Results for 'Cristoph Houswitschka'

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  1. Transmediale Selbstreflexivität in Stephen Poliakoffs Shooting the Past (1999).Cristoph Houswitschka - 2016 - In Thomas Metten & Michael Meyer, Film, Bild, Wirklichkeit: Reflexion von Film - Reflexion im Film. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
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    Do arquétipo à ficção: a ambivalência da ideia em João de Salisbury.Cristophe Grellard - 2010 - Discurso 40 (40):45-70.
    Do arquétipo à ficção: a ambivalência da ideia em João de Salisbury.
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  3. The Swallows on Cleopatra's Ship.Cristopher M. McDonough - 2003 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 96 (3).
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    The Productive Body.Cristopher Morales - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (3):467-472.
    Volume 47, Issue 3, November 2018, Page 467-472.
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    More Than a China Model. Bell’s Book Might Be Even More Consequential Than Its Author Thinks.Cristopher-Teodor Uglea - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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  6. Antropología histórico-cultural de la educación.Cristoph Wulf - 2006 - Estudios Filosóficos 55 (160):449-466.
    Actualmente, superada ya la antropología normativa, ¿qué entendemos por antropología? Las opiniones están divididas. Además de la investigación sobre la evolución importante para esta cuestión, deben ser tenidos aquí en cuenta cuatro paradigmas principales de la antropología: la Antropología histórica de origen alemán, las investigaciones antropológicas de las ciencias históricas desarrolladas en Francia, la antropología cultural o la etnología anglosajona y, finalmente, la Antropología Histórica (reflexiva) centrada en las ciencias humanas, que ha aparecido en una confrontación con los paradigmas precedentes. (...)
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    Revista ÍSTMICA un lugar seguro para la escritura de mujeres.Cristopher Montero Corrales - 2024 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (34):1-6.
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    Narrative in Culture: The Uses of Storytelling in the Sciences, Philosophy, and Literature.Cristopher Nash (ed.) - 1990 - Routledge.
    First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Raymond Angelo Belliotti, Power. Oppression, Subservience, and Resistance, SUNY Press, New York, 2016. 274 páginas. ISBN13: 978-1-4384-5956-1. [REVIEW]Cristopher Morales - 2018 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 18:129-132.
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    Del pequeño Albert a la situación extraña.Cristopher Yáñez-Urbina, Claudia Calquín Donoso & Carlos Ramírez Vargas - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:149-163.
    El artículo problematiza el abordaje de la ética en la investigación en psicología con infancias en el siglo XX y su articulación con los códigos y principios éticos. Se elaboran tres puntos de inflexión con la literatura en la materia, a saber: (1) un cuestionamiento en la producción de universales que ponen siempre la exclusión de un singular susceptible de ser sometido a suplicio, (2) desplazamiento de la idea de que existe una buena y una mala lectura de los documentos (...)
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    “Die Arbeit als eine Pest geflohen wird”: La crítica al trabajo asalariado en los "Manuskripte" de 1844 de Karl Marx.Cristopher Morales Bonilla - 2017 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 17:73-96.
    Los Ökonomisch-philosophische Manuskripte de 1844 de Marx establecen las bases del proyecto marxista de superación del capitalismo. Para ello, desarrolla una crítica al trabajo asalariado desde el concepto de alienación procedente de la dialéctica hegeliana y de la crítica de Feuerbach a la religión. Este análisis le sirve para establecer otros conceptos como los de una alteridad materialista o la reducción a la animalidad, desde los cuales sería posible construir otro marxismo alternativo al de Das Kapital.
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    Properties of a Transport Instrument for Measuring Psychological Impacts of Delay on Commuters, Mokken Scale Analysis.Mahdi Rezapour, Cristopher Veenstra, Kelly Cuccolo & F. Richard Ferraro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study assessed the validity of instrument including various negative psychological and physical behaviors of commuters due to the public transport delay. Instruments have been mostly evaluated by parametric method of item response theory. However, the IRT has been characterized by some restrictive assumptions about the data, focusing on detailed model fit evaluation. The Mokken scale analysis, as a scaling procedure is a non-parametric method, which does not require adherence to any distribution. The results of the study show that in (...)
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  13. La mimesis in Auerbach.Gunter Gebauer & Cristoph Wulf - 1993 - Studi di Estetica 7:129.
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    ROCHA, Servando: La facción caníbal. Historia del vandalismo ilustrado. La Felguera editores, Madrid, 2012.Cristopher Morales Bonilla - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:164.
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    What Is a Macrostate? Subjective Observations and Objective Dynamics.Cosma Rohilla Shalizi & Cristopher Moore - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-22.
