Results for 'Clarissa Guidi'

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  1.  29
    Empathy in patient care: from ‘Clinical Empathy’ to ‘Empathic Concern’.Clarissa Guidi & Chiara Traversa - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):573-585.
    As empathy gains importance within academia, we propose this review as an attempt to bring clarity upon the diverse and widely debated definitions and conceptions of empathy within the medical field. In this paper, we first evaluate the limits of the Western mainstream medical culture and discuss the origins of phenomena such asdehumanizationanddetached concernas well as their impacts on patient care. We then pass on to a structured overview of the debate surrounding the notion of clinical empathy and its taxonomy (...)
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    The Demand of Justice: Symposium on Tommie Shelby’s Dark Ghettos: Injustice, Dissent, and Reform by Tommie Shelby.Clarissa Rile Hayward - 2016 - Political Theory:009059171882082.
  3.  36
    Learning Linear Spatial-Numeric Associations Improves Accuracy of Memory for Numbers.Clarissa A. Thompson & John E. Opfer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  4. From Charity to the Care of the Self: Thomas Browne’s Religio Medici.Simone Guidi - 2021 - In Joaquim Braga & Mário Santiago de Carvalho (eds.), Philosophy of Care. New Approaches to Vulnerability, Otherness and Therapy. Advancing Global Bioethics, vol. 16. Cham, Suiça: Springer. pp. 259-274.
    This chapter deals with Thomas Browne’s most famous work, Religio Medici, and especially with his account of Charity. The first paragraph focuses on Browne’s specific account of the relationship between natural and supernatural. This view is inspired by Bacon, Sebunde, and Montaigne, and is crucial to understand the background of Browne’s view about the virtue of Charity. The second paragraph is about Browne’s specific understanding of Charity, which seems to be a middle stage between the traditional, Scholastic doctrine, and the (...)
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    What Can Political Freedom Mean in a Multicultural Democracy? On Deliberation, Difference, and Democratic Governance.Clarissa Rile Hayward - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (4):468-497.
    This essay takes as its starting point an apparent tension between theories of democratic deliberation and democratic theories of multicultural accommodation and makes the case that many multiculturalists and deliberative democrats converge on an ideal of political freedom, understood as nondomination. It argues for distinguishing two dimensions of nondomination: inter-agentive nondomination, which obtains when all participants in a power relation are free from rule by others who can set its terms, and systemic nondomination, which obtains when the terms of a (...)
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    Are Books Like Number Lines? Children Spontaneously Encode Spatial-Numeric Relationships in a Novel Spatial Estimation Task.A. Thompson Clarissa, J. Morris Bradley & G. Sidney Pooja - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Qualitative thematic analysis of consent forms used in cancer genome sequencing.Clarissa Allen & William D. Foulkes - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):14.
    Large-scale whole genome sequencing (WGS) studies promise to revolutionize cancer research by identifying targets for therapy and by discovering molecular biomarkers to aid early diagnosis, to better determine prognosis and to improve treatment response prediction. Such projects raise a number of ethical, legal, and social (ELS) issues that should be considered. In this study, we set out to discover how these issues are being handled across different jurisdictions.
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  8. Ecstasy and Vision. Variations on a Theme from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age.Simone Guidi, Maria Vittoria Comacchi & Anna Rodolfi - 2022 - Lo Sguardo - Rivista di Filosofia.
    In its literal meaning, the term ἔκστασις (ekstasis) indicates a displacement, ‘being out of immobility’, and ultimately being outside oneself. To some extent, this term takes on a mystical connotation in late Antiquity, notably in book VI.9.11.24 of Plotinus’ Enneads, where ekstasis is described as a non-ordinary way of seeing. The notion of ecstasy, often inseparable from the concept of vision, would keep its mystical role, though altered in some ways, over the centuries, conceptualizing a specific kind of knowledge, which (...)
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  9. The Domain of the Human. Anthropological Frontiers in Modern and Contemporary Thought.S. Guidi & Antonio Lucci (eds.) - 2013 - Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura.
    The current issue looks into the concept of Man and in particular at the anthropological domain that this notion has represented at different times in the history of modern and contemporary western thought. It does this, however, by focusing on its cut-off points, where questions have revealed a fundamental instability at the root of the very concept of “human’’, thus attempting to show that every “theory of human nature’’ must by its very nature look beyond human nature as it identifies (...)
