Results for 'Céline Husson-Rochcongar'

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  1.  1
    L’illusion du droit par les nombres Réflexion épistémologique sur la complémentarité entre légitimités en finances publiques.Céline Husson-Rochcongar - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:355-370.
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    Some Observations on the Global Practice of Socially Responsible Investment.Céline Louche & Steven Lydenberg - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:164-169.
    This research applies the notion of sustainability (Barney, 1991; Braa, Monteiro, & Sahay, 2004) to the mechanisms used by socially responsible investment(SRI) firms with respect to their stakeholders (investors and target firms). A contrast is developed between US and UK SRI firms. It is noted that screens, while maintaining a strong investor base, are less sustainable from the perspective of the firms targeted by SRI funds, whereas advocacy has stronger elements of sustainability with respect to the relations with corporations.
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    The critical time for critical thinking: intellectual virtues as intrinsic motivations for critical thinking.Céline Schöpfer & Julien Hernandez - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This paper addresses the complexity of critical thinking, a multifaceted concept that includes cognitive skills, knowledge, and dispositions. We argue that existing literature has largely overlooked the vital role of dispositions, which are essential for understanding why individuals engage in critical thinking. Therefore, at the heart of our research is the challenge of motivation: how can we best encourage individuals to engage in critical thinking? To answer this question, we begin by conceptualizing critical thinking as a five-steps temporal process, thereby (...)
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  4. What Is Body Positivity?Celine Leboeuf - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (2):113-127.
    “Body positivity” refers to the movement to accept our bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. The movement is often implicitly understood as the effort to celebrate diversity in bodily aesthetics and to expand our narrow beauty standards beyond their present-day confines. Like other feminists, I question whether the push to broaden beauty norms should occupy as central a role as it does now in the movement’s mainstream incarnations, and I believe that, beyond challenging confining beauty (...)
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    Adorno on the relapse of enlightenment into Auschwitz: The exclusion and resumption of the non-identical.Céline Charlotte Casmir - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):81-101.
    This paper answers Adorno's question, once asked in a lecture, about whether we, by forbidding the thought of the non-identical, fall in radically completed enlightenment back into the darkest form of mythology. In arguing for this in the question implied observation of enlightenment's fallback, the paper analyses Adorno's and Horkheimer's critique of enlightenment and its relapse due to excluding the non-identical, suggesting that emotions and memory represent this non-identical. As the darkest form of mythology Adorno is referring to is not (...)
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    Le Droit, Les Sciences Humaines Et La Philosophie.L. Husson, J. Carbonnier, A. Adam, J. Ellul, C. Morazé & B. Goldman - 1973 - Vrin.
    L. Husson. XXIX' SEMAINE DE SYNTHÈSE DROIT PÉNAL ET CRIMINOLOGIE Exposé de M. Albert CHAVANNE Professeur à la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences économiques de Lyon Pour traiter des rapports entre droit pénal et criminologie ...
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    Accounting Ethics and the Fragmentation of Value.Céline Baud, Marion Brivot & Darlene Himick - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):373-387.
    This study investigates how one important accounting professional authority—CPA Canada—discusses accounting ethics and exhorts its members to think about ethics-related issues. To do this, we rely on empirical evidence of the types of arguments used by CPA Canada to describe what they consider acceptable moral justifications in a variety of practical situations that accountants may encounter. We argue that the articles contained in the profession’s primary publication for all members, CPA Magazine, offer a wealth of such evidence. We analyze 237 (...)
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    L’anastasis de Jean-Luc Nancy.Valentin Husson - 2024 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 55 (55):17-29.
    This article endeavors to interpret the work of Jean-Luc Nancy through the idea of “anastasis”. Each time, something rises from the dead: meaning emerges from significance, the world from the unworldly aspects of globalization, Christianity from the decline of religion, the body from its Western devaluation in favor of the spirit, and community from the failure of state-controlled communism and rampant individualism. Could it be that life, in a unique manner across all those phenomena, arises from death and sustains itself (...)
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    Autarcie du Bien et dépendance de l’être?Suzanne Husson - 2017 - Chôra 15:45-66.
    Self‑sufficiency of the Good and dependency of Being? From Republic to Sophist. Even thought Parmenides doesn’t use αὐτάρκης and any noun derived from this root, the Being is conceived by him as self‑sufficient. Plato, for its part, never uses this term concerning the intelligible reality ; however, in the Sophist, he allusively challenges Parmenides self‑sufficiency of Being and outlines an ontology that is conflicting with it. On the other hand self‑sufficiency is explicitly ascribed by Plato to the human good, to (...)
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    «Revetir la vie des chiens», l'animal comme modele moral.Suzanne Husson - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:69-78.
