Results for 'Consistent histories'

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  1. The consistent histories interpretation of quantum mechanics.Edward MacKinnon - unknown
    The consistent histories reformulation of quantum mechanics was developed by Robert Griffiths, given a formal logical systematization by Roland Omn\`{e}s, and under the label `decoherent histories', was independently developed by Murray Gell-Mann and James Hartle and extended to quantum cosmology. Criticisms of CH involve issues of meaning, truth, objectivity, and coherence, a mixture of philosophy and physics. We will briefly consider the original formulation of CH and some basic objections. The reply to these objections, like the objections (...)
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    The Consistent Histories formalism and the measurement problem.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):217-222.
    In response to a recent rebuttal of Okon and Sudarsky presented in Griffiths, we defend the claim that the Consistent Histories formulation of quantum mechanics does not solve the measurement problem. In order to do so, we argue that satisfactory solutions to the problem must not only not contain anthropomorphic terms at the fundamental level, but also that applications of the formalism to concrete situations should not require any input not contained in the description of the situation at (...)
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  3. Consistent Histories in Quantum Cosmology.David Craig & Parampreet Singh - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):371-379.
    We illustrate the crucial role played by decoherence (consistency of quantum histories) in extracting consistent quantum probabilities for alternative histories in quantum cosmology. Specifically, within a Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model sourced with a free massless scalar field, we calculate the probability that the universe is singular in the sense that it assumes zero volume. Classical solutions of this model are a disjoint set of expanding and contracting singular branches. A naive assessment of the (...)
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    Consistent Histories and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Roland Omnès - 1995 - In M. Ferrero & Alwyn van der Merwe (eds.), Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. Springer. pp. 215--224.
  5.  80
    Branch Dependence in the “Consistent Histories” Approach to Quantum Mechanics.Thomas Müller - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):253-276.
    In the consistent histories formalism one specifies a family of histories as an exhaustive set of pairwise exclusive descriptions of the dynamics of a quantum system. We define branching families of histories, which strike a middle ground between the two available mathematically precise definitions of families of histories, viz., product families and Isham’s history projector operator formalism. The former are too narrow for applications, and the latter’s generality comes at a certain cost, barring an intuitive (...)
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  6. On the Consistency of the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (1):19-33.
    The Consistent Histories (CH) formalism aims at a quantum mechanical framework which could be applied even to the universe as a whole. CH stresses the importance of histories for quantum mechanics, as opposed to measurements, and maintains that a satisfactory formulation of quantum mechanics allows one to assign probabilities to alternative histories of a quantum system. It further proposes that each realm, that is, each set of histories to which probabilities can be assigned, provides a (...)
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  7. Consistent histories through pragmatist lenses.Quentin Ruyant - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 98 (C):40-48.
    This article adopts a bottom-up approach to theory interpretation, following the slogan “meaning is use”, and applies it to quantum mechanics. I argue that it fits very well with the Consistent Histories formulation of quantum mechanics, interpreted in a particular way that is not the interpretation favoured by original proponents of the formulation. I examine the difficulties and advantages of this interpretation.
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  8. Measurements according to Consistent Histories.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 48 (1):7-12.
    We critically evaluate the treatment of the notion of measurement in the Consistent Histories approach to quantum mechanics. We find such a treatment unsatisfactory because it relies, often implicitly, on elements external to those provided by the formalism. In particular, we note that, in order for the formalism to be informative when dealing with measurement scenarios, one needs to assume that the appropriate choice of framework is such that apparatuses are always in states of well defined pointer positions (...)
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    Consistent Histories of Systems and Measurements in Spacetime.Ed Seidewitz - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (7):1163-1192.
    Traditional interpretations of quantum theory in terms of wave function collapse are particularly unappealing when considering the universe as a whole, where there is no clean separation between classical observer and quantum system and where the description is inherently relativistic. As an alternative, the consistent histories approach provides an attractive “no collapse” interpretation of quantum physics. Consistent histories can also be linked to path-integral formulations that may be readily generalized to the relativistic case. A previous paper (...)
