Results for 'Chun-Shui Xu'

976 found
  1.  56
    A first-principles study on structural stability and mechanical properties of polar intermetallic phases CaZn2and SrZn2.Wen-Cheng Hu, Yong Liu, De-Jiang Li, Ke Li, Hua-Lan Jin, Ying-Xuan Xu, Chun-Shui Xu & Xiao-Qin Zeng - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (34):3945-3959.
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  2. Zhen li yuan li lun: chun cui xian shi xue xu shui-di yi fen ce (lun xiang 1-18).Xiaorong Zeng - 2023 - Xinzhu Shi: Guo li Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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  3.  96
    Altered effective connectivity in the emotional network induced by immersive virtual reality rehabilitation for post-stroke depression.Jia-Jia Wu, Mou-Xiong Zheng, Xu-Yun Hua, Dong Wei, Xin Xue, Yu-Lin Li, Xiang-Xin Xing, Jie Ma, Chun-Lei Shan & Jian-Guang Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Post-stroke depression is a serious complication of stroke that significantly restricts rehabilitation. The use of immersive virtual reality for stroke survivors is promising. Herein, we investigated the effects of a novel immersive virtual reality training system on PSD and explored induced effective connectivity alterations in emotional networks using multivariate Granger causality analysis. Forty-four patients with PSD were equally allocated into an immersive-virtual reality group and a control group. In addition to their usual rehabilitation treatments, the participants in the immersive-virtual reality (...)
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  4.  19
    Neural Responses to Musical Rhythm in Chinese Children With Reading Difficulties.Chun-Han Chiang, Jarmo Hämäläinen, Weiyong Xu & Hsiao-Lan Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The working memory Ponzo illusion: Involuntary integration of visuospatial information stored in visual working memory.Mowei Shen, Haokui Xu, Haihang Zhang, Rende Shui, Meng Zhang & Jifan Zhou - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):26-35.
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  6. Indirect Anaphora: Classification and Interpretation.Ming Xu & Geng-Chun Li - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (4):166-169.
    Any text can not leave the text the user exists, with the phenomenon of indirect discourse anaphora is no exception. Therefore, the phenomenon of indirect anaphora can not be studied only from the text itself, but also from the recipient of discourse processing and mental representation of discourse strategies such as perspective depth studies to explore the source of discourse coherence factors. Indirect anaphor is a special kind of anaphor that receives more and more attention these years. Based on previous (...)
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  7.  17
    A study on the correlation between work stressors and the coping styles of outpatients and emergency nurses in 29 pediatric specialty hospitals across China.Nan Song, Chun-Li Wang, Lin-Qi Zhang & Xu-Mei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to better understand the current situation involving work stressors and the coping styles of outpatient and emergency nurses in 29 pediatric specialty hospitals across China. The study analyzed this correlation to provide a reference for the occupational stress management of pediatric nurses.MethodsFrom June to September 2020, 1,457 outpatient and emergency nurses in 29 pediatric specialty hospitals across China were selected as study participants, and a questionnaire survey was conducted using the Basic Information Questionnaire, the Chinese version of (...)
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  8.  9
    Zhe xue chuang xin de yi mian qi zhi: Huang Nansen xian sheng zhui si lu.Dong Wang & Chun Xu (eds.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
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  9.  31
    Social constraints from an observer’s perspective: Coordinated actions make an agent’s position more predictable.Jun Yin, Haokui Xu, Xiaowei Ding, Junying Liang, Rende Shui & Mowei Shen - 2016 - Cognition 151 (C):10-17.
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  10.  59
    Communicating BRCA research results to patients enrolled in international clinical trials: lessons learnt from the AGO-OVAR 16 study.David J. Pulford, Philipp Harter, Anne Floquet, Catherine Barrett, Dong Hoon Suh, Michael Friedlander, José Angel Arranz, Kosei Hasegawa, Hiroomi Tada, Peter Vuylsteke, Mansoor R. Mirza, Nicoletta Donadello, Giovanni Scambia, Toby Johnson, Charles Cox, John K. Chan, Martin Imhof, Thomas J. Herzog, Paula Calvert, Pauline Wimberger, Dominique Berton-Rigaud, Myong Cheol Lim, Gabriele Elser, Chun-Fang Xu & Andreas du Bois - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):63.
