Results for 'Christine Schwartz'

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  1.  51
    Getting under the Skin: Report from the International Psoriasis Council Workshop on the Role of Stress in Psoriasis.Julia Schwartz, Andrea W. M. Evers, Christine Bundy & Alexandra B. Kimball - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Uneven Pace of Change in Heterosexual Romantic Relationships: Comment on England.Christine R. Schwartz & Nikki L. Graf - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (1):101-107.
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    Making Children’s Mental Health a Public Policy Priority: For the One and the Many.Charlotte Waddell, Christine Schwartz & Caitlyn Andres - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (2):191-200.
    Despite its profound importance for individuals and populations, children’s mental health remains under-appreciated as a public policy priority, to a degree that violates children’s rights. Using a working definition of policymaking as collective ethical decision-making for the one and the many, we elaborate by describing an individual child’s story and reviewing the pertinent population health research evidence. We then outline three central public health ethical challenges: addressing the high prevalence and impact of childhood mental disorders; addressing the avoidable social adversities (...)
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    Neural responses to emotional expression information in high- and low-spatial frequency in autism: evidence for a cortical dysfunction.Corrado Corradi-Dell'Acqua, Sophie Schwartz, Emilie Meaux, Bã©Nedicte Hubert, Patrik Vuilleumier & Christine Deruelle - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5. A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce.David A. Ralston, Carolyn P. Egri, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Narasimhan Srinivasan, Olivier Furrer, David Brock, Ruth Alas, Florian Wangenheim, Fidel León Darder, Christine Kuo, Vojko Potocan, Audra I. Mockaitis, Erna Szabo, Jaime Ruiz Gutiérrez, Andre Pekerti, Arif Butt, Ian Palmer, Irina Naoumova, Tomasz Lenartowicz, Arunas Starkus, Vu Thanh Hung, Tevfik Dalgic, Mario Molteni, María Teresa de la Garza Carranza, Isabelle Maignan, Francisco B. Castro, Yong-lin Moon, Jane Terpstra-Tong, Marina Dabic, Yongjuan Li, Wade Danis, Maria Kangasniemi, Mahfooz Ansari, Liesl Riddle, Laurie Milton, Philip Hallinger, Detelin Elenkov, Ilya Girson, Modesta Gelbuda, Prem Ramburuth, Tania Casado, Ana Maria Rossi, Malika Richards, Cheryl Van Deusen, Ping-Ping Fu, Paulina Man Kei Wan, Moureen Tang, Chay-Hoon Lee, Ho-Beng Chia, Yongquin Fan & Alan Wallace - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (1):1-31.
    This article provides current Schwartz Values Survey (SVS) data from samples of business managers and professionals across 50 societies that are culturally and socioeconomically diverse. We report the society scores for SVS values dimensions for both individual- and societal-level analyses. At the individual-level, we report on the ten circumplex values sub-dimensions and two sets of values dimensions (collectivism and individualism; openness to change, conservation, self-enhancement, and self-transcendence). At the societal-level, we report on the values dimensions of embeddedness, hierarchy, mastery, (...)
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    Brassai: Letters to My Parents.Peter Laki & Barna Kantor (eds.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Nicknamed the "Eye of Paris" by Henry Miller, Brassaï was one of the great European photographers of the twentieth century. This volume of letters and photographs, many published for the first time, chronicles the fascinating early years of Brassaï's life and artistic development in Paris and Berlin during the 1920s and 1930s. "[Brassaï] is probably the only photographer—at least in France—to have acquired such a vast audience and mastered his material to such a degree that he can express himself with (...)
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  7. A Reply: The Demonstration of God's Existence.Herbert Thomas Schwartz - 1943 - The Thomist 6:19-48.
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  8. Between Aristotle and Scotus : Suárez on the duty to punish.Daniel Schwartz - 2021 - In Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer, History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Bases filosoficas del liberalismo.Pedro Schwartz - 1984
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  10. Introduction to the Xth Lacan Symposium: The Body and the Unconscious.Susan Schwartz - 2009 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 15:61.
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  11. Husserlian Comments on Blankenburg's "Psychopathology of Common Sense&Quot".Wiggins Osborne, Schwartz Michael & Naudin Jean - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology 8 (4).
