Results for 'Dan McNeill'

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  1. M raw.An Invisible Performative Argument, Geoffrey Leech, Robert T. Harms, Richard E. Palmer, Arnolds Grava, Tadeusz Batog, J. Kurylowicz, Dan I. Slobin, David McNeill & R. A. Close - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9:294.
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  2. Editorial introduction/Shaun Gallagher First-person thoughts and embodied self-awareness: Some re-flections on the relation between recent analytical philosophy and phenomenology/Dan Zahavi Philosophy and the 'anteriority complex'/Alan Murray.David McNeill - 2002 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1:427-429.
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    Sensus Fidei Umat Katolik di Keuskupan Agung Jakarta terhadap Isu Homoseksualitas pada Tahun 2022.Albertus Adiwenanto - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):197-233.
    Homosexuality is not easily accepted in the Catholic Church. There are at least three major schools concerning the attitude towards homosexuality based on their respective theological methodologies (scientia fidei). The first school is encapsulated in the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1986), which rejects homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. The second school is put forward by John J. McNeill (1993), a moralist who embraces homosexual persons and same-sex sexual (...)
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  4. Diagram: The good life and related concepts.Dan Haybron - manuscript
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    Judean Auxiliaries in Egypt's Wars against Kush.Dan'el Kahn - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (4):507-516.
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    Public moral discourse.Dan W. Brock - 1995 - In Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.), Society's choices: social and ethical decision making in biomedicine. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. pp. 215--240.
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  7. (1 other version)Intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties.Dan Marshall & Brian Weatherson - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    We have some of our properties purely in virtue of the way we are. (Our mass is an example.) We have other properties in virtue of the way we interact with the world. (Our weight is an example.) The former are the intrinsic properties, the latter are the extrinsic properties. This seems to be an intuitive enough distinction to grasp, and hence the intuitive distinction has made its way into many discussions in philosophy, including discussions in ethics, philosophy of mind, (...)
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    Drawing from the insights of biology, sustainable healthcare systems should prioritise robustness over optimisation.Dan Lecocq - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12510.
    The concept of performance has gradually become established in health policies. Presented as necessary and positive, it is often reduced to efficiency, which results in policies and management styles aimed at optimisation. While they are supposed to guarantee the sustainability of our healthcare systems, these practices have made them fragile. Insights from the life sciences help us understand why. Indeed, biologists observe that living beings do not prioritise optimisation but robustness. To cope with fluctuations, a robust organisation operates with redundancies, (...)
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    Children use canonical sentence schemas: A crosslinguistic study of word order and inflections.Dan I. Slobin & Thomas G. Bever - 1982 - Cognition 12 (3):229-265.
  10. Ningen no jiyū to hokori to.Tokusaburō Dan (ed.) - 1951
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    Rawls on religion in public debate.Dariusz Dańkowski - 2013 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM.
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    Narrative identity.Dan P. McAdams - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles (eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 99--115.
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    Microcognition.Dan Lloyd & Andy Clark - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):706.
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    Language and thought online: Cognitive consequences of linguistic relativity.Dan I. Slobin - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow (eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 157--192.
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    Modularity and relevance: How can a massively modular mind be flexible and context-sensitive.Dan Sperber - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 53.
    The claim that the human cognitive system tends to allocate resources to the processing of available inputs according to their expected relevance is at the basis of relevance theory. The main thesis of this chapter is that this allocation can be achieved without computing expected relevance. When an input meets the input condition of a given modular procedure, it gives this procedure some initial level of activation. Input-activated procedures are in competition for the energy resources that would allow them to (...)
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    Simplified Gap-2 morasses.Dan Velleman - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (2):171-208.
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    (1 other version)Within the heart’s darkness: The role of emotions in Arendt’s political thought.Dan Degerman - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (2):147488511664785.
    Interest in the political relevance of the emotions is growing rapidly. In light of this, Hannah Arendt’s claim that the emotions are apolitical has come under renewed fire. But many critics have misunderstood her views on the relationship between individuals, emotions and the political. This paper addresses this issue by reconstructing the conceptual framework through which Arendt understands the emotions. Arendt often describes the heart – where the emotions reside – as a place of darkness. I begin by tracing this (...)
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    Does interaction matter? Testing whether a confidence heuristic can replace interaction in collective decision-making.Dan Bang, Riccardo Fusaroli, Kristian Tylén, Karsten Olsen, Peter Latham, Jennifer Lau, Andreas Roepstorff, Geraint Rees, Chris Frith & Bahador Bahrami - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:13-23.
    In a range of contexts, individuals arrive at collective decisions by sharing confidence in their judgements. This tendency to evaluate the reliability of information by the confidence with which it is expressed has been termed the ‘confidence heuristic’. We tested two ways of implementing the confidence heuristic in the context of a collective perceptual decision-making task: either directly, by opting for the judgement made with higher confidence, or indirectly, by opting for the faster judgement, exploiting an inverse correlation between confidence (...)
