Results for 'David Pineda-Oliva'

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  1.  30
    La forma lògica de les oracions d'acció i la tesi d'Anscombe.David Pineda Oliva - forthcoming - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía.
  2.  18
    Causal Exclusion and Grounding.David Pineda-Oliva - 2022 - ProtoSociology 39:148-165.
    In this contribution, I critically discuss the thesis, advanced by some recent writers, that nonreductive physicalists can solve the problem of causal exclusion by resorting to the metaphysical notion of grounding. After discussing the many problems confronted by very recent versions of this proposal, I conclude that a version of Nonreductive Physicalism framed in terms of a notion of realization of properties is in a better position than Grounding Physicalism in order to successfully deal with a notoriously complex metaphysical issue (...)
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  3. Explicaciones funcionales y explicaciones programáticas.David Pineda Oliva - 2001 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-2):5-20.
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  4. Shoemaker's Analysis of Realization: A Review.David Pineda & Agustín Vicente - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (1):97-120.
    Sydney Shoemaker has been arguing for more than a decade for an account of the mind–body problem in which the notion of realization takes centre stage. His aim is to provide a notion of realization that is consistent with the multiple realizability of mental properties or events, and which explains: how the physical grounds the mental; and why the causal work of mental events is not screened off by that of physical events. Shoemaker's proposal consists of individuating properties in terms (...)
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  5. Non‐committal Causal Explanations.David Pineda - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):147-170.
    Some causal explanations are non-committal in that mention of a property in the explanans conveys information about the causal origin of the explanandum even if the property in question plays no causal role for the explanandum . Programme explanations are a variety of non-committal causal (NCC) explanations. Yet their interest is very limited since, as I will argue in this paper, their range of applicability is in fact quite narrow. However there is at least another variety of NCC explanations, causal (...)
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  6. A mereological characterization of physicalism.David Pineda - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (3):243 – 266.
    Physicalism is usually understood as the claim that every empirical entity is or is determined by physical entities. The claim is however imprecise until it is clarified what are the physical entities in question. A sceptical argument in the form of a dilemma tries to show that this problem of formulation of physicalism cannot be adequately met. If we understand physical entities as the entities introduced by current physics, the resulting claim becomes most probably false. If we instead understand physical (...)
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    Commentary.David Pilgrim & Michael A. Olivas - 1988 - Educational Studies 19 (1):138-139.
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  8. Causal exclusion and causal homogeneity.David Pineda - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):63-66.
    In this brief note I claim that, contrary to what Esfeld argues in his paper in this same volume, Kim's position with respect to the problem of causal exclusion does indeed commit him to the causal heterogeneity of realized properties.
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  9. Searle y el problema de la exclusión causal.David Pineda - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (1).
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  10. Un argumento davidsoniano contra el monismo anómalo.David Pineda - 2001 - Critica 33 (97):33-61.
    An argument is offered which purports to show that Davidson's argument for Physical Monism is inconsistent with the thesis of Anomalism of the Mental.
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  11.  53
    Emotional actions: A new approach.David Pineda - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):671-689.
    The recent philosophical literature on emotional action is divided between Humeans, who think that emotional action, for all its peculiarities, can in fact be explained along Humean lines, that is, with belief–desire pairs; and emotionists, who think that emotional actions can only be explained by appealing to emotions and some of their special features. After reviewing this philosophical discussion, I will argue, first, that none of the philosophical accounts of emotional action analysed, whether Humean or emotionist, is satisfactory enough. Second, (...)
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    Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales.David Anzalone, Marta Borgo, Marc Millais, Kristina Mitalaité, Jean-Christophe de Nadaï & Adriano Oliva - 2023 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 106 (4):611-677.
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  13. The causal exclusion puzzle.David Pineda - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):26-42.
    In a series of influential articles (Kim 1989b, 1992b, 1993a and 1998), Jaegwon Kim has developed a strong argument against nonreductive physicalism as a plausible solution to mental causation. The argument is commonly called the ’causal exclusion argument’, and it has become, over the years, one of the most serious threats to the nonreductivist point of view. In the first part of this paper I offer a careful reconstruction and detailed discussion of the exclusion argument. In the second part I (...)
