Results for 'Christina Randolph'

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  1.  74
    Responding to Racism in the Clinical Setting: A Novel Use of Forum Theatre in Social Medicine Education.Joel Manzi, Sharon Casapulla, Katherine Kropf, Brandi Baker, Merri Biechler, Tiandra Finch, Alyssa Gerth & Christina Randolph - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):489-500.
    Issues of race have traditionally been addressed in medical school curricula in a didactic manner. However, medical school curricula often lack adequate opportunity for the application of learning material relating to race and culture. When confronted with acts of racism in clinical settings, students are left unprepared to respond appropriately and effectively. Forum Theatre offers a dynamic platform by which participants are empowered to actively engage with and become part of the performance. When used in an educational context, Forum Theatre (...)
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    Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Outcomes Following Clinician-Delivered Cognitive Training for Six Patients With Mild Brain Injury: A Multiple Case Study.Amy Lawson Moore, Dick M. Carpenter, Randolph L. James, Terissa Michele Miller, Jeffrey J. Moore, Elizabeth A. Disbrow & Christina R. Ledbetter - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    (1 other version)Chronique de jurisprudence de responsabilité civile médicale.Christina Corgas-Bernard - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (76):25-34.
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    An evolutionary life-history framework for understanding sex differences in human mortality rates.Daniel J. Kruger & Randolph M. Nesse - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (1):74-97.
    Sex differences in mortality rates stem from genetic, physiological, behavioral, and social causes that are best understood when integrated in an evolutionary life history framework. This paper investigates the Male-to-Female Mortality Ratio (M:F MR) from external and internal causes and across contexts to illustrate how sex differences shaped by sexual selection interact with the environment to yield a pattern with some consistency, but also with expected variations due to socioeconomic and other factors.
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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Athletes Pre- and Post-Season Demonstrates Consistent Pattern of Frontal Cortical Activation with King-Devick Testing.Kristy Arbogast, Christina Master, Fairuz Mohammed, Eileen Storey, Olivia Podolak, Shelly Sharma, Catherine McDonald & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Wessen Wissen?: Materialität und Situiertheit in den Künsten.Kathrin Busch, Christina Dörfling, Kathrin Peters & Ildikó Szántó (eds.) - 2018 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    'Wessen Wissen?' ist einerseits eine Frage nach Akteur-innen, Körpern, Materialien und Technologien, die in künstlerischen Produktions- und Wissensprozessen miteinander interagieren. Diese lassen sich als Übersetzungen und Transformationen beschreiben, in denen Künstler-nnen längst nicht mehr die einzigen Subjekte des Wissens sind. Denn in den künstlerischen Praktiken des Entwerfens, Skizzierens, Modellierens, Probens und Experimentierens entfalten Medien und Materialien ihre je eigene agentielle Kraft. 'Wessen Wissen?' ist andererseits eine Frage nach der Heterogenität von Wissensformationen in ihren partikularen und partialen Perspektiven, also nach situated (...)
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    Ross and Scotus on the Existence of God: Two Proofs from Possibility.G. Randolph Mayes - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):97-114.
    In his Philosophical Theology James Ross claims to have uncovered an assumption essential to the proof of God's existence advanced by Duns Scotus: the equivalence of logical and real possibility. Ross argues that the omission is reparable, and that Scotus's proof is ultimately satisfactory. In this paper I examine his claim and determine that while Scotus may have believed there to be a significant connection between these two concepts, his proof of God does not depend on it. Ross's attempt to (...)
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    Actual and Perceived Knowledge About COVID-19: The Role of Information Behavior in Media.Julia S. Granderath, Christina Sondermann, Andreas Martin & Martin Merkt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic poses a health threat that has dominated media coverage. However, not much is known about individual media use to acquire knowledge about COVID-19. To address this open research question, this study investigated how the perceived threat is linked to media use and how media use is associated with perceived and actual knowledge about COVID-19. In a German online survey conducted between April 16 and April 27, 2020, N = 952 participants provided information on their perceived threat and (...)
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  9.  68
    Negação e diferença em Platão.Eliane Christina de Souza - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (1):1-18.
