Results for 'Culture Historiography.'

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  1.  61
    Music and culture : Historiographies of disjuncture.P. Bohlman - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton, The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge. pp. 45--56.
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    Historicising Historical Theory’s History of Cultural Historiography.Alison Melissa Moore - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):257-291.
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    The literature and the science of ‘two cultures’ historiography.Guy Ortolano - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):143-150.
    This paper discusses the historiography of the ‘two cultures’ controversy. C. P. Snow’s lament about the ‘two cultures’, literary and scientific, has inspired a wide range of comment—much of which begins by citing Snow and his thesis, before going on to discuss very different things. This paper focuses upon one strand of this commentary, the historical analysis of the controversy itself. A ‘historical’ analysis is defined here as one that resists the impulse to enter the argument on behalf of Snow (...)
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    Historiography and the Cultural Study of Nineteenth-Century Biology.Robert J. Richards - unknown
    Historians, the good ones, mark a century by intellectual and social boundaries rather than by the turn of the calendar page. Only through fortuitous accident might occasions of consequence occur at the very beginning of a century. Imaginative historians do tend, however, to invest a date like 1800 with powers that attract events of significance. It is thus both fortunate and condign that Abiology@ came to linguistic and conceptual birth with the new century. Precisely in 1800, Karl Friedrich Burdach, a (...)
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    History, Historiology and Historiography of U.S. Cross-Cultural Studies.Antonio Sánchez-Bayón - 2013 - Cinta de Moebio 48:147-157.
    This article explains the History (past reality), the Historiology (the theories and methods to study the past), and the Historiography (the academic literature) about Cross-Cultural Studies in the U.S.A., from traditional and native subjects (i.e. American Studies), until the current version. It pays attention to religion, as a relevant factor in the evolution of U.S. culture and its model of social relations. En este artículo se explica la Historia (la realidad pasada), la Historiología (las teorías y métodos con los (...)
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    Turning Points in Historiography: A Cross-cultural Perspective.Q. Edward Wang & Georg G. Iggers - 2002 - Boydell & Brewer.
    Examining turning points in historical thought in a variety of cultures, the essay here deal with reorientations in historical thinking in the pre-modern period since Antiquity, mainly in ancient Greece and China and in medieval Christian Europe.
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  7. The historiography of Italian philosophy between history of ideas and cultural history.G. Cacciatore - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 56 (2):205-224.
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  8.  33
    Cracking the code: Technology, historiography, and the "back office" of mass culture.Ted Striphas - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (2 & 3):261 – 282.
    This article contributes to the project of historicizing the emergence of printed books as a mass cultural form in the 20th century and after, in addition to exploring the political-economic struggles both occasioning and occasioned by their constitution as such. In doing so, it both models and reflects on what a possible historiography of technology "after social constructionism" might look like. More specifically, it attempts to account for the behind-the-scenes or "back office" processes through which commodification takes place in the (...)
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  9.  77
    Hellenistic Constructs. Essays in Culture, History and Historiography. P Cartledge, P Garnsey, E Gruen (edd.).James Davidson - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):380-383.
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    Cultural Plurality Contending Memories and Concerns of Comparative History: Historiography and Pedagogy in Contemporary India.B. D. Chattopadhyaya - 2007 - In Jörn Rüsen, Time and history: the variety of cultures. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 10--151.
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    The disappearance of the empirical: Some reflections on contemporary culture theory and historiography.Paul Roth - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (3):271-292.
    This paper surveys the parallel fates of the notion of the empirical in philosophy of science in the 20th century and the notion of experience as evidence in one important line of debate in historiography/philosophy of history. The focus concerns the presumably crucial role some notion of the empirical plays in the assessment of knowledge claims. The significance of 'the empirical' disappears on the assumption that theories either determine what counts as experience or explain away any apparently discordant evidence. One (...)
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  12.  29
    Nationalism, historiography, and the (re)construction of the past.Claire Norton (ed.) - 2007 - Washington, DC: New Academia.
