Results for 'Clara Menéres'

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  1. True or False Cures?Clara Gallini - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):85-94.
    During the last century procedures for distinguishing between ‘human sciences’ and ‘natural sciences’ have seen a number of changes. Currently, the pre-eminence of the scientific-naturalist paradigm, which led the field throughout the nineteenth century, seems again under discussion on some fundamental issues. In particular, the boundaries between the two sciences - boundaries which were in no case rigid or absolute - are being tested, in a confrontation concerning the very statutes of both disciplines as well as their respective methods.
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    The paradoxical self: Awareness, solipsism and first-rank symptoms in schizophrenia.Clara S. Humpston - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (2):210-231.
    Schizophrenia as a pathology of self-awareness has attracted much attention from philosophical theorists and empirical scientists alike. I view schizophrenia as a basic self-disturbance leading to a lifeworld of solipsism adopted by the sufferer and explain how this adoption takes place, which then manifests in ways such as first-rank psychotic symptoms. I then discuss the relationships between these symptoms, not as isolated mental events, but as end-products of a loss of agency and ownership, and argue that symptoms like thought insertion (...)
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    Aesthetic Life and Why It Matters, by Dominic Lopes, Bence Nanay, and Nick Riggle.Clara Wanning - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (4):627-631.
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    The Non-equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz.Clara Bradley - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1039-1059.
    In this article, I give a counterexample to a claim made in that empirically equivalent theories can often be regarded as theoretically equivalent by treating one as having surplus structure, thereby overcoming the problem of underdetermination of theory choice. The case I present is that of Lorentz's ether theory and Einstein's theory of special relativity. I argue that Norton's suggestion that surplus structure is present in Lorentz's theory in the form of the ether state of rest is based on a (...)
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  5. Yoga for today.Clara Spring - 1959 - New York,: Holt. Edited by Madeleine Goss.
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    Impact of the Optimistic Perspective on the Intention to Create Social Enterprises: A Comparative Study Between Portugal and Spain.Clara Margaça, Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez, Giuseppina Maria Cardella & José Carlos Sánchez-García - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:680751.
    Social entrepreneurship (SE) enables business consolidation, combined with the production of positive impact and improvements in society. Aligned with 2030 Agenda for the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it is important to clarify the role of social entrepreneurs, as they are making visible the impact of their creative ideas in several areas, from civic engagement to the environment, health and learning. The main purpose of this study is to specify a model of social entrepreneurial intention (SEI) and (...)
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    Gendered Readings of Change: A Feminist-Pragmatist Approach.Clara Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In Gendered Readings of Change, Clara Fischer develops a unique theory of change by drawing on American philosophy and contemporary feminist thought. Via a select history of ancient Greek and Pragmatist philosophies of change, she argues for a reconstruction of transformation that is inclusive of women's experiences and thought. With wide-ranging analysis, this book addresses ontological, moral, epistemological, and political questions, and includes an insightful exploration of the philosophies of Parmenides, Aristotle, John Dewey, Iris Young, and Jane Addams.
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    The relationship between different types of dissociation and psychosis-like experiences in a non-clinical sample.Clara S. Humpston, Eamonn Walsh, David A. Oakley, Mitul A. Mehta, Vaughan Bell & Quinton Deeley - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41:83-92.
  9. Future Teleworking Inclinations Post-COVID-19: Examining the Role of Teleworking Conditions and Perceived Productivity.Clara Weber, Sarah E. Golding, Joanna Yarker, Rachel Lewis, Eleanor Ratcliffe, Fehmidah Munir, Theresa P. Wheele, Eunji Häne & Lukas Windlinger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Organisations have implemented intensive home-based teleworking in response to global COVID-19 lockdowns and other pandemic-related restrictions. Financial pressures are driving organisations to continue intensive teleworking after the pandemic. Understanding employees’ teleworking inclinations post COVID-19, and how these inclinations are influenced by different factors, is important to ensure any future, more permanent changes to teleworking policies are sustainable for both employees and organisations. This study, therefore, investigated the relationships between the context of home-based teleworking during the pandemic, productivity perceptions during home-based (...)
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  10. The relation between morality and intellect.Clara Cooper - 1935 - [New York,: AMS Press.
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    The Importance of the Veronese Palimpsest in the First Decade of Livy.Clara M. Knight - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (03):166-.
    The first excitement consequent upon the discovery of an ancient manuscript generally leads to an exaggeration of its importance. This was especially the case with the Veronese Palimpsest, first, because it is the only MS. of the first decade of Livy earlier than the ninth century, and secondly, because it is the only extant MS. for that part of Livy, which is not derived from the Nicomachian recension. Mommsen was naturally prejudiced in favour of the Veronese Palimpsest, which he collated (...)
