast database of knowledge. The contribution of this paper is the automated mediation machinery to resolve (...)
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    Family vulnerability for sick older adults: An empirical ethics study.Xiang Zou & Jing-Bao Nie - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):603-613.
    Background: In China, the conventional family-based ageing care model is under pressure from social transitions, raising the question of whether and to what extent families are still capable of dealing with the care of the aged. Objective: This article examines the vulnerability and inadequacy of families to bear responsibility for the care of the aged against a backdrop of socioeconomic transformation and diminishing institutional support in rural China. Research design: This article adopts an empirical ethical approach that integrates empirical investigation (...)
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    Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.Janine Fleith de Medeiros, Gabriel Vidor & José Luís Duarte Ribeiro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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    Can Multinational Corporations Afford to Ignore the Global Common Good?1.Henri-Claude de Bettignies & François Lépineux - 2009 - Business and Society Review 114 (2):153-182.
    Contemporary advances in the fields of globalization and technologies raise the question of the relationship between international business and the global common good. Half of the hundred biggest economies in the world are now corporations. Nation-states were tradi- tionally viewed as the guarantors of the common good; however, the current historical stage is marked by the waning of the role of government, and reveals an emerging situation characterized by a co-responsibility of multiple agents in this respect. Three major evolu- tions (...)
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    COVID-19: Rethinking the nature of viruses.Soraya de Chadarevian & Roberta Raffaetà - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-5.
    In this brief essay, we combine biological, historical, philosophical and anthropological perspectives to ask anew the question about the nature of the virus. How should we understand Sars-CoV-2 and why does it matter? The argument we present is that the virus undermines any neat distinction between the natural and the human-made, the biological and the social. Rather, to understand the virus and the pandemic we need to understand both as intimately connected to our own social and historical condition. What started (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory III. The planet Mercury.Teije de Jong - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (5):491-522.
    In this series of papers I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Papers I and II were devoted to system A theory of the outer planets and of the planet Venus. In this third and last paper I will study system A theory of the planet Mercury. Our knowledge of the Babylonian theory of Mercury is at present based on twelveEphemeridesand sevenProcedure Texts. Three computational systems of (...)
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    The artistic design stance and the interpretation of Paleolithic art.Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):139-140.
    The artistic design stance is an important part of art appreciation, but it remains unclear how it can be applied to artworks for which art historical context is no longer available, such as Ice Age art. We propose that some of the designer's intentions can be gathered noninferentially through direct experience with prehistoric artworks.
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  39. An Analysis of Zhuang Zi's "Old Fisherman".Xiang Zou - 1998 - Philosophy and Culture 25 (8):759-771.
    as "Zhuangzi" miscellaneous articles of, has always been, "Chuang Tzu", the miscellaneous articles of value, because after learning of the ideas for the works of Chuang Tzu, and more can not be restored by belittling its proper position. I intended to point of view of the text, faithfully showing Line in the narrative and the system, trying to whole text structure for their own "explanation", and then find out from its inside and outside the chapter even Department of points for (...)
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    Epistemic Integrity in Accounting.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2013 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 32 (1-2):109-130.
    This paper presents an epistemological or knowledge-theoretic reinterpretation of the role of external accountants. It presents a joint epistemic agent model in which corporate management and accountants together form a source of testimonial knowledge for the firm’s stakeholders about the firm’s financial situation. Recent work from virtue epistemology is used, according to which knowledge is, roughly, true belief that is justified by way of the exercise of epistemic virtue. In the joint epistemic agent model, corporate management provides information, while the (...)
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    Nations beyond nationalism.Helder7 De Schutter - 2007 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 50 (4):378 – 394.
    Is the project of liberal democracy dissociable from nationality? In this paper I outline and defend the main components of a recent and emerging answer to this question, which I term the "national pluralism" approach. I distinguish national pluralism from both national neutrality and liberal nationalism. In contrast to national neutrality, national pluralism holds that there is an important link between liberal democracy and nationality. In contrast to liberal nationalism, it pleads for pluralistic ways of accommodating multiple national identities within (...)
