Results for 'Dara Walker'

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  1.  5
    Book Review: South Side Girls: Growing up in the Great Migration by Marcia Chatelain. [REVIEW]Dara Walker - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):149-150.
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  2. Bhagavadbādarāyaṇapraṇītam Brahmasūtram: Ānandatīrthabhagavatpādapraṇitam tadbhaṣyam, Trivikramapaṇḍitācaryyakṛtastatvapradīpaḥ, Ȧcāryyagovindākr̥tā Tatvacandrikā. Bādarāyaṇa - 2016 - Beṅgaḷūru: Dvaipāyanapratiṣṭhānam. Edited by Madhva, Trivikramapaṇḍita & Bannañje Govindācārya.
    Classical work on Vedanta philosophy by Bādarāyaṇa; includes three commentaries.
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    The Effects of Religiosity on Ethical Judgments.Alan G. Walker, James W. Smither & Jason DeBode - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):437-452.
    The relationship between religiosity and ethical behavior at work has remained elusive. In fact, inconsistent results in observed magnitudes and direction led Hood et al. (The psychology of religion: An empirical approach, 1996 ) to describe the relationship between religiosity and ethics as “something of a roller coaster ride.” Weaver and Agle (Acad Manage Rev 27(1):77–97, 2002 ) utilizing social structural versions of symbolic interactionism theory reasoned that we should not expect religion to affect ethical outcomes for all religious individuals; (...)
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  4. To be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism.Rebecca Walker - 1995 - Doubleday.
    Controversial and provocative, To Be Real is a blueprint for the creation of a new political force.
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    The effect of a discriminative stimulus transferred to a previously unassociated response.K. C. Walker - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 31 (4):312.
  6.  51
    The Continuity of Metaphor: Evidence From Temporal Gestures.Esther Walker & Kensy Cooperrider - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):481-495.
    Reasoning about bedrock abstract concepts such as time, number, and valence relies on spatial metaphor and often on multiple spatial metaphors for a single concept. Previous research has documented, for instance, both future-in-front and future-to-right metaphors for time in English speakers. It is often assumed that these metaphors, which appear to have distinct experiential bases, remain distinct in online temporal reasoning. In two studies we demonstrate that, contra this assumption, people systematically combine these metaphors. Evidence for this combination was found (...)
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    Who do we treat first when resources are scarce?Tom Walker - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):200-211.
    In a health service with limited resources we must make decisions about who to treat first. In this paper I develop a version of the restoration argument according to which those whose need for resources is a consequence of their voluntary choices should receive lower priority when it comes to health care. I then consider three possible problems for this argument based on those that have been raised against other theories of this type: that we don't know in a particular (...)
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  8.  31
    The ‘national’ in international and transnational science.Mark Walker - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (3):359-376.
    This essay analyses discussions of national versus international or transnational science, with an emphasis on the journal Osiris from 1986 to 2009, including the concepts of national science, national styles and characters in science, scientific internationalism, transfer of science and scientists from one nation to another, and comparison of different national examples. The author argues that perceiving science as a ‘national’ activity has not only been persistent, it is also perhaps inevitable. This special issue on transnational histories of science raises (...)
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    The early emergence and puzzling decline of relational reasoning: Effects of knowledge and search on inferring abstract concepts.Caren M. Walker, Sophie Bridgers & Alison Gopnik - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):30-40.
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    The ideal of sincerity.A. D. M. Walker - 1978 - Mind 87 (348):481-497.
    ANDREA: sincerity, conceptual review, philosophy.
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    Why evidence‐based practice now?: a polemic 1.Kim Walker - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):145-155.
    Evidence‐based practice (EBP) first appeared on the healthcare horizon just over a decade ago. In 2003 its presence has intensified and extended beyond its initial relation to medicine embracing as it does now, nursing and the allied health disciplines. In this paper, I contend that its appearance and subsequent growth and development are the effects of potent ‘regimes of truth’, four of which bear the names: positivism, empiricism, pragmatism and economic rationalism. My aim is to show how EBP generates the (...)
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  12.  28
    The Moral Authority of Consensus.Paul Walker & Terence Lovat - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (3):443-456.
    Prompted by recent comments on the moral authority of dialogic consensus, we argue that consensus, specifically dialogic consensus, possesses a unique form of moral authority. Given our multicultural era and its plurality of values, we contend that traditional ethical frameworks or principles derived from them cannot be viewed substantively. Both philosophers and clinicians prioritize the need for a decision to be morally justifiable, and also for the decision to be action-guiding. We argue that, especially against the background of our pluralistic (...)