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  14.  46
    The Modal Argument against Materialism and Intertheoretic Identities.David Pineda - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (4):491-515.
    In this paper I discuss, on behalf of the materialist, a consideration against the modal or conceivability argument against materialism which was first voiced in the third lecture of Naming and Necessity. This consideration is based on intertheoretic identities, statements in which both terms flanking the identity sign are theoretical. I argue that the defender of the conceivability argument has trouble to account for the appearance of contingency in those types of necessary identities. In fact, intertheoretic identities pose a formidable (...)
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  15. Conciencia y dualismo.David Pineda - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):131-147.
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    Information and content.David Pineda - 1998 - Philosophical Issues 9:381-387.
    In this paper I discuss critically Stalnaker's views on content.
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    Por qué el problema del hiato explicativo es realmente un problema para el fisicismo.David Pineda - 2004 - Análisis Filosófico 24 (2):135-164.
    En este artículo exploro el compatibilismo, el punto de vista según el cual la tesis del hiato o hueco explicativo entre lo fenoménico y lo físico es compatible con una metafísica fisicista. Defiendo que el argumento del dualismo de propiedades es un argumento incompatibilista más fuerte que el argumento de Jackson-Chalmers o el de Kripke y exploro críticamente algunos intentos recientes de replicar al mismo. La conclusión a la que llego es que una posición compatibilista capaz de dar una respuesta (...)
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  18. Emotions, Appraisals, and Embodied Appraisals.David Pineda - 2015 - Critica 47 (140):3-30.
    La teoría perceptiva de las emociones que Jesse Prinz ha defendido recientemente mantiene la tesis jamesiana según la cual la emoción es un efecto causal del conjunto de cambios corporales que aparecen típicamente durante los episodios emotivos, y es, por tanto, posterior a dichos cambios. Prinz defiende también que las emociones encierran valoraciones del estímulo emotivo, pero a la vista de sus razones a favor de la tesis jamesiana, sostiene que tales valoraciones son corporeizadas. En este trabajo, en primer lugar (...)
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  19.  36
    The logical form of action sentences and the Anscombe thesis.David Pineda - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 21:51.
  20. (1 other version)Synchronous Events in By-Sentences.David Pineda - 2003 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 18 (3):351-357.
    It has been suggested in the literature about actions that one can honour the philosophical intuition lying behind Davidson’s argument for the Anscombe Thesis (the claim that by-sentences --sentcnccs used to report actions of the general form: ‘A X-ed by V-ing’-- involve two descriptions of the same action) without accepting the argument’s conclusion. The suggestion in question is to interpret by-sentences as referring to two synchronous but different actions of the same agent. I argue that this suggestion, together with two (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Functionalism and nonreductive physicalism.David Pineda - 2001 - Theoria 16 (40):43-63.
    Most philosophers of mind nowadays espouse two metaphysical views: Nonreductive Physicalism and the causal efficacy of the mental. Throughout this work I will refer to the conjunction of both claims as the Causal Autonomy of the Mental. Nevertheless, this position is threatened by a number of difficulties which are far more serious than one would imagine given the broad consensus that it has generated during the last decades. This paper purports to offer a careful examination of some of these difficulties (...)
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    (1 other version)Filosofía de la mente Y ciencia cognitiva.David Pineda - 1997 - Theoria 12 (2):381-383.
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  23. Searle y el problema de la exclusion de la exclusion causal: Vindicacion del materialismo frente al naturalismo biologico.David Pineda - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):155-170.
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    A non-causalist account of the explanatory autonomy in the psychological sciences.José Díez & David Pineda - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-27.
    It has been often claimed that physicalism challenges the explanatory autonomy of psychological sciences. Most who advocate for such explanatory autonomy and do not want to renounce to physicalism, presuppose a causalist account of explanatoriness and try to demonstrate that, adequately construed, (causal) psychological explanations are compatible with (some sufficient version of) physicalism. In Sect. 1 we summarize the different theses and assumptions involved in the seeming conflict between explanatory autonomy and physicalism. In Sect. 2 we review the main attempts (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Oliva Blanchette, Kurt Marko, David Ingram, John W. Murphy, Irving H. Anellis, Vladimir Zeman & Thomas Nemeth - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 31 (2):135-137.