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    Contrary Inferences in Consistent Histories and a Set Selection Criterion.Petros Wallden - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (11):1195-1215.
    The best developed formulation of closed system quantum theory that handles multiple-time statements, is the consistent (or decoherent) histories approach. The most important weaknesses of the approach is that it gives rise to many different consistent sets, and it has been argued that a complete interpretation should be accompanied with a natural mechanism leading to a (possibly) unique preferred consistent set. The existence of multiple consistent sets becomes more problematic because it allows the existence of (...)
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    Weak values and consistent histories in quantum theory.Ruth Kastner - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):57-71.
    A relation is obtained between weak values of quantum observables and the consistency criterion for histories of quantum events. It is shown that “strange” weak values for projection operators always correspond to inconsistent families of histories. It is argued that using the ABL rule to obtain probabilities for counterfactual measurements corresponding to those strange weak values gives inconsistent results. This problem is shown to be remedied by using the conditional weight, or pseudo-probability, obtained from the multiple-time application of (...)
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  12. Weak values and consistent histories in quantum theory.Ruth Kastner - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):57-71.
    ABSTRACT: A relation is obtained between weak values of quantum observables and the consistency criterion for histories of quantum events. It is shown that ``strange'' weak values for projection operators always correspond to inconsistent families of histories. It is argued that using the ABL rule to obtain probabilities for counterfactual measurements corresponding to those strange weak values gives inconsistent results. This problem is shown to be remedied by using the conditional weight, or pseudo-probability, obtained from the multiple-time application (...)
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    The consistency of consistent histories: A reply to d'Espagnat. [REVIEW]Robert B. Griffiths - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (12):1601-1610.
    This article is a response to various assertions made by B. d'Espagnat about the consistent history approach to quantum mechanics. It is argued that the consistent history interpretation allows for counterfactual definitions, does not imply that the future influences the past, is “realistic” according to d'Espagnat's own definition of that term, and provides a consistent substitute for classical logic in the quantum domain.
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  14. Traditions and debates in recent quantum physics. Orthodoxies on the interpretation of quantum theory : the case of the consistent history approach / Olival Freire. From do-it-yourself quantum mechanics to nanotechnology? : the history of experimental semiconductor physics, 1970-2000.Christian Kehrt - 2013 - In Shaul Katzir, Christoph Lehner & Jürgen Renn (eds.), Traditions and transformations in the history of quantum physics: HQ-3, Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics, Berlin, June 28-July 2, 2010. [Berlin]: Edition Open Access.
  15. Nonlocality in the Many-Worlds and Consistent-Histories Interpretations.R. L. Schafir - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):157-166.
    The many-worlds interpretation has usually been regarded as immune to nonlocality, and similar claims have been made for the consistent-histories interpretation (1-3). However, for a thought experiment of the Hardy type, the argument for nonlocality in the usual interpretation can be extended to both these other interpretations.
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    The history of skepticism: in search of consistency.Renata Ziemińska - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    This book reconstructs the history of skepticism ranging from ancient to contemporary times, from Pyrrho to Kripke. The main skeptical stances and the historical reconstruction of the concept of skepticism are connected with an analysis of their recurrent inconsistency. The author reveals that this inconsistency is not a logical contradiction but a pragmatic one. She shows that it is a contradiction between the content of the skeptical position and the implicit presumption of the act of its assertion. The thesis of (...)
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    Consistency Conditions for Probabilities of Quantum Histories.Giuseppe Nisticò - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (2):221-229.
    In the framework of the histories approach to quantum mechanics developed by Griffiths and Omnès, we consider the question of the uniqueness of the probability assigned to the histories; the question was solved by Omnès only in special cases. We find conditions which ensure uniqueness of such probability in the general case.
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    (1 other version)Alternatives to Histories? Employing a Local Notion of Modal Consistency in Branching Theories.Thomas Müller - 2011 - Erkenntnis 79 (S3):1-22.
