Results for 'Composers'

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  1.  23
    Composing Disability: Diagnosis, Interrupted.Abby Wilkerson, Joseph Fisher & Wade Fletcher - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):473-476.
    Writing is central both to the medical diagnostic codification of disability and to disabled people’s efforts to interrupt, complicate, or disrupt dominant medical narratives. This Symposium, like the George Washington University conference from which it takes its name, creates space for diverse modes and genres of claiming authority regarding diagnosis and its cultural and material effects. “Queer” and “crip” interrogations of diagnosis illuminate its status as a cultural phenomenon, embracing culturally disavowed embodiments and embodied experiences as tools for diagnosing inegalitarian (...)
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    Composing the Soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology.Graham Parkes - 1994 - University of Chicago Press.
    Nietzsche wrote in _Ecce Homo_, "That a psychologist without equal speaks from my writings—this is perhaps the first insight gained by a good reader.... Who among the philosophers before me was in any way a psychologist? Before me there simply was no psychology." _Composing the Soul_ is the first study to pay sustained attention to this pronouncement and to examine the contours of Nietzsche's psychology in the context of his life and psychological makeup. Beginning with essays from Nietzsche's youth, Graham (...)
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    Composing alternatives.Ivano Ciardelli, Floris Roelofsen & Nadine Theiler - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (1):1-36.
    There is a prominent line of work in natural language semantics, rooted in the work of Hamblin, in which the meaning of a sentence is not taken to be a single proposition, but rather a set of propositions—a set of alternatives. This allows for a more fine-grained view on meaning, which has led to improved analyses of a wide range of linguistic phenomena. However, this approach also faces a number of problems. We focus here on two of these, in our (...)
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    Composable Relations Induced in Networks of Aligned Ontologies: A Category Theoretic Approach.Seremeti Lambrini & Kameas Achilles - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):285-311.
    A network of aligned ontologies is a distributed system, whose components are interacting and interoperating, the result of this interaction being, either the extension of local assertions, which are valid within each individual ontology, to global assertions holding between remote ontology syntactic entities through a network path, or to local assertions holding between local entities of an ontology, but induced by remote ontologies, through a cycle in the network. The mechanism for achieving this interaction is the composition of relations. In (...)
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    „Composing the Soul“: Eine Entgegnung an Steilberg.Graham Parkes - 1997 - Nietzsche Studien 26 (1):529-536.
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  6. Composing Watercolors in the Barracks: Values Development as Affective-Semiotic Generalization.Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer - 2022 - In Deep loyalties: values in military lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Megavirales Composing a Fourth Domain of Life: Mimiviridae and Marseilleviridae.Philippe Colson & Didier Raoult - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther, Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 217--244.
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    (1 other version)Introduction: Composing the Citizen.Thomas L. Dumm & William Chaloupka - 1999 - Theory and Event 3 (2).
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    Do composers have to be performers too?Paul Vincent Spade - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4):365-369.
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    On composing "by the rules".James Manns - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (1):83-91.
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    Composing the Soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology.Glen T. Martin - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1):152-154.
    152 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34:1 JANUARY 1996 knowing." Absolute knowing is "the human community's coming to a reflective nonmetaphysical understanding of what it must take as authoritative grounds for belief and action..." . Since this involves us in a continuous dialectic, dialectic "does not end in absolute knowing; it begins the task of renewing itself" . From Hegel we get "a new paradigm for philosophy..." . The final chapter offers an account of the Philosophy of Right, and (...)
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  12. The composer of musique concrète wields a camera.Kyle Stevens - 2022 - In The Oxford handbook of film theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  13. Composing Spacetime.Sam Baron & Baptiste Le Bihan - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (1):33-54.
    According to a number of approaches in theoretical physics, spacetime does not exist fundamentally. Rather, spacetime exists by depending on another, more fundamental, non-spatiotemporal structure. A prevalent opinion in the literature is that this dependence should not be analyzed in terms of composition. We should not say, that is, that spacetime depends on an ontology of non-spatiotemporal entities in virtue of having them as parts. But is that really right? On the contrary, we argue that a mereological approach to dependent (...)
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    Les composés symbolisent avec les simples.Louis Millet - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11:479.
