Results for 'Christiane Gagnon'

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  1.  9
    Entre le savoir et l'action: choix éthiques et méthodologiques.Jean-Pierre Deslauriers & Christiane Gagnon (eds.) - 1987 - Chicoutimi, Québec: Distribution, GRIR.
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    Revisiting the Fact/Value Dichotomy: A Speech Act Approach to Improve the Integration of Ethics in Health Technology Assessment.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Jean-Pierre Béland, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (5):578-593.
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    Teilhard de Chardin. Les terres inconnues de la vie spirituelle.Philippe Gagnon - 2002 - Saint-Laurent: Éditions Fides.
    This book proposes to set out conquering the unknown lands of the spiritual life by revisiting some of the great insights of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). We are lead to consider these problems by taking distance from the pitfalls usually associated with the interpretation of the engaging work of the French paleontologist and priest. In the panoply of Christian spiritualities, that of Teilhard occupies a place of its own. In it, the greatest prayer becomes abandonment in the palms of (...)
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    Ethical Evaluation in Health Technology Assessment: A Challenge for Applied Philosophy.Georges-Auguste Legault, Jean-Pierre Béland, Monelle Parent, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon & Johane Patenaude - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):331-351.
    The integration of ethical analysis in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) has proven difficult to implement even though it is explicitly recognized as an important component of such assessments in HTA literature. When compared to the standardized scientific method for systematic reviews in HTA, the diversity of ethical analysis has been characterized as a fundamental barrier to the integration of ethics. The present paper aims to identify the theoretical and practical differences between the approaches underpinning ethical analysis in HTA and clarify (...)
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    Eliciting Value-Judgments in Health Technology Assessment: An Applied Ethics Decision Making Paradigm.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Jean-Pierre Béland, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):307-325.
    The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has shed more light on the difficulty of making health care decisions integrating scientific knowledge and values associated to life and death issues, human suffering, quality of life, economic losses, liberty of movement, etc. But the difficulties related to health care decisions and the use of innovative drugs or technologies are not new, and many countries have created agencies that have the mandate to evaluate new technologies in health care. Health Technological Assessment (HTA) reports’ aim is (...)
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  6. Legal Governance in HTA: Environment, Health and Safety Issues / Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (EHSI/ELSI), the Ongoing Debate.Louise Bernier, Georges-Auguste Legault, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Jean-Pierre Béland, Christian Bellemare, Pierre Dagenais, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):83-92.
    Nous voulons mieux comprendre les lois circonscrivant le rôle social de l’Évaluation des technologies en santé (ETS) et les raisons empêchant l’inclusion de l’éthique en ETS. Nous avons ciblé un débat qui est au coeur du rôle perçu du droit réglementaire dans le développement de technologies en santé : l’opposition entre les enjeux environnementaux, sécuritaires et sanitaires (EHSI) et les enjeux éthiques, légaux et sociaux (ELSI), issus de la gouvernance technologique. La collecte de données est basée sur une revue de (...)
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    Christianisme et théorie de l'information. Science et théologie dans l'œuvre de Claude Tresmontant.Philippe Gagnon - 1998 - Paris: F.-X. de Guibert.
    Taking as a starting point for his quest the teaching received from the Hebrew prophets and transmitted by the people of Israel, Claude Tresmontant identifies in it the specific moment where an entirely new and creative thought is introduced in the history of mankind. Trained in philosophy of science and conscious of the discipline involved in a rigorous experimental method as a key to valid and true knowledge, Claude Tresmontant boldly recreated bridges, long destroyed, between science and philosophy of nature, (...)
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  8. La théologie de la nature et la science à l'ère de l'information.Philippe Gagnon - 2002 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    The history of the relationship between Christian theology and the natural sciences has been conditioned by the initial decision of the masters of the "first scientific revolution" to disregard any necessary explanatory premiss to account for the constituting organization and the framing of naturally occurring entities. Not paying any attention to hierarchical control, they ended-up disseminating a vision and understanding in which it was no longer possible for a theology of nature to send questions in the direction of the experimental (...)
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  9. "Claude Tresmontant, la philosophie chrétienne et les présupposés d'une métaphysique de la Charité" [Claude Tresmontant, Christian Philosophy, and the Assumptions Behind a Metaphysics of Charity].Philippe Gagnon - 2016 - In Bertrand Souchard Fabien Revol (ed.), Réel voilé et cosmos théophanique. Le regard de l'homme sur la nature et la question de Dieu. Vrin/Institut interdisciplinaire d'études épistémologiques. pp. 453-501.
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  10. Nietzsche's Eternal Return of the Same.Philippe Gagnon - 2011 - Twin Cities Review of Political Philosophy 1:25-26.
    In this shorter piece, at the instigation of a former philosophy student, I accepted to contribute alongside two other writers to the "Expert Help" rubric, and attempted to explain the genesis in Nietzsche's mind of the conception of the eternal recurrence. I lay stress on both the internal contradiction that the solitary of Sils-Maria was trying to resolve and the secret desire that this cherished and embraced rather than demonstrated theory be true in the face of conflicting evidence, and I (...)
