Results for 'Danilo Melo'

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  1.  24
    A Filosofia como dispositivo de transformação na educação.Danilo Melo - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):5.
    Este artigo objetiva pensar como o ensino da filosofia pode produzir processos de transformação nos modos de vida ocasionando experiências de pensamento que ultrapassam o bom senso e o senso comum e problematizam o próprio pensamento no sentido de abri-lo à criação de outros modos de pensar e de agir. A partir da experiência do pensamento deflagrada pelo encontro da filosofia com a educação se desprende um movimento do pensar que afeta a vida de seus ensinantes e aprendentes abrindo-lhes possibilidades (...)
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    Pour et contre le postcolonialisme.Danilo Martuccelli - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):25.
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    La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez & Rubén Sierra Mejía - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
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    Rethinking Reprogenetics: Enhancing Ethical Analyses of Reprogenetic Technologies.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Reprogenetic technologies, which combine the power of reproductive techniques with the tools of genetic science and technology, promise prospective parents a remarkable degree of control to pick and choose the likely characteristics of their offspring. Not only can they select embryos with or without particular genetically-related diseases and disabilities but also choose embryos with non-disease related traits such as sex. -/- Prominent authors such as Agar, Buchanan, DeGrazia, Green, Harris, Robertson, Savulescu, and Silver have flocked to the banner of reprogenetics. (...)
  5. Interview: Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo: Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization.Antonio Negri & Danilo Zolo - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 120.
  6. The Risk of Using Inductive Risk to Challenge the Value-Free Ideal.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (4):500-520.
    The argument from inductive risk has been embraced by many as a successful account of the role of values in science that challenges the value-free ideal. We argue that it is not obvious that the argument from inductive risk actually undermines the value-free ideal. This is because the inductive risk argument endorses an assumption held by proponents of the value-free ideal: that contextual values never play an appropriate role in determining evidence. We show that challenging the value-free ideal ultimately requires (...)
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    The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence.Danilo Jagenow, Diana Raufelder & Michael Eid - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  8. The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap Between Scientists and the Public.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The lack of public support for climate change policies and refusals to vaccinate children are just two alarming illustrations of the impacts of dissent about scientific claims. Dissent can lead to confusion, false beliefs, and widespread public doubt about highly justified scientific evidence. Even more dangerously, it has begun to corrode the very authority of scientific consensus and knowledge. Deployed aggressively and to political ends, some dissent can intimidate scientists, stymie research, and lead both the public and policymakers to oppose (...)
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  9. Beyond informed consent: the therapeutic misconception and trust.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & A. Ho - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):202-205.
    The therapeutic misconception has been seen as presenting an ethical problem because failure to distinguish the aims of research participation from those receiving ordinary treatment may seriously undermine the informed consent of research subjects. Hence, most theoretical and empirical work on the problems of the therapeutic misconception has been directed to evaluate whether, and to what degree, this confusion invalidates the consent of subjects. We argue here that this focus on the understanding component of informed consent, while important, might be (...)
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  10. Universities and Democratization: Habermas on Education.Danilo Alterado - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1).
    This paper is an attempt to explicate Jürgen Habermas’s discourse on education vis-à-vis his political project of a democratized society. Arguably, Habermas sees in the structures and processes inherent in the universities an ideal place for self-reflection and communicative action. Thus, his idea of a university is tied up with the potentials of establishing an emancipated, enlightened society. The agencies of selfreflection hinge with democratic practices and processes, and the facility of communicative action even in a differentiated and specialized learning (...)
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    Emozioni, etica, economia.Danilo Bano - 2006 - Venezia: Cafoscarina.
  12.  7
    Pet likova Slobodana Jovanovića.Danilo N. Basta - 2003 - Beograd: Javno preduzeće Službeni list SCG.
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    More on Paxton.Danilo Breschi - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (133):185-190.
    What were the mechanisms through which fascism triumphed in Europe during the interwar period? According to Robert O. Paxton, this is the question one must ask in order to understand the real nature of Mussolini's and Hitler's political regimes. In fact, with “fascism,” Paxton adopts a category from political science that includes characteristics shared by both Italian Fascism and German National Socialism. Paxton aims at constructing this category on the basis of a descriptive study of the world in which the (...)