    Branching theories are popular frameworks for modeling objective indeterminism in the form of a future of open possibilities. In such theories, the notion of a history plays a crucial role: it is both a basic ingredient in the axiomatic definition of the framework, and it is used as a parameter of truth in semantics for languages with a future tense. Furthermore, histories—complete possible courses of events—ground the notion of modal consistency: a set of events is modally consistent iff (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Consistent Quantum Mechanics Admits No Mereotopology.Chris Fields - 2012 - Axiomathes (1):1-10.
    It is standardly assumed in discussions of quantum theory that physical systems can be regarded as having well-defined Hilbert spaces. It is shown here that a Hilbert space can be consistently partitioned only if its components are assumed not to interact. The assumption that physical systems have well-defined Hilbert spaces is, therefore, physically unwarranted.
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  20. Tractatus Theologico-politicus: A Critical Inquiry Into the History, Purpose, and Authenticity of the Hebrew Scriptures; with the Right to Free Thought and Free Discussion Asserted, and Shown to be Not Only Consistent But Necessarily Bound Up with True Piety and Good Government.Benedictus de Spinoza & Robert Willis - 1862 - Trübner.
  21.  9
    History and morality.Donald Bloxham - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Against majority opinion within his profession, Donald Bloxham argues that it is legitimate, often unavoidable, and frequently important for historians to make value judgements about the past. 'History and Morality' draws on a wide range of historical examples, and its author's insights as a practicing historian. Examining concepts like impartiality, neutrality, contextualisation, and the use and abuse of the idea of the past as a foreign country, Bloxham's book investigates how far tacit moral judgements infuse works of history, and how (...)
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    Adam Smith's View of History: Consistent or Paradoxical?James E. Alvey - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (2):1-25.
    The conventional interpretation of Adam Smith is that he is a prophet of commercialism. The liberal capitalist reading of Smith is consistent with the view that history culminates in commercial society. The first part of the article develops this optimistic interpretation of Smith's view of history. Smith implies that commercial society is the end of history because (1) it supplies the ends of nature that he identifies; (2) it is inevitable; and (3) it is permanent. The second part of (...)
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  23. Quantum mereotopology.Barry Smith & Berit O. Brogaard - 2002 - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 36 (1):153-175.
    Mereotopology faces problems when its methods are extended to deal with time and change. We offer a new solution to these problems, based on a theory of partitions of reality which allows us to simulate (and also to generalize) aspects of set theory within a mereotopological framework. This theory is extended to a theory of coarse- and fine-grained histories (or finite sequences of partitions evolving over time), drawing on machinery developed within the framework of the so-called ‘consistent (...)’ interpretation of quantum mechanics. (shrink)
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  24. Was ist Philosophie?: This question cannot be answered in a simple form, because philosophy is a historical phenomenon that has experienced many changes. Hence the contribution begins by sketching what was called «Philosophy» in the past in order to, against the background of this history of the concept, sketch what happens in philosophy today. The thesis is that philosophy essentially concerns attempts at conceptual orientation in the domain of our fundamentals of thought, recognition and action. In philosophical discourse explicative, normative and descriptive aspects can be distinguished. Seen on the whole, philosophy is a conversation and that explains what may seem strange about it, namely its close connection to the history of philosophy, the high measure of forgetting and remembering, and the remarkable consistency of a few core themes over the centuries.Herbert Schnädelbach - 2007 - Studia Philosophica 66:11-28.
    This question cannot be answered in a simple form, because philosophy is a historical phenomenon that has experienced many changes. Hence the contribution begins by sketching what was called «Philosophy» in the past in order to, against the background of this history of the concept, sketch what happens in philosophy today. The thesis is that philosophy essentially concerns attempts at conceptual orientation in the domain of our fundamentals of thought, recognition and action. In philosophical discourse explicative, normative and descriptive aspects (...)
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    Performing history: How historical scholarship is shaped by epistemic virtues.Herman Paul - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (1):1-19.
    Philosophers of history in the past few decades have been predominantly interested in issues of explanation and narrative discourse. Consequently, they have focused consistently and almost exclusively on the historian’s output, thereby ignoring that historical scholarship is a practice of reading, thinking, discussing, and writing, in which successful performance requires active cultivation of certain skills, attitudes, and virtues. This paper, then, suggests a new agenda for philosophy of history. Inspired by a “performative turn” in the history and philosophy of science, (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio - 2016 - Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Edited by Marcelo Esteban Coniglio.