    We consider the question of whether thermodynamic macrostates are objective consequences of dynamics, or subjective reflections of our ignorance of a physical system. We argue that they are both; more specifically, that the set of macrostates forms the unique maximal partition of phase space which (1) is consistent with our observations (a subjective fact about our ability to observe the system) and (2) obeys a Markov process (an objective fact about the system’s dynamics). We review the ideas of computational mechanics, (...)
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    Emancipación, automatización y crítica al trabajo asalariado: El proyecto de emancipación de Le Droit à la parece.Cristopher Morales Bonilla - 2020 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 47:429-447.
    El proyecto de emancipación que Paul Lafargue presenta en Le droit à la paresse constituye no solo uno de los primeros documentos de análisis de la sociedad capitalista y sus posibilidades revolucionarias, sino que supone, a la vez, el punto de arranque de una tradición de emancipación diferente a la del socialismo clásico. Sin embargo, en el propio desarrollo del análisis ya se vislumbran de forma teórica los problemas prácticos que dicha tradición ha acabado por desarrollar.
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    El derecho a la digna ira.Cristopher Morales Bonilla - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:483-487.
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    Alan Ryan, The Making of Modern Liberalism, Princeton University Press, Princeton/Oxford, 2012. 670 páginas. ISBN: 9781400841950. [REVIEW]Cristopher Morales Bonilla - 2016 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 16:206-209.
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    Web Service Modeling Ontology.Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Rubén Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Cristoph Bussler & Dieter Fensel - 2005 - Applied ontology 1 (1):77-106.
    The potential to achieve dynamic, scalable and cost-effective marketplaces and eCommerce solutions has driven recent research efforts towards so-called Semantic Web Services that are enriching Web services with machine-processable semantics. To this end, the Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) provides the conceptual underpinning and a formal language for semantically describing all relevant aspects of Web services in order to facilitate the automatization of discovering, combining and invoking electronic services over the Web. In this paper we describe the overall structure of (...)
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  20. Introduction: Perspectives on Pragmatism and Justice.Dieleman Susan, David Rondel & Cristopher Voparil - 2017 - In Susan Dieleman, David Rondel & Christopher J. Voparil, Pragmatism and Justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-17.
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    Crítica de libros.José A. Zamora, Antonio Casado da Rocha, Jorge Riechmann, Adrián Almazán, Carmen Madorrán Ayerra, Javier Romero Muñoz, Fernando Arribas Herguedas, Javier Cigüela Sola, Alfredo Saldaña Sagredo, Clara Navarro Ruiz, Cristopher Morales, Manuel Toscano, Roberto Navarrete Alonso & Ignacio Castro - 2016 - Isegoría 55:707-766.
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    Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic.Steve Awodey, Kohei Kishida & Hans-Cristoph Kotzsch - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 228:591-636.
    We define the notion of a model of higher-order modal logic in an arbitrary elementary topos E. In contrast to the well-known interpretation of higher-order logic, the type of propositions is not interpreted by the subobject classifier ΩE, but rather by a suitable complete Heyting algebra H. The canonical map relating H and ΩE both serves to interpret equality and provides a modal operator on H in the form of a comonad. Examples of such structures arise from surjective geometric morphisms (...)
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    Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscularian Matter Theory.William Newman, John Murdoch & Cristoph Lüthy (eds.) - 2001 - E.J. Brill.
    This book on medieval and early modern corpuscular matter theories presents the research results of nineteen scholars, who show that his modern model of matter has some of its roots in physical, medical, mathematical, alchemical, and theological conceptions developed in the Middle Ages.
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  24. Cristopher Shields, Classical Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction.Ana Gavran Miloš - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16:149-153.
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  25. Cristopher Peacocke, The Realm Of Reason.Nenad Miščević - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 14:377-380.
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    Linda Radzik, with Cristopher Bennett, Glen Pettigrove, and George Sher, The Ethics of Social Punishment: The Enforcement of Morality in Everyday Life.Tomás Fernandez Fiks - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (1-2):158-161.
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    L'interpretazione Metafisica Della Conoscenza Malebranchiana Dell'anima Di Jean-cristophe Bardout: un confronto con i testi.Caterina Fraioli - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Human Beings and Their Education from an Anthropological Perspective: Current Discourses in the Field of Educational Science in the German‐Speaking World.Christoph Wulf - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (2):245-254.
    In this article Cristoph Wulf examines the basic concepts of pedagogy and educational science in the German-speaking world, looking at education and socialization from the perspective of educational anthropology. He makes evident that the complex German concept of Bildung, in particular, can only be fully understood by means of a historical and philosophical analysis.
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    Armchair applied philosophy and business ethics.Tom Sorell - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder, Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--181.
