Results for 'D. McGrath'

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  1.  13
    A whole of curriculum approach to teaching business ethics.K. Plummer, O. Burmeister, D. Muntean, D. McGrath, D. Murphy & R. Macklin - 2010 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 12 (1):14-28.
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    Cooperative Long-Range Planning in Liberal Arts Colleges.D. J. Johnston & McGrath - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (1):142.
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    The role of informal contracts in the growth of small cattle herds on the floodplains of the Lower Amazon.Frank D. Merry, Pervaze A. Sheikh & David G. Mcgrath - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):377-386.
    In the absence of access to formal credit, informal contracts with independent investors give the small ranchers of the Lower Amazon an acceptable means through which to surmount the high investment hurdle of starting a cattle herd. These contracts – called sociedades – allow small ranchers to raise an outside investor's cattle in return for a portion of the offspring and are commonplace in the cattle production systems of the Amazon. But, notwithstanding a vast literature on cattle production in the (...)
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    Low-energy electron diffraction study of an aperiodic thin film of Cu on 5-fold i-Al-Pd-Mn.K. Pussi, D. E. Reid, N. Ferralis, R. McGrath, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. D. Diehl - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):2103-2110.
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    C. A. Hooker (ed.). The Logico-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics. Volume I: Historical evolution. Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1975. xv + 607 pp. $24.00.James H. McGrath - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (1):145-148.
  6. The Hermeneutics of Artificial Intelligence.Joshua D. F. Hooke & Sean J. Mcgrath (eds.) - 2023 - Analecta Hermeneutica.
    The papers in the following volume are the outcome of a three-year long interdisciplinary research project. The project began with an in-person meeting hosted and funded by the Daimler und Benz Stiftung in Germany in March 2020 (the world was shutting down one nation at a time as we met). During the pandemic we continued to meet monthly online with support from Memorial University of Newfoundland. From the beginning it was the goal of the Working Group on Intelligence (WGI), as (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Thomas D. Moore, Royal T. Fruehling, Joanne R. Nurss, Edgar B. Gumbert, Gerry Mcgrath, Godfrey Sullivan, Sandra Gaddell, John Gaddell, Donald M. Medley, William F. Pinar, Barbara Bateman, Leslie D. Mclean, Charles E. Kozoli, Faustine C. Jones, H. George Bonekemper, Gene P. Agre & Ramon Sanchez - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (3):163-174.
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    Adsorption of cobalt on the tenfold surface ofd-Al72Ni11Co17and on the fivefold surface ofi-Al70Pd21Mn9.J. A. Smerdon, J. Ledieu, J. T. Hoeft, D. E. Reid, L. H. Wearing, R. D. Diehl, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. Mcgrath - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):841-847.
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    Book Review Section 4. [REVIEW]Cyril O. Houle, Douglas E. Foley, Theodore A. Koschler, Donald F. Gerdy, John R. Shea, Lawrence D. Haskew, William E. Barron, Robert J. Nash, Ruth B. Johnson, Carl R. Ashbaugh, John H. Walker, A. C. Murphy, Earl J. Mcgrath, Jack C. Willers, William E. Drake, James E. Wagener, Billy F. Cowart, William Jefferson Mathis, Samuel E. Kellams, Ira S. Steinberg, Willis H. Griffin, Eugene E. Grollmes & Allan W. Purdy - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):53-67.
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  10. Review of Sean J. McGrath, Thinking Nature: An Essay in Negative Ecology. [REVIEW]Chandler D. Rogers - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (4):517-521.
    Thinking Nature is an essay in negative ecology, written in part to commemorate the deaths nature has died, pace Morton, Žižek, and even Latour. We have killed it; what now should we do? How to move forward? The path ahead will require eco-political action, to be sure. But brazen activism without the guidance of contemplative thought, McGrath argues, will not be sufficient to meet the demands of the present. Such a task demands discernment regarding the deeper roots of our (...)