    The essays in this collection explore both how the employment of nation-state dominated discourses have caused a re-imagination of the past, and how the past has been re-constructed to accord with nationalist agendas. Although other works have considered in general terms how nations are imagined, this collection takes a different stance and specifically focuses on how 'the past' is used in such imaginations. This collection was conceived in an interdisciplinary spirit, drawing insights from art history, intellectual history, literature, archaeology, heritage (...)
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  13.  28
    The return of cultural history? ‘Literary’ historiography from Nietzsche to Hayden White.Hans-Peter Söder1 - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):73-84.
    Often overlooked is the fact that postmodern theory brought to the fore a crisis in the humanities. The implied universalism of the current “iconic turn” in postmodern thinking is a blow to the traditional sciences grouped around national literatures and cultures. In the 1980's, postmodern practitioners in the United States began to assault the discursive practices of the mainstream under the banner of cultural studies. The current crisis in the humanities surfaced in the emancipation of the various studies from their (...)
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  14.  24
    The predicament of ideas in culture: Translation and historiography.Douglas Howland - 2003 - History and Theory 42 (1):45–60.
    Rather than a simple transfer of words or texts from one language to another, on the model of the bilingual dictionary, translation has become understood as a translingual act of transcoding cultural material--a complex act of communication. Much recent work on translation in history grows out of interest in the effects of European colonialism, especially within Asian studies, where interest has been driven by the contrast between the experiences of China and Japan, which were never formally colonized, and the alternative (...)
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  15. In defence of a humanistically oriented historiography: the nature/culture distinction at the time of the Anthropocene.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2020 - In Jouni Matt-Kuukkanen, Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives. Bloomsbury. Bloomsbury. pp. 216-236.
    “Do Anthropocene narratives confuse an important distinction between the natural and the historical past?” asks Giuseppina D’Oro. D’Oro defends the view that the concept of the historical past is sui generis and distinct from that of the geological past against a new, Anthropocene-inspired challenge to the possibility of a humanistically oriented historiography. She argues that the historical past is not a short segment of geological time, the time of the human species on Earth, but the past investigated from the perspective (...)
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  16. Literacy, Historiography, and the Ethics of Writing About the Absent Other: On Responsibility Toward the Past.Natan Elgabsi - 2022 - Dissertation, Åbo Akademi University
    This dissertation examines existential and ethical dimensions of writing and reading, especially with regard to what it means to historicize, that is think, tell, read and write about the past. A central aim of the dissertation is to show that reading and writing as cultural phenomena involve a transgenerational ethical relationship with absent people, which exceeds the immediate horizon of life of an individual. Growing up in a culture of literacy means gradually coming to understand a life that spans (...)
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  17.  13
    Marxist historiographies: a global perspective.Q. Edward Wang & Georg G. Iggers (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Marxist Historiographies is the first book to examine the ebb and flow of Marxist historiography from a global and cross-cultural perspective. Since the eighteenth century, few schools of historical thought have exerted a more lasting impact than Marxism, and this impact extends far beyond the Western world within which it is most commonly analysed. Edited by two highly respected authors in the field and taking a truly global perspective on this topic, Marxist Historiographies demonstrates clearly the breadth and depth of (...)
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  18.  20
    Historiography of Yogācāra Philosophy in 20th Century India.Sergei L. Burmistrov & Бурмистров Сергей Леонидович - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):91-108.
    Paradigms of historiography of philosophy in India have being changed since late 19th c. till present, depending on the social and cultural context of the history of Indian philosophy as a part of contemporary Indian culture. This change manifests itself in the conceptions of Indian historians concerning the teaching of Buddhist Mahāyāna school of Yogācāra (4th c. and later). Historians of colonial times, basing themselves on the philosophy of Neovedаntism (S. Radhakrishnan, S. Dasgupta), regarded Buddhism as a derivate of (...)
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  19.  16
    On the Culturalization of Philosophical Historiography: Hermeneutics and Philosophical Historiography in Feuerbach, Dilthey and Blumenberg.Tim-Florian Goslar - 2015 - In Valentin Pluder & Gerald Hartung, From Hegel to Windelband: Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century. Boston: DE GRUYTER. pp. 227-244.