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  10.  12
    The Quantification of Life and Health from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. Intersections of Medicine and Philosophy.Simone Guidi & Joaquim Braga (eds.) - 2023 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This edited volume explores the intersection of medicine and philosophy throughout history, calling attention to the role of quantification in understanding the medical body. Retracing current trends and debates to examine the quantification of the body throughout the early modern, modern and early contemporary age, the authors contextualise important issues of both medical and philosophical significance, with chapters focusing on the quantification of temperaments and fluids, complexions, functions of the living body, embryology, and the impact of quantified reasoning on the (...)
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  11.  44
    Folk and Philosophical Epistemologies: A Double Bookkeeping of Sorts by Delusion’s Theoreticians?Clarissa de Rosalmeida Dantas - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):121-123.
    Delusions are typically regarded as beliefs of a certain kind, both by psychiatrists and by lay people. In “Double Bookkeeping and Doxasticism about Delusion,” Porcher formulates and assesses two kinds of arguments against doxasticism about delusions, the theoretical stance according to which delusions are a kind of belief. Those arguments, which Porcher calls “the argument from action guidance and the argument from phenomenology” are motivated by a phenomenon sometimes associated with delusions: double bookkeeping, a kind of ambivalence of patients, who (...)
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  12. A Groundless Place to Build: The Ambivalence of Production as a Chance of Action Between Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt.Lucilla Guidi - 2017 - In Gerhard Thonhauser & Hans Schmid (eds.), From Conventionalism to Social Authenticity: Heidegger’s Anyone and Contemporary Social Theory. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Culture, guerra, strategie e contesti da Machiavelli al Novecento.Andrea Guidi (ed.) - 2021 - Manziana (Roma): Vecchiarelli editore.
  14.  10
    Maledetta rivoluzione: l'invettiva degli enciclopedisti scampati alla ghigliottina.Claudio Guidi - 2016 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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  15. Cities, structural power, and the all-affected principle.Clarissa Rile Hayward - 2024 - In Archon Fung & Sean W. D. Gray (eds.), Empowering affected interests: democratic inclusion in a globalized world. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  16.  17
    Psychometric Properties of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) and Measurement Invariance Across Two Different German-Speaking Samples.Clarissa Janousch, Frederick Anyan, Odin Hjemdal & Carmen Nadja Hirt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Resilience Scale for Adolescents is a highly rated scale for measuring protective factors of resilience. Even though the READ has been validated in several different cultural samples, no studies have validated the READ across samples in German from Switzerland and Germany. The purpose of this study was to explore the construct validity of the German READ version in two samples from two different countries and to test the measurement invariance between those two samples. A German sample and a German-speaking (...)
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  17.  29
    What Science Fiction Can Demonstrate About Novelty in the Context of Discovery and Scientific Creativity.Clarissa Ai Ling Lee - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (4):705-725.
    Four instances of how science fiction contributes to the elucidation of novelty in the context of discovery are considered by extending existing discussions on temporal and use-novelty. In the first instance, science fiction takes an already well-known theory and produces its own re-interpretation; in the second instance, the scientific account is usually straightforward and whatever novelty that may occur would be more along the lines of how the science is deployed to extra-scientific matters; in the third instance, science fiction takes (...)
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  18. O papel da crítica hermenêutica do direito: Sobre as relações entre filosofia, teoria do direito E a atuação do judiciário.Clarissa Tassinari - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    Cognitive development attenuates audiovisual distraction and promotes the selection of task-relevant perceptual saliency during visual search on complex scenes.Clarissa Cavallina, Giovanna Puccio, Michele Capurso, Andrew J. Bremner & Valerio Santangelo - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):91-98.
  20. The Principles of Angelic Self-Knowledge. From Thomas Aquinas to João Poinsot.Simone Guidi - forthcoming - Medioevo e Rinascimento.
    This paper delves into a pivotal issue of scholastic angelology, the problem of angelic self-knowledge. It compares positions ranging from Thomas Aquinas’s to João Poinsot’s. I stress in particular what I dub ‘the problem of immanent knowledge in presence’, i.e. the problem of the actual, immanent and presential interplay between the angelic intellect and the angelic substance, which Aquinas sees as the rationale for angelic self-knowledge. I then discuss the perspectives of Cajetan and Vázquez, which revolve around the identity between (...)