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  12. Chunking and memory capacity.G. Purdy, J. Markhan, C. Schwartz & C. Gordon - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  13. Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theater: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic Form and Function.Robert Weimann & Robert Schwartz - 1979 - Science and Society 43 (2):244-247.
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  14. Chapter 5. From the Heights of Mount Scopus: Yosef Klausner and the Zionist Rehabilitation of Spinoza.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - In The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 113-154.
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  15. Double Trouble: Poe's Uncanny Narratives.Susan Schwartz - 2000 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 9:83.
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  16. Emunah Al Parashat Derakhim Ben Ra Yon le-Ma a Seh Ba-Tsiyonut Ha-Dadit.Dov Schwartz - 1996
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    Ethik der Griechen.Eduard Schwartz & Will Richter - 1951 - Stuttgart,: K. F. Koehler.
  18.  14
    Effect of sequence structure on recall.Barry J. Schwartz, Daniel S. Lordahl & Blase Gambino - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):212.
  19. Index.Daniel B. Schwartz - 2012 - In The first modern Jew: Spinoza and the history of an image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 265-270.
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  20. (1 other version)Karl Popper y la Teoría de la Evolución.Pedro Schwartz - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (1-2):145-159.
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    Organization and recognition accuracy: The effect of context on blocked presentation.Robert M. Schwartz - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):329-330.
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    Reflections on Projection.Robert Schwartz - 1998 - ProtoSociology 12:59-65.
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  23. Two Paradigms of Picture Perception.Robert Schwartz - 2002 - In D. Heyer, Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 255--270.
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    Unjustified Partiality or Impartial Bias? Reckoning with Age and Disability Discrimination in Cancer Clinical Trials.Janice B. Schwartz & Kenneth Covinsky - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):731-733.
    In this issue, Zakout discusses European Union (EU) legal provisions for inclusion of patients of all types in clinical trials.1 Shee highlights the unfortunate failure to include adequate numbers of older adults and adults with disabilities in clinical trials of anti-cancer agents. We agree with her argument that this is an ethical issue as well as a scientific and clinical issue.
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    I'm Going to Make You a Star.Robert Schwartz - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 11 (1):427-439.
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  26. The Power of Pictures.Robert Schwartz - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (12):711.
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    Ethical Issues to Consider for Microchip Implants in Humans.Roger Achille, Christine Perakslis & Katina Michael - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (1-3):75-86.
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    Esprit de Corps.Evan G. DeRenzo & Jack Schwartz - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (1):95-95.
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    A Paradigm for Investigating Executive Control Mechanisms in Word Retrieval in Language-Impaired and Neurotypical Speakers.Middleton Erica, Schwartz Myrna, Graziano Kristen, Brown Danielle & Nozari Nazbanou - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Interaction Between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art, and Literature.Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Jay Schwartz & Joseph Turner (eds.) - 2008 - Brill.
    This volume contains essays dealing with complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity, taking a bold step, assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as either rejection or appropriation.
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  31.  41
    Should We Will What God Wills?Daniel Schwartz Porzecanski - 2003 - Philosophy and Theology 15 (2):403-419.
    Thomas Aquinas thinks, in agreement with Cicero and Aristotle, that friends typically will the same things. If this is so, how can we, given our very imperfect knowledge of God’s will, be His friends? I argue that for Aquinas, when we are unable to grasp any goodness in the object of God’s will, friendship does not require from us to will what we know God wills. Willing what God wills without grasping the goodness present in the willed thing—would that be (...)
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  32.  83
    The Role of Institutional and Community Based Ethics Committees in the Debate on Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide.Robert L. Schwartz & Thomasine Kushner - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):121.
    In many countries the debate over the role that physicians may play in ending life has been limited to the judiciary and other law making institutions, professional medical organizations; and academics. Because of their multidisciplinary and diverse membership, ethics committees may be a particularly appropriate venue through which these discussions can be expanded to include a much larger community. In addition, ethics committees generally act in only advisory capacities because they do not actually make decisions, so they may provide a (...)
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    A Note on Goodman’s Problem.Robert Schwartz - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (7):375-379.
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    Ubiquitin‐mediated proteolysis: biological regulation via destruction.Aaron Ciechanover, Amir Orian & Alan L. Schwartz - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (5):442-451.
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    Initial Laryngeal in Tocharian?J. Alexander Kerns & Benjamin Schwartz - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):361-362.
