Results for 'Corrado Barbagallo'

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  1.  57
    Counterspeech and Ordinary Citizens: How? When?Corrado Fumagalli - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (6):1021-1047.
    Central to the still-nascent normative literature on counterspeech is the widespread belief that citizens should engage discursively with haters and the effects of hate speech. It is also increasingly clear that discursive engagement with intolerant members of society should be understood as a continuous and extended series of different and connected actions. Much less has been said about the ways that attempts in persuasion and direct responses to hate speech relate to one another and about when specific counterspeech actions should (...)
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    Criminal Quarantine and the Burden of Proof.Michael Louis Corrado - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1095-1110.
    In the recent literature a number of free will skeptics, skeptics who believe that punishment is justified only if deserved, have argued for these two points: first, that the free will realist who would justify punishment has the burden of establishing to a high level of certainty - perhaps beyond a reasonable doubt, but certainly at least by clear and convincing evidence - that any person to be punished acted freely in breaking the law; and, second, that that level of (...)
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  3. The mirror roots of social cognition.Corrado Sinigaglia & L. Sparaci - 2008 - Acta Philosophica 17 (2):307-330.
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    Mirror neurons: This is the question.Corrado Sinigaglia - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):70-92.
    Despite the impressive body of evidence supporting the existence of a mirror neuron (MN) system for action, the original claim regarding its crucial role in action understanding remains controversial. Emma Borg has recently launched a sharp attack on this claim, with the aim of demonstrating that neither the original version nor the subsequent revisions of the MN hypothesis tell us very much about how intentional attribution actually works. In this article I take up the challenge she issues in the title (...)
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    Sperm cells and foreign DNA: a controversial relation.Corrado Spadafora - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (11):955-964.
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    Interpretivism and Causal Explanations.Corrado Matta - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (6):543-567.
    This article criticizes a view about the interpretation of human action, labeled in the text as interpretivism. This view posits a sharp separation between the natural and social sciences, to the effect that the methods of the latter cannot be applied to the former. I criticize this standpoint by reconstructing a case of educational research. As I argue, the case I analyze indicates that the arguments in support of interpretivism are contradicted by what social researchers can actually achieve. I conclude (...)
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    Editorial ‘The Theory and Practice of Counterspeech’.Corrado Fumagalli & Enes Kulenović - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (4):489-492.
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    The Beginning of Senior Career in Team Sport Is Affected by Relative Age Effect.Corrado Lupo, Gennaro Boccia, Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu, Riccardo Frati, Roberto Marocco & Paolo Riccardo Brustio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Motor representation in acting together.Corrado Sinigaglia & Stephen A. Butterfill - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-16.
    People walk, build, paint and otherwise act together with a purpose in myriad ways. What is the relation between the actions people perform in acting together with a purpose and the outcome, or outcomes, to which their actions are directed? We argue that fully characterising this relation will require appeal not only to intention, knowledge and other familiar philosophical paraphernalia but also to another kind of representation involved in preparing and executing actions, namely motor representation. If we are right, motor (...)
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    La condizione transmoderna: tecnologia, sapere, arte.Santi Barbagallo (ed.) - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Leiblichkeit und Andersheit in Hegels Philosophie des Organischen.Ettore Barbagallo - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Paraffi: la questione del parergon da Kant a Derrida.Santi Barbagallo - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Un eclettico Privatdozent berlinese nel Vormärz: spiritualismo, idealismo e critica a Hegel in Karl Moritz Kahle.Corrado Bertani - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:473-505.
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    (1 other version)Protection from the lie and protection of truth between philosophy and law.Corrado Del Bò - 2019 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies:93.
    In the era of fake news, truth has become a different and more urgent political problem than the traditional issues of the arcana imperii and the lies of the rulers. Starting from this observation, and deepening some considerations contained in the essay by Hannah Arendt _Thruth and Politics_, the article offers a worried report on the possibility of truth (scientific and factual) not to be reduced to mere opinion among others, and concludes that only a loyal collaboration between epistemic authorities (...)
