Results for 'Cléa Ribeiro'

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  1.  13
    Darcy Ribeiro: Diálogos Inéditos.Darcy Ribeiro - 2004 - Narvaja Editor. Edited by Héctor Magnani.
  2. Automaticity in Virtuous Action.Clea F. Rees & Jonathan Webber - 2014 - In Nancy E. Snow & Franco V. Trivigno (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-90.
    Automaticity is rapid and effortless cognition that operates without conscious awareness or deliberative control. An action is virtuous to the degree that it meets the requirements of the ethical virtues in the circumstances. What contribution does automaticity make to the ethical virtue of an action? How far is the automaticity discussed by virtue ethicists consonant with, or even supported by, the findings of empirical psychology? We argue that the automaticity of virtuous action is automaticity not of skill, but of motivation. (...)
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  3. Constancy, Fidelity, and Integrity.Clea F. Rees & Jonathan Webber - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl (eds.), The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing. pp. 399-408.
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    Somatic poetics.Clea T. Waite - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):267-277.
    This article considers scientific data and methods taken as a vocabulary for a visual language of poetics, shaping an artistic practice exploring the liminal poetics of space, time, science and mythology, equally considered. These artworks focus on the moving image as an immersive, architectonic construct, one that makes it possible to blur the boundary between space and time. They are cinematic environments that create a space of spatial and temporal ambiguity, open to the performative role of the viewer in composing (...)
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  5. Better lie!Clea F. Rees - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):59-64.
    I argue that lying is generally morally better than mere deliberate misleading because the latter involves the exploitation of a greater trust and more seriously abuses our willingness to fulfil epistemic and moral obligations to others. Whereas the liar relies on our figuring out and accepting only what is asserted, the mere deliberate misleader depends on our actively inferring meaning beyond what is said in the form of conversational implicatures as well. When others’ epistemic and moral obligations are determined by (...)
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    (1 other version)Automaticity in virtuous action.Clea F. Rees & Jonathan Webber - 2014 - In Nancy E. Snow & Franco V. Trivigno (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness. New York: Routledge. pp. 75-90.
  7. Reclaiming the Conscience of Huckleberry Finn.Clea F. Rees - 2006 - In Daniel Kolak & Raymond Martin (eds.), The experience of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Huck Finn’s emotional responses constitute perfectly good moral reasons not to betray his friend, even though Huck is unable to recognise them as such.
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  8. Inquérito Sobre a Filosofia Portuguesa. Depoimentos de Alvaro Ribeiro [Et Al. Apresentação de Pinharanda Gomes].Álvaro Ribeiro & Jesué Pinharanda Gomes - 1972 - Editora Pax.
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  9. A Virtue Ethics Response to Implicit Bias.Clea F. Rees - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 191-214.
    Virtue ethics faces two challenges based in ‘dual-process’ models of cognition. The classic situationist worry is that we just do not have reliable motivations at all. One promising response invokes an alternative model of cognition which can accommodate evidence cited in support of dual-process models without positing distinct systems for automatic and deliberative processing. The approach appeals to the potential of automatization to habituate virtuous motivations. This response is threatened by implicit bias which raises the worry that we cannot avoid (...)
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    Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993 : bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues - 1995
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    An Interview with Anna Christina Ribeiro.Anna Christina Ribeiro & Ethan Harris - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:89-93.
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  12. Toward a philosophy of poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):61-77.
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    D4.1 Blueprint for the European Citizen Science Academy.Cléa Madeleine Montanari, Muki Haklay, Andrzej Klimczuk, Chiara Fedrigotti & Szymon Chmielewski - 2023 - Paris: Université Paris Cité.
    This deliverable covers the various steps that have been undertaken to develop the path to creating and developing a European Citizen Science Academy (ECS Academy). It is an aggregation of documents and reports that have been elaborated throughout the first year of the ECS project, with a community of practice of citizen science educators and trainers, the European Citizen Science Association and the ECS consortium. They set the stage to the co-creation of the ECS Academy. The ECS Academy is a (...)
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  14. Sartre e a Psicanálise Existencial.Cléa Gois - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):207-217.