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    Carlos Fernández Liria, "¿Para qué servimos los filósofos?", La Catarata, Madrid, 2016.Clara Serrano García - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):757-759.
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    The Spectra of Soundless Voices and Audible Thoughts: Towards an Integrative Model of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and Thought Insertion.Clara S. Humpston & Matthew R. Broome - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (3):611-629.
    Patients with psychotic disorders experience a range of reality distortions. These often include auditory-verbal hallucinations, and thought insertion to a lesser degree; however, their mechanisms and relationships between each other remain largely elusive. Here we attempt to establish a integrative model drawing from the phenomenology of both AVHs and TI and argue that they in fact can be seen as ‘spectra’ of experiences with varying degrees of agency and ownership, with ‘silent and internal own thoughts’ on one extreme and ‘fully (...)
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  14. On Representational Redundancy, Surplus Structure, and the Hole Argument.Clara Bradley & James Owen Weatherall - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (4):270-293.
    We address a recent proposal concerning ‘surplus structure’ due to Nguyen et al.. We argue that the sense of ‘surplus structure’ captured by their formal criterion is importantly different from—and in a sense, opposite to—another sense of ‘surplus structure’ used by philosophers. We argue that minimizing structure in one sense is generally incompatible with minimizing structure in the other sense. We then show how these distinctions bear on Nguyen et al.’s arguments about Yang-Mills theory and on the hole argument.
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    A nuclear monument the size of a football field: The diplomatic construction of soil nuclearity in the Palomares accident.Clara Florensa - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):320-338.
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  16. Gender and the Politics of Shame: A Twenty‐First‐Century Feminist Shame Theory.Clara Fischer - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):371-383.
    This special issue explores the relevance of shame to feminist theory and practice. Across a number of contexts, theoretical frames, and disciplines, the articles collated here provide a stimulating engagement with shame, posing questions and developing analyses that have a direct bearing on feminism. For, the significance of shame to feminists lies in the complex and often troubling implications it holds as a feeling that may be experienced differently by people of certain genders (and none), and in its relation to (...)
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  17. Troubling French feminist diplomacy with the national context.Clara Eroukhmanoff - 2024 - In Hannah Partis-Jennings & Clara Eroukhmanoff (eds.), Feminist policymaking in turbulent times: critical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Shame: A genealogy of queer practices in the 19th century.Clara Fischer - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):114-116.
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  19. La teoría de la apariencia en Marx y sus raíces kantianas.Clara Ramas San Miguel - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    En este artículo se presenta una interpretación de la crítica de la economía política de Marx como teoría filosófica: una teoría de la apariencia que tiene sus raíces en la intervención kantiana en la historia de la metafísica. En primer lugar, se presenta el proyecto de la crítica de la economía política como una crítica de la “apariencia real” “objetiva” [ realer, gegenständlicher Schein ]. A continuación, se apunta a fetichismo y mistificación como las categorías centrales de esta teoría de (...)
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    Isolated by Oneself: Ontologically Impossible Experiences in Schizophrenia.Clara S. Humpston - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (1):5-15.
    In the field of clinical practice, there does not seem to be too much contention about what schizophrenia is, at least from a high level. After all, there are various diagnostic systems and guidelines, all of which point toward schizophrenia as a psychotic syndrome which likely forms a continuum with other psychotic disorders. It may sound obvious that, according to the current definitions, the major commonality between schizophrenia and all other psychoses is psychotic symptoms; more precisely, delusions and hallucinations. Any (...)
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  21. The Roles of Psychological Capital and Gender in University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Clara Margaça, Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez, José Carlos Sánchez-García & Giuseppina Maria Cardella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Universities increasingly play an important role in entrepreneurship, which has contributed to gender equality in the business world. The aim of this study is to establish a causal model of entrepreneurial intentions and explore it by gender, based on the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behavior, and how these are mediated by the individuals’ resilience and psychological well-being. The previous work experience was considered as one of the control variables, in order to analyze whether this influence the entrepreneurial intention. (...)
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  22. Territorial rights and open borders.Clara Sandelind - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (5):487-507.
  23. Infancia en España: la revisión de la legislación.Clara Martínez García - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (976):40-44.
    Frente al modelo anterior, en el que el juez tomaba las decisiones fundamentales respecto de las situaciones de desprotección del menor, la vigente normativa centra la actuación protectora en los entes públicos y contempla un abanico de técnicas y medidas que abarcan desde la prevención de las situaciones de desprotección de menores, pasando por la declaración de situación de riesgo, previa a la posible declaración de desamparo y consiguiente asunción automática de la tutela por la Administración y la inserción o (...)
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    Chromosome elimination in sciarid flies.Clara Goday & M. Rosario Esteban - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (3):242-250.
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    The Parasite's Daughter: Metatheatrical Costuming in Plautus' Persa.Clara Shaw Hardy - 2005 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (1):25-33.