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    On Political Liberty: Montesquieu’s Missing Manuscript.Annelien de Dijn - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (2):181-204.
    This essay draws attention to the importance of Montesquieu’s earliest and unpublished writings on liberty for our understanding of the famous eleventh book of the Spirit of the Laws. Montesquieu’s investigation of the nature and preconditions of liberty, the author argues, was much more polemical than it is usually assumed. As an analysis of his notebooks shows, Montesquieu set out to wrest control over the concept of liberty from the republican admirers of classical antiquity, a faction that he believed to (...)
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    Coherent control of photodetachment of H−in an electric field near a metal surface.Shan-Shan Wang, De-hua Wang, Tian-Tian Tang & Gang Wang - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (23):2970-2983.
  44. Internet-Based Commons of Intellectual Resources: An Exploration of their Variety.Paul B. de Laat - 2006 - In Jacques Berleur, Markku I. Nurminen & John Impagliazzo (eds.), IFIP; Social Informatics: An Information Society for All? In Remembrance of Rob Kling Vol 223. Springer.
    During the two last decades, speeded up by the development of the Internet, several types of commons have been opened up for intellectual resources. In this article their variety is being explored as to the kind of resources and the type of regulation involved. The open source software movement initiated the phenomenon, by creating a copyright-based commons of source code that can be labelled `dynamic': allowing both use and modification of resources. Additionally, such a commons may be either protected from (...)
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    The normativity in psychiatric nosology. An analysis of how the DSM-5’s psychopathology conceptualisation can be integrated.Fredrik D. Moe & Paola de Cuzzani - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):707-732.
    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) uses the conceptualization of psychopathology to make psychiatric diagnoses operational. The use of explicit operational criteria appears to be based on an implicit neo-positivist epistemology. Operationalism involves an excessive focus on quantitative descriptions of behavior manifestations, contesting that psychopathology is understood as a deviation from the normal or the average in a given population. Consequently, the normal and the psychopathological become homogeneous. Our analysis investigates if this neo-positivist epistemology narrows (...)
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  46. De yan bing li, Ru yi xin quan: dui xian Qin Ru jia zhi zhe xue si kao.Jin'an Wu - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
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    Bridge Over an Aging Population: Examining Longitudinal Relations Among Human Resource Management, Social Support, and Employee Outcomes Among Bridge Workers.Klaske N. Veth, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Hubert P. L. M. Korzilius, Annet H. De Lange & Ben J. M. Emans - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Obvious in a Nutshell: Science, Medicine, Knowledge, and History.Fabio De Sio & Heiner Fangerau - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):167-185.
    The scope and mission of the history of science have been constant objects of reflection and debate within the profession. Recently, Lorraine Daston has called for a shift of focus: from the history of science to the history of knowledge. Such a move is an attempt at broadening the field and ridding it of the contradictions deriving from its modernist myth of origin and principle of demarcation. Taking the move from a pluralistic concept of medicine, the present paper explores the (...)
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    Epistemology Goes AI: A Study of GPT-3’s Capacity to Generate Consistent and Coherent Ordered Sets of Propositions on a Single-Input-Multiple-Outputs Basis.Marcelo de Araujo, Guilherme de Almeida & José Luiz Nunes - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (1):1-18.
    The more we rely on digital assistants, online search engines, and AI systems to revise our system of beliefs and increase our body of knowledge, the less we are able to resort to some independent criterion, unrelated to further digital tools, in order to asses the epistemic reliability of the outputs delivered by them. This raises some important questions to epistemology in general and pressing questions to applied to epistemology in particular. In this paper, we propose an experimental method for (...)
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    Quantitative description of the T1formation kinetics in an Al–Cu–Li alloy using differential scanning calorimetry, small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy.Thomas Dorin, Alexis Deschamps, Frédéric De Geuser, Williams Lefebvre & Christophe Sigli - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (10):1012-1030.
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