Results for 'Corné-Louise Bredenkamp'

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  1.  15
    A Plea for Consistency in Ethical Review.David D. Pothier & Corné-Louise Bredenkamp - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (3):109-110.
    When considering submissions ethics committees should be consistent in all aspects of their review. A wide variation in performance is likely to result in the unfair dismissal of good research on the one hand with inadequate ethical review on the other, neither of which is acceptable. The recent annual reports for UK MRECs suggest that the level of unfavourable opinion ranges from 6.9% to 24.2% Although a certain level of inconsistency is inherent in the system of ethical review there is (...)
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    COREC Model Information: Can Patients Read What COREC Wants Us to Give Them?David D. Pothier, Paul Nankivell & Corné-Louise Bredenkamp - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):22-23.
    For a patient to make an informed decision about participation in research, it is fundamental that they can understand what is involved. COREC has produced a model information sheet and consent form that researchers are encouraged and sometimes forced to use by LRECs. By applying readability statistics to these documents we have shown that the majority of the UK population would not be able to read this proposed text.
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    Play as dynamic movement in an assemblage: A novel approach to the concept of “play”.Corné du Plessis - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):111-129.
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    Subverting utilitarian subject-object relations in video games: A philosophical analysis of Thatgamecompany’s Journey.Corné du Plessis - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):466-479.
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    The Naturalized and Dialectical Ontologies of Nietzsche and Nishida.Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra - 2019 - Kritike 13 (2):113-130.
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  6. Despair: Sickness or Sin? Hopelessness and Healing in the Christian Life.Mary Louise Bringle - 1990
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    The Public’s Role in Winner-Take-All Politics.Andrea Louise Campbell - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (2):227-232.
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    Self-Motion: From Aristotle to Newton.Mary Louise Gill & James G. Lennox (eds.) - 2017 - Princeton University Press.
    The concept of self-motion is not only fundamental in Aristotle's argument for the Prime Mover and in ancient and medieval theories of nature, but it is also central to many theories of human agency and moral responsibility. In this collection of mostly new essays, scholars of classical, Hellenistic, medieval, and early modern philosophy and science explore the question of whether or not there are such things as self-movers, and if so, what their self-motion consists in. They trace the development of (...)
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  9.  51
    The linguistic interpretation of aphasic syndromes: Agrammatism in Broca's aphasia, an example.Mary-Louise Kean - 1977 - Cognition 5 (1):9-46.
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    A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity.Karen Jones, Louise Antony & Charlotte Witt - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (2):317.
  11.  38
    Philosophos: Plato’s Missing Dialogue.Mary Louise Gill - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato famously promised to complement the Sophist and the Statesman with another work on a third sort of expert, the philosopher--but we do not have this final dialogue. Mary Louise Gill argues that Plato promised the Philosopher, but did not write it, in order to stimulate his audience and encourage his readers to work out, for themselves, the portrait it would have contained. The Sophist and Statesman are themselves members of a larger series starting with the Theaetetus, Plato's investigation (...)
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    Al-Bīrūnī on the Time of Day from Shadow LengthsAl-Biruni on the Time of Day from Shadow Lengths.Marie-Louise Davidian - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):330.
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  13. Éléments de logique contemporaine.Marie Louise Roure - 1967 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
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    „Gehirne im Dialog “?Louise Röska-Hardy - 2011 - In Tobias Müller & Thomas M. Schmidt, Ich denke, also bin ich Ich?: das Selbst zwischen Neurobiologie, Philosophie und Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 14--113.
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    Ottawa Statement from the Sparking Solutions Summit on Population Health Intervention Research : Déclaration d’Ottawa issue du sommet Provoquer des solutions sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations.Erica Ruggiero, Louise Potvin, John P. Allegrante, Angus Dawson, Marcel Verweij, Evelyn Leeuw, James R. Dunn, Eduardo Franco, Katherine L. Frohlich, Robert Geneau, Suzanne Jackson, Jay S. Kaufman, Alfredo Morabia, Kenneth R. Mcleroy & Valéry Ridde - unknown
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  16. A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety.Terrie Moffitt, Louise Arseneault, Daniel Belsky, Nigel Dickson, Robert Hancox, HonaLee Harrington, Renate Houts, Richie Poulton, Brent Roberts, Stephen Ross & Others - 2011 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (7):2693–8.
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  17.  9
    Teachers’ Use of Within-Class Ability Groups in the Primary Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study of Social Comparison.Jane Louise Webb-Williams - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is common practice within primary classrooms for teachers to spilt children into different ability groups so that children of similar level are taught together. Whilst this practice is used across the globe, research is mixed on the benefits of such grouping strategy. This paper presents data collected from mixed methods research which investigated teachers use of grouping strategies and social comparison, the act of comparing oneself with others. It focuses on when, why and with whom children from different ability (...)
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  18.  42
    Distributism and the Catholic Worker.Mark Zwick & Louise Zwick - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):281-282.
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  19. When is your head at? An exploration of the factors associated with the temporal focus of the wandering mind.Jonathan Smallwood, Louise Nind & Rory C. O’Connor - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):118-125.
