Results for 'Daniel Faber'

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  1.  12
    Fighting Vaccination Hesitancy: Improving the Exercise of Responsible Agency.Daniel Miller, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Nadira Faber & Andreas Kappes - 2024 - In Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu, Responsibility and Healthcare. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 271-286.
    Addressing vaccination hesitancy is a major challenge in the fight against infectious disease. Vaccine hesitancy has given rise to recent outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases (e.g., measles) in developed countries. In developed regions, particularly Europe and North America non-structural barriers to vaccination such as risk perceptions and philosophical beliefs seem to play a crucial role in vaccination uptake (Larson et al. 2014), and also contribute to current vaccine hesitancy with regard to COVID-19. To combat these developments, understanding psychological factors in (...)
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    Mining legal arguments in court decisions.Ivan Habernal, Daniel Faber, Nicola Recchia, Sebastian Bretthauer, Iryna Gurevych, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Christoph Burchard - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):1-38.
    Identifying, classifying, and analyzing arguments in legal discourse has been a prominent area of research since the inception of the argument mining field. However, there has been a major discrepancy between the way natural language processing (NLP) researchers model and annotate arguments in court decisions and the way legal experts understand and analyze legal argumentation. While computational approaches typically simplify arguments into generic premises and claims, arguments in legal research usually exhibit a rich typology that is important for gaining insights (...)
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    Moderne jüdische Geschichte.Sonja Miltenberger, Richard Faber, Martha Friedenthal-Haase, Ulrich Steuten, Daniel Weidner, Reinhard Mehring, Joachim H. Knoll, Walter Beltz & Martin Brecht - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 53 (1):82-95.
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    Embodiment of a virtual prosthesis through training using an EMG-based human-machine interface: Case series.Karina Aparecida Rodrigues, João Vitor da Silva Moreira, Daniel José Lins Leal Pinheiro, Rodrigo Lantyer Marques Dantas, Thaís Cardoso Santos, João Luiz Vieira Nepomuceno, Maria Angélica Ratier Jajah Nogueira, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro & Jean Faber - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:870103.
    Therapeutic strategies capable of inducing and enhancing prosthesis embodiment are a key point for better adaptation to and acceptance of prosthetic limbs. In this study, we developed a training protocol using an EMG-based human-machine interface that was applied in the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase of people with amputation. This is a case series with the objective of evaluating the induction and enhancement of the embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. Six men and a woman with unilateral transfemoral traumatic amputation without previous use (...)
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    Causal surgery under a Markov blanket.Daniel Yon & Philip Robert Corlett - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e218.
    Bruineberg et al. provide compelling clarity on the roles Markov blankets could (and perhaps should) play in the study of life and mind. However, here we draw attention to a further role blankets might play: as a hypothesis about cognition itself. People and other animals may use blanket-like representations to model the boundary between themselves and their worlds.
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    Rethinking the Elementary School Learning Space.Daniel Young - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
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    O orfickim języku mitu.Daniel Zarewicz - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:225-240.
    Przekaz legendarnego Orfeusza już przez autorów starożytnych identyfikowany był z niejasną i trudną symboliką. Język ten, pomimo swojej niejasności, był najlepszą drogą do komunikacji pomiędzy bogami a ludźmi. Niniejszy artykuł jest kolejną próbą, na podstawie starożytnych przekazów, współczesnej literatury krytycznej i refleksji autora, opisania orfizmu: starożytnego fenomenu łączącego ze sobą przekaz religijny, filozoficzny, antropologię i teologię. Zjawisko to wciąż nie jest dostatecznie rozumiane, mimo, że odgrywa kluczową rolę w kształtowaniu się mentalności i duchowości współczesnego człowieka. Orfizm jako starożytna via-religia do (...)
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  8. Towards a Phenomenology of Mystical Being.Daniel Zelinski - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:263.
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    Individual psychology, market scaffolding, and behavioral tests.Daniel John Zizzo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):432-433.
    Hertwig and Ortmann (H&O) rightly criticize the usage of deception. However, stationary replication may often have no ecological validity. Many economic experiments are not interactive; when they are, there is not much specifically validating H&O's psychological views on script enactment. Incentives in specific market structures may scaffold even zero rational decision-making, but this says very little about individual psychology.
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    The Schema and Organization of the Cell: An Introduction to Ernst Brücke’s Die Elementarorganismen (1861).Daniel Liu - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (2):281-304.
