Results for 'D. Schiano'

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  1. Distortions in memory for graphs and maps.B. Tversky & D. Schiano - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):353-353.
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    Promoting Research with Organ Transplant Patients.Sarah R. Lieber, Thomas D. Schiano & Rosamond Rhodes - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (5):1-10.
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    Data feminism.Catherine D'Ignazio - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Lauren F. Klein.
    We have seen through many examples that data science and artificial intelligence can reinforce structural inequalities like sexism and racism. Data is power, and that power is distributed unequally. This book offers a vision for a feminist data science that can challenge power and work towards justice. This book takes a stand against a world that benefits some (including the authors, two white women) at the expense of others. It seeks to provide concrete steps for data scientists seeking to learn (...)
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  4. Conjunctive paraconsistency.Franca D’Agostini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6845-6874.
    This article is a preliminary presentation of conjunctive paraconsistency, the claim that there might be non-explosive true contradictions, but contradictory propositions cannot be considered separately true. In case of true ‘p and not p’, the conjuncts must be held untrue, Simplification fails. The conjunctive approach is dual to non-adjunctive conceptions of inconsistency, informed by the idea that there might be cases in which a proposition is true and its negation is true too, but the conjunction is untrue, Adjunction fails. While (...)
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  5. Vendler’s puzzle about imagination.Justin D’Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12923-12944.
    Vendler’s :161–173, 1979) puzzle about imagination is that the sentences ‘Imagine swimming in that water’ and ‘Imagine yourself swimming in that water’ seem at once semantically different and semantically the same. They seem semantically different, since the first requires you to imagine ’from the inside’, while the second allows you to imagine ’from the outside.’ They seem semantically the same, since despite superficial dissimilarity, there is good reason to think that they are syntactically and lexically identical. This paper sets out (...)
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    Post truth: the new war on truth and how to fight back.Matthew D'Ancona - 2017 - London: Ebury Press.
    Welcome to the Post-Truth era-- a time in which the art of the lie is shaking the very foundations of democracy and the world as we know it. The Brexit vote; Donald Trump's victory; the rejection of climate change science; the vilification of immigrants; all have been based on the power to evoke feelings and not facts. So what does it all mean and how can we champion truth in in a time of lies and 'alternative facts'? In this eye-opening (...)
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  7. Susan Schneider's Proposed Tests for AI Consciousness: Promising but Flawed.D. B. Udell & Eric Schwitzgebel - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):121-144.
    Susan Schneider (2019) has proposed two new tests for consciousness in AI (artificial intelligence) systems, the AI Consciousness Test and the Chip Test. On their face, the two tests seem to have the virtue of proving satisfactory to a wide range of consciousness theorists holding divergent theoretical positions, rather than narrowly relying on the truth of any particular theory of consciousness. Unfortunately, both tests are undermined in having an ‘audience problem’: Those theorists with the kind of architectural worries that motivate (...)
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    Trust within Limits.Jason D’Cruz - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):240-250.
    There have two recent challenges to the orthodoxy that ‘X trusts Y to ø’ is the fundamental notion of trust. Domenicucci and Holton maintain that trust, like love and friendship, is fundamentally two-place. Paul Faulkner argues to the more radical conclusion that the one-place ‘X is trusting’ is explanatorily basic. I argue that ‘X trusts Y in domain D’ is the explanatorily basic notion. I make the case that only by thinking of trust as domain-specific can we make sense of (...)
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    Mechanical Keyboards and Crystal Arrows: Incorporation in Esports.D. Ekdahl - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):30-57.
    Screen-based virtual worlds have been described as fundamentally disembodying. Contrary to this, the aim of this article is to provide a phenomenological analysis of bodily presence in one case of screen-based virtuality. By integrating phenomenology with qualitative research methodologies, I explore esports practitioners’ experiences of bodily presence in League of Legends (LoL). Here, descriptions from real-life esports practitioners are analyzed within the phenomenological framework of ‘incorporation’. My analysis shows that the practitioners’ experience and engage with their virtual world not just (...)
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    Defending Aesthetic Education.Laura D’Olimpio - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (3):263-279.
    In this paper, I offer a defence of aesthetic education in terms of aesthetic experience, claiming that aesthetic experience and art appreciation is a vital component of a flourishing life. Given schools have an important role to play in helping prepare young people for their adult lives, it is crucial they should consider how best to equip students with the means to achieve a flourishing life. It is on these grounds I defend arts education as compulsory across the curriculum. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Non-humans in the Zhuangzi: Animalism and anti-anthropocentrism.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):1-18.