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  15. A Field of Veiled Continuities.Corrado Matta - 2017 - Dissertation,
    Empirical educational research enjoys a methodological and theoretical debate that is characterized by a number of unresolved and lively debated controversies. This compilation thesis is an attempt to contribute to this debate using the toolbox of philosophy of science. -/- The thesis consists of an introductory chapter and four essays. In the introductory chapter I identify three methodological and theoretical controversies that are discussed within the field of educational research. These are: 1) the controversy concerning the scientific status of educational (...)
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  16.  28
    Amitiés recomposées : frères de sang et bromance dans le cinéma taiwanais.Corrado Neri - 2020 - Diogène n° 265-265 (1-2):141-157.
    Le rejet de End of Track de Mou Tunfei (fin années 60), film “invisible”, jamais distribué, prouve à quel point les thématiques abordées (homosexualité, différence de classes, nihilisme) étaient taboues pour toute une génération. Banana Paradise (années 80) évoque la façon dont deux frères d’armes survivent en usurpant l’identité de camarades décédés, et finissent par s’épanouir dans une société en exil taraudée par la mémoire du continent. Enfin, Gf/Bf (années 2000) développe des thématiques jadis censurées (homosexualité, démocratisation) et qui refont (...)
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  17. A Marriage is an Artefact and not a Walk that We Take Together: An Experimental Study on the Categorization of Artefacts.Corrado Roversi, Anna M. Borghi & Luca Tummolini - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):527-542.
    Artefacts are usually understood in contrast with natural kinds and conceived as a unitary kind. Here we propose that there is in fact a variety of artefacts: from the more concrete to the more abstract ones. Moreover, not every artefact is able to fulfil its function thanks to its physical properties: Some artefacts, particularly what we call “institutional” artefacts, are symbolic in nature and require a system of rules to exist and to fulfil their function. Adopting a standard method to (...)
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  18.  51
    In defence of constitutive rules.Corrado Roversi - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14349-14370.
    Although the notion of constitutive rule has played an important role in the metaphysical debate in social and legal philosophy, several authors perceive it as somewhat mysterious and ambiguous: the idea of a specific kind of rules that are supposed to be “magically” constitutive of reality seems suspicious, more a rationalistic fiction than a genuine explanation. For these reasons, reductionist approaches have been put forward to deflate the explanatory role of this notion. In this paper, I will instead try to (...)
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  19.  16
    Montesquieu and the power of the metaphor.Corrado Rosso - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (1):21-33.
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  20.  44
    Moral Responsibility and Intentional Action: Sehon on Freedom and Purpose.Michael Louis Corrado - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (2):246-264.
    Scott Sehon is someone who takes the philosophy of criminal justice seriously, who believes that if we are going to condemn people to prison we should have pretty good grounds...
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  21. La filosofia italiana come problema. Da Bertrando Spaventa all'Italian Theory.Corrado Claverini - 2016 - Giornale Critico di Storia Delle Idee 15:179-188.
    In the last few years, an old question seems to have returned to the forefront among philosophers: is it improper to speak about national philosophical traditions? Or is it legitimate, for example, to identify a precise Italian philosophy and distinguish it from a French one? In the case it is legitimate, is it also beneficial to speak in such terms? Which are the risks and advantages of using national or territorial criteria as a principle for identifying different traditions of philosophical (...)
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  22.  90
    Punishment, quarantine, and preventive detention.Michael Corrado - 1996 - Criminal Justice Ethics 15 (2):3-13.
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  23. On a puzzle about relations between thought, experience and the motoric.Corrado Sinigaglia & Stephen A. Butterfill - 2015 - Synthese 192 (6):1923-1936.
    Motor representations live a kind of double life. Although paradigmatically involved in performing actions, they also occur when merely observing others act and sometimes influence thoughts about the goals of observed actions. Further, these influences are content-respecting: what you think about an action sometimes depends in part on how that action is represented motorically in you. The existence of such content-respecting influences is puzzling. After all, motor representations do not feature alongside beliefs or intentions in reasoning about action; indeed, thoughts (...)