    The focus on translational research in clinical trials has the potential to generate clinically relevant genetic data that could have importance to patients. This raises challenging questions about communicating relevant genetic research results to individual patients. An exploratory pharmacogenetic analysis was conducted in the international ovarian cancer phase III trial, AGO-OVAR 16, which found that patients with clinically important germ-line BRCA1/2 mutations had improved progression-free survival prognosis. Mechanisms to communicate BRCA results were evaluated, because these findings may be beneficial to (...)
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  11.  31
    A Comparative Study of Regional Homogeneity of Resting-State fMRI Between the Early-Onset and Late-Onset Recurrent Depression in Adults.Ji-fei Sun, Li-mei Chen, Jia-kai He, Zhi Wang, Chun-lei Guo, Yue Ma, Yi Luo, de-Qiang Gao, Yang Hong, Ji-Liang Fang & Feng-Quan Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  12.  70
    Decreased Empathic Responses to the ‘Lucky Guy’ in Love: The Effect of Intrasexual Competition.Li Zheng, Fangxiao Zhang, Chunli Wei, Jialin Xu, Qianfeng Wang, Lei Zhu, Ian D. Roberts & Xiuyan Guo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  13.  24
    Corrigendum to “Social constraints from an observer’s perspective: Coordinated actions make an agent’s position more predictable” [Cognition 151 (2016) 10–17]. [REVIEW]Jun Yin, Haokui Xu, Xiaowei Ding, Junying Liang, Rende Shui & Mowei Shen - 2016 - Cognition 153 (C):212.
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  14.  73
    Compassion, Discrimination, and Prosocial Behaviors: Young Diasporic Chinese During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Youli Chen, Zicong Wang, Qi Zhang, Weizhen Dong, Jia Huei Chen Xu, Sizhe Ji Wu, Xiangyang Zhang & Chun Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:814869.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has fueled anti-Asian, especially anti-Chinese sentiments worldwide, which may negatively impact diasporic Chinese youths’ adjustment and prosocial development. This study examined the association between compassion, discrimination and prosocial behaviors in diasporic Chinese youths during the COVID-19 pandemic. 360 participants participated and completed the multi-country, cross-sectional, web-based survey between April 22 and May 9, 2020, the escalating stage of the pandemic. This study found compassion as prosocial behaviors’ proximal predictor, while discrimination independently predicted participation in (...)
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  15.  5
    He wei xian dai, shui zhi Zhongguo?: xian dai Zhongguo de zai chan shi.Jilin Xu & Qing Liu (eds.) - 2014 - Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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  16.  14
    Ru jia lun li yu "Chun qiu" xu shi.Yuanbin Zhou - 2008 - Jinan: Qi Lu shu she.
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  17.  14
    Zhu Shunshui yu Dong Ya wen hua chuan bo de shi jie.Xingqing Xu - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Tai da chu ban zhong xin.
    Ben shu yi si xiang jiao liu wei he xin yi ti, Li zu yu dong ya wen hua chuan bo de xue shu fan chou, Tan tao zhu shun shui yu zhong ri wen hua, Si xiang, Zheng zhi, Xue shu deng fang mian suo qi de ying xiang yu zuo yong.
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  18.  20
    Chun cui li dong xian xiang xue xu pian =.Rujun Wu - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan gu fen you xian gong si.
    本書為作者所著《純粹力動現象學》的續篇,主要是補充正篇所未及充分闡發的義理,特別是純粹力動作為終極原理的宇宙論方面的開拓問題。宇宙論是處理現象界的事物的生成與變化的哲學。 人生在這個現象世界中,一舉一動莫不與周圍環境的事物發生關係;人一出生,便是以雙足踏著大地生活的。要生活得好,能運用周圍的資源,提高生活的質素,便得對它們有既廣且深的理解,故宇宙論是不能忽視的。在這個問 題上,作者透過純粹力動的凝聚、蘊聚、詐現等宇宙論概念來說,發前人所未發。 另外,本書又有兩篇具分量的有關京都學派哲學的文字。筆者的純粹力動現象學的建構,頗受到京都學派的啟發。但後者以絕對無來說宇宙與人生的終極原理,動感顯然淡薄,甚至流於薄弱。該兩篇文字主要處理這個問題,透過 對純粹力動與絕對無這兩個關鍵性觀念的廣泛的、深入的比較,展示出純粹力動作為終極原理、真理較絕對無更為殊勝之處,更具足動感,並提出絕對無的力動轉向觀點。 這是對京都學派的多面的理解與嚴刻的批判,在國際哲學研究界中亦為首次,因而具有特殊的意義。附錄中有三篇英語作品,是提供予不看中文的學者、朋友參考的,俾能略知純粹力動現象學的扼要內容。.
