Results for 'Conflict regulation'

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  1.  56
    Conflicts and conflict regulation in hospices: nurses’ perspectives: Results of a qualitative study in three German hospices. [REVIEW]Andreas Walker & Christof Breitsameter - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):709-718.
    The present article considers conflicts and conflict regulation in hospices. The authors carried out a qualitative study in three hospices in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, to explore how conflicts arise and how conflict regulation proceeds. Hospice nurses should act according to a set of ethical codes, to mission statements of the institution and to professional standards of care. In practice the subjective interpretations of codes and/or models concerning questions of care are causes of conflicts among nurses, with (...)
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    Pluralism and conflict regulation.Simon Bekker - 1977 - Philosophical Papers 6 (2):33-50.
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    Conflicts of Interest in Scientific Research Related to Regulation or Litigation.David B. Resnik - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 7:1-16.
    This article examines conflicts of interest in the context of scientific research related to regulation or litigation. The article defines conflicts of interest, considers how conflicts of interest can impact research, and discusses different strategies for dealing with conflicts of interest. While it is not realistic to expect that scientific research related to regulation or litigation will ever be free from conflicts of interest, society should consider taking some practical steps to minimize the impact of these conflicts, such (...)
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    The regulation of professionals; two conflicting perspectives.Wibren van der Burg - unknown
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    Regulating “Good” People in Subtle Conflicts of Interest Situations.Yuval Feldman & Eliran Halali - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):65-83.
    Growing recognition in both the psychological and management literature of the concept of “good people” has caused a paradigm shift in our understanding of wrongful behavior: Wrongdoings that were previously assumed to be based on conscious choice—that is, deliberate decisions—are often the product of intuitive processes that prevent people from recognizing the wrongfulness of their behavior. Several leading scholars have dubbed this process as an ethical “blind spot.” This study explores the main implications of the good people paradigm on the (...)
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  6.  14
    Reflexive Regulation of Labour and Employment Conflict Resolution.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.), Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Conflicts Between Regulations and Ethical Principles: Resolving Ambiguity in Favor of the Ethically Preferable Outcome.Seema K. Shah & Kathryn Porter - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):93-94.
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  8.  48
    Emotion, Emotion Regulation, and Conflict Resolution.Eran Halperin - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):68-76.
    The central role played by emotions in conflict has long been recognized by many of the scholars who study ethnic conflicts and conflict resolution. Yet recent developments in the psychological study of discrete emotions and of emotion regulation have yet to receive adequate attention by those who study and seek to promote conflict resolution. At the same time, scholars of emotion and emotion regulation have only rarely tested their core theories in the context of long-term (...)
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  9.  60
    Conflicting evidence and decisions by agency professionals: an experimental test in the context of merger regulation.Bruce Lyons, Gordon Douglas Menzies & Daniel John Zizzo - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (3):465-499.
    Many important regulatory decisions are taken by professionals employing limited and conflicting evidence. We conduct an experiment in a merger regulation setting, identifying the role of different standards of proof, volumes of evidence, cost of error and professional or lay decision making. The experiment was conducted on current practitioners from 11 different jurisdictions, in addition to student subjects. Legal standards of proof significantly affect decisions. There are specific differences because of professional judgment, including in how error costs and volume (...)
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    Goods of the Mind, Goods of the Body and External Goods: Sources of Conflict and Political Regulation in Seventeenth-Century Natural Law Theory.D. Gobetti - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (1):31.
    This paper will try to test the plausibility of interweaving a conception of politics with the nature of the conflict which politics is supposed to regulate, by looking at a specific case in the history of Western political thought. I wish to consider the interpretation of modern social relations that sees conflict as arising from the unequal distribution of (relatively) scarce resources. It is my aim to analyse the origins of this conception. But first I would like to (...)
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  11.  36
    Emotion regulation in violent conflict: Reappraisal, hope, and support for humanitarian aid to the opponent in wartime.Eran Halperin & James J. Gross - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1228-1236.
  12.  20
    Developing ReApp: an emotion regulation mobile intervention for intergroup conflict.Roni Porat, Lihi Erel, Vered Pnueli & Eran Halperin - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1326-1342.
    People living in areas of intractable conflicts experience extreme negative emotions which ultimately lead to support of aggressive policies. Emotion regulation and particularly cognitive reapprais...
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    Conflicting Futures: Environmental Regulation of Plant Targeted Genetic Modification.Jennifer Kuzma & Adam Kokotovich - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (3-4):108-120.