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  11. Les nouvelles biotechnologies en questions. Préface de Jean Audouze. Paris, Éditions Salvator , 2013, 127 p. [REVIEW]Philippe Gagnon - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (1):205-208.
  12. The Problem of Trans-Humanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology.Philippe Gagnon - 2012 - In J. B. Stump A. G. Padgett (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Blackwell. pp. 393-405.
    Transhumanism is a means of advocating a re-engineering of conditions that surround human existence at both ends. The problem set before us in this chapter is to inquire into what determined its appearance, in particular in the humanism it seeks to overcome. We look at the spirit of overcoming itself, and the impatience with the Self, in order to try to understand why it seeks a saving power in technology. We then consider how the evolutionary account of the production of (...)
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  13. "Utilité de la théologie naturelle pour la connaissance de Dieu aujourd’hui" [Usefulness of Natural Theology for God's Knowledge Today].Philippe Gagnon - 2017 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique (48):83-92.
    In this public debate with Philippe Deterre (research director in immunology at the CNRS) – held at l'Enclos Rey in Paris' 15th district during the biennial Conference of the Réseau Blaise Pascal in March 2017 –, I defended the usefulness of natural theology. I first clarify theology's nature and understanding, then I speak about a tradition that upheld the public and exterior knowledge of God, and make an effort to show the presence of a theme reminiscent of natural theology behind (...)
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  14. Transhumanism as a glimpse in the beyond: A case for its ventriloquy and narrative substitution.Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Adrian Lemeni & Nichifor Tănase (eds.), Transhumanism in the Light of Theology, Philosophy and Science: Critical Perspectives and Christian Metaphysical Implications (Timişoara, 26-29 May, 2022). pp. 61-73.
    Transhumanism first offers itself as a means to save oneself from an embodiment that is judged as being far from perfect. One needs to ask in its wake what comes of desires to escape limitations that come from the body, as they are means of an overcoming of the self. The AI project seems to be governed by norms for what the mind is, that could easily be judged inconsistent. Religious and theological traditions have looked at what the meaning of (...)
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    L'expérience de Dieu avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Philippe Gagnon - 2001 - Saint-Laurent: Éditions Fides.
    Teilhard de Chardin is a fascinating character! Born in 1881 and deceased in 1955, he remains strikingly contemporary. In response to a world shattered by the atrocities of World War I, he progressively elaborates the vision of a world entirely unified through a Center beyond itself. This perception is inserted at the heart of an intellectual endeavor wherein faith and scientific pursuit call onto each other, intertwined in a dialogue of a rare fruitfulness. Books such as The Phenomenon of Man, (...)
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    Whitehead, l’aventure et le monde.Vincent Berne & Christiane Chauviré - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (4):5-11.
    Résumé Avec la cosmologie de la philosophie de l’organisme, Whitehead poursuit son enquête sur les principes de la connaissance naturelle, dans l’idée de faire se correspondre les données phénoménologiques directes et la physique de son temps. En prenant pour modèle le corps percevant, cette métaphysique fait des individus durables les centres d’où s’élabore la connaissance objective. Nous y gagnons sécurité et cohérence dans un monde en perpétuel devenir où les lois de la nature sont elles-mêmes contingentes. Mais le parcours génératif (...)
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    The non-transparency of the self and the ethical value of bildung.Christiane Thompson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (3):519–533.
    In the light of the modern idea of a sovereign and self-transparent subject, the paper evaluates the philosophical and ethical relevance of Bildung. As a first step, (the early) Nietzsche's and Adorno's criticism of Bildung is explicated, a criticism based upon the thinkers' critical stance towards the modern epistemological relation of subject and object. However, neither thinker abandons the concept of Bildung. The second part of the paper accordingly reconstructs Nietzsche's and Adorno's adherence to Bildung understood as a different relationship (...)
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    Une doctrine de la présence spirituelle.Christiane D' Ainval - 1967 - Paris,: B. Nauwelaerts.
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  19. « Affection, compréhension et langage. L’être-au-monde animal dans les interprétations phénoménologiques d’Aristote du jeune Heidegger » (Phénoménologie de la vie animale, in Florence Burgat et Cristian Ciocan (eds.), Zeta Books, 2015).Christiane Bailey (ed.) - 2016 - Zeta Books.
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  20. Le dieu guerrier gallo-romain de Saint-Maur-en-Chaussée (Oise) et le problème des plus anciens laitons.Christiane Eluère & Jean-Pierre Mohen - 1995 - Techne 2:56-61.
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    Die Einrichtung der Klinischen Ethikberatung am Universitätsklinikum Ulm.Christiane Imhof - 2012 - In Andreas Frewer, Florian Bruns & Arnd T. May (eds.), Ethikberatung in der Medizin. