Results for 'Christine Vicherd'

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  1.  27
    Dominique GODINEAU, Les femmes dans la société française, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Armand Colin, collection U, 2003, 254 p. [REVIEW]Christine Vicherd - 2004 - Clio 20:19-19.
    Depuis une trentaine d’années les travaux sur les femmes se sont multipliés, leurs approches se sont diversifiées, mais ils restaient souvent fragmentaires à travers les époques, segmentés en des études de thèmes, consacrés à des catégories de femmes, ou à un secteur socio-économique ou politique particulier, de la violence à l’éducation, des prostituées aux reines, des statuts de soumission à ceux d’autonomie, de l’imaginaire social ou littéraire à la représentation médicale, philosophique o...
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    Epistemic Oppression and Ableism in Bioethics.Christine Wieseler - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):714-732.
    Disabled people face obstacles to participation in epistemic communities that would be beneficial for making sense of our experiences and are susceptible to epistemic oppression. Knowledge and skills grounded in disabled people's experiences are treated as unintelligible within an ableist hermeneutic, specifically, the dominant conception of disability as lack. My discussion will focus on a few types of epistemic oppression—willful hermeneutical ignorance, epistemic exploitation, and epistemic imperialism—as they manifest in some bioethicists’ claims about and interactions with disabled people. One of (...)
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  3. Eager for fairness or for revenge? Psychological altruism in economics.Christine Clavien - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (3):267-290.
    To understand the human capacity for psychological altruism, one requires a proper understanding of how people actually think and feel. This paper addresses the possible relevance of recent findings in experimental economics and neuroeconomics to the philosophical controversy over altruism and egoism. After briefly sketching and contextualizing the controversy, we survey and discuss the results of various studies on behaviourally altruistic helping and punishing behaviour, which provide stimulating clues for the debate over psychological altruism. On closer analysis, these studies prove (...)
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    MAKEUP AT WORK: Negotiating Appearance Rules in the Workplace.Christine L. Williams & Kirsten Dellinger - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (2):151-177.
    This study seeks to understand women's use of makeup in the workplace. The authors analyze 20 in-depth interviews with a diverse group of women who work in a variety of settings to examine the appearance rules that women confront at work and how these rules reproduce assumptions about sexuality and gender. The authors found that appropriate makeup use is strongly associated with assumptions about health, heterosexuality, and credibility in the workplace. They describe how these norms shape women's personal choices to (...)
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    Missing Phenomenological Accounts: Disability Theory, Body Integrity Identity Disorder, and Being an Amputee.Christine Wieseler - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):83-111.
    Phenomenology provides a method for disability theorists to describe embodied subjectivity lacking within the social model of disability. Within the literature on body integrity identity disorder (BIID), dominant narratives of disability are influential, individual bodies are considered in isolation, and experiences of disabled people are omitted. Research on BIID tends to incorporate an individualist ontology. In this article, I argue that Merleau-Ponty's conceptualization of “being in the world,” which recognizes subjectivity as embodied and intersubjective, provides a better starting point for (...)
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  6.  78
    The Glass Escalator, Revisited: Gender Inequality in Neoliberal Times, SWS Feminist Lecturer.Christine L. Williams - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):609-629.
    When women work in male-dominated professions, they encounter a “glass ceiling” that prevents their ascension into the top jobs. Twenty years ago, I introduced the concept of the “glass escalator,” my term for the advantages that men receive in the so-called women’s professions, including the assumption that they are better suited than women for leadership positions. In this article, I revisit my original analysis and identify two major limitations of the concept: it fails to adequately address intersectionality; in particular, it (...)
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  7.  47
    Boundary lines: Labeling sexual harassment in restaurants.Christine L. Williams & Patti A. Giuffre - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (3):378-401.
    Research has shown that a majority of employed women experience sexual harassment and suffer negative repercussions because of it; yet only a minority of these women label their experiences “sexual harassment.” To investigate how people identify sexual harassment, in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 waitpeople in restaurants in Austin, Texas. Most respondents worked in highly sexualized work environments. Respondents labeled sexual advances as sexual harassment only in four specific contexts: when perpetrated by someone who exploited their powerful position for personal (...)
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  8.  35
    Beyond Open Communication: A Call for Partnership Between Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics Committees.Christine Grady, David Gibbes Miller & Hae Lin Cho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):52-54.
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    Satisficing and Virtue.Christine Swanton - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (1):33-48.
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    Equality Renewed: Justice, Flourishing and the Egalitarian Ideal.Christine Sypnowich - 2016 - Routledge.
