Results for 'David Ferroter-Mora'

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  1.  18
    Toward Synergies of Ketamine and Psychotherapy.David S. Mathai, Victoria Mora & Albert Garcia-Romeu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Ketamine is a dissociative drug that has been used medically since the 1970s primarily as an anesthetic agent but also for various psychiatric applications. Anecdotal reports and clinical research suggest substantial potential for ketamine as a treatment in conjunction with psychological interventions. Here, we review historical and modern approaches to the use of ketamine with psychotherapy, discuss the clinical relevance of ketamine’s acute psychoactive effects, propose a unique model for using esketamine with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and suggest considerations for (...)
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    Do Publics Share Experts’ Concerns about Brain–Computer Interfaces? A Trinational Survey on the Ethics of Neural Technology.Matthew Sample, Sebastian Sattler, David Rodriguez-Arias, Stefanie Blain-Moraes & Eric Racine - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 2019 (6):1242-1270.
    Since the 1960s, scientists, engineers, and healthcare professionals have developed brain–computer interface (BCI) technologies, connecting the user’s brain activity to communication or motor devices. This new technology has also captured the imagination of publics, industry, and ethicists. Academic ethics has highlighted the ethical challenges of BCIs, although these conclusions often rely on speculative or conceptual methods rather than empirical evidence or public engagement. From a social science or empirical ethics perspective, this tendency could be considered problematic and even technocratic because (...)
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    Advances in Architectures, Big Data, and Machine Learning Techniques for Complex Internet of Things Systems.David Gil, Magnus Johnsson, Higinio Mora & Julian Szymanski - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-3.
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    A Computational Model of the Belief System Under the Scope of Social Communication.David Méndez, Gregorio Miguel Casado, Higinio Mora & María Pont - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (1):215-223.
    This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide (...)
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    History of philosophy in reverse: reading Aristotle through the lenses of scholars from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries.Sten Ebbesen, David Bloch, Jakob L. Fink, Heine Hansen & Ana María Mora-Márquez (eds.) - 2014 - [Copenhagen]: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab.
    Aristoteles' (384-322 f.Kr.) mange filosofisk-videnskabelige værker er blevet studeret og kommenteret i over 2.000 år, men aldrig så intensivt som i tiden mellem 1100 og 1600, hvor de var rygraden i den såkaldt "skolastiske" lærdomskultur, der skabte det europæiske universitetssystem. Der forskes stadig i Aristoteles verden over, men moderne fortolkere drager kun sjældent nytte af den rige ældre tradition. Denne bog beskriver og sammenligner fortolkningsmetoder og publikationsstrategier hos skolastikerne og nutidens aristotelikere. Der argumenteres for, at dele af den gamle metodik (...)
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    A Computational Model of the Belief System Under the Scope of Social Communication.María Teresa Signes Pont, Higinio Mora Mora, Gregorio De Miguel Casado & David Gil Méndez - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (1):215-223.
    This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide (...)
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    Estrategia de selección de entradas y parámetros óptimos para máquinas de soporte vectorial.David Alvarez Martínez, Gober Rivera Monroy, Mora Flórez & Juan José - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Democracia y libertad en B. Spinoza.Jorge Aurelio Díaz & Mario David Fernández-Mora - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:11-24.
    Negar el libre albedrío implica que el ser humano no es libre por naturaleza, sino que puede llegar a serlo mediante un uso adecuado de su inteligencia; libertad que solo la consiguen los “sabios”. Por eso, cuando Spinoza entiende la democracia como la forma de gobierno que mejor defiende la libertad, esto vale para los “sabios”, pero no para el vulgo, que solo mediante el miedo y la esperanza es conducido a obrar según los dictados de la razón. ¿No será (...)
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    Assortative mate preferences for height across short-term and long-term relationship contexts in a cross-cultural sample.Katarzyna Pisanski, Maydel Fernandez-Alonso, Nadir Díaz-Simón, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Adrian Sardinas, Robert Pellegrino, Nancy Estevez, Emanuel C. Mora, Curtis R. Luckett & David R. Feinberg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Height preferences reflecting positive assortative mating for height—wherein an individual’s own height positively predicts the preferred height of their mate—have been observed in several distinct human populations and are thought to increase reproductive fitness. However, the extent to which assortative preferences for height differ strategically for short-term versus long-term relationship partners, as they do for numerous other indices of mate quality, remains unclear. We explore this possibility in a large representative sample of over 500 men and women aged 15–77 from (...)