    Si la référence des cyniques anciens à l’animal comme modèle est bien connue, il est plus difficile d’en comprendre le sens, car ils ne sont pas les seuls dans l’Antiquité à évoquer l’animal dans un contexte éthique. En partant de la définition aristotélicienne du paradigme, il est dans un premier temps montré que l’animal intervient parfois chez les cyniques dans le cadre d’une induction qui présuppose qu’homme et animal appartiennent à un même genre moral. Mais l’animal apparaît également, dans d’autres (...)
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    (1 other version)La BD, porte ouverte sur l'inconscient.Céline Bénéjean - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 54 (2):161-162.
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    Activité définitoire folk et argumentation en contexte polémique.Anne-Charlotte Husson - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    A Wittgensteinian critique of the encoding-decoding model of communication.William Husson - 1994 - Semiotica 98 (1-2):49-72.
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    Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty.Michel Husson - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):70-85.
    Thomas Piketty’s book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, provides a monumental database for the history of capitalism. But the author’s interpretation of these data is based on an inconsistent theoretical framework that constantly oscillates between two definitions of capital: either capital as accumulated drawing rights on the value created; or capital as a factor of production in the neoclassical tradition. Capital as a social relation is forgotten and the history of capitalism appears as an accounting mechanism.
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  15. El proceso de descentralización en Francia.Bérnard Husson - 2000 - In Marisela Benavides (ed.), Planteamientos y debate: globalización, descentralización y desarrollo local. Lima: Escuela para el Desarrollo.
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    Exploring the Temporality of Complex Computational Practice: Two Eclipse Notes by John of Murs in the ms Escorial O II 10.Matthieu Husson - 2016 - Centaurus 58 (1-2):46-65.
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    Fin du travail ou réduction de sa durée?Michel Husson - 1999 - Actuel Marx 26:127-145.
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  18. L'intellectualisme de Bergson.Léon Husson - 1947 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    L'écologique de l'histoire.Valentin Husson - 2020 - Zurich: Diaphanes.
  20. L'infrastructure du raisonnement juridique.L. Husson - 1973 - Logique Et Analyse 16 (61):3.
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    La promessianicité de la lettre.Valentin Husson - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 37:25-37.
    On essaye d’interroger dans cet article, le messianique à partir de l’entente de la lettre chez trois penseurs juifs : Derrida, Levinas et Jabès. De là nous sera-t-il possible, peut-être, de généraliser l’entente de cette lettre juive, jusqu’à l’archi-écriture au sens de Derrida, et de penser ainsi le messianique comme la venue de l’autre dans l’être ou avant l’être. Mais une question reste en suspens : si la lettre juive engage la venue de l’autre et de l’être, nous est-il encore (...)
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    Les trois dimensions du néo-impérialisme.Michel Husson - 1995 - Actuel Marx 18:21-33.
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    Un double continuum : d’une figure à plus d’une couleur.Valentin Husson - 2014 - Philosophique 17.
    n m : se suivant dans l’alphabet, m est un double n, la mise en contact de deux n, et n, un m séparé de lui-même, ayant perdu avec le n le contact avec l’autre même. De ce continuum, donc, son double. Prothèse. Ou plutôt orthèse. Soutenir ici une thèse de Mehdi, en supplément de quoi, qui sait, seulement une lettre. M, comme son initiale et l’initiale d’un ami souffrant de l’amour, lettre nasale bilabiale produite par le desserrement des deux (...)
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    Vivre(s): malaise dans la culture alimentaire.Valentin Husson - 2018 - [Maroeuil]: Éditions Les Contemporains favoris.
    Mange-t-on pour vivre ou vit-on pour manger? La question est peut-être mal posée. Car ce qu'il faudrait affirmer : c'est que le vivant mange la vie à pleines dents, et que vivre n'est qu'une métonymie de "vivres". Voilà l'hypothèse de cet essai. La vie doit dès lors être pensée à partir d'un certain régime d'alimentation. Traduire Freud, pour aujourd'hui, c'est sans doute soutenir que le malaise dans notre culture est désormais alimentaire. Dégoût pour la vie, manque d'appétit pour elle, quand (...)
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    La relation médecin-malade chez Georges Canguilhem.Céline Lefève - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (4):695-723.
    Georges Canguilhem’s philosophy of life, according to which the living is a normative subject, grounds its epistemology in medicine. Medicine is a technique or an art that aims to restore the individual normativity of the patient. It can only be practiced based on the knowledge and understanding of the life norms, and on experience and values, in other words, on the subjectivity. This explains why the clinic and the therapeutics require a personal relationship between the physician and the patient.
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    Riding the Long Wave.Michel Husson - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):77-102.
    Robert Brenner's contribution to the history of post-war capitalism provides a stimulating basis for the opening of a debate on this subject. I will begin with some critical remarks before putting forward a number of alternative propositions on the functioning of contemporary capitalism.