    How should we approach the daunting task of renewing the ideal of equality? In this book, Christine Sypnowich proposes a theory of equality centred on human flourishing or wellbeing. She argues that egalitarianism should be understood as seeking to make people more equal in the constituents of a good life. Inequality is a social ill because of the damage it does to human flourishing: unequal distribution of wealth can have the effect that some people are poorly housed, badly nourished, (...)
  11.  35
    Das Experiment im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und Zwang. Probierstein und Versuchkunst bei Kant.Christine Blättler - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):873-888.
    In contrast to the common notion of experiments as a means for testing theories, Science Studies currently emphasize the explorative character of experiments, thus elevating their systematic epistemological relevance. Consequently the experiment has become another challenge to Reichenbach′s distinction between discovery and justification, which has been valid in the philosophy of science for several decades. Repeatedly the experiment has served as an epistemological paradigm in philosophy. Engaging with recent positions in Science Studies the paper investigates Kant′s understanding of the use, (...)
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  12.  15
    Aging Impairs Disengagement From Negative Words in a Dot Probe Task.Christine E. Talbot, John C. Ksander & Angela Gutchess - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gay marriage.Christine Pierce - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (2):5-16.
  14.  36
    Perceived frequency of implicit associative responses as a function of frequency of occurrence of list items.Christine E. Vereb & James F. Voss - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):992.
  15.  4
    Die Entwicklung Johann Gustav Droysens als Althistoriker.Christine Wagner - 1991 - Bonn: Habelt.
  16.  21
    A depiction of the “Return of Hephaestus to Olympus” on a Droop cup by the Oakeshott Painter, discovered at the Artemision at Thasos.Christine Walter - 2020 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 144.
    L’étude menée sur les coupes de Droop attiques découvertes dans les fouilles de l’Artémision de Thasos a permis d’attirer notre attention sur un groupe de fragments décorés d’un thème peu fréquent sur cette forme : le retour d’Héphaïstos dans l’Olympe. Il n’est cependant pas rare sur d’autres classes de coupes contemporaines, en particulier sur les coupes à bande des Petits Maîtres dont la coupe de Droop est une variante. Mais si l’étude des fragments de l’Artémision permet de renforcer le lien (...)
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  17. Haüy et l'électricité. De la démonstration-spectacle à la diffusion d'une science newtonienne.Christine Blondel - 1997 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 50 (3):265-282.
    Le rôle de Haüy comme 'grand législateur de la minéralogie', pour reprendre le jugement de Cuvier, a laissé dans l'ombre son activité dans le domaine de l'électricité. Il est vrai que le phénomène découvert par Haüy — l'électricité de pression — a perdu son intérêt pour les physiciens à la fin du XIXe siècle. C'est l'analyse de l'évolution des attitudes de Haüy envers l'électricité qui présente pour nous de l'intérêt en ce qu'elle permet de mieux comprendre la puissance, et l'ambiguïté, (...)
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  18.  55
    Gibbard's expressivism: An interdisciplinary critical analysis.Christine Clavien - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (4):465 – 485.
    This paper examines key aspects of Allan Gibbard's psychological account of moral activity. Inspired by evolutionary theory, Gibbard paints a naturalistic picture of morality mainly based on two specific types of emotion: guilt and anger. His sentimentalist and expressivist analysis is also based on a particular conception of rationality. I begin by introducing Gibbard's theory before testing some key assumptions underlying his system against recent empirical data and theories. The results cast doubt on some crucial aspects of Gibbard's philosophical theory, (...)
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    Displaying the invisible: Volkskrankheiten on exhibition in Imperial Germany.Christine Brecht & Sybilla Nikolow - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (4):511-530.
  20.  47
    Care and exploitation in precarious employment in academic philosophy.Christine Wieseler - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (3):433-451.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  21. Cosmopolitans, cosmopolitanism, and human flourishing.Christine Sypnowich - 2005 - In Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse (eds.), The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  22.  12
    Beyond domination and extraction.Christine J. Winter - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (5):469-475.
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  23.  24
    Bibliographie concernant Edouard Branly.Christine Blondel - 1993 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 46 (1):95-96.
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    „Chemie der Begriffe“ und „historischer Sinn“. Überlegungen zur philosophischen Begriffsbildung.Christine Blättler - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (2):153-169.