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  10.  28
    As Conexões Entre o Ceticismo Acadêmico e o Naturalismo Filosófico No Empirismo Radical de David Hume.Leonardo Delatorre Leite, Gerson Leite de Moraes & Carlos Roberto de Melo Almeida - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    O presente artigo apresenta como intuito primordial a promoção de uma análise acerca das relações entre o naturalismo filosófico de Hume e a sua oposição ao ceticismo radical, estabelecendo, nesse sentido, uma vinculação entre as teses naturalistas do autor em questão e a sua argumentação em prol do ceticismo moderado. A dissertação, num primeiro momento, abordará sobre os elementos centrais da chamada “geografia mental”, proposta por David Hume na primeira seção de seu livro Investigação sobre o entendimento Humano. Além (...)
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    Princip dvojího účinku: zabíjení v mezích morálky.David Černý - 2016 - Praha: Academia.
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  12. (2 other versions)Sameness and substance.David Wiggins - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):125-128.
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  13. Normative Perfectionism and the Kantian Tradition.David O. Brink - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Perfectionism is an underexplored tradition, perhaps because of doubts about the grounds, content, and implications of perfectionist ideals. Aristotle, J.S. Mill, and T.H. Green are normative perfectionists, grounding perfectionist ideals in a normative conception of human nature involving personality or agency. This essay explores the prospects of normative perfectionism by examining Kant’s criticisms of the perfectionist tradition. First, Kant claims that the perfectionist can generate only hypothetical, not categorical, imperatives. But insofar as the normative perfectionist appeals to the normative category (...)
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    The World of Colour.David Katz - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Deliberation and the first person.David Owens - 2011 - In Anthony Hatzimoysis (ed.), Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 261-277.
    Philosophers like Shoemaker and Burge argue that only self-conscious creatures can exercise rational control over their mental lives. In particular they urge that reflective rationality requires possession of the I-concept, the first person concept. These philosophers maintain that rational creatures like ourselves can exercise reflective control over belief as well as action. I agree that we have this sort of control over our actions and that practical freedom presupposes self-consciousness. But I deny that anything like this is true of belief.
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    The beginning of infinity: explanations that transform the world.David Deutsch - 2011 - New York: Viking Press.
    A bold and all-embracing exploration of the nature and progress of knowledge from one of today's great thinkers. Throughout history, mankind has struggled to understand life's mysteries, from the mundane to the seemingly miraculous. In this important new book, David Deutsch, an award-winning pioneer in the field of quantum computation, argues that explanations have a fundamental place in the universe. They have unlimited scope and power to cause change, and the quest to improve them is the basic regulating principle (...)
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  17.  51
    (3 other versions)Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations.David Hartley - 1749 - New York,: Garland.
    The orphaned son of an Anglican clergyman, David Hartley was originally destined for holy orders. Declining to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles, he turned to medicine and science yet remained a religious believer. This, his most significant work, provides a rigorous analysis of human nature, blending philosophy, psychology and theology. First published in two volumes in 1749, Observations on Man is notable for being based on the doctrine of the association of ideas. It greatly influenced scientists, theologians, social reformers (...)
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  18.  43
    Hume’s Science of Human Nature: Scientific Realism, Reason, and Substantial Explanation.David Landy - 2017 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Hume’s Science of Human Nature is an investigation of the philosophical commitments underlying Hume's methodology in pursuing what he calls ‘the science of human nature’. It argues that Hume understands scientific explanation as aiming at explaining the inductively-established universal regularities discovered in experience via an appeal to the nature of the substance underlying manifest phenomena. For years, scholars have taken Hume to employ a deliberately shallow and demonstrably untenable notion of scientific explanation. By contrast, Hume’s Science of Human Nature sets (...)
  19.  11
    Human Life in the Balance.David C. Thomasma & John B. Cobb - 1990 - Westminster John Knox Press.
  20. Cognitive disability and moral status.David Wasserman - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  21.  26
    (1 other version)A letter from a gentleman to his friend in Edinburgh (1745).David Hume - 1745 - Edinburgh,: Edinburgh University Press.
    "A facsimile reprint of a letter written by the philosopher and historian David Hume in 1744 in defence of his views on ethics, in which he argues that a critique of the logic of a philosophical stance is not a general attack on the ethics of that position." --.
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    Optimismo racional. Desacuerdos profundos y expresivismo normativo.Maria J. Frapolli & José Andrés Forero-Mora - 2024 - In Gustavo Arroyo (ed.), Desacuerdos profundos: debates y aproximaciones. Buenos Aires: UNGS. pp. 151-176.