    This is a reprint of an article in a collection edited by Cristopher Cowton and Roger Crisp, Business Ethics: Perspectives on the Practice of Theory (1998). The article reflects on (a) the tension between aprioristic applied philosophy --geared to thought experiments constructible in the armchair-- and applied philosophy informed by contact with relevant practitioners; and (b) the tension between the content of business ethics and the receptiveness of a business audience to its moralising messages. The contrast between business ethics and (...)
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  30. Does process externalism.Riccardo Manzotti - unknown
    Yet we experience qualities. Thus qualities are an empirical fact. Even hard-core neuroscientists like Cristoph Koch have acknowledged it: “the provisional approach I take. . .is to consider first person experiences as brute facts of life and seek to explain them.” (Koch 2004: 7). But since objective knowledge of the world is independent of qualities, the world is supposed to be devoid of qualities. Qualities are supposed to emerge out of the subject – whatever the subject is.
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    Maurice Blanchot: The Demand of Writing.Carolyn Bailey Gill (ed.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    This timely collection of essays is the first to be written on the work of Maurice Blanchot in English. One of the finest writers of our time, Blanchot is a contemporary of Bataille and Levinas; his writing has influenced the likes of Derrida and Foucault. Eminent commentators featured here include: Simon Critchley, Paul Davies, Cristopher Fynsk, Rodolphe Gasche, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland, Jeffery Mehlman, Roger Laporte, Ian Maclachlan, Marie-Claire Ropars-Wuilleumier, Gillian Rose and Ann Smock. The essays consider the political implications (...)
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    The Notion of health and the morality of genetic intervention.Erik Malmqvist - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (2):181-192.
    In the present paper it is argued that genetic interventions on human embryos are in principle permissible if they promote the health of the persons that these embryos will one day become and impermissible if they compromise their health. This so called health-intervention principle is reached by, inter alia, rejecting alternative approaches to the problem of the permissibility of genetic intervention. The health-intervention principle can be interpreted in different ways depending on how the notion of health is understood. The central (...)
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    Analysis of network data.Cosma Shalizi - unknown
    Recommended: Edo Airoldi, David M. Blei, Stephen E. Fienberg, Anna Goldenberg, Eric P. Xing and Alice X. Zheng (eds.), Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues, and New Directions [Disclaimer: contains one of my papers .] Aaron Clauset and Cristopher Moore, "Accuracy and Scaling Phenomena in Internet Mapping", cond-mat/0410059 = Physical Review Letters 94 (2005).
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    Hamann and the philosophy of David Hume.Charles W. Swain - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):343.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hamann and the Philosophy of David Hume CHARLES W. SWAIN There have been many and various interpretations of Hume's philosophy; no one, so far as I know, has ever viewed him as a romantic. On the other hand, Johann Georg Hamann, "the wizard of the North," has gained his modicum of notoriety mainly through his influence on German romanticism, plus the fact that Kierkegaard mentions him approvingly, and even (...)
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    The humanist outlook.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1968 - London,: Pemberton; Barrie & Rockliff.
    El editor reúne a distintos miembros de la Advisory Council of the British Humanist Association para escribir sobre conceptos, tales como la moralidad, la educación moral, la ética, los medios de comunicación, la muerte o el futuro. Algunos de estos autores son: Cyril Bibby, Raymond Firth, Margaret Knight, Lord Francis Williams, Antony Flew, Peter Henderson, James Hemming, Morris Ginsberg, Lord Ritchie-Calder, Lord Boyd Orr, Kathleen Nott, Brigid Brophy, Cristopher Longuet-Higgins, Kingsley Martin, P. Sargant Florence, Theodore Besterman, F.A.E. Crew, H.J. Eysenck (...)
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    Mundos posibles y paradojas.Guillermo Badía - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (2):219-229.
    La definición de un “mundo posible” de Robert Adams es paradójica, de acuerdo con Selmer Bringsjord, Patrick Grim y Cristopher Menzel. Las pruebas de Bringsjord y Grim utilizaban el axioma del Conjunto Potencia; Cristopher Menzel objetó que, mientras este fuese el caso, todavía existía esperanza para la definición de Adams, pero Menzel desempolvó una vieja paradoja de Russell para demostrar que podíamos obtener las mismas conclusiones sin apelar a otra teoría de conjuntos que el Axioma de Separación. Sin embargo, el (...)
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    A foundation for real recursive function theory.José Félix Costa, Bruno Loff & Jerzy Mycka - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):255-288.
    The class of recursive functions over the reals, denoted by , was introduced by Cristopher Moore in his seminal paper written in 1995. Since then many subsequent investigations brought new results: the class was put in relation with the class of functions generated by the General Purpose Analogue Computer of Claude Shannon; classical digital computation was embedded in several ways into the new model of computation; restrictions of were proved to represent different classes of recursive functions, e.g., recursive, primitive recursive (...)
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