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  21. «Solo lumine naturae utens». Suárez e la ratio angeli: note su DM 35, 1-3.Simone Guidi - 2019 - In Simona Langella & Cintia Faraco (eds.), Francisco Suárez 1617-2017. Atti del Convegno in occasione del IV centenario della morte. Capua (Ce): Artetetra Edizioni.
    Suárez’s primary attempt to rethink angelology can be found in the De Angelis. This work is a mighty commentary on the prima pars of Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae (qq. 50-64) which Suárez left to his colleagues after his years in Coimbra (1597-1607), and which was published posthumously in Lyon in 1620. The composition of the text is somewhat stratified and it includes many references to the Disputationes Metaphysicae, but Suárez most likely already started writing it during his years of teaching in (...)
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  22. L’estensione essenziale. La teoria della luce di Marin Cureau de La Chambre.Simone Guidi - 2017 - Physis. Rivista Internazionale di Storia Della Scienza 51:345-356.
    The article introduces Marin Cureau de La Chambre’s theory of light, focusing especially on the treatise Le Lumière (1657). Specifically, the anti-Cartesian and anti-mechanistic side of Cureau’s work is stressed, reconstructing its account of the “essential” nature of light, linking it to the Franciscan and the Platonic tradition and focusing on the peculiar use of the notion of “extensio formalis.” Additionally, Cureau’s theory of color and his theories on irradiance and light’s movement is presented. Finally, the article illustrates Cureau’s qualitative (...)
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  23.  6
    Il rovescio del performativo: studio sulla fenomenologia di Heidegger.Lucilla Guidi - 2016 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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  24. L'angelo e la bestia. Metafisica dell'istinto, tra Pierre Chanet e Marin Cureau de la Chambre.Simone Guidi - 2015 - Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia 18:233-258.
    In this essay I address the debate between Pierre Chanet and Marin Cureau de La Chambre on animal instinct, analyzing and connecting it to the question of the relationship between God and secondary causes. While Chanet considers instinctive actions as the result of direct intervention by God, that would conduct his creatures beyond their natural limits, Cureau places them in the cognitive structure that God has given to the animals, doing of instinctive actions natural actions in the strict sense. Starting (...)
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  25.  70
    Defining the Scope of Public Engagement: Examining the “Right Not to Know” in Public Health Genomics.Clarissa Allen, Karine Sénécal & Denise Avard - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (1):11-18.
    While the realm of bioethics has traditionally focused on the rights of the individual and held autonomy as a defining principle, public health ethics has at its core a commitment to the promotion of the common good. While these two domains may at times conflict, concepts arising in one may also be informative for concepts arising in the other. One example of this is the concept of a “right not to know.” Recent debate suggests that just as there is a (...)
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  26.  53
    Doxa and deliberation.Clarissa Rile Hayward - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (1):1-24.
    Recent democratic theorists have drawn on the work of the late Pierre Bourdieu to make the case that patterned inequalities in the social capacity to engage in deliberation can undermine deliberative theory’s democratic promise. They have proposed a range of deliberative democratic responses to the problem of cultural inequality, from enabling the marginalised to adopt the communicative dispositions of the dominant, to broadening the standards that define legitimate deliberation, to strengthening deliberative counter‐publics. The author interprets Bourdieu’s theory of the linguistic (...)
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  27. Journey Into Manhood.Clarissa Pinkola Estés - 1989 - Sounds True Recordings.
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    Chaos suppression by periodic forcing: Insights from dictyostelium cells, from a multiply regulated biochemical system, and from the Lorenz model.Gianluca M. Guidi, Jose Halloy & Albert Goldbeter - 1995 - In Robert J. Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke (eds.), Chaos and Complexity. Vatican Observatory Publications. pp. 135.
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    Fabrizio Colonna dans L’Art de la guerre de Machiavel.Andrea Guidi & Barbara de Negroni - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 178 (3):39-50.
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  30. Introduction.Simone Guidi & Joaquim Braga - 2023 - In Simone Guidi & Joaquim Braga (eds.), The Quantification of Life and Health from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. Intersections of Medicine and Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-50.
    This volume sets out to chart a path at the intersection between the histories of medicine and philosophy concerning a topic that is prominent in contemporary debates, i.e. the translation of physiology, and accordingly pathology, into numerical terms. In particular, the book discusses and contextualizes issues that are simultaneous of medical and philosophical import, such as the quantification of temperaments and complexions, the quantification of life processes and physiology, the quantification of embryology, the impact of quantified reasoning on the notions (...)
