Results for 'Dan Gao'

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  1. Measurement Invariance of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 Across Gender in a Sample of Chinese University Students.Shan Lu, Shuqing Hu, Yuhuan Guan, Jing Xiao, Dan Cai, Zhihua Gao, Zhiqin Sang, Jie Wei, Xiaochi Zhang & Jürgen Margraf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The transgressive rhetoric of standup comedy in China.Gengsong Gao & Dan Chen - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (1):1-17.
    ABSTRACT Public discourse under authoritarian rule is not monolithic. Yet how popular rhetoric engages with the hegemonic rhetoric in the same discursive space remains understudied. This article examines the rhetoric of a standup comedy show in China, streamed online and widely popular among Chinese millennials, to understand how alternative views on social issues can coexist with the hegemonic rhetoric. Using critical discourse analysis, it argues that some standup comedy performances transgress the hegemonic rhetoric of 'positive energy' without outright subversion. Comedians (...)
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    Secret of the Masters: Young Chess Players Show Advanced Visual Perspective Taking.Qiyang Gao, Wei Chen, Zhenlin Wang & Dan Lin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Extended-State-Observer-Based Collision-Free Guidance Law for Target Tracking of Autonomous Surface Vehicles with Unknown Target Dynamics.Shengnan Gao, Zhouhua Peng, Dan Wang & Lu Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    This paper is concerned with the target tracking problem of an autonomous surface vehicle in the presence of a maneuvering target. The velocity information of target is totally unknown to the follower vehicle, and only the relative distance and angle between the target and follower are obtained. First, a reduced-order extended state observer is used to estimate the unknown relative dynamics due to the unavailable velocity of the target. Based on the reduced-order extended state observer, an antidisturbance guidance law for (...)
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    Ontology Construction and Evaluation for Chinese Traditional Culture: Towards Digital Humanity.Dan Gao, Lin He & Zhangchao Li - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (1):22-39.
    Against the background that the top-level semantic framework of Chinese traditional culture is not comprehensive and unified, this study aims to preserve and disseminate cultural heritage information about Chinese traditional culture through the development of a domain ontology which is constructed from ancient books. A combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches was used to construct the ontology for Chinese traditional culture. An investigation of historians’ needs, and LDA topic clustering model were conducted, understanding the specific needs of historians, collecting the (...)
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    Autour de Gao Xingjian: éthique et esthétique pour aujourd'hui: colloque international de Marseille, 6 décembre 2003.Xingjian Gao (ed.) - 2003 - Gémenos, France: Diffusion Vilo.
    Personnage central de la littérature mondiale, prix Nobel 2000, Gao Xingjian est également peintre, dramaturge, chorégraphe, cinéaste et photographe. En quête de l'art total, tel Leonardo, il développe avec une infinie rigueur la théorie de l'engagement du créateur dans le réel au delà de toute ingérence politique. Avec quelques-unes des grandes figures de la culture internationale il engage le débat sur l'éthique et l'esthétique au cours d'un mémorable colloque organisé à Marseille dans le cadre surréel d'une incroyable Année Gao. Tous (...)
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    Space distribution of EEG responses to hanoi-moving visual and auditory stimulation with Fourier Independent Component Analysis.Shijun Li, Yi Wang, Guangyu Bin, Xiaoshan Huang, Dan Zhang, Gang Liu, Yanwei Lv, Xiaorong Gao, Shangkai Gao & Lin Ma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  8. Public Stem Cell Banks: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy.Ruth R. Faden, Liza Dawson, Alison S. Bateman-House, Dawn Mueller Agnew, Hilary Bok, Dan W. Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'Brien, David H. Sachs, Kathryn E. Schill, Andrew Siegel, Davor Solter, Sonia M. Suter, Catherine M. Verfaillie, LeRoy B. Walters & John D. Gearhart - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
    If stem cell-based therapies are developed, we will likely confront a difficult problem of justice: for biological reasons alone, the new therapies might benefit only a limited range of patients. In fact, they might benefit primarily white Americans, thereby exacerbating long-standing differences in health and health care.
