Results for 'Conny Restle'

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  1.  38
    Organology: The Study of Musical Instruments in the 17th Century.Conny Restle - 2008 - In Jan Lazardzig, Ludger Schwarte & Helmar Schramm, Theatrum Scientiarum - English Edition, Volume 2, Instruments in Art and Science: On the Architectonics of Cultural Boundaries in the 17th Century. De Gruyter. pp. 257-268.
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    Run structure and probability learning: Disproof of Restle's model.Frank Restle - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (3):382.
  3.  58
    Speed of adding and comparing numbers.Frank Restle - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):274.
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  4. Cognitive profiling and preliminary subtyping in Chinese developmental dyslexia.Connie Suk-Han Ho, David Wai-Ock Chan, Suk-Han Lee, Suk-Man Tsang & Vivian Hui Luan - 2004 - Cognition 91 (1):43-75.
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    Cross-Linguistic Word Recognition Development Among Chinese Children: A Multilevel Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach.Connie Qun Guan & Scott H. Fraundorf - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The effects of psycholinguistic variables on reading development are critical to the evaluation of theories about the reading system. Although we know that the development of reading depends on both individual differences (endogenous) and item-level effects (exogenous), developmental research has focused mostly on average-level performance, ignoring individual differences. We investigated how the development of word recognition in Chinese children in both Chinese and English is affected by (a) item-level, exogenous effects (word frequency, radical consistency, and curricular grade level); (b) subject-level, (...)
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  6. What did you learn outside of school today? Using structured interviews to document home and community activities related to science and technology.Connie A. Korpan, Gay L. Bisanz, Jeffrey Bisanz, Conrad Boehme & Mervyn A. Lynch - 1997 - Science Education 81 (6):651-662.
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    Toward a quantitative description of learning set data.Frank Restle - 1958 - Psychological Review 65 (2):77-91.
  8.  15
    Attentional Competition and Semantic Integration in Low- and High-Span Readers.Connie Qun Guan, Scott H. Fraundorf, Mingle Gao, Chong Zhang & Brian MacWhinney - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The goal of the current study is to investigate the effects of the distractive textual information on the activation of predictive inference online, and how the readers with high or low working memory capacity differ in their online activation and text memory. To test the two hypothesis of attentional competition and semantic integration, we conducted three experiments to investigate whether a local prediction and a global prediction, both of which could be derived from the description of a critical event, are (...)
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    "Response to Nelson's" Xenograft and Partial Affections".Connie Kagan - 1986 - Between the Species 2 (3):11.
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    LAT: a T lymphocyte adapter protein that couples the antigen receptor to downstream signaling pathways.Connie L. Sommers, Lawrence E. Samelson & Paul E. Love - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (1):61-67.
    Adapter molecules in a variety of signal transduction systems link receptors to a limited number of commonly used downstream signaling pathways. During T‐cell development and mature T‐cell effector function, a multichain receptor (the pre‐T‐cell antigen receptor or the T‐cell antigen receptor) activates several protein tyrosine kinases. Receptor and kinase activation is linked to distal signaling pathways (PLC‐γ1 activation, Ca2+ influx, PKC activation and Ras/Erk activation) via the adapter protein LAT (Linker for Activation of T cells). Structure/function studies of LAT including (...)
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  11. Guugu yimithirr cardinal directions.Connie Summers, Thomas M. Bohman, Ronald B. Gillam, Elizabeth D. Pentilde & Lisa M. Bedore - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Perhaps by Skill Alone.Connie Missimer - 1990 - Informal Logic 12 (3).
  13.  17
    The Burden of Proof upon Metaphysical Methods.Conny Rhode - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    Who carries the burden of proof in analytic philosophical debates, and how can this burden be satisfied? As it turns out, the answer to this joint question yields a fundamental challenge to the very conduct of metaphysics in analytic philosophy. Empirical research presented in this book indicates that the vastly predominant goal pursued in analytic philosophical dialogues lies not in discovering truths or generating knowledge, but merely in prevailing over one’s opponents. Given this goal, the book examines how most effectively (...)
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  14. Persons, perspectives, and full information accounts of the good.Connie S. Rosati - 1995 - Ethics 105 (2):296-325.
  15. Agents and “Shmagents”: An Essay on Agency and Normativity.Connie S. Rosati - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11.
    The idea that normativity and agency are importantly connected goes back at least as far as Kant. But it has recently become associated with a view called “constitutivism.” Perhaps the best-known critique of constitutivism appears in David Enoch’s article, “Agency, Shmagency,” which is the focus of this chapter. His critique of my article, “Agency and the Open Question Argument,” is briefly addressed, explaining why, contrary to his claims, I do not therein defend a form of constitutivism. It is then explained (...)
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    "The selection of strategies in cue learning": Errata.Frank Restle - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (6):552-552.
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  17. Personal good.Connie S. Rosati - 2006 - In Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons, Metaethics After Moore. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 107-132.
