Results for 'D. Remenyi'

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  1.  10
    Some Aspects of Ethics and Research Into Artificial Intelligence.D. Remenyi & Brian Williams - 1995 - Henley Management College.
  2.  65
    The material theory of induction.John D. Norton - 2021 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
    The inaugural title in the new, Open Access series BSPS Open, The Material Theory of Induction will initiate a new tradition in the analysis of inductive inference. The fundamental burden of a theory of inductive inference is to determine which are the good inductive inferences or relations of inductive support and why it is that they are so. The traditional approach is modeled on that taken in accounts of deductive inference. It seeks universally applicable schemas or rules or a single (...)
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    Data feminism.Catherine D'Ignazio - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Edited by Lauren F. Klein.
    We have seen through many examples that data science and artificial intelligence can reinforce structural inequalities like sexism and racism. Data is power, and that power is distributed unequally. This book offers a vision for a feminist data science that can challenge power and work towards justice. This book takes a stand against a world that benefits some (including the authors, two white women) at the expense of others. It seeks to provide concrete steps for data scientists seeking to learn (...)
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  4. Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science: recommendations from the RISRS report.Jodi Schneider, Nathan D. Woods, Randi Proescholdt & The Risrs Team - 2022 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 7 (1).
    Background Retraction is a mechanism for alerting readers to unreliable material and other problems in the published scientific and scholarly record. Retracted publications generally remain visible and searchable, but the intention of retraction is to mark them as “removed” from the citable record of scholarship. However, in practice, some retracted articles continue to be treated by researchers and the public as valid content as they are often unaware of the retraction. Research over the past decade has identified a number of (...)
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  5. Phenomenology as Proto-Computationalism: Do the Prolegomena Indicate a Computational Reading of the Logical Investigations?Jesse D. Lopes - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (1):47-68.
    This essay examines the possibility that phenomenological laws might be implemented by a computational mechanism by carefully analyzing key passages from the Prolegomena to Pure Logic. Part I examines the famous Denkmaschine passage as evidence for the view that intuitions of evidence are causally produced by computational means. Part II connects the less famous criticism of Avenarius & Mach on thought-economy with Husserl's 1891 essay 'On the Logic of Signs (Semiotic).' Husserl is shown to reaffirm his earlier opposition to associationist (...)
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  6. Covid-19 katastrofa: Nad knihou Richarda Hortona.Daniel D. Novotný - 2020 - Filosofie Dnes 12 (2):88-127.
    In this review study, I reflect on Richard Horton’s book and his thesis that Western countries failed in their response to the current epidemic in the first half of 2020, with a few exceptions. In the five sections of the paper, after an initial modification of Horton’s thesis (A), I discuss briefly: the suppression approach in China (B), the mitigation approach in the West (C), the SARS epidemic as the key global public health event (D), the causes of Western failure (...)
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  7. Wearing the face mask affects our social attention over space.Caterina Villani, Stefania D’Ascenzo, Elisa Scerrati, Paola Ricciardelli, Roberto Nicoletti & Luisa Lugli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies suggest that covering the face inhibits the recognition of identity and emotional expressions. However, it might also make the eyes more salient, since they are a reliable index to orient our social and spatial attention. This study investigates whether the pervasive interaction with people with face masks fostered by the COVID-19 pandemic modulates the processing of spatial information essential to shift attention according to other’s eye-gaze direction, and whether this potential modulation interacts with motor responses. Participants were presented (...)
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  8. Conjunctive paraconsistency.Franca D’Agostini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6845-6874.
    This article is a preliminary presentation of conjunctive paraconsistency, the claim that there might be non-explosive true contradictions, but contradictory propositions cannot be considered separately true. In case of true ‘p and not p’, the conjuncts must be held untrue, Simplification fails. The conjunctive approach is dual to non-adjunctive conceptions of inconsistency, informed by the idea that there might be cases in which a proposition is true and its negation is true too, but the conjunction is untrue, Adjunction fails. While (...)
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  9.  58
    Nonhuman Value: A Survey of the Intrinsic Valuation of Natural and Artificial Nonhuman Entities.Andrea Owe, Seth D. Baum & Mark Coeckelbergh - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-29.
    To be intrinsically valuable means to be valuable for its own sake. Moral philosophy is often ethically anthropocentric, meaning that it locates intrinsic value within humans. This paper rejects ethical anthropocentrism and asks, in what ways might nonhumans be intrinsically valuable? The paper answers this question with a wide-ranging survey of theories of nonhuman intrinsic value. The survey includes both moral subjects and moral objects, and both natural and artificial nonhumans. Literatures from environmental ethics, philosophy of technology, philosophy of art, (...)