    Mostraremos que el desacuerdo entre pesimistas y optimistas sobre la resolución racional de los desacuerdos profundos no se ubica en el nivel del contenido, de lo que están diciendo, sino en uno diferente. Para mostrar por qué es así, proponemos detenernos en el funcionamiento lógico-semántico del término clave en este desacuerdo: “racional”. Iniciaremos con el repaso de algunos argumentos que pesimistas y optimistas han esgrimido en su discusión, y comprobaremos la diferencia de estándares ya mencionada (sección 1); luego, nos detendremos (...)
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  23. Three kinds of incommensurability.David B. Wong - 1989 - In Michael Krausz (ed.), Relativism: Interpretation and Confrontation. Notre Dame University Press. pp. 140--58.
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    Siete historias lógicas y un cuento breve: en torno a la obra lógica y epistemológica de Manuel Sacristán Luzón.Salvador López - 2017 - Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.
    Siete historias lógicas y un cuento breve contiene ocho aproximaciones a la obra lógica y epistemológica de Manuel Sacristán Luzón (1925-1985) cuya Introducción a la lógica y al análisis formal fue, tal como ha señalado Luis Vega Reñón, un libro esencial en los años sesenta del pasado siglo para la consolidación de los estudios de lógica y de filosofía de la lógica en nuestro país. Se incluyen en estas historias, lógicas y político-culturales, las cartas cruzadas entre Sacristán y algunos de (...)
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  25.  56
    Paradox and platitude in Wittgenstein's philosophy.David Pears - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a concise and readable study of five intertwined themes at the heart of Wittgenstein's thought, written by one of his most eminent interpreters. David Pears offers penetrating investigations and lucid explications of some of the most influential and yet puzzling writings of twentieth-century philosophy. He focuses on the idea of language as a picture of the world; the phenomenon of linguistic regularity; the famous "private language argument"; logical necessity; and ego and the self.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Rorty.David Rondel (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This Companion provides a systematic introductory overview of Richard Rorty's philosophy. With chapters from an interdisciplinary group of leading scholars, the volume addresses virtually every aspect of Rorty's thought, from his philosophical views on truth and representation and his youthful obsession with wild orchids to his ruminations on the contemporary American Left and his prescient warning about the election of Donald Trump. Other topics covered include his various assessments of classical American pragmatism, feminism, liberalism, religion, literature, and philosophy itself. Sympathetic (...)
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  27.  50
    Person, polis, planet: essays in applied philosophy.David Schmidtz - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects thirteen of David Schmidtz's essays on the question of what it takes to live a good life, given that we live in a social and natural world. Part One defends a non-maximizing conception of rational choice, explains how even ultimate goals can be rationally chosen, defends the rationality of concern and regard for others (even to the point of being willing to die for a cause), and explains why decision theory is necessarily incomplete as a tool (...)
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  28.  41
    Being responsible, taking responsibility, and penumbral agency.David Enoch - 2012 - In Ulrike Heuer & Gerald Lang (eds.), Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 95.
  29.  6
    The Enigma of the Aerofoil: Rival Theories in Aerodynamics, 1909-1930.David Bloor - 2011 - University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
    Why do aircraft fly? How do their wings support them? In the early years of aviation, there was an intense dispute between British and German experts over the question of why and how an aircraft wing provides lift. The British, under the leadership of the great Cambridge mathematical physicist Lord Rayleigh, produced highly elaborate investigations of the nature of discontinuous flow, while the Germans, following Ludwig Prandtl in Göttingen, relied on the tradition called “technical mechanics” to explain the flow of (...)
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    Tracking down the transcendental argument and the synthetic a priori : chasing fairies or serious ontological business.David Tyfield - 2006 - In Clive Lawson, John Latsis & Nuno Martins (eds.), Contributions to Social Ontology. New York: Routledge. pp. 15--142.
  31. The Role of Feeling in Coleridge's Philosophy.David M. Vallins - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;The thesis begins by examining Coleridge's views on the role of feeling in intellectual activity. Hartley had argued that all forms of consciousness could be explained as effects of the body and its relation to external objects. Coleridge believed that thought was independent of physical causes. Feeling was the cause of association, and thought was an attempt to verbalize our intuitions. Chapter 2 examines his attempts to distinguish the (...)
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    History of Political Ideas, Volume 3 : The Later Middle Ages.David Walsh & Eric Voegelin (eds.) - 1989 - University of Missouri.