    Two experiments employed experience sampling to examine the factors associated with a prospective and retrospective focus during mind wandering. Experiment One explored the contribution of working memory and indicated that participants generally prospect when the task does not require continuous monitoring. Experiment Two demonstrated that in the context of reading, interest in what was read suppressed both past and future-related task-unrelated-thought. Moreover, in disinterested individuals the temporal focus during mind wandering depended on the amount of experience with the topic matter—less (...)
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  20.  20
    Biobanking.John Harris & Louise Irving - 2007 - In Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford handbook of bioethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article looks at some of the chance discoveries and elegant ideas that were borne out through the availability of archived tissue samples. It then discusses some of the planned changes to the method and purpose of tissue storage and collection. The changes are in the form of new types of tissue bank, or biobank as they are conceived. These banks are part of a trend to move towards a preventative approach to public health rather than the current costly interventionist (...)
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  21.  21
    Fighters for Women's Rights.Anna Louise Strong - 1972 - Chinese Studies in History 5 (4):276-287.
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    A Taste of Words: Linguistic Context and Perceptual Simulation Predict the Modality of Words.Max Louwerse & Louise Connell - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):381-398.
    Previous studies have shown that object properties are processed faster when they follow properties from the same perceptual modality than properties from different modalities. These findings suggest that language activates sensorimotor processes, which, according to those studies, can only be explained by a modal account of cognition. The current paper shows how a statistical linguistic approach of word co-occurrences can also reliably predict the category of perceptual modality a word belongs to (auditory, olfactory–gustatory, visual–haptic), even though the statistical linguistic approach (...)
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  23.  38
    Supplementary report: Monetary incentive and motivation in discrimination learning--sex differences.Betsy Worth Estes, Louise Brightwell Miller & Mary Ellen Curtin - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (3):320.
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  24.  9
    Points of View: Capturing the 19th Century in Photographs.John Falconer & Louise Hide (eds.) - 2009 - British Library.
    From its earliest beginnings in the 1840s up to its democratization as a widespread leisure pursuit, photography was swept along by a tide of artistic and entrepreneurial activity that gathered pace throughout the nineteenth century. Both as an art form and a social document, the photograph quickly took on a critical role as the primary means of visual expression in the modern age. Points of View brings together, for the first time, a selection of images from the British Library’s unique (...)
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  25. Studies on Śāntarakṣita’s Yogācāra Madhyamaka.Marie-Louise Friquegnon & Noé Dinnerstein (eds.) - 2012 - Global Scholarly Publications.
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    La notion d’harmonie dans la pensée politique de Solon.Louise-Marie L'Homme-Wéry - 1996 - Kernos 9:145-154.
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    Governmental Action and Private Property.Ann Louise Strong - 1996 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 7 (2-3):281-294.
  28.  16
    Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid: Two Common-Sense Philosophers.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1982 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    All too often it is said that common-sense philosophers faIl to justify their appeal to common sense as a philosophical standard, and that they merely repeat one another in the glorification of philosophical trivialities. This book challenges these and ot.
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    A Philosophical Investigation of Rape: The Making and Unmaking of the Feminine Self.Louise du Toit - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book offers a critical feminist perspective on the widely debated topic of transitional justice and forgiveness. Louise Du Toit examines the phenomenon of rape with a feminist philosophical discourse concerning women’s or ‘feminine’ subjectivity and selfhood. She demonstrates how the hierarchical dichotomy of male active versus female passive sexuality – which obscures the true nature of rape – is embedded in the dominant western symbolic frame. Through a Hegelian and phenomenological reading of first-person accounts by rape victims, she (...)
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  30. How Can I Become a Responsible Subject? Towards a Practice-Based Ethics of Responsiveness.Bernadette Loacker & Sara Louise Muhr - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):265-277.
    Approaches to business ethics can be roughly divided into two streams: ‹codes of behavior’ and ‹forms of subjectification’, with code-oriented approaches clearly dominating the field. Through an elaboration of poststructuralist approaches to moral philosophy, this paper questions the emphasis on codes of behaviour and, thus, the conceptions of the moral and responsible subject that are inherent in rule-based approaches. As a consequence of this critique, the concept of a practice-based ‹ethics of responsiveness’ in which ethics is never final but rather (...)
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  31.  80
    Development and Initial Validation of the Stress of Conscience Questionnaire.Ann-Louise Glasberg, Sture Eriksson, Vera Dahlqvist, Elisabeth Lindahl, Gunilla Strandberg, Anna Söderberg, Venke Sørlie & Astrid Norberg - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):633-648.
    Stress in health care is affected by moral factors. When people are prevented from doing ‘good’ they may feel that they have not done what they ought to or that they have erred, thus giving rise to a troubled conscience. Empirical studies show that health care personnel sometimes refer to conscience when talking about being in ethically difficult everyday care situations. This study aimed to construct and validate the Stress of Conscience Questionnaire (SCQ), a nine-item instrument for assessing stressful situations (...)
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    A. Verbanck-Piérard, D. Viviers, Culture et Cité.Louise-Marie L'Homme-Wéry - 1997 - Kernos 10:358-361.