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    How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases.Juan F. Cardona, Lucila Kargieman, Vladimiro Sinay, Oscar Gershanik, Carlos Gelormini, Lucia Amoruso, María Roca, David Pineda, Natalia Trujillo, Maëva Michon, Adolfo M. García, Daniela Szenkman, Tristán Bekinschtein, Facundo Manes & Agustín Ibáñez - 2014 - Cognition 131 (2):311-322.
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    Physicalism, by Daniel Stoljar. [REVIEW]David Pineda - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (32):417-425.
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    Social Cognitive Training Improves Emotional Processing and Reduces Aggressive Attitudes in Ex-combatants.Sandra Trujillo, Natalia Trujillo, Jose D. Lopez, Diana Gomez, Stella Valencia, Jorge Rendon, David A. Pineda & Mario A. Parra - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Atypical Modulations of N170 Component during Emotional Processing and Their Links to Social Behaviors in Ex-combatants.Sandra P. Trujillo, Stella Valencia, Natalia Trujillo, Juan E. Ugarriza, Mónica V. Rodríguez, Jorge Rendón, David A. Pineda, José D. López, Agustín Ibañez & Mario A. Parra - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  30.  23
    Maurice Blondel: A Philosophical Life – By Oliva Blanchette.David Grumett - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (4):708-712.
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  31. Marie Curie y el difícil acceso al conocimiento: la herencia de Oliva de Sabuco, Dolors Aleu y la ciencia como pasión.David Felipe Arranz Lago - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (972):96-99.
    Las mujeres han jugado un papel muy importante desde la Antigüedad -con Hipatia como paradigma- en el ámbito de los descubrimientos científicos y el conocimiento en general. Sin embargo, la recepción por parte de la sociedad sobre sus valiosas aportaciones y el reconocimiento a su esfuerzo, salvo excepciones como la de Marie Curie, se han visto siempre limitados y su memoria disuelta con el correr de los años.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Daniel P. Liston, Richard R. Renner, Judy Holzman, Cameron Mccarthy, Michael W. Apple, William M. Stallings, Kathryn M. Borman, David Hursh, Joseph L. Devitis, Peter A. Sola, Chris Eisele, Ned Lovell, Michael A. Olivas, Alan Wieder, Robert Zuber & Richard E. Sullivan - 1986 - Educational Studies 17 (4):598-661.
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    Reseña "Para que no se queden penando... Capillitas a la orilla del camino. Una microcultura funeraria" de José E. Finol y David E. Finol. [REVIEW]Beatriz Pineda de Sansone - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (52):131-133.
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    The Perfection of the Universe According to Aquinas: A Teleological Cosmology by Oliva Blanchette.David M. Gallagher - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Perfection of the Universe According to Aquinas: A Teleological Cosmology. By OLIVA BLANCHETTE. University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. Pp. xvii + 334. $35.00 (cloth). This work represents a significant and most welcome contribution to Thomistic interpretation as well as to the broader study of medieval philosophy. While its tone is unpretentious, its theme, the structure and purpose of the whole created (...)
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    Discurso sobre Cicerón.Christian Felipe Pineda Pérez - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica 39:211-217.
    Tal como reconoce el propio Montesquieu, este escrito de juventud no se compara con las obras maestras de su pensamiento ni tampoco revela lo esencial de él. Por ello, este texto tendría poco valor si con él pretendiésemos estudiar y comprender la filosofía y el pensamiento montesquiano. No obstante, el valor que tiene el Discurso sobre Cicerón para nuestra compresión de la recepción, la valoración y la inluencia de la filosofía ciceroniana en la Modernidad, fue la razón por la cual (...)
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    Pilar Herráiz Oliva. Dos tratados averroístas sobre la eternidad del mundo: Siger de Brabante y Boecio de Dacia. Colección Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista 8. Pamplona: EUNSA, 2022. [REVIEW]David Torrijos - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (2):166-167.
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    David S. Oderberg and Jacqueline A. Laing, human lives: Critical essays on consequentialist bioethics.Reviewed by David M. Adams - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
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    On pragmatic presupposition.David S. Schwarz - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (2):247 - 257.