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    Alister E. McGrath, Geloof & natuurwetenschap, een introductie. Kampen 2001: Kok. 259 pagina’s. ISBN 9043500275. Vertaling door H.A.Ferguson-Postma van Science & religion — an introduction. Oxford 1999: Blackwell. [REVIEW]M. D. Stafleu - 2002 - Philosophia Reformata 67 (1):82-83.
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  12. The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken (review).James D. Reid - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (4):673-674.
    James D. Reid - The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.4 673-674 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by James D. Reid Metropolitan State College of Denver S. J. McGrath. The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy: Phenomenology for the Godforsaken. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2006. Pp. xx + 268. Cloth, $69.95. Taking its clues from the scholarly (...)
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    Natural theology in the twentieth century.Rodney D. Holder - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning, The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up. pp. 118.
    This chapter examines Karl Barth's denouncement of natural theology and the reactions of the group of theologians following him. These theologians have all engaged with the natural sciences, but also share similar concerns to Barth in terms of prioritising revelation and of maintaining or defending an orthodox theology. Dietrich Bonhoeffer offered opportunities for intellectual engagement with the world through his notion of the penultimate and in other ways. Wolfhart Pannenberg brought scientific rationality to bear directly on theology. Thomas Torrance and (...)
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  14. Psychoanalyzing Nature, Dark Ground of Spirit.Chandler D. Rogers - 2020 - Journal of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition 3:1-19.
    The ontological paradigms of Schelling and the late Merleau-Ponty bear striking resemblances to Spinoza’s ontology. Both were developed in response to transcendental models of a Cartesian mold, resisting tendencies to exalt the human ego to the neglect or the detriment of the more-than-human world. As such, thinkers with environmental concerns have sought to derive favorable ethical prescriptions on their basis. We begin by discerning a deadlock between two such thinkers: Ted Toadvine and Sean McGrath. With ecological responsibility in mind, (...)
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    SJ McGrath. The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy. Phenomenology for the Godforsaken. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Rosemann W. Philipp - 2009 - Analecta Hermeneutica 1:343-350.
    [Book Review] Philip W. Rosemann reviews S.J. McGrath. The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy. Phenomenology for the Godforsaken . Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2006.
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    Pragmatics without Pragmatism: Reply to Fantl & McGrath.Patrick Rysiew & Trent Dougherty - unknown
    To accept ‘pragmatic encroachment’ is to take the view that whether you are in a position to know is in part a function of practical stakes. This position strikes many as not just unorthodox but extremely implausible. According to Jeremy Fantl and Matthew McGrath (F&M), however, the best account of the prima facie oddity of certain utterances incorporates just such a pragmatist maneuver. In reaching this conclusion, F&M begin with Trent Dougherty and Patrick Rysiew’s (D&R’s) theory as the best (...)
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    Théologie et science : le projet de théologie scientifique d' A. McGrath.Jacques Fantino - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:495-507.
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    A new 'apologia': The relationship between theology and philosophy in the work of Jean-Luc Marion.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):299–313.
    Books reviewed:James D. G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the BibleYairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives. Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleThomas L. Leclerc, Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in IsaiahNuria Calduch‐Benages, Joan Ferrer, and Jan Liesen, La sabiduría del Escriba/Wisdom of the Scribe: Diplomatic Edition of the Syriac Version of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with Translations in Spanish and EnglishSidnie White Crawford and Leonard J. Greenspoon, The Book of Esther (...)
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    A British Commonwealth Dogmatics.Aidan Nichols - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):96-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A BRITISH COMMONWEALTH DOGMATICS HE APPEARANCE of a new dogmatics is always ause for hope, hope sorely needed in Anglo-Saxon ountries where the tradition of systematic theology is an especially delicate growth. In the lands of the British Commonwealth, whence all the contributors to the series which I shall discuss have so come, the cultural and educational tone has been set very largely by the English, and England, for (...)
