Results for 'Danilo Melo'

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  1.  24
    A Filosofia como dispositivo de transformação na educação.Danilo Melo - 2017 - Filosofia E Educação 9 (3):5.
    Este artigo objetiva pensar como o ensino da filosofia pode produzir processos de transformação nos modos de vida ocasionando experiências de pensamento que ultrapassam o bom senso e o senso comum e problematizam o próprio pensamento no sentido de abri-lo à criação de outros modos de pensar e de agir. A partir da experiência do pensamento deflagrada pelo encontro da filosofia com a educação se desprende um movimento do pensar que afeta a vida de seus ensinantes e aprendentes abrindo-lhes possibilidades (...)
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    La época de la crisis: conversaciones con Danilo Cruz Velez.Danilo Cruz Vélez & Rubén Sierra Mejía - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Universidad del Valle. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
  3. Rani Hajdeger: recepcija i kritika bivstva i vremena / priredili Danilo Basta i Dragan Stojanović.Danilo N. Basta & Dragan Stojanović (eds.) - 1979 - Beograd: Vuk Karadžić.
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  4. Interview: Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo: Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization.Antonio Negri & Danilo Zolo - 2003 - Radical Philosophy 120.
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    The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence.Danilo Jagenow, Diana Raufelder & Michael Eid - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Unbearable Weight of Simplicity in Theory Choice.D. V. de Melo - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (4):621-637.
    When philosophers do not have a way out for choosing between the account they defend or a competing one, they usually appeal to theoretical virtues, such as simplicity, unity, fruitfulness, explanatory power, and so on. In this paper, my aim is to question the status of simplicity as a criterion for theory choice. My main arguments are that, first, it is hard to determine an objective metrics for evaluating simplicity, and second, we have no way to decide which one we (...)
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  7. Renato Descartes: Il discorso sul metodo.Danilo Baccini - 1970 - Roma,: Le muse.
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  8. Lo analítico.Danilo Guzmán - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (66):93-100.
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  9. Kritikata kako zabluda: predizvicite na tekstualnosta.Danilo Kocevski - 1988 - Skopje: Makedonska kn..
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  10. Reflexive Epistemology. The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 118.
  11. Begging the question - proper justification or proper conversation?Danilo Suster - 2020 - Analiza 24 (1):37-51.
    Since Aristotle there are two main approaches in the explanation of begging the question (petitio): a dialectical mistake (an improper move in an argumentative dialogue) and an epistemic mistake. According to the latter begging the question is committed when the premises of an argument cannot be known independently of knowing the conclusion of the argument. Dialectical approaches use the notion of a commitment (acceptance, standpoint) and rules of dialogue as their basis. I propose a hybrid model, inspired by Jackson: the (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement: Much Ado About Nothing?Inmaculada Melo‐Martin & Arleen Salles - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):223-232.
    Recently, some have proposed moral bioenhancement as a solution to the serious moral evils that humans face. Seemingly disillusioned with traditional methods of moral education, proponents of bioenhancement believe that we should pursue and apply biotechnological means to morally enhance human beings. Such proposal has generated a lively debate about the permissibility of moral bioenhancement. We argue here that such debate is specious. The claim that moral bioenhancement is a solution – whether permissible or not – to the serious moral (...)
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    Directives and intentions.Danilo Linhares - 2025 - Natural Language Semantics.
    Imperative sentences admit of many different uses, from imposing obligations to answering questions, granting permissions, and giving advice. Some declarative sentences, such as statements about what one should do or about what the speaker wants one to do, can also serve similar purposes. These utterances all share a single discourse role. They work as directives, whose defining effect, I argue here, is to propose that their addressee publicly commit to performing an action. Understanding directives this way can help explain four (...)
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    "Espírito livre" em Nietzsche: outro logos (per)formativo?Danilo José Scalla Botelho - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (1):63.
    Este artigo experimenta o tropo "espírito livre" em Nietzsche como um logos sofista, não mais um logos ontológico. Interpretando – a partir de signos nietzschianos – que o espírito, para ser livre, necessita livrar-se do logos ontológico, traça-se brevemente uma genealogia do logos sofista. O espírito livre torna-se, assim, não mais um conceito, senão um pharmakon.
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    Hacia una pastoral de la escucha desde el Counselling humanista integrativo.Danilo José Janegitz - 2021 - Mayéutica 47 (104):415-436.