    Novel targeted genetic modification (TagMo) techniques for plants have the potential to increase the speed and ease of genetic modification and fall outside existing regulatory authority. We conducted 31 interviews with expert-stakeholders to explore the differing visions they have for the future of plant TagMo environmental regulation. To guide our analysis we review the tenets of anticipatory governance in light of future studies literature on emerging technology, focusing on how to contribute to reflexivity by making explicit the assumptions within (...)
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  14.  44
    Regulating self-referrals and other physician conflicts of interest.Nancy J. Moore - 2003 - HEC Forum 15 (2):134-154.
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  15.  35
    Ethical conflicts in regulating the start of life.Elina Hemminki, Päivi Santalahti & Pekka Louhiala - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (4):586.
  16.  20
    Governance, regulation and legitimacy: Conflicts of interest and the duty of loyalty.Richard F. Devlin - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (2):iii-iv.
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    Emotion Regulation and Attitudes Toward Conflict in Colombia: Effects of Reappraisal Training on Negative Emotions and Support for Conciliatory and Aggressive Statements.Camilo Hurtado-Parrado, Myriam Sierra-Puentes, Mohammed El Hazzouri, Alexandra Morales, Diana Gutiérrez-Villamarín, Laura Velásquez, Andrea Correa-Chica, Juan Carlos Rincón, Karen Henao, Juan Gabriel Castañeda & Wilson López-López - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18.  21
    Conflicting definitions of kinship: The challenge for state regulation of donor-assisted conception.Jennifer Speirs - 2003 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 9 (1):16-19.
  19.  13
    The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation for Making and Keeping Friend and Conflict Networks.Courtney Ricciardi, Olga Kornienko & Pamela W. Garner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We used social network analysis to examine how adaptive ER strategies and maladaptive ER strategies predict the creation and maintenance of friendship and conflict relationships within a mixed-gender social group. Participants reported on emotion regulation, friendship, and conflict nominations at two time points. Stochastic actor-oriented models revealed that similarity in endorsement of adaptive ER strategies predicted maintenance of friendship and conflict relationships over time. However, new conflict relationships were more likely to form between those who (...)
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  20.  8
    Legal basis of regulation of inter-confessional conflicts over religious buildings.M. Palinchak - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 4:29-36.
    The experience of Transcarpathia shows that the heads of district and village councils are not well aware of the legal framework for the regulation of inter-confessional conflicts. Legislation in the media is interpreted differently. A paradoxical situation has arisen: by proclaiming a course on the construction of a lawful state, we are still continuing to build relationships between believers of different denominations and trends, believers and non-believers, state authorities and religious institutions, not on the principle of the rule of (...)
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  21.  38
    Empathising with the enemy: emotion regulation and support for humanitarian aid in violent conflicts.Guy Roth, Noa Shane & Yaniv Kanat-Maymon - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1511-1524.
    Considering that negative intergroup emotions can hinder conflict resolution, we proposed integrative emotion regulation as possibly predicting conciliatory policies towards outgroups in violent conflict. Two studies examined Jewish Israelis’ self-reported IER, empathy, liberal attitudes, and support for humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza. Study 1 found that unlike reappraisal Jewish Israelis’ ability to explore emotions promoted concern for others’ emotions, which in turn predicted support for humanitarian aid. Study 2 replicated this mediation model, additionally confirming that liberal (...)
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  22. Resolving function-based conflicts in groupware systems.Volker Wulf, Volkmar Pipek & Andreas Pfeifer - 2001 - AI and Society 15 (3):233-262.
    In groupware tools, the activation of a function may affect other users who might have conflicting interests. We developed technical mechanisms to support users in resolving them. Contrary to current implementations of groupware tools, these mechanisms strengthen the position of the users who are affected by the activation of said functions. Supporting the visibility of a function's activation, and providing a channel for communication or means to intervene against the function's activation are approaches which constitute a framework to implement these (...)
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  23.  44
    Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire.Wendy Brown - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Tolerance is generally regarded as an unqualified achievement of the modern West. Emerging in early modern Europe to defuse violent religious conflict and reduce persecution, tolerance today is hailed as a key to decreasing conflict across a wide range of other dividing lines-- cultural, racial, ethnic, and sexual. But, as political theorist Wendy Brown argues in Regulating Aversion, tolerance also has dark and troubling undercurrents. Dislike, disapproval, and regulation lurk at the heart of tolerance. To tolerate is (...)
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  24.  56
    Decision conflict drives reaction times and utilitarian responses in sacrificial dilemmas.Alejandro Rosas, Juan Pablo Bermúdez & David Aguilar-Pardo - 2019 - Judgment and Decision Making 14:555-564.