    Some argue that animals and non-human figures in the Zhuangzi help displace the significance of humans. According to others the Zhuangzi suggests a certain time of ‘animalism,’ asking us to be more like various types of fauna and flora that do not share our self-centeredness. In this paper the use of non-human characters in the Zhuangzi will be examined through a survey of traditional Chinese commentary, comparisons with the Lunyu, and placing the use of non-human characters within the larger context (...)
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  12. Prior's puzzle generalized.Justin D'Ambrosio - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (1):196-220.
    Prior’s puzzle is standardly taken to be the puzzle of why, given the assumption that that-clauses denote propositions, substitution of “the proposition that P” for “that P” within the complements of many propositional attitude verbs is invalid. I show that Prior’s puzzle is much more general than is ordinarily supposed. There are two variants on the substitutional form of the puzzle—a quantificational variant and a pronominal variant—and all three forms of the puzzle arise in a wide range of grammatical positions, (...)
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    A historical and political epistemology of microbes.Flavio D'Abramo & Sybille Neumeyer - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):321-330.
    This article traces the historical co-evolution of microbiology, bacteriology, and virology, framed within industrial and agricultural contexts, as well as their role in colonial and national history between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. The epistemology of germ theory, coupled with the economic interests of European colonies, has shaped the understanding of human-microbial relationships in a reductionist way. We explore a brief history of the medical and biological sciences, focusing on microbes and (...)
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  14. Two Notions of Resemblance and the Semantics of 'What it's Like'.Justin D'Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to the resemblance account of 'what it's like' and similar constructions, a sentence such as 'there is something it’s like to have a toothache' means 'there is something having a toothache resembles'. This account has proved controversial in the literature; some writers endorse it, many reject it. We show that this conflict is illusory. Drawing on the semantics of intensional transitive verbs, we show that there are two versions of the resemblance account, depending on whether 'resembles' is construed notionally (...)
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    Reading the Zhuangzi playfully: Stepping back from ‘Ancient Chinese Wisdom’.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2020 - Asian Philosophy 30 (3):214-229.
    Playfulness and humor are often recognized as key components of the Zhuangzi. Despite this, the text itself is rarely read in a playful or humorous manner. It is commonly treated, even in its most...
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  16. Imagination and Revision.Giuseppina D'Oro & Jonas Ahlskog - 2021 - In C. M. van den Akker, The Routledge Companion to History and Theory. Routledge. pp. 215-232.
    In this contribution we explore revisionists and anti-revisionists conceptions of the historical imagination. The focus will be on how these conceptions of the historical imagination determine how one ought to answer the question of whether or not it is in principle possible to know the past in its own terms rather than from the perspective of the present. The contrast that we are seeking to draw is that between a conception of the historical imagination which is revisionist in the sense (...)
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    On a Logico-Algebraic Approach to AGM Belief Contraction Theory.D. Fazio & M. Pra Baldi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):911-938.
    In this paper we investigate AGM belief contraction operators by using the tools of algebraic logic. We generalize the notion of contraction to arbitrary finitary propositional logics, and we show how to switch from a syntactic-based approach to a semantic one. This allows to build a solid bridge between the validity of AGM postulates in a propositional logic and specific algebraic properties of its intended algebraic counterpart. Such a connection deserves particular attention when we deal with maxichoice contractions, as studied (...)
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    A Model of Spontaneous Collapse with Energy Conservation.D. W. Snoke - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-10.
    A model of spontaneous collapse of fermionic degrees of freedom in a quantum field is presented which has the advantages that it explicitly maintains energy conservation and gives results in agreement with an existing numerical method for calculating quantum state evolution, namely the quantum trajectories model.
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    Pub Philosophy.D. Shaw - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (1):7-12.
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    The Problem of Cratylus.D. J. Allan - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):271.
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    Who is Phoenix?Roberto D'Angelo - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):753-754.
    "Some patients find it difficult to be in the present because they are stuck in the past; others, by contrast, struggle to remain connected with the past and are suspended in a so-called present that is effectively atemporal, that is out of time”.1 For psychoanalysts, the most profound and ultimately ethical way that we can help individuals, is by helping them know themselves. This involves discovering how they were shaped by their past and how their ongoing self-experience cannot be understood (...)
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  22. Could Emotion Development Really Be the Acquisition of Emotion Concepts?Justin D'Arms & Richard Samuels - 2019 - Developmental Psychology 55 (9):2015-2019.
    Emotion development research centrally concerns capacities to produce emotions and to think about them. We distinguish these enterprises and consider a novel account of how they might be related. On one recent account, the capacity to have emotions of various kinds comes by way of the acquisition of emotion concepts. This account relies on a constructionist theory of emotions and an embodied theory of emotion concepts. We explicate these elements, then raise a challenge for the approach. It appears to be (...)
