Results for 'Christina An'

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  1. Kritik an Christina von Brauns "Strategien des Verschwindelns".Christina Della Giustina - 1992 - Die Philosophin 3 (6):66-69.
  2. Taking ‘know’ for an answer: A reply to Nagel, San Juan, and Mar.Christina Starmans & Ori Friedman - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):662-665.
    Nagel, San Juan, and Mar report an experiment investigating lay attributions of knowledge, belief, and justification. They suggest that, in keeping with the expectations of philosophers, but contra recent empirical findings [Starmans, C. & Friedman, O. (2012). The folk conception of knowledge. Cognition, 124, 272–283], laypeople consistently deny knowledge in Gettier cases, regardless of whether the beliefs are based on ‘apparent’ or ‘authentic’ evidence. In this reply, we point out that Nagel et al. employed a questioning method that biased participants (...)
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    Spiritual Issues as an Essential Element of Quality Palliative Care: A Commentary.Christina M. Puchalski - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (2):160-162.
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    An Interview with Anna Christina Ribeiro.Anna Christina Ribeiro & Ethan Harris - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:89-93.
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    An Assessment of Existential Worldview Function among Young Women at Risk for Depression and Anxiety—A Multi-Method Study.Christina Sophia Lloyd, Britt af Klinteberg & Valerie DeMarinis - 2017 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 39 (2):165-203.
    Increasing rates of psychiatric problems like depression and anxiety among Swedish youth, predominantly among females, are considered a serious public mental health concern. Multiple studies confirm that psychological as well as existential vulnerability manifest in different ways for youths in Sweden. This multi-method study aimed at assessing existential worldview function by three factors: 1) existential worldview, 2) ontological security, and 3) self-concept, attempting to identify possible protective and risk factors for mental ill-health among female youths at risk for depression and (...)
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    An emerging civilization.Christina Robinson Dickey - 1952 - Dallas: Story Book Press.
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    An Education In Diversity?Christina Easton - 2017 - Philosophy Now 123:18-19.
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    An inconvenient truth: Difficult problems rarely have easy solutions.Christina A. Roberto - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e173.
    Individual-level interventions are often interesting and easy to implement, but are unfortunately ill-equipped to solve most major global problems (e.g., climate change, financial insecurity, unhealthy eating). Resources spent developing, pursuing, and touting relatively ineffective i-frame interventions draw resources away from the development and implementation of more effective s-frame solutions. Behavioral scientists who want to develop solutions to the world's biggest problems should focus their efforts on s-frame solutions.
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    Response to Masafumi Ogawa, "Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives".Christina Hornbach - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):201-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Masafumi Ogawa, “Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives”Christina HornbachMasafumi Ogawa cares deeply about improving music teacher education and has grave concerns about Japan's current music education and teacher training system. He notes reduced instructional time, cuts in teaching positions, and classroom [End Page 201] management issues resulting in the devaluing of music education by administrators, students, and the general public. He proposes that (...)
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    Neural correlates of math anxiety – an overview and implications.Christina Artemenko, Gabriella Daroczy & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  11.  55
    50 Years of Dirty Hands: An Overview.Christina Nick & Stephen de Wijze - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (4):415-439.
    This chapter introduces the Special Issue and offers an overview of the corpus of work on the topic since the publication of Michael Walzer’s seminal article, ‘Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands’.
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    An Unfinished Puzzle.Christina Romo - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (2):128-129.
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    Postmodern Apologetics?: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of continental philosophy of religion by treating the thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the United States. Part I provides context by examining religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. Christina Gschwandtner contends that, although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously motivated work of more recent (...)
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    De nouveaux Kernoi pour Kernos….Christina Mitsopoulou - 2010 - Kernos 23:145-178.
    Vingt ans après la création de la revue Kernos et plusieurs années après l’article sur les « Kernoi éleusiniens » de G. Bakalakis (Kernos 4, 1991), il s’agit de rediscuter et de résumer les informations disponibles pour les vases cultuels éleusiniens, surtout identifiés au kernos ou à la plemochoè des textes. De nouvelles données archéologiques sont venues enrichir la discussion et mènent à de nouvelles questions et conclusions. Ces vases sont rares et présentent une forte concentration en Attique; ils ont (...)
