Results for 'Daniel Falkner'

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  1. From Buzz to Burst—Critical Remarks on the Term ‘Life’ and Its Ethical Implications in Synthetic Biology.Michael Funk, Johannes Steizinger, Daniel Falkner & Tobias Eichinger - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (3):173-198.
    In this paper, we examine the use of the term ‘life’ in the debates within and about synthetic biology. We review different positions within these debates, focusing on the historical background, the constructive epistemology of laboratory research and the pros and cons of metaphorical speech. We argue that ‘life’ is used as buzzword, as folk concept, and as theoretical concept in inhomogeneous ways. Extending beyond the review of the significant literature, we also argue that ‘life’ can be understood as aBurstwordin (...)
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    Foucault and Neoliberalism.Daniel Zamora (ed.) - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Michel Foucault's death in 1984 coincided with the fading away of the hopes for social transformation that characterized the postwar period. In the decades following his death, neoliberalism has triumphed and attacks on social rights have become increasingly bold. If Foucault was not a direct witness of these years, his work on neoliberalism is nonetheless prescient: the question of liberalism occupies an important place in his last works. Since his death, Foucault's conceptual apparatus has acquired a central, even dominant position (...)
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  3. Conceptual role semantics.Daniel Whiting - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In the philosophy of language, conceptual role semantics (hereafter CRS) is a theory of what constitutes the meanings possessed by expressions of natural languages, or the propositions expressed by their utterance. In the philosophy of mind, it is a theory of what constitutes the contents of psychological attitudes, such as beliefs or desires. CRS comes in a variety of forms, not always clearly distinguished by commentators. Such versions are known variously as functional/causal/computational role semantics, and more broadly as use-theories of (...)
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    18 Chimpanzee theory of mind? the long road to strong inference.Daniel Povinelli - 1996 - In Peter Carruthers & Peter K. Smith (eds.), Theories of Theories of Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293.
  5. Current approaches to change blindness.Daniel J. Simons - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7:1-15.
  6. Updating beliefs in light of uncertain evidence: Descriptive assessment of Jeffrey's rule.Daniel Osherson & Jiaying Zhao - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (4):288-307.
    Jeffrey (1983) proposed a generalization of conditioning as a means of updating probability distributions when new evidence drives no event to certainty. His rule requires the stability of certain conditional probabilities through time. We tested this assumption (“invariance”) from the psychological point of view. In Experiment 1 participants offered probability estimates for events in Jeffrey’s candlelight example. Two further scenarios were investigated in Experiment 2, one in which invariance seems justified, the other in which it does not. Results were in (...)
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  7. Autobiographical Memory and Moral Agency.Daniel Vanello (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
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  8. Marx’s Attempt to Leave Philosophy.Daniel Brudney - 1998 - Science and Society 66 (2):282-287.
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    The mind club: who thinks, what feels, and why it matters.Daniel M. Wegner & Kurt James Gray - 2016 - New York, New York: Viking Press. Edited by Kurt James Gray.
    From dogs to gods, the science of understanding mysterious minds--including your own. Nothing seems more real than the minds of other people. When you consider what your boss is thinking or whether your spouse is happy, you are admitting them into the "mind club." It's easy to assume other humans can think and feel, but what about a cow, a computer, a corporation? What kinds of mind do they have? Daniel M. Wegner and Kurt Gray are award-winning psychologists who (...)
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  10. Dream Rebound.Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    ��People spent 5 min before sleep at home writing their stream of thought as they suppressed thoughts of a target person, thought of the person, or wrote freely after mentioning the person. These presleep references generally prompted people to report increased dreaming about the person. However, suppression instructions were particularly likely to have this in- fluence, increasing dreaming about the person as measured both by participants’ self-ratings of their dreams and by raters’ coding of mentions of the person in written (...)
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  11. Kinds of Things—Towards a Bestiary of the Manifest Image.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    Consider this chess puzzle. White to checkmate in two. It appeared recently in the Boston Globe, and what startled me about it was that I had thought it had been proven that you can’t checkmate with a lone knight (and a king, of course). This is a counterexample, a strange circumstance that can arise in a legal game of chess. This fact is a higher-order truth of chess, namely that the “proof” that you can never checkmate with a lone knight (...)