    In _The Later Middle Ages,_ the third volume of his monumental _History of Political Ideas,_ Eric Voegelin continues his exploration of one of the most crucial periods in the history of political thought. Illuminating the great figures of the high Middle Ages, Voegelin traces the historical momentum of our modern world in the core evocative symbols that constituted medieval civilization. These symbols revolved around the enduring aspiration for the _sacrum imperium,_ the one order capable of embracing the transcendent and immanent, (...)
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    The infamous boundary: seven decades of controversy in quantum physics.David Wick - 1995 - Boston: Birkhauser.
    The author of this book has traced the major lines of argument over those years in a most engaging style with clear descriptions of the concepts and ideas.
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    Normativity and Control.David J. Owens - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Do we control what we believe? Are we responsible for what we believe? In a series of ten essays David Owens explores various different forms of control we might have over belief, and the different forms of responsibility these forms of control generate.
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  35. A Neglected Position.David Wiggins - 1993 - In John Haldane & Crispin Wright (eds.), Reality, representation, and projection. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 329--336.
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    Fragments of modernity: theories of modernity in the work of Simmel, Kracauer, and Benjamin.David Frisby - 1985 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Fragments of Modernity provides a critical introduction to the work of three of the most original German thinkers of the early 20th century. In their different ways, all three illuminated the experience of the modern in urban life, whether in mid-19th-century Paris or in Berlin at the turn of the century or later as the vanguard city of the Weimar Republic. They related the new modes of experiencing the world to the maturation of the money economy (Simmel), the process of (...)
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  37.  14
    Principle writings on religion, including Dialogues concerning natural religion and The natural history of religion.David Hume (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume is the greatest and also one of the most provocative philosophers to have written in the English language. No philosopher is more important for his careful, critical, and deeply perceptive examination of the grounds for belief in divine powers and for his sceptical accounts of the causes and consequences of religious belief, expressed most powerfully in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion. The Dialogues ask if belief in God can be inferred from (...)
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  38.  17
    Diccionario de Filosofía.José Ferrater Mora - 1944 - D. F. Editorial Atlante, S.A.
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  39. How to prove the Born rule.David Wallace - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  40. Should Race Matter?: Unusual Answers to the Usual Questions.David Boonin - 1970 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, philosopher David Boonin attempts to answer the moral questions raised by five important and widely contested racial practices: slave reparations, affirmative action, hate speech restrictions, hate crime laws and racial profiling. Arguing from premises that virtually everyone on both sides of the debates over these issues already accepts, Boonin arrives at an unusual and unorthodox set of conclusions, one that is neither liberal nor conservative, color conscious nor color blind. Defended with the rigor that has characterized (...)
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    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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    (1 other version)Evolution and the Big Questions: Sex, Race, Religion, and Other Matters.David N. Stamos - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This provocative text considers whether evolutionary explanations can be used to clarify some of life’s biggest questions. Examines topics of race, sex, gender, the nature of language, religion, ethics, knowledge, consciousness and ultimately, the meaning of life Each chapter presents a main topic, together with discussion of related ideas and arguments from various perspectives Addresses questions such as: Did evolution make men and women fundamentally different? Is the concept of race merely a social construction? Is morality, including universal human rights, (...)
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  43.  25
    Contrafactives and Learnability: An Experiment with Propositional Constants.David Strohmaier & Simon Wimmer - 2023 - In Daisuke Bekki, Koji Mineshima & Eric McCready (eds.), Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics. Cham: Springer. pp. 67-82.
    Holton has drawn attention to a new semantic universal, according to which no natural language has contrafactive attitude verbs. Because factives are universal across natural languages, Holton’s universal is part of a major asymmetry between factive and contrafactive attitude verbs. We previously proposed that this asymmetry arises partly because the meaning of contrafactives is significantly harder to learn than that of factives. Here we extend our work by describing an additional computational experiment that further supports our hypothesis.
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  44. Clinical ethics as medical hermeneutics.David C. Thomasma - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (2).
    There are several branches of ethics. Clinical ethics, the one closest to medical decisionmaking, can be seen as a branch of medicine itself. In this view, clinical ethics is a unitary hermeneutics. Its rule is a guideline for unifying other theories of ethics in conjunction with the clinical context. Put another way, clinical ethics interprets the clinical situation in light of a balance of other values that, while guiding the decisionmaking process, also contributes to the very weighting of those values. (...)
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    Rhetoric and Reality in Plato's "Phaedrus".David A. White - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    This book shows how the details of the myth and the accounts of interaction between lovers are based on a carefully articulated metaphysical structure.
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    A Pragmatic Dissolution of Curry’s Paradox.Rafael Félix Mora Ramirez - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):149-175.