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  15. An English Major's Theology? The Incarnation as Answer to the Question of the Relationship Between Faith and Reason.Christina Bieber Lake - 2021 - In Terence J. Kleven, Faith and Reason in the Reformations. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Conscientious objection and nurses: Results of an interpretive phenomenological study.Christina Lamb, Yolanda Babenko-Mould, Marilyn Evans, Carol A. Wong & Ken W. Kirkwood - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1337-1349.
    Background: While conscientious objection is a well-known phenomenon in normative and bioethical literature, there is a lack of evidence to support an understanding of what it is like for nurses to make a conscientious objection in clinical practice including the meaning this holds for them and the nursing profession. Research question: The question guiding this research was: what is the lived experience of conscientious objection for Registered Nurses in Ontario? Research design: Interpretive phenomenological methodology was used to gain an in-depth (...)
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  17. Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants.Christina Tarnopolsky - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (4):468-494.
    In certain contemporary theories of the politics of shame, shame is considered a pernicious emotion that we need to avoid in, or a salutary emotion that serves as an infallible guide to, democratic deliberation. The author argues that both positions arise out of an inadequate notion of the structure of shame and an oversimplistic opposition between shame and shamelessness. Plato's dialogue, the Gorgias, actually helps to address these problems because it supplies a deeper understanding of the place of shame in (...)
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  18.  32
    Bridging cultural differences in teaching computer ethics: an example using personal portfolios.Christina B. Class - 2012 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 42 (2):5-14.
    When a professor from Middle Europe teaches Computer Ethics in the Middle East using a textbook from the US, cultural differences become apparent. A main challenge lies in avoiding cultural imperialism during teaching. In order to meet this challenge, personal portfolios have been used for course work. The course design as well as portfolio tasks are presented and experiences are discussed. Based on our experiences we recommend applying this approach to equally overcome effects of group dynamics in similar courses as (...)
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  19.  11
    Truth in Science and ‘Truth’ in Religion: An Enquiry into Student Views on Different Types of Truth-Claim.Christina Easton - 2019 - In Berry Billingsley, Keith Chappell & Michael J. Reiss, Science and Religion in Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-139.
    Using focus groups, this small-scale, qualitative study investigated the way that students tend to think about religious truth-claims as compared to other types of truth-claim. All the student participants conceived of religious truth-claims as ‘opinions’, to be contrasted with the certain, indisputable ‘facts’ of science. For many students, it was the lack of empirical verification, as well as the existence of disagreement, which meant religious beliefs were relegated to this position. If these findings are generalisable, then there are implications for (...)
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  20.  47
    Heterodox Economics, Social Ethics, and Inequalities.Christina McRorie - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (2):232-258.
    Research in the cognitive sciences indicates that metaphors significantly shape perceptions and approaches to problem solving. With this in mind, this essay argues that it is problematic for ethicists that mainstream economics and other social scientific literature relies on naturalistic metaphors to describe markets. These imply an inaccurate picture of economic phenomena and rhetorically frame many solutions to problems such as inequality as interventionist. This essay proposes that religious ethicists may find resources for avoiding this conceptual hazard in emerging fields (...)
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    Affect and Subsequent Physical Activity: An Ambulatory Assessment Study Examining the Affect-Activity Association in a Real-Life Context.Christina Y. N. Niermann, Christian Herrmann, Birte von Haaren, Dave van Kann & Alexander Woll - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:191941.
    Traditionally, cognitive, motivational, and volitional determinants have been used to explain and predict health behaviors such as physical activity. Recently, the role of affect in influencing and regulating health behaviors received more attention. Affects as internal cues may automatically activate unconscious processes of behavior regulation. The aim of our study was to examine the association between affect and physical activity in daily life. In addition, we studied the influence of the habit of being physically active on this relationship. An ambulatory (...)
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  22.  22
    Mind and Inter-Subjectivity: An Anthropological Perspective.Christina Toren - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (1):1-26.