    This paper aims to elucidate the emphatic demand of the Listening Pastoral inside the Catholic Church. The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, dreams with a clergy with a greater capacity to handle the Christian community in its most relevant urgencies, such as youth accompaniment, specially an active listening made with attentive ears. From this base the article proposes a new method for accompaniment: a pastoral of listening according to the Humanistic Integrative Counseling model. However, the Listening Pastoral doesn’t have agents with (...)
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    Experiências de escuta do mal-estar e do sofrimento docente frente à racionalidade neoliberal: construindo políticas de cuidado e de resistência.Danilo Peres Bemgochea Junior, Gabriela Oliveira Guerra, Samara Silva dos Santos, Silvana Maia Borges & Tais Fim Alberti - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31.
    Este artigo contempla reflexões sobre o mal-estar e o sofrimento docente na contemporaneidade, a partir de experiências de escuta no âmbito da pesquisa e extensão universitárias. Apresentamos duas pesquisas, onde propusemos espaços de escuta por meio de entrevistas e escritas da experiência, ambas com docentes de instituições educacionais públicas. O método que embasa o texto é a pesquisa-intervenção de orientação clínica e a discussão pauta-se na análise clínica do discurso, que possibilitou recolher das pesquisas significantes que se entrelaçam, dando nomes (...)
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  17. Criticizing Women: Simone de Beauvoir on Complicity and Bad Faith.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2024 - In Berislav Marusić & Mark Schroeder, Analytic Existentialism. Oxford University Press.
    One of the key insights of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex is the idea that gender-based subordination is not just something done to women, but also something women do to themselves. This raises a question about ethical responsibility: if women are complicit, or actively implicated in their own oppression, are they at fault? Recent Beauvoir scholarship remains divided on this point. Here, I argue that Beauvoir did, in fact, ethically criticize many women for their complicity, as a sign of (...)
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  18. Lehrer and the consequence argument.Danilo Šuster - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (1):77-86.
    The consequence argument of van Inwagen is widely regarded as the best argument for incompatibilism. Lewis’s response is praised by van Inwagen as the best compatibilist’s strategy but Lewis himself acknowledges that his strategy resembles that of Lehrer. A comparison will show that one can speak about Lehrer-Lewis strategy, although I think that Lewis’s variation is dialectically slightly stronger. The paper provides a response to some standard objections of incompatibilists to the Lehrer-Lewis reply.
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    Positive Tolerance: An Ethical Oxymoron.Danilo Zolo - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (2):247-251.
    Analyzing Apel's proposal for positive tolerance in multicultural society, the author develops critical observations concerning, first, the distinction between negative and positive tolerance, second, the ethical foundation of positive tolerance and, finally, the semantic content of the notion.
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  20. Essence and Naturalness.Thiago Xavier de Melo - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (276):534-554.
    According to sparse modalism, the notion of essence can be analysed in terms of necessity and naturalness. In this paper, I develop and defend a version of sparse modalism that is equipped with a non-standard, relativized conception of naturalness. According to this conception, properties and relations can be natural to different degrees relative to different kinds of things, and relations can be natural to different degrees relative to different slots. I argue that this relativized version of sparse modalism can accommodate (...)
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    Nietzsche et l'affectologie: pour une éthique des affects.Danilo Bilate - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bertrand Binoche.
    Nietzsche est mort et c'est à nous à le faire vivre. Cet usage du texte n'est pas un retour à ce que Deleuze professait superbement : pour ce dernier, faire un enfant dans le dos (de Kant, de Bergson, voire de Nietzsche, même si Deleuze affirmait qu'avec ce dernier c'était l'inverse), c'était à la fois utiliser l'auteur pour lui faire dire ce qu'il n'avait explicitement pas dit, mais qui pouvait présenter un intérêt spéculatif, et, en même temps, dissimuler cet écart. (...)
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  22. Fascism, liberalism and revolution.Danilo Breschi - 2012 - European Journal of Political Theory 11 (4):410-425.
    Marxist theory has always maintained that a strict continuity exists between liberalism and fascism, and has even proclaimed that there is a causal connection between the two. Therefore fascism comes to be portrayed as the ‘armed wing’ of the bourgeoisie. The Marxist thesis is weak for two reasons: first, because the connection between liberalism and fascism, though it doubtless exists, is considerably more complex, mediated and contradictory than it suggests; and second, because it axiomatically denies the revolutionary nature of fascism, (...)