    Abstract“Chemistry of Concepts” and “Historical Sense”. On Philosophical Concept Formation. The question concerning concepts and their relations to objects and words has had a long and controversial history. Recently, it is challenged by an anew turn towards objects and an emphasized object‐oriented ontology. The article argues that one reason for this is the reduction of concepts towards pure rational constructions and offers arguments for alternative understandings. In this context, the article proposes a re‐reading of Nietzsche’s particular approach and shows that (...)
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  25. Zur Aktualität des Technikbegriffs im Teleologiekapitel.Christine Blättler - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):277-284.
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  26.  14
    Diskussionsbeitrag zu G. M. Martin: »Provozierte Religion « – Zehn Abschnitte über bewußtseinserweiternde Drogen.Christine Bourbeck - 1974 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 18 (1):185-186.
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    Ist die Praxis bevorzugter Anstellung moralisch zulässig?Christine Bratu - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (1):301-324.
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    Politischer Perfektionismus – Ein Reanimierungsversuch.Christine Bratu - 2016 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 64 (6):1022-1027.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 64 Heft: 6 Seiten: 1022-1027.
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  29.  26
    Putting Socrates back in Socratic method: Theory‐based debriefing in the nursing classroom.Christine Sorrell Dinkins & Pamela R. Cangelosi - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12240.
    The term “Socratic method” is so pervasive in education across the disciplines that it has largely lost its meaning, and it has lost its roots in its originator—the historical Socrates. In this article we draw from the original source, Plato's ancient dialogues, to understand the theory and principles behind the questioning used in Socratic method. A deep understanding of Socratic method is particularly timely now as nursing leaders call for increased use of theory‐based debriefing across the nursing curriculum. Socratic questioning (...)
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  30. Applying Merleau-Ponty's Account of Perceptual Practices to Teaching on Disability.Christine Wieseler - 2013 - Florida Philosophical Review 13 (1):14-28.
    This paper provides suggestions for educators who have a desire to learn about, or are already committed to, challenging ableism and disablism. As philosophy teachers, we have the opportunity to facilitate student reflection regarding disability, which puts students in a position to make decisions about whether to retain their habitual ways of comporting themselves toward disabled people or to begin the process of forming new perceptual practices. I contend that existential phenomenology, as formulated by Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Linda Martín Alcoff, (...)
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    Not just bodies: Strategies for desexualizing the physical examination of patients.Christine L. Williams & Patti A. Giuffre - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (3):457-482.
    Health care professionals use strategies during the physical examination to stay in control of their feelings, the behaviors of their patients, and to avoid allegations of sexual misconduct. To investigate how health care practitioners desexualize physical exams, the authors conducted 70 in-depth interviews with physicians and nurses. Three desexualizing strategies were general ones, used by both male and female health care providers, and were employed regardless of the characteristics of the patients: engaging in conversation and nonsexual joking, meeting the patient (...)
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    Self-Pathologizing and the Perception of Necessity: Two Major Risks of Providing Stimulants to Educationally Underprivileged Students.Christine Stevenson - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):54-56.
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  33. Ethics and Technology.Christine Boshuijzen-Van Burken - 2022 - In Désirée Verweij, Peter Olsthoorn & Eva van Baarle (eds.), Ethics and Military Practice. Leiden Boston: Brill.
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    Rousseau and the problem of war.Christine Jane Carter - 1987 - New York: Garland.
  35.  74
    An Enquiry concerning the Humean Woman.Christine Battersby - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (217):303 - 312.
    To discover David Hume's views on women it is necessary to bring together remarks scattered somewhat sparsely throughout his philosophical and historical writings. Although the titles of Hume's major works might suggest that he was describing the understanding and nature of all human beings, both male and female, in none of the works do we find a specific section devoted to an analysis of sexual differences in these two respects. There is a tidy chapter on female morality in A Treatise (...)
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  36.  66
    Treating women as sex-objects.Christine Swanton, Viviane Robinson & Jan Crosthwaite - 1989 - Journal of Social Philosophy 20 (3):5-20.
    In this paper we have two related aims. First, we aim to present an account of what it is to treat women as sex-objects.1 Like other philosophical writers in the field, we hold that the central idea in an account of such treatment is the failure to treat women with proper respect in sexual behavior. This idea has been cashed out in terms of using,2 and in terms of dehumanization or failure to accord equal rights to freedom and welfare.3 However, (...)
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    Intentions in Collective Agency: A Third-Person Approach.Christine Chwaszcza - 2014 - In Karl Mertens & Jörn Müller (eds.), Die Dimension des Sozialen: Neue Philosophische Zugänge Zu Fühlen, Wollen Und Handeln. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 263-286.
