Results for 'Corpus stylistics'

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  1.  11
    Corpus stylistics as contextual prosodic theory and subtext.Bill Louw - 2016 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Edited by Marija Milojkovic.
    Part I: Theoretical considerations from the beginnings to the present day -- Chapter 1: Delexicalisation, relexicalisation and classroom application -- Chapter 2: collocation, interpretation, and context of situation -- Chapter 3: Semantic prosodies, irony, insincerity and literary analysis -- Chapter 4: Data-assisted negotiating -- Chapter 5: The analysis and creation of humour -- Chapter 6: Events in the context of culture, language events, subtext -- PART II: New applications -- Chapter 7: Alexander Pushkin and authorial intention -- Chapter 8: Translating (...)
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    Book review: Michaela Mahlberg, Corpus Stylistics and Dickens’s Fiction. [REVIEW] Marianne - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (5):691-693.
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    Rising through the registers – A corpus-based account of the stylistic constraints on Light Verb Constructions.Arian Shahrokny-Prehn & Silke Höche - 2011 - Corpus 10:239-257.
    En parcourant les registres – Une étude en corpus des usages stylistiques des « Light Verb Constructions » Cette contribution est consacrée aux aspects stylistiques d’usage de ce que l’on appelle des « Light Verb Constructions » (LVC) ; des phrases verbales complexes en Anglais. Alors que la majorité d’études jusqu’à présent se mettent d’accord sur la « note familière » des LVCs, des données empiriques montrent une vision plus complexe et hétérogène. Nos résultats qui sont basés sur le (...)
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    Croiser les corpus calibrés pour faire l’histoire de la langue : le cas de l’antéposition stylistique de l’infinitif et du participe.Pierre Goux Larrivée - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    Notre article illustre l’utilité de la calibration générique des corpus pour l’analyse diachronique de la langue française. Nous explorons le cas de l’antéposition stylistique de l’infinitif et du participe au sein de trois corpus constitués respectivement de textes littéraires, de coutumiers normands et de procès, de la période de l’ancien français à celle du français classique. Le calibrage générique montre que les évolutions de ces phénomènes d’antéposition diffèrent selon le type de texte, et que les textes légaux montrent (...)
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    Exploring reader engagement through emotional intensification in the bride: A systemic functional perspective.Zahra Bokhari, Tazanfal Tehseem & Saba Zulfiqar - 2020 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 59 (2):28-44.
    Readers of literary narratives undergo an emotional experience by feeling varied emotions in various ways. While going through a narrative, we assume here, a fictive reader may be absorbed because they very often believe they develop a feel what is to be felt from a perspective presented and, similarly they understand what is to be understood in a given situation and character engaged in highly textually interwoven situation. Therefore, certain techniques and devices are employed by the authors of emotional fiction (...)
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    From Wodehouse to the White House: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Play, Fantasy and Dramatic Incongruity in Comic Writing and Laughter-Talk.Alan Partington - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (2):189-213.
    From Wodehouse to the White House: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Play, Fantasy and Dramatic Incongruity in Comic Writing and Laughter-Talk In this paper I consider two discourse types, one written and literary, the other spoken and semi-conversational, in an attempt to discover if there are any similarities in the ways in which humour is generated in such apparently diverse forms of communication. The first part of the paper is concerned with the explicitly comic prose of P. G. Wodehouse, whilst (...)
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    Quantitative Distribution of Verbal Structures with Reference to the Authorship Factor in Legal Stylistics.Edyta Więcławska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (1):147-165.
    The paper aims at describing the findings and conclusions formulated in the analysis of the authorship factor in legal discourse. It is hypothesised that verbal structures show systemically varied distribution across legal discourse and the relevant distinctions run through the authorship categories. When it comes to the aim of the research it draws on the tradition of sociolinguistic methodology targeting issues related to language variation which follows the basic assumptions of functional grammar. From the point of view of the material (...)
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    Translator's Style Through Lexical Bundles: A Corpus-Driven Analysis of Two English Translations of Hongloumeng.Kanglong Liu & Muhammad Afzaal - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:633422.
    Based on a corpus-driven analysis of two translated versions ofHongloumeng(one by David Hawkes and the other by Xianyi Yang and Gladys Yang) in parallel corpora, this article investigates the use of lexical bundles in an attempt to trace the stylistic features and differences in the translations produced by the respective translators. TheHongloumengcorpus is developed at the sentence level to facilitate co-occurrence of the source texts and the two corresponding translations. For this purpose, the three-word and four-word lexical bundles were (...)