    Ernst Brücke’s 1861 essay Die Elementarorganismen has often been cited as a watershed in the history of physiology as well as in the history of cell theory. In its time it was widely read as a reform of animal cell theory, shifting the concept of the cell away from Schleiden and Schwann’s original cell schema of a membranous vesicle with a nucleus, and towards the protoplasm theory that had developed in botany, centered on the cell’s living contents. It was also (...)
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  11.  29
    Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in Violent Conflict.Daniel Rothbart & Karina Korostelina (eds.) - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    Identity, Morality, and Threat offers a critical examination of the social psychological processes that generate outgroup devaluation and ingroup glorification as the source of conflict. Daniel Rothbart and Karyna Korostelina bring together essays analyzing the causal relationship between escalating violence and opposing images of the Self and Other.
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    Being-moved: rhetoric as the art of listening.Daniel M. Gross - 2020 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    If rhetoric is the art of speaking, who is listening? In Being-Moved, Daniel M. Gross provides an answer, showing when and where the art of speaking parted ways with the art of listening-and what happens when they intersect once again. Much in the history of rhetoric must be rethought along the way. And much of this rethinking pivots around Martin Heidegger's early lectures on Aristotle's Rhetoric, where his famous topic, Being, gives way to being-moved. The results, Gross goes on (...)
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  13.  76
    Early modern emotion and the economy of scarcity.Daniel M. Gross - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (4):308-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.4 (2001) 308-321 [Access article in PDF] Early Modern Emotion and the Economy of Scarcity 1 - [PDF] Daniel M. Gross Where do we get the idea that emotion is kind of excess, something housed in our nature aching for expression? In part, I argue, from The Passions of the Soul (1649), wherein Descartes proposed the reductive psychophysiology of emotion that informs both romantic expressivism (...)
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    Gallus Anonymus und die Hartvik-Legende über den Erwerb der Alleinherrschaft von Boles aw III. bzw. Koloman dem Buchkundigen.Daniel Bagi - 2009 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 43 (1):453-460.
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    Immanence and the Re-expression of the World.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2010 - Substance 39 (1):38-48.
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  16.  42
    On Subjective Truth.Daniel Barbiero - 1994 - Philosophy Today 38 (4):356-368.
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  17.  7
    Darwin, darwinisme, évolutionnisme.Daniel Becquemont - 1992 - Paris: Kimé.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Introduction Chapitre I. L'Origine des Espèces Chapitre II. Les sciences de la nature avant Darwin Chapitre III. La naissance d'une théorie : découverte et implications Chapitre IV. Progrès et évolution avant l'origine des espèces (...)
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  18.  20
    4. The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights NGOs: Reflections on Dialogues between Practitioners and Theorists.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 84-118.
  19.  35
    Toward Meritocratic Rule in China?: A Response to Professors Dallmayr, Li, and Tan.Daniel A. Bell - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):554-560.
    Let me first thank the critics for their insightful contributions to the debate. I hesitate to call the three professors “critics” since the areas of agreement may outweigh the areas of disagreement. But I should focus on areas of disagreement to further the debate, and that’s what I’ll try to do here. I’ll begin with a few remarks about methodology, then attempt to clarify my own view regarding democracy with “Confucian characteristics,” and my response will conclude with some reflections on (...)
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    Deity and events.Daniel C. Bennett - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (24):815-824.
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  21.  20
    Beyond all reason: the radical assault on truth in American law.Daniel A. Farber - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Suzanna Sherry.
    Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon trained at a medical school that did not evaluate its students? Would you want to fly in a plane designed by people convinced that the laws of physics are socially constructed? Would you want to be tried by a legal system indifferent to the distinction between fact and fiction? These questions may seem absurd, but there are theories being seriously advanced by radical multiculturalists that force us to ask such questions. (...)
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  22.  25
    Prisoner, Sailor, Soldier, Spy: Hobbes on Coercion and Consent.Daniel Luban - 2024 - Journal of the History of Ideas 85 (2):185-208.
    This article examines Thomas Hobbes’s notorious claim that “fear and liberty are consistent” and therefore that agreements coerced by threat of violence are binding. This view is to a surprising extent inherited from Aristotle, but its political implications became especially striking in the wake of the English Civil War, and Hobbes recast his theory in far-reaching ways between his early works and Leviathan to accommodate it. I argue that Hobbes’s account of coercion is both philosophically safe from the most common (...)
