Results for 'Cooperation (competency) control'

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  1. Analogy as relational priming: A developmental and computational perspective on the origins of a complex cognitive skill.Robert Leech, Denis Mareschal & Richard P. Cooper - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):357-378.
    The development of analogical reasoning has traditionally been understood in terms of theories of adult competence. This approach emphasizes structured representations and structure mapping. In contrast, we argue that by taking a developmental perspective, analogical reasoning can be viewed as the product of a substantially different cognitive ability – relational priming. To illustrate this, we present a computational (here connectionist) account where analogy arises gradually as a by-product of pattern completion in a recurrent network. Initial exposure to a situation primes (...)
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    ‘Adaptive’ and ‘Cooperative’ computer systems — A challenge for sociological research.Michael Paetau - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (1):61-70.
    The vision of the new generation of office systems is based on the hypothesis that an automatic support system is all the more useful and acceptable, the more systems behaviour and performance are in accordance with features ofhuman behaviour. Consequently recent development activities are influenced by the paradigm of the computer as man's “cooperative assistant”. The metaphors ofassistance andcooperation illustrate some major requirements to be met by new office systems. Cooperative office systems will raise a set of new questions about (...)
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    Pride May Facilitate Cooperation with Agentic Though Immoral Individuals.Bogdan Wojciszke & Kuba Krys - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (4):445-450.
    In most individualistic cultures, pride is regarded as a positive emotion that follows a positive evaluation of one’s competence or effort when achieving a goal. Fredrickson suggests that pride may expand individuals’ scope of attention and broaden their action repertoires by driving them toward greater achievements in the future. In the present study, we show that proud individuals may search for greater achievements by stronger willingness to cooperate with agentic though immoral individuals. We demonstrate that proud participants in comparison to (...)
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    A broader theory of cooperation can better explain “purity”.Oliver Scott Curry & Daniel Sznycer - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e300.
    Self-control provides one cooperative explanation for “purity.” Other types of cooperation provide additional explanations. For example, individuals compete for status by displaying high-value social and sexual traits, which are moralised because they reduce the mutual costs of conflict. As this theory predicts, sexually unattractive traits are perceived as morally bad, aside from self-control. Moral psychology will advance more quickly by drawing on all theories of cooperation.
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    The evolution of the cooperative group.I. Walker & R. M. Williams - 1976 - Acta Biotheoretica 25 (1):1-43.
    A simple model, illustrating the transition from a population of free swimming, solitary cells to one consisting of small colonies serves as a basis to discuss the evolution of the cooperative group. The transition is the result of a mutation of the dynamics of cell division, delayed cell separation leads to colonies of four cells. With this mutation cooperative features appear, such as synchronised cell divisions within colonies and coordinated flagellar function which enables the colony to swim in definite directions. (...)
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    The Relationship Between Austrian Tax Auditors and Self-Employed Taxpayers: Evidence From a Qualitative Study.Katharina Gangl, Barbara Hartl, Eva Hofmann & Erich Kirchler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447237.
    A constructive, highly professional relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers is essential for tax compliance. The aim of the present paper was to explore systematically the determinants of this relationship and related tax compliance behaviors based on the extended slippery slope framework. We used in-depth qualitative interviews with 33 self-employed taxpayers and 30 tax auditors. Interviewees described the relationship along the extended slippery slope framework concepts of power and trust. However, also novel sub-categories of power (e.g., setting deadlines) and trust (...)
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  7. Paleolithic public goods games: Why human culture and cooperation did not evolve in one step.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (1):53-73.
    It is widely agreed that humans have specific abilities for cooperation and culture that evolved since their split with their last common ancestor with chimpanzees. Many uncertainties remain, however, about the exact moment in the human lineage when these abilities evolved. This article argues that cooperation and culture did not evolve in one step in the human lineage and that the capacity to stick to long-term and risky cooperative arrangements evolved before properly modern culture. I present evidence that (...)
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    Observing farm plots to increase attentiveness and cooperation with nature: a case study in Belgium.Margaux Alarcon & Pascal Marty - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):525-539.