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    Jiao yu zhe xue lun gao: ji nian Yu Jiaju jiao shou 110 sui ming dan = Jiaoyu zhexue lungao.Jiaju Yu - 2008 - Wuhan Shi: Hua zhong shi fan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Zixia Yu.
  10.  15
    La vuelta de José Gaos a la Facultad de la Moncloa.Agustín Serrano de Haro - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (1):239-244.
    La reciente publicación de _Escritos Españoles _ de José Gaos constituye una noticia extraordinaria para el conocimiento de la filosofía española en su década más fecunda, también la más dramática. La magnitud de los textos inéditos que este tomo primero de las _Obras Completas _recoge es particularmente significativa para la Facultad de Filosofía de la “Universidad Central”, en la que el catedrático de “Introducción a la filosofía” impartió los cursos que solo ahora se dan a conocer y homenajeó a Ortega (...)
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  11. Self and Other: Exploring Subjectivity, Empathy, and Shame.Dan Zahavi - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Dan Zahavi engages with classical phenomenology, philosophy of mind, and a range of empirical disciplines to explore the nature of selfhood. He argues that the most fundamental level of selfhood is not socially constructed or dependent upon others, but accepts that certain dimensions of the self and types of self-experience are other-mediated.
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    Drawing from the insights of biology, sustainable healthcare systems should prioritise robustness over optimisation.Dan Lecocq - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12510.
    The concept of performance has gradually become established in health policies. Presented as necessary and positive, it is often reduced to efficiency, which results in policies and management styles aimed at optimisation. While they are supposed to guarantee the sustainability of our healthcare systems, these practices have made them fragile. Insights from the life sciences help us understand why. Indeed, biologists observe that living beings do not prioritise optimisation but robustness. To cope with fluctuations, a robust organisation operates with redundancies, (...)
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  13. Wealth, Disability, and Happiness.Dan Moller - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 39 (2):177-206.
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    Epistemic logic: All knowledge is based on our experience, and epistemic logic is the cognitive representation of our experiential confrontation in reality.Dan Nesher - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):153-179.
    Epistemic Logic is our basic universal science, the method of our cognitive confrontation in reality to prove the truth of our basic cognitions and theories. Hence, by proving their true representation of reality we can self-control ourselves in it, and thus refuting the Berkeleyian solipsism and Kantian a priorism. The conception of epistemic logic is that only by proving our true representation of reality we achieve our knowledge of it, and thus we can prove our cognitions to be either true (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties.Dan Marshall & Brian Weatherson - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    We have some of our properties purely in virtue of the way we are. (Our mass is an example.) We have other properties in virtue of the way we interact with the world. (Our weight is an example.) The former are the intrinsic properties, the latter are the extrinsic properties. This seems to be an intuitive enough distinction to grasp, and hence the intuitive distinction has made its way into many discussions in philosophy, including discussions in ethics, philosophy of mind, (...)
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    Defending Immanent Critique.Dan Sabia - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):684-711.
    This article develops, illustrates, and defends a conception of immanent critique. Immanent critique is construed as a form of hermeneutical practice and second-order political and normative criticism. The common charge that immanent critique is a form of philosophical conventionalism necessarily committed to value relativism and to the rejection of transcultural and cosmopolitan norms is denied. But immanent critique insists that meaningful and potentially efficacious criticism must be connected to relevant criteria and understandings internal to the culture or social order at (...)
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    Negative polarity illusions and the format of hierarchical encodings in memory.Dan Parker & Colin Phillips - 2016 - Cognition 157:321-339.
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  18. Empathy, Embodiment and Interpersonal Understanding: From Lipps to Schutz.Dan Zahavi - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (3):285-306.
    When it comes to understanding the nature of social cognition, we have—according to the standard view—a choice between the simulation theory, the theory-theory or some hybrid between the two. The aim of this paper is to argue that there are, in fact, other options available, and that one such option has been articulated by various thinkers belonging to the phenomenological tradition. More specifically, the paper will contrast Lipps' account of empathy—an account that has recently undergone something of a revival in (...)
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  19. Brain, Mind, World: Predictive Coding, Neo-Kantianism, and Transcendental Idealism.Dan Zahavi - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (1):47-61.