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  20.  27
    Historiography: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies : Politics.Robert Burns (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Organized thematically, this important five-volume set brings together key essays from the field of historical studies. Including an extensive general introduction by the editor in the first volume, as well as shorter individual introductions in each of the following volumes, this set is essential reading for scholars and students alike. Coverage includes: 1. Foundations - The Classic Tradition - The Old Cultural History - Economic History 2: Society - Social History - Marxism - Annales - History of Mentalities 3: Ideas (...)
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  21.  83
    Historiography and Postmodernism: Reconsiderations.Perez Zagorin - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):263-274.
    Zagorin presents a critique of F. R. Ankersmit's postmodernist philosophy of history as fallacious and opposed to some of the fundamental convictions and intuitions historians feel about their discipline. It questions Ankersmit's conclusion that the overproduction of historical writings and continuing generation of new interpretations has obliterated the past as an object of knowledge. It argues that Ankersmit's attempt, in accord with Hayden White, to aestheticize historiography and regard it as a linguistic construction indistinguishable from literature, must sever it from (...)
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  22.  6
    The Historiography of Ukrainian Philosophy and the Studies in Historiography of Philosophy in Ukraine.Serhii Yosypenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:7-26.
    Drawing on recent publications on studies in historiography of philosophy in French-, English-, and German-speaking philosophy, the author clarifies the subject matter and tasks of studies in historiography of philosophy as a historico-philosophical approach, in particular, counting among such subjects the images of philosophy's past constructed by histories of philosophy, as well as the historiographical attitudes of historians of philosophy and the contexts and factors that determine these historiographical attitudes. The article analyses the conceptions and implementations of three projects of (...)
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  23.  14
    Perspectives on Indian History, Historiography, and Philosophy of History.G. P. Singh - 2009 - D.K. Printworld.
    The volume is a collection of papers on certain aspects of Indian history, historiography and culture. The papers are fundamental, insightful and path-breaking to some extent. Combining literary, archaeological, scientific and other perspectives, they cover a range of subjects stretching from ancient to modern India. The volume deals with the Greek historians, the Indian epic and Puranic tradition of historiography, colonial and cultural expansion of the Aryans, the early history of north-west India, society, trade and commerce in ancient India, (...)
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  24.  57
    The Historiography of Balinese Texts,'.Adrian Vickers - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (2):158-178.
    There is a Balinese sense of history, albeit one different from most Western notions of history in that it stresses continuity with patterns from the past, not the past as a "foreign country." Balinese do not narrate events in chronological order for the purposes of writing history, as is the bent of Western scholars. Rather, they tell stories about other things that we would call "mythical" or "legendary" in order to refer to events. Balinese historical writing serves to establish and (...)
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  25.  78
    Writing Oz pop: An insider’s account of Australian popular culture making and historiography.Trevor Hogan & Peter Beilharz - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 109 (1):89-114.
    This interview – conducted by Peter Beilharz and Trevor Hogan with Clinton Walker over the course of three months (July to September 2011) between Melbourne and Sydney via email and Skype – explores the questions of Australian popular culture writing with, against, and of the culture industries themselves. Walker is a leading freelance Australian cultural historian and rock music journalist. He is the author of seven books, five about Australian music. He has been a radio DJ and TV (...)
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  26.  18
    Historical Truth, Historical Criticism, and Ideology: Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture From a New Comparative Perspective.Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Achim Mittag & Jörn Rüsen (eds.) - 2005 - Brill.
    Three issues essential to our insight into the concept and function of historical consciousness, and the description thereof, form the core of this book: historical truth, historical comment and criticism, and ideology (including the historian's trustworthiness). Taking as a point of departure the workings of these concepts in Chinese historical thinking, the volume carefully draws comparisons with similar topics in the Western tradition. It thus advocates and shows a truly comparative approach that sets the stage for an intercultural dialogue on (...)
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  27.  63
    From Hegel to Windelband: Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century.Valentin Pluder & Gerald Hartung (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: DE GRUYTER.