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    Seeing through The Bell Jar: Investigating Linguistic Patterns of Psychological Disorder. [REVIEW]Daniel Hunt & Ronald Carter - 2012 - Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (1):27-39.
    As a means of conveying difficult personal experiences, illness narratives and their analysis have the potential to increase awareness of patients’ lives and circumstances. Becoming sensitised to the linguistic texture of narrative offers readers a means of increasing narrative understanding. Using the fictional narrative of The Bell Jar , this paper outlines a novel method for exploring the language of illness narratives. Corpus stylistics provides new insights into narrative texture and demonstrates the importance of recurrent linguistic features in (...)
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  10.  12
    Do Theatrical Characters Have a Style? Tool-based Research on a Trilingual Theatrical Corpus.Marc Vandersmissen - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Dans le cadre du développement récent de la stylistique outillée, cet article propose une réflexion sur l’application de ce concept et de ses méthodes aux personnages de théâtre sur la base d’un corpus trilingue de tragédies : Euripide, Sénèque et Corneille. Pour mener la recherche, nous aborderons d’abord la question de la nature des rôles de théâtre entre unités textuelles recomposées et discours de personnages dans le cadre d’une performance sur scène. Ensuite, nous chercherons à définir si les caractéristiques (...)
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    Non-coordination-based ellipsis from a Construction Grammar perspective: The case of the coffee construction.Lena Heine - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):55-80.
    This paper focuses on English yes-no interrogatives of the type Would you like/Do you want [NP]? and their elliptical variants You like/You want [NP]?, Like/Want [NP]? and [NP]?. The central question is what type of theoretical relationship can be assumed between the different forms. A theoretical discussion of different traditional approaches and their limitations is followed by the presentation of an explorative corpus search in the BNC, which can reveal interesting differences between the different stages of initial reduction, in (...)
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    The phraseology of the contemporary fiction in the PhraseoBase’s corpora and applications.Sascha Diwersy, Laetitia Gonon, Vannina Goossens, Olivier Kraif, Iva Novakova, Julie Sorba & Ilaria Vidotto - 2021 - Corpus 22.
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    What is the authentic internet register before & after the Russian invasion in Ukraine? Polish and Czech YouTube comments from 2021–2023.Aleksej Tikhonov - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):365-388.
    Over one million tokens of comments were collected for the study using data mining methods. The videos under which the comments were dug out were not chosen arbitrarily but according to the current official national YouTube trends in Poland and the Czechia. The comments were collected under the most popular videos in ten categories: cars, comedy, fashion & lifestyle, gaming, music, non-political interview, politics, report, sports, and video blog. The data collection was carried in 2021–2022 and 2023 from under 40 (...)
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    Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic.Reviel Netz - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book represents a new departure in science studies: an analysis of a scientific style of writing, situating it within the context of the contemporary style of literature. Its philosophical significance is that it provides a novel way of making sense of the notion of a scientific style. For the first time, the Hellenistic mathematical corpus - one of the most substantial extant for the period - is placed centre-stage in the discussion of Hellenistic culture as a whole. Professor (...)
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  15.  13
    The Historical Present qātēl in Biblical Aramaic.Alexander Andrason, Vuyisa Gysman, Hans-Christoph Lange & Martinus van Renssen - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):547-571.
    This article offers a typologically-driven and corpus-based analysis of the historical present (HP) “active participle” qātēl in Biblical Aramaic. The authors argue that qātēl instantiates the HP category quite neatly and provide three main arguments. First, qātēl complies with the definition of a progredient/propulsive HP that emerges from crosslinguistic literature: while, in its prototypical use, qātēl expresses some type(s) of present, it may also be employed in narrative to introduce past perfective events. Second, when used as an HP, qātēl (...)
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  16. Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):267-287.
    This paper surveys ontological modeling of rhetorical concepts, developed for use in argument mining and other applications of computational rhetoric, projecting their future directions. We include ontological models of argument schemes applying Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST); the RhetFig proposal for modeling; the related RetFig Ontology of Rhetorical Figures for Serbian (developed by two of the authors); and the Lassoing Rhetoric project (developed by another of the authors). The Lassoing Rhetoric venture is interesting for its multifaceted approach to linguistic devices, prominently (...)