    In intensive European agricultural areas, the control of weeds and wildlife within plots is of great importance. Yet, we can observe in many farming systems a renewal of farmers’ relationships with nature. Using the theoretical framework of care ethics, this paper aims to answer the following question: how observing plots allows farmers to develop more cooperation with nature in field crops? We base our results on an ethnographic survey conducted in Wallonia (Belgium) in 2019 among farm advisors and (...)
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    Pleasure, Value, and Moral Psychology in the Republic, Laws, and Timaeus.Daniel Russell - 2005 - In Plato on pleasure and the good life. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the so-called agreement model of psychic conformity, the passions do not retain their former character, only under tighter rein, but take on a new character altogether. In the competing control model, the passions may conform to reason, but they never change their character so as to cooperate with reason, just as a trained lion conforms to the commands of a tamer whose direction it is never capable of internalizing and cooperating. This chapter argues that these two models appear (...)
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  10. Cognitive-Decision-Making Issues for Software Agents.Behrouz Homayoun Far & Romi Satria Wahono - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (2):239-252.
    Rational decision making depends on what one believes, what one desires, and what one knows. In conventional decision models, beliefs are represented by probabilities and desires are represented by utilities. Software agents are knowledgeable entities capable of managing their own set of beliefs and desires, and they can decide upon the next operation to execute autonomously. They are also interactive entities capable of filtering communications and managing dialogues. Knowledgeability includes representing knowledge about the external world, reasoning with it, and sharing (...)
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    Multiple representations of space underlying behavior.Israel Lieblich & Michael A. Arbib - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):627-640.
    We argue that a map is meaningless unless we have a process for using it. Thus, in this paper, we not only offer the world graph as a representation of relationships among situations the animal has encountered and may encounter again, but we also offer algorithms for how the information encoded in the world graph may be used by the animal in determining its behavior. Each node of the graph encodes a recognizable situation in the animal's world, but a given (...)
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    Conversational Resistance and the Varieties of Counterspeech.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & M. Fernandes - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (Special Issue: 13th Principia In):401-422.
    Counterspeech is a kind of communicative resistance that tries to oppose, neutralize or remedy harmful speech. It can be defined as a form of non-coercive intervention that is, in some cases, available for any competent speaker. In recent years, some philosophers of language have focused on analyzing and proposing different varieties of in situ counterspeech in the hopes that their insights about communicative mechanisms can contribute to the identification of efficient strategies. This investigation is however still new and in programmatic (...)
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    Medicine-Based Values?Åge Wifstad - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (2):179-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medicine-Based Values?Åge Wifstad (bio)KeywordsEthics committees, judgment, common moralityToulmin's DiagnosisIn his classical article with the unforgettable title "How medicine saved the life of ethics" (Toulmin 1982), Stephen Toulmin claims that medicine saved ethics by giving the philosophers a positive reality check through medical challenges: (1) Ethics in medicine is a serious topic, not just something to discuss at seminars. If, for example, both A and B need treatment and there (...)
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    Conversational Resistance and the Varieties of Counterspeech.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & Mariana Teodoro Fernandes - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (3).
    Counterspeech is a kind of communicative resistance that tries to oppose, neutralize or remedy harmful speech. It can be defined as a form of non-coercive intervention that is, in some cases, available for just any competent speaker. In recent years, some philosophers of language have focused on analyzing and proposing different varieties of counterspeech in the hopes that their insights about communicative mechanisms can contribute to the development of efficient strategies of contention. This investigation is however still new and in (...)
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    Demokracija i globalna kriza. Vanjski uzroci globalne krize.Fahrudin Novalić - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):109-128.
    Autor razmatra vanjske uzroke i prevladavanje globalne krize iz 2008. godine. Osnovni vanjski uzroci krize, prema mišljenju kompetentnih i uglednih autora, su: politika niskih kamatnih stopa Američke federalne banke, kriza američkoga hipotekarnog tržišta, neodgovornost američke vlade, pogrešna poslovna politika središnjih banaka, kriza međunarodnoga bankovnog sustava, neravnoteža između tržišta i vladavine prava, mikroekonomske i makroekonomske pogreške, masovna sekuritizacija nelikvidnih sredstava. Te uzroke prožimaju: nedostatno znanje o izlaganju likvidnosti i tržišnim rizicima, loše prosudbe, špekulacije, pomanjkanje učinkovita bankarskoga nadzora. Tržišni fundamentalizam i državni (...)