    In the sacrificial moral dilemma task, participants have to morally judge an action that saves several lives at the cost of killing one person. According to the dual process corrective model of moral judgment suggested by Greene and collaborators (2001; 2004; 2008), cognitive control is necessary to override the intuitive, deontological force of the norm against killing and endorse the utilitarian perspective. However, a conflict model has been proposed more recently to account for part of the evidence in favor (...)
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  25.  65
    Large Law Firms, Sophisticated Clients, and the Regulation of Conflicts of Interest in England and Wales.Joan Loughrey - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (2):215-238.
    This article examines the influence of the City law firms, operating through their representative body, the City of London Law Society, in shaping the?professional rules governing conflicts of interest in England and Wales, including a recent failed attempt to allow firms to act for sophisticated clients on either side of the same transaction.? It compares English developments with those in the US and Canada finding that, in all three, it is argued that conflicts rules should be relaxed to meet the (...)
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  26.  32
    When Research Regulations and Ethics Conflict.Haley K. Sullivan, Derek W. Braverman & David Wendler - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):96-97.
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    Conflict of interest in medical research in Estonia.Professor Arvo Tikk - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):317-318.
    An area where conflicts of interest can take place in Estonia is in the conduct of clinical trials. The paper lists the main areas where such conflicts of interest can occur. The author also briefly discusses Estonia’s current position with regard to regulating genetic information and the commencement of the Estonian Genome Project.
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    Normative conflicts in legal reasoning.Giovanni Sartor - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 1 (2-3):209-235.
    This article proposes a formal analysis of a fundamental aspect of legal reasoning: dealing with normative conflicts. Firstly, examples are illustrated concerning the dynamics of legal systems, the application of rules and exceptions, and the semantic indeterminacy of legal sources. Then two approaches to cope with conflicting information are presented: the preferred theories of Brewka, and the belief change functions of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson. The relations between those approaches are closely examined, and some aspects of a model of reasoning (...)
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  29.  37
    Tax Advisors and Conflicted Citizens.Milton C. Regan - 2013 - Legal Ethics 16 (2):322-349.
    Professor Mitt Regan takes up Brad Wendel's suggestion that we have to distinguish the ethics of advocates from those which guide other forms of legal work, and proposes that the distinction be taken further. Legal advising can itself implicate different ethical positions. Regan concentrates on tax advisers, and argues that their work can, at times, legitimately require a partisan advocate's stance in the giving of tax advice or an impartial trustee's stance in ensuring that the spirit, as well as the (...)
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    Guest Editorial: Governance, Regulation and Legitimacy: Conflicts of Interest and the Duty of Loyalty.Richard F. Devlin - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (2):3-4.
    This article is currently available as a free download on ingentaconnect.
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    Scientific self-regulation—so good, how can it fail?Patrick L. Taylor - 2009 - Science and Engineering Ethics 15 (3):395-406.
    To be a functional alternative to government regulation, self-regulation of science must be credible to both scientists and the public, accountable, ethical, and effective. According to some, serious problems continue in research ethics in the United States despite a rich history of proposed self-regulatory standards and oversight devices. Successful efforts at self-regulation in stem cell research contrast with unsuccessful efforts in research ethics, particularly conflicts of interest. Part of the cause for a lack of success in self- (...) is fragmented, disconnected oversight, and failure to embody genuine scientific and public consensus. To be accountable, credible and effective, self-regulation must be inclusive and multidisciplinary, publicly engaged, sufficiently disinterested, operationally integrated with institutional goals, and must implement a genuine consensus among scientists and the public. The mechanisms of self-regulation must be sufficiently broad in their oversight, and interconnected with other institutional forces and actors, that they do not create fragmented solutions. (shrink)
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  32.  19
    Conflicts of Interest in the Roles of the University Professor.Stephen D. Sugarman - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (1):255-275.
    American universities are increasingly proactive in dealing with conflict of interest problems of their faculty. Changing social norms, publicized scandals, and more have made both university administrators and faculty extra alert to the dangers of faculty infidelity to their roles as teachers and scholars. Personal interests — both financial and non-financial — appear increasingly to pressure faculty to behave inappropriately. Most faculty members resist those pressures. Yet, enough conduct that either is, or appears to be, improper has occurred to (...)
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  33.  17
    Ethical Conflict and Knowledge Hiding in Teams: Moderating Role of Workplace Friendship in Education Sector.Shuo Xing - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Ethical conflicts arise when there is no unity between the team members and shared ethical priorities. This study aimed to identify the relationship between ethical value unity, team knowledge hiding, the relationship between the lack of shared ethical priorities and the team knowledge hiding. Workplace friendship was taken as a moderating variable to check its regulating role between the ethical conflicts and the team knowledge hiding. Data of this study were collected from the staff working in different colleges and universities. (...)