    I argue that (a) the phenomenon characteristic of pragmatic presupposition, is distinct from (b) the phenomenon characteristic of semantic presupposition, and that there are sentences exhibiting (a) alone. I apply this to Stalnaker's defense of van Fraassen's theory of semantic presupposition against Karttunen. I show that, since Stalmaker fails to distinguish (a) from (b), this defense amounts to an unsuccessful attempt to explain pragmatically the supposed instances of (b) in Karttunen's counter-examples. I observe that, given the distinction between (a) and (...)
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  39. An introduction to “Maturana's” biology.David Russell & Lloyd Fell - unknown
    Our passion for this work arose in very different histories of living, but these histories converged some years ago around the writings of Humberto Maturana1. There were other reasons for us getting together, but it was the ideas of Maturana which inspired us both to take another look at the way we were doing things in our research and education, respectively. One of us (Lloyd) was grappling with basic biological questions which arose from research on the physiology of stress. Maturana's (...)
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    Alternate conceptions of metaphysics.David Weissman - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (1):89-97.
    Metaphysics is the inquiry having categorial form as its aim. Once all but defunct, metaphysics has now revived, though without disciplinary focus. Nine points of entry dominate current studies, each separate from and largely oblivious to the others. This essay characterizes the nine, expressing its preference for a discipline grounded in the empirical sciences while pursuing issues they ignore.
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    Alloparental Support and Infant Psychomotor Developmental Delay.David Waynforth - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (1):43-62.
    Receiving social support from community and extended family has been typical for mothers with infants in human societies past and present. In non-industrialised contexts, infants of mothers with extended family support often have better health and higher survival through the vulnerable infant period, and hence shared infant care has a clear fitness benefit. However, there is scant evidence that these benefits continue in industrialised contexts. Better infant health and development with allocare support would indicate continued evolutionary selection for allocare. The (...)
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  42.  13
    The History of Great Britain: The Reigns of James I and Charles I.David Hume & Duncan Forbes - 1970
    "Hume's History of Great Britain, published in the middle of the eighteenth century, remained the standard work for well over a century. It is a masterpeice, even if its author is now better known for A treatise on human nature. Grounded on an almost sociological view of the 'progress of society', Hume's is perhaps the most European of all the classic narrative histories of Britain. Moreover it embraces far more than the merely political, and it was Adam Smith who pointed (...)
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    Logic in quotes.David Otway Wray - 1987 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 16 (1):77 - 110.
  44.  20
    Chrétiens d’Orient : perspectives vues de l’Orient.David Villeneuve - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):513-519.
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    (1 other version)Confucian reflective commitment and free expression.David Elstein - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (3):314-333.
    As Confucian political thought is adapted to modern circumstances, the question of free expression merits more attention. Most contemporary Confucian political theorists accept a right to political...
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    IL as the Collective Godhead ˀIlū in LB Ugarit.David Toshio Tsumura - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):365-383.
    It is generally assumed that a cult of El existed in Late Bronze Age Ugarit and that the alphabetic spelling IL must refer either to the generic “god” or to the divine name El. However, such an either-or question is too simplistic when we are dealing with the multifarious nature of polytheism. In the light of Ugaritic material, which includes the liturgical texts, several “pantheon” lists, a quadrilingual vocabulary, as well as theophoric personal names, it is obvious that IL also (...)
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  47. Privacy, politeness, and the boundary between theory and practice in ethical rationalism.David Townend - 2017 - In Patrick Capps & Shaun D. Pattinson, Ethical rationalism and the law. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Celebrating the Medieval Heritage: A Colloquy on the Thought of Aquinas and Bonaventure.David Tracy - 1978 - University of Chicago Press.
  49.  14
    Reflections on genetic manipulation and duties to posterity: An engagement with Skene and Coady.David Turnbull - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (4):10-31.
    In addressing the regulation of human genetic futures, scientific standards concerning human kinds are endorsed by philosophical approaches that tend to exclude many people with genetic conditions from the deliberative process. In broadening the axiological, ontological and epistemological framework to include disability perspectives, the focus is shifted from questions of regulation to practical matters of participation, invoking ideals of community equality and enabled choice. In developing practical community engagements to deliberate upon genetic futures, a process that allows dialectical encounter between (...)
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  50. Aquinas's aristotelian and dionysian definition of'God'.David B. Twetten - 2005 - The Thomist 69 (2):203-250.
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