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  13.  36
    The Expressive Burden of Reparations: Putting Meaning into Money, Words, and Things.Margaret Walker - 2013 - .
    I propose a novel account of the essentially expressive nature of reparations. My account is descriptive of new practices of reparations that have emerged in the past half-century, and it provides normative guidance on conditions of success for reparative attempts. My account attributes to reparative attempts a dual expressive function: a communicative function that requires the gesture to carry a vindicatory message to victims; and an exemplifying function that requires the gesture to model the right relationship that was absent or (...)
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    Putting a Face on the Issue.Edward T. Walker - 2012 - Business and Society 51 (4):561-601.
    Business scholars pay increasing attention to the expanded influence of stakeholders on firm strategies, legitimacy, and competitiveness. At the same time, analysts have noted that the transformed regulatory and legislative environments of recent decades have encouraged firms to become much more politically active. Surprisingly, relatively little research has tied together these two trends. The present study integrates perspectives on stakeholder management with research on corporate political activity to develop an understanding of the structural sources of stakeholder mobilization in professional grassroots (...)
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  15.  39
    The evolution of the cooperative group.I. Walker & R. M. Williams - 1976 - Acta Biotheoretica 25 (1):1-43.
    A simple model, illustrating the transition from a population of free swimming, solitary cells to one consisting of small colonies serves as a basis to discuss the evolution of the cooperative group. The transition is the result of a mutation of the dynamics of cell division, delayed cell separation leads to colonies of four cells. With this mutation cooperative features appear, such as synchronised cell divisions within colonies and coordinated flagellar function which enables the colony to swim in definite directions. (...)
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  16.  55
    What Can Feminist Epistemology Do for Surgery?Mary Jean Walker & Wendy Rogers - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):404-421.
    Surgery is an important part of contemporary health care, but currently much of surgery lacks a strong evidence base. Uptake of evidence-based medicine (EBM) methods within surgical research and among practitioners has been slow compared with other areas of medicine. Although this is often viewed as arising from practical and cultural barriers, it also reflects a lack of epistemic fit between EBM research methods and surgical practice. In this paper we discuss some epistemic challenges in surgery relating to this lack (...)
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  17.  27
    Participatory action research: towards (non-ideal) epistemic justice in a university in South Africa.Melanie Walker, Carmen Martinez-Vargas & Faith Mkwananzi - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (1):77-94.
    The paper explores the possibilities for promoting epistemic justice in a South African university setting through a participatory action-based photovoice research project in which university resea...
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  18. The Appeal to Easiness in Aristotle’s Protrepticus.Matthew D. Walker - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (2):319-333.
    In fragments from the Protrepticus, Aristotle offers three linked arguments for the view that philosophy is easy. According to an obvious normative worry, however, Aristotle also seems to think that the easiness of many activities has little to do with their choiceworthiness. Hence, if the Protrepticus seeks to exhort its audience to philosophize on the basis of philosophy’s easiness, then perhaps the Protrepticus provides the wrong sort of hortatory appeal. In response, I briefly situate Aristotle’s arguments in their dialectical context. (...)
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    The evolution of sexual reproduction as a repair mechanism. Part I. a model for self-repair and its biological implications.I. Walker - 1978 - Acta Biotheoretica 27 (3-4):133-158.
    The theory is presented that the sexual process is a repair mechanism which maintains redundancy within the sub-structure of hierarchical, self-reproducing organisms. In order to keep the problems within mathematically tractable limits , a simple model is introduced: a wheel with 6 spokes, 3 of them vital and 3 redundant, symbolizes the individual . Random accidents destroy spokes; the wheels replicate at regular cycles and engage periodically in pairing and repair phases during which missing spokes are copy-reproduced along the intact (...)
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  20.  14
    (1 other version)The effect of resource limits and task complexity on collaborative planning in dialogue.Marilyn A. Walker - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 85 (1-2):181-243.
  21.  49
    The Feminist Competition/Cooperation Dichotomy.Deborah Walker, Jerry W. Dauterive, Elyssa Schultz & Walter Block - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (3):243-254.
    Feminist literature sometimes posits that competition and cooperation are opposites. This dichotomy is important in that it is often invoked in order to explain why mainstream economics has focused on market activity to the exclusion of non-market activity, and why this fascination or focus is sexist. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the competition/cooperation dichotomy is false. Once the dichotomy is dissolved, those activities which are seen as competitive (masculine) and those which are seen as cooperative (feminine) (...)