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  19.  13
    He zhong zheng zhi? shui zhi xian dai xing?: xian dai xing zheng zhi xu shi de zuo you ban ben ji Zhongguo yu jing.Quanxi Gao - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Xin xing chu ban she.
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  20.  23
    Hou zhou lu shi dai de tian xia zhi xu: "Xun zi" he "Lü shi chun qiu" zheng zhi zhe xue zhi bi jiao yan jiu = The world order after Zhou-Lu regime in early China: a comparative study of political philosophies of the Xunzi and Mr. Lu's spring and autumn annals.Masayuki Sato - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin chu ban.
    西元前256年,周赧王被秦昭襄王所征服。由此,戰國時代最後階段的華夏世界進入三十五年的「後周魯時代」。 本書提出:在此時期周天子不在的政治權威空白時期,實為《荀子》和《呂氏春秋》兩書之出現的主要契機。以這樣歷史背景為主要契機誕生的兩書,其政治哲學的目標便應該在於構想能治理全天下人民之國家的建立──《荀子 》探求未來以禮義治理天下的君王;《呂氏春秋》則向已成為「de facto天子」的秦王,為提升至名正言順的天子,提供政策綱要和實踐細則。 作者根據較為嚴謹的「觀念史/概念史」分析,闡述《荀》、《呂》兩書在思維上、概念上、論述內容上等多層次的思想特質及其歷史角色。期盼本書在戰國秦漢時代的歷史和思想相關議題之探討能夠提供較新的切入點,並擴大 研究視野。.
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  21.  18
    Zhuangzi de kuai huo.Meng Wang - 2010 - Beijing : Zhonghua shu ju,: Zhonghua Shu Ju.
    Ben shu nei rong bao kuo: ren lei wei he ru ci duo shi; dong fang gu dian de Afanda Wutuobang; sheng ren jiu jing wei shui xiao lao; zhi li de xian du yu xu wei you guo lun; deng gao si wang, man mu zhu ji hai shi man mu la ji; nan yi yong yu yan wen zi biao da yu chuan shou de da dao deng.
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  22.  87
    Robust decentralized adaptive synchronization of general complex networks with coupling delayed and uncertainties.Ping He, Chun-Guo Jing, Tao Fan & Chang-Zhong Chen - 2014 - Complexity 19 (3):10-26.
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  23. Dan xuan yu chen ju: Tang Song dao jiao si xiang yu she hui yan jiu.Lesong Cheng - 2021 - Beijing: Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she.
    Yi jing dian jie du he guan nian quan shi wei ji nen jin lu de si xiang shi yan jiu, yu wei rao xin yang yu she hui shen g huo de hu dong zhan kai de she hui shi yan jiu ke yi bei shi zuo zong jiao li shi yan jiu de liang ge zhi dian. Xin yang cong dai dou shi yi ti liang mian de: shi zhong guan qie chao yue de zhi qu bi ran (...)
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  24.  57
    Making sense of economists' positive-normative distinction.David Colander & Huei-Chun Su - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (2):157-170.
    The goal of this article is to provide a slightly different spin on economists' use of the positive-normative distinction by providing some context for its use. The major difference is the following: philosophers and philosophically oriented economists, such as Hilary Putnam and John Davis, see the positive-normative distinction in economics as following from the logical positivist position, and they interpret comments made by economists as reflecting scientific methodological positions that have long since been repudiated by philosophers of science. This article (...)