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    Experiências de escuta do mal-estar e do sofrimento docente frente à racionalidade neoliberal: construindo políticas de cuidado e de resistência.Danilo Peres Bemgochea Junior, Gabriela Oliveira Guerra, Samara Silva dos Santos, Silvana Maia Borges & Tais Fim Alberti - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31.
    Este artigo contempla reflexões sobre o mal-estar e o sofrimento docente na contemporaneidade, a partir de experiências de escuta no âmbito da pesquisa e extensão universitárias. Apresentamos duas pesquisas, onde propusemos espaços de escuta por meio de entrevistas e escritas da experiência, ambas com docentes de instituições educacionais públicas. O método que embasa o texto é a pesquisa-intervenção de orientação clínica e a discussão pauta-se na análise clínica do discurso, que possibilitou recolher das pesquisas significantes que se entrelaçam, dando nomes (...)
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  15. A teoria da vontade de poder enquanto princípio da existência.Eder David de Freitas Melo - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (2):143-159.
    Não apenas uma vez Nietzsche escreve que o mundo, junto com tudo que nele há, é tão somente vontade de poder. Por meio dessa teoria ele pensa os diversos níveis da existência, indo desde elementos ínfimos e simples até estruturas complexas, com elevado grau de refinamento. Tudo não passa, segundo esse filósofo, do desenrolar de forças em jogo agonístico por um algo a mais de poder. Neste artigo nós analisamos alguns aspectos da teoria da vontade de poder para mostrar como (...)
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    (2 other versions)Post-analytic metaphilosophy and the case of compatibilism.Danilo Šuster - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On, Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press. pp. 257-272.
    Terry Horgan (with D. Henderson and G. Graham) defends a new general metaphilosophical position called postanalytic metaphilosophy (PAM). I raise some critical points connected with the application of PAM to the problem of freedom. I question the distinction between opulent and austere construals of philosophical concepts. According to Horgan compatibilism comports better overall with the relevant data than does incompatibilism. I raise some objections. At the end I argue that contextualism is an inadequate explanation of incompatibilistic intuitions.
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    Il globalismo giuridico.Danilo Zolo - 2008 - Jura Gentium 5 (1):7-15.
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  18. Rani Hajdeger: recepcija i kritika bivstva i vremena / priredili Danilo Basta i Dragan Stojanović.Danilo N. Basta & Dragan Stojanović (eds.) - 1979 - Beograd: Vuk Karadžić.
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  19. How do disclosure policies fail? Let us count the ways.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2009 - FASEB Journal 23 (6):1638-42.
    The disclosure policies of scientific journals now require that investigators provide information about financial interests relevant to their research. The main goals of these policies are to prevent bias from occurring, to help identify bias when it occurs, and to avoid the appearance of bias. We argue here that such policies do little to help achieve these goals, and we suggest more effective alternatives.
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  20. Chimeras and human dignity.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (4):pp. 331-346.
    Discussions about whether new biomedical technologies threaten or violate human dignity are now common. Indeed, appeals to human dignity have played a central role in national and international debates about whether to allow particular kinds of biomedical investigations. The focus of this paper is on chimera research. I argue here that both those who claim that particular types of human-nonhuman chimera research threaten human dignity and those who argue that such threat does not exist fail to make their case. I (...)
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    “I want us to be a normal family”: Toward an understanding of the functions of anonymity among U.S. oocyte donors and recipients.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Lisa R. Rubin & Ina N. Cholst - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (4):235-251.
    Abstract BACKGROUND: Anonymity remains the more common practice in gamete donations, but legislation prohibiting anonymity with a goal of protecting donor-conceived children's right to know their genetic origins is becoming more common. However, given the dearth of research investigating the function of anonymity for donors and recipients, it is unclear whether these policies will accomplish their goals. The aim of this study was to explore experiences with anonymity among oocyte donors and recipients who participated in an anonymous donor oocyte program (...)
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  22.  80
    Human dignity in international policy documents: A useful criterion for public policy?Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (1):37-45.
    Current developments in biomedicine are presenting us with difficult ethical decisions and raising complex policy questions about how to regulate these new developments. Particularly vexing for governments have been issues related to human embryo experimentation. Because some of the most promising biomedical developments, such as stem cell research and nuclear somatic transfer, involve such experimentation, several international bodies have drafted documents aimed to provide guidance to governments when developing biomedical science policy. Here I focus on two such documents: the Council (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement: Much Ado About Nothing?Inmaculada Melo‐Martin & Arleen Salles - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):223-232.