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    Police epistemic culture and boundary work with judicial authorities and forensic scientists: the case of transnational DNA data exchange in the EU.Helena Machado & Rafaela Granja - 2019 - New Genetics and Society 38 (3):289-307.
    The exchange of forensic DNA data is seen as an increasingly important tool in criminal investigations into organised crime, control strategies and counter-terrorism measures. On the basis of a set of interviews with police professionals involved in the transnational exchange of DNA data between EU countries, this paper examines how forensic DNA evidence is given meaning within the various different ways of constructing a police epistemic culture, it is, a set of shared values concerning valid knowledge and practices normatively (...)
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    Nature: An Economic History.Geerat J. Vermeij - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    From humans to hermit crabs to deep water plankton, all living things compete for locally limiting resources. This universal truth unites three bodies of thought--economics, evolution, and history--that have developed largely in mutual isolation. Here, Geerat Vermeij undertakes a groundbreaking and provocative exploration of the facts and theories of biology, economics, and geology to show how processes common to all economic systems--competition, cooperation, adaptation, and feedback--govern evolution as surely as they do the human economy, and how historical patterns in (...)
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  18. Depth perception from pairs of overlapping cues in pictorial displays.Birgitta Dresp, Severine Durand & Stephen Grossberg - 2002 - Spatial Vision 15:255-276.
    The experiments reported herein probe the visual cortical mechanisms that control near–far percepts in response to two-dimensional stimuli. Figural contrast is found to be a principal factor for the emergence of percepts of near versus far in pictorial stimuli, especially when stimulus duration is brief. Pictorial factors such as interposition (Experiment 1) and partial occlusion Experiments 2 and 3) may cooperate, as generally predicted by cue combination models, or compete with contrast factors in the manner predicted by the FACADE (...)
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    The effect of formal teacher education on reading achievement of 3rd‐grade students in public and independent schools in Sweden.Eva Myrberg - 2007 - Educational Studies 33 (2):145-162.
    This study investigates the influence of teacher competence on 3rd?grade students? reading achievement in public and independent schools in Sweden. The data come from the Swedish participation in PIRLS 2001 (Progress in Reading Literacy Study 2001) and comprise some 10,000 students. Students in independent schools achieved better on the reading test than did students in public schools, but when parents? education was controlled for, the effect on students? achievement of school type disappeared. Teacher certification for teaching in the early grades (...)
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    Ending One's Life.Margaret Pabst Battin & Brent M. Kious - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (3):37-47.
    If you developed Alzheimer disease, would you want to go all the way to the end of what might be a decade‐long course? Some would; some wouldn't. Options open to those who choose to die sooner are often inadequate. Do‐not‐resuscitate orders and advance directives depend on others' cooperation. Preemptive suicide may mean giving up years of life one would count as good. Do‐it‐yourself methods can fail. What we now ask of family and clinicians caring for persons with dementia, and (...)
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    Neuronal symphonies: Musical improvisation and the centrencephalic space of functional integration.Mauro Maldonato, Alberto Oliverio & Anna Esposito - 2017 - World Futures 73 (8):491-510.
    Musical improvisation is a sophisticated activity in which a performer realizes, real-time, melodic, and rhythmic sequences in harmony with those from other musicians. The study of musical improvisation helps one to understand not only the cognition of creativity, but also the complex neuronal basis of executive functions, the relation between conscious and unconscious action, and even more. So far, the prevailing models, founded on the brain imaging method, have focused on the connection between the cortical areas and their cognitive processes. (...)
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    Beyond social embeddedness: probing the power relations of alternative food networks in China.Miaomiao Qi - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):701-713.
    Food justice scholars have criticized alternative food networks (AFNs) for lacking concern about gender, class, race, and ethnicity, thus not addressing structural inequalities. This paper further suggests that the incorporation of social justice into AFNs’ on-the-ground operations is critical in creating a more sustainable and just agri-food system that challenges the industrial and corporate-controlled food system. By exploring an urban–rural mutual aid cooperative in southwest China, this paper highlights a localized AFN that has successfully cultivated close social ties between ethnic (...)
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