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  25.  21
    How biased is the sample? Reverse engineering the ranking algorithm of Facebook’s Graph application programming interface.Justin Chun-Ting Ho - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Facebook research has proliferated during recent years. However, since November 2017, Facebook has introduced a new limitation on the maximum amount of page posts retrievable through their Graph application programming interface, while there is limited documentation on how these posts are selected. This paper compares two datasets of the same Facebook page, a full dataset obtained before the introduction of the limitation and a partial dataset obtained after, and employs bootstrapping technique to assess the bias caused by the new limitation. (...)
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  26.  25
    From Rejection of Buddhism to Advocacy of Buddhism.Xu Yue - 2013 - Chinese Studies in History 46 (3):7-27.
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    Attention deficits revealed by passive auditory change detection for pure tones and lexical tones in ADHD children.Ming-Tao Yang, Chun-Hsien Hsu, Pei-Wen Yeh, Wang-Tso Lee, Jao-Shwann Liang, Wen-Mei Fu & Chia-Ying Lee - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28.  32
    Corporate recidivism in emerging economies.Qinqin Zheng & Rosa Chun - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (1):63-79.
    Prior research on corporate misconduct pays extensive attention to single misconduct behaviors. However, little research has addressed recidivism – the repeated behaviors of corporate misconduct. Based on institutional theory and using the context of emerging economies where recidivism plays a considerable role, we propose the path dependency of corporate recidivism and suggest that three influential factors exist: internal preconditioning, inter-organizational imitation, and the prevailing external evaluation. Our event history analysis of 1,036 listed companies in China over the period 2001–2008 statistically (...)
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  29.  10
    What happened to the global 1960s? From anti-imperialism to human rights internationalism.Judy Tzu-Chun Wu - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1457-1461.
    Solar Mohandesi’s Red Internationalism is a major work that helps to answer a commonly posed question, ‘What happened to the 1960s?’ Mohandesi focuses on a significant strain of internationalist po...
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  30. JME Referees in 2000.Mary Lou Arnold, Cary Buzzelli, David Carr, Shui Che Fok, Eileen Francis, Sarah Golden, Maria Cristina Moreno Gutiérrez, Graham McFee, Larry Nucci & Nona Lyons - 2001 - Journal of Moral Education 30 (2).
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  31.  29
    Multimodal Brain Imaging of Motor Sequence Learning.Huang YunYing, Tse Chun-Yu & Penney Trevor - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  32.  30
    Texture development and Monte-Carlo simulation of microstructure evolution in pure Zr grain-refined by equal channel angular pressing.S. H. Yu, Y. B. Chun, S. K. Hwang ‡ & D. H. Shin - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (2-3):345-371.
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  33.  53
    Culture, Citizenship Norms, and Political Participation: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.Wen-Chun Chang - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (2):256-277.
    This study investigates the role of religion in shaping the norms of citizenship from a cultural perspective for an East Asian country that exhibits fundamental differences in social contexts from Western advanced democracies. Using data drawn from the Taiwan Social Change Survey, we find that the Eastern religions of Buddhism, Taoism, and Folk Religions are important for explaining the formation of the concept of being a good citizen. This study further examines the relationships between citizenship norms and various conventional and (...)
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  34.  9
    The Four Political Treatises of the Yellow Emperor: Original Mawangdui Texts with Complete English Translations and an Introduction.Leo S. Chang, Chun Zhang & Yu Feng - 1998 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Includes translations of the important manuscripts in silk found at the famous Mawangdui Tomb in 1973.
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  35.  66
    A letter to the late Felix Biestek: Revisiting the seven principles of The Casework Relationship with contemporary struggles.Johnson Chun-Sing Cheung - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (1):92-100.
  36. Peirce's Early Concept of Reality: A Study in His Early Metaphysics.Chi-Chun Chiu - 1994 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
    This dissertation is a study in Peirce's early metaphysics embedded in his writings between 1859 and 1867, which have received scant attention. Its purpose is to unravel his concept of reality and some relevant epistemological notions. Peirce's early metaphysical speculations can be divided into two parts. One is a system which covers thought between 1859 and 1862. The other manifests in lectures and writings between 1863 and 1867. The present study, consisting of five chapters, includes both of them. ;Murray G. (...)