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  15. Luigi Nono: A Composer in Context.Carola Nielinger-Vakil - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The anti-fascist cantata Il canto sospeso, the string quartet Fragmente - Stille, an Diotima and the 'Tragedy of Listening' Prometeo cemented Luigi Nono's place in music history. In this study, Carola Nielinger-Vakil examines these major works in the context of Nono's amalgamation of avant-garde composition with Communist political engagement. Part I discusses Il canto sospeso in the context of all of Nono's anti-fascist pieces, from the unfinished Fučik project to Ricorda cosa ti hanno fatto in Auschwitz. Nielinger-Vakil explores Nono's position (...)
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    The composer's machine.William H. Tallmadge - 1961 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (3):339-345.
  17.  70
    Sequoias, Mavericks, Open Doors... Composing Joan Tower.Randall Everett Allsup - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (1):24.
    This essay interview with Joan Tower is a meditation on the importance of composing, understood as a process larger than the making of new sound combinations or musical scores, suggesting that the compositional act is self-educative and self-forming. Tower's musical life, one of teaching and learning, one of composing and self-composing, is an exemplary model for a lifetime of risk, curiosity, and hard work. Her own struggles to balance the rich traditions that funded her growth as a composer with the (...)
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  18.  14
    Heiner Goebbels and curatorial composing after Cage: from staging works to musicalising encounters.Ed McKeon - 2022 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element introduces the notion of curatorial composing to account for certain musical practices that emerged from the 1960s as the founding concepts of music as an art - instituted in the modern era - were systematically dismantled. It raises the key question of how musical value and authority might be produced without recourse to an external principle, origin, transcendental framework, or other foundation. It argues that these practices do not dismiss the issue of value or simply relativise it but (...)
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    (1 other version)Composer avec les ombres.Francesca Mosca & Jacques Sarfaty - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 195 (1):31.
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    Women Composer Question: Gender Roles and Judgments Regarding Women’s Creativity.Zeynep Gülçin ÖZKİŞİ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:449-470.
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  21. Composing racial difference in Madama Butterfly : tonal language and power of Cio-Cio-San.Judy Tsou - 2015 - In Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg, Rethinking difference in music scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  22.  27
    On Composing: Doing It, Teaching It, Living It.David Ward-Steinman - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (1):5.
    This paper is concerned with the craft and pedagogy of contemporary classical composition, starting with an examination of French pedagogy as I received it from Darius Milhaud and Nadia Boulanger in the late 1950s. I discuss their different points of view (briefly the global approach to composition vs. what might be termed the molecular), the composition process itself (what can and what cannot be taught), counterpoint, improvisation, writer's block, the current state of the art, our sister arts, and the changing (...)
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  23.  42
    A composer's world.Paul Hindemith - 1952 - Gloucester, Mass.: P. Smith.
    inch....this work is likely to become a standart work very quickly and is to be recommended to all schools where recorder studies are undertaken inch. (Oliver James,Contact Magazine) A novel and comprehensive approach to transferring from the C to F instrument. 430 music examples include folk and national songs (some in two parts), country dance tunes and excerpts from the standard treble repertoire of•Bach, Barsanti, Corelli, Handel, Telemann, etc. An outstanding feature of the book has proved to be Brian Bonsor's (...)
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  24.  17
    Composing the Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς: Macro- and microstructure of a Byzantine Homeric poem.Ugo Mondini - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):325-354.
    The Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς, the first work written by John Tzetzes, consists of 1.676 hexameters and numerous scholia. It narrates the events of the Trojan war from the conception of Paris to the fall of the city. This paper analyses the poem and its structure. In his later Exegesis to the Iliad, Tzetzes states that the Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς allows to “learn thoroughly, in every detail” the history of the war. Following this evidence, the macro- and the microstructure of the poem are (...)
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  25. Demo Light for Composing Models.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Light version of DEMO for composing epistemic models, based on the code for the ESSLLI 2008 course on Dynamic Epistemic Logic (see http:// extended with vocabulary information [EWS10]. Factual change is also treated. The piece ends with some examples: the muddy children, and hat puzzles, dealing with the interaction of perception and change [Eijar].
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  26. Composers and Performers.Junyeol Kim - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1469-1481.
    We take performers of classical music as producers of creative performances. We sometimes criticize a performer’s performance by saying ‘That is not what the composer wants’. The literature takes this kind of criticism, which I call ‘intentionalist criticism’, to be in tension with performers’ creativity—taking the criticism to be an attempt to restrict performers’ creativity by historical authenticity. This paper aims to construct a possible understanding of intentionalist criticisms according to which those criticisms are grounded in our respect of performers (...)
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    Il y a des composés, donc il y a des êtres simples. Vertu et infortune chez Condillac d’un principe métaphysique de Leibniz.Martine Pécharman - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 128 (1):57-110.
    Dans la série de principes auxquels un Mémoire pour Gabriel Cramer rédigé par Condillac début 1747 ramène le système monadologique de Leibniz, le principe de l’ingrédience de la matière par les êtres simples ou monades échappe à la critique. Condillac accorde le principe [P1] les monades sont les premiers éléments de la matière. Il rejette seulement les deux principes subalternes [P2] les monades ont un principe interne de tous leurs changements et [P3] chaque état passager d’une monade représente sous un (...)
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  28.  50
    The Composer in the Liberal Arts College.Elliott Schwartz - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (1):37.
    This essay explores the role of music composition within the curriculum of a typical small liberal arts college and the faculty composer's role(s) in facilitating the study of composition. The relationship between composition and campus performance is discussed, particularly in light of the increased emphasis on performance in formerly all-male colleges (Amherst, Williams, Bowdoin, Dartmouth, and so on) after the advent of coeducation in the 1970s. Other topics include teaching strategies for introducing non-major students to composition, the rise of interest (...)
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  29. Composing for Recomposition: Rhetorical Velocity and Delivery.Jim Ridolfo & Dànielle Nicole DeVoss - 2009 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 13 (2):n2.
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  30. Aggregate, composed, and evolved systems: Reductionistic heuristics as means to more holistic theories. [REVIEW]William C. Wimsatt - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (5):667-702.
    Richard Levins’ distinction between aggregate, composed and evolved systems acquires new significance as we recognize the importance of mechanistic explanation. Criteria for aggregativity provide limiting cases for absence of organization, so through their failure, can provide rich detectors for organizational properties. I explore the use of failures of aggregativity for the analysis of mechanistic systems in diverse contexts. Aggregativity appears theoretically desireable, but we are easily fooled. It may be exaggerated through approximation, conditions of derivation, and extrapolating from some conditions (...)
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    Canonicity and collegiality “other” composers, 1790 – 1850.William Weber - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):105-123.
    A paradigm shift occurred in musical culture in the early nineteenth century, whereby revered old works—newly called “classics”—began to rival contemporary ones as the guiding authority over taste. This article explores the less well-known composers found on programs in the period when classical repertories were becoming established. A kind of professional collegiality developed during this period on concert programs among pieces of diverse age and taste, reaching far beyond the iconic composers (now seen by most of us to (...)
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  32. Composing the soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's psychology.Graham Parkes - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 12:99-108.
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    Composing words and non-words.Kate Hazel Stanton - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-28.
    Recent work in supersemantics and in the semantic interpretation of prosody has showed that non-words (gestural, prosodic an iconic elements) can make truth conditional contributions. This paper contends that the way that they make their contributions—the way that they are integrated into semantic representations—calls into question foundational assumptions about how semantics works. I explore the case of a prosodic contour that can act as an intensifier (a word like ‘very’ or ‘really’) and argue that its compositional behaviour indicates that it (...)
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  34. Composing Thoughts: Free Speech and the Importance of Thinking Aloud in Music and Images.Léa Salje & Robert Mark Simpson - 2024 - Legal Theory 30 (2).
    Why should musical compositions and artistic images be included among the types of expression covered by free speech principles? One way to answer this question is to show how expression in nonverbal media can be functionally similar to other types of verbal expression. But this leaves us with an intuitively unsatisfying explanation of why free speech principles cover nonverbal creative expression that does not functionally emulate literal speech. In this article, as an alternative justification, we develop and defend the idea (...)
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  35. When composers have to be performers.Phillip Alperson - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4):369-373.
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    Composing cardinal direction relations.Spiros Skiadopoulos & Manolis Koubarakis - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (2):143-171.
  37.  19
    Composing Modernity in Machiavelli's Prince.Robert Hariman - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (1):3.
  38. On being ultimately composed of atoms.Achille C. Varzi - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2891-2900.
    Mereological atomism is the thesis that everything is ultimately composed of atomic parts, i.e., parts lacking proper parts. Standardly, this thesis is characterized by an axiom that says, more simply, that everything has atomic parts. Anthony Shiver has argued that this characterization is satisfied by models that are not atomistic, and is therefore inadequate. I argue that Shiver’s conclusion can and ought to be resisted, for the models in question are atomistic in the intended sense, and even though the standard (...)
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    Composing with Gaia: Isabelle Stengers and the Feminist Politics of the Earth.Miriam Tola - 2016 - PhaenEx 11 (1):1-21.
    This essay brings the work of Isabelle Stengers into the fold of feminism to propose a feminist politics of the earth that disrupts the fantasy of human exceptionalism underpinning much Anthropocene discourse. I begin by situating Stengers’s political use of Gaia theory in current debates on the Anthropocene. Next, I show how Stengers’s reworking of Gaia helps in reconsidering the relations between two bodies of feminist theory—Deleuzian feminism and Marxist ecofeminism—that are rarely brought into conversation. On this basis, I explore (...)
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  40.  57
    Composing the Soul. [REVIEW]Jacob Golomb - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29 (4):134-135.
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    Composing the Soul. [REVIEW]George H. Leiner - 1999 - New Nietzsche Studies 3 (3-4):103-107.
  42. Composing Prototypes - AISC 18.Antonio Lieto & Gian Luca Pozzato - 2018 - In Antonio Lieto & Gian Luca Pozzato, Proceedings of AISC 2018, 15th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences The new era of Artificial Intelligence: a cognitive perspective. 27100 Pavia, Province of Pavia, Italy: pp. 8-10.
    Combining typical knowledge to generate novel concepts is an important creative trait of human cognition. Dealing with such ability requires, from an AI perspective, the harmonization of two conflicting requirements that are hardly accommodated in symbolic systems: the need of a syntactic compositionality (typical of logical systems) and that one concerning the exhibition of typicality effects (see Frixione and Lieto, 2012). In this work we provide a logical framework able to account for this type of human-like concept combination. We propose (...)
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  43. Composing in the art of lumia.Thomas Wilfred - 1948 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (2):79-93.
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  44. Composing Time: Stiegler on Nietzsche, Nihilism and a Possible Future.Tracy Colony - 2022 - In Andrea Rehberg & Ashley Woodward, Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 33-52.
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  45. Composing Our "Selves": Aristotelian and Fictional Personhood.Daniel D. Hutto - 1994
    The postmodern 'dismantling' of the self is often regarded, in sensationalist terms, as threatening to undermine most if not all of our familiar ideas concerning philosophy and morality. This is so because in challenging our 'commonplace' concept of what it is to be a person - a concept with a heavy Cartesian legacy - it also challenges the standard visions of how we stand, or fail to stand, as knowers in relation to reality and causes upset to the grounds for (...)
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  46. Composing models.Jan van Eijck & Yanjing Wang - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):397-425.
    • We study a new composition operation on (epistemic) multiagent models and update actions that takes vocabulary extensions into account.
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    Composed Objects, Internal Relations, and Purely Intentional Negativity. Ingarden’s Theory of States of Affairs.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2010 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):63-80.
    Ingarden’s official ontology of states of affairs is by no means reductionist. According to him there are states of affairs, but they are ontologically dependent onother entities. There are certain classical arguments for the introduction of states of affairs as extra entities over and above the nominal objects, that can be labelled “the problem of composition,” “the problem of relation” and “the problem of negation.” To the first two Ingarden proposes rather traditional solutions, while his treatment of negation proves to (...)
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  48.  37
    Composing the Symbolic.Daniela Sacco - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):59-75.
    An excerpt from Sergei M. Eisenstein's memoirs describing a night visit to the museum of Chichén Itzá in Mexico is set forth as a real life example reflecting, both from a visual and theoretical perspective, the architecture of Aby Warburg's Bilderatlas Mnemosyne and his concept of Denkraum. Drawing upon Warburg's own writings and F. T. Vischer's theory of symbol, the paper looks at Eisenstein's experience at the museum as highlighting the dynamic relation between man's religious/magical and scientific/rational psychic poles, and (...)
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  49.  66
    Composing in Fragments: Music in the Essay Films of Resnais and Godard.Nora M. Alter - 2012 - Substance 41 (2):24-39.
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  50. Composers' Texts as Objects of Musicological Study.Mikko HeiniO - 1988 - In Veikko Rantala, Lewis Eugene Rowell & Eero Tarasti, Essays on the philosophy of music. Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa. pp. 43--293.
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