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  10. Vendler’s puzzle about imagination.Justin D’Ambrosio & Daniel Stoljar - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12923-12944.
    Vendler’s :161–173, 1979) puzzle about imagination is that the sentences ‘Imagine swimming in that water’ and ‘Imagine yourself swimming in that water’ seem at once semantically different and semantically the same. They seem semantically different, since the first requires you to imagine ’from the inside’, while the second allows you to imagine ’from the outside.’ They seem semantically the same, since despite superficial dissimilarity, there is good reason to think that they are syntactically and lexically identical. This paper sets out (...)
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  11.  90
    The Folk Psychology of Free Will: An Argument Against Compatibilism.Gregg D. Caruso - 2012 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):56-89.
    This paper presents existing results and experimental evidence in social psychology to argue against the compatibilist thesis that our folk-psychological notions of freedom and moral responsibility are completely consistent with the acceptance of determinism. In section 1, I spell out the compatibilist position and briefly discuss the standard incompatibilist argument-the so-called consequence argument. In section 2, I take a closer look at the folk psychology of free will and argue that, contra the compatibilist, recent empirical research by Shaun Nichols, Joshua (...)
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  12.  26
    A (Strictly) Contemporary Perspective on Trans-Planckian Censorship.Mike D. Schneider - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-21.
    I critically discuss a controversial ‘trans-Planckian censorship’ conjecture, which has recently been introduced to researchers working at the intersection of fundamental physics and cosmology. My focus explicitly avoids any appeals to contingent research within string theory or regarding the more general gravitational ‘swampland’. Rather, I concern myself with the conjecture’s foundations in our current, well-trodden physics of quantized fields, spacetime, and gravity. In doing so, I locate what exactly within trans-Planckian censorship amounts to a departure from current physics—identifying what is, (...)
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  13.  30
    Ethical Considerations in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Monitor Social Media for COVID-19 Data.Lidia Flores & Sean D. Young - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (4):759-768.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and its related policies (e.g., stay at home and social distancing orders) have increased people’s use of digital technology, such as social media. Researchers have, in turn, utilized artificial intelligence to analyze social media data for public health surveillance. For example, through machine learning and natural language processing, they have monitored social media data to examine public knowledge and behavior. This paper explores the ethical considerations of using artificial intelligence to monitor social media to understand the public’s (...)
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  14.  30
    Human Mental Workload: A Survey and a Novel Inclusive Definition.Luca Longo, Christopher D. Wickens, Gabriella Hancock & P. A. Hancock - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human mental workload is arguably the most invoked multidimensional construct in Human Factors and Ergonomics, getting momentum also in Neuroscience and Neuroergonomics. Uncertainties exist in its characterization, motivating the design and development of computational models, thus recently and actively receiving support from the discipline of Computer Science. However, its role in human performance prediction is assured. This work is aimed at providing a synthesis of the current state of the art in human mental workload assessment through considerations, definitions, measurement techniques (...)
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  15. Ethical issues concerning the use of commercially available wearables in children.Evangelos D. Protopapadakis & Andrie G. Panayiotou - 2022 - Jahr 13 (1):9-22.
    Wearable and mobile technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in the last decade with technological advances creating a role from enhancing healthy living to monitoring and treating disease. However, the discussion about the ethical use of such commercial technology in the community, especially in minors, is lacking behind. In this paper, we first summarize the major ethical concerns that arise from the usage of commercially available wearable technology in children, with a focus on smart watches, highlighting issues around the (...)
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  16. Susan Schneider's Proposed Tests for AI Consciousness: Promising but Flawed.D. B. Udell & Eric Schwitzgebel - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):121-144.
    Susan Schneider (2019) has proposed two new tests for consciousness in AI (artificial intelligence) systems, the AI Consciousness Test and the Chip Test. On their face, the two tests seem to have the virtue of proving satisfactory to a wide range of consciousness theorists holding divergent theoretical positions, rather than narrowly relying on the truth of any particular theory of consciousness. Unfortunately, both tests are undermined in having an ‘audience problem’: Those theorists with the kind of architectural worries that motivate (...)
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  17. Can a Necessity Be the Source of Necessity?James L. D. Brown - 2022 - Argumenta 7 (2):337-355.
    This paper asks whether a necessity can be the source of necessity. According to an influential argument due to Simon Blackburn, it cannot. This paper argues that although Blackburn fails to show that a necessity cannot be the source of necessity, extant accounts fail to establish that it is, with particular focus on Bob Hale’s essentialist theory and Christopher Peacocke’s ‘principle-based’ theory of modality. However, the paper makes some positive suggestions for what a satisfactory answer to the challenge must look (...)
