Results for 'Daniela Lucena'

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  1.  23
    Algunas consideraciones sobre la estética materialista de la Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención.Daniela Lucena - 2012 - Aisthesis 51:57-77.
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    Editorial: Temporal Dynamics of Reward Processing in Humans: From Anticipation to Consummation.Ya Zheng, Ruolei Gu & Daniela M. Pfabigan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State (...)
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    Machine Learning Classifiers to Evaluate Data From Gait Analysis With Depth Cameras in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease.Beatriz Muñoz-Ospina, Daniela Alvarez-Garcia, Hugo Juan Camilo Clavijo-Moran, Jaime Andrés Valderrama-Chaparro, Melisa García-Peña, Carlos Alfonso Herrán, Christian Camilo Urcuqui, Andrés Navarro-Cadavid & Jorge Orozco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionThe assessments of the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are usually limited to clinical rating scales, and it depends on the clinician’s experience. This study aims to propose a machine learning technique algorithm using the variables from upper and lower limbs, to classify people with PD from healthy people, using data from a portable low-cost device. And can be used to support the diagnosis and follow-up of patients in developing countries and remote areas.MethodsWe used Kinect®eMotion system to capture the spatiotemporal (...)
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    Frederick August von Hayek e a teoria dos fenômenos completos: uma análise marxista.Carlos Alberto Lucena - 2011 - Educação E Filosofia 25 (49):173-200.
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    Kommende Nachhaltigkeit: nachhaltige Entwicklung aus kritisch-emanzipatorischer Perspektive.Daniela Gottschlich - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Die Frage, ob eine emphatische Bezugnahme auf nachhaltige Entwicklung in kritisch-emanzipatorischer Absicht uberhaupt noch moglich ist oder ob es nicht besser ware, sich von der Leerformel Nachhaltigkeit zu verabschieden, bildet den Ausgangspunkt des Bandes. Die Autorin analysiert die Gerechtigkeits-, Politik- und Okonomieverstandnisse verschiedener Strange im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs (politisch-institutionelle, feministische, herrschaftskritische und integrative) und zeigt, dass in ihnen ein emanzipatorisches Potenzial steckt. Dieses arbeitet sie mit Hilfe eines feministisch-gepragten, diskursanalytischen Ansatzes heraus. Die Verfasserin leistet damit einen Beitrag, Nachhaltigkeit neu und anders zu (...)
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    Entre o lembrar e o esquecer: reflexões sobre a memória e o esquecimento a partir de Nietzsche e Bergson.Ludymylla Lucena - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):85-94.
    This work aims to highlight the continuous game and the paradoxical relationship established between memory and forgetfulness based on the contributions of Friedrich Nietzsche and Henri Bergson. We will follow the hypothesis that the origin of memory and consciousness in Nietzsche is very close to that made by Bergson in Matter and Memory. I will try to expose how memory in Bergson arises in the interval between action and reaction, at the moment when man hesitates, organizes and selects the new (...)
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  8. Hannah Arendt: las ideologías y el colapso del pensamiento político.Borja Lucena Góngora - 2022 - [Alicante]: Delta Publicaciones Universitarias.
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  9. ¿ Hubo siempre dos culturas?Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena - 2000 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 5:45-62.
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  10. Narratividad y pre-narratividad de la experiencia en A. MacIntyre, C. Taylor, P. Ricoeur y D. Carr.Jorge Martinez Lucena - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):73.
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  11. La música en el Monasterio de Santa Inés de Sevilla. Relación de obras de Don Buenaventura Iñiguez.I. Osuna Lucena - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (207-08):895-904.
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    A realistic view on normative conflicts.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (3):447-462.
    Kulicki and Trypuz (2016) introduced three systems of multivalued deontic action logic to handle normative conflicts. The first system suggests a pessimistic view on normative conflicts, according to which any conflicting option represents something forbidden; the second system suggests an optimistic view, according to which any conflicting option represents something obligatory; finally, the third system suggests a neutral view, according to which any conflicting option represents something that is neither obligatory nor forbidden. The aim of the present paper is to (...)
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    Mira como crece la maleza en el Lenguaje. Cuerpo y colonialidad en Piñen de Daniela Catrileo.Daniela Acosta - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 16:27-37.