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  23. Il \'De fato\' di Simone Porzio: nota storico-critica.Danilo Facca - 2002 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 47.
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    Paulo Freire 'Etica, Utopia E Educaðcäao'.Danilo Romeu Streck (ed.) - 1999 - Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.
    A obra aborda dois específicos temas - a ética e a utopia em sua relação com a educação. Os textos aqui apresentados sinalizam temas novos a serem explorados e outros nem tão novos a serem revisitados para que possa haver novos avanços, para além de Paulo Freire.
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    Position et critique de la fonction symbolique dans les premiers travaux de Merleau-Ponty.Danilo Saretta Verissimo - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:459-479.
    Position and Criticism of the Symbolic Functionin the First Works of Merleau-PontyIn this article, we propose to address the question of the symbolic function in Merleau-Ponty’s first works. More specifically, we shall be interested in the place thathe grants to this question in The Structure of Behavior, and to the way he critically takes it up in the Phenomenology of Perception. Although Merleau-Ponty hardly clarifies this himself, Merleau-Ponty’s commentators also have rarely made this problematic an object of debate. In his (...)
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  26. How do disclosure policies fail? Let us count the ways.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2009 - FASEB Journal 23 (6):1638-42.
    The disclosure policies of scientific journals now require that investigators provide information about financial interests relevant to their research. The main goals of these policies are to prevent bias from occurring, to help identify bias when it occurs, and to avoid the appearance of bias. We argue here that such policies do little to help achieve these goals, and we suggest more effective alternatives.
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    What is Ethical Competence? The Role of Empathy, Personal Values, and the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Ethical Decision-Making.Rico Pohling, Danilo Bzdok, Monika Eigenstetter, Siegfried Stumpf & Anja Strobel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):449-474.
    The objective of the present research was two-fold: to provide a new definition of ethical competence, and to clarify the influence of empathy, personal values, and the five-factor model of personality on ethical competence. The present research provides a comprehensive overview about recent approaches and empirically explores the interconnections of these constructs. 366 German undergraduate students were examined in a cross-sectional study that investigated the relationship of empathy, personal values, and the five-factor model of personality with moral judgment competence and (...)
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  28. Beyond informed consent: the therapeutic misconception and trust.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & A. Ho - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):202-205.
    The therapeutic misconception has been seen as presenting an ethical problem because failure to distinguish the aims of research participation from those receiving ordinary treatment may seriously undermine the informed consent of research subjects. Hence, most theoretical and empirical work on the problems of the therapeutic misconception has been directed to evaluate whether, and to what degree, this confusion invalidates the consent of subjects. We argue here that this focus on the understanding component of informed consent, while important, might be (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement: Much Ado About Nothing?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Arleen Salles - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):223-232.
    Recently, some have proposed moral bioenhancement as a solution to the serious moral evils that humans face. Seemingly disillusioned with traditional methods of moral education, proponents of bioenhancement believe that we should pursue and apply biotechnological means to morally enhance human beings. Such proposal has generated a lively debate about the permissibility of moral bioenhancement. We argue here that such debate is specious. The claim that moral bioenhancement is a solution - whether permissible or not - to the serious moral (...)
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    Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival.Danilo E. Ponce & Roger Walsh - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5:216.
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    Nietzsche, entre o Übermensch e o Unmensch.Danilo Bilate - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 34:215-229.
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  32. The Maker’s Knowledge Principle and the Limits of Science.Danilo Marcondes de Souza Filho - 2002 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 76:229-237.
    This paper starts with an analysis of the maker’s knowledge principle as one of the main characteristics of Modern epistemology. We start by showing that maker’s knowledge can be understood in two ways: 1) a negative sense, as a way of establishing limits to human knowledge: we can only know what we create; and 2) a positive sense, as legitimizing human knowledge: we effectively know what we create. We proceed then to examine the roots of the maker’s knowledge principle in (...)