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  34. The Regulative and the Theoretical in Epistemology.Robert Lockie - 2014 - Abstracta 8 (1):3-14.
    The distinction between the regulative (‘practical’, ‘subjective’, ‘decision-procedural’) and the theoretical (‘objective’, ‘absolute’) pertains to the aims (the desiderata) of an account of justification. This distinction began in ethics and spread to epistemology. Each of internalism, externalism, is separately forced to draw this distinction to avoid a stock, otherwise fatal, argument levelled against them by the other. Given this situation however, we may finesse much partisan conflict in epistemology by simply seeing differing accounts of justification as answering to radically (...)
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  35.  11
    Legal Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Meta-Regulation Approach of Law for Raising CSR in a Weak Economy.Mia Mahmudur Rahim - 2013 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    Even though Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a widely accepted concept promoted by different stakeholders, business corporations' internal strategies, known as corporate self-regulation in most of the weak economies, respond poorly to this responsibility. Major laws relating to corporate regulation and responsibilities of these economies do not possess adequate ongoing influence to insist on corporate self-regulation to create a socially responsible corporate culture. This book describes how the laws relating to CSR could contribute to the inclusion (...)
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  36.  59
    Understanding democratic conflicts: The failures of agonistic theory.Vincent August - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):182-203.
    Western democracies experience profound conflicts that induce concerns about polarization and social cohesion. Yet although conflicts are a core feature of democracies, the forms, functions, and dynamics of democratic conflicts have rarely been subject of political theory. This paper aims at furthering our understanding of democratic conflicts. It analyzes the theory of conflict in Mouffe's agonistic pluralism, confronts it with sociological conflict theory, and presents concrete points of departure for a more comprehensive theory of democratic conflicts. The paper, (...)
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  37.  32
    U.S. Federal Regulations for Emergency Research: A Practical Guide and Commentary.Andrew McRae & Charles Weijer - unknown
    Emergency medicine research requires the enrollment of subjects with varying decision-making capacities, including capable adults, adults incapacitated by illness or injury, and children. These different categories of subjects are protected by multiple federal regulations. These include the federal Common Rule, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regulations for pediatric research, and the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Final Rule for the Exception from the Requirements of Informed Consent in Emergency Situations. Investigators should be familiar with the relevant federal (...)
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  38.  28
    Conflict of interest in medical research in estonia.Arvo Tikk - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):317-318.
    An area where conflicts of interest can take place in Estonia is in the conduct of clinical trials. The paper lists the main areas where such conflicts of interest can occur. The author also briefly discusses Estonia’s current position with regard to regulating genetic information and the commencement of the Estonian Genome Project.
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  39.  26
    Conflicts between being a “Good Farmer” and freshwater policy: A New Zealand case study.S. Walton, J. M. Lord, A. J. Lord & V. Kahui - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):387-392.
    Strategies that motivate agrifood producers to adopt more sustainable practices are a critical component for a sustainable future. This case study examines farmer attitudes to a recently released New Zealand agricultural policy aimed at improving freshwater quality by restricting agricultural activities. Our study interprets interviews of nine individuals managing a range of dairy and sheep farming operations to explore how these farmers manage societal expectations of being a ‘good farmer’ in the context of the new regulations. Four themes were developed (...)
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  40.  73
    Disclosing Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research: Views of Institutional Review Boards, Conflict of Interest Committees, and Investigators.Kevin P. Weinfurt, Joëlle Y. Friedman, Michaela A. Dinan, Jennifer S. Allsbrook, Mark A. Hall, Jatinder K. Dhillon & Jeremy Sugarman - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):581-591.
    Investigator and institutional financial conflicts of interest have raised concerns about both the integrity of clinical research and protecting the rights and welfare of research participants. In response, professional groups and governmental bodies have issued guidance for managing conflicts of interest to minimize their potential untoward effects. Although a variety of approaches have been offered, a common protection is to disclose financial interests in research to potential research participants as part of the recruitment and informed consent process. This approach reinforces (...)
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  41.  27
    Regulating War in the Shadow of Law: Toward a Re-Articulation of ROE.Kristin Bergtora Sandvik - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (2):118-136.
    The experiences of multinational engagements in Kosovo in the late 1990s, and then more recently Afghanistan from 2001 and Iraq from 2003, have led to a political debate about the linkage between legality and legitimacy. At the heart of contemporary political and academic discourses about war are questions about the scope and content of the law of armed conflict. Considerably less attention has been given to another mode of regulating warfare, namely Rules of Engagement (ROE), despite their operational significance. (...)