    Recently, some have proposed moral bioenhancement as a solution to the serious moral evils that humans face. Seemingly disillusioned with traditional methods of moral education, proponents of bioenhancement believe that we should pursue and apply biotechnological means to morally enhance human beings. Such proposal has generated a lively debate about the permissibility of moral bioenhancement. We argue here that such debate is specious. The claim that moral bioenhancement is a solution – whether permissible or not – to the serious moral (...)
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  24. On our obligation to select the best children: A reply to Savulescu.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (1):72–83.
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine critically Julian Savulescu's claim that people should select, of the possible children they could have, the one who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the others, based on the relevant, available genetic information, including information about non‐disease genes. I argue here that in defending this moral obligation, Savulescu has neglected several important issues such as access to selection technologies, disproportionate burdens on women, (...)
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  25. Un dialogo tra Tecla Mazzarese e Danilo Zolo: Guerra diritti e ordine globale.Tecla Mazzarese & Danilo Zolo - 2001 - la Società Degli Individui 11.
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    Nakem Ken Ulimek: A Hermeneutics of Silence in the Ilokano Cosmic Self.Danilo S. Alterado - 2015 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 16 (2):127-139.
    This paper endeavors to explore and expand the communicative potential of silence from non-Western cultural spaces, of Asian-indigenous worldviews as hermeneutical key to critical and cosmic consciousness. Specifically, it speaks of the llokano cosmic Nakem (cosmic self or cosmic sense of being). At the core of the llokano Nakem is a cosmic impulse that situates this indigenous culture's resilience within the dissipating ecological integrity. Just like in other Asian classical texts, e.g., Taoism where it speaks of a heavenly Dao which (...)
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    Kriza i perspektive filozofije.Danilo N. Basta, Mladen Kozomara & C. Slobodan Zunji (eds.) - 1995 - Beograd: Tersit.
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  28. Torquato Nanni: Dilemmas of the Socialist Who Admired Mussolini.Danilo Breschi - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (133):150-153.
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    Filosofski eseji: filozofija između stvarnosti i mogućnosti.Danilo Gaésoviâc - 1989 - Nikšić: NIO "Univerzitetska riječ".
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  30. Kritikata kako zabluda: predizvicite na tekstualnosta.Danilo Kocevski - 1988 - Skopje: Makedonska kn..
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  31. Duh i sloboda: ogledi i rasprave.Danilo Pejović - 1992 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
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    [Recensão a] OLIVEIRA, R. R. - Pólis e Nómos: o problema da lei no pensamento grego.Danilo Andrade Tabone - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:197-200.
    OLIVEIRA, R. R. (2013). Pólis e Nómos: o problema da lei no pensamento grego. São Paulo: Editora Loyola.
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    La felicidad de la θεωρία en la Ética nicomáquea de Aristóteles.Danilo Tapia - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:37-50.
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  34. Hegel y el problema del fin de la ética.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1975 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 1 (1):9.
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    Sulla paura: fragilità, aggressività, potere.Danilo Zolo - 2011 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
    Il libro scava nel profondo dell' umanitā per mostrare la pericolositā della paura, i notevoli rischi e le sofferenze che la paura individuale e la paura collettiva comportano, senza dimenticare il rapporto fra potere e paura.
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    Non Sequitur – Some Reflections on Informal Logic.Danilo Šuster - 2009 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):91-102.
    Some general, programmatic points about informal logic are addressed. The informal approach to argument analysis faces serious foundational problems which have been recognized by its practitioners – but informal logic has yet to come together as a clearly defined discipline. Another problem is the dilemma of the dialectician (Sextus Empiricus): informal logic is either trivial or powerless on its own (field expertise is needed). According to Johnson and Blair the central notion in theory of argument is cogency which replaces soundness. (...)
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  37.  46
    A Cosmopolitan Philosophy of International Law? A Realist Approach.Danilo Zolo - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (4):429-444.
    Analyzing different works and in particular Habermas' reflection on Kant, the author reconstructs, first, his approach to international law and his political and legal cosmopolitanism. Second, he presents some critical observations on Habermas' cosmopolitanism in the context of his more general discursive theory of law and state. In this perspective, he discusses the problems of peace and of the role of the United Nations, the strategy of protection of human rights, and the question of world citizenship. He argues that Habermas' (...)