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    Deleuze e a imagem: um problema estético.Danilo Bilate - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):153-170.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca investigar possíveis significações da palavra “imagem”, que se depreendam dos textos de Deleuze sobre as artes, através de uma pesquisa filológica que respeita a cronologia de suas obras. Essa noção de imagem, fundamental para a Estética, aparece em seus comentários sobre Proust, o cinema, Bacon e Beckett, principalmente, seja com o uso do termo “imagem”, seja com os termos “signo” e “ideia”, àquele correlatos. Assim, verifica-se um vácuo na década de 70, de modo que, se a (...)
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    “Maiyannatup a Panagripirip:” Towards an Ilokano Indigenous Doing of Philosophy.Danilo S. Alterado & Aldrin S. Jaramilla - 2019 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 20 (1):97-110.
    Philosophy is not all about parroting Western ideas and categorizations. There are esoteric philosophies, normally labelled as grassroot or indigenous, that are gaining recognition within formal academic circles. The Ilokano philosophy is alive at the margin, nonetheless implicit because its philosophical underpinnings are embedded in the way of life or cultural life of the Ilokanos. But through Maiyannatup a Panagripirip, the tacit Ilokano philosophy becomes outspoken and proves itself to be a rich source of humanistic principles. Dynamically translated as “Appropriate (...)
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    Considerazioni in margine alle inscriptiones christianae aquileiae.Danilo Mazzoleni - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):787-796.
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    Por uma ética do recolhimento: um diálogo entre E. Levinas e A. Badiou.Danilo Mendes - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e5.
    Nesse artigo articulamos um diálogo entre E. Levinas e A. Badiou em torno da possibilidade de uma ética na conjuntura pandêmica global. Apresentamos as propostas levinasianas de uma ética do rosto e uma ética do acolhimento analisando sua impossibilidade diante da necessidade de máscaras e do isolamento. Em seguida, verificamos a hipótese de Badiou acerca de uma ética das verdades, argumentando como, diante do acontecimento coronavírus, ela se desenvolve em uma ética do recolhimento. Assim, a ética do recolhimento se torna (...)
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    Total Liberation.Danilo E. Ponce, Elaine MacInnes & Ruben L. F. Habito - 1987 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 7:235.
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    Cristalización y desplazamiento. Apuntes sobre la relación entre metáfora y filosofía.Danilo Tapia - 2010 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 8:69-101.
    “¿Bajo qué presupuestos pueden tener legitimidad las metáforas en el lenguaje filosófico?” Así planteó Hans Blumenberg la problemática acerca de la relación entre metáfora y filosofía y ese planteamiento guía el presente trabajo. Frente a las concepciones acerca de la metáfora que la entienden como un mero tropo retórico exterior a la pureza del sentido propio o un resto histórico en el camino que va del mito y la figuratividad al logos y la lógica, el presente ensayo busca iluminar caminos (...)
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    La felicidad de la θεωρία en la Ética nicomáquea de Aristóteles.Danilo Tapia - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6:37-50.
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  40. What Do Incels Want? Explaining Incel Violence Using Beauvoirian Otherness.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (1):134-156.
    In recent years, online “involuntary celibate” or “incel” communities have been linked to various deadly attacks targeting women. Why do these men react to romantic rejection with not just disappointment, but murderous rage? Feminists have claimed this is because incels desire women as objects or, alternatively, because they feel entitled to women’s attention. I argue that both of these explanatory models are insufficient. They fail to account for incels’ distinctive ambivalence toward women—for their oscillation between obsessive desire and violent hatred. (...)
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  41. The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap Between Scientists and the Public.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The lack of public support for climate change policies and refusals to vaccinate children are just two alarming illustrations of the impacts of dissent about scientific claims. Dissent can lead to confusion, false beliefs, and widespread public doubt about highly justified scientific evidence. Even more dangerously, it has begun to corrode the very authority of scientific consensus and knowledge. Deployed aggressively and to political ends, some dissent can intimidate scientists, stymie research, and lead both the public and policymakers to oppose (...)
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  42. Dreams in a Vat.Danilo Suster - 2016 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 12 (2):89-105.
    Putnam’s semantic argument against the BIV hypothesis and Sosa’s argument against dream skepticism based on the imagination model of dreaming share some important structural features. In both cases the skeptical option is supposed to be excluded because preconditions of its intelligibility are not fulfilled (affirmation and belief in the dream scenario, thought and reference in the BIV scenario). Putnam’s reasoning is usually interpreted differently, as a classic case of deception, but this feature is not essential. I propose to interpret BIV’s (...)