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  26. Architecture and the production of postcard images : Invocations of tradition vs. critical transnationalism in curitiba.Clara Irazabal - 2004 - In Nezar AlSayyad (ed.), The end of tradition? New York: Routledge.
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  27. The Occupation Cookbook, or, the Model of the Occupation of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb.Clara Pope - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 169:63.
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  28. Prevention of admission and continuity of care.Clara Vanistendael - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    An in-depth analysis of the recent reform in Italian psychiatry reveals that the relevance of these changes transcends national borders. However, these changes are, from the scientific point of view, worth much more than mere biased pragmatic interest. The reshaping of theory made possible by the transformation of Italian psychiatry in fact opens up new prospects for a scientifically founded form of psychiatric care. Thanks to the new Mental Health Act (No. 180 of 1978),2 it has been possible to set (...)
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    Giovanni Battista Benedetti and the Scientific Environment of Turin in the 16th Century.Clara Silvia Roero - 1997 - Centaurus 39 (1):37-66.
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    Recordability: Resistance and collusion in psychometric interviews with children.Clara Iversen - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):691-709.
    Different areas of child welfare work call for psychometric measurement to replace professionals’ judgements with objective numbers. Using data from a national Swedish evaluation of interventions for abused children, the present article investigates child interviewees’ resistance to constraints in psychometric questions. The article contributes to studies of how psychology operates in institutional settings; it looks into the discursive production of the interviewee’s position in the struggle between the principle of recordability and ‘sensitive’ interviewing. The findings suggest that interviewees resist questions’ (...)
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    La lenta eclosión de la crisálida. Sobre marxismo, naturaleza y transformación ecosocial.Clara Navarro Ruiz - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e04.
    El marxismo ecológico es una de las corrientes de pensamiento crítico más prometedoras del presente. En las siguientes líneas exponemos algunas de sus características teóricas por medio de las tesis de Saito y Moore. Tras ello, introducimos abordajes más prácticos inclinados a hacer posible una transición ecosocial justa: nos apoyamos en la teoría de las necesidades (Madorrán) y en intervenciones con perspectiva de clase (Keucheyan, Huber). Concluimos poniendo de manifiesto ciertos presupuestos problemáticos de la teoría marxista a través de los (...)
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    Review Essay.Clara Connolly - 1990 - Feminist Review 35 (1):113-118.
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    Washing Our Linen: One Year of Women against Fundamentalism.Clara Connolly - 1991 - Feminist Review 37 (1):68-77.
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    Relations between parents and children (1892).Clara Dixon Davidson - unknown
    RPC.2 The individual’s measure of consequences is proportionate to the circle of his outlook. His horizons may lie so near that he can only measure at short range. But, whether they be near or far, he can only judge of consequences as proximately or remotely touching himself. His judgment may err; his motive remains always the same, whether he be conscious of it or not. RPC.3 That motive is necessarily egoistic, since no one deliberately chooses misery when..
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    La arquitectura emocional de la educación desde la ciencia, la filosofía y el arte.Clara Romero Pérez - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 36:43-67.
    El propósito general de este estudio es ofrecer un marco de análisis integrador sobre la arquitectura emocionalde la educación y sus implicaciones para el diseño de acciones educativas pertinentes en los procesos de formaciónhumana. De modo específico, se analizan los componentes y mecanismos emocionales implicados en los procesoseducativos que han probado su efectividad. A tal fin, se ha aplicado un enfoque analítico basado en una revisióndocumental a partir de estudios científicos y humanísticos. Las preguntas que han guiado este estudio han (...)
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    Religionsmusikologie als Teildisziplin der Religionswissenschaft.Clara Ragnitz - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 32 (2):148-174.
    Zusammenfassung ‚Musik‘ ist ein elementarer, wenngleich wenig erforschter, Bestandteil religiöser Praxis. Daher wird in den aktuellen Stand der Religionsmusikologie als Teildisziplin der Religionswissenschaft sowie den neueren Forschungsstand eingeführt. Dieser wird anhand der zuvor aufgestellten Kriterien einer musikphilosophisch grundierten Arbeitsdefinition von Musik auf seine religionswissenschaftliche Haltbarkeit überprüft. Anhand der hierin festgestellten Desiderata sowie Monita wird daraufhin programmatisch entworfen, was die Religionsmusikologie für die Religionswissenschaft leisten kann. Hierfür wird die Bezugsdisziplin Musikwissenschaft sowie ihre relevanten Teildisziplinen inklusive der kulturwissenschaftlichen Atmosphärenforschung herangezogen, um einen (...)