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  20. Plato: Phaedo, Translated with Notes.D. Gallop - 1975
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    Whose New American Poetry?: Anthologizing in the Nineties.Marjorie Perloff - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (3/4):104-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Whose New American Poetry? Anthologizing in the NinetiesMarjorie Perloff (bio)In the two-year span 1993–94, no fewer than three major poetry anthologies appeared that featured the poetry of what has been called “the other tradition”—the tradition inaugurated thirty-five years ago by Donald M. Allen’s New American Poetry: 1945–1960. These three anthologies are, in order of publication, Eliot Weinberger’s American Poetry since 1950: Innovators and Outsiders, Paul Hoover’s Postmodern American Poetry, (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of information transfer.D. J. Bem & C. Honorton - 1994 - Psychological Bulletin 115:4-18.
  23. Whater are the memory systems of 1994.D. Schacter & E. Tulving - 1994 - In D. Schacter & E. Tulving, Memory Systems. MIT Press. pp. 341--380.
  24. Minds, objects, and relations: Toward a dual-aspect ontology (Chapter 19).D. Skrbina - 2009 - In David Skrbina, Mind That Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium. John Benjamins. pp. 361--382.
  25. The singularly affecting facts of causation.D. H. Mellor - 1987 - In John Jamieson Carswell Smart, Philip Pettit, Richard Sylvan & Jean Norman, Metaphysics and Morality: Essays in Honour of J. J. C. Smart. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
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  26. [no title].D. Graham J. Shipley - unknown
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  27. (2 other versions)Self-Deception.D. W. Hamlyn & H. O. Mounce - 1971 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 45:45-72.
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  28. On the computational utility of consciousness.D. W. Mathis & M. Moxer - 1995 - In Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky & Todd Leen, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7. MIT Press.
  29. Pre-empting whistleblowing with ethics.'.D. Rossouw & T. Uys - 2004 - In Patrick E. Murphy, Business ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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    Structural asymmetry in liquid Fe–Si alloys.D. Adhikari, I. S. Jha & B. P. Singh - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2687-2694.
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  31. A propos de la notion d'„intuition" dans la philosophie thomiste de la connaissance. L'opinion de Capréolus.H. D. Simonin - 1932 - Revue Thomiste 37 (71):448-451.
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  32. Personal Injury Consultation, Evaluation, and the Expert Witness David D. Stein.David D. Stein - 2009 - In Steven F. Bucky, Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals: In Forensic Settings. Brunner-Routledge. pp. 21.
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  33. Schooling sexualities.D. Epstein & R. Johnson - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (2):204-205.
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  34. Fractionalization and localization of distinct frontal lobe processes: Evidence from focal lesions in humans.D. T. Stuss, M. P. Alexander, D. Floden, M. A. Binns, B. Levine, A. R. Mcintosh, N. Rajah & S. J. Hevenor - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
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    McGill Hume Studies.D. F. Norton, N. Capaldi & W. Robison - 1979 - Austin Hill Press.
  36. Eternal Justice.D. W. Hamlyn - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:281-288.
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  37. al-Tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah wa-taḥaddiyāt al-ʻaṣr.ʻAbd al-Ghanī ʻAbbūd - 1990 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Fikr al-ʻArabī. Edited by Ḥasan ʻAbd al-ʻĀl.
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  38. Tuḥfah-yi dulhan: izdivājī zindagī k̲h̲vushgavār aur kāmyāb banāne ke liʼe ek bihtarīn kitāb.Muḥammad Ḥanīf ʻAbdulmajīd & Muḥammad Yūsuf Ludhiyānvī (eds.) - 2000 - Karācī: Dīgar milne ke pate, Dārulishāʻat.
    Guidelines for a model bride in Islam based on Islamic teachings; includes stories of six exemplary Muslim wives during Prophet Muhammad's time.