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  18. Sensitivity of entanglement measures in bipartite pure quantum states.Danko D. Georgiev & Stanley P. Gudder - 2022 - Modern Physics Letters B 36 (22):2250101.
    Entanglement measures quantify the amount of quantum entanglement that is contained in quantum states. Typically, different entanglement measures do not have to be partially ordered. The presence of a definite partial order between two entanglement measures for all quantum states, however, allows for meaningful conceptualization of sensitivity to entanglement, which will be greater for the entanglement measure that produces the larger numerical values. Here, we have investigated the partial order between the normalized versions of four entanglement measures based on Schmidt (...)
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  19. Addressing the Continued Circulation of Retracted Research as a Design Problem.Nathan D. Woods, Jodi Schneider & The Risrs Team - 2022 - GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing 1 (1).
    In this article, we discuss the continued circulation and use of retracted science as a complex problem: Multiple stakeholders throughout the publishing ecosystem hold competing perceptions of this problem and its possible solutions. We describe how we used a participatory design process model to co-develop recommendations for addressing this problem with stakeholders in the Alfred P. Sloan-funded project, Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science (RISRS). After introducing the four core RISRS recommendations, we discuss how the issue of retraction-related stigma (...)
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  20. Quantum tunneling of three-spine solitons through excentric barriers.Danko D. Georgiev & James F. Glazebrook - 2022 - Physics Letters A 448:128319.
    Macromolecular protein complexes catalyze essential physiological processes that sustain life. Various interactions between protein subunits could increase the effective mass of certain peptide groups, thereby compartmentalizing protein α-helices. Here, we study the differential effects of applied massive barriers upon the soliton-assisted energy transport within proteins. We demonstrate that excentric barriers, localized onto a single spine in the protein α-helix, reflect or trap three-spine solitons as effectively as concentric barriers with comparable total mass. Furthermore, wider protein solitons, whose energy is lower, (...)
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  21. Liberal rättvisa mot jämlik demokrati.Henrik D. Kugelberg - 2021 - Tidsskrift För Politisk Filosofi 25 (2-3):49-62.
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    Trust within Limits.Jason D’Cruz - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):240-250.
    There have two recent challenges to the orthodoxy that ‘X trusts Y to ø’ is the fundamental notion of trust. Domenicucci and Holton maintain that trust, like love and friendship, is fundamentally two-place. Paul Faulkner argues to the more radical conclusion that the one-place ‘X is trusting’ is explanatorily basic. I argue that ‘X trusts Y in domain D’ is the explanatorily basic notion. I make the case that only by thinking of trust as domain-specific can we make sense of (...)
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  23.  45
    Mechanical Keyboards and Crystal Arrows: Incorporation in Esports.D. Ekdahl - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):30-57.
    Screen-based virtual worlds have been described as fundamentally disembodying. Contrary to this, the aim of this article is to provide a phenomenological analysis of bodily presence in one case of screen-based virtuality. By integrating phenomenology with qualitative research methodologies, I explore esports practitioners’ experiences of bodily presence in League of Legends (LoL). Here, descriptions from real-life esports practitioners are analyzed within the phenomenological framework of ‘incorporation’. My analysis shows that the practitioners’ experience and engage with their virtual world not just (...)
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  24.  35
    Baldwin and Wittgenstein on White Supremacism and Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2023 - Journal of the American Academy of Religion 91 (2):346–363.
    This article contends that James Baldwin’s exploration of racism and resistance to it in The Fire Next Time may be put into conversation with Ludwig Wittgenstein’s consideration of fundamental epistemic commitments in On Certainty. Out of this constructive engagement, I argue that white supremacism in the United States may be interpreted as being like a Wittgensteinian grounding or "hinge" commitment and that this viewpoint illuminates some of the ways in which white supremacism may interact with various kinds of religious commitments. (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a bioinformational understanding of AI.Rahul D. Gautam & Balaganapathi Devarakonda - 2022 - AI and Society 37:1-23.
    The article seeks to highlight the relation between ontology and communication while considering the role of AI in society and environment. Bioinformationalism is the technical term that foregrounds this relationality. The study reveals instructive consequences for philosophy of technology in general and AI in particular. The first section introduces the bioinformational approach to AI, focusing on three critical features of the current AI debate: ontology of information, property-based vs. relational AI, and ontology vs. constitution of AI. When applied to the (...)