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    Comment comprendre les émotions morales.Christine Clavien - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (3):601.
    The two main goals of this paper are to question the possibility of the existence of moral emotions and to decipher the notion of moral emotion. I start with a brief critical analysis of various philosophical understandings of moral emotions before setting out an evolutionary line of approach that seems promising at first glance: according to the functional evolutionary approach, moral emotions have the evolutionary function of sustaining cooperation. It turns out ultimately that this approach has its own drawbacks. I (...)
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    Introduction: Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy.Christine Clavien, Julien Deonna & Ivo Wallimann - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2 (2):5-9.
    This volume includes essays presented at the conference on Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy held at the Universities of Neuchâtel and Bern in October 2005. The authors of this volume share the Humean insight that the ‘sentiments’ have a crucial role to play in elucidating the practice of morality. In a Humean fashion, they warn us against taking an intellectualist view of emotions and reject the rationalist account of morality.
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    Introduction: Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy.Christine Clavien, Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer & Julien Deonna - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2.
    This volume includes essays presented at the conference on Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy held at the Universities of Neuchâtel and Bern in October 2005. The authors of this volume share the Humean insight that the ‘sentiments’ have a crucial role to play in elucidating the practice of morality. In a Humean fashion, they warn us against taking an intellectualist view of emotions and reject the rationalist account of morality.
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    Jugements moraux et motivation à la lumière des données empiriques.Christine Clavien - 2009 - Studia Philosophica: Jahrbuch Der Schweizerischen Philosoph Ischen Gesellschaft, Annuaire de la Société Suisse de Philosphie 68:179-206.
    This paper contains an ‘affective picture’: a story, extensively supported by empirical data, about the way I take people to judge and behave morally; a picture in which the respective roles of reflective and affective processes are explained. According to this picture, different sorts of judgements have to be distinguished, some being cognitively more complex than others. ‘Sophisticated judgements’ are displayed at the level of rational considerations and allow for moral thinking, whereas ‘basic value judgements’ are a primitive and nonreflective (...)
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  42.  23
    The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time, Aaron Ben-Ze’ev, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2019.Christine Vitrano - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (2):867-872.
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  43. Begging.Christine Sypnowich - 2006 - In The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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    J.-M. Renaud, Le mythe de Méléagre. Essais d'interprétation.Christine Mauduit - 1995 - Kernos 8:322.
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  45.  61
    The concept of interests.Christine Swanton - 1980 - Political Theory 8 (1):83-101.
  46.  3
    Exploring the Relevance of Indigenous Knowledges to Dementia Care in Nursing.Christine Meng & Helen Brown - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70018.
    In this paper, we engage in philosophical inquiry to consider the relevance of Indigenous Knowledges (IKs) for reimagining dementia care for individuals living with dementia. We outline the limitations of philosophical perspectives aligned with Eurocentric academic knowledge, arguing that such knowledge relies on an individualistic view of self and neglects the body and embodied experience in dementia care. We demonstrate how a personal diachronicity perspective diminishes the importance of valuing the fluid and dynamic self‐identities of persons living with dementia. We (...)
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  47.  10
    Wissenschaft verantworten: soziale und ethische Orientierung in der technischen Zivilisation: Wolfgang Bender zum 70. Geburtstag.Christine Hauskeller, Wolfgang Liebert, Heiner Ludwig & Wolfgang Bender (eds.) - 2001 - Münster: Agenda.
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    Metaphysik als Phänomenologie: eine Studie zur Entstehung und Struktur der Hegelschen "Phänomenologie des Geistes".Christine Weckwerth - 2000 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  49.  12
    Mothers in “Good” and “Bad” Part-time Jobs: Different Problems, Same Results.Christine Williams & Gretchen Webber - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (6):752-777.
    Part-time work schedules are a popular option for many women struggling to reconcile the competing demands of employment and motherhood. They are controversial among feminists because they are associated with job penalties that promote gender inequality. Previous research on this topic has focused on issues confronting women workers in professional and managerial jobs. In this article, we compare and contrast the experiences of women in professional and secondary part-time jobs, drawing on 60 in-depth interviews with mothers working in such “good” (...)
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    Natur als Herrschaftsmythos.Christine Zunke - 2016 - In Roman Yos, Frank Müller, Sebastian Edinger & Thomas Ebke (eds.), Mensch Und Gesellschaft Zwischen Natur Und Geschichte: Zum Verhältnis von Philosophischer Anthropologie Und Kritischer Theorie. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 117-132.
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