    This book is the first in the field of paraconsistency to offer a comprehensive overview of the subject, including connections to other logics and applications in information processing, linguistics, reasoning and argumentation, and philosophy of science. It is recommended reading for anyone interested in the question of reasoning and argumentation in the presence of contradictions, in semantics, in the paradoxes of set theory and in the puzzling properties of negation in logic programming. Paraconsistent logic comprises a major logical theory and (...)
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    Consistency from the perspective of an experimental systems approach to the sciences and their epistemic objects.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (1):307-321.
    It is generally accepted that the development of the modern sciences is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role, neither in philosophy nor in history of science. With the ‘practical turn’ in studying the sciences and their history, this has begun to change. This paper is concerned with systems and cultures of experimentation and the consistencies that are generated within such systems and cultures. The first part of the paper exposes the forms (...)
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  28. Theology, history and globalization.Neil Ormerod - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (1):23-48.
    Building on Lonergan's notion of the scale of values , Robert Doran has provided a framework for a theology of history, consisting of three interlocking dialectics, personal, cultural and social, together with the creating and healing vectors operating in history. This present article considers the much discussed phenomenon of globalization, in light of Doran's theology of history. It analyses the vital, social, cultural, personal and religious issues raised by globalization. It argues that the driving force of globalization is the creative (...)
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  29. History: the problem of individuation.Algis MickŪnas - 2006 - Filosofija. Sociologija 17 (3).
    The essay explicates the formation of inter-subjective awareness which is a necessary ground of any lifeworld. It discloses the temporally and spatially non-positional awareness which comprises the continuously extensioning and deepening polycentric field of perceptions. The field is accessible to anyone and anytime and thus provides an ahistorical background for any historical time and location of events in such a time. This non-positional awareness is transcendental and is inadequate for the understanding of the presence of individual differentiations. As universal, it (...)
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  30. Kant, History, and the Idea of Moral Development.Pauline Kleingeld - 1999 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 16 (1):59-80.
    I examine the consistency of Kant's notion of moral progress as found in his philosophy of history. To many commentators, Kant's very idea of moral development has seemed inconsistent with basic tenets of his critical philosophy. This idea has seemed incompatible with his claims that the moral law is unconditionally and universally valid, that moral agency is noumenal and atemporal, and that all humans are equally free. Against these charges, I argue not only that Kant's notion of moral development is (...)
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    The History of Concepts as a Style of Political Theorizing.Kari Palonen - 2002 - European Journal of Political Theory 1 (1):91-106.
    The history of concepts has partly replaced the older style of the `history of ideas' and can be extended to a critique of normative political theory and, thereby, understood as an indirect style of political theorizing. A common feature in Quentin Skinner's and Reinhart Koselleck's writings lies in their critique of the unhistorical and depoliticizing use of concepts. This concerns especially the classical contractarian theories, and both authors remark that this still holds for work by their contemporary heirs, such as (...)
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    The Ethics of History.David Carr, Thomas Robert Flynn & Rudolf A. Makkreel (eds.) - 2004 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    What is implied by "ethics of history"? The authors of this volume, internationally renowned philosophers and intellectual historians, address this question in all its novelty and ambiguity and develop varied perspectives on the place and nature of ethics in the philosophy, enterprise, and practice of history. Is the whole historical process--largely consisting of the actions and sufferings of persons and groups--subject to ethical constraint? And what of the ways in which historians present their subject matter; are these methods subject to (...)
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    History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics.Leonid Grinin, Peter Herrmann, Andrey Korotayev & Arno Tausch (eds.) - 2010
    A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. The history is studied more and more as a system of various processes, within which one can detect waves and cycles of different lengths – from a few years to several centuries, or even millennia. This issue is the third collective monograph in the series of (...)