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    The Premotor theory of attention: time to move on?Daniel T. Smith & Thomas Schenk - 2012 - Neuropsychologia 50 (6):1104-14.
    Spatial attention and eye-movements are tightly coupled, but the precise nature of this coupling is controversial. The influential but controversial Premotor theory of attention makes four specific predictions about the relationship between motor preparation and spatial attention. Firstly, spatial attention and motor preparation use the same neural substrates. Secondly, spatial attention is functionally equivalent to planning goal directed actions such as eye-movements (i.e. planning an action is both necessary and sufficient for a shift of spatial attention). Thirdly, planning a goal (...)
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  13. Particular and general: Wittgenstein, linguistic rules, and context.Daniel Whiting - 2009 - In The later Wittgenstein on language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Wittgenstein famously remarks that ‘the meaning of a word is its use’ (PI §43). Whether or not one views this as gesturing at a ‘theory’ of meaning, or instead as aiming primarily at dissuading us from certain misconceptions of language that are a source of puzzlement, it is clear that Wittgenstein held that for certain purposes the meaning of an expression could profitably be characterised as its use. Throughout his later writings, however, Wittgenstein’s appeal to the notion of use pulls (...)
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  14. Darwin without Malthus: The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought.Daniel P. Todes & Alexander Vucinich - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (3):523-527.
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  15. Captology Notebook.Daniel Berdichevsky, Bj Fogg, Ramit Sethi & Manu Kumar - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    On the possibilities of detecting intentions prior to understanding them.Daniel J. Povinelli - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 225--248.
  17. A Trans-Generational Difference Principle.Daniel Attas - 2009 - In Axel Gosseries & Lukas H. Meyer (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press. pp. 189.
    Can Rawls’s theory provide a framework for assessing obligations to future generations? Extending the veil of ignorance so that participants in the original position do not know to which generation they belong appears to fail in this endeavour. Earlier generations cannot improve their situation by “cooperating” with later generations. Such circumstances, lacking mutuality, leave no room for an agreement or contract. Nevertheless, the original position can be reconstructed so as to model relations of mutuality between generations even if these are (...)
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  18. The Frustration of Science.Daniel Hall, J. G. Crowther, J. D. Bernal, P. M. S. Blackett, Enid Charles & P. A. Gorer - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (2):241-242.
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    Strategies of Peace.Daniel Philpott & Gerard Powers - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    How can a just peace be built in sites of genocide, massive civil war, dictatorship, terrorism, and poverty? In Strategies of Peace, the first volume in the Studies in Strategic Peacebuilding series, fifteen leading scholars propose an imaginative and provocative approach to peacebuilding. Today the dominant thinking is the "liberal peace," which stresses cease fires, elections, and short run peace operations carried out by international institutions, western states, and local political elites. But the liberal peace is not enough, the authors (...)
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  20. Plato's Protagoras: the authority of beginning an education.Daniel Price - 2017 - In Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Discussion paper on the work of Frédéric De Buzon and John Schuster presented at the sixth annual Séminaire Descartes, Paris, May 23, 2015.Daniel Garber - 2015 - .
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  22. The active role of partial knowledge in cross-situational word learning.Daniel Yurovsky, Damian Fricker, Chen Yu & Linda B. Smith - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  23. Aristotle against (unqualified) self-motion: Physics VII 1 α241b35-242a49 / β241b25-242a15.Daniel Coren - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    It is well known that Aristotle tries to make room for self-motion – an idea he inherits to some extent from Plato – within his other commitments to causal determinism while at the same time modifying the idea. However, one argument in Physics VII 1 seems to pose a problem for the bare possibility of self-motion; in it he seems to argue that everything that moves must be moved by something else. The text in which this argument appears is itself (...)
