Screen-based virtual worlds have been described as fundamentally disembodying.
Contrary to this, the aim of this article is to provide a phenomenological analysis of
bodily presence in one case of screen-based virtuality. By integrating
phenomenology with qualitative research methodologies, I explore esports
practitioners’ experiences of bodily presence in League of Legends (LoL). Here,
descriptions from real-life esports practitioners are analyzed within the
phenomenological framework of ‘incorporation’. My analysis shows that the
practitioners’ experience and engage with their virtual world not just by
incorporating their physical gaming equipment, but also through incorporation of
virtual abilities and tools specific to the game world. Having shown that the LoL
practitioner’s body spans both physical and virtual space without leaving the body
behind, I situate these results within the discussion of virtual presence in video
games. I claim that the practitioners’ sense of presence can be accounted for by
situating the integrated physical and virtual tools and abilities within the
phenomenological framework of the ‘nullpoint’, understood as a bodily field of
activity shaped by our incorporated skills and tools.