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    Nature, history, state, 1933-1934.Martin Heidegger - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Nature, History, State: 1933-1934 presents the first complete English-language translation of Heidegger's seminar 'On the Essence and Concepts of Nature, History and State', together with full introductory material and interpretive essays by five leading thinkers and scholars: Robert Bernasconi, Peter Eli Gordon, Marion Heinz, Theodore Kisiel and Slavoj Žižek. The seminar, which was held while Heidegger was serving as National Socialist rector of the University of Freiburg, represents important evidence of the development of Heidegger's political thought. The text consists of (...)
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    Dynamic consistency in extensive form decision problems.Nicola Dimitri - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (4):345-354.
    In a stimulating paper, Piccione and Rubinstein (1997) argued how a decision maker could undertake dynamically inconsistent choices when, in an extensive form decision problem, she has a particular type of imperfect recall named absentmindedness. Such memory limitation obtains whenever information sets include decision histories along the same decision path. Starting from work focusing on the absentminded driver example, and independently developed by Segal (2000) and Dimitri (1999), the main theorem of this article provides a general result of dynamically (...)
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    Humanism economics: a brief history of human intelligence.Carl Mosk - 2022 - [Cambridge, UK]: Ethics International Press, UK.
    Building on a theory of human intelligence, this book explores the importance of - and limits of - cost/benefit calculus (safety first in hostile environment), on the evolution of economic activity and political discourse. Arguing that intelligence consists of wisdom, cost/benefit reasoning, and creative genius, the book explores the history of the world from hunting and gathering to modern times, drawing on art, literature and invention. It emphasizes ethics, expectations and the importance of historical experience in shaping the humanist economics (...)
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    History and transmission of the Nyāyamañjarī: critical edition of the section on the Sphoṭa.Alessandro Graheli - 2015 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Edited by Jayanta Bhaṭṭa.
    The Nyayamanjari was composed in Kashmir, in the ninth century CE, by Bhatta Jayanta. It is a compendium of theses concerning ontological, epistemological and linguistic issues developed in the classical period of Indian philosophy. Jayanta's approximate date is confirmed by both internal and external evidences, so the Nyayamanjari has become a landmark in the historiography of Indian philosophy. Despite its relevance, however, the history of the textual transmission of the Nyayamanjari is in many respects still unknown. This new critical edition (...)
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  38. The Consistency of predicative fragments of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik.Richard G. Heck - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1-2):209-220.
    As is well-known, the formal system in which Frege works in his Grundgesetze der Arithmetik is formally inconsistent, Russell's Paradox being derivable in it. This system is, except for minor differences, full second-order logic, augmented by a single non-logical axiom, Frege's Axiom V. It has been known for some time now that the first-order fragment of the theory is consistent. The present paper establishes that both the simple and the ramified predicative second-order fragments are consistent, and that Robinson (...)
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    Heidegger, History and the Holocaust.Mahon O'Brien - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Heidegger, History and the Holocaust is an important contribution to the longstanding debate concerning Martin Heidegger's association with National Socialism. Although a difficult topic, this ambitious new work moves the entire debate on the Heidegger controversy forward. -/- Following Being and Time Heidegger expands on his notion of authenticity and related notions such as historicity and discusses the possibility of an authentic Dasein of a people along structurally consistent lines to his account of authenticity in Being and Time. O'Brien (...)
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    Science, History and Social Activism.Everett Mendelsohn, Garland E. Allen & Roy M. Macleod - 2001 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights not only aspects of the career of Everett Mendelsohn, one of the premier historians of biology of our age, but also a wide range of topics that are now grouped under the general heading of science studies. This broad collection includes articles on the relations between science and the military, science as narrative, natural history and conservation, Marxism and science, the Human Genome Project, and the relation of philosophy to the study of embryonic development in the 18th (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Consistent quantum theory - Robert B. Griffiths, cambridge, 2001, pp. 400, US $95, ISBN 0521803497.R. Omnes - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (2):329-331.
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    Nature, History and Existentialism. [REVIEW]W. W. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):544-544.