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    Philosophy, Black Film, Film Noir.Dan Flory - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the past two decades, African American filmmakers like Spike Lee have made significant contributions to the dialogue about race in the United States by adapting techniques from classic _film noir _to black American cinema. This book is the first to examine these artistic innovations in detail from a philosophical perspective informed by both cognitive film theory and critical race theory. Dan Flory explores the techniques and themes that are used in black _film noir _to orchestrate the audience’s emotions of (...)
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    Contextualism and Disagreement about Taste.Dan Zeman - 2016 - In Cécile Meier & Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink (eds.), Subjective Meaning: Alternatives to Relativism. de Gruyter Mouton. pp. 91-104.
    In this paper I investigate a certain contextualist answer to the problem raised for the view by the phenomenon of faultless disagreement: namely, that it cannot account for disagreement in ordinary exchanges involving predicates of personal taste. I argue that the answer investigated either misses the target, ignoring the relevant cases which the relativist challenge is based or that it has to appeal to semantic blindness, a move that has certain costs. In addition, I argue that the same holds for (...)
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    Normal and Abnormal Anxiety in the Age of DSM-5 and ICD-11.Dan J. Stein & Randolph M. Nesse - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):223-229.
    Despite the effort on DSM-5 and ICD-11, few appear satisfied with these classification systems. We suggest that the core reason for dissatisfaction is expecting too much from them; they do not provide discrete categories that map to specific causes of disease, they describe clinical syndromes intended to guide treatment choices. Here we review work on anxiety and anxiety disorders to argue that while clinicians draw a pragmatic distinction between normal and abnormal emotions based on considerations such as severity and duration, (...)
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    Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture?Karl Sirotkin & Dan Sirotkin - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):2000091.
    Despite claims from prominent scientists that SARS‐CoV‐2 indubitably emerged naturally, the etiology of this novel coronavirus remains a pressing and open question: Without knowing the true nature of a disease, it is impossible for clinicians to appropriately shape their care, for policy‐makers to correctly gauge the nature and extent of the threat, and for the public to appropriately modify their behavior. Unless the intermediate host necessary for completing a natural zoonotic jump is identified, the dual‐use gain‐of‐function research practice of viral (...)
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    Literal Bases for Metaphor and Simile.Dan Chiappe & John Kennedy - 2001 - Metaphor and Symbol 16 (3):249-276.
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  24. Etika dan peradaban dalam masyarakat kepelbagaian.Ateerah Abdul Razak dan Asmaʼ Lailee Mohd Noor - 2021 - In Ateerah Abdul Razak, Nur Azuki Yusuff & Zaleha Embong (eds.), Penghayatan etika & peradaban. Bachok, Kelantan: Penerbit UMK.
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    Nāgārjuna's “Middle Way”: A non-eliminative understanding of selflessness.Dan Arnold - 2010 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 253 (3):367-395.
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  26. On Mushroom Individuality.Dan Molter - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1117-1127.
    This paper is an application of the principles of individuality found in Guay and Pradeu to illuminate biological individuality in mushrooms. I begin with the distinction between logico-cognitive individuals and ontological individuals, and then I argue for genidentity plus material continuity, as a minimum conception of ontological individuality in biology. Of the many materially-continuous genidenticals found in fungi, only those with functional roles in biological theory, either evolutionary or physiological, warrant consideration. Given numerous ways that theory picks out materially-continuous genidenticals (...)
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    Excellence in Canada: Healthy Organizations? Achieve Results by Acting Responsibly.Dan Corbett - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (2):125-133.
    There is much public focus in North America today on issues of corporate governance and ethics due mainly to the malpractice of several high profile corporate leaders and the negative impact of this on their corporation's stakeholders, employees and communities. This has caused a crisis of trust in the public and lead to much discussion on ways to prevent such unethical behavior by adopting new approaches through legislation and the structure of corporations. This article is not about introducing a new (...)
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    A generalization of the Second Incompleteness Theorem and some exceptions to it.Dan E. Willard - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (3):472-496.
    This paper will introduce the notion of a naming convention and use this paradigm to both develop a new version of the Second Incompleteness Theorem and to describe when an axiom system can partially evade the Second Incompleteness Theorem.
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    Le sens des Révolutions européennes de l'est de l'Europe en tant que conséquences directes des Révolutions françaises de 1789–1848.Dan A. Lazaresco - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):143-156.
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    One Person at a Time: Citizen Advocacy for People with Disabilities, by Adam Hildebrand.Dan Leroy - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (1):182-184.
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    Ignoring Complexity: Epistemic Wagers and Knowledge Practices among Synthetic Biologists.Talia Dan-Cohen - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (5):899-921.
    This paper links two domains of recent interest in science and technology studies, complexity and ignorance, in the context of knowledge practices observed among synthetic biologists. Synthetic biologists are recruiting concepts and methods from computer science and electrical engineering in order to design and construct novel organisms in the lab. Their field has taken shape amidst revised assessments of life’s complexity in the aftermath of the Human Genome Project. While this complexity is commonly taken to be an immanent property of (...)