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  31.  9
    La fabbrica dell'ateismo: il tentativo del Settecento francese di abolire Dio.Claudio Guidi - 2016 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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  32.  68
    Moods as Groundlessness of the Human Experience. Heidegger and Wittgenstein on Stimmung.Lucilla Guidi - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1599-1611.
    The paper analyzes the ontological meaning of mood in Heidegger’s conception of Attunement, in order to relate this notion of Stimmung specifically to our “attunement” to a form of life, as conceived in Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language. It claims that moods spell out the constitutive impossibility to grasp and found the human experience as such. However, this impossibility is not a lack of human knowledge, but rather corresponds to the necessary opacity, indeterminability and groundlessness of every human experience, which make (...)
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  33.  28
    Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics.Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.) - 2023 - Turnhout: Brepols.
    This volume is the first collection of essays in English devoted to Pedro da Fonseca SJ (1527-1599), his intellectual endeavour, and thought. The book brings together some of today's leading specialists in early modern scholasticism, Portuguese Aristotelianism, and the history of the Society of Jesus, in order to present a reliable portrait of Fonseca's institutional role, to reconstruct his thought on many important aspects of scholastic metaphysics, and to discuss the reception of his work in the early modern age. -/- (...)
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  34. Pedro da Fonseca on Substance, Subsistence, and Supposit.Simone Guidi - 2023 - In Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.), Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics. Turnhout: Brepols.
    Twenty years before Suárez’s Metaphysicae disputationes, Pedro da Fonseca offered one of the most impressive modern attempts to reorder Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In the present chapter, I will endeavour to show how insightful Fonseca’s effort truly was, by dealing with his ousiology. I will focus especially on the Jesuit’s account of three pivotal concepts in the scholastic theory of substance, i.e. Divine Substance, created substance and prime substance, or supposit. These notions are primarily metaphysical, but — according to a long-standing scholastic (...)
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  35. The Paradox of Foundation: Descartes’ Eternal Truths and the Evil Genius.Simone Guidi - 2024 - In Paul Allen & Flavia Marcacci (eds.), Divined Explanations. The Theological and Philosophical Context for the Development of the Sciences (1600-2000). Boston: BRILL.
  36.  48
    The End of the Modern World, by Romano Guardini.Clarissa Kwasniewski - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):182-184.
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    La grève des camionneurs au Brésil.Clarissa Naback & Alexandre Mendes - 2018 - Multitudes 73 (4):153-160.
    L’article analyse la grève des camionneurs au Brésil, à partir de la centralité de la logistique en tant que terrain de lutte et d’accumulation dans le capitalisme contemporain. Dans le cas du Brésil, l’interruption complète de la provision d’intrants de base et l’occupation de routes dans tout le pays signifiaient la fin d’un cycle politico-économique basé sur la fausse alternative entre le néolibéralisme et le développementisme progressiste. La lutte des camionneurs, bien que ambiguë et contradictoire, révèle l’urgence pour nouvelles formes (...)
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  38.  16
    In response to: insufficient evidence of benefit: a systematic review of home telemonitoring for COPD.Clarissa Novakovic, Fabrizio Zucca & Mathias Rauchhaus - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):326-327.
  39.  22
    Data incarnations: Nesting complex inherited and learned behaviours.Clarissa Ribeiro - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):253-268.
    What happens when humans and birds engage each other through a collaboration-as-fantasy mediated by computers? Could such an exercise be modelled in a way that helps us to transcend the techno-ocularcentric fetishes for precision and certainty which demarcate our time? From Edgar Wind’s notion of 'incarnation' – as the place where empirical experience and metaphysical foundation meet in the single cognitive and experiential act – this article bridges the analogue with the digital, navigating nature’s strategies to embody inherited and learned (...)
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  40. A Lifespan Perspective on Entrepreneurship: Perceived Opportunities and Skills Explain the Negative Association between Age and Entrepreneurial Activity.Clarissa Bohlmann, Andreas Rauch & Hannes Zacher - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41. Descartes and the 'Thinking Matter Issue'.Simone Guidi - 2022 - Lexicon Philosophicum 10 (10):181-208.