    The volume consists of eleven of Löwith's essays on the philosophy of history, the history of philosophy, and the nature of the challenges faced by philosophy and the Christian faith in the twentieth century. Included are illuminating studies on Heidegger, Pascal and the early Marx. Appearing for the first time in translation are three noteworthy and challenging essays, "The Quest for the Meaning of History," "The Fate of Progress," and "Hegel and the Christian Religion." Löwith is concerned with the historical (...)
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    Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthy.Brian D. Berry - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):217-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthyBrian D. BerryReview of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity ROB ARNER Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010. 136 pp. $15.56Review (...)
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    En quoi consiste l’idéalisme cartésien?S. V. Keeling - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 2:3-8.
    L’objet de cette communication est de préciser, autant qu’il me sera possible, le sens dans lequel le cartésianisme pourrait se qualifier d’idéalisme, en décelant deux conceptions logiquement indépendantes qui y sont ordinairement entremêlées ; les considérer par rapport à la doctrine des natures simples, et ensuite signaler deux contradictions qui paraissent insurmontables dans l’épistémologie cartésienne en tant qu’elle est interprétée comme un idéalisme.
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    Toward a Christian Conception of History.Meijer Cornelis Smit (ed.) - 2002 - University Press of America.
    Meyer Cornelis Smit taught history and philosophy in the Free University at Amsterdam for a quarter century. Toward a Christian Conception of History presents the harvest of his scholarly output. The relation between God and history and the problems inherent in articulating that relation in a manner consistent with historic Christian belief and modern ideas of historical existence is the central theme of Smit's writing. Smit discusses the influence of one's world view on the practice and appreciation of history, (...)
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    History and culture: essays on the work of Eric R. Wolf.J. Abbink & Hans Vermeulen (eds.) - 1992 - Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
    Introduction Jan Abbink and Hans Vermeulen This volume consists of essays and studies by authors inspired by the work of Eric Wolf, a central figure in ...
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    The History and Future of Theocracy by Vladimir Solovyov: sources, editions, and the manuscript.Aleksandra Berdnikova - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-19.
    The article consistently reconstructs the history of the creation and publication of one of the most important and least researched treatises by Vladimir Solovyov—Istorija i Budushhnost’ Teokratii (The History and Future of Theocracy). The first printed version of this treatise was published in Zagreb in 1887. The ideological context in which this work was written is shown. The important point of this context was the polemics between Solovyov and almost all representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, both conservative and liberal, as (...)
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  48. Decoherent Histories of Spin Networks.David P. B. Schroeren - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (3):310-328.
    The decoherent histories formalism, developed by Griffiths, Gell-Mann, and Hartle (in Phys. Rev. A 76:022104, 2007; arXiv:1106.0767v3 [quant-ph], 2011; Consistent Quantum Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2003; arXiv:gr-qc/9304006v2, 1992) is a general framework in which to formulate a timeless, ‘generalised’ quantum theory and extract predictions from it. Recent advances in spin foam models allow for loop gravity to be cast in this framework. In this paper, I propose a decoherence functional for loop gravity and interpret existing results (Bianchi et (...)
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    La consistance de l’histoire.Sarah Scholl - 2022 - ThéoRèmes 17 (17).
    While Hans Joas examines the theoretical and philosophical fabrication of disenchantment and secularization in order to better measure its limits and draw new perspectives, this article returns, through a historical field investigation, to the motivations of secularizers, who were at odds with the Church and the clergy. Why did they want to dislodge the sacred, in its Christian form, from collective spaces such as education, the State or the cemetery? The cultural history of the 19th century, through specific cases and (...)
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    Sophistical Practice: Toward a Consistent Relativism.Barbara Cassin - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Sophistics is the paradigm of a discourse that does things with words. It is not pure rhetoric, as Plato wants us to believe, but it provides an alternative to the philosophical mainstream. A sophistic history of philosophy questions the orthodox philosophical history of philosophy: that of ontology and truth in itself. In this book, we discover unusual Presocratics, wreaking havoc with the fetish of true and false. Their logoi perform politics and perform reality. Their sophistic practice can shed crucial light (...)
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