    Recently, a number of neuroscientists and philosophers have taken the so-called predictive coding approach to support a form of radical neuro-representationalism, according to which the content of our conscious experiences is a neural construct, a brain-generated simulation. There is remarkable similarity between this account and ideas found in and developed by German neo-Kantians in the mid-nineteenth century. Some of the neo-Kantians eventually came to have doubts about the cogency and internal consistency of the representationalist framework they were operating within. In (...)
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  20. Moral Reputation: An Evolutionary and Cognitive Perspective.Dan Sperber & Nicolas Baumard - 2012 - Mind and Language 27 (5):495-518.
    From an evolutionary point of view, the function of moral behaviour may be to secure a good reputation as a co-operator. The best way to do so may be to obey genuine moral motivations. Still, one's moral reputation maybe something too important to be entrusted just to one's moral sense. A robust concern for one's reputation is likely to have evolved too. Here we explore some of the complex relationships between morality and reputation both from an evolutionary and a cognitive (...)
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    Governing Least: A New England Libertarianism.Dan Moller - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    This book argues that political libertarianism can be grounded in widely shared, everyday moral beliefs--particularly in strictures against shifting our burdens onto others. It also seeks to connect these philosophical arguments with related work in economics, history, and politics for a wide-ranging discussion of political economy.
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    The “Aesthetics of Existence” in the Last Foucault: Art as a Model of Self-Invention.Dan Eugen Ratiu - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (2):51-77.
    This article discusses the “aesthetics of existence” developed by Foucault in the late “ethical” stage of his work, aiming to clarify its complex significance through its relationships with ethics, critique, and, in particular, art as a model of self-invention. The main claims are that aesthetics of existence is a new type of self-formation molded by technologies inspired not only by the ancient ethical self-formation but also by modern art understood as creative self-production; thus, aesthetics of existence is an active form (...)
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    Microcognition.Dan Lloyd & Andy Clark - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):706.
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  24. (1 other version)Précis of Relevance: Communication and Cognition.Dan Sperber & Deirdre Wilson - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):697.
  25. The Varieties of Intrinsicality.Dan Marshall - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (2):237-263.
    Intrinsicality is a central notion in metaphysics that can do important work in many areas of philosophy. It is not widely appreciated, however, that there are in fact a number of different notions of intrinsicality, and that these different notions differ in what work they can do. This paper discusses what these notions are, describes how they are related to each other, and argues that each of them can be analysed in terms of a single notion of intrinsic aboutness that (...)
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  26. Self and Other: The Limits of Narrative Understanding.Dan Zahavi - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 60:179-202.
    If the self—as a popular view has it—is a narrative construction, if it arises out of discursive practices, it is reasonable to assume that the best possible avenue to self-understanding will be provided by those very narratives. If I want to know what it means to be a self, I should look closely at the stories that I and others tell about myself, since these stories constitute who I am. In the following I wish to question this train of thought. (...)
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  27. Metarepresentations in an evolutionary perspective.Dan Sperber - 2000 - In Gloria Origgi & Dan Sperber (eds.), [Book Chapter] (in Press).
    Humans are expert users of metarepresentations. How has this human metarepresentational capacity evolved? In order to contribute to the ongoing debate on this question, the chapter focuses on three more specific issues: i. How do humans metarepresent representations? ii. What came first: language, or metarepresentations? iii. Do humans have more than one metarepresentational ability?
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  28. Beyond Speaker’s Meaning.Dan Sperber & Deirdre Wilson - 2015 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):117-149.
    Our main aim in this paper is to show that constructing an adequate theory of communication involves going beyond Grice’s notion of speaker’s meaning. After considering some of the difficulties raised by Grice’s three-clause definition of speaker’s meaning, we argue that the characterisation of ostensive communication introduced in relevance theory can provide a conceptually unified explanation of a much wider range of communicative acts than Grice was concerned with, including cases of both ‘showing that’ and ‘telling that’, and with both (...)
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    Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind.Dan Lloyd - 1991 - Philosophical Review 100 (2):289.
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  30. Quality of Life Measures in Health Care and Medical Ethics.Dan Brock - 2001 - In John Harris (ed.), Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
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    Modularity and relevance: How can a massively modular mind be flexible and context-sensitive.Dan Sperber - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 53.