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  38. Viewpoint: developing a research ethics consultation service to foster responsive and responsible clinical research.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin, Li Palmer & Jj Fins - 2007 - Academic Medicine 82 (9):900-4.
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  39. Criticizing Women: Simone de Beauvoir on Complicity and Bad Faith.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2024 - In Berislav Marusić & Mark Schroeder, Analytic Existentialism. Oxford University Press.
    One of the key insights of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex is the idea that gender-based subordination is not just something done to women, but also something women do to themselves. This raises a question about ethical responsibility: if women are complicit, or actively implicated in their own oppression, are they at fault? Recent Beauvoir scholarship remains divided on this point. Here, I argue that Beauvoir did, in fact, ethically criticize many women for their complicity, as a sign of (...)
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  40. What Do Incels Want? Explaining Incel Violence Using Beauvoirian Otherness.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (1):134-156.
    In recent years, online “involuntary celibate” or “incel” communities have been linked to various deadly attacks targeting women. Why do these men react to romantic rejection with not just disappointment, but murderous rage? Feminists have claimed this is because incels desire women as objects or, alternatively, because they feel entitled to women’s attention. I argue that both of these explanatory models are insufficient. They fail to account for incels’ distinctive ambivalence toward women—for their oscillation between obsessive desire and violent hatred. (...)
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  41. Modality and supervenience.Danilo Suster - 2000 - Acta Analytica 15:141-155.
    According to the thesis of modal supervenience it is impossible that two objects be alike in their actual properties but differ in their modal properties. Some have argued that the concept of supervenience is inapplicable to the modal-actual case. Some have argued that the thesis of modal supervenience is trivially true. These arguments are refuted; a thesis of the supervenience of the modal on the actual is meaningful and nontrivial. The significance of the thesis is nevertheless limited by the problem (...)
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  42. Firing up the nature/nurture controversy: bioethics and genetic determinism.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):526-530.
    It is argued here that bioethicists might inadvertently be promoting genetic determinism: the idea that genes alone determine human traits and behaviours. Discussions about genetic testing are used to exemplify how they might be doing so. Quite often bioethicists use clinical cases to support particular moral obligations or rights as if these cases were representative of the kind of information we can acquire about human diseases through genetic testing, when they are not. On other occasions, the clinical cases are presented (...)
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    On Our Obligation to Select the Best Children: A Reply to Savulescu.Inmaculada de Melo-MartÍn - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (1):72-83.
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine critically Julian Savulescu's claim that people should select, of the possible children they could have, the one who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the others, based on the relevant, available genetic information, including information about non‐disease genes. I argue here that in defending this moral obligation, Savulescu has neglected several important issues such as access to selection technologies, disproportionate burdens on women, (...)
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  44. Semifactuals and epiphenomenalism.Danilo Suster - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16 (26):23-43.
    Semifactuals and Epiphenomenalism -/- Mental properties are said to be epiphenomenal because they do not pass the counterfactual test of causal relevance. Jacob (1996) adopts the defence of causal efficacy of mental properties developed by LePore and Loewer (1987). They claim that those who argue for the epiphenomenalism of the mental place too strong a requirement on causal relevance, which excludes causally efficacious properties. Given a proper analysis of causal relevance, the causal efficacy of mental properties is saved. I defend (...)
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    Democracy and Complexity: A Realistic Approach.Danilo Zolo - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book is a highly original and provocative contribution to democratic theory.
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    Mechanism and biology in the seventeenth century.Danilo Capecchi - 2020 - Metascience 29 (1):81-83.
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    Considerazioni di uno psichiatra sul concetto di alienazione.Danilo Cargnello - 2005 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 15:58-87.
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  48. L'aristotelismo cristiano di Marcel De Corte.Danilo Castellano - 1975 - Firenze: P. Cipriani.
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  49. Palabras claves: Cornelio Fabro-Tomás de Aquino-tomismo esencial-Iglesia-metafísica-ser-actus essendi-Aristóteles-Platón-Boecio-Avicena-escolástica-pensamiento moderno-cultura contemporánea.Danilo Castellano - forthcoming - Sapientia.
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  50. Per Cornelio Fabro: cinque saggi in memoria.Danilo Castellano (ed.) - 1999 - Udine: La nuova base.
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