    In the 19th century, the history of philosophy becomes the history of a particular science. Modern philosophical historiography is an ambivalent project. On the one hand, we find an affirmative concept of Bildung through tradition and historical insight; on the other, there arises a critical reflection on historical education in the light of an emerging critique of modern culture. The book offers a comprehensive overview of the debate.
  28.  18
    Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe.Patrick Baker (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    By way of essays and a selection of primary sources in parallel text, Biography, Historiography, and Modes of Philosophizing provides an introduction to a vast, significant, but neglected corpus of early modern literature: collective biography. It focuses especially on the various related strands of political, philosophical, and intellectual and cultural biography as well as on the intersection between biography, historiography, and philosophy. Individual texts from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century are presented as examples of how the ancient collective biographical (...)
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  29.  77
    Scientific Historiography Revisited: An Essay on the Metaphysics and Epistemology of History.Aviezer Tucker - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (2):235-.
    RÉSUMÉ: La pragmatique et la sémantique de l’historiographie révèlent une fragmentation croissante qui s’étend par-delà les écoles jusqu’aux historiens individuels. Alors que les scientifiques normalisent les données pour qu’elles s’ajustent aux théories, les historiens interprètent leurs théories, de manières incompatibles entre elles, pour qu’elles s’ajustent aux différents cas historiques. Les difficultés qui en découlent dans la communication historiographique remettent en cause les philosophies herméneutiques de l’historiographie et redonnent un nouvel intérêt à la question d’une historiographie scientifique. Mais les réponses existantes (...)
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  30.  48
    The fate of jewish historiography after the bible: A new interpretation.Amram Tropper - 2004 - History and Theory 43 (2):179–197.
    What caused the eventual decline in later Jewish history of the vibrant historiographical tradition of the biblical period? In contrast to the plethora of historical writings composed during the biblical period, the rabbis of the early common era apparently were not interested in writing history, and when they did relate to historical events they often introduced mythical and unrealistic elements into their writings. Scholars have offered various explanations for this phenomenon; a central goal of this article is to locate these (...)
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  31.  11
    Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges.Mark Poster & Professor Mark Poster - 1997 - Columbia University Press.
    In a series of incisive readings of signature historical works, Mark Poster charts the move from social history to new practices of cultural history that are drawing strength from poststructuralist interpretive strategies and raising issues found in feminist and postcolonialist discourse. In the process, he sets forth an outline for a postmodern historiography that can negotiate the contested terrain between the ambiguities of discourse and the pull of the "real." As Poster provides close readings of leading historians and theorists such (...)
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  32.  51
    Gender and Written Culture in England at the end of the Middle Ages.Aude Mairey - 2013 - Clio 38:273-298.
    Nombre d’analyses et de réflexions d’Anglo-Saxons (mais aussi de Scandinaves et de Néerlandais) sur les interactions entre genre et culture écrite en Angleterre à la fin du Moyen Âge ont été, ces dernières années, d’une grande richesse. Elles méritent d’être appréhendées dans toute leur complexité et d’être confrontées aux récents questionnements de l’historiographie française. Une grande partie de ces travaux s’est inscrite dans le cadre d’une analyse renouvelée du triptyque « literacy/orality/ aurality » et insiste sur la complexité des (...)
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  33.  11
    Cultural Memory, Memorials, and Reparative Writing.Erica L. Johnson - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Pivot.
    Cultural Memory, Memorials, and Reparative Writing examines the ways in which memory furnishes important source material in the three distinct areas of critical theory, memoir, and memorial art. The book first shows how affect theorists have increasingly complemented more traditional archival research through the use of "academic memoir." This theoretical piece is then applied to memoir works by Caribbean writers Dionne Brand and Patrick Chamoiseau, and the final case study in the book interprets as memorial art Kara Walker's ephemeral 80,000 (...)
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  34.  20
    Matthew Bailey and Ryan D. Giles, eds., Charlemagne and his Legend in Early Spanish Literature and Historiography. (Bristol Studies in Medieval Culture 6.) Woodbridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2016. Pp. xi, 203. $99. ISBN: 978-1-8438-4420-4. Table of contents available online at d-historiography/. [REVIEW]Francisco Bautista - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):472-473.