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    The distribution of Greek loan–words in Terence.Robert Maltby - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):110-.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss Terence's use of Greek loan-words and to examine their distribution by plays and by characters. How far are they used for stylistic effect and what relationship do they have to the themes of different plays? Is there any evidence for the concentration of these words, which often tend to be colloquial in tone, in the mouths of slaves and characters of low social status for the purposes of linguistic characterisation? Finally, does Terence's (...)
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    Work ethos in American ceremonial discourse addressed to the young.Ewa Bogdanowska-Jakubowska - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):561-579.
    The article discusses work ethos in American ceremonial discourse addressed to the young entering adult life. Its aim is to investigate whether the Protestant work ethic still pervades the American thinking about work. Through a qualitative analysis of the corpus of 100 randomly selected commencement addresses delivered during 2016 and 2017 graduation ceremonies in American universities, it is shown how work-related topics are employed by the speakers celebrating the graduates’ academic achievements and providing them with advice for the future. (...)
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    Norbert Zimmermann, Die Werkstattgruppen römischer Katakombenmalerei.Leonard V. Rutgers - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):640-642.
    Although numerous studies have been devoted to it, the history of wall painting in Late Antiquity is still very imperfectly known. This holds true especially where the chronology and stylistic development of late antique wall painting is concerned. Therefore, any serious study that seeks to advance our knowledge in this particular area is more than welcome, especially when it considers the most important corpus of wall paintings at our disposal, namely the painted cubicula and arcosolia that have survived in (...)
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  20. Binary Opposition in Literature: the Example of Brazil.Luciana Stegagno Picchio - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (99):1-20.
    The remarks which follow arise from the daily and simultaneous consulting of two literatures and, in a larger sense, of two cultures, Portuguese and Brazilian, both expressed in the same language, Portuguese. They also arise from an attempt to describe and define by categories which are “internal” to literature the differences which exist between the two bodies of writing under discussion. But they are equally inspired by a desire to isolate in the corpus of the texts which conventionally constitute (...)
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  21.  22
    Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus by Steven D. Smith (review).Fabio Tutrone - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (3):532-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus by Steven D. SmithFabio TutroneSteven D. Smith. Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 308pp. $99.When Otto Keller published his meticulous work Die Antike Tierwelt (1909–13), classical scholars still conceived of ancient zoological knowledge as an astonishingly labyrinthine corpus (...)
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    Revisiting the Authorship of [Arist.] περὶ πνεύματος: The Case for Theophrastus.Luca Torrente - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (2):265-288.
    In this article, I claim that the treatise known as περὶ πνεύματος/De spiritu (481a-486b Bekker) was written by Theophrastus. My overall argument unfolds in three stages: first, I briefly summarize the arguments against De spiritu’s authenticity in Aristotle’s corpus. This summary will lead to my first argument which uses the very same reasons that prove the non-Aristotelian authorship to claim the Theophrastean one, in particular linguistic aspects of the text (§2). Next, I will focus on chronology, by discussing the (...)
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    Style: A Queer Cosmology.Joe Edward Hatfield - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (2):226-232.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Style: A Queer Cosmology by S. Taylor BlackJoe Edward HatfieldStyle: A Queer Cosmology. By Taylor Black. New York: New York University Press, 2023. 304 pp. Hardcover $99.00, paper $35.00. ISBN- 10: 147982500X.Style is a perennial concern within rhetorical studies. As one of Aristotle's five canons, style has inspired a great deal of rhetorical theory over the past two millennia and counting. Hence, it would be reasonable to presume (...)
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    Ikonographie und Interaktion. Computergestützte Analyse von Posen in Bildern der Heilsgeschichte.Leonardo Impett & Peter Bell - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (1):31-53.
    The last few years have seen an explosion of medieval images in digital form, chiefly as a result of photo-library and manuscript digitisation projects. An entire corpus of images, even selected solely by scene or iconography, becomes an unwieldy object of study by traditional art-historical means. This is even more the case for medieval images, where authorship and dating are often cloudy and unclear, and the image itself is in many cases the first resource for scholarly inquiry.We take the (...)