    El presente artículo aborda la estrategia escritural de Daniela Catrileo. Se propone revisar la elaboración del concepto de piñen examinando la relación entre lenguaje y colonialidad, para, de ese modo, subrayar el potencial político y reivindicativo que comporta en la novela del mismo nombre, Piñen (2019). Dicha hipótesis articulará el ejercicio de lectura aquí propuesto, atendiendo principalmente las estrategias narrativas empleadas –servirse de un polilingüismo que rompe estructuras gramaticales– para descentrar el lenguaje de su determinismo colonial. Así, interpretamos dicha (...)
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  14. Daniela cojocaru Antonio Sandu.Daniela Cojocaru - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):258-276.
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  15. Daniela cojocaru Sorin cace Cristina gavrilovici.Daniela Cojocaru - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):37-56.
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  16. La relatividad conceptual y el problema de la verdad Bases para un realismo ontológico moderado.Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):105-120.
    Algunos defensores del realismo científico, particularmente Ilkka Niiniluoto y Philip Kitcher, han intentado moderar las tesis ontológicas más fuertes del realismo buscando la integración de la teoría de la verdad como correspondencia con alguna versión matizada del relativismo conceptual propugnado por Putnam, según el cual el mundo carece de una estructura propia y, por tanto, la ontología depende de nuestros esquemas conceptuales. No es claro, sin embargo, que ambas cosas se puedan armonizar fácilmente. Si nuestro conocimiento del mundo está mediado (...)
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  17. Fictional Names and Semantics: Towards a Hybrid View.Daniela Glavaničová - 2010 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Ontos Verlag. pp. 59-74.
    Are there fictional characters? Realists suggest that there are such entities, but these are non-concrete, non-actual or non-existent. Antirealists avoid this assumption by suggesting that fictional discourse is not to be taken at face value. However, any of these camps faces some serious troubles. This paper proposes a hybrid account that combines features of realism with features of antirealism. In particular, the semantic distinction between de dicto and de re is employed, and the resulting view suggests de dicto (role) realism (...)
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  18.  24
    The Role of Religion in Businesses from a Three-Dimensional Perspective – Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Organizational Management.Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei, Ion Copoeru & Nicolae Horia - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):283-309.
    The teaching of religion in public schools – whether the subject should or should not be included in the school curricula, what the content structure should be and which approach the teacher should adopt – led to various ethical dilemmas and conflicts in many regions of the world. Our article aims at reviewing, from the perspectives of numerous authors, the different topics as well as the ways in which aspects related to the impact of religious teaching and to specific approaches (...)
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    The Ethic of Love by Iris Murdoch.Daniela Alegría - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 31:64-90.
    RESUMEN La filósofa irlandesa Iris Murdoch propone una teoría moral basada en el amor. Esta "ética del amor" se constituye a partir de la atención amorosa y la imaginación. De acuerdo con Murdoch, teorías morales como la kantiana presentan importantes problemas al considerar la moralidad como un asunto de "algoritmos morales". Las éticas dominantes desde la modernidad hasta nuestros días se han centrado en la universalidad, la imparcialidad, los principios morales, etcétera. Murdoch apunta a que la moralidad tiene que ver, (...)
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    Dal sublime al mostruoso. Due letture kantiane.Daniela Angelucci - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    The article explores the closeness of the theme of the monstrous to the concept of the sublime, first of all linking them as moments that challenge our cognitive possibilities, starting from these two aspects: the feeling of fear and the rupture of the ordinary representative scheme of the subject. Among the many revivals and interpretations of the Third Critique and of Kant's sublime, two authors of the French twentieth century – Gilles Deleuze and Jean-François Lyotard – bring together the sublime (...)
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    Spinoza: la potenza del comune.Daniela Bostrenghi, Venanzio Raspa, Cristina Santinelli & Stefano Visentin (eds.) - 2012 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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    Diálogo sobre la vida feliz.Juan de Lucena - 2014 - Madrid: Centro para la Edición de los Clásicos Españoles. Edited by Jerónimo Miguel & Juan de Lucena.
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    Palavras e Ruínas.Ludymylla Maria Gomes de Lucena - 2019 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 1 (2):72.