    The claim that the human cognitive system tends to allocate resources to the processing of available inputs according to their expected relevance is at the basis of relevance theory. The main thesis of this chapter is that this allocation can be achieved without computing expected relevance. When an input meets the input condition of a given modular procedure, it gives this procedure some initial level of activation. Input-activated procedures are in competition for the energy resources that would allow them to (...)
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    The expressive rationality of inaccurate perceptions.Dan M. Kahan - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e6.
    This commentary uses the dynamic of identity-protective cognition to pose a friendly challenge to Jussim (2012). Like other forms of information processing, this one is too readily characterized as a bias. It is no mistake, however, to view identity-protective cognition as generating inaccurate perceptions. The “bounded rationality” paradigm incorrectly equates rationality with forming accurate beliefs. But so does Jussim's critique.
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  33. Health Care Resource Prioritization and Rationing: Why Is It So Difficult?Dan W. Brock - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (1):125-148.
    Rationing is the allocation of a good under conditions of scarcity, which necessarily implies that some who want and could be benefitted by that good will not receive it. One reflection of our ambivalence towards health care rationing is reflected in our resistance to having it distributed in a market like most other goods—most Americans reject ability to pay as the basis for distributing health care. They do not view health care as just another commodity to be distributed by markets. (...)
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    Effects of responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions.Dan Nie, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):29-41.
    This study focuses on the effects of socially responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions and the moderating effect of supervisor gender on this relationship. With a sample of 212 female employees from eight different industries in Finland, the results indicate that SR-HRM practices promoting equal career opportunities and work–family integration play a significant role in reducing women's turnover intentions. The study adds to the academic discourse of corporate social responsibility by highlighting the impact of the organizational-level (...)
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    Criminalization, Legitimacy, and Welfare.Dan Priel - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):657-676.
    A standard view about criminal law distinguishes between two kinds of offenses, “mala in se” and “mala prohibita.” This view also corresponds to a distinction between two bases for criminalization: certain acts should be criminalized because they are moral wrongs; other acts may be criminalized for the sake of promoting overall welfare. This paper aims to show two things: first, that allowing for criminalization for the sake of promoting welfare renders the category of wrongfulness crimes largely redundant. Second, and more (...)
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    The Leader–Member Exchange Theory in the Chinese Context and the Ethical Challenge of Guanxi.Dan Nie & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):851-861.
    The leader–member relationship has been identified as a key determinant of successful working relationships and business outcomes in China. A high-quality leader–member relationship helps managers and employees to meet the demands they face and gives them the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally and morally. Such relationships form the basis of the overall well-being and success of the organisation. This article contributes to relationally oriented leadership theories and more specifically to the leader–member exchange theory by examining the theory in the context (...)
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    Codes of ethics in the light of fairness and harm.Dan Munter - 2013 - Business Ethics: A European Review 22 (2):174-188.
    Nine codes of ethics from companies in the Swedish financial sector were subjected to a content analysis to determine how they address and treat employees. The codes say a great deal about employee conduct and misconduct but next to nothing about employee rights, their rightful expectations or their value to the firm. The normative analysis – echoing some of the value-based HRM literature – draws on the foundational values of respect, equality, reciprocity and care. The analysis shows that most of (...)
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    The Rationality of Emotions Across Time.Dan Moller - forthcoming - Dialogue:1-18.
    Résumé Les philosophes ont longtemps peiné à expliquer le décalage entre les émotions et leurs objets à travers le temps, comme lorsque nous cessons de pleurer ou de ressentir de la colère malgré la persistance de la cause sous-jacente. Je défends une approche sceptique qui soutient que ces changements émotionnels manquent souvent d’adéquation rationnelle. L’observation clé est que nos émotions doivent périodiquement se réinitialiser pour des raisons purement fonctionnelles qui n’ont rien à voir avec cette adéquation. Je compare ce point (...)
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    Ethical Issues in the Use of Cost Effectiveness Analysis for the Prioritization of Health Care Resources.Dan Brock - 2004 - In Sudhir Anand (ed.), Public Health, Ethics, and Equity. Oxford University Press UK.