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    Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases: Beazley and Pottier (review).John Howard Oakley - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (2):306-309.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.2 (2003) 306-309 [Access article in PDF] Philippe Rouet. Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases: Beazley and Pottier. Trans. Liz Nash. Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. xiii + 167 pp. 21 black and white plates. Cloth, $74. This monograph examines the development of two major approaches in the study of Greek vase painting by focusing on a comparison of (...)
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  26.  13
    Men in Women’s Worlds: Constructions of Masculinity in Women’s Magazines.Laura Coffey-Glover - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan Uk.
    This book presents an analysis of masculinity construction in a large corpus of women’s magazines, adopting a feminist Critical Stylistic approach to reveal how men are talked about and ‘sold’ to women as part of a successful performance of hegemonic femininity. This novel approach identifies women’s magazines as sites of ‘lad culture’ that perpetuate ideologies more commonly associated with the ‘laddism’ of male-targeted media. It examines how stereotypical images of men as naturally aggressive and obsessed with sex are promoted, (...)
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    De vita Mosis I: an introduction with text, translation, and notes.Philo Of Alexandria - 2023 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Michael Hunt & Philo.
    This volume, a translation of book 1 of Philo of Alexandria's De vita Mosis, with introduction and commentary, aims to introduce new readers, both students and scholars, to Philo of Alexandria through what is widely considered to be one of his most accessible works and one that Philo himself may have intended for readers unfamiliar with Judaism. The introduction provides historical, intellectual, and religious context for Philo, discusses major issues of scholarly interest, considers the relation of De vita Mosis to (...)
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  28.  37
    A cross-cultural investigation of email communication in Peninsular Spanish and British English: The role of (in)formality and (in)directness.Nuria Lorenzo-Dus & Patricia Bou-Franch - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (1):1-25.
    This paper examines the email discursive practices of particular speakers of two different languages, namely Peninsular Spanish and British English. More specifically, our study focuses on (in)formality and (in)directness therein, for these lie at the heart of considerable scholarly debate regarding, respectively (i) the general stylistic drift towards orality and informality in technology-mediated communication, and (ii) the degree of communicative (in)directness - within broader politeness orientations - of speakers of different languages, specifically an orientation towards directness in Peninsular Spanish vis-à-vis (...)
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    Sylvia Plath and the language of affective states: written discourse and the experience of depression.Zsófia Demjén - 2015 - London : New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Focusing on the first journal in 'The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath', this book writes a convincing case for the value of corpus-based stylistics and narrative psychology in the analysis of representations of the experience of affective states.Situated at the intersection between language study, psychology and healthcare, this study of the personal writing of a poet and novelist showcases a cutting-edge combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, including metaphor analysis, corpus methods, and second person narration. Techniques that (...)
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  30.  25
    Persius, Irony, and Truth.Paul Allen Miller - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):233-258.
    This article argues that Persius' claim to truth is inseparable from the stylistic complexity of his poetry. Irony becomes a method of truth-telling, not simply as a means of demystification but also as a way of pointing beyond the corruption of contemporary language. Part I of the article examines Persius' general discussion of poetic style throughout the corpus in light of Stoic conceptions of truth and the "sayable." Part II focuses on the opening of the Prologue and its relation (...)
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  31.  14
    Hippocrates: Greek Text and Translation, with Introduction and Commentary.Elizabeth M. Craik (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The wide-ranging content of Places in Man represents the entire Hippocratic Corpus: anatomy, physiology, pathology, medical ideology, clinical instruction, traditional love, gynaecology. Despite this wide and varied scope, the work is conceptually coherent and stylistically consistent. In this new edition of the Greek text with translation and commentary, the language and content of the work are studied in relation to other treatises of the Hippocratic Corpus, and to fragmentary early medical writings. It is argued that while there are (...)
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    Aux marges des dialogues de Platon: Essai d'histoire anthropologique de la philosophie ancienne (review).Alessandra Fussi - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):203-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aux marges des dialogues de Platon: Essai d'histoire anthropologique de la philosophie ancienneAlessandra FussiMarie-Laurence Desclos. Aux marges des dialogues de Platon: Essai d'histoire anthropologique de la philosophie ancienne. Grenoble: Millon, 2003. Pp. 286. Paper, €27,00.The book takes its bearings from Plato's knowledge of Herodotus's and Thucydides' writings as it is witnessed in such dialogues as the Menexenus, the Timaeus, the Critias and the Laws. Plato not only indirectly (...)