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    Developing and Applying the Propensity Score to Make Causal Inferences: Variable Selection and Stratification.Jill L. Adelson, D. B. McCoach, H. J. Rogers, Jonathan A. Adelson & Timothy M. Sauer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    (1 other version)Non-humans in the Zhuangzi: Animalism and anti-anthropocentrism.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):1-18.
    Some argue that animals and non-human figures in the Zhuangzi help displace the significance of humans. According to others the Zhuangzi suggests a certain time of ‘animalism,’ asking us to be more like various types of fauna and flora that do not share our self-centeredness. In this paper the use of non-human characters in the Zhuangzi will be examined through a survey of traditional Chinese commentary, comparisons with the Lunyu, and placing the use of non-human characters within the larger context (...)
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  28.  49
    Irigaray and Confucius: A Collaborative Approach to (Feminist) Agency.Dimitra Amarantidou & Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (2):150-162.
    In this paper we take Luce Irigaray’s idea of fluid feminine subjectivity as productive for the project of rethinking agency in a collaborative feminist-Confucian context. We discuss how diffused agency in the Analects can be used alongside Irigaray’s work to critique contemporary notions of atomic agency. Our argument employs the notions of fluidity and agency in Irigaray and the Analects with concentrations on: 1) similarities between Irigaray’s “philosophy of breath” and Confucian ritual; 2) parallels between fluid feminine subjectivity and diffused (...)
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  29. Prior's puzzle generalized.Justin D'Ambrosio - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (1):196-220.
    Prior’s puzzle is standardly taken to be the puzzle of why, given the assumption that that-clauses denote propositions, substitution of “the proposition that P” for “that P” within the complements of many propositional attitude verbs is invalid. I show that Prior’s puzzle is much more general than is ordinarily supposed. There are two variants on the substitutional form of the puzzle—a quantificational variant and a pronominal variant—and all three forms of the puzzle arise in a wide range of grammatical positions, (...)
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    Thomist or Tumblrist: Comments on the Compatibility of Evolution and Design by E. V. R. Kojonen.Meghan D. Page - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1037-1050.
    This article engages Kojonen's discussion of scientific explanation. Kojonen claims the best way to conceptualize the relationship between evolutionary explanations and explanation by design is through the proximate-ultimate distinction and the levels metaphor. However, these are not robust explanatory models but examples of how one might differentiate ambiguous explananda contained in why-questions. Disambiguating explananda is a helpful tool for determining when a situation calls for further explanation; however, on this picture, that some further explanation is needed does not, as proponents (...)
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  31.  32
    The Bearable Thinness of Being: A Pragmatist Metaphysics of Affordances.Sandra D. Mitchell - 2023 - In H. K. Andersen & Sandra D. Mitchell, The Pragmatist Challenge: Pragmatist Metaphysics for Philosophy of Science. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Taking a pragmatist stance toward the practices and products of science shapes our answers to central philosophical questions. In argue that from within a perspective consisting of goals, actions and questions, what we say there is and what we say it does, is justified by the ongoing interactions among representative models, causal experience and experiment, and conceptual frameworks in reaching a fallible convergence to what is real. I offer a non-dichotomous alternative. I propose an alternative to fundamentalist approaches, arguing that (...)
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  32.  30
    Grateful Patient Fundraising: Stories from Physicians.Jason D. Keune & Jeremy A. Lazarus - 2022 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 12 (1):1-4.
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  33.  28
    Autonomy and Social Responsibility: The Post-Pandemic Challenge.Jonathan D. Moreno, Judit Sándor & Ulf Schmidt - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (3):426-441.
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  34.  28
    Using Spiritual Connections to Cope With Stress and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Fahad D. Algahtani, Bandar Alsaif, Ahmed A. Ahmed, Ali A. Almishaal, Sofian T. Obeidat, Rania Fathy Mohamed, Reham Mohammed Kamel, Iram Gul & Sehar un Nisa Hassan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:915290.
    During the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, stress and anxiety were pervasive among the masses due to high morbidity and mortality. Besides the fear of coronavirus was also particularly driven by social media. Many people started to look for faith and spiritual connections to gain comfort. The role of spiritual ties and religious beliefs in relation to coping with pandemic stress gained the attention of researchers in some parts of the world. This cross-sectional survey aimed at assessing the intensity (...)
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  35.  14
    The Thomas More Society of America.Joseph D. Crumlish - 1981 - Moreana 18 (Number 71-18 (3-4):3-4.
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    A True Knowledge of Theology: Self-fashioning and typological emulation in the Erasmus–Dorp Affair.Erik Z. D. Ellis - 2019 - Moreana 56 (2):160-175.
