Results for 'Clara Schneider'

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  1.  20
    Dons de vie et de mort à l’hôpital. Complexe de dépendance(s) et hontes.Romuald Jean-Dit-Pannel, Paul Boissenin, Clara Jouanneau, Aurélie Schneider & Almudena Sanahuja - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):101-116.
    Avec le(s) don(s) de soi dans le soin, l’article postule l’idée d’un complexe de dépendance(s) par lequel différentes formes de honte cohabitent entremêlées. Le cas clinique d’un homme d’une soixantaine d’années, diabétique, père par procréation médicalement assistée, doublement transplanté puis hémodialysé chronique, est à l’origine de ses réflexions à ce sujet. Au sein de la relation soignant-soigné, transféro-contre-transférentielle, l’article discute de notre anthropophagie, ce désir à ne faire qu’un avec un autre. Enfin, il interroge les enjeux inter et transgénérationnels de (...)
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    Plastik - einige Wahrnehmungen über Form und Gestalt aus Pygmalions bildendem Träume.Johann Gottfried Herder & Lambert Schneider - 2018 - Hansebooks.
    Plastik - einige Wahrnehmungen über Form und Gestalt aus Pygmalions bildendem Träume ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1778. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur (...)
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    Federico Monjeau. La invención musical || Pablo Palomino. La invención de la música latinoamericana.Álvaro Arroyo & Clara Petrozzi - forthcoming - Boletín de Estética.
    Federico Monjeau. La invención musical. Ideas de historia, forma y representación, segunda edición. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2023, 151 páginas. Pablo Palomino. La invención de la música latinoamericana. Una historia transnacional, traducción de Laura Palomino e Ignacio de Cousandier. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2021, 287 páginas.
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    Characters in Fictional Worlds: Understanding Imaginary Beings in Literature, Film, and Other Media.Jens Eder, Fotis Jannidis & Ralf Schneider (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Although fictional characters have long dominated the reception of literature, films, television programs, comics, and other media products, only recently have they begun to attract their due attention in literary and media theory. The book systematically surveys todays diverse and at times conflicting theoretical perspectives on fictional character, spanning research on topics such as the differences between fictional characters and real persons, the ontological status of characters, the strategies of their representation and characterization, the psychology of their reception, as well (...)
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    Local Knowledge, Environmental Politics, and the Founding of Ecology in the United States: Stephen Forbes and "The Lake as a Microcosm".Daniel Schneider - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):681-705.
  6. Genealogy of Masculinity.Monique Schneider - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh (eds.), Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 128.
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  7. Aufklärung der Tragödie. Lessings Philotas.Helmut J. Schneider - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Die Natur des Lobgesangs.Marius Schneider - 1964 - Basel: Bärenreiter-Verlag.
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  9. Die Platonische Metaphysik Auf Grund der Im Philebus Gegebenen Principien in Ihren Wesentlichsten Zügen Dargestellt.Gustav Schneider - 1884 - B.G. Teubner.
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    Die Weltanschauung Platos: Dargestellt im Anschluss an den Dialog Phädon (Classic Reprint).Gustav Schneider - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Die Weltanschauung Platos: Dargestellt im Anschluss an den Dialog Phadon Kap. 2. N ach dieser Auscinandersetzung des I'hadon fragt Echekrates von neuem nach den Umstanden bei dem Tode des Sokrates, was dabei gesprochen und gethan worden, und welche von seinen Freunden zugegen gewesen waren. Phadon erklart zunachst, dass er dabei in eine wunderbare Stimmung ge kommen sei. Trotz des bevorstehenden Todes eines ihm teuern Mannes erfullte doch nicht das Gefuhl des Mitleides seine Brust; denn gluckselig erschien ihm der (...)
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  11. The transcript of Hegel lecture on aesthetics during the winter semester 1820-21.H. Schneider - 1991 - Hegel-Studien 26:89-92.
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    Filosofia da educação não formal e complexidade na intervenção comunitária.Inês Saavedra & Clara Costa Oliveira - 2020 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (3).
    Os princípios emancipatórios da filosofia de educação atual, enquadrados no paradigma da complexidade e de educação ao longo da vida, incitou-nos a escrever este documento. O foco será a compreensão da vinculação a um paradigma e das suas consequências teóricas e metodológicas, demonstrando especificamente como tal se concretiza na investigação-ação enquadrada no paradigma da complexidade, teorizando em educação não formal e intervenção comunitária. Procuramos, assim, tecer um enquadramento que mostre como a investigação-ação e métodos associados se coadunam neste tipo de (...)
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    Sexual harassment in the public accounting profession?Brian B. Stanko & Mark Schneider - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2):185 - 200.