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  33.  23
    Metaphoric Use of Denotations for Colours in the Language of Law.Ljubica Kordić - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):101-124.
    In many papers dealing with the stylistic features of legal texts, metaphor is highlighted as a stylistic figure often used in the language of law. On a daily basis we can witness the frequent use of metaphoric collocations like soft laws, hard laws, silent partner, hedge funds, etc. In this paper, the author analyses the use of denotations for colours as constituent parts of metaphoric collocations in the language of law. The analysis is conducted by using a comparative approach to (...)
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    Hume on Tranquillizing the Passions.John Immerwahr - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):293-314.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume on Tranquillizing the Passions John Immerwahr Borrowingafragmentfrom thelyric poetArchilochus, Sir IsaiahBerlin once divided thinkers into two categories: foxes, who know many things; and hedgehogs, who know only one, "one big thing."1 Although Berlin does not include Hume in either list, it is tempting to put him with the foxes. Indeed, Hume's corpus is brilliantly eclectic, ranging with equal facility over an impressive array of seemingly diverse subjects (...)
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    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The Mizrahi Democratic (...)
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    Motivating non-canonicality in Construction Grammar: The case of locative inversion.Gert Webelhuth - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):81-105.
    This article discusses the English construction variously known as Locative Inversion or Stylistic Inversion. It shows that the construction displays a unique ensemble of grammatical and usage properties that can be stated but not motivated through purely grammatical means. In search of an explanatory approach, an analysis is presented that draws on concepts of Artificial Intelligence, in particular plans viewed as complex mental attitudes. It is claimed that utterances of Locative Inversion are associated with a particular communicative plan on the (...)
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    Structure and Tradition of Pierre de Jean Olieu's opuscula: Inner Experience and Devotional Writing.Antonio Montefusco - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:153-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:To Paul Lachance, ioculator Domini1. IntroductionWith the expression “inner experience” we refer to a complex linguistic and philosophical problem which is present even in the most recent theology. If, in general, this concept expresses the experience of something which is perceived by an individual in the absence of external stimulus or observable sensations, in Christian and mystical tradition it indicates more precisely the action and the transformation which God (...)
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    Exploring the Discursive Construction of Obedience: An Analysis of Application Letters for the Position of Executioner in Hitler’s Germany.Daniel Leisser, Katie Bray, Anaruth Hernández & Doha Nasr - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):687-722.
    This article presents an empirical investigation into the construction of obedience in letters of applications mailed to National Socialist authorities for the position of executioner between the years 1933 and 1945. To this end, a corpus of 178 letters of application was compiled, annotated, and analyzed using the corpus analysis toolkits Antconc and Lancsbox. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpus was conducted. The findings were related to and interpreted from the perspectives of applied legal linguistics, (...)
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    Approaching Legal Multinomials from the Sociolinguistic Perspective – Insights into Authorship-Based Distinctions.Edyta Więcławska - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1699-1715.
    The paper explores the hypothesis that multinomials can act as authorship-based style distinguishing markers in legal communication. Specifically, the analysis focuses on identifying the quantitative distribution patterns of structural categories of multinomials as typical for two authorship categories and on their communicative function. The two authorship categories that are contrasted here are legal professionals/experts and lay people. The analysis is conducted in the corpus-based methodology with a custom-designed corpus of English, authentic texts found in the legal trade, in (...)
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    Endoxa, epistemological optimism, and Aristotle's rhetorical project.Ekaterina V. Haskins - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.1 (2004) 1-20 [Access article in PDF] Endoxa, Epistemological Optimism, and Aristotle's Rhetorical Project Ekaterina V. Haskins Communication Department Boston College Aristotle's crucial role in institutionalizing the art of rhetoric in the fourth century BCE is beyond dispute, but the significance of Aristotle's rhetorical project remains a point of lively controversy among philosophers and rhetoricians alike. There are many ways of reading and evaluating Aristotle's Rhetoric (...)
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    Onomatopoeia, translation and relevance.Ryoko Sasamoto - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (2):347-375.
    It is generally acknowledged that onomatopoeia poses challenges for translation. However, there is little research into the translation of onomatopoeia in Pragmatics. This study seeks to examine the nature of onomatopoeia and its implications for translation from the perspective of relevance theory, addressing, in particular, the following questions: Can notions from pragmatics help to account for the perceived challenges involved in translating onomatopoeia? Would the showing-meaning nature affect the translation of onomatopoeia? What other factors result in difficulties in translating onomatopoeia (...)