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  23. Autonomy, Self-Respect, and Self-Love: Nietzsche on Ethical Agency1.Christa Davis Acampora, Daniel Conway, Robert Guay, Lawrence Hatab & Tracy Strong Still - 2009 - In Ken Gemes & Simon May, Nietzsche on freedom and autonomy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Geoethics in Latin America.Rogelio Daniel Acevedo & Jesús Martínez Frías (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book studies geoethics in Latin America and offers comprehensive research on geoethics and geoeducation. Its respective chapters explore geoethics in relation to UNESCO geoparks, mining activities in Latin America, natural hazards and risk management. Geoethics is a key discipline in the field of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and not only includes scientific, technological, methodological and social-cultural aspects, but also addresses the need to consider appropriate protocols, scientific integrity issues and a code of good practice when studying the abiotic world. (...)
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  25.  25
    Joseph de Maistre on War and Peace: Ritual and Realism.Daniel Rosenberg - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (2).
    The essay analyses the development of Joseph de Maistre’s ideas on war and peace. Commonly seen as advocating militarism and bloodshed, Maistre’s insights and propositions on the nature of war are in fact highly modern and original. As a witness to the European upheaval of 1792-1815, Maistre emphasizes the indeterminacy and unpredictability of modern war, and its irreducibility to a science or a doctrine. In order to regulate and restrain warfare, Maistre argues, it is necessary to cultivate public opinion, an (...)
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  26.  16
    The synthesis: A sociopolitical critique of the liberal professions.Daniel Rossides - 1990 - Social Epistemology 4 (2):229 – 258.
  27. The Two-Faced Angel: Do Phase I Clinical Trials Have a Place in Modern Hospice?Daniel S. Ross - 2006 - Penn Bioethics Journal 2 (2):46.
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  28.  7
    Two Visions of Europe: Nietzsche and Guizot.Daniel Rosenberg - 2020 - In Marco Brusotti, Michael J. McNeal, Corinna Schubert & Herman Siemens, European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche's Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 129-140.
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  29. Conditionals and Probability: A Classical Approach.Daniel Rothschild - manuscript
    Draft of a paper for the Sinn und Bedeutung 14 conference. Explains how to capture the link between conditionals the probability of indicative conditionals and conditional probability using a classical semantics for conditionals. (Note: some introductory material is shared with a twin paper, "Capturing the Relationship Between Conditionals and Conditional Probability with a Trivalent Semantics".).
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  30.  77
    Extending Popper's epistemology to the lab.Daniel Rothbart - 1998 - Dialectica 52 (3):247–254.
    Although Popper rarely examined the “life of the laboratory” , some of his epistemic doctrines reveal important themes about knowledge‐acquisition in the laboratory sciences. In particular, when modern instruments are needed for exploring the subatomic realm, empirical evidence is dispositional in a Popperian sense. Evidence is defined conditionally with respect to a complex system of technological apparatus and theoretical judgments.After summarizing certain elements of Popper's epistemology , the character of observation in the laboratory sciences is explored . A conception of (...)
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  31. Grice, utterance choice, and rationality.Daniel Rothschild - manuscript
    This paper is about pragmatic explanations of certain linguistic phenomenon based on Grice’s theory of conversational implicature. According to Grice’s theory, audiences draw inferences about what the speaker is trying to convey based on the idea that the speaker is following certain maxims governing conversation. Such explanations of the inferences audiences make about the speaker play a central role in many parts of philosophy of language and linguistics.
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  32.  28
    Moral Injury and the Lived Experience of Political Violence.Daniel Rothenberg - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (1):15-25.
    Moral injury names how the lived experience of armed conflict can damage an individual's ethical foundations, often with serious consequences. While the term has gained increasing acceptance for the clinical treatment of veterans and as a means of better understanding the impact of war, it is generally applied to individualized trauma. As part of the roundtable, “Moral Injury, Trauma, and War,” this essay argues that moral injury is also a useful means of addressing political violence at a societal level. It (...)
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  33.  10
    Luminous Essence: Body Talks to Body.Daniel Santos - 1994 - Sante Fe, N.M.: Luminous Press (NY).
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  34.  22
    Lotze's System of Philosophy.Daniel S. Robinson - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (1):130-131.
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  35.  41
    Perceptual and decisional contributions to audiovisual interactions in the perception of apparent motion: A signal detection study.Daniel Sanabria, Charles Spence & Salvador Soto-Faraco - 2007 - Cognition 102 (2):299-310.