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    Self-Ascription and Simulation Theory.Louise Röska-Hardy - 2000 - ProtoSociology 14:115-144.
    This paper examines the two leading simulation approaches to mental selfascription, Alvin Goldman’s introspectionist account and Robert Gordon’s nonintrospectionist, “ascent routine” account, with a view to determining their adequacy as accounts of our ordinary self-ascriptions of mental states.I begin by reviewing the features of everyday mental state ascriptions and argue that an adequate account of mental state attribution must be able to account for the salient features of those mental attributions we make by using the sentences of a language we (...)
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  34.  60
    « Models In Plato’s Sophist And Statesman ».Mary-Louise Gill - 2006 - Plato Journal 6.
  35.  83
    Leadership Styles and CSR Practice: An Examination of Sensemaking, Institutional Drivers and CSR Leadership.Tamsin Angus-Leppan, Louise Metcalf & Sue Benn - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (2):189-213.
    This article examines the explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility (CSR) framework and its implications for leadership style, in a major banking institution. Evidence for existence of the framework's key concepts in relation to leadership styles was explored through the self-reported sensemaking of leaders charged with CSR programme introduction. Qualitative data analysis indicated that explicit CSR is linked to an autocratic leadership style, whereas implicit CSR is more closely aligned with emergent and authentic styles. Although our results reinforced key aspects (...)
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    Metaphor in Religion and Art.Marie Louise Friquegnon - 1971 - Journal of Critical Analysis 2 (4):33-42.
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    Pursuing paradox.Marie Louise Friquegnon - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (2):275-276.
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    Space–time interdependence: Evidence against asymmetric mapping between time and space.Zhenguang G. Cai & Louise Connell - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):268-281.
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  39.  24
    Women as Persons.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1979 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 53:78-87.
  40.  64
    The role of control functions in mentalizing: Dual-task studies of Theory of Mind and executive function.Rebecca Bull, Louise H. Phillips & Claire A. Conway - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):663-672.
  41.  42
    Hate Speech against Women Online: Concepts and Countermeasures.Louise Richardson-Self - 2021 - London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book aims to understand why women are the targets of online hate speech and how we can stop this from occurring. -/- Why are women so frequently targeted with hate speech online and what can we do about it? Psychological explanations for the problem of woman-hating overlook important features of our social world that encourage latent feelings of hostility toward women, even despite our consciously-held ideals of equality. Louise Richardson-Self investigates the woman-hostile norms of the English-speaking internet, the (...)
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  42. Matter and Flux in Plato's Timaeus.Mary Louise Gill - 1987 - Phronesis 32 (1):34-53.
  43.  31
    Annual General Meeting Members Lunch.Elspeth Bodley, Louise Donohoe, Councillor Bill Coombes, Vice-President Rod Barnett, Michael Phelps, Walter Hawkins, Tal Williams, Gavin Lee & Jo Clay - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Annual General Meeting Members Lunch." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (202), pp. 17.
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    Jesus Loves Me This I Know: ’Cause My Mother Told Me So! … Being a Child of Religion and Violence.Keree Louise Casey - 2014 - Feminist Theology 22 (2):123-132.
    The most significant influences on our lives as we grow and develop from babies into children, teenagers into young adults, are usually our parents or primary care-givers. How we understand who we are in relation to our family structures, as well as the wider community, is influenced, nurtured and directed by our care-givers. Beyond our day to day interaction with others on an individual and communal basis, our care-givers not only influence our moral and ethical thinking but also our experience (...)
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  45.  43
    Dal sistema al senso comune. Studi sul newtonismo e gli illiministi britannici. Luigi Turco.Louise Marci-Lacoste - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):135-137.
  46.  36
    Hypothéses sur l’historicité du savoir philosophique.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1978 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 52:204-212.
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  47.  19
    The Care of the Self and the Meaningful Four-Day Workweek.Michael Pedersen, Sara Louise Muhr & Stephen Dunne - 2024 - Philosophy of Management 23 (3):335-352.
    Those who find their work meaningful often need to be more committed. Over-commitment, in turn, frequently results in stress, personal conflicts, and burnout. Such over-commitment, in other words, leads to employees needing to take more care of themselves. This paper considers the prospects for meaningful self-care in the context of working time reduction. For this, we consider the case of the four-day workweek, asking employees of such organizations to explain how they make meaning out of their newly found time off. (...)
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    Introduction.Norbert Hornstein & Louise Antony - 2003 - In Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein, Chomsky and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–10.
    This chapter contains section titled: References.
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  49. Process-dissociation procedure: A testable model for considering assumptions about the stochastic relation between consciously controlled and automatic processes.Bianca Vaterrodt-Plünnecke, Thomas Krüger & Jürgen Bredenkamp - 2002 - Experimental Psychology 49 (1):3-26.
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    Impaired artificial grammar learning in agrammatism.Morten H. Christiansen, M. Louise Kelly, Richard C. Shillcock & Katie Greenfield - 2010 - Cognition 116 (3):382-393.
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