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    Ceux qui acceptent des Idées de toutes choses.Pieter D’Hoine - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:227-254.
    Chez les commentateurs platoniciens de l’époque impériale, l’un des problèmes majeurs liés à la théorie des Idées concernait le domaine d’application de cette doctrine. L’exégèse de la première partie du Parménide de Platon donnait occasion à diverses discussions sur ce sujet. Le Commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide est sans doute la plus précieuse source qui soit parvenue de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nous pour la reconstitution de ces débats. Alors que la grande majorité des commentateurs anciens étaient convaincus que les Idées (...)
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  24. How to (and not to) Defend the Manifest Image.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2019 - In Paul Giladi, Responses to Naturalism: From Idealism and Pragmatism. Routledge. pp. 144-164.
    Claims such as ‘there are no tables and chairs’ have become increasingly common in the philosophical context, and eliminativism is now a fairly well-established position in contemporary debates in analytic metaphysics. This outbreak of eliminativism has prompted a number of responses aimed at saving the manifest image of reality. Prominent amongst the attempts to save the manifest image is a view, powerfully articulated by Frank Jackson in From Metaphysics to Ethics , according to which the manifest properties of objects, properties (...)
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    Dissociated perfect dislocations in the field-ion image.D. A. Smith, T. F. Page & B. Ralph - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):231-240.
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    Does Analogy Work in Demonstration?Domenic D’Ettore - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):47-60.
    Thomas de Vio Cajetan produced a highly influential Thomistic treatise on analogy entitled De nominum analogia. The merits of this work have been contested since the sixteenth century. Notable twentieth-century Thomists who adopted many of the teachings of De nominum analogia include Jacques Maritain and Yves Simon. Joshua Hochschild’s The Semantics of Analogy highlighted the significance of chapter ten, where Cajetan applies his theory to resolve the problem of demonstrations that use analogous terms, with the explicit purpose of addressing a (...)
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    La constitution de l’expérience d’autrui.Charles Lenay & François D. Sebbah - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 38:159-174.
    Pour un arbitrage entre la théorie cognitive de l’esprit et la phénoménologie de l’intersubjectivité la technologie simule une situation de croisement perceptif dans un espace virtuel, où la reconnaissance par un agent de la présence d’un autre repose uniquement sur l’interaction comportementale. À la justification de Merleau-Ponty et Varela quant au caractère non représentationnel ni inférentiel de la reconnaissance d’autrui, en dissociant celle-ci d’avec une détermination spatiale, on ajoutera un analogon technologique de l’expérience du « visage » comme halo de (...)
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  28. Structure and strategy in memory for line slope.Dj Schiano & B. Tversky - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):505-505.
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    Bifurcations and the Emergence of L2 Syntactic Structures in a Complex Dynamic System.D. Reid Evans & Diane Larsen-Freeman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Soul and the Virtues in Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic of Plato.D. Gregory MacIsaac - 2009 - Philosophie Antique 9:115-143.
    Dans la septième dissertation de son Commentaire sur la République de Platon, Proclus fournit les éléments d’une philosophie politique néoplatonicienne très structurée. Fidèle, de façon générale, à la description platonicienne de l’âme tripartite et des quatre vertus cardinales, il introduit cependant d’importantes nuances dans cette théorie. L’idée de la prédominance d’une partie de l’âme sur une autre et l’idée de « vies mixtes » où deux parties de l’âme prédominent en même temps élargissent la description platonicienne des différents types poli­tiques. (...)
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    Zeichenhorizonte: semiotische Strukturen in Husserls Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung.Diego D’Angelo - 2019 - Cham: Springer.
    In diesem Band deckt Diego D'Angelo semiotische Strukturen in der Husserl’schen Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung auf. Ist es der Phänomenologie darum zu tun, die Erfahrung von Dingen in unserer Umwelt zu beschreiben, so ist dabei der Begriff des Horizontes von zentraler Bedeutung: Was wir unmittelbar wahrnehmen, verweist immer schon auf anderes, was nur „mitgegeben“ ist. Wenn wir Dinge wahrnehmen, haben wir nur eine bestimmte Perspektive, d.h. wir sehen lediglich einen Aspekt. Aber wir nehmen immer ganze Gegenstände wahr (wir sehen Tische und (...)