    Federal discrimination laws have defined two distinct types of activity that constitute sexual harassment – "hostile environment" and "quid pro quo." The Civil Rights Act of 1991 and more recent Supreme Court rulings make it easier for workers to win lawsuits claiming they were sexually harassed in the work environment.While the public accounting profession continues to address gender-related problems, it remains vulnerable to claims of sexual harassment. In an attempt to better understand the underlying risk the public accounting profession faces, (...)
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    William J. Morgan on Fair Play, Treatment versus Enhancement and the Doping Debates in Sport.Angela J. Schneider - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (4):386-400.
  15.  27
    The sense, meaning, and significance of the Twin International Covenants on Political and Economic Rights.Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (196):325-352.
    Journal Name: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique Volume: 2013 Issue: 196 Pages: 325-352.
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    “I Want, Therefore I Am” – Anticipated Upward Mobility Reduces Ingroup Concern.Marion Chipeaux, Clara Kulich, Vincenzo Iacoviello & Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  17. Direitos Humanos e a Moral do Respeito Universal.Maria Clara Dias - 1995 - Princípios 2 (2):92-107.
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    Uma leitura existencialista de A paixão segundo G.H., de Clarice Lispector.Anna Clara Paes Lima - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 3 (5):196.
    Realiza-se aqui uma análise da obra literária A Paixão Segundo G.H. (1964), de Clarice Lispector, a partir do viés filosófico existencialista, desenvolvido por Jean-Paul Sartre em sua obra O Ser e o Nada: Ensaio de Ontologia Fenomenológico (1943). Assim sendo, a obra que será objeto de estudo acompanha a jornada existencial da personagem G.H. em busca de sua própria identidade. Nesse sentido, utiliza-se aqui a teoria existencialista ateísta de Sartre, assim como o estudo realizado pelo filósofo paraense, Benedito Nunes, que (...)
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  19. Book Reviews-Mathematics and Logic-Jacob Hermann and the diffusion of the Leibnizian calculus in Italy.Silvia Mazzone, Clara S. Roero & N. Guicciardini - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (1):104-105.
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    La crisis del estado social en el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez.Clara María Mira González - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (17):27-46.
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    La politica di Aristotele e la storiografia locale: atti della Giornata di studio, Fisciano, 12-13 giugno 2008.Marina Polito & Clara Talamo (eds.) - 2010 - Tivoli (Roma): TORED.
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  22. (1 other version)Strobel, Anton, Die Pädagogik Schleiermachers und Rousseaus.P. Schneider - 1930 - Kant Studien 35:549.
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    Schopenhauer.Walther Schneider - 1937 - Wien,: Bermann-Fischer.
    Biografie van de Duitse filosoof Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860).
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  24. Schwerpunkt: Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Hermeneutik.H. J. Schneider - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (3):407-410.
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  25. Schwarz, Psychologie des Willens.F. Schneider - 1901 - Kant Studien 5:231.
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    Seel und Sein.Rudolf Schneider - 1957 - [Stuttgart]: Kohlhammer.
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  27. Sein und Sollen im Erfahrungsbereich des Rechtes.Peter Schneider (ed.) - 1970 - Wiesbaden,: F. Steiner.
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  28. The Aesthetics of William Hazlitt.Elizabeth Schneider - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:99.
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    The Effects of “Going Private” on Corporate Financial and Corporate Social Performance.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:236-245.
    The newly private corporation challenges scholars to re-examine corporate social responsibility under a markedly different governance system. We theorize regarding the implications of public corporations going private through use of private equity. The new governance system includes few owners and an expert, involved board of directors; combined with a greatly reduced public presence, public-to-private firms are proposed to place greater emphasis on financial performance and lesser emphasis on social performance. Several variables are proposed to moderate the lesser emphasis on social (...)
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  30. The Letter to the Hebrews.Johannes Schneider - 1957
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    The Psychology of the Placebo Effect: Exploring Meaning from a Functional Account.Rainer Schneider - 2007 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 28 (1).
    Research on a wide range of medical and non-medical conditions has demonstrated the power of the placebo effect but also calls for the necessity to better understand its psychological mechanisms. The placebo effect appears to be elicited by meaning and expectation. However, expectations have been explored by accounts based on conscious thoughts . In this paper, a functionally oriented approach is introduced which favors the functional properties of mental systems whose operations need not be conscious. It is maintained that only (...)
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    T RANSHUMANISM IS A philosophical, cultural, and political.Susan Schneider - 2009 - In Vardit Ravitsky, Autumn Fiester & Arthur L. Caplan (eds.), The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics. Springer Publishing Company. pp. 95.
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    The Story of the Two Revolutions.Jürgen Habermas & Nicolas Schneider - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):493-498.