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  24. Idolatry and alterity : Israel and the nations in the Apocalypse of Abraham.Daniel C. Harlow - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    Synthetische Notwendigkeit.Daniel von Wachter - 2000 - Metaphysica Sonderheft 1:155-177.
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    What has Necessity to do with Analyticity?Daniel von Wachter - 1999 - In Uwe Meixner & Peter Simons (eds.), Metaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age: Papers of the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 326-330, http://epub.ub.uni-muen.
    This article discusses how the words 'necessary' and 'analytic' are suitably used in philosophy. It is argued that analytic statements should not be called 'necessary'.
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  27. Fertile Ground: Pragmatism, Science, and Logical Positivism.Daniel J. Wilson - 1995 - In Robert Hollinger & David Depew (eds.), Pragmatism: from progressivism to postmodernism. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 122--141.
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  28. Figuras del fracaso en el último Beethoven.Daniel Innerarity Grau - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (54):71-88.
    Forms of failure in later Beethoven.- In the later style of Beethoven can be seen certain modes of expression which could be understood as a criticism of absolute idealism. The way in which the sonata-form breaks up is what best illustrates the failure of hegemonic subjecti-vity.
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  29. Historiography and the limits of (sacred) rhetoric.Daniel M. Gross - 2021 - In Michael Bernard-Donals & Kyle Jensen (eds.), Responding to the sacred: an inquiry into the limits of rhetoric. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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  30. Doing Better Than Weighing Goods.Daniel M. Hausman - 1999 - Journal of Economic Methodology 6 (3):451-56.
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  31. Explanation and diagnosis in economics.Daniel Hausman - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3:311-326.
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    Ni malas ni buenas: Escenarios del encuentro entre infancias y pantallas.Daniel Brailovsky, Susan De Angelis & Gabriel Scaletta Melo - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:25-51.
    Los materiales producidos por entidades ligadas a la salud de las infancias como la OMS, UNICEF o la OPS tienden a enumerar argumentos en contra de las tecnologías, desde los que se desalienta el “uso”, la “exposición” o el “consumo” de pantallas por parte de niñas y niños. Los diseños curriculares para la educación inicial, al contrario, se refieren a las tecnologías como parte de los saberes a enseñar, como oportunidades para la innovación, potenciales recursos para la enseñanza o incluso (...)
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  33. Francis Hutcheson’s Philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment: Reception, Reputation, and Legacy.Daniel Carey - 2015 - In Aaron Garrett & James Anthony Harris (eds.), Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century: Volume I: Moral and Political Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 36-76.
    This chapter presents an account of the life and work of Francis Hutcheson. It charts his career from its beginnings in Dublin to the attempt to cement his place in British intellectual life that was his posthumously published A System of Moral Philosophy. Hutcheson’s ideas were not universally welcomed and acclaimed. Religious conservatives constantly challenged him even after he was elected to the Glasgow chair of moral philosophy. The chapter describes the rationalist critique of Hutcheson’s moral sense theory, the criticism (...)
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    Philosophical legacies essays on the thought of Kant, Hegel, and their contemporaries.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2008 - Catholic University of America Press.
    The essays trace carefully the histories of the influences of earlier thinkers and their legacies upon later thinkers.
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    Origenism in Sixth Century Syria: The case of a Syriac manuscript of pagan philosophy.Daniel King - unknown
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  36. The Perpetual Innovation Economy.Daniel Ashton - 2008 - In Gavin Grindon (ed.), Aesthetics and radical politics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 26.
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  37. La religion des philosophes grecs, de Thalès aux stoïciens.Daniel Babut - 1974 - Paris]: Presses universitaires de France.
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  38. Acerca de la teoria" unitaria" de la afasia de Paul broca; elementos para Una critica de la interpretacion estandar de las ideas de broca sobre la afasia Y la representacion Del lengua-je en el cerebro.Daniel Labonia - 1996 - Manuscrito 19:177.
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    Christ and the world of thought.Daniel Lamont - 1934 - Edinburgh,: T. & T. Clark.
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  40. Ethical aspects of DNA-vaccination.Daniel Bischur & Clemens Sedmak - 2004 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie:63-78.