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    Image-Sections: The Evidentiary Capacity of Images to Sample the Lifeworld and Have an Operative Life.Christina Varvia Alzakout) - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):206-229.
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    Cognitive workload as the physiologic basis for symptom provocation with task performance in concussion: an fNIRS study of prefrontal brain activity.Christina Master, Lei Wang, Eileen Storey, Olivia Podolak, Matthew Grady, Andrew Mayer, Catherine McDonald, Kristy Arbogast & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  25.  27
    Opportunities and Challenges in Translational Research: The Development of Photodynamic Therapy and Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Drugs.Christina Kaiser Marko & Joan W. Miller - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):19-24.
    The development of photodynamic therapy and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents have revolutionized the treatment of retinal diseases, transforming the retina subspecialty by ushering in an age of pharmacological treatments for a wide range of diseases, including age-related macular degeneration.
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    Vitalism, Holism, and Metaphorical Dynamics of Hans Spemann’s “Organizer” in the Interwar Period.Christina Brandt - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):285-320.
    This paper aims to provide a fresh historical perspective on the debates on vitalism and holism in Germany by analyzing the work of the zoologist Hans Spemann (1869–1941) in the interwar period. Following up previous historical studies, it takes the controversial question about Spemann’s affinity to vitalistic approaches as a starting point. The focus is on Spemann’s holistic research style, and on the shifting meanings of Spemann’s concept of an organizer. It is argued that the organizer concept unfolded multiple layers (...)
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    Zwischen Unausweichlichkeit und Bedeutsamkeit: Interdependenzen im Angst-Verständnis Paul Tillichs und Rollo Mays.Christina Saal - 2018 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 13 (1):217-236.
    With his ontology of anxiety, as developed by Paul Tillich in his well-known work, “The Courage to Be”, he creates, by his own claim, a foundation for dealing with the phenomenon of anxiety in a variety of disciplines, which also serves as a foundation for the well-known American existential psychotherapist Rollo May. However, this does not remain a one-sided influence, but rather an interest in the works of both thinkers with reciprocal interdependencies.
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    Empathy and the Public Perception of Stillbirth and Memory Sharing: An Australian Case.Christina J. Keeble, Natasha M. Loi & Einar B. Thorsteinsson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Prudes, Perverts, and Tyrants: Plato's Gorgias and the Politics of Shame.Christina H. Tarnopolsky - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    In recent years, most political theorists have agreed that shame shouldn't play any role in democratic politics because it threatens the mutual respect necessary for participation and deliberation. But Christina Tarnopolsky argues that not every kind of shame hurts democracy. In fact, she makes a powerful case that there is a form of shame essential to any critical, moderate, and self-reflexive democratic practice. Through a careful study of Plato's Gorgias, Tarnopolsky shows that contemporary conceptions of shame are far too (...)
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    Doxastic Cognitivism: An Anti-Intellectualist Theory of Emotion.Christina H. Dietz - 2020 - Philosophical Perspectives 34 (1):27-52.
    Philosophical Perspectives, Volume 34, Issue 1, Page 27-52, December 2020.
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    An Evaluation and Comparison of American Buddhist and Catholic Racial Projects through the Lens of Critical Race Theory.Christina Atienza - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):207-219.
  32.  83
    Dirty Hands and Moral Conflict – Lessons from the Philosophy of Evil.Christina Nick - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (1):183-200.
    According to one understanding of the problem of dirty hands, every case of dirty hands is an instance of moral conflict, but not every instance of moral conflict is a case of dirty hands. So, what sets the two apart? The dirty hands literature has offered widely different answers to this question but there has been relatively little discussion about their relative merits as well as challenges. In this paper I evaluate these different accounts by making clear which understanding of (...)
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    Image-Sections: The Evidentiary Capacity of Images to Sample the Lifeworld and Have an Operative Life.Christina Varvia - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):206-229.
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    Development and Heredity in the Interwar Period: Hans Spemann and Fritz Baltzer on Organizers and Merogones.Christina Brandt - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):253-283.