    In this paper, I aim to address a specific issue underpinning Cartesian metaphysics since its first public appearance in the Discourse right up until the Meditations, but which definitely came to the surface in the Second and Fifth Replies. It involves the possibility that to be thinking and to be extended do not actually contrast as two entirely different properties; hence, these two essences cannot serve as the basis for a disjunctive, real distinction between two corresponding substances, the mind and (...)
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  42. The Truth We Know. Reassessing Suárez’s Account of Cognitive Truth and Objective Being.Simone Guidi - 2020 - Mediaevalia. Textos E Estudos 39 (39-40):297-334.
    This article aims at reassessing a widespread view, according to which Francisco Suárez left behind the scholastic model of truth as adaequatio, founding a new concept of truth based on his metaphysics of objective being. In the first part, I reconstruct the debate on the complex and incomplex truth, focusing especially on the sources of Suárez’s Disputation 8, and presenting the views of Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, Hervaeus, Durandus, Capreolus and Fonseca. Especially the latter proposes an eclectic synthesis, blending elements (...)
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  43. Parts, Wholes, and Matter in Early Modern Natural Philosophy: Mereological Perspectives.Simone Guidi (ed.) - 2022 - Bruniana & Campanelliana, 2022/1.
    Themed Section of Bruniana & Campanelliana 2022/1, pp. 85-198 -/- - Simone Guidi, Introduction; - Andrew W. Arlig, Part-Whole Interdependence and the Presence of Form in Matter According to Some Fifteenth-Century Platonists; - Jean-Pascal Anfray, Aux limites de la métaphysique: parties, indivisibles et contact chez Suárez; - Simone Guidi, Indivisibles, Parts, and Wholes in Rubio’s Treatise on the Composition of Continuum (1605); - Dana Jalobeanu, Dissecting Nature ad vivum: Parts and Wholes in Francis Bacon’s Natural Philosophy; - Carla (...)
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  44.  7
    Phenomenology as Performative Exercise.Lucilla Guidi & Thomas Rentsch (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    This volume, edited by Lucilla Guidi and Thomas Rentsch, establishes the first systematic connection between phenomenology and performativity. On the one hand, it outlines the performativity of phenomenology by exploring its enactment and the transformation of attitude it effects; this exploration is conducted through a number of parallels between phenomenology and the ancient understanding of philosophy as an exercise and a way of life. On the other hand, the volume examines different notions of performativity from a phenomenological perspective, so (...)
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  45.  36
    A process-based approach to cognitive behavioral therapy: A theory-based case illustration.Clarissa W. Ong, Steven C. Hayes & Stefan G. Hofmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the significant contribution of cognitive-behavioral therapy to effective treatment options for specific syndromes, treatment progress has been stagnating, with response rates plateauing over the past several years. This stagnation has led clinical researchers to call for an approach that instead focuses on processes of change and the individual in their particular context. Process-based therapy is a general approach representing a model of models, grounded in evolution science, with an emphasis on idiographic methods, network models of case conceptualization, and enhancing (...)
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    Exploring the underlying psychological constructs of self-report eating behavior measurements: Toward a comprehensive framework.Clarissa Dakin, Graham Finlayson & R. James Stubbs - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    A novela 'Com meus olhos de cão', de Hilda Hilst, à luz da paratopia.Clarissa Corban Brito Guerra - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):37-67.
    Este artigo, no qual analisamos a novela de Hilda Hilst Com meus olhos de cão (1986), tem como objetivo principal apontar os aspectos paratópicos na obra selecionada. Paratopia é um conceito formulado por Dominique Maingueneau e trata, basicamente, do não-lugar criado e ocupado por algumas literaturas e seus autores. Para isso, estudaremos a linguagem literária desenvolvida pela autora na obra, como também os personagens, o espaço e o tempo da narrativa, os quais acabam por deslocá-la do lugar mais comum do (...)
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    Il sovrano e l'imprenditore: utilitarismo ed economia politica in Jeremy Bentham.Marco Enrico Luigi Guidi - 1991 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Annamaria Loche, Jeremy Bentham e la ricerca del buongoverno, Milano, Angeli, 1991, pp. 260.Marco Guidi - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):162.
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  50. Nathalie Sigot, Bentham et l'economie. Une histoire d'utilite (paris: Economica, 2001), pp. VIII+ 265.Guidi Mel - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (1).
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