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  42. Conflict of Interest and Public Life: Cross-National Perspectives.Christine Trost & Alison L. Gash - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume features a distinguished, international group of scholars and practitioners who provide a comparative account of ethics regulations across four Western democracies: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Italy. They situate conflict-of-interest regulations within a broader discourse involving democratic theory; identify the structural, political, economic, and cultural factors that have contributed to the development of these regulations over time; and assess the extent to which these efforts have succeeded or failed across and within different branches and (...)
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  43. The conflict of the faculties =.Immanuel Kant - 1979 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Edited by Mary J. Gregor.
    It is in the interest of the totalitarian state that subjects not think for themselves, much less confer about their thinking. Writing under the hostile watch of the Prussian censorship, Immanuel Kant dared to argue the need for open argument, in the university if nowhere else. In this heroic criticism of repression, first published in 1798, he anticipated the crises that endanger the free expression of ideas in the name of national policy. Composed of three sections written at different times, (...)
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  44.  51
    (1 other version)Authoritative regulation and the stem cell debate.Benjamin Capps - 2007 - Bioethics 22 (1):43–55.
    ABSTRACT In this paper I argue that liberal democratic communities are justified in regulating the activities of their members because of the inevitable existence of conflicting conceptions of what is considered as morally right. This will often lead to tension and disputes, and in such circumstances, reliance on peaceful or orderly co‐existence will not normally suffice. In such pluralistic societies, the boundary between permissible and impermissible activities will be unclear; and this becomes a particular concern in controversial issues which raise (...)
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    Conflict of Interest in Scientific Research in China: A Socio-ethical Analysis of He Jiankui’s Human Genome-editing Experiment.Jing-Bao Nie, Guangkuan Xie, Hua Chen & Yali Cong - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):191-201.
    Extensive conflicts of interest at both individual and institutional levels are identifiable in scientific research and healthcare in China, as in many other parts of the world. A prominent new case from China is He Jiankui’s experiment that produced the world’s first gene-edited babies and that raises numerous ethical, political, socio-cultural, and transnational questions. Serious financial and other COI were involved in He’s genetic adventure. Using He’s infamous experiment as a case study, this paper explores the wider issue of financial (...)
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  46. Regulate artificial intelligence to avert cyber arms race.Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2018 - Nature 556 (7701):296-298.
    This paper argues that there is an urgent need for an international doctrine for cyberspace skirmishes before they escalate into conventional warfare.
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    Conflicting codes: Professional, ethical, and legal obligations in archaeology.Joe Watkins - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (3):337-345.
    Archaeologists employed in governmental positions often deal with issues that produce conflicts between their professional duties to their employer, their ethical responsibilities to the resource, and their obligations as established by legislation. The paper examines some of the conflicts imposed on governmental archaeologists by each of these systems but focuses on the conflicts imposed by federal legislation and regulations on governmental archaeologists, using “Kennewick Man” as an example.
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    Disclosure Conflicts: Crude Oil Trains, Fracking Chemicals, and the Politics of Transparency.Guy Schaffer & Abby Kinchy - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (6):1011-1038.
    Many governments and corporations have embraced information disclosure as an alternative to conventional environmental and public health regulation. Public policy research on transparency has examined the effects of particular disclosure policies, but there is limited research on how the construction of disclosure policies relates to social movements, or how transparency and ignorance are related. As a first step toward filling this theoretical gap, this study seeks to conceptualize disclosure conflicts, the social processes through which secrecy is challenged, defended, and (...)
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  49. Intrinsic Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research: A Need for Disclosure.Sharmon Sollitto, Sharona Hoffman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Robert J. Lederman, Stuart J. Youngner & Michael M. Lederman - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2):83-91.
    : Protection of human subjects from investigators' conflicts of interest is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation. Personal financial conflicts of interest are addressed by university policies, professional society guidelines, publication standards, and government regulation, but "intrinsic conflicts of interest"—conflicts of interest inherent in all clinical research—have received relatively less attention. Such conflicts arise in all clinical research endeavors as a result of the tension among professionals' responsibilities to their research and to their patients and both academic and (...)
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  50.  97
    Interactive Justice: A Proceduralist Approach to Value Conflict in Politics.Emanuela Ceva - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Contemporary societies are riddled with moral disputes caused by conflicts between value claims competing for the regulation of matters of public concern. This familiar state of affairs is relevant for one of the most important debates within liberal political thought: should institutions seek to realize justice or peace? Justice-driven philosophers characterize the normative conditions for the resolution of value conflicts through the establishment of a moral consensus on an order of priority between competing value claims. Peace-driven philosophers have concentrated, (...)
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