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  35.  26
    Mamluk Historiography Outside of Egypt and Syria: ʿAlī b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Samhūdī and his Histories of Medina.Harry Munt - 2015 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 92 (2):413-441.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 92 Heft: 2 Seiten: 413-441.
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    Science, religious beliefs, and historiography: Assessing the scientification of religion's method and theory.Leonardo Ambasciano - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):1062-1066.
    In the recent past, attempts to revitalize historico-religious studies have challenged the charismatic appeal of some of the most celebrated scholars of the twentieth century. At the same time, the old and ideological frameworks that characterized the field have been critically analyzed and deconstructed. The disciplinary status quo, taken for granted for quite a long time, has been shaken to its foundation, paving the way for new approaches. However, the postmodern tenet of problematizing any authority has also become a convenient (...)
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  37.  44
    Ankersmit's postmodernist historiography: The hyperbole of "opacity".John H. Zammito - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (3):330–346.
    Ankersmit's articulation of a postmodern theory of history takes seriously both the strengths of traditional historicism and the right of historians to decide what makes sense for disciplinary practice. That makes him an exemplary interlocutor. Ankersmit proposes a theory of historical "representation" which radicalizes the narrative approach to historiography along the lines of poststructuralist textualism. Against this postmodernism but invoking some of his own arguments, I defend the traditional historicist position. I formulate criticisms of the theory of reference entailed in (...)
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  38.  40
    García Ruiz, María Pilar y Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J. , Praising the Otherness. Linguistic and Cultural Alterity in the Roman Empire: Historiography and Panegyrics.Álvaro Cancela Cilleruelo - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:259-262.
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  39. Representation. Music in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and the Historiography of the Middle / Stephen Hinton ; Plain Tunes for Plain Men? Opera and the “Man in the Street” in 1920s Britain / Alexandra Wilson ; On or about 1932 : The Mechanized Middlebrow, the BBC, and the Amateur / Sarah Collins ; Tchaikovsky in Hollywood. Do we listen? / Peter Franklin ; Bread and Champagne : Stalinist Musical Comedies of the 1930s and the Soviet Middlebrow / Peter Kupfer ; Music and the Good Life in Postwar Britain : The Phenomenon of Eileen Joyce / Heather Wiebe ; Samuel Barber's A Hand of Bridge and Anxieties of the American Middlebrow / Jacques Dupuis ; Fringe or Middle? Assessing Rock as Late 20th-Century Middlebrow / Chris McDonald ; Raising a Brow : Sondheim and the Cultural Status of the Broadway Musical. [REVIEW]Dana Gooley - 2024 - In Kate Guthrie & Christopher Chowrimootoo, The Oxford handbook of music and the middlebrow. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Transnational Historiography: Chinese American Studies Reconsidered.Haiming Liu - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (1):135-153.
    In this essay I review four recent monographs on Chinese American history: Xiao-huang Yin's Chinese American Literature since the 1850s, Madeline Hsu's Dreaming of Gold, Dream of Home: Transnationalism and Migration Between the United States and South China, Young Chen's Chinese San Francisco 1850-1943: A Trans-Pacific Community, and Xiaojian Zhao's Remaking Chinese America: Immigration, Family, and Community, 1940-1965. Based on both English- and Chinese-language sources, the authors of these four books explore migration processes and the social origins of Chinese immigrants (...)
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    Literary Historiography from National to European Literature.Nullo Minissi - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (12):87-94.
    The division of literature by language and nation has become so common that it seems to be obvious and natural. But it is not so, and moreover this not even a very old practice. But the national literary histories, apart from their political-cultural aims, are without justification since the history of literature in its themes, subjects and forms has rarely been confined to one nation. Quite large cultural areas exist, bound by space and time, in which literary phenomena are inextricably (...)
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  42.  30
    From Psychoanalysis to Cultural Trauma: Narrating Legacies of Collective Suffering.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (4):370-385.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to offer both an interpretation and a critique of the epistemological foundations underlying one of the most recent approaches to trauma studies: cultural trauma theory. After the First World War, the founding father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, inquired into whether his diagnostic of “traumatic neurosis” could shed light on how collectives deal with unsettling experiences and memories. Throughout the intervening decades, Freud´s insights into collective trauma have attracted the interest of scholars from various disciplines within the (...)