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    The Ørsted-Ritter partnership and the birth of Romantic natural philosophy.Dan Ch Christensen - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):153-185.
    Summary Kant's critique of corpuscular theory created a tabula rasa situation in natural philosophy and opened up a vast new field of research, particularly related to the study of heat, light, electricity and magnetism. ?rsted introduced Kantian epistemology in Scandinavia and made friends with J. W. Ritter, an outstanding experimenter who was the first to make dynamical philosophy productive. The ?rsted?Ritter partnership aimed at the construction of a cosmology based on dynamical philosophy as well as galvanic interpretations of the Lichtenberg (...)
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    Rencontres au sommet : vers une sphère publique internationale? Les sommets Reagan-Gorbatchev.Dan Hallin & Paolo Mancini - 1994 - Hermes 13:185.
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  34. When time is out of joint: schizophrenia and functional neuroimaging.Dan Lloyd - 2009 - In Matthew Broome & Lisa Bortolotti (eds.), Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Meaning in Culture.Dan Rashid & F. Allan Hanson - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (105):384.
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  36. A Presumption of the Moral Equality of Combatants: a Citizen Soldier' Perspective.Dan Zupan - 2008 - In David Rodin & Henry Shue (eds.), Just and Unjust Warriors: The Moral and Legal Status of Soldiers. Oxford University Press. pp. 214--225.
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    Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry: The Diamond Healing.Dan Martin & Terry Clifford - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (2):388.
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    The Idea of the Rationality of the World in the European Cultural Horizon.Dan Chitoiu - 2010 - Cultura 7 (1):241-257.
    This article suggests an evaluation of the way by which European Culture understands the idea of rationality of the world. We pursue the consequences of the fact that in this cultural tradition the world is seen as a rational and unitary reality, which exists for the human dialogue as a condition for man’s spiritual growth. We also point out the implications of the affirmation according to which the rationality of the world has multiple virtualities, but its malleability and contingence are (...)
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  39. Similarity, Relevance, and the Comparison Process.Dan L. Chiappe - 1998 - Metaphor and Symbol 13 (1):17-30.
    According to Goodman (1972), two things are similar only if they possess relevant common properties. The relevance of properties, however, can vary with the context and with the goals of the person making the comparison. As a result, similarity is a highly unstable relation, and therefore difficult to use as a base from which to explain other processes, such as analogy, induction, categorization, and metaphor. A recent attempt by Gentner and her colleagues to explain the operations of the comparison process (...)
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    Spying on Scientific Instruments. The Career of Jesper Bidstrup.Dan Ch Christensen - 1993 - Centaurus 36 (2):209-244.
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    The matrix ate my baby. (Educational futures: Rethinking theory and practice. Volume 15.) - by Gibbons, a.Dan Cloney - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (5):597-598.
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    Some remarks on a research project of the centre D'Etudes des solidarites sociales (CESOL) integration: A challenge for business.Dan Bechmann - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):65-66.
    (1994). Some remarks on a research project of the centre D'Etudes des solidarites sociales (CESOL) integration: A challenge for business. World Futures: Vol. 41, No. 1-3, pp. 65-66.
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    Nae Ionescu: filosoful playboy și povestea lui halucinantă: mituri urbane și docu-drame însoțite de consemnări din presă.Dan-Silviu Boerescu (ed.) - 2018 - [București]: Integral.
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    A model design proposal of a supportive web site for women experiencing IPV.Dan Bouhnik - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):116-139.
    – This paper attempts to recognize the informational needs of women who suffer from intimate partner violence (IPV). It then presents a model of a web site that may answer to these needs., – First, the paper defines the phases women suffering from IPV go through. This is done by surveying the literature that describes the stages these women experience. In order to clarify the proposed model, the paper then describe our own set of phases based on the above literature. (...)
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    Elusive but everywhere.Gunnar Babcock & McShea Dan - 2024 - Aeon 2024.
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    The philosophy of psychopathy.Dan J. Stein - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (4):569-580.
  47. Not All Phrases Are Equally Attractive: Experimental Evidence for Selective Agreement Attraction Effects.Dan Parker & Adam An - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Social anxiety disorder and the psychobiology of self-consciousness.Dan J. Stein - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  49. Philosophy of psychopharmacology.Dan J. Stein - 1998 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (2):200-211.
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    Beyond Coercion: Moral Assessment in the Labour Market.Dan Munter & Lars Lindblom - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):59-70.
    Some libertarians argue that informed consent alone makes transactions in the labour market morally justified. In contrast, some of their critics claim that such an act of consent is no guarantee against coercion. To know whether agreements are voluntary, we need to assess the quality of the offers or the prevailing background conditions. ISCT theorists argue that it is imperative to take social norms into account when evaluating the labour market. We present a novel framework for moral assessment in the (...)
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