Results for 'Christine Zinke'

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  1. The sources of normativity.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Onora O'Neill.
    Ethical concepts are, or purport to be, normative. They make claims on us: they command, oblige, recommend, or guide. Or at least when we invoke them, we make claims on one another; but where does their authority over us - or ours over one another - come from? Christine Korsgaard identifies four accounts of the source of normativity that have been advocated by modern moral philosophers: voluntarism, realism, reflective endorsement, and the appeal to autonomy. She traces their history, showing (...)
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  2. Virtue Ethics: A Pluralistic View.Christine Swanton - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This book offers a comprehensive virtue ethics that breaks from the tradition of eudaimonistic virtue ethics. In developing a pluralistic view, it shows how different ’modes of moral response’ such as love, respect, appreciation, and creativity are all central to the virtuous response and thereby to ethics. It offers virtue ethical accounts of the good life, objectivity, rightness, demandingness, and moral epistemology.
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    Ethical and Social Aspects of Neurorobotics.Christine Aicardi, Simisola Akintoye, B. Tyr Fothergill, Manuel Guerrero, Gudrun Klinker, William Knight, Lars Klüver, Yannick Morel, Fabrice O. Morin, Bernd Carsten Stahl & Inga Ulnicane - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2533-2546.
    The interdisciplinary field of neurorobotics looks to neuroscience to overcome the limitations of modern robotics technology, to robotics to advance our understanding of the neural system’s inner workings, and to information technology to develop tools that support those complementary endeavours. The development of these technologies is still at an early stage, which makes them an ideal candidate for proactive and anticipatory ethical reflection. This article explains the current state of neurorobotics development within the Human Brain Project, originating from a close (...)
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    Associative Solidarity, Relational Goods, and Autonomy for Refugees: What Does it Mean to Stand in Solidarity with Refugees?Christine Straehle - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (4):526-542.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  5. Error, Consistency and Triviality.Christine Tiefensee & Gregory Wheeler - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):602-618.
    In this paper, we present a new semantic challenge to the moral error theory. Its first component calls upon moral error theorists to deliver a deontic semantics that is consistent with the error-theoretic denial of moral truths by returning the truth-value false to all moral deontic sentences. We call this the ‘consistency challenge’ to the moral error theory. Its second component demands that error theorists explain in which way moral deontic assertions can be seen to differ in meaning despite necessarily (...)
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  6. Is There a Right to Surrogacy?Christine Straehle - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (2):146-159.
    Access to surrogacy is often cast in the language of rights. Here, I examine what form such a right could take. I distinguish between surrogacy as a right to assisted procreation, and surrogacy as a contractual right. I find the first interpretation implausible: it would give rise to claims against the state that no state can fulfil, namely the provision of sufficient surrogates to satisfy the need. Instead, I argue that the right to surrogacy can only be plausibly understood as (...)
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  7. The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference.Christine Battersby & Kimberly Hutchings - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 148:43.
    Christine Battersby is a leading thinker in the field of philosophy, gender studies and visual and literary aesthetics. In this important new work, she undertakes an exploration of the nature of the sublime, one of the most important topics in contemporary debates about modernity, politics and art. Through a compelling examination of terror, transcendence and the ‘other’ in key European philosophers and writers, Battersby articulates a radical ‘female sublime’. A central feature of The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference is (...)
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    Gender, power, nursing: a case analysis.Christine Ceci - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):72-81.
    This paper is concerned with events that were the subject of an inquest into the deaths of 12 children who died while undergoing or shortly after having undergone cardiac surgery at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre, Manitoba, Canada, during 1994. A notable finding of the Sinclair Inquest was that nurses involved with the pediatric cardiac surgery program were concerned about the competence of the surgeon and made sustained efforts throughout 1994 to have these concerns addressed. That the nurses’ concerns were (...)
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    Kantian cosmopolitanism and its limits.Christine Helliwell & Barry Hindess - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (1):26-39.
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    Beyond Open Communication: A Call for Partnership Between Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics Committees.Christine Grady, David Gibbes Miller & Hae Lin Cho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):52-54.
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    What Have I Done to Deserve This? Effects of Employee Personality and Emotion on Abusive Supervision.Christine A. Henle & Michael A. Gross - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (3):461-474.
    Drawing on victim precipitation theory, we propose that certain employees are more likely to perceive abusive supervision because of their personality traits. Specifically, we hypothesize that subordinates’ emotional stability, conscientiousness, and agreeableness will be negatively related to perceived abuse from their supervisor and that negative emotions at work will mediate these relationships. We surveyed 222 employees and found that emotional stability and conscientiousness negatively predicted employees’ self-reports of abusive supervision and that this relationship was mediated by negative emotions. Thus, employees (...)