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  32. A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience.Ed D'Angelo - manuscript
    A Study of Perennial Philosophy and Psychedelic Experience, with a Proposal to Revise W. T. Stace’s Core Characteristics of Mystical Experience ©Ed D’Angelo 2018 -/- Abstract -/- According to the prevailing paradigm in psychedelic research today, when used within an appropriate set and setting, psychedelics can reliably produce an authentic mystical experience. According to the prevailing paradigm, an authentic mystical experience is one that possesses the common or universal characteristics of mystical experience as identified by the philosopher W. T. Stace (...)
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    Field-ion Microscopy of Titanium Carbide.D. A. Smith, B. Ralph & W. S. Williams - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (140):415-418.
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  34. A History of Cynicism, from Diogenes to the Sixth Century A.D.D. R. Dudley - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (51):369-370.
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    Analogy of Disjunction.Domenic D’Ettore - 2020 - Studia Neoaristotelica 17 (1):7-33.
    At the beginning of his influential De Nominum Analogia, Thomas de Vio Cajetan mentions three mistaken positions on analogy. He does not attach names to these positions, but each one was held by distinguished Thomists of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Furthermore, their proponents were responding to the same set of challenges from John Duns Scotus that set the agenda for the De Nominum Analogia. In this paper, I would like to do something that Cajetan did not do, and that (...)
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    Qualitative reasoning with directional relations.D. Wolter & J. H. Lee - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (18):1498-1507.
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    What Is It Like To …?D. Goldstick - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (1):27-30.
    Les philosophes parlent de «l’effet que cela fait» d’avoir une expérience particulière, sans tenir compte des variations sémantiques de la phrase. La «vision aveugle» manque de détails.
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  38. Moral Seriousness: Socratic Virtue as a Way of Life.D. Seiple - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (5):727-746.
    “Philosophy as a way of life” has its roots in ancient ethics and has attracted renewed interest in recent decades. The aim in this paper is to construct a contemporized image of Socrates, consistent with the textual evidence. The account defers concern over analytical/theoretical inquiry into virtue, in favor of a neo-existentialist process of self-examination informed by the virtue of what is called “moral seriousness.” This process is modeled on Frankfurt’s hierarchical account of self-identification, and the paper suggests an expansion (...)
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  39. God Was in Christ: An Essay on Incarnation and Atonement.D. M. Baillie - 1948
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    Autism and the experience of a perceptual object.D. Ben Shalom - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):641-644.
    Sewards and Sewards argue that while computations necessary for object recognition occur throughout the ventral visual stream, object recognition awareness involves the anterior temporal lobe and the medial orbital prefrontal cortex. The present paper suggests, however, that the medial orbital prefrontal cortex has a unique contribution, namely that of producing a basic experience of a perceptual object. It is further argued that the mechanisms that produce this experience also result in making the object more important than its subparts and features. (...)
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  41. Meditation as an altered state of consciousness: Contributions of western behavioral science.D. H. Shapiro - 1982 - Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 15:61-81.
  42. Simonis de Faversham. Quaestiones super tertium " De Anima".D. Sharp - 1934 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 9.
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    Distinction of intrinsic from extrinsic stacking faults in field-ion micrographs.D. A. Smith - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):1083-1084.
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  44. Mafhūm al-ʻadālah ʻinda falāsifat Baghdād.Majīd Mukhlif Ṭirād Dulaymī - 2013 - Baghdād: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    ʻIndamā yatakallamu al-faylasūf D. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd - 2001 - [Cairo]: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb. Edited by Fāṭimah Barakah.
    Maḥmūd, Zakī Najīb, 1905-; philosophers; Egypt; biography; interview.
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  46. Madhhab al-Ghazālī fī al-ʻaql wa-al-taqlīd.Maḥmūd Qāsim - 1967
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    Voltaire et l'Affaire Calas au théâtre : une vraie cause au service des mythologies révolutionnaires.Michèle Sajous D’Oria - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (1):107-123.
    Le théâtre, au lendemain même de la prise de la Bastille, s'était affirmé comme tribune révolutionnaire et « école du citoyen ». La décision, de la part des assemblées révolutionnaires, de transporter les cendres de Voltaire au Panthéon, ne pouvait manquer d'être une occasion pour célébrer le philosophe au théâtre et cinq pièces, toutes sur l'Affaire Calas, furent représentées entre le 17 décembre 1790 et le 31 juillet 1791. Les cinq auteurs centrent leur action sur le drame familial et sur (...)
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    Political Decision Procedures.D. A. Lloyd Thomas - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):141 - 158.
    D. A. Lloyd Thomas; VIII—Political Decision Procedures1, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 141–160, https://doi.or.
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  49. Medicina romaneasca–medicina europeana (1918-1940). Ed.D. Setlacec - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  50. La inevitabile illusione: rilievi modali dell'estetica.D. SEVERGNINI - 1960
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