    Esse artigo tem como objetivo refletir, primeiramente, sobre algumas das principais “dificuldades” que o sobrevivente de um evento traumático enfrenta em sua tentativa de representar o passado através do testemunho. Num segundo momento, a literatura e o cinema com teor testemunhal surgem como valiosos documentos históricos na luta contra o esquecimento - a partir do momento que conseguem dar voz aos “sem-nome”, aos “esquecidos” pela história oficial e pelas grandes narrativas do século XX. Livros como É isto um homem? e (...)
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    The Known and the Lived. Studies in Techno-Scientific 'Experience'.Daniela Helbig - unknown
    There are few doubts about the significance of science and technology for modern human culture and society. But as historians, we are still struggling to find appropriate descriptive terms to capture the broad processes of transformation brought about by “techno-science,” the merging of technical production and modern institutionalized science. This dissertation argues that the term “experience” may serve as such an analytic lens in the specific historical setting of German aviation research from the 1920s through 1945. I reconstruct, on the (...)
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    Concrete: Photography and Architecture.Daniela Janser, Thomas Seelig & Urs Stahel (eds.) - 2013 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Architecture has always been a magnificent and much debated platform to express the spirit of the times, world views, everyday life, and aesthetics. It is a daring materialisation of private and public visions, of applied art and the avant-garde alike.
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  26. Integrating Conflicting Perspectives.Daniela Kloo - unknown
    "Theory of mind� describes the ability to impute mental states, such as beliefs, desires and intentions, to oneself and to other people. Usually we want to know why people did what they did and we wonder what they are going to do next. That is, everyday we try to predict and explain human behaviour. In order to do this we refer to a person"s beliefs, desires, emotions, intentions etc. Behaviour is the product of belief and desire: People do things because (...)
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    The development of earlier and later forms of metacognitive abilities: reflections on agency and ignorance.Daniela Kloo & Michael Rohwer - 2012 - In Michael J. Beran, Johannes Brandl, Josef Perner & Joëlle Proust (eds.), The foundations of metacognition. Oxford University Press. pp. 167.
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    Zur Professionalisierungs-geschichte des Lehrerberufs in Österreich.Daniela Leitner - 2018 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Lehrerpersonen als Expert/innen - Professionalisierungsdebatte - Erste Spuren des Lehrens - Historischer Abriss der Lehrer/innenbildung in Österreich - Professionalisierungsmomente im Spiegel der Vergangenheit-Gegenwart-Zukunft.
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    Universal and affective: the Public Sphere in Feminist Political Thinking.Daniela Losiggio - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):139-165.
    In this article we propose to return to the notions of public and universality in the so-called Critical Theory, in order to rethink the relation between politics, affects and women. For these purposes, we will analyze the famous The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere of J. Habermas, the first systematization of the notion of public sphere, understood as the scope of rational and universal debate which excludes the private-affective. Later, we will focus on the criticism of this study made (...)
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  30. Alguien, en efecto, ha debido malinterpretar algo: el desafío de Fodor y Piattelli-Palmarini al darwinismo.Antonio Javier Diéguez Lucena - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):341-357.
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  31. Bridging Sustainable Community Development and Social Justice.Juan Lucena - 2015 - In Byron Newberry, Carl Mitcham, Martin Meganck, Andrew Jamison, Christelle Didier & Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (eds.), International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context. Springer Verlag.
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  32. Delimitación del naturalismo metodológico (en la ciencia y en la filosofía).Antonio Diéguez Lucena - 2014 - In Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo & José Sanmartín (eds.), La filosofía desde la ciencia. México D.F.: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
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    Polysemie als Verfahren lexikalischer Motivation: Theorie und Empirie am Beispiel von Metonymie und Metapher im Französischen und Italienischen.Daniela Marzo - 2013 - Tübingen: Narr.
    Motivation und Ikonizität : Die Frage nach dem richtigen Wort -- Der Zusammenhang von Polysemie, Ikonizität und lexikalischer Motivation -- Empirische Ermittlung lexikalischer Motivation : Die Frage nach der richtigen Methode -- Der Einfluss konzeptueller Relationen auf intrinsische und extrinsische Motivierbarkeit -- Polysemie und Skalen diagrammatischer Transparenz : Ein formales und semantisches Transparenzmodell -- Zusammenfassung und Schlussbemerkungen.
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  34. Corpo, sport e formazione.Daniela Sarsini - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (14).
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  35. (1 other version)Telling time : literary rituals and trauma.Daniela Tan - 2019 - In Carlos Montemayor & Robert Daniel (eds.), Time's urgency. Boston: Brill.