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  22.  20
    The identity of one of the Ismaili dā‛īs sent by the Fatimids to Ibn Ḥafṣūn.Paul E. Walker - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (2):387-388.
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    Thoreau on Democratic Cultivation.Brian Walker - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (2):155-189.
    None is so poor that he need sit on a pumpkin.Henry Thoreau, Walden.
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  24. The Harm of Symbolic Actions and Green-Washing: Corporate Actions and Communications on Environmental Performance and Their Financial Implications. [REVIEW]Kent Walker & Fang Wan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):227-242.
    We examine over 100 top performing Canadian firms in visibly polluting industries as we seek to answer four research questions: What specific environmental issues are firms addressing? How do these issues differ between industries? Are both symbolic and substantive actions financially beneficial? Does green-washing, measured as the difference between symbolic and substantive action, and/or green-highlighting, measured as the combined effect of symbolic and substantive actions, pay? We find that substantive actions of environmental issues (green walk) neither harm nor benefit firms (...)
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  25.  48
    Paternalism and Populations.Tom Walker - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (1):46-54.
    It is relatively uncontroversial that some public health policies are paternalistic. Furthermore, that they are paternalistic is often taken to show that they are morally wrong. In this article I challenge this position. The article starts by arguing that given standard definitions of paternalism it is unclear why such policies count as paternalistic. Whilst it might appear that they impose restrictions on what individuals can, or cannot, do for their own good, this is not the case. The reason for this (...)
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  26.  18
    The discursive emergence of ‘the market’ in capitalist political economy: crisis system and the Longue Durée.Rob Faure Walker & John P. O’Regan - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):1-17.
    This paper presents a longue durée account of the discursive emergence of ‘the market'. It seeks to develop understanding of the ‘crisis system' by showing that the crises of the present have their origins earlier than some critical realist scholars have suggested and can be better understood by the theorization of the generative mechanisms that emerged from the economic and political chaos of the early 1600s. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is employed to show that in the context of the emergence (...)
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    The contribution of Angels Fear to metaReality: Gregory Bateson and Roy Bhaskar’s idiosyncratic approaches to the sacred.Rob Faure Walker - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):224-236.
    Gregory Bateson’s career from anthropologist, through his development of cybernetics and systems theory, to developing ideas around ‘the sacred’, has parallels with Roy Bhaskar’s intellectual journey. This paper proposes that as well as Bateson’s theory of cybernetics and systemic thought making a contribution to basic and dialectic critical realism, his final and posthumously published Angels Fear: Towards and Epistemology of the Sacred adds to our understanding of Bhaskar’s metaReality. Similarities between the development of Bateson’s work from 1936 to 1987 and (...)
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  28.  14
    The Beginnings of the Scientific Career of Joseph Priestley.W. Walker - 1934 - Isis 21 (1):81-97.
  29.  23
    Theory in the “Post” Era: A Vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons ed. by Alexandru Matei, Christian Moraru and Andrei Terian (review).Laura Elena Savu Walker - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):122-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theory in the “Post” Era: A Vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons ed. by Alexandru Matei, Christian Moraru and Andrei TerianLaura Elena Savu WalkerMatei, Alexandru, Christian Moraru, and Andrei Terian, editors. Theory in the “Post” Era: A Vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons. Bloomsbury, 2021. 376pp.Far from “mourning” the demise of theory, this timely and thoughtfully curated essay collection testifies to its “renewed vitality,” its compelling presence “across (...)
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  30.  21
    What Do We Mean by ‘Happiness’?Mark Walker - 2013 - In Happy-People-Pills for All. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 41–71.
    The chapter aims to provide at least a partial analysis of the word ‘happiness’ as it is used in everyday language. The author tries to make clear exactly what we are looking for in a theory of happiness and then goes on to argue for a particular theory. The theory that the author endorses is a composite of affective and cognitive elements. The chapter looks at four monistic theories of happiness before showing why each is insufficient. It considers two affective (...)
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    The Other – a troublesome dyad?Paul Walker & Terence Lovat - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (2):135-149.
    The ‘Other’ can be near to us, or far from us. We are in-relation with both. Given that, we explore whether, from a moral philosophical perspective, the ‘near-other’ is in tension with the ‘far-other’. We argue that we find our relationship with the near-other through a transcendent metaphysical empathy derived from the noumenon, which is manifest in the phenomenon as compassion and justice. We then argue that perceived differences in the phenomenon mean that we do not reliably transfer this empathy (...)