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  27. La scenographie : le rythme du regard dans l'espace vicu.Celine Schmitt - 2010 - In Pierre-Alexis Mevel & Helen Tattam (eds.), Language and its contexts: transposition and transformation of meaning? = Le langage et ses contexts: transposition et transformation du sens? New York: Peter Lang.
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    L’évaluation chiffrée de la performance du travailleur : risques et limites.Céline Teyssier - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:229-254.
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    Regenerative Medicine’s Immortal Body: From the Fight against Ageing to the Extension of Longevity.Céline Lafontaine - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (4):53-71.
    From organ transplants to genetic therapies by way of the manufacture of replacement tissue, regenerative medicine incarnates a biomedical reasoning that is unique to contemporary society. As a re-engineering of the body, regenerative medicine is the most accomplished manifestation of contemporary biopolitics: it concretely announces the emergence of what sociologist Karin Knorr Cetina calls the ‘culture of life’, in which individual existence is symbolically assimilated to biological conditions. This article will examine the symbolic and ethical issues of regenerative medicine, notably (...)
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    Accounting for Future Generations in Energy Ethics: The Case for Temporalized Ethical Matrices.Céline Kermisch & Christophe Depaus - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):30-47.
    Accounting for future generations is central in energy ethics and the ethical matrix can be used to reveal ethical impacts on them. However, the way it integrates future generations is questionable. The aim of this paper is to show why this tool does not consider ethical impacts on future generations appropriately and to propose a novel temporalized framework, which characterizes future people according to temporal, spatial and role features. By stimulating the disclosure of intergenerational conflicts, this temporalized matrix provides support (...)
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  31. Conceptual engineering and pragmatism: historical and theoretical perspectives.Céline Henne & Yvonne Huetter-Almerigi - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Conceptual engineering takes a distinctively normative and reconstructive approach to our conceptual repertoire. This approach is congenial to the ideas defended by philosophers belonging to the multifaceted tradition of American and Cambridge Pragmatism. This special issue is devoted to the investigation and development of these connections. Our introduction maps some of the historical and theoretical entanglements between the two fields and gives a short overview of the contributions to the special issue.
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    Spatio-temporal dynamics of face recognition in a flash: itʼs in the eyes.Céline Vinette, Frédéric Gosselin & Philippe G. Schyns - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (2):289-301.
    We adapted the Bubbles procedure [Vis. Res. 41 (2001) 2261] to examine the effective use of information during the first 282 ms of face identification. Ten participants each viewed a total of 5100 faces sub-sampled in space–time. We obtained a clear pattern of effective use of information: the eye on the left side of the image became diagnostic between 47 and 94 ms after the onset of the stimulus; after 94 ms, both eyes were used effectively. This preference for the (...)
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  33. Framed and framing inquiry: a pragmatist proposal.Céline Henne - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-25.
    In this article, I draw an important distinction between two kinds of inquiry. “Framed inquiries” take for granted and use a conceptual framework in order to ask and answer questions, while “framing inquiries” require the creation, revision, or expansion of the conceptual framework itself in order to address the problem at hand. This distinction has been largely ignored in epistemology, and collapsed by two radically opposed philosophical camps: representationalism and antirepresentationalism. While the former takes all inquiries to be in the (...)
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    Social anxiety biases the evaluation of facial displays: Evidence from single face and multi-facial stimuli.Céline Douilliez, Vincent Yzerbyt, Eva Gilboa-Schechtman & Pierre Philippot - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (6):1107-1115.
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    The Cybernetic Matrix of `French Theory'.Céline Lafontaine - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (5):27-46.
    This article aims to draw a portrait of the influence of cybernetics on soft science. To this end, structuralism, post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy will be successively analyzed in a perspective based on importing concepts stemming from the cybernetic paradigm (information, feedback, entropy, complexity, etc.). By focusing more specifically on the American postwar context, we intend to remind the audience that many soft science specialists were involved in the elaboration of this ‘new science’. We will then retrace the influence of the (...)
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    The Strength of Ethical Matrixes as a Tool for Normative Analysis Related to Technological Choices: The Case of Geological Disposal for Radioactive Waste.Céline Kermisch & Christophe Depaus - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):29-48.
    The ethical matrix is a participatory tool designed to structure ethical reflection about the design, the introduction, the development or the use of technologies. Its collective implementation, in the context of participatory decision-making, has shown its potential usefulness. On the contrary, its implementation by a single researcher has not been thoroughly analyzed. The aim of this paper is precisely to assess the strength of ethical matrixes implemented by a single researcher as a tool for conceptual normative analysis related to technological (...)
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  37. How is organ transplantation depicted in internal medicine and transplantation journals.Céline Durand, Andrée Duplantie, Yves Chabot, Hubert Doucet & Marie-Chantal Fortin - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):39.
