Results for 'Crist Alexander'

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    NASPH Satellite Society Meeting at SPEP: Introductory Remarks.Alexander Crist - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):315-316.
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    The Drang Zum Wort of Linguisticality.Alexander Crist - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):301-314.
    Since Truth and Method, Gadamer’s account of language or linguisticality as the medium of hermeneutic experience has prompted an ever-recurring reflection and critical engagement with the interpretive implications of this claim. For Gadamer, there is no subject matter that comes to the fore without linguisticality, that is, without the possibility of the subject matter to come into language in the first place. However, in later essays, he briefly discusses what he calls ‘prelinguistic’ in hermeneutic expe­rience. In this essay, I offer (...)
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    The Drang Zum Wort of Linguisticality in advance.Alexander Crist - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theology.
    Since Truth and Method, Gadamer’s account of language or linguisticality as the medium of hermeneutic experience has prompted an ever-recurring reflection and critical engagement with the interpretive implications of this claim. For Gadamer, there is no subject matter that comes to the fore without linguisticality, that is, without the possibility of the subject matter to come into language in the first place. However, in later essays, he briefly discusses what he calls ‘prelinguistic’ in hermeneutic experience. In this essay, I offer (...)
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    Pain: Reflections of a Philosopher.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Alexander Crist - 2020 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 1 (1):63-75.
    In “Pain,” Hans-Georg Gadamer offers several reflections on the experience of pain and its importance for both modern medicine and hermeneutic thought. Having already celebrated his 100th birthday at the time of this lecture, Gadamer speaks of his own experience with polio and the pains of old age, and the influence that his friend and physician, Paul Vogler, had on his approach to the treatment of pain. In the year 2000, Gadamer is concerned with the dominance of technology and chemical (...)
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    Review of Werner Hamacher, Keinmaleins: Texte zu Celan. [REVIEW]Alexander Crist - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):499-502.
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  6. Taste, traits, and tendencies.Alexander Dinges & Julia Zakkou - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1183-1206.
    Many experiential properties are naturally understood as dispositions such that e.g. a cake tastes good to you iff you are disposed to get gustatory pleasure when you eat it. Such dispositional analyses, however, face a challenge. It has been widely observed that one cannot properly assert “The cake tastes good to me” unless one has tried it. This acquaintance requirement is puzzling on the dispositional account because it should be possible to be disposed to like the cake even if this (...)
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  7. The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Reassessment.Alexander Pruss - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (4):500-503.
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  8. Salience and Epistemic Egocentrism: An Empirical Study.Joshua Alexander, Chad Gonnerman & John Waterman - 2014 - In James R. Beebe (ed.), Advances in Experimental Epistemology. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 97-117.
    Jennifer Nagel (2010) has recently proposed a fascinating account of the decreased tendency to attribute knowledge in conversational contexts in which unrealized possibilities of error have been mentioned. Her account appeals to epistemic egocentrism, or what is sometimes called the curse of knowledge, an egocentric bias to attribute our own mental states to other people (and sometimes our own future and past selves). Our aim in this paper is to investigate the empirical merits of Nagel’s hypothesis about the psychology involved (...)
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    Was Ludwig von Mises a Conventionalist? - A New Analysis of the Epistemology of the Austrian School of Economics.Alexander Linsbichler - 2017 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalisation of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include detailed discussions of (...)
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    Shared Decision-Making in the Determination of Death by Neurologic Criteria.Alexander A. Kon - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (6):30-32.
    Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2020, Page 30-32.
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  11. Relational Egalitarianism and Democracy.Alexander Motchoulski - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 18 (6):620-649.
    Relational egalitarians argue that democratic institutions are justified by appeal to relational equality. According to the skeptical challenge, equality of political power is not required for relational equality, and the relational egalitarian case for democracy fails. I defend the relational egalitarian justification of democracy. I develop an analysis of social status and show that inequalities of power will not entail inequalities of status. I then show that inequalities of power will robustly cause inequalities of status and argue that this vindicates (...)
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    Examining the Cognitive and Affective Trust-Based Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Organisational Citizenship: A Case of the Head Leading the Heart?Alexander Newman, Kohyar Kiazad, Qing Miao & Brian Cooper - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (1):113-123.
    In this paper, we investigate the trust-based mechanisms underlying the relationship between ethical leadership and followers’ organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs). Based on three-wave survey data obtained from 184 employees and their supervisors, we find that ethical leadership leads to higher levels of both affective and cognitive trust. In addition, we find support for a three-path mediational model, where cognitive trust and affective trust, in turn, mediate the relationship between ethical leadership and follower OCBs. That is to say, we found that (...)
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  13. Justice, Reciprocity, and the Boundaries of State Authority.Alexander Motchoulski - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (1):48-69.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 48-69, March 2022.
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    Embedding Ethics Education in Clinical Clerkships by Identifying Clinical Ethics Competencies: The Vanderbilt Experience.Alexander Langerman, William B. Cutrer, Elizabeth Ann Yakes & Keith G. Meador - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):163-174.