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  12. A Tribute to Ronald de Sousa.Christine Tappolet, Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni (eds.) - 2022
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    Migration and Differentiated Rights.Christine Straehle - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):263-266.
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    Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema.Christine A. Holmlund & Teresa de Lauretis - 1985 - Substance 14 (2):102.
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    Justified state partiality and the vulnerable subject in migration.Christine Straehle - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (6):736-744.
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    Towards future archives and historiographies of ‘big biology’.Christine Aicardi & Miguel García-Sancho - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 55:41-44.
  17. Feminist theory and international relations in a postmodern era.Christine Sylvester - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book evaluates the major debates around which the discipline of international relations has developed in the light of contemporary feminist theories. The three debates (realist versus idealist, scientific versus traditional, modernist versus postmodernist) have been subject to feminist theorising since the earliest days of known feminist activities, with the current emphasis on feminist, empiricist standpoint and postmodernist ways of knowing. Christine Sylvester shows how feminist theorising could have affected our understanding of international relations had it been included in (...)
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    Falling into the justice gap? Between duties of social and global justice.Christine Straehle - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (6):645-661.
    The literature on cosmopolitan justice has yet to address what principles to adopt when duties of global justice and duties of social justice are in conflict. In this paper, I address David Miller’s contention that some may fall into the justice gap since we need to prioritize duties of social justice in cases of conflict. I argue that Miller’s analysis depends on three stipulations: the incommensurability of the values underlying duties of social justice and those of global justice; the need (...)
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    The English lexicon of interpersonal affect: Love, etc.Christine Storm & Tom Storm - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (3):333-356.
  20.  20
    The Digital Storywork Partnership: Community-Centered Social Studies to Revitalize Indigenous Histories and Cultural Knowledges.Christine Rogers Stanton, Brad Hall & Jioanna Carjuzaa - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (2):97-108.
    Indigenous communities have always cultivated social studies learning that is interactive, dynamic, and integrated with traditional knowledges. To confront the assimilative and deculturalizing education that accompanied European settlement of the Americas, Montana has adopted Indian Education for All (IEFA). This case study evaluates the Digital Storywork Partnership (DSP), which strives to advance the goals of IEFA within and beyond the social studies classroom through community-centered research and filmmaking. Results demonstrate the potential for DSP projects to advance culturally revitalizing education, community (...)
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  21. Diderots Politik der Darstellung.Christine Abbt & Michael G. Festl - 2018 - Studia Philosophica 77 (Schauspiel, Politik, Philosophie):11-18.
  22. The Book of the Body Politic.CHRISTINE de Pisan - 1994
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    The Captivated Gaze. Diderot’s Allegory of the Cave and Democracy.Christine Abbt - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (4):339-352.
    ABSTRACT The problem of the captivated gaze has been taken up repeatedly in philosophy. Plato's Allegory of the Cave stands paradigmatically for this. Here, the gaze at the shadowy images prevents people from taking the path to the sun. Denis Diderot's critical reinterpretation of Plato's Allegory of the Cave is less well known. In Diderot, the view of the artificial light images is just as captivating as Plato's shadow images. Unlike there, however, Diderot does not distinguish between perception and cognition (...)
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    Age-Related Interference between the Selection of Input-Output Modality Mappings and Postural Control—a Pilot Study.Christine Stelzel, Gesche Schauenburg, Michael A. Rapp, Stephan Heinzel & Urs Granacher - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  25. Physician-assisted suicide: progress or peril.Christine K. Cassel - 1996 - In David C. Thomasma & Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner, Birth to death: science and bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 218--30.
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    The Physician and national Security.Christine K. Cassel - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (6):2-2.
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    Analysing and reflecting on limits.Christine Ceci - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (3):151-153.
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    Nurses' work: Issues across time and place.Christine Ceci - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (3):218–219.
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    Problems we do not fully understand.Christine Ceci - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12245.
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    Distinct developmental growth patterns account for the disproportionate expansion of the rostral and caudal isocortex in evolution.Christine J. Charvet - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  31.  12
    L'humain-l'inhumain: l'impensé des nouveaux matérialismes (matérialité, ontologie, plantationocène).Christine Chivallon - 2022 - Selles-sur-Cher: Atlantiques déchaînés, maison d'édition révoltée & survoltée.
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    Le poids de la différence.Christine Chivallon - 2004 - Hermes 40:216.