    Platão, ao tratar da negação no diálogo Sofista, afirma que sempre que enunciamos o que não é, não enunciamos algo contrário ao que é, mas algo diferente. A negação significa cada parte da natureza da diferença em antítese ao que é. Tal tratamento da negação resulta da necessidade de resolver alguns problemas colocados pelo eleatismo. Propõe-se indicar esses problemas e examinar o tratamento que Platão dá ao nãoser como diferença.
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    (1 other version)Freundschaft und Freiheit.Christina Thürmer-Rohr - 2009 - In Gerhard Kraiker, Michael Daxner & Waltraud Meints, Raum der Freiheit: Reflexionen Über Idee Und Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 33-56.
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    Intending to repeat: A definition of poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):189–201.
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  12. List of participants of Collocations and Idioms.Michel Achard, Christina Alm-Arvius, Goranka Antunovic, Marina Avdonina, Grazia Biorci, Genova Cnr-Isem, A. Olga, Cristina Cacciari, Teresa Cadierno & Bert Cappelle - 2007 - In Marja Nenonen & Sinikka Niemi, Collocations and idioms 1: papers from the First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensuu, May 19-20, 2006. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. pp. 398.
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    A Conexão Entre Reflexão Filosófica e Pesquisa Social Empírica Como Práxis Na Teoria Crítica da Sociedade.Deborah Christina Antunes - 2014 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 22:24-42.
    A Teoria Crítica nasceu da reformulação da relação entre a filosofia e pesquisa social empírica, no Instituto de Pesquisa Social de Frankfurt, em 1931, quando Horkheimer defendeu a reorientação da agenda de pesquisa do Instituto, bem como a substituição de sua abordagem pelo que ficou conhecido como materialismo interdisciplinar. Ele conectou reflexão teórica, baseada no marxismo filosófico, e ciência social empírica, em resposta a outras interpretações do marxismo ortodoxo. Desde as primeiras pesquisas e elaborações teóricas do Instituto nessa época, Horkheimer (...)
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    A Critical Dialogue with Veritatis Splendor and a Proposal New Ground for Discussion.Ma Christina A. Astorga - 1999 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 3 (2 & 3):29-50.
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  15.  21
    Topology, computational models, and social‐cognitive complexity.Jürgen Klüver & Christina Stoica - 2006 - Complexity 11 (4):43-55.
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    Higher predictive value positive for mma than aca mtm eligibility criteria among racial and ethnic minorities: An observational study.Yanru Qiao, Christina A. Spivey, Junling Wang, Ya-Chen Tina Shih, Jim Y. Wan, Julie Kuhle, Samuel Dagogo-Jack, William C. Cushman & Marie A. Chisholm-Burns - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801879574.
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  17. Juventas - Zeitschrift für junge Philosophie.Bastian Reichardt & Anna-Christina Boell (eds.) - 2011 - Bernstein.
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    Interacting neural networks and the emergence of social structure.Christina Stoica-Klüver & Jürgen Klüver - 2007 - Complexity 12 (3):41-52.
  19.  8
    Language experience during the sensitive period narrows infants’ sensory encoding of lexical tones—Music intervention reverses it.Tian Christina Zhao, Fernando Llanos, Bharath Chandrasekaran & Patricia K. Kuhl - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The sensitive period for phonetic learning, evidenced by improved native speech processing and declined non-native speech processing, represents an early milestone in language acquisition. We examined the extent that sensory encoding of speech is altered by experience during this period by testing two hypotheses: early sensory encoding of non-native speech declines as infants gain native-language experience, and music intervention reverses this decline. We longitudinally measured the frequency-following response, a robust indicator of early sensory encoding along the auditory pathway, to a (...)
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  20.  33
    Proust's 'Recherche': A Psychoanalytical Interpretation.David R. Ellison & Randolph Splitter - 1981 - Substance 10 (4):140.
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  21. To megalo mou pisteuō.Christina Euangelou-Karageōrgou - 1978 - Athēna: Euangelou.
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  22. Ethical and Clinical Deliberations on Protecting Community Mental Health Outreach Workers from Second Hand Smoke.Margaret Gehrs, Christina Van Sickle & Samuel Law - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 3 (1):8.
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  23. The contemplative conditions of a moral action.Christina Schües - 2007 - In Helen Fielding, Hiltmann Gabrielle, Olkowski Dorothea & Reichold Anne, The other: feminist reflections in ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  24.  27
    Public spirometry for primary prevention of COPD.Sabine Zirlik, Christina Wich, Markus Frieser, Kai Hildner, Christin Kleye, Markus F. Neurath & Florian S. Fuchs - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (1):43-47.