    Many scholars have sought to understand renaissance culture in terms of self-fashioning, a concept that sees the sixteenth-century preoccupation with imitation and performance as symptoms of a desire to conform outwardly to social expectations. Historians of Tudor England and biographers of Thomas More, influenced by this concept, have despaired of discovering the “true” Thomas More behind a bewildering array of self-fashioned masks that More “wore” as both an author and public figure. Recent scholarship seeks to show the coherence of More's (...)
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  37.  19
    Terrorism: A Guide to Fearful Times Based on a Philosophy of Fearism.R. M. Fisher & D. Subba - unknown
    The authors, each with their own independent history of study of fear and fearlessness have recently been in dialogue and are creating a synthesis of a growing movement called philosophy of fearism. This philosophy, an extension of existential philosophy, is shown in this technical paper....
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  38.  13
    Christian Exegesis of the Qurʾān: A Critical Analysis of the Apologetic Use of the Qurʾān in Select Medieval and Contemporary Arabic Texts. By J. Scott Bridger.David D. Grafton - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    Christian Exegesis of the Qurʾān: A Critical Analysis of the Apologetic Use of the Qurʾān in Select Medieval and Contemporary Arabic Texts. By J. Scott Bridger. American Society of Missiology Monograph Series, vol. 23. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2015. Pp. xii + 188. $25.
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    Revised Chronology for the Late Seleucids at Antioch.Oliver D. Hoover - 2007 - História 56 (3):280-301.
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    Verbal Tense System in Late Biblical Hebrew Prose. By Ohad Cohen.Aaaron D. Hornkohl - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    The Verbal Tense System in Late Biblical Hebrew Prose. By Ohad Cohen. Harvard Semitic Series, vol. 63. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2013. Pp. xiv + 304. $49.50.
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    The Battle of Oinoe, the Painting in the Stoa Poikile, and Thucydides’ Silence.Robert D. Luginbill - 2014 - História 63 (3):278-292.
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    Pilgrimage, Politics, and Pestilence: The Haj from the Indian Subcontinent 1860–1920. By Saurabh Mishra.Barbara D. Metcalf - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1).
    Pilgrimage, Politics, and Pestilence: The Haj from the Indian Subcontinent 1860–1920. By Saurabh Mishra. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. ix +177. $55.
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  43.  20
    Resurrection of the Dead as an Element of Factionalism in the Corinthian Church Community.Andrei D. Pop - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (5):73-80.
    Human tragedy could be summed up a single word—death. One first encounters it through the death of others, and then everyone faces it for themselves. The Christian faith confronts humanity’s final foe head on, delivering sustained hope amidst the sorrow and despair of impending death. This paper will first address the central role of the resurrection of the dead in First Corinthians. Second, the paper will present Paul’s retort to several challenges raised against the notion of the resurrection. Finally, the (...)
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  44.  16
    Resumes vs. application forms: Why the stubborn reliance on resumes?Stephen D. Risavy, Chet Robie, Peter A. Fisher & Sabah Rasheed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The focus of this Perspective article is on the comparison of two of the most popular initial applicant screening methods: Resumes and application forms. The viewpoint offered is that application forms are superior to resumes during the initial applicant screening stage of selection. This viewpoint is supported in part based on criterion-related validity evidence that favors application forms over resumes. For example, the biographical data inventory, which can contain similar questions to those used in application forms, is one of the (...)
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  45.  21
    Demands of Justice: The Creation of a Global Human Rights Practice by Ann Marie Clark.Steven D. Roper - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):447-449.
  46.  12
    Valerio Flacco fonte di Draconzio? A proposito di Romuleon 10, 52-80.Gina D. Russo - 2009 - Hermes 137 (2):233-251.
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    Reading the Zhuangzi playfully: Stepping back from ‘Ancient Chinese Wisdom’.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2020 - Asian Philosophy 30 (3):214-229.
    Playfulness and humor are often recognized as key components of the Zhuangzi. Despite this, the text itself is rarely read in a playful or humorous manner. It is commonly treated, even in its most...
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    On a Logico-Algebraic Approach to AGM Belief Contraction Theory.D. Fazio & M. Pra Baldi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):911-938.
    In this paper we investigate AGM belief contraction operators by using the tools of algebraic logic. We generalize the notion of contraction to arbitrary finitary propositional logics, and we show how to switch from a syntactic-based approach to a semantic one. This allows to build a solid bridge between the validity of AGM postulates in a propositional logic and specific algebraic properties of its intended algebraic counterpart. Such a connection deserves particular attention when we deal with maxichoice contractions, as studied (...)
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    Pub Philosophy.D. Shaw - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (1):7-12.
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    The Problem of Cratylus.D. J. Allan - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):271.
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