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  36. Communicative Virtues of A-T. Tymieniecka’s Phenomenology of Life.Daniela Verducci - 2014 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  37. Why Does Laudan’s Confutation of Convergent Realism Fail?Antonio Diéguez-Lucena - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):393 - 403.
    In his paper "A Confutation of Convergent Realism", Larry Laudan offered one of the most powerful criticisms of scientific realism. I defend here that although Laudan's criticism is right, this does not refute the realist position. The thesis that Laudan confutes is a much stronger thesis than realist needs to maintain. As I will exemplify with Salmon's statistical-relevance model, a less strict notion of explanation would allow us to claim that (approximate) truth is the best explanation for such success, even (...)
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    The infinite in Kepler de'stella Nova', on the interpretation of Koyre, Alexandre.Daniela Majerna - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45 (4):733-745.
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  39. Making Sense of Vicarious Responsibility: Moral Philosophy Meets Legal Theory.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89:107-128.
    Vicarious responsibility is a notoriously puzzling notion in normative reasoning. In this article we will explore two fundamental issues, which we will call the “explication problem” and the “justification problem”. The former issue concerns how vicarious responsibility can plausibly be defined in terms of other normative concepts. The latter issue concerns how ascriptions of vicarious responsibility can be justified. We will address these two problems by combining ideas taken from legal theory and moral philosophy. Our analysis will emphasise the importance (...)
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  40.  43
    Academia After Virtue? An Inquiry into the Moral Character(s) of Academics.Daniela Pianezzi, Hanne Nørreklit & Lino Cinquini - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):571-588.
    An extensive literature has focused on the impact of new public management oriented structural changes on academics’ practice and identity. These critical studies have been resolute in concluding that NPM inevitably leads to a degeneration of academics’ ethos and values. Drawing from the moral philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre, we argue that these previous analyses have overlooked the moral agency of the academics and their role in ‘moralizing’ and consequently shaping the ethical nature of their practices. The paper provides a new (...)
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    Francesco Soave e il trattato pedagogico della Methodus studiorum: l'influenza della famiglia Riva di Lugano nei collegi somaschi della Lombardia austriaca in una prospettiva europea.Daniela Corzuol - 2013 - Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande.
  42. Conflitologia: Aspectos teóricos para O estudo da litig'ncia.Kylze Carolyne Prata de Lucena & Lícia Vitória de Aquino Magalhães - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):171-183.
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    Reflexivität: Versuche des Nennens.Daniela Fatzer - 1996 - Dartford: Traude Junghans.
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  44. Übertragung.Daniela Finzi - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  45. Books etcetera-momentous events, vivid memories: How unforgettable moments help us understand the meaning of our lives.Daniela Montaldi & Andrew Mayes - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (9):360.
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    I. AnatomicalCorrelatesofSpatia1NeglectfromkightHemisphereDamage Although spatial neglect may occur after both right and left-sided.Daniela Perani - 1987 - In Marc Jeannerod (ed.), Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect. Elsevier Science. pp. 235.
  47. Composing Watercolors in the Barracks: Values Development as Affective-Semiotic Generalization.Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer - 2022 - In Deep loyalties: values in military lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  48. Unification with the Military Institution: Analysis of a Singular Trajectory of Values Development.Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer - 2022 - In Deep loyalties: values in military lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  49. Bem-estar, lócus de controle e crença no mundo justo de trabalhadores da saúde.Daniela Sacramento Zanini, Juliana Xavier Santos & Ana Raquel Rosas Torres - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:123-136.
    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o bem-estar dos trabalhadores da saúde de um centro de reabilitação e readaptação, relacionando-o com a crença no mundo justo e com o lócus de controle. Participaram 146 profissionais que responderam a um questionário formado por perguntas sobre dados sócio-demog..
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    The Spirit and the Common Good: Shared Flourishing in the Image of God.Daniela C. Augustine - 2019 - Eerdmans.
    A fresh vision of the common good through pnumatological lenses Daniela C. Augustine, a brilliant emerging scholar, offers a theological ethic for the common good. Augustine develops a public theology from a theological vision of creation as the household of the Triune God, bearing the image of God in a mutual sharing of divine love and justice, and as a sacrament of the divine presence. The Spirit and the Common God expounds upon the application of this vision not only (...)
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