  25. African-american reluctance to donate: Beliefs and attitudes about organ donation and implications for policy.Laura A. Siminoff & Christina M. Saunders Sturm - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):59-74.
    : This paper reviews current and suggested policies designed to increase organ donation in the United States and indicates the problems inherent to these approaches for increasing organ donation by African Americans. Data from a population-based study assessing attitudes and beliefs about organ donation among white and African-American respondents are presented and discussed. We pose the question of whether it is reasonable to maintain the existing system or whether we should institute a system that uses policies based on the attitudes (...)
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    Une revue académique avec un titre étrange et multilingue : comment Chiasmi International est née.Julie Christina Krogh & Mauro Carbone - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:9-13.
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    Studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre: Von der Theorie Zur Praxis.Jörg Noller, Christina Beitz-Radzio, Daniela Kugelmann, Sabrina Sontheimer & Sören Westerholz (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Der Sammelband geht den Fragen nach, was eigentlich studierendenzentrierte Lehre ist, welche konkreten Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung einer studierendenzentrierten Lehre auftreten und wie eine solche Lehre angesichts dieser Herausforderungen umgesetzt werden kann. Aber auch: Welche Hürden haben sich bisher als unüberwindbar erwiesen, und wie können Lehrende damit umgehen?
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    Opacity, obscurity, and the geometry of question-asking.Christina Boyce-Jacino & Simon DeDeo - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104071.
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    Overcoming fragmentation and waste in health care systems in Africa: Collaboration of health care professionals with pastoral caregivers.Emem Agbiji & Christina Landman - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (2).
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    From the Sea to the Sky: Metaphorically Mapping Water to Air.Hamad Al-Azary, Christina L. Gagné & Thomas L. Spalding - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (3):206-219.
    Countless conceptual metaphors related to human experience have been identified and discussed in the literature. In most conceptual metaphors, a concrete, experiential sou...
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  31.  17
    L’homme qui traversa deux fois le désert : penser l’exil dans son articulation à la parentalité interne.Christina Alexopoulos-de Girard - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3:143-163.
    Inspiré de la pratique de l’auteure auprès de personnes en situation d’exil et de précarité rencontrées en centre d’hébergement pour demandeurs d’asile, cet article questionne la parentalité interne (Ciccone, 2012) dans l’économie psychique d’un homme confronté pendant son enfance aux mauvais traitements de son père et au départ définitif de sa mère, longtemps violentée. L’auteure s’intéresse à ses efforts pour se différencier des violences subies mais aussi à la reproduction inconsciente des rapports d’emprise et d’abandon, manifeste dans le lien transférentiel, (...)
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  32.  11
    The Samia of Menander.L. A. Post & Christina Dedoussi - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):101.
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  33. Imagining from the inside.Anna Christina Ribeiro - unknown
    The cinematic technique of point-of-view shots is meant to give spectators a film character’s point-ofview. In ‘Imagining from the Inside’, Murray Smith claims that point-of-view shots allow viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ and this imagining in turn promotes imagining the character ‘from the inside’, thereby fostering empathy with the character. I argue, against Smith, that the cinematic technique of point-of-view shots does not prompt viewers to ‘imagine seeing as the character does’ for two reasons: first, such shots (...)
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  34. Philosophy for children goes to university.Jennifer Bleazby & Christina Slade - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton, Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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    An Academic Journal With a Strange, Multilingual Title: How Chiasmi International Was Born.Julie Christina Krogh & Mauro Carbone - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:15-19.
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  36. Poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2009 - In Stephen Davies, Kathleen J. Higgins, Robert Hopkins, Robert Stecker & David Cooper, Blackwell Companion to Aesthetics. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 101-104.
    One of the most ancient art forms, poetry, like other art forms, finds its roots embedded in activities that are not necessarily associated with art today, most notably religious rituals. Still, even while poetry is now commonly enjoyed for its own sake, many poems continue to be made for specific life events: weddings, funerals, presidential swearing-in ceremonies, anniversaries, and so on. Their connection to such events may call into question the art status of some poems; indeed, definitions of poetry (as (...)