    Cet article aborde la question du modèle républicain français et de sa difficulté à composer avec la diversité culturelle. L'analyse développe l'idée selon laquelle ce n'est pas la diversité en tant que telle qui pose problème à la mise en oeuvre d'un espace public commun, mais le fait que cette diversité répercute des trajectoires historiques douloureuses et conflictuelles que la République elle-même a pu contribuer à produire. Les exemples puisés dans les sociétés antillaises fondées sur l'esclavage illustrent cette tendance du (...)
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    Office Review: Managing successful change in an overwork culture.Christine Child & Rachel Lander - 2008 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 12 (2):38-43.
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    Problem‐based learning: Using ill‐structured problems in biology project work.Christine Chin & Li‐Gek Chia - 2006 - Science Education 90 (1):44-67.
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  35. Problem‐based learning: Using students' questions to drive knowledge construction.Christine Chin & Li‐Gek Chia - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):707-727.
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    Exploring the Toxicity of Lateral Violence and Microaggressions: Poison in the Water Cooler.Christine L. Cho, Julie K. Corkett & Astrid Steele (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Examining the subtle forms of aggression, violence, and harassment that occur in our society and manifest in institutions and places of work, the expert contributors collected here describe the experience of social marginalization and expose how vulnerable individuals work to navigate exclusionary climates. This volume explores how bodies disrupt the status quo in multiple contexts and locations; provides insights into how institutions are structured and how practices that may cause harm are maintained; and, finally, considers progressive and proactive alternatives. This (...)
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    What's divine about divine law?: early perspectives.Christine Elizabeth Hayes - 2015 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Biblical discourses of divine law -- Greco-Roman discourses of law -- Bridging the gap: divine law in Hellenistic and Second temple Jewish sources -- Minding the gap: Paul -- The "truth" about Torah -- The (ir)rationality of Torah -- The flexibility of Torah -- Natural law in Rabbinic sources?
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    Forgetting: In a digital glasshouse.Christine Abbt, Florent Thouvenin, Peter Hettich, Herbert Burkert & Urs Gasser - 2018 - In [no title]. pp. 124-134.
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    Wasteful. Border. Wall. Building.Christine Abbt - unknown
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    Reverse Physics: From Laws to Physical Assumptions.Christine A. Aidala & Gabriele Carcassi - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-10.
    To answer foundational questions in physics, physicists turn more and more to abstract advanced mathematics, even though its physical significance may not be immediately clear. What if we started to borrow ideas and approaches, with appropriate modifications, from the foundations of mathematics? In this paper we explore this route. In reverse mathematics one starts from theorems and finds the minimum set of axioms required for their derivation. In reverse physics we want to start from laws or more specific results, and (...)
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    Quality enhancement teams as an agent for change.Christine M. Abbott - 2000 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 4 (1):16-20.
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    Selbsttreue und Veränderung. Goethes Maxime über Polypragmosyne und das gute Leben.Christine Abbt - 2019 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 44 (2).
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    The analytic spirit and the paris institution for the deaf-mutes, 1760-1830.Christine Aicardi - 2009 - History of Science 47 (2):175-221.
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  44. Nursing opinion leadership: a preliminary model derived from philosophic theories of rational belief.Christine A. Anderson & Ann L. Whall - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (4):271-283.
    Opinion leaders are informal leaders who have the ability to influence others' decisions about adopting new products, practices or ideas. In the healthcare setting, the importance of translating new research evidence into practice has led to interest in understanding how opinion leaders could be used to speed this process. Despite continued interest, gaps in understanding opinion leadership remain. Agent‐based models are computer models that have proven to be useful for representing dynamic and contextual phenomena such as opinion leadership. The purpose (...)
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    From silk to twill. Scenography of the clothing at the Carmel (France, xviith-xviiith century).Christine Aribaud - 2012 - Clio 36:91-108.
    Le propos de l’article est l’analyse de la cérémonie de la prise d’habit au sein de l’Ordre Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel aux xviie et xviiie siècles. À partir des sources normatives, picturales et hagiographiques, cette cérémonie est détaillée, notamment la scénographie de l’avant/après, gommant toute marque féminine (présence de cheveux, soins pour un teint pâle, vêtement ajusté, usage de soieries, de bijoux, etc.). Certaines pratiques témoignent de la mise en impatience de ce passage de la soie au drap, qui se traduit (...)
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    Making sense of Piaget: the philosophical roots.Christine Atkinson - 1983 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    Letter to the Editor.Christine Avery - 2010 - Feminist Theology 19 (1):107-108.
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    Andrea Dworkin and Me.Christine Stark - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (3):584-590.
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    Click Click.Christine Stark - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (3):555-557.
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  50. Böhmes Lehre vom "inneren Wort" in ihrer Beziehung zu Franckenbergs Anschauung vom Wort.Christine Stewing - 1953 - München,:
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