    Although formal analysis provides us with interesting tools for treating Curry’s paradox, it certainly does not exhaust every possible reading of it. Thus, we suggest that this paradox should be analysed with non-formal tools coming from pragmatics. In this way, using Grice’s logic of conversation, we will see that Curry’s sentence can be reinterpreted as a peculiar conditional sentence implying its own consequent.
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    Moses Mendelssohn and the Religious Enlightenment.David Sorkin - 2012 - Halban Publishers.
    Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) was the premier Jewish thinker of his day and one of the best-known figures of the German Enlightenment, earning the sobriquet 'the Socrates of Berlin'. He was thoroughly involved in the central issue of Enlightenment religious thinking: the inevitable conflict between reason and revelation in an age contending with individual rights and religious toleration. He did not aspire to a comprehensive philosophy of Judaism, since he thought human reason was limited, but he did see Judaism as compatible (...)
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    Aristotle on Sleep and Dreams: A Text and Translation with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary.David Gallop - 1990 - Broadview.
    This work is designed to make Aristotle's neglected but fascinating writings on sleep and dreams accessible in translation to modern readers, and to provide a commentary with a contemporary perspective. It considers Aristotle's theory of dreams in historical context, especially in relation to Plato. It also discusses neo-Freudian interpretations of Aristotle and contemporary experimental psychology of dreaming. Aristotle's account of dreaming as a function of the imagination is examined from a philosophical perspective. The work is a revised and corrected version (...)
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    Rawlsova teorija pravednosti i pitanje istine.Nebojša Zelič & Elvio Baccarini - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):65-83.
    U ovom radu raspravljamo odnos Rawlsovog političkog liberalizma i istine. Budući da je politički liberalizam teorija koja izbjegava sva kontroverzna epistemološka i metafizička pitanja, jednako tako izbjegava i pitanje svoje istinitosti i koncept istine uopće. Usredotočili smo se na tri autora koji tvrde da politički liberalizam ne može izbjeći pitanje istine. Prvi autor je perfekcionist, Joseph Raz, koji pokušava pokazati da je Rawlsova teorija nekoherentna ukoliko se ne bavi pitanjem istinitosti neke moralne doktrine na kojoj mora počivati. Drugi, (...) Estlund, tvrdi da je teorija filozofski neodrživa ako se ne poziva na istinitost svog fundamentalnog načela. Treći, Joshua Cohen, pokazuje nemogućnost izbjegavanja nekog koncepta istine ako se u političkoj teoriji pozivamo na vjerovanja i opravdanje. Nastojimo dokazati tvrdnju o praktičko-političkoj i filozofskoj ograničenosti njihove kritike Rawlsove teorije. Temeljna intencija članka je opovrgnuti kritike koje se upućuju Rawlsu te time ojačati njegov prijedlog političkog liberalizma. Pri tome nastojimo i nadopuniti nedorečenosti u Rawlsovom prijedlogu te zbog toga nudimo preciznije određenu sliku političkog liberalizma u odnosu na njegovu izvornu.In this paper we discuss the relation between Rawls’ political liberalism and truth. Since political liberalism is a theory that avoids all controversial epistemological and metaphysical questions, it equally avoids the question of its truth and a concept of truth generally. We are focusing on three authors which claim that political liberalism can not avoid the question of truth. First, Joseph Raz, a perfectionist who claims that Rawls’ political theory is incoherent unless it is not concerned with the truth of some moral doctrine on which it must be derived. Second, David Estlund, who claims that Rawls’ theory is philosophically untenable unless it does not consider its fundamental principle as true one. Third, Joshua Cohen, indicates the impossibility of avoiding some concept of truth if political theory is invoking concepts such as beliefs and justification. We are pointing on theirs practical-political and philosophical limited range in criticizing Rawls’ theory. The basic intention of the article is to confute criticisms addressed to Rawls and, in this way, to strengthen his proposal of political liberalism. At the same time, we try to resolve issues deriving from indeterminacies in Rawls’ proposal. For this reason we offer a picture of political liberalism that is more determinate than his original proposal. (shrink)
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    Margaret Cavendish.David Cunning - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Margaret Cavendish was a philosopher, poet, scientist, novelist, and playwright of the seventeenth century. Her work is important for a number of reasons. It presents an early and compelling version of the naturalism that is found in current-day philosophy; it offers important insights that bear on recent discussions of the nature and characteristics of intelligence and the question of whether or not the bodies that surround us are intelligent or have an intelligent cause; it anticipates some of the central views (...)
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