  40. Empathy, Embodiment and.Dan Zahavi - unknown
    When it comes to understanding the nature of social cognition, we have— according to the standard view—a choice between the simulation theory, the theory-theory or some hybrid between the two. The aim of this paper is to argue that there are, in fact, other options available, and that one such option has been articulated by various think- ers belonging to the phenomenological tradition. More specifically, the paper will con- trast Lipps’ account of empathy—an account that has recently undergone something of (...)
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  41. Two takes on a one-level account of consciousness.Dan Zahavi - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    My presentation will discuss two one-level accounts of consciousness, a Brentanian and a Husserlian. I will address some of the relevant differences.
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    “What makes a reasoning sound” is the proof of its truth: A reconstruction of Peirce’s semiotics as epistemic logic, and why he did not complete his realistic revolution.Dan Nesher - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (221):29-52.
    Charles S. Peirce attempted to develop his semiotic theory of cognitive signs interpretation, which are originated in our basic perceptual operations that quasi-prove the truth of perceptual judgment representing reality. The essential problem was to explain how, by a cognitive interpretation of the sequence of perceptual signs, we can represent external physical reality and reflectively represent our cognitive mind’s operations of signs. With his phaneroscopy introspection, Peirce shows how, without going outside our cognitions, we can represent external reality. Hence Peirce (...)
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  43. IX*—Loose Talk.Dan Sperber & Deirdre Wilson - 1986 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 86 (1):153-172.
    Dan Sperber, Deirdre Wilson; IX*—Loose Talk, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 86, Issue 1, 1 June 1986, Pages 153–172,
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  44. An Analysis of Intrinsicality.Dan Marshall - 2016 - Noûs 50 (4):704-739.
    The leading account of intrinsicality over the last thirty years has arguably been David Lewis's account in terms of perfect naturalness. Lewis's account, however, has three serious problems: i) it cannot allow necessarily coextensive properties to differ in whether they are intrinsic; ii) it falsely classifies non-qualitative properties like being Obama as non-intrinsic; and iii) it is incompatible with a number of metaphysical theories that posit irreducibly non-categorical properties. I argue that, as a result of these problems, Lewis's account should (...)
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    Cue Combinatorics in Memory Retrieval for Anaphora.Dan Parker - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (3):e12715.
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    (1 other version)Encoding and Accessing Linguistic Representations in a Dynamically Structured Holographic Memory System.Dan Parker & Daniel Lantz - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    This paper presents a computational model that integrates a dynamically structured holographic memory system into the ACT-R cognitive architecture to explain how linguistic representations are encoded and accessed in memory. ACT-R currently serves as the most precise expression of the moment-by-moment working memory retrievals that support sentence comprehension. The ACT-R model of sentence comprehension is able to capture a range of linguistic phenomena, but there are cases where the model makes the wrong predictions, such as the over-prediction of retrieval interference (...)
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    Karl Leonhard Reinhold.Dan Breazeale & John Walsh - 2022 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Intrinsicality and the classification of uninstantiable properties.Dan Marshall - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):731-753.
    It is often held that identity properties like the property of being identical to Paris are intrinsic. It is also often held that, while some logically uninstantiable properties are intrinsic, some logically uninstantiable properties are non-intrinsic. The combination of these views, however, raises a problem, since virtually every existing account of intrinsicality fails to analyse a notion of intrinsicality on which both these views are true. In this paper, I argue that, given the orthodox theory of counterlogicals, there is no (...)
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    Keeping ideology in its place.Dan Moller - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10):2779-2795.
    Most people don’t want their teachers, scientists, or journalists to be too ideological. Calling someone an “ideologue” isn’t a compliment. But what is ideology and why exactly is it a threat? I propose that ideology is fruitfully understood in terms of three ingredients: a basic moral claim, a worldview built on top of that claim, and the attempt to politicize this worldview by injecting it into social institutions. I further argue that the central danger of ideology is that activating these (...)
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    Phenomenology of reflection: Section III, chapter 2, Universal structures of pure consciousness.Dan Zahavi - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti (ed.), Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 177-194.
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