    In their book Spare Parts, published in 1992, Fox and Swazey criticized various aspects of organ transplantation, including the routinization of the procedure, ignorance regarding its inherent uncertainties, and the ethos of transplant professionals. Using this work as a frame of reference, we analyzed articles on organ transplantation published in internal medicine and transplantation journals between 1995 and 2008 to see whether Fox and Swazey’s critiques of organ transplantation were still relevant.
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    The Second Sex: Differently Other or Otherly Different?Céline T. Léon - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):139-153.
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    Clinique institutionnelle : les figures de l’agir.Céline Attard & Jean-Louis Pedinielli - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 232 (2):147-163.
    Les auteurs développent une réflexion sur la clinique de l’agir dans l’institution en charge de protéger l’enfance. Ils soutiennent l’idée que le professionnel se trouve acteur malgré lui engagé par l’agir dans la relation dite d’accompagnement. Ainsi est envisagé le déploiement de mouvements transférentiels au sein de la prise en charge dont l’analyse constitue un support privilégié à la restitution du sens de l’agir. L’agir est appréhendé, au-delà de sa dimension économique, comme signifiant d’une impasse psychique. L’idée centrale se situe (...)
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    CROTEAU, Jacques, L'homme : sujet ou objet ? Prolégomènes philosophiques à une psychologie scientifico-humanisteCROTEAU, Jacques, L'homme : sujet ou objet ? Prolégomènes philosophiques à une psychologie scientifico-humaniste.Céline Bélanger - 1983 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 39 (3):379-381.
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    Adler et la philosophie.Laurent Husson - 2021 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (4):61-64.
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    Œnomaus de Gadara : le dialogue contre le destin.Suzanne Husson - 2014 - Chôra 12:121-143.
    Œnomaus of Gadara, in his work Detection of Deceivers, of which long fragments are preserved by Eusebius of Caesarea, contests Apollo’s oracles in name of the human action contingency. His targets are not only the Democritean and Stoic determinism, but also the Middle Platonic view of conditional fate. In a fictional address to Apollo, he demonstrates the contingency of the action, in an original way, which he extends to the field of the animal action. The examination of his argument shows (...)
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    Théorie et expérience dans Les sciences juridiques.L. Husson - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (1):22-31.
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  44. Comment intégrer le citoyen dans la gestion des risques technologiques?Céline Kermisch - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 110:51-64.
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    La révolution numérique et les transformations de la guerre.Céline Marangé - 2021 - Cités 88 (4):153-158.
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    Defining categories of actionability for secondary findings in next-generation sequencing.Celine Moret, Alex Mauron, Siv Fokstuen, Periklis Makrythanasis & Samia A. Hurst - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (5):346-349.
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    Socially Responsible Investment.Céline Louche & Steven Lydenberg - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:112-117.
    The paper focuses on the development and practices of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) in the US and Europe. The aim is to explore the historical, cultural and political embeddedness of SRI. Based on secondary sources of information, it offers a comparative analysis of the development and current practicesof SRI on both sides of the Atlantic and discusses the future implications for SRI. The paper shows that SRI movements in both regions present differences in terms of definitions, actors involved, vocabulary and (...)
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    Specifying the Concept of Future Generations for Addressing Issues Related to High-Level Radioactive Waste.Celine Kermisch - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (6):1797-1811.
    The nuclear community frequently refers to the concept of “future generations” when discussing the management of high-level radioactive waste. However, this notion is generally not defined. In this context, we have to assume a wide definition of the concept of future generations, conceived as people who will live after the contemporary people are dead. This definition embraces thus each generation following ours, without any restriction in time. The aim of this paper is to show that, in the debate about nuclear (...)
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    When Workplace Unionism in Global Value Chains Does Not Function Well: Exploring the Impediments.Céline Louche, Lotte Staelens & Marijke D’Haese - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):379-398.
    Improving working conditions at the bottom of global value chains has become a central issue in our global economy. In this battle, trade unionism has been presented as a way for workers to make their voices heard. Therefore, it is strongly promoted by most social standards. However, establishing a well-functioning trade union is not as obvious as it may seem. Using a comparative case study approach, we examine impediments to farm-level unionism in the cut flower industry in Ethiopia. For this (...)
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  50. The Embodied Biased Mind.Celine Leboeuf - 2020 - In Erin Beeghly & Alex Madva (eds.), An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This essay aims to show that implicit biases should not be conceived of as “inside the head” of individuals, but rather as embodied and social. My argument unfolds in three stages. First, I make the case for conceiving of implicit biases as perceptual habits. Second, I argue that we should think of perceptual habits and, by extension, implicit biases, as located in the body. Third, I claim that individual habits are shaped by the social world in which we find ourselves (...)
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