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  37.  24
    The Impact of Intrusive Rumination on College Students’ Creativity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Effect of Post-traumatic Growth and the Moderating Role of Psychological Resilience.Yanhua Xu, Jiamin Wu, Qian Li, Wei Zeng, Chujin Wu, Yuhao Yang, Zhihao Chen & Ziying Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeCollege students in the pandemic area are experiencing the problems caused by COVID-19 by themselves or people around them, how to cope with the sudden changes and adjust the psychological stress response, and get experience and grow in the fight against the pandemic is a question worth in-depth discussion. The researchers constructed a mediated regulation model to examine the effects of intrusive rumination on the creativity of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the mediating effect of post-traumatic (...)
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  38.  23
    Artificial Intelligence Teaching System and Data Processing Method Based on Big Data.Bo Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    With the rapid development of big data, artificial intelligence teaching systems have gradually been developed extensively. The powerful artificial intelligence teaching systems have become a tool for teachers and students to learn independently in various universities. The characteristic of artificial intelligence teaching system is to get rid of the constraints of traditional teaching time and space and build a brand-new learning environment, which is the mainstream trend of future learning. As the carrier of students’ autonomous learning, the artificial intelligence teaching (...)
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  39.  13
    Analysis of Literary Situation and Reconstruction of the Writing Subject in Literary Education by Educational Psychology.Gaonan Xu, Zhaoming Li, Fengrui Zhang & Bojing Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Educational psychology focuses on the laws of change in the knowledge, skills, and individual psychology of the educatees in the process of education and teaching. Writing teaching is a key and difficult point in literature teaching. Nowadays, it is common for students to be afraid and tired of writing in school literature education. In view of these problems, the present work optimizes the teaching mode of writing from the perspective of reconstructing the writing subject. Through literature research and interdisciplinary analysis, (...)
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  40.  26
    Atomically resolved precipitates/matrix interfaces in KTaO3crystals.Y. B. Xu, Y. L. Tang, Y. Liu, X. L. Ma & Y. L. Zhu - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (5):486-497.
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  41.  25
    AQM scheme design for TCP network via Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy method.Sheng Xu, Minrui Fei, Xinhao Yang & Liqin Wu - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):606-612.
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  42.  21
    Assessing the impact of digital education and the role of the big data analytics course to enhance the skills and employability of engineering students.Lin Xu, Jingxiao Zhang, Yiying Ding, Gangzhu Sun, Wei Zhang, Simon P. Philbin & Brian H. W. Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to explore the role of digital education in the development of skills and employability for engineering students through researching the role of big data analytics courses. The empirical study proposes the hypothesis that both soft and hard skills have positive effects on human capital, individual attributes, and the career development dimensions of engineering students. This is achieved through constructing a framework of three dimensions of engineering students’ employability and two competency development dimensions of big data analytics courses. (...)
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  43.  84
    Concepts are not beliefs, but having concepts is having beliefs.Fei Xu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & Cristina M. Sorrentino - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):89-89.
    We applaud Millikan's psychologically plausible version of the causal theory of reference. Her proposal offers a significant clarification of the much-debated relation between concepts and beliefs, and suggests positive directions for future empirical studies of conceptual development. However, Millikan's revision of the causal theory may leave us with no generally satisfying account of concept individuation in the mind.
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  44.  9
    Chuan Bo Yu Yue Du: Ming Qing Fa Lü Zhi Shi Shi.Zhongming Xu - 2012 - Beijing da Xue Chu Ban She. Edited by Jin Du.
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  45. Chong jian zhu yi jiao yu zhe xue.Zonglin Xu - 1979 - Gaoxiong Shi: Fu wen tu shu chu ban she.
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  46.  11
    Computing marginals for arbitrary subsets from marginal representation in Markov trees.Hong Xu - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (1):177-189.
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  47. Cong Makesi zhe xue dao er shi shi ji zhe xue.Qian Xu - 1951
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  48.  24
    Carry on winning: No selection effect.Juemin Xu & Nigel Harvey - 2015 - Cognition 139 (C):171-173.
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    Dao de wen ti de si yu bian.Zongliang Xu - 2011 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
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  50.  8
    Dong fang zhe xue shi.Yuanhe Xu (ed.) - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
    [v. 1] Shang gu juan -- [v. 2] Zhong gu juan -- [v. 3] Jin gu juan -- [v. 4] Jin dai juan -- [v. 5] Xian dai juan.
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