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    Allusions in New York Times and Times Supplement news headlines.Jian-Shiung Shie - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (1):41-63.
    In 2004 The New York Times launched a weekly Times Supplement with Taiwan’s United Daily News. This article aims to explore non-lexicalized allusion variation between TS headlines and NYT headlines as a discourse strategy. A textual survey was conducted on a corpus comprising 605 TS news articles and their corresponding NYT articles. Non-lexicalized allusions were identified and explored within a reader-oriented approach. And a stylistic analysis was performed to explore cognitive, pragmatic, and rhetorical roles of non-lexicalized allusions in the (...)
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  43. Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine's Thought – By Phillip Cary. [REVIEW]Peter Ochs - 2011 - Modern Theology 27 (1):206-208.
    A Review of Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine’s Thought by Phillip Cary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), xxiv + 344 pp. -/- Phillip Cary has written another highly significant book on Augustine, and his writing displays the art of a master stylist. A complement to his Inner Grace, Outward Signs extends Cary’s thesis in Augustine and the Invention of the Inner Self: that Augus- tine’s Trinitarian and semiotic theology, groundbreaking as it was, remains beholden to a (...)
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    Heteronymy through the logometric lens: when Vian meets Sullivan.Camille Bouzereau, Cécile Pajona & Clara Sitbon - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Boris Vian crée son hétéronyme Vernon Sullivan en 1946. Or, leurs romans s’inscrivent dans des sous-genres discursifs bien distincts. Dès lors, peut-on parler de deux romanciers pour une même plume? Quel rôle joue le genre et son impact endigue-t-il tout point de rencontre? Au contraire, existe-t-il, malgré tout, des liens intertextuels entre les deux œuvres? Ces questions résultent d’une rencontre entre trois recherches doctorales qui a permis de croiser un concept (l’hétéronymie) à une méthode (la logométrie). Pour répondre à ces (...)
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    Matching in Mind the Sea Beast’s Complexion. On the Pragmatics of Plutarch′s Hypomnemata and Scientific Innovation: The Case of Q. N. 19. [REVIEW]Michiel Meeusen - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):234-259.
    This article is devoted to Plutarch’s natural-philosophical interests and aspirations, as expressed more precisely in his collection of Quaestiones Naturales, which has been generally underestimated by scholars. In order to speculate about the actual position of this collection in the Corpus Plutarcheum, I present a case study of one particular problem, viz. Q.N. 19. In the first part of the article, the scope is primarily confined to the traditional sources on which Plutarch relies, but I also take into account (...)
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  46. El docente como sujeto pedagógico en los nuevos tiempos.Juan Manuel Silva Corpus - 2014 - In David Castillo Careaga & Juana Arriaga Méndez (eds.), Formación e identidad docente: aproximaciones desde la práctica. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico: Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación.
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  47. Ouvrages envoyes a la redaction.Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis - 1984 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 106:317.
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    Déplacement stylistique à gauche de verbes non conjugués en ancien et en moyen français.Marie Labelle & Paul Hirschbühler - 2014 - Corpus 13:191-219.
    L’antéposition d’un verbe non conjugué (participe passé, infinitif) en ancien et en moyen français a été assimilée à l’antéposition stylistique de l’islandais. Nous montrons que dans le cas du français, ces antépositions illustrent trois constructions différentes, toutes distinctes de l’antéposition stylistique de l’islandais. Dans la construction la plus fréquente, étiquetée déplacement stylistique à gauche, l’expression antéposée s’insère dans une position interne à la proposition plutôt que dans la périphérie gauche, à la droite immédiate de la position canonique du sujet, qui (...)
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    Cultural change see extra-linguistic/cultural change decision tree analysis 211–212 see also multivariate analysis delocutive change 281–283. [REVIEW]Helsinki Corpus, N. -Gram Corpus & Oxford English Corpus - 2011 - In Kathryn Allan & Justyna A. Robinson (eds.), Current Methods in Historical Semantics. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 343.
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    Nasari: Integrating explicit knowledge and corpus statistics for a multilingual representation of concepts and entities.José Camacho-Collados, Mohammad Taher Pilehvar & Roberto Navigli - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 240 (C):36-64.
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