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    A racionalização do conflito império X papado no final do século XIII.Cléa Pitt Goldman - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):639-642.
    Transformações na sociedade medieval levaram no século XIII ao fortalecimento do poder temporal. A comunidade cristã, única dirigida pelo papa, era questionada. O conflito que resultou de duas forças - de um lado o poder real e de outro o poder papal - deixou claro que o poder temporal procurava se fortalecer e tomar-se independente do poder papal. Felipe, O Belo de França, que lançava o desafio, teve ao seu lado os legistas que fundamentavam sua argumentação, entre outros textos, no (...)
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    Après les élections brésiliennes.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2003 - Hermes 35:287.
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    La défaite du marketing politique : Les élections brésiliennes de 2006.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2007 - Hermes 48:205.
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  18. Part IV: The Psychology of Virtue. Constancy, fidelity and integrity.Clea F. Rees & Jonathan Webber - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl (eds.), The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing.
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  19. Nova perspectiva do homem.L. Ribeiro - 1968 - Rio de Janeiro,: Freitas Bastos.
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  20. Philosophy and disagreement.Brian Ribeiro - 2011 - Critica 43 (127):3-25.
    Disagreement as we find it in both the history and the contemporary practice of philosophy is an inadequately understood phenomenon. In this paper I outline and motivate the problem of disagreement, arguing that "hard cases" of disagreement confront us with an unresolved, and seemingly unresolvable, challenge to the rationality of philosophical discourse, thereby raising the specter of a worri-some form of metaphilosophical skepticism. A variety of responses and attempted evasions are considered, though none are found to be particularly satisfying: Thus, (...)
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  21. Sextus, Montaigne, Hume.Brian Ribeiro - 2009 - Modern Schoolman 86 (1):7-34.
    Despite their divergences, I argue that Sextus, Montaigne, and Hume are committed to several substantive points of commonality and that these commonalities justify us in speaking of them as belonging to a unitary Pyrrhonist tradition. In this tradition, Pyrrhonizing doubt serves to chart the boundary of that-which-resists-doubt, thereby simultaneously charting the shape of that complex of nature and custom which constitutes the bedrock of human life — the life that remains after doubt has done its worst.
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  22. Louis Loeb: Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise.B. Ribeiro - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (2):348-351.
  23.  40
    Fernando Pessoa E o problema da metafísica.Nuno Ribeiro - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):433-450.
    RESUMO O presente artigo visa elucidar a tematização que Fernando Pessoa apresenta da questão da metafísica, à luz dos escritos filosóficos deixados por este autor no seu espólio. No espólio de Fernando Pessoa, conservado na Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, existe uma multiplicidade de projetos e fragmentos de cariz filosófico sobre metafísica dos quais resultaram uma pluralidade de escritos relativos ao sentido da noção de ser. Assim, através de uma análise dos diversos projetos pessoanos consagrados à questão da metafísica, pretendemos clarificar (...)
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    Minimal change: Relevance and recovery revisited.Márcio M. Ribeiro, Renata Wassermann, Giorgos Flouris & Grigoris Antoniou - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 201:59-80.
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    A Mobilising Concept? Unpacking Academic Representations of Responsible Research and Innovation.Barbara E. Ribeiro, Robert D. J. Smith & Kate Millar - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):81-103.
    This paper makes a plea for more reflexive attempts to develop and anchor the emerging concept of responsible research and innovation. RRI has recently emerged as a buzzword in science policy, becoming a focus of concerted experimentation in many academic circles. Its performative capacity means that it is able to mobilise resources and spaces despite no common understanding of what it is or should be ‘made of’. In order to support reflection and practice amongst those who are interested in and (...)
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  26. Are intelligible agents square?Clea F. Rees - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):17-34.
    In How We Get Along, J. David Velleman argues for two related theses: first, that ‘making sense’ of oneself to oneself and others is a constitutive aim of action; second, that this fact about action grounds normativity. Examining each thesis in turn, I argue against the first that an agent may deliberately act in ways which make sense in terms of neither her self-conception nor others' conceptions of her. Against the second thesis, I argue that some vices are such that (...)
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    A marca do Leviatã: linguagem e poder em Hobbes.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 1978 - São Paulo: Editora Ática.
    Este volume apresenta uma leitura arrojada das ideias de um dos mais importantes filósofos do século XVII. Ribeiro discorre, principalmente, sobre dois desdobramentos fundamentais do pensamento hobbesiano. O primeiro é o pacto entre os homens para a formação do Estado, por meio do qual transferem todos os direitos ao soberano. Segundo, uma consequência direta dessa concentração de poder: o controle do conhecimento pela autoridade política.
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    Clarke and Stroud on the Plane-Spotters.Brian Ribeiro - 2006 - Southwest Philosophy Review 22 (1):25-32.
    In an earlier paper ("Skeptical Parasitism and the Continuity Argument," 'Metaphilosophy' 2004: 714-732) I suggested that the well-known "plane-spotters" story-first proposed by Thompson Clarke and later developed by Barry Stroud-distorts the very skeptical view it aims to elucidate. However, considerations of space prohibited me from fleshing out my criticisms of the Clarke/Stroud story in that paper. In this paper I aim to fill in this lacuna by showing how the Clarke/Stroud story distorts the skeptic's view. I conclude the paper by (...)
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    Democracy versus Republic: Inclusion and Desire in Social Struggles.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):45-53.
    This paper argues that the idea of inclusion is linked to the democratic tradition rather than to the republican one. By analyzing the origins and meaning of these two concepts, the author holds that democracy is rather linked to desire and republic to will (and to the expression of desire), and concludes that, since North Atlantic political tradition has not given a key role to desire, democracy, in order to overcome the difficulties it has been encountering in all parts of (...)
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    Demografia e religião nos últimos 30 anos: uma análise de conteúdo da Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População.Paula Miranda-Ribeiro, Raquel Zanatta Coutinho, Rodrigo Caetano Arantes & Andréa Branco Simão - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36).
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    A razão animada.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1956 - [Lisboa]: Livraria Bertrand.
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  32. The body in psychotherapy : Calatonia and subtle touch techniques.Anita J. Ribeiro-Blanchard, Leda Perillo Seixas & Ana Maria Galrao Rios - 2011 - In Raya A. Jones (ed.), Body, mind and healing after Jung: a space of questions. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    La alteridad como lógica del deseo en “El tiempo lógico y el aserto de certidumbre anticipada. un nuevo sofisma” de Lacan, y sus consecuencias hermenéuticas.José Luis Serrano Ribeiro - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:105-120.
    Este trabajo utiliza el rastro analítico y hermenéutico producido por la resolución del “sofisma de los tres prisioneros”, que Lacan incluyó en su artículo de 1945 “El tiempo lógico y el aserto de certidumbre anticipada. Un nuevo sofisma” . Lo que con ello nos propusimos, fue mostrar la importancia de la alteridad como un elemento crucial para reflexionar sobre el deseo. La relevancia del “otro” aparece, así, no sólo como un complemento esencial para la constitución del sujeto, sino también como (...)
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    Para além do inconsciente verbalizável E da memória lacunar: A psicanálise sob O olhar de Loparic.Caroline Vasconcelos Ribeiro - 2019 - Revista Natureza Humana 21 (2).
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    A Retórica como paradigma filosófico.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (61):9-40.
    O autor visa mostrar como e porque é que a retórica, em vez da filosofia propriamente dita, pode e deve constituir, sobre as matérias de que se ocupa, um paradigma interdisciplinar das investigações a desenvolver pela filosofia e pelas ciências de maneira geral. Analisa atentamente, nesta perspetiva, o “estado da arte” sobre o assunto, revendo a respetiva bibliografia, e faz um conjunto de propostas fundamentais para se alcançar um tal objetivo.
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    The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Gisele Campos Ribeiro, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky, Caroline Mothe & Carole Donada - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still needs to (...)
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  37. Epistemic Akrasia.Brian Ribeiro - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (1):18-25.
    Though it seems rather surprising in retrospect, until about twenty-five years ago no philosopher in the Western tradition had explicitly formulated the question whether there could be an epistemic analogue to practical akrasia. Also surprisingly, despite the prima facie analogue with practical akrasia (the possibility of which is not much disputed), much of the recent work on this question has defended the rather bold view that epistemic akrasia is impossible. While the arguments purporting to show the impossibility of epistemic akrasia (...)
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  38. Politics: a Portuguese statesman.Ribeiro Lopes & Arthur[From Old Catalog] - 1938 - London,: Methuen & co..
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    “Pessoa”, um si mediatizado: uma reflexão educativa e multicultural na filosofia de Ricoeur.Josélia Ribeiro Fonseca - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (62):1111-1125.
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    On the Design Complexity of Cyberphysical Production Systems.Luis Ribeiro & Martin Hochwallner - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Exu e a ordem do universo.Rodrigo Ribeiro Frias - 2017 - Odeere 2 (3).
    Resenha de SÀLÁMÌ, Síkírù ; RIBEIRO, Ronilda Iakemi. Exu e a ordem do universo. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Oduduwa, 2015. 483 p.
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  42. Levels of immersion, tacit knowledge and expertise.Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):367-397.
    This paper elaborates on the link between different types and degrees of experience that can be gone through within a form of life or collectivity—the so-called levels of immersion—and the development of distinct types of tacit knowledge and expertise. The framework is then probed empirically and theoretically. In the first case, its ‘predictions’ are compared with the accounts of novices who have gone through different ‘learning opportunities’ during a pre-operational training programme for running a huge nickel industrial plant in Brazil. (...)
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  43. Tacit knowledge management.Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):337-366.
    How can we identify and estimate workers’ tacit knowledge? How can we design a personnel mix aimed at improving and speeding up its transfer and development? How is it possible to implement tacit knowledge sustainable projects in remote areas? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to distinguish between types of tacit knowledge, to establish what they allow for and to consider their sources. It is also essential to find a way of managing the tacit knowledge ‘stock’ and (...)
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    Activity Profile and Physical Performance of Match Play in Elite Futsal Players.João Nuno Ribeiro, Bruno Gonçalves, Diogo Coutinho, João Brito, Jaime Sampaio & Bruno Travassos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45. Summer meeting of the association for symbolic logic.Hugo Ribeiro - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):281-286.
  46.  18
    Adorno e a mutação do conceito de ideologia.Felipe Ribeiro - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):25.
    O artigo busca explicitar o diagnóstico elaborado por Adorno no período pós-guerra, segundo o qual o conceito tradicional de ideologia teria perdido seu objeto no mundo totalmente administrado. Se nos termos marxistas tradicionais a ideologia funcionava a um só tempo como falsa consciência e promessa não cumprida, enquanto que o desencadeamento das forças produtivas, por sua vez, era tomado como a mola material para a realização dos conteúdos normativos contidos na ideologia burguesa, então o diagnóstico de Adorno segundo o qual (...)
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    Being Being Born: Birth and Philosophy.Elton Vitoriano Ribeiro - forthcoming - Horizonte:1427.
    RESENHA: STONE, ALISON. Being Born: Birth and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 20219. ISBN: 978-0-19-884578-2.
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    Carlos Alberto Storti.Sônia Tereza da Silva Ribeiro - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (33):225-226.
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    Cicero’s Aspirationalist Radical Skepticism in the Academica.Brian Ribeiro - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2):309-326.
    I defend the view that Cicero writes the Academica from the perspective of an aspirationalist radical skeptic. In section 2 I examine the textual evidence regarding the nature of Cicero’s skeptical stance in the Academica. In section 3 I consider the textual evidence from the Academica for attributing aspirationalism to Cicero. Finally, in section 4 I argue that while aspirationalist radical skepticism is open to a number of philosophical objections, none of those objections is decisive.
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    Driving Factors for the Success of the Green Innovation Market: A Relationship System Proposal.José Ribeiro, Gabriel Vidor & Janine Medeiros - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):327-341.
    This study aims to map out the relationships that make up green innovation initiatives in Brazilian industry. The sample comprised 100 managers at manufacturing companies, most of them operating in the business of farm machinery and equipment and steel structures. To develop this study, Medeiros et al. study, mapping critical factors that drive the success of green product innovation and the paradigm of complexity, was used as a reference study. Based on the results, it was possible to identify that the (...)
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