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    The Complicated Relationship Between the Dark Triad and Emotional Intelligence: A Systematic Review.Sarah A. Walker, Kit S. Double & Damian P. Birney - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):257-274.
    The study of emotional intelligence and its relationship with the dark triad has emerged as a popular research area. However, the complex nature of the dark triad and EI, including multiple me...
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    What is Living and What is Dead in Brave New World.Mark Walker - 2013 - In Happy-People-Pills for All. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–40.
    This chapter starts with a brief summary of Huxley's fictional dystopia Brave New World. Huxley's work is relevant in terms of its philosophical treatment of the issues and irrelevant in terms of a technological prophecy. Soma is the happy pill of Brave New World. The main theme of bioconservatives who cite Brave New World as an objection to happy‐people‐pills is that turning our world into Brave New World would involve a catastrophic loss of the higher aspects of our humanity. If (...)
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  34.  18
    The Elements of the Good Life: It is a Very Big List.Mark Walker - 2013 - In Happy-People-Pills for All. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 72–99.
    In seeking an account of the good life we are looking for what philosophers sometimes term a theory of wellbeing, welfare or prudential good. Philosophical theories of prudential value are often parsed according to a tripartite distinction: hedonism, desire satisfactionism, and objective list theories. This chapter defends the objective list theory. The author argues that repeated application of the method of difference results in a very big objective list of prudential values. The resulting theory termed the “big objective list” theory (...)
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  35. Law unbounded? The shifting stakes in global normative order.Neil Walker - 2020 - In Paul Schiff Berman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of global legal pluralism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Perry and Hartmann: Antithetical or complementary?Merle G. Walker - 1938 - International Journal of Ethics 49 (1):37-61.
  37.  33
    Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Klaus Hentschel, Ann Hentschel.Mark Walker - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):157-158.
  38. Psychology and Religion.Kenneth Walker - 1961 - Hibbert Journal 60 (36):10.
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    Toward an improved analysis of Soviet ethnic relations.Lee Walker - 1991 - Theory and Society 20 (5):711-721.
  40.  12
    Three. Augustine's Political Ethics: Skepticism, Ultimacy, and the Good in Politics.Graham Walker - 1990 - In Moral Foundations of Constitutional Thought: Current Problems, Augustinian Prospects. Princeton University Press. pp. 65-112.
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    Taking a Systems Approach to Chronic Illness in Old Age.Tom Walker - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S3):37-40.
    We are living through a demographic transition from a world in which there were lots of young people and very few older adults to one in which the numbers in these age groups are becoming more evenly balanced. One reason for this is that more of us are living into our seventies, eighties, nineties, and beyond. That is the good news. Unfortunately, the chance of developing chronic illnesses (including diabetes, arthritis, and dementia) is typically higher for people in these older (...)
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  42.  68
    The blind devotion of the people: Popular religion and the English reformation.Greg Walker - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (3):269-269.
  43.  29
    The body in between, the dissociative experience of trauma.Anna Walker - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):315-322.
    In ‘The autonomy of the affect’ Brian Massumi wrote of the gap between affective and cognitive registering of the traumatic experience. Affect theorists and neuroscientists have long shared the notion of a gap between the somatic response to a traumatic event and the appraisal of the affective situation. This article develops theories on dissociation or nothingness, where nothingness is a measurement of the space between the affective and the cognitive registering of a traumatic event. It explores the concept of two (...)
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    The 1986 Conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain.Nicholas Walker - 1986 - Hegel Bulletin 7 (1):8-19.
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    The 1987 Conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain.Nicholas Walker - 1987 - Hegel Bulletin 8 (1):6-12.
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    The Case for Maternity Compensation.Mark Walker - 2009 - Social Theory and Practice 35 (2):279-302.
  47.  27
    The character gap: how good are we?David Ian Walker - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (1):132-134.
  48.  37
    The digital imprimatur: How big brother and big media can put the internet genie back in the bottle.John Walker - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (3):24-77.
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    (1 other version)The definition of personality. I.Kenneth F. Walker - 1941 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):172 – 175.
  50.  42
    The dialectic of beauty and agency.Kathryn Walker - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (1):79-98.
    I present Hegel’s position that beauty and moral agency cannot be paired in any productive way, demonstrating this as a culminating claim of the sixth chapter of The Phenomenology of Spirit. In this, we learn that for Hegel, beauty claims an ambiguous position, always eviscerated yet never fully put to rest. This dialectical tension requires that we attend to the place of beauty as it appears in Hegel’s thoughts on morality and marks a departure from a long-standing tradition – exemplified (...)
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