  36.  38
    Quine E a teoria deflacionária da verdade.Daniel Ramos dos Santos - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (7):1-9.
    Resumo : O objetivo deste artigo será o de tentar verificar qual a relação de Willard Van Orman Quine com a teoria deflacionária da verdade. Para tanto, começaremos com o exame dos portadores de verdade, com a intenção de saber a opinião de Quine sobre qual, dentre outros, seria o verdadeiro portador ou veículo da verdade, ou seja, saber, segundo Quine, de que dizemos ser verdadeiro ou falso. Reduziremos nosso exame às sentenças e proposições, e uma vez identificado o portador (...)
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  37. A Daoist critique of the Huaxia civilization project.Daniel Sarafinas - 2020 - In Hans-Georg Moeller & Andrew K. Whitehead, Critique, subversion, and Chinese philosophy: socio-political, conceptual, and methodological challenges. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Recognition, Disrespect, and the Rearticulation of Chinese National Identity.Daniel Sarafinas - 2021 - Kritike 15 (3):155-178.
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  39.  9
    Technology and Power.Daniel Sarewitz - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 308–310.
  40. How is nature possible?: Kant's project in the First critique.Daniel N. Robinson - 2012 - New York, NY: Continuum.
    How is Nature Possible?: Kant's Project in the First Critique presents a clear and systematic appraisal of what is perhaps the most difficult treatise in the philosophical canon. Daniel N. Robinson situates Kant's undertaking in the First Critique within the context of the history of philosophy and as a response to the challenges of scepticism. Kant's central task in the First Critique is to tie his metaphysical analysis to the very possibility of nature itself. Where others assumed the validity (...)
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    Anticholinergic drugs and open-field behavior in chickens.Daniel D. Moriarty, Kim A. Roberts, John L. Allen & Charles W. Hennig - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):559-562.
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    Cambridge History of Science, vol. 1, Ancient Science. Edited by Alexander Jones and Liba Taub.Daniel Patrick Morgan - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2).
    The Cambridge History of Science, vol. 1, Ancient Science. Edited by Alexander Jones and Liba Taub. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. xix + 642. $160.
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  43. Diderot.Daniel Mornet - 1966 - Paris,: Hatier.
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  44.  32
    Der Rhythmus der Großstadt um 1900.Daniel Morat - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (1):29-38.
    Im Großstadtdiskurs um 1900 spielte die Frage, ob das sensorische Regime der urbanen Moderne lediglich alte Lebensrhythmen auflösten oder auch neue hervorbrachte, eine zentrale Rolle. Der Essay verfolgt zwei unterschiedliche Antworten auf diese Frage einerseits in der Kultursoziologie Georg Simmels und andererseits in der Geräuschkunst des italienischen Futurismus und stellt sie einander gegenüber.
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  45.  40
    Grammatical Morphemes and Conceptual Structure in Discourse Processing.Daniel G. Morrow - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (4):423-455.
    The present paper analyzes how the semantic and pragmatic functions of closed class categories, or grammatical morphemes (i.e., inflections and function words), organize discourse processing. Grammatical morphemes tend to express a small set of conceptual distinctions that organize a wide range of objects and relations, usually expressed by content or open class words (i.e., nouns and verbs), into situations anchored to a discourse context. Therefore, grammatical morphemes and content words cooperate in guiding the construction of a situation model during discourse (...)
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  46.  4
    Introduction à l'étude des écrivains français d'aujourd'hui.Daniel Mornet - 1939 - FeniXX.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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  47. I: The meaning of the first person term – by Robert Maximilian de gaynesford.Daniel Morgan - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (4):583–587.
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  48.  29
    L’intelligence : « dans » ou « devant » le monde?Daniel Moreau - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (3):577-596.
    Present from the start in Western thought, interrogations concerning the nature and potentialities of the human intellect in its relation to the world are still very rich today. Vladimir Jankélévitch, inspired by Bergson, offers a critical diagnosis of the intellect, even while expanding on the notion of intuition. We compare that analysis to Aristotle’s, especially in the De Anima, as reread by contemporary thinkers, hoping to draw from it whatever might shed light on our present-day debates.
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    L'Idee de Preciosite en France au XVIIe Siecle.Daniel Mornet - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):225.
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    La nouvelle Héloïse de J.-J. Rousseau: étude et analyse.Daniel Mornet - 1929 - Mellottée.
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