    The clinical clerkships in medical school are the first formal opportunity for trainees to apply bioethics concepts to clinical encounters. These clerkships are also typically trainees’ first sustained exposure to the “reality” of working in clinical teams and the full force of the challenges and ethical tensions of clinical care. We have developed a specialized, embedded ethics curriculum for Vanderbilt University medical students during their second year to address the unique experience of trainees’ first exposure to clinical care. Our embedded (...)
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  15. Binding of object representations by synchronous cortical dynamics explains temporal order and spatial pooling data.Alexander Grunewald & Stephen Grossberg - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 387--391.
  16. Some Sociological Problems of Socialist Factories.Alexander Matejko - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  17. The political principle of liberty.Alexander McCobin - 2013 - In Tom G. Palmer (ed.), Why liberty: your life, your choices, your future. Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books.
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  18. "An Index of" CW "Surveys of Scholarship".Alexander G. Mckay - 1974 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 67 (4):221.
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  19. Truth, method and the historian's character: the epistemic virtues of Greek and Roman historians.Alexander Meeus - 2020 - In Aaron Turner (ed.), Reconciling ancient and modern philosophies of history. Boston: De Gruyter.
  20. Education between two worlds.Alexander Meiklejohn - 1972 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
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  21. What Does America Mean?Alexander Meikeljohn - 1936 - The Monist 46:319.
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  22. The meaning of military virtues for peace : a moral theological approach.Alexander Merkl - 2019 - In Bernhard Koch (ed.), Chivalrous Combatants? The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present. Münster: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
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  23. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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  24. Proiskhozhdenīe i razvitīe nravstvennago instinkta.Alexander Sutherland - 1900
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    Culpably Creating the Conditions of Justified Acts: Another Look.Larry Alexander - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):107-112.
    In this short article I examine whether and how one’s minor culpability in giving rise to an instance of otherwise justified defense affects the defense and affects the act giving rise to it.
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    Sino-Russian cooperation as the basis for Greater Eurasia.Alexander Lukin - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (2):174-188.
    China and Russia are the main driving forces of Eurasian integration. Russia is pursuing its “pivot to Asia,” while China is branching out to the West through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The interests of Russia and China meet in Eurasia and their friendly relations have led to several cooperation projects there. The most important are linkages between the Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative and the plan to create a broader Eurasian Economic Partnership or Greater (...)
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    La libertad herida: consideraciones ante la relación libertad, voluntad, causalidad y conocimiento en el pensamiento de Schopenhauer.Alexander Aldana Piñeros - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-18.
    Este escrito examina el particular enfoque dado por Arthur Schopenhauer a la cuestión de la libertad y su relación problemática con la voluntad humana, la causalidad y el conocimiento. Dicha interacción se enjuicia al no presentar la claridad y suficiencia teórica pretendida por el alemán para tal conjunto teórico. Para esto, se estudia el escrito Sobre la libertad de la voluntad premiado por la Real Sociedad Noruega de las Ciencias en 1839, recogido en el primer capítulo del texto Los dos (...)
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    Social Norms in Experimental Economics: Towards a Unified Theory of Normative Decision Making.Alexander Vostroknutov - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (1):3-40.
    Even though standard economic theory traditionally ignored any motives that may drive incentivized social decision making except for the maximization of personal consumption utility, the idea that ‘preferences for fairness’ (following social norms) might have an economically tangible impact appeared relatively early. I trace the evolution of these ideas from the first experiments on bargaining to the tests of the hypothesis that pro-sociality in general is driven by the desire to adhere to social norms. I show how a recent synthesis (...)
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    Should Criminal Law Mirror Moral Blameworthiness or Criminal Culpability? A Reply to Husak.Alexander Sarch - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (2):305-328.
    In Ignorance of Law, Doug Husak defends a version of legal moralism on which ‘we should recognize a presumption that the criminal law should…be based, on conform to, or mirror critical morality’. Here I explore whether substantive criminal law rules should directly mirror not moral blameworthiness, but a distinct legal notion of criminal culpability – akin to moral blameworthiness but refined for deployment in legal systems. Contra Husak, I argue that the criminal law departing from the moral ideal embodied in (...)
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    The Modern Reason’s Failure.Alexander L. Gungov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:213-220.
    Late Edmund Husserl’s examination of the crisis of the European sciences is the point of departure of this paper. Husserl’s views about wrong objectivisation and naturalization of reason in science and philosophy have prepared the ground for dissatisfaction with reason in various trends of 20th century Social and Political Philosophy. This intellectual climate has naturally bred the radical criticism against the social project of Enlightenment practiced by the first generation Frankfurt School. Later on, the Modern reason misfortunes in social and (...)
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  31. Defensa plena de las medidas del Congreso.Alexander Hamilton - 2018 - Araucaria 20 (40).