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    Beyond cultural imperialism: Cultural theory, Christian missions, and global modernity.Ryan Dunch - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (3):301–325.
    “Cultural imperialism” has been an influential concept in the representation of the modern Christian missionary movement. This essay calls its usefulness into question and draws on recent work on the cultural dynamics of globalization to propose alternative ways of looking at the role of missions in modern history. The first section of the essay surveys the ways in which the term “cultural imperialism” has been employed in different disciplines, and some of the criticisms made of the term within those disciplines. (...)
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    Heinrich Wieleitner (1874–1931) and The Birth of Modern Mathematics—Science Communication and the Historiography of Mathematics in the Weimar Culture[REVIEW]Maria M. Remenyi - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (1):51-82.
    By taking the work and life of the historian of mathematics Heinrich Wieleitner as an example, this study aims to highlight the many interrelations between the historiography of mathematics, mathematics education, and science communication in mathematics.By integrating aspects of the history of media, this case study also explores mathematical public relations work in the 20th century and draws attention to the important persons, institutions and contents. The focus is on the Weimar period, in which the self-understanding of mathematics was challenged (...)
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    On Lawfulness in History and Historiography.Bert Leuridan & Anton Froeyman - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):172-192.
    The use of general and universal laws in historiography has been the subject of debate ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Since the 1970s there has been a growing consensus that general laws such as those in the natural sciences are not applicable in the scientific writing of history. We will argue against this consensus view, not by claiming that the underlying conception of what historiography is—or should be—is wrong, but by contending that it is based on a (...)
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    Lonergan and Historiography: The Epistemological Philosophy of History.Thomas J. McPartland - 2010 - University of Missouri.
    Although Bernard Lonergan is known primarily for his cognitional theory and theological methodology, he long sought to formulate a modern philosophy of history free of progressive and Marxist biases. Yet he never addressed this in any single work, and his reflections on the subject are scattered in various writings. In this pioneering work, Thomas McPartland shows how Lonergan’s overall philosophical position offers a fresh and comprehensive basis for considering historiography. Taking Lonergan’s philosophy of historical existence into the realm of an (...)
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    About the dialectical historiography of international law.Ian Hunter - 2016 - .
    Currently there is a widely held view that international law and its historiography did not emerge until the nineteenth century, with earlier forms of jus gentium or Völkerrecht being consigned to the status of a superseded ‘pre-history’. It is not widely understood that this view itself belongs to a particular kind of historiography–the dialectical historiography of international law–that was born in 1840s Germany, and wielded this viewpoint as a cultural-political weapon to exclude its rivals from ‘modernity’. In outlining a history (...)
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    Towards a New Historiography and Conceptual Decolonization.Britta Saal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:85-92.
    Considering two recent trends in the Humanities – the cultural turn and the increase of critical sociohistorical reflections on a global level – in this paper it should be looked at their influences especially on philosophy. One of these influences can be located in the emergence of “intercultural philosophy” since the 1990s which calls for a reorientation of philosophy in general. Regarding mainly one of the favored methods, the polylogue, it is important to take into account the postcolonial perspective, too. (...)
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  49.  21
    The gold of knowledge – Nicolai Hartmann and historiography of philosophy.Gerald Hartung - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (4):718-737.
    Around 1900, historiography of philosophy faced the challenge of opening itself to scientific, social, and cultural history, without giving up what is unique to philosophy: its exclusive claim to i...
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    Historiography of the Genesis of the Pentecostal Movement: Early and Recent Research Directions in English-language Literature.Aleksei Vladimirovich Tsys - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The purpose of this article is to identify early and recent Pentecostal studies in the West and to highlight the main difference between them. Today there are more than 250 million Pentecostals in the world, and together with the charismatic movement there are more than 500 million. Having begun to spread in the 20th century, the movement claims to be the fastest growing religious phenomenon in human history. In attempts to interpret the phenomenon of the movement's growth, there have been (...)
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