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  18. (1 other version)Relational good and the multiplicity problem.Connie S. Rosati - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):205-234.
  19. Investigating the Effects of Gender on Consumers’ Moral Philosophies and Ethical Intentions.Connie R. Bateman & Sean R. Valentine - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (3):393-414.
    Using information collected from a convenience sample of graduate and undergraduate students affiliated with a Midwestern university in the United States, this study determined the extent to which gender is related to consumers’ moral philosophies and ethical intentions. Multivariate and univariate results indicated that women were more inclined than men to utilize both consequence-based and rule-based moral philosophies in questionable consumption situations. In addition, women placed more importance on an overall moral philosophy than did men, and women had higher intentions (...)
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  20. Internalism and the good for a person.Connie S. Rosati - 1996 - Ethics 106 (2):297-326.
    Proponents of numerous recent theories of a person's good hold that a plausible account of the good for a person must satisfy existence internalism. Yet little direct defense has been given for this position. I argue that the principal intuition behind internalism supports a stronger version of the thesis than it might appear--one that effects a "double link" to motivation. I then identify and develop the main arguments that have been or might be given in support of internalism about a (...)
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    Where’s the Evidence?Connie Missimer - 1995 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 14 (4):1-18.
  22. Moral motivation.Connie S. Rosati - 2006 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In our everyday lives, we confront a host of moral issues. Once we have deliberated and formed judgments about what is right or wrong, good or bad, these judgments tend to have a marked hold on us. Although in the end, we do not always behave as we think we ought, our moral judgments typically motivate us, at least to some degree, to act in accordance with them. When philosophers talk about moral motivation, this is the basic phenomenon they seek (...)
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  23.  44
    Discrimination of cues in mazes: A resolution of the "place-vs.-response" question.Frank Restle - 1957 - Psychological Review 64 (4):217-228.
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  24. Moral Distress: A Growing Problem in the Health Professions?Connie M. Ulrich, Ann B. Hamric & Christine Grady - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (1):20-22.
  25.  74
    Distance and an illusion of length of line.Frank Restle & Coleman Merryman - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):297.
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    Theory of serial pattern learning: Structural trees.Frank Restle - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (6):481-495.
  27.  66
    A Path Analytic Model of Ethical Conflict in Practice and Autonomy in a Sample of Nurse Practitioners.Connie M. Ulrich & Karen L. Soeken - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (3):305-316.
    The purpose of this study was to test a causal model of ethical conflict in practice and autonomy in a sample of 254 nurse practitioners working in the primary care areas of family health, pediatrics, adult health and obstetrics/gynecology in the state of Maryland. A test of the model was conducted using a path analytic approach with LISREL 8.30 hypothesizing individual, organizational and societal/market factors influencing ethical conflict in practice and autonomy. Maximum likelihood estimation was used to estimate the parameters (...)
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  28. Agency and the open question argument.Connie S. Rosati - 2003 - Ethics 113 (3):490-527.
  29.  36
    Innate immunity against molecular mimicry: Examining galectin‐mediated antimicrobial activity.Connie M. Arthur, Seema R. Patel, Amanda Mener, Nourine A. Kamili, Ross M. Fasano, Erin Meyer, Annie M. Winkler, Martha Sola-Visner, Cassandra D. Josephson & Sean R. Stowell - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (12):1327-1337.
    Adaptive immunity provides the unique ability to respond to a nearly infinite range of antigenic determinants. Given the inherent plasticity of the adaptive immune system, a series of tolerance mechanisms exist to reduce reactivity toward self. While this reduces the probability of autoimmunity, it also creates an important gap in adaptive immunity: the ability to recognize microbes that look like self. As a variety of microbes decorate themselves in self‐like carbohydrate antigens and tolerance reduces the ability of adaptive immunity to (...)
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    Anne Michaels and the Affirmation of Being in the Poetics of Suffering and Trauma.Connie T. Braun - 2010 - Renascence 62 (2):157-173.
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    Bordentown: Where Dewey's “Learning to Earn” Met Du Boisian Educational Priorities: The Unique Legacy of a Once Thriving but Largely Forgotten School for Black Students.Connie Goddard - 2019 - Education and Culture 35 (1):49-70.
    On February 20 of 1917, John Dewey addressed a meeting of the Public Education Association in New York City with a paper about vocational education, a topic of particular interest at the time—the Smith–Hughes Act would be signed by President Woodrow Wilson a few days later. The following month, his paper would be published as "Learning to Earn: The Place of Vocational Education in a Comprehensive Scheme of Public Education" in School & Society.1 Of concern to Dewey and many other (...)
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    Abstract and concrete phrases in false recognition.Connie Goldfarb, Joyce Wirtz & Moshe Anisfeld - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):25.
  33.  26
    Effect of partial recall on the Ranschburg phenomenon.Connie J. Harris & John C. Jahnke - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):118.