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    Bedeutungsbegriff und Bedeutungstheorie: zur Erklärung eines Rätsels.Alexander Hofmann - 1995
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  33. Saintly Entrepreneurialism and Political Aspirations of Theravadin Saints in Mainland Southeast Asia.Alexander Horstmann - 2021 - In Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko & Beata Switek (eds.), Monks, money, and morality: the balancing act of contemporary Buddhism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  34. Book notices-cosmos. A sketch of a physical description of the universe.Alexander von Humboldt - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):376.
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    Surveillance Capitalism or Information Republic?Alexander Williams & Paul Raekstad - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (3):421-440.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Transzendentalität und Realität.Alexander Schnell - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy:241-264.
    From a phenomenological point of view the ‘real’ is neither to be identified with the ‘given’ nor with the ‘withdrawn’. It rather has to be examined in its relatedness to the factual. This in turn requires the reflection of the basic correlation of being and thought. By engaging in this task the author of this essay distinguishes five modalities: 1. the possibility of the accessibility of the world, 2. the actual modes of constitution of appearance 3. the genetic moment of (...)
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    Value and Obligation: The Foundations of an Empiricist Ethical Theory.Alexander Sesonske - 2012 - University of California Press.
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  38. An Introduction to Spinoza's Ethic.Alexander Shanks - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (53):100-103.
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    Capabilities Equality: Basic Issues and Problems.Alexander Kaufman - 2005 - Routledge.
    In this volume, leading scholars present new and original essays to address controversies raised regarding the focus, structure and justification of the capabilities approach to equality.
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  40. Le Criminel et ses juges.Alexander Alexander - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):521-522.
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    Artemidorus of Daldis, 'Oneirocritica' 2,12.Alexander Kessissoglu - 1986 - Hermes 114 (3):376-378.
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  42. L'interaction entre connaissances linguistiques et connaissances extralinguistiques en traduction. Une étude de cas.Alexander Künzli - 2005 - Hermes 34:223-244.
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    Eingreifen und Schliessen: interventionistische Kritik kausaler Erkenntnis.Alexander Kremling - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Welche Rolle spielt Handlungswissen bei der Erkenntnis von Ursachen und Wirkungen? Wie argumentiert man etwa mit Experimentalergebnissen in der Evolutionsbiologie oder therapeutischem Wissen in der Medizin? Lassen sich Grenzen kausaler Erkenntnis gerade auch an Moglichkeiten des Eingreifens festmachen? Diesen Fragen geht das Buch nach - mit einer Diskussion der philosophischen Kausalitatstheorie des Interventionismus und einer Reihe wissenschaftstheoretischer Fallstudien aus der Physik, Biologie, Evolutionsbiologie, Psychologie, Medizin sowie psychiatrischer und psychoanalytischer Forschung.
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    Renaissance? Perceptions of Continuity and Discontinuity in Europe, c.1300 - c.1550.Alexander Lee, Pit Péporté & Harry Schnitker (eds.) - 2010 - Brill.
    Building on recent revisionist trends, this book offers a refreshing new perspective on the Renaissance and presents an invaluable examination of continuities and discontinuities from Petrarch to Machiavelli, from Giotto to Durer, and from Italy to Burgundy, Bohemia and beyond.".
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    Bare Functional Desire.Alexander Miller - unknown
    But this changes nothing. The decisive claim is that in assessing the counterfactuals implicit in (A) we do not have to take sceptical worlds into the reckoning, whereas we must do that in assessing (B) because (B) explicitly speaks of them. Accept, provisionally, what is here said about (B) and focus on the claim about (A). Nobody should make it unless they are already in a position to assert that the actual world is not a sceptical world. And with that (...)
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    You shall be a blessing: main traits of a religious humanism.Alexander Müller - 1992 - San Francisco (7 Cameo Way, San Francisco 94131): Alfred Adler Institute. Edited by James Wolf & Henry Stein.
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  47. The Ancients''Meteorology': Forecasting and Cosmic Natural History.Alexander Mourelatos - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:279-291.
    A Critical Notice of Liba Taub, Ancient Meteorology, Routledge, London and New York, 2003.
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  48. Messung und Invarianz – ein Beitrag zum Metrologischen Strukturenrealismus.Alexander Ehmann - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):215-251.
    [ENGLISH] The present article is a contribution to the development of metrological structural realism. This position of philosophy of science goes back to Matthias Neuber, who introduces it as a third variation of the main structural realisms: epistemic structural realism and ontic structural realism. Here, Neuber attempts to tackle the problems of OSR and ESR while preserving their respective strengths. Of central importance to his approach, are the concepts of invariance, structure and, especially, measurement. Starting from Eino Kaila’s „non-linguistic, realist (...)
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  49. Das Unendliche und das Continuum.Alexander Koyré - 1922 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 5:622.
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    Categoricity of denumerable atomless Boolean rings.Alexander Abian - 1972 - Studia Logica 30 (1):63 - 68.
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