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  39. An N-dimensional neutrosophic linguistic approach to poverty analysis with an empirical study.D. Ajay, J. Aldring & S. Nivetha - 2020 - In Harish Garg, Decision-making with neutrosophic set: theory and applications in knowledge management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Permeability and Impermeability in John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus.D. Rita Alfonso - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):121-136.
    This essay is about experience, and not only about ideas. I have been drawn to write about John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus for a number of reasons: First, I find his work to be part of a new turn in LGBT art and media that take queer lives as a point of departure, and not only as narrative focus, for their work. These areworks that are not just about being queer, but cross the line into being queer works. Of those who (...)
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    Berkeley and Hume on Abstraction and Generalization.D. E. Bradshaw - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (1):11 - 22.
  42. Teaching & learning guide for: The problem of change.Ryan Wasserman - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (3):283-286.
    Our world is a world of change. Children are born and grow into adults. Material possessions rust and decay with age and ultimately perish. Yet scepticism about change is as old as philosophy itself. Heraclitus, for example, argued that nothing could survive the replacement of parts, so that it is impossible to step into the same river twice. Zeno argued that motion is paradoxical, so that nothing can alter its location. Parmenides and his followers went even further, arguing that the (...)
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  43. =.D. S. Shwayder - 1956 - Mind 65 (257):16-37.
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    Studies in the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Philips (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Routledge is proud to reissue these nine pivotal titles from the acclaimed series Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion. Including key works by Ahern, Beardsmore, Pike, and others, these books are essential for all serious collections. Available as single volumes or as a nine-volume set, the titles in this collection were originally published between 1950-1960 by Routledge and Kegan Paul: Volume 1: The Problem of Evil M.B. Ahern Hb: 0-415-31841-6 Volume 2: Moral Reasoning R.W. Beardsmore Hb:0-415-31842-4 Volume 3: (...)
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    Ce que l'homme fait à l'homme: essai sur le mal politique.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 1995 - Paris: Editions du Seuil.
    Une étude sur la virtualité toujours présente du mal politique. Pour comprendre le présent de ce mal, il faut rouvrir le passé, remonter notamment au mal radical selon Kant, ou aux liens entre le tragique et la capacité d'institution politique chez Aristote. Se dégage alors une longue tradition : celle d'une humanité dénuée de toute prétention à l'innocence, rendue au mal de sa liberté.
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    Pourquoi nous n'aimons pas la démocratie.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2010 - [Paris]: Seuil.
    On se souvient de la formule de Churchill : " La démocratie est le pire des régimes, à l'exception de tous les autres". A l'évidence, nous n " aimons " pas la démocratie. Et pourtant nous sommes tous démocrates... Étrange procès en désamour que celui-là, dont la virulence égale l'ancienneté : toute petite déjà, à Athènes, la démocratie ne manquait pas de détracteurs... Myriam Revault d'Allonnes s'interroge, non pas sur les critiques ou les sarcasmes dont la démocratie est l'objet, mais (...)
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    al-Fahm al-wasaṭī lil-jihād fī al-fikr al-Islāmī: dirāsah tārīkhīyah.Fuʼād Muḥsin Rāwī - 2009 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ḍiyāʼ lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Islamic civilization; Arab countries; intellectual life; history.
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  48. Nursing and health care ethics: A legacy.P. D'Antonio - 2008 - In Winifred Pinch & Amy Marie Haddad, Nursing and health care ethics: a legacy and a vision. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association. pp. 7--13.
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  49. Comment on Ellis.D. M. Armstrong - 1999 - In Howard Sankey, Causation and Laws of Nature. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 35--38.
  50.  16
    A Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers.Mario O. D'Souza - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Today’s pluralist and multicultural society raises questions about how to teach religiously and ethnically diverse students in Catholic schools. A Catholic Philosophy of Education addresses these challenges by examining the documents from the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education alongside the writings of Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan. Mario D’Souza proposes a contemporary formulation for a Catholic philosophy of education in which the ideals of Catholicism form the basis for the mission of the Catholic school. Drawing on the Church’s educational documents, (...)
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