Results for 'Daivd Nimmer'

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  1. A man for all decades.Daivd Nimmer - 2023 - In Herbert Morris & George P. Fletcher, Herbert Morris: UCLA Professor of Law and Philosophy: in commemoration. [Jerusalem, Israel]: Mazo Publishers.
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  2. Reading between the Lies: Plutarch and Chrysippus on the Use of Poetry.Daivd Blank - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:237-264.
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    Two Poems.Daivd Rogers - 1964 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 39 (3):334-334.
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    Is Copyright Property? -- The Debate in Jewish Law.David Nimmer & Neil W. Netanel - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (1):241-274.
    Is copyright a property right? Common law and civil law jurists have debated that issue for over three centuries. It remains at the heart of battles over copyright’s scope and duration today, even if its import lies principally in the rhetorical force of labeling a right as "property," not in any doctrinal consequence flowing directly from that label. In parallel to their common law and civil law counterparts, presentday rabbinic jurists engage in lively debate about whether Jewish law recognizes copyright (...)
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    „[…] warum schläft denn nimmer nur mir in der Brust ein Stachel?” Ernst Wiecherts Prosawerk der 30er Jahre.Anna Gajdis - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    Ernst Wiechert’s prose written in the 1930s is best symbolized by Friedrich Hölderlin’s poem "Abendphantasie", in which the persona describes his loneliness and resignation, describing them as a thorn in his chest. The question of the identification of these feelings with the East Prussian writer is a major problem raised in the article. Wiechert certainly belongs to the group of writers associated with the so called Inner Emigration, and the studies by Herbert Wiesner, Ralf Schnell, Reinhold Grimm and Friedrich Denka (...)
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    Hölderlin's music of poetic self-consciousness.James H. Donelan - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):125-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 125-142 [Access article in PDF] Hölderlin's Poetic Self-consciousness James H. Donelan Nur ihren Gesang sollt' ich vergessen, nur diese Seelentöne sollten nimmer wiederkehren in meinen unaufhörlichen Träumen. I should forget only her song, only these notes of the soul should never return in my unending dreams. Hölderlin, Hyperion I FOR MANY YEARS, Friedrich Hölderlin has occupied a crucial position in both literary and (...)
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  7. Benjamin Britten aan Henry Boys.Donald Mitchell - 2003 - Nexus 37.
    'Het is wreed, weet je, dat muziek zo mooi kan zijn. Ze heeft de schoonheid van de eenzaamheid & van pijn; van kracht & vrijheid. De schoonheid van de teleurstelling & de nimmer verzadigde liefde. De wrede schoonheid van de natuur, en de eeuwigdurende schoonheid van de monotonie.'.
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    Merleau-ponty's bijdrage tot de sociaalfilosofie: Interpretatie en critiek.S. Strasser - 1967 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 29 (3):427 - 470.
    Dem Beispiel Edmund Husserls folgend unternimmt M.-P. einen grosz angelegten Versuch, die Grundlagen der Sozialphilosophie philosophisch zu erhellen. Er verbindet dabei transzendentalphänomenologische, existenzialphilosophische und lebensphilosophische Denkmotive zu einer sehr persönlichen und ursprünglichen Synthese. Im Hinblick auf den schwierigen Charakter und die undurchsichtige Struktur seiner Ausführung wird zunächst eine Interpretation gegeben. M.-P. geht dialektisch vor. Seine These beruht auf seiner ausführlich entwicelten und sorgfältig dokumentierten Philosophie der menschlichen Leiblichkeit (vergi. Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung übers, und eingeführt von RUDOLF BOEHM, Berlin 1966, S. (...)
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