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  24. Il dolore dell'indeterminato. La filosofia politica di Hegel in un libro recente.Corrado Bertani - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4:673-686.
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    Tra ontologia, logica e linguaggio. Le interpretazioni ottocentesche delle categorie di Aristotele.Corrado Bertani - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2:309-318.
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    Proper names and necessary properties.Michael Corrado - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (2):112 - 118.
    It has been proposed that, Under the restriction of singular terms to proper names, Singular de re propositions would be equivalent to certain de dicto propositions. But that is so only if a certain thesis--A thesis which is itself irreducibly de re--Is true of proper names. The conclusion is that the restriction to proper names is not, By itself, Sufficient to render the de re and de dicto equivalent.
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    What De Re Belief Is Not.Michael Corrado - 1975 - Analysis 35 (6):188 - 192.
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    Filosofia e medicina in Sicilia.Corrado Dollo - 2005 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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    Momenti e problemi dello spiritualismo.Corrado Dollo - 1967 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  30. Population.Corrado Gini, Shiroshi Nasu, Oliver E. Baker & Robert R. Kuczynski - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (2):267-268.
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    Johannes Althusius (1563-1638): teoria e prassi di un ordine politico e civile riformato nella prima modernità.Corrado Malandrino - 2016 - Torino: Claudiana.
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    Bibliografia ragionata degli scritti su Benedetto Croce.Corrado Ocone - 1993 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  33. La prima vicenda dell'utile nel pensiero di Croce (1895-1906).Corrado Ocone - 1996 - Filosofia Oggi 19 (75):253-264.
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    Dolore, felicità, uguaglianza: saggi di storia delle idee.Corrado Rosso - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Edited by Martino Rossi Monti.
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  35. Kant e la Rivoluzione francese: molte rivoluzioni in una = Kant and the French Revolution: many revolutions in one.Corrado Rosso - 1989 - [Bologna]: Università degli studi di Bologna.
  36.  31
    Discussione su "Dogma contro critica" di Thomas S. Kuhn.Corrado Sinigaglia, Roberta Lanfredini & Gürol Irzik - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (3):625-648.
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    of the Bioethics Committee of the Department.Corrado Viafora, Daniela Gobber & Paola Drigo - 2002 - In Guy Lebeer (ed.), Ethical function in hospital ethics committees. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. pp. 51--67.
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    Conceptualizing institutions.Corrado Roversi - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):201-215.
    Being part of the life of institutions requires a considerable amount of conceptual knowledge. In institutional settings, we must learn the relevant concepts to act meaningfully, and these concepts are internal in a peculiar way, namely, they are strictly relative to the rules of a given institution because they are constituted by those rules. However, institutions do not come out of nothing: They are inscribed in a social setting and this setting determines, at least in a broad sense, what is (...)
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    Priming effects under correct change detection and change blindness.Corrado Caudek & Fulvio Domini - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):290-305.
    In three experiments, we investigated the priming effects induced by an image change on a successive animate/inanimate decision task. We studied both perceptual and conceptual priming effects, under correct change detection and change blindness . Under correct change detection, we found larger positive priming effects on congruent trials for probes representing animate entities than for probes representing artifactual objects. Under CB, we found performance impairment relative to a “no-change” baseline condition. This inhibition effect induced by CB was modulated by the (...)
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  40.  20
    Constitutive Rules in Context.Corrado Roversi - 2010 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 96 (2):223-238.
    Context has always been central to Searle’s account of constitutive rules, as can be appreciated from his classic formulation, ‘X counts as Y in context C.’ But while the nature of X and Y in Searle have been widely discussed, the role of the context in which Y is constituted on the basis of X has not. So, in this paper, I will discuss how context shapes the process of constituting and creating meaning through rules and how, in doing so, (...)
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  41.  32
    The Food Allergy Risk Management in the EU Labelling Legislation.Corrado Rizzi, Gianni Zoccatelli, Barbara Simonato, Caterina Fratea & Federica Mainente - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):275-285.