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    Reaction time and EEG activation under alerted and nonalerted conditions.Robert W. Lansing, Edward Schwartz & Donald B. Lindsley - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (1):1.
  37.  6
    The Futures of School Reform.Jal Mehta, Robert B. Schwartz & Frederick M. Hess (eds.) - 2012 - Harvard Education Press.
    _The Futures of School Reform_ represents the culminating work of a three-year discussion among national education leaders convened by the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Based on the recognition that current education reform efforts have reached their limits, the volume maps out a variety of bold visions that push the boundaries of our current thinking. Taken together, these visions identify the leverage points for generating dramatic change and highlight critical trade-offs among different courses of action. The goal of this book (...)
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    Religion: eine europäisch-christliche Erfindung?: Beiträge eines Symposiums am Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin.Franz Rosenzweig, Gesine Palmer & Yossef Schwartz - 2003
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    Heightened Stress in Employed Individuals Is Linked to Altered Variability and Inertia in Emotions.Diana Wang, Stefan Schneider, Joseph E. Schwartz & Arthur A. Stone - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Multiculturalism, Medicine, and the Limits of Autonomy: The Practice of Female Circumcision.Robert L. Schwartz, David Johnson & Nan Burke - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):431.
    Television pictures of starvation and depredation are not the only way that famine and political instability in the horn of Africa have affected the United States. Many people from that region of the world are seeking political or economic refuge here, and they are exposing us to a culture that is in some ways — most notably, in the practice of female circumcision – so radically different from the prevailing American cultures that we have been stunned. They are also forcing (...)
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  41.  67
    The Caduceus in court: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in The Netherlands.Robert L. Schwartz - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (1):111.
    As ethics committees become involved in discussing the propriety of euthanasia and assisted suicide, and as healthcare providers begin to seriously consider whether they might ever have a role in hastening the dying process, many have looked to The Netherlands as the only real example of a nation that permits euthanasia in limited circumstances. Unfortunately, partisans in the Dutch debate have often written about the Dutch experience as advocates rather than as neutral observers. Some have argued that euthanasia, which, they (...)
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  42. Deleuzian traces : the self of the polyp.Christine Daigle - 2022 - In Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald, From Deleuze and Guattari to posthumanism: philosophies of immanence. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Le thé'tre de Sartre: Morale de la liberté, morale nietzschéenne.Christine Daigle - 2014 - Sartre Studies International 20 (2):43-57.
    This article shows that Sartre's theatrical works offer a reflection on morality, in particular The Flies , The Devil and the Good Lord , and The Sequestered of Altona . The ethical reflections that we find in his plays fill a philosophical gap left after Being and Nothingness . The plays offer an exploration of freedom's rootedness in situation which complements the more theoretical notes of the posthumously published Notebooks for an Ethics . Additionally, I link Sartre's ethics and Nietzsche's (...)
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  44. Sartre and Nietzsche.Christine Daigle - 2004 - Sartre Studies International 10 (2):195-210.
    Some have characterized the twentieth century as a Nietzschean century, while others, such as Bernard-Henri Lévy, call this Le siècle de Sartre. Those who are interested in the works of Sartre and Nietzsche wish to know what these two authors, who have left a deep impression on the twentieth century, share in common. Others, myself included, dare to ask: "Was Sartre a Nietzschean?" Studies on this connection are few and, besides Jean-François Louette's book, Sartre contra Nietzsche, no major study exists. (...)
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    The Impact of the New Translation of The Second Sex: Rediscovering Beauvoir.Christine Daigle - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (3):336-347.
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    An Aristotelian analysis of the elements, principles and causes of the art of music.Herbert Spencer Schwartz - 1936 - Cleveland, Ohio: H.S. Schwartz.
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    Behavioral contrast in the pigeon depends upon the location of the stimulus.Barry Schwartz - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):365-368.
  48.  16
    Contents.Joseph M. Schwartz - 1995 - In The Permanence of the Political: A Democratic Critique of the Radical Impulse to Transcend Politics. Princeton University Press.
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    Confirmation and conflict.Robert Schwartz - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (16):483-487.
  50.  11
    Drinking and Inebriate Behavior in the Admiralty Islands, Melanesia.Theodore Schwartz & Lola Romanucci-Ross - 1974 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 2 (3):213-231.
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