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  43. Semifactuals and epiphenomenalism.Danilo Suster - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16 (26):23-43.
    Semifactuals and Epiphenomenalism -/- Mental properties are said to be epiphenomenal because they do not pass the counterfactual test of causal relevance. Jacob (1996) adopts the defence of causal efficacy of mental properties developed by LePore and Loewer (1987). They claim that those who argue for the epiphenomenalism of the mental place too strong a requirement on causal relevance, which excludes causally efficacious properties. Given a proper analysis of causal relevance, the causal efficacy of mental properties is saved. I defend (...)
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  44. Feminist Resources for Biomedical Research: Lessons from the HPV Vaccines.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):79 - 101.
    Several feminist philosophers of science have argued that social and political values are compatible with, and may even enhance, scientific objectivity. A variety of normative recommendations have emerged regarding how to identify, manage, and critically evaluate social values in science. In particular, several feminist theorists have argued that scientific communities ought to: 1) include researchers with diverse experiences, interests, and values, with equal opportunity and authority to scrutinize research; 2) investigate or "study up" scientific phenomena from the perspectives, interests, and (...)
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    The ethics of anonymous gamete donation: is there a right to know one's genetic origins?Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):28-35.
    A growing number of jurisdictions hold that gamete donors must be identifiable to the children born with their eggs or sperm, on grounds that being able to know about one's genetic origins is a fundamental moral right. But the argument for that belief has not yet been adequately made.
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  46. Sex Selection and the Procreative Liberty Framework.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2013 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (1):1-18.
    Although surprising to some proponents of sex selection for non-medical reasons (Dahl 2005), a considerable amount of critical debate has been raised by this practice (Blyth, Frith, and Crawshaw 2008; Dawson and Trounson 1996; Dickens 2002; Harris 2005; Heyd 2003; Holm 2004; Macklin 2010; Malpani 2002; McDougall 2005; Purdy 2007; Seavilleklein and Sherwin 2007; Steinbock 2002; Strange and Chadwick 2010; Wilkinson 2008). While abortion or infanticide has long been used as means of sex selection, a new technology—preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)—has (...)
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  47. The modality principle and work-relativity of modality.Danilo Šuster - 2005 - Acta Analytica 20 (4):41-52.
    Davies argues that the ontology of artworks as performances offers a principled way of explaining work-relativity of modality. Object oriented contextualist ontologies of art (Levinson) cannot adequately address the problem of work-relativity of modal properties because they understand looseness in what counts as the same context as a view that slight differences in the work-constitutive features of provenance are work-relative. I argue that it is more in the spirit of contextualism to understand looseness as context-dependent. This points to the general (...)
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  48. How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.
    This paper is about the alethic aspect of epistemic rationality. The most common approaches to this aspect are either normative (what a reasoner ought to/may believe?) or evaluative (how rational is a reasoner?), where the evaluative approaches are usually comparative (one reasoner is assessed compared to another). These approaches often present problems with blindspots. For example, ought a reasoner to believe a currently true blindspot? Is she permitted to? Consequently, these approaches often fail in describing a situation of alethic maximality, (...)
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  49. Reflexive epistemology and social complexity: The philosophical legacy of Otto Neurath.Danilo Zolo - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):149-169.
    According to the article, Neurath's reflexive epistemology—expressed by the metaphor of the ship in need of reconstruction on the open sea—represents a philosophical alternative to the classical and contemporary forms of scientific realism and ethical cognitivism, including Popper's falsificationism. Against Quine's reductive interpretation of Neurath's boat argument as the basis for a 'naturalized epistemology,' the article maintains that the metaphor suggests the idea of an insuperable situation of linguistic and conceptual circularity. This prevents any attempt at self-foundation in scientific knowledge, (...)
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  50. When the (Bayesian) ideal is not ideal.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2023 - Logos and Episteme 15 (3):271-298.
    Bayesian epistemologists support the norms of probabilism and conditionalization using Dutch book and accuracy arguments. These arguments assume that rationality requires agents to maximize practical or epistemic value in every doxastic state, which is evaluated from a subjective point of view (e.g., the agent’s expectancy of value). The accuracy arguments also presuppose that agents are opinionated. The goal of this paper is to discuss the assumptions of these arguments, including the measure of epistemic value. I have designed AI agents based (...)
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