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  41. An Interview with Charles Taylor on Faith, Philosophy, and Politics.Daniel Blaikie - 2010 - Gnosis 11 (1):1-14.
    This interview was conducted over two sittings, on October 21, 2009 and January 8, 2010 respectively. What appears below is a reproduction of the interview through notes on the first session, and a recording of the second. I would like to thank Professor Taylor for his understanding of the technological problems that occurred during the first sitting, as well as for taking the time to meet twice and review those sections of the interview not transcribed from a recording. I would (...)
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  42. Advancing equity through increased access to residential broadband.Daniel Boden & Roy Kirby - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski (eds.), Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Art and Science of Logic.Daniel A. Bonevac - 1990 - Mountain View, CA, USA: Mayfield.
    This introduction to logic, which aims to reflect recent advances in the field, focuses on natural language, analyzing the structure of arguments conducted in English. The text includes problems with which students can test their skills.
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  44. Midrash and the "magic language": Reading without logocentrism.Daniel Boyarin - 2005 - In Yvonne Sherwood & Kevin Hart (eds.), Derrida and religion: other testaments. New York: Routledge.
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    Intellectual influences upon the reformational philosophy of Dooyeweerd.Daniël Fm Strauss - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (1):151-181.
    On the basis of an initial reference to a number of critical appraisals of H. Dooyeweerd’s philosophy, this article proceeds by provisionally focusing on the image of Franz Xavier Von Baader1 — who was intellectually active during the first part of the nineteenth century — in secondary literature . The main concern, however, is to enter into a more detailed evaluation of the claim made by J.G. Friesen,2 namely that all the basic systematic insights and distinctions found in the philosophy (...)
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    Philosophie et sens commun chez Thomas Reid (1710-1796).Daniel Schulthess - 1983 - Berne: Editions P. Lang.
    Table des Matières: -/- Introduction; -/- Chapitre Premier: La conception de la philosophie chez Thomas Reid; -/- Chapitre 2: Le Rôle épistémologique du sens commun; -/- Chapitre 3: La justification des principes du sens commun; -/- Chapitre 4: La perception sensible; -/- Chapitre 5: La perception sensible (suite); -/- Chapitre 6: Les facultés intellectuelles autres que la perception sensible; -/- Chapitre 7: Les facultés actives; -/- Chapitre 8: Le "common sense" chez Reid et quelques conceptions antérieures de la raison naturelle; (...)
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    Quality and conflicts of communication consulting: Demystifying the concept and current practices based on a study of consultants and clients across Europe.Daniel Ziegele, Sabrina Doberts, Ansgar Zerfass & Dejan Verčič - forthcoming - Communications.
    Major changes in the technological, societal, political, and economic environment have forced organizations across Europe to reshape and expand their strategic communication activities. However, knowledge of the future viability of public relations, employee and consumer communication, public affairs, or investor relations is often scarce. This has led to an increased demand for external consulting in the field. The quality of such intangible services is difficult to assess; this is a challenge for clients and consultants alike, and often results in conflict. (...)
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    Movement as Meaning: In Experimental Film.Daniel Barnett - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book offers sweeping and cogent arguments as to why analytic philosophers should take experimental cinema seriously as a medium for illuminating mechanisms of meaning in language. Using the analogy of the movie projector, Barnett deconstructs all communication acts into functions of interval, repetition and context. He describes how Wittgenstein's concepts of family resemblance and language games provide a dynamic perspective on the analysis of acts of reference. He then develops a hyper-simplified formula of movement as meaning to discuss, with (...)
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  49. Deep calls to deep.Daniel O'Dea Bradley - 2023 - In Brian Treanor & James Taylor (eds.), Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism.Daniel Breazeale, Benjamin D. Crowe, Jeffrey Edwards, Yukio Irie, Tom Rockmore, Christian Tewes, Michael Vater & Günter Zöller - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism contains ten new essays by leading and rising scholars from the United States, Europe, and Asia who explore the historical development and conceptual contours of Kantian and post-Kantian philosophy.
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