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  37. Transzendenz in Beziehung. Zur Diskontinuität der Zeit.Christina Schües - 2016 - In Burkhard Liebsch, Der Andere in der Geschichte - Sozialphilosophie im Zeichen des Krieges: ein kooperativer Kommentar zu Emmanuel Levinas' Totalität und Unendlichkeit. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Considerações sobre o belo em Platão.Eliane Christina de Souza - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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    Funes E o estrangeiro de eléia.Eliane Christina de Souza - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (19):43.
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    Kolonialzeitliche Sprachforschung: die Beschreibung afrikanischer und ozeanischer Sprachen zur Zeit der deutschen Kolonialherrschaft.Thomas Stolz, Christina Vossmann & Barbara Dewein (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics. The scholarly articles assembled in this volume discuss various topics related to languages such as Chamorro, Chuuk, Ewe, Ewondo, Kanuri, Khoekowap, Nauruan, Weskos.
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    Arithmetic is not arithmetic: Paradigm matters for arithmetic effects.Xinru Yao, Christina Artemenko, Yunfeng He & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106060.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Discrimination: Gender Bias in Personnel Selection.Christina Keinert-Kisin - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents and deconstructs the existing explanations for the differential career development of qualified men and women. It reframes the problem of discrimination in the workplace as a matter of organizational ethics, social responsibility and compliance with existing equal opportunity laws. Sensitive points are identified where social biases, decision-makers' individual economic interests and shortcomings of organizational incentive policies may lead to discrimination against qualified women. The ideas put forward are empirically tested in an original laboratory experiment that examines personnel (...)
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  43.  43
    Losing the feel for social judgements: Age-related physiological changes when evaluating the approachability of emotional faces.Willis Megan, Netscher Christina, Terrett Gill & Rendell Peter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Brain DC Potential Changes Associated with Meditation Techniques of Concentration and Mindfulness.Trimmel Michael, Pieringer Christina & Trimmel Karin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    An experimental investigation of daytime monitoring for sleep-related threat in primary insomnia.Christina Neitzert Semler & Allison G. Harvey - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (1):146-161.
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    The Marx through Lacan vocabulary: a compass for libidinal and political economies.Christina Soto van der Plas, Edgar Miguel Juárez-Salazar & Carlos Gómez Camarena (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This text explores a set of key concepts in Marxist theory as developed and read by Lacan, demonstrating links and connections between Marxist thought and Lacanian practice. The book examines the complexity of these encounters through the structure of a comprehensive vocabulary which covers diverse areas, from capitalism and communism to history, ideology, politics, work, and family. Offering new perspectives on these concepts in psychoanalysis, as well as in the fields of political and critical theory, the book brings together contributions (...)
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    Shared Multimodal Input Through Social Coordination: Infants With Monolingual and Bilingual Learning Experiences.Lichao Sun, Christina D. Griep & Hanako Yoshida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing number of children in the United States are exposed to multiple languages at home from birth. However, relatively little is known about the early process of word learning—how words are mapped to the referent in their child-centered learning experiences. The present study defined parental input operationally as the integrated and multimodal learning experiences as an infant engages with his/her parent in an interactive play session with objects. By using a head-mounted eye tracking device, we recorded visual scenes from (...)
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  48.  23
    Guiges du Pont, Traité sur la contemplation, ed. and trans, (into French) Dom Philippe Dupont. 2 vols. (Analecta Cartusiana, 72.) Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1985. Paper. 1: pp. 1–253. 2: pp. 254–521. [REVIEW]E. Randolph Daniel - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):504-505.
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    Julia Eva Wannenmacher, Hermeneutik der Heilsgeschichte: “De septem sigillis” und die sieben Siegel im Werk Joachims von Fiore. (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 118.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. xiii, 393; black-and-white figures. [REVIEW]E. Randolph Daniel - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1272-1273.
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  50. Waiting for Godot: The Fragmentation of Hope.Benjamin Randolph - forthcoming - Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities.
    Waiting for Godot’s many commentators have emphasized the absurdity of hope in the play, but there has not been an account of how the play reprises hope’s historical transformation and weakening in modernity. This essay provides that account, arguing that Beckett’s Waiting for Godot sponsors a form of hope appropriate to the predicaments of modern societies. Godot stages the blockage of hope by reflecting the obsolescence and fragmentation of the religious and progressive legitimations for the concept that used to be (...)
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