    This article explores the collaborative research of the Nobel laureate Hans Spemann (1869–1941) and the Swiss zoologist Fritz Baltzer (1884–1974) on problems at the intersection of development and heredity and raises more general questions concerning science and politics in Germany in the interwar period. It argues that Spemann and Baltzer’s collaborative work made a significant contribution to the then ongoing debates about the relation between developmental physiology and hereditary studies, although Spemann distanced himself from _Drosophila_ genetics because of his anti-reductionist (...)
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    Derrida: Deconstruction From Phenomenology to Ethics.Christina Howells - 2013 - Polity.
    This book is an unusually readable and lucid account of the development of Derrida's work, from his early writings on phenomenology and structuralism to his most recent interventions in debates on psychoanalysis, ethics and politics. Christina Howells gives a clear explanation of many of the key terms of deconstruction - including differance, trace, supplement and logocentrism - and shows how they function in Derrida's writing. She explores his critique of the notion of self-presence through his engagement with Husserl, and (...)
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  36. Reading prayerfully before God: Jean-Yves Lacoste's treatment of Lectio Divina as an instance of existence Coram Deo.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2023 - In Joeri Schrijvers & Martin Koci, in God and Phenomenology: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
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  37. Livy 40 - P. G. Walsh (ed., tr.): Livy Book XL (182–179 B.C.). Edited with an Introduction, Translation & Commentary (Classical Texts). Pp. viii + 196, 3 maps. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1996. Cased, £35.00/$49.95 (Paper, £14.95/$24.95). ISBN: 0-85668-672-7 (0-85668-673-5 pbk).Christina S. Kraus - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):313-314.
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    There's no formula for a good mother: shame and estranged maternal labour.Christina Doonan - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (4):512-538.
    This article theorises a group of mothers’ experiences of shame as a result of feeding infant formula to their children. Drawing on interviews with formula and breastfeeding mothers, the author brings together insights from scholarship on shame, feminist scholarship on reproductive labour and the Marxist notion of estranged labour to demonstrate that shame causes the formula-feeding mothers in this study, who initially wanted to breastfeed, to be estranged in their labour as mothers. The article addresses a gap in qualitative infant-feeding (...)
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  39. Wilderness from an ecosemiotic perspective.Christina Ljungberg - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (1):169-185.
    "Wilderness" is a concept which has undergone a radical change in recent years. Owing to the scale of global destruction of the wilderness and its various ecosystems, the idea of wilderness has been transformed from its original negative sense as an Other into a matter of public concern. This as replaced the understanding of "wilderness " not only as a place but as a category closely linked with the development of buman culture. As the result of human practice and representation, (...)
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    The decision of the German Federal Joint Committee to cover NIPT in mandatory health insurance. An ethical analysis.Christoph Rehmann-Sutter & Christina Schües - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (4):385-403.
    Definition of the problemFrom an ethical point of view we analyse the ruling of the German Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G‑BA) of September 2019 to revise the guidelines about the coverage of noninvasive prenatal tests (NIPT) by mandatory health insurance, in order to include them under specified conditions. The decision contains four essential elements: a definition of the aim of NIPT testing (to avoid invasive testing), a criterion of access (test must be “necessary” for the pregnant woman to tackle (...)
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    Can our Hands Stay Clean?Christina Nick - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):925-940.
    This paper argues that the dirty hands literature has overlooked a crucial distinction in neglecting to discuss explicitly the issue of, what I call, symmetry. This is the question of whether, once we are confronted with a dirty hands situation, we could emerge with our hands clean depending on the action we choose. A position that argues that we can keep our hands clean I call “asymmetrical” and one that says that we will get our hands dirty no matter what (...)
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    The Power in Rural Place Stigma.Christina A. R. Malatzky & Danielle L. Couch - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):237-248.
    The phenomenon and implications of stigma have been recognized across many contexts and in relation to many discrete issues or conditions. The notion of spatial stigma has been developed within stigma literature, although the importance and relevance of spatial stigma for rural places and rural people have been largely neglected. This is the case even within fields of inquiry like public and rural health, which are expansively tasked with addressing the socio-structural drivers of health inequalities. In this paper, we argue (...)