    Food allergy represents an increasing public health issue, and a large number of food control authorities have provided regulations aimed to minimize the risk of allergic reaction for sensitized consumers. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations together with the World Health Organization established the Codex Alimentarius Commission whose main goal is to protect the consumers’ health. To purse this task the Commission listed the foods and ingredients causing the most severe allergic reactions that should be labelled. It (...)
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  42. Stability in Liberal Epistocracies.Corrado Fumagalli - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (1):97-109.
    In this article, I argue that stability is one of the enabling conditions for epistocratic arrangements to function well and justify their claim right to rule. Against this backdrop, I demonstrate that advocates of strategies to allocate exclusive decision-making power to knowledgeable citizens fail to demonstrate that in a context marked by the fact of pluralism, liberal epistocracies will be stable. They could argue that liberal epistocracies will be stable because epistocratic arrangements are better equipped than democratic decision-making bodies to (...)
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  43.  69
    (1 other version)Through the Looking Glass: Self and Others.Corrado Sinigaglia & Giacomo Rizzolatti - 2011 - Cosciousness and Cognition 20 (1):64-74.
    In the present article we discuss the relevance of the mirror mechanism for our sense of self and our sense of others. We argue that, by providing us with an understanding from the inside of actions, the mirror mechanism radically challenges the traditional view of the self and of the others. Indeed, this mechanism not only reveals the common ground on the basis of which we become aware of ourselves as selves distinct from other selves, but also sheds new light (...)
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  44.  19
    Soma to germline inheritance of extrachromosomal genetic information via a LINE‐1 reverse transcriptase‐based mechanism.Corrado Spadafora - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):726-733.
    Mature spermatozoa are permeable to foreign DNA and RNA molecules. Here I propose a model, whereby extrachromosomal genetic information, mostly encoded in the form of RNA in somatic cells, can cross the Weismann barrier and reach epididymal spermatozoa. LINE‐1 retrotransposon‐derived reverse transcriptase (RT) can play key roles in the process by expanding the RNA‐encoded information. Retrotransposon‐encoded RT is stored in mature gametes, is highly expressed in early embryos and undifferentiated cells, and becomes downregulated in differentiated cells. In turn, RT plays (...)
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  45. Hodgson on retribution.Michael Louis Corrado - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel (eds.), Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Acceptance is not Enough, but Texts Alone Achieve Nothing. A Critique of Two Conceptions in Institutional Ontology.Corrado Roversi - 2012 - Rechtstheorie 43 (2):177-206.
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  47.  23
    The Explanatory Power of Discourse Analysis.Corrado Matta - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (5):363-386.
    This paper discusses the explanatory power of discourse analysis, an approach to typically considered one of the main qualitative methods for data analysis. Although discourse analysis is typically not used to develop explanatory models, some have claimed that discourse models can causally explain social phenomena, such as institutional change. I analyze a case of institutional change to discuss and provide arguments for two claims. First, discourse analysis cannot generate causal explanations of social phenomena. Secondly, discourse analysis can generate non-causal explanations, (...)
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  48. Propositional attitudes, harm and public hate speech situations: towards a maieutic approach.Corrado Fumagalli - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4):609-630.
    In this article, I provide an argument against the idea that public hate-speech events are harmful because they cause a discrete, traceable and harmful change in one’s propositional attitudes. To do so, I identify the essential conceptual architecture of public hate-speech situations, I assess existing arguments for the direct and indirect harm of public hate speech and I propose a novel way to approach public hate-speech situations: a maieutic approach. On this perspective, public hate-speech events do not cause changes in (...)
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  49.  10
    In dialogo con Roberto Esposito.Corrado Claverini - 2019 - Giornale Critico di Storia Delle Idee 1:109-122.
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    Achievement is a Relation, Not a Trait: The Gravity of the Situation.Gail Corrado - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (6):587-601.
    Ability and achievement are not traits: they are relations. Mistaking traits for relations has a history even in science (our understanding of gravity). This mistake is possibly responsible for the lackluster performance of the results of our educational research when we have tried to use it to inform policy. It is particularly troublesome for interventions that target “children at risk.” The paper provides a quasi-formal outline of achievement as a relation and it then uses the outline to explain some problematic (...)
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