  34.  11
    The intersectional turn in feminist theory: A response to Carbin and Edenheim.Connie Kellett, Cathy Humphreys, Bridget Hamilton, Rachael Duncan & Gemma McKibbin - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (1):99-103.
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    Ordinary and Extraordinary Women in Science.Connie J. Sutton & Darlene S. Richardson - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (5):251-254.
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    As the Head Bows to the Heart.Connie Youngblood - 2003 - Semiotics:243-251.
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    The selection of strategies in cue learning.Frank Restle - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (4):329-343.
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    Effect of Handwriting on Visual Word Recognition in Chinese Bilingual Children and Adults.Connie Qun Guan, Elaine R. Smolen, Wanjin Meng & James R. Booth - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In a digital era that neglects handwriting, the current study is significant because it examines the mechanisms underlying this process. We recruited 9- to 10-year-old Chinese children, who were at an important period of handwriting development, and adult college students, for both behavioral and electroencephalogram experiments. We designed four learning conditions: handwriting Chinese, viewing Chinese, drawing shapes followed by Chinese recognition, and drawing shapes followed by English recognition. Both behavioral and EEG results showed that HC facilitated visual word recognition compared (...)
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  39. Naturalism, normativity, and the open question argument.Connie S. Rosati - 1995 - Noûs 29 (1):46-70.
  40.  62
    How Informed Is Online Informed Consent?Connie K. Varnhagen, Matthew Gushta, Jason Daniels, Tara C. Peters, Neil Parmar, Danielle Law, Rachel Hirsch, Bonnie Sadler Takach & Tom Johnson - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):37-48.
    We examined participants' reading and recall of informed consent documents presented via paper or computer. Within each presentation medium, we presented the document as a continuous or paginated document to simulate common computer and paper presentation formats. Participants took slightly longer to read paginated and computer informed consent documents and recalled slightly more information from the paginated documents. We concluded that obtaining informed consent online is not substantially different than obtaining it via paper presentation. We also provide suggestions for improving (...)
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  41.  31
    Nurses at the Table.Connie M. Ulrich - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S1):2-4.
    Few bioethicists are educated with a view into nursing. Thus, much of the conceptual and empirical research on ethical issues in nursing practice has been conducted by nurse ethicists themselves and, to a lesser degree, by individuals with a strong interest in nursing ethics. Although this work has internally shaped nursing practice, education, and policy, the broader field of bioethics has seldom examined and acknowledged the everyday ethical concerns of practicing nurses and their important contributions to bioethics discourse. In this (...)
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    What Nurse Bioethicists Bring to Bioethics: The Journey of a Nurse Bioethicist.Connie M. Ulrich - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (1):33-46.
    Istarted my nursing career as a pediatric nurse working with children and their families at the Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington, DC. My first position was a staff nurse on a busy surgical floor called 4 Blue. To some degree, and as I reflect on that time, one is never truly prepared as a newly minted nurse or physician for the realities of becoming a clinician. So it was for me. I initially worked a rotational schedule of two (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Objectivism and relational good.Connie S. Rosati - 2008 - Social Philosophy and Policy 25 (1):314-349.
    In his critique of egoism as a doctrine of ends, G. E. Moore famously challenges the idea that something can be someone. Donald Regan has recently revived and developed the Moorean challenge, making explicit its implications for the very idea of individual welfare. If the Moorean is right, there is no distinct, normative property good for, and so no plausible objectivism about ethics could be welfarist. In this essay, I undertake to address the Moorean challenge, clarifying our theoretical alternatives so (...)
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  44.  36
    Coding theory of the perception of motion configurations.Frank Restle - 1979 - Psychological Review 86 (1):1-24.
  45.  23
    Process of enumeration.Mary Beckwith & Frank Restle - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (5):437-444.
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    How narrative difficulties build peer rejection: A discourse analysis of a girl with autism and her female peers.Connie Kasari, Gail Fox Adams & Michelle Dean - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (2):147-166.
    In this discourse analysis of a social-skills intervention, the narratives of a girl with autism and her female peers were analyzed. Some 162 narratives were identified in 12 hours of video, which documented an eight-week program. Using conversation/talk-in-interaction analysis methods, we determined that over 60% of peers’ narratives were cooperatively completed by group members compared to less than 20% of Cindy’s. In contrast, a majority of Cindy’s narratives were cooperatively sanctioned. Analysis of these unsuccessful narratives revealed that: 1) peers often (...)
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  47.  49
    Comparing Theories of CT in a Critical Thinking Course.Connie Missimer - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (1).
  48.  26
    Letter to the Editor: End-of-Life Care and Racial Disparities: All Social and Health Care Sectors Must Respond!Connie C. Price & Stephen Olufemi Sodeke - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):W33-W34.
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    Hargis Professor Makes Reading & Studying Fun & Adventure.Connie Scott - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 67-17 (3-4):67-69.
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  50. Two pollutants for the price of one.Connie Senior - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--5.
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