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    Perhaps She Was Having a Bad Hair Day!: Taking Issue with Ungenerous Readings of Feminist Texts – an Open Letter.Christina Hughes - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (1):103-109.
    In this ‘Open Letter’ the author raises a number of concerns about the role of critique in feminist writing. She does this by exploring an article that represents, for her, a particularly bad case of the lack of generosity that can arise in the treatment of another’s work. The author argues that, to develop greater generosity in our critical engagement with each other’s work, we should make greater use of our reflexive imaginations in order to take fuller account of the (...)
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    A new 'apologia': The relationship between theology and philosophy in the work of Jean-Luc Marion.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):299–313.
    Books reviewed:James D. G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the BibleYairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives. Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleThomas L. Leclerc, Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in IsaiahNuria Calduch‐Benages, Joan Ferrer, and Jan Liesen, La sabiduría del Escriba/Wisdom of the Scribe: Diplomatic Edition of the Syriac Version of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with Translations in Spanish and EnglishSidnie White Crawford and Leonard J. Greenspoon, The Book of Esther (...)
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  45. Human ontogenies as historical processes : an anthropological perspective.Christina Toren - 2018 - In Elizabeth Hannon & Tim Lewens, Why We Disagree About Human Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Metaphysics Between Scylla and Charybdis. An Analytical Perspective.Christina Schneider - 2013 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):5-18.
    Seemingly, metaphysics is trapped between the Scylla of being superfluous, on the one hand, and the Charybdis of being esoteric, on the other. Is there a wayout? In discussing two large-scale metaphysical projects that are very different in character, the article analyses one of the roots of this impasse – the ontological paradigm. The author tries, further, to argue for another stance towards the theoretical task metaphysics has to submit itself to: the paradigm of transcendentals. The structural-systematic philosophy will be (...)
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    Behavioral Economics and Public Health.Christina A. Roberto & Ichirō Kawachi (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Behavioral economics has potential to offer novel solutions to some of today's most pressing public health problems: How do we persuade people to eat healthy and lose weight? How can health professionals communicate health risks in a way that is heeded? How can food labeling be modified to inform healthy food choices? Behavioral Economics and Public Health is the first book to apply the groundbreaking insights of behavioral economics to the persisting problems of health behaviors and behavior change. In addition (...)
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    The reception of the alternative voice by Afrikaans readers (1994–2002).Christina Landman - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    On 27 December 1994, woman theologian Christina Landman published her first contribution to the religious column Godsdiens Aktueel [Religion in Action] in the Afrikaans daily newspaper Beeld. The reaction of the Afrikaans readers of Beeld to what has been regarded by readers as ‘an alternative voice’ will be presented in this article. Although Landman is still writing for this column and has published 222 articles until 15 March 2023, in this article only the first 57 articles will be considered, (...)
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    Official apologies as reparations for dirty hands.Christina Nick - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (4):746-761.
    The problem of dirty hands is, roughly speaking, concerned with situations in which an agent is faced with a choice between two evils so that, no matter what they do, they will have to violate something of important moral value. Theorists have been primarily concerned with dirty hands choices arising in politics because they are thought to be particularly frequent and pressing in this sphere. Much of the subsequent discussion in the literature has focused on the impact that such choices (...)
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    An Ecological Perspective of Food Choice and Eating Autonomy Among Adolescents.Amanda M. Ziegler, Christina M. Kasprzak, Tegan H. Mansouri, Arturo M. Gregory, Rachel A. Barich, Lori A. Hatzinger, Lucia A. Leone & Jennifer L. Temple - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescence is an important developmental period marked by a transition from primarily parental-controlled eating to self-directed and peer-influenced eating. During this period, adolescents gain autonomy over their individual food choices and eating behavior in general. While parent-feeding practices have been shown to influence eating behaviors in children, little is known about how these relationships track across adolescent development as autonomy expands. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify factors that impact food decisions and eating autonomy among adolescents. Using (...)
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