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  34. Raimundo Lida y la estética del lenguaje.Clara E. Lida Y. Fernando Lida-Garciá - 2014 - In Raimundo Lida (ed.), Belleza, arte y poesía en la estética de Santayana y otros estudios. México, D.F.: El Colegio de México.
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    Il “Magnificat” (Lc. 1, 46-55) nella interpretazione di Origene e di Ambrogio.Clara Burini De Lorenzi - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (1):83-117.
    The present study propose a comparison between Origen and Ambrose with regard to Magnificat’s exegesis: Origen (HLc VIII) explain the hymn for above all to prove the manifestation of the Spirit in Mary and in Mary as well as in every perfect soul but the soul’s perfection be realized only by using virtuous life following the virtuous Mary’s example. Whereas the Ambrose’s exegesis (Exp. in Lc. 2,26-28) emphasize the Mary’s faith, model for our faith. “Anima mea magnificat Dominum” in Origen’s (...)
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    Studies from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory, X: Effects of study for examinations on the nervous and mental condition of female students.Frances M. Drury, Clara F. Folsom & E. B. Delabarre - 1898 - Psychological Review 5 (1):55-62.
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  37. Introduction : Burawoy's "normative vision" of sociology.Ariane Hanemaayer & Christopher J. Schneider - 2014 - In Christopher J. Schneider & Ariane Hanemaayer (eds.), The public sociology debate: ethics and engagement. Vancouver: UBC Press.
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  38. Multimedia Tools for Teaching Economics.Clara V. Pereira-Ford - 1998 - Inquiry (ERIC) 2 (1):47-51.
  39. Visual attention and manual aiming: Evidence for obligatory and selective spatial coupling.H. Deubel, W. X. Schneider & I. Paprotta - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--13.
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    At Law: Experts.Carl E. Schneider - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (4):10.
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    Education, Mobilities and Migration: People, Ideas and Resources.Madeleine Arnot, Claudia Schneider & Oakleigh Welply (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Within the context of increased global migration and mobility, education occupies a central role which is being transformed by new human movements and cultural diversity, flows, and networks. Studies under the umbrella terms of migration, mobility, and mobilities reveal the complexity of these concepts. The field of study ranges from global child mobility as a response to poverty, to the reconceptualising of notions of inclusion in relation to pastoralist lifestyles, to the ways in which new offshore institutions and transnational diasporas (...)
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    Compton profile measurements with 412 keV γ-radiation.Malcolm Cooper, Philip Pattison & Jochen R. Schneider - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (2):243-257.
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    Umanesimo ed esistenzialismo di Miguel de Unamuno.Raffaele Schneider Graziosi - 1965 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    Ethik und Politik aus interkultureller Sicht.R. A. Mall & Notker Schneider (eds.) - 1996 - Rodopi.
    Der fünfte Band der Reihe trägt den Titel Ethik und Politik aus interkultureller Sicht. Neben einer begrifflichen, methodischen und inhaltlichen Klärung, was aus interkultureller Sicht bedeutet, werden in den verschiedenen Beiträgen ethische und politische Ansätze im heutigen Weltkontext der Philosophie erörtert. Interkulturell orientiertes philosophisches Denken weist alle Zentrismen zurück, ohne jedoch die jeweilige kulturelle Sedimentiertheit in Frage zu stellen. Folgerichtig wird so auch ein jeder Monismus abgelehnt. Das heutige Angesprochensein der Kulturen verlangt von uns, von den beiden Fiktionen einer totalen (...)
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    Banks’ Structural Power and States’ Choices on What Structurally Matters: The Geo-Economic Foundations of State Priority toward Banking in France, Germany, and Spain.Elsa Clara Massoc - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (4):599-629.
    Since the 2008 financial crisis, Europe's largest banks have largely remained unchallenged. Is this because of the structural power banks continue to hold over states? This article challenges the view that states are sheer hostages of banks’ capacity to provide credit to the real economy—the conventional definition of structural power. Instead, it sheds light on the geo-economic dimension of banks’ power: key public officials conceive the position of “their own” banks in global financial markets as a crucial dimension of state (...)
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    Aufmerksamkeit.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Psyche 78 (3):258-260.
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  47. Die> Aufführung< von Bildern beim Wenden der Blätter in Mittelalterlichen Codices: Zur performativen Dimension von Werken der Buchmalerei.Wolfgang Christian Schneider - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 47 (1):7-35.
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    "Chevalier" Ramsay's critique of Spinoza.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):91-96.
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    Distanz.Pablo Schneider - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 53-62.
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    Das Kapital und sein Schutz.Uwe H. Schneider & Peter Hommelhoff - 2010 - In Uwe H. Schneider & Peter Hommelhoff (eds.), Marcus Lutter. Gesammelte Schriften. De Gruyter.
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