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    Can we respond mindfully to distressing voices? A systematic review of evidence for engagement, acceptability, effectiveness and mechanisms of change for mindfulness-based interventions for people distressed by hearing voices.Clara Strauss, Neil Thomas & Mark Hayward - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  38. Online Adaptation to Altered Auditory Feedback Is Predicted by Auditory Acuity and Not by Domain-General Executive Control Resources.Clara D. Martin, Caroline A. Niziolek, Jon A. Duñabeitia, Alejandro Perez, Doris Hernandez, Manuel Carreiras & John F. Houde - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  39. Rethinking Respect.Clara Lingle - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics.
    This paper develops and defends a paradigm-based explanation of respect. Paradigm-based explanations propose to illuminate subject matter that are basically disunified, by identifying a form of them (“the paradigm”) that is then shown to be explanatorily basic to the subject as a whole. This explanatory strategy is well-suited to the subject of respect, which is widely agreed to encompass two distinct kinds, appraisal respect and recognition respect. Accordingly, the paper sets out to determine which of these two kinds is paradigmatic (...)
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    The Trade Regime Complex and Megaregionals – An Exploration from the Perspective of International Domination.Clara Brandi - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    Megaregional trade negotiations have become the subject of heated debate, above all in the context of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this article, I argue that the justice of the global order suffers from its institutional fragmentation into regime complexes. From a republican perspective, which aspires to non-domination as a guiding principles and idea of global justice, regime complexes raise specific and important challenges in that they open the door to specific forms of domination. (...)
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    Developing an Evidence-base to Guide Ethical Action in Global Challenges Research in Complex and Fragile Contexts: A Scoping Review of the Literature.Clara Calia, Cristóbal Guerra, Corinne Reid, Charles Marley, Paulina Barrera, Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi & Lisa Boden - 2022 - Ethics and Social Welfare 16 (1):54-72.
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    A Natureza em Sade.Clara Castro - 2019 - Revista Natureza Humana 21 (3).
    a proposta deste artigo é analisar a ideia de natureza na obra clandestina de Sade, mais especificamente, nas histórias de “Justine” e de “Juliette”. O exame recairá sobre a fala de dois narradores e de cinco personagens. Pretende-se estudar quatro noções diferentes de natureza a fim de demonstrar que tais noções formam, na verdade, um único raciocínio, desenvolvido em uma gradação regressiva. Tudo começa em uma natureza onipotente e amoral. Esta se transforma em noção imoral, menos poderosa e que necessita (...)
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    Culture or Citizenship? Notes from the ‘Gender and Colonialism’ Conference, Galway, Ireland, May 1992.Clara Connolly - 1993 - Feminist Review 44 (1):104-111.
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  44. (1 other version)The Psychology of Expectation.Clara M. Hitchcock - 1903 - The Monist 13:473.
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    The selective advantage of patriarchal restraint.Clara B. Jones - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (1):97-102.
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    La idea de Europa de Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1914-1927) en el contexto de la Revolución Conservadora.Clara Ramas San Miguel - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):461-476.
    En este artículo se estudia la idea de Europa que el poeta austríaco Hugo von Hofmannsthal desarrolla desde los albores de la Primera Guerra Mundial hasta entrada la República de Weimar. Hofmannsthal reivindica una idea de Europa que a la vez contenga, realice y supere a los Estados-nación; y cuyo núcleo no sería Alemania -excesivamente inclinada hacia el modelo prusiano como bloque homogéneo y cerrado sobre sí mismo-, sino Austria-Hungría -como Imperio duradero, nexo con Oriente, frontera fluida y comunidad plural (...)
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    Lewis and Christian Reunion.Clara Sorroco - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (3/4):559-560.
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    Sogenannte Monadologie und principes de la nature et de la grace fondés en raison.Clara Strack - 1917 - De Gruyter.
    No detailed description available for "Sogenannte Monadologie und principes de la nature et de la grace fondés en raison".
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    On the Fairness of the Multilateral Trading System.Clara Brandi - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (2):227-247.
    Three perspectives on international trade are present in current debates. From the first perspective, trade is regarded as a set of individual transactions among consenting parties and considerations of fairness and justice barely feature, if at all. The second perspective underlines the importance of background structures for trade, maintained by states, which gives rise considerations of fairness and justice. One prominent version of this perspective, for example as defended by Aaron James, views all trading states as having in principle equal (...)
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    New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment.Clara Fischer & Luna Dolezal (eds.) - 2018 - London, New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Despite several decades of feminist activism and scholarship, women’s bodies continue to be sites of control and contention both materially and symbolically. Issues such as reproductive technologies, sexual violence, objectification, motherhood, and sex trafficking, among others, constitute ongoing, pressing concerns for women’s bodies in our contemporary milieu, arguably exacerbated in a neoliberal world where bodies are instrumentalized as sites of human capital. This book engages with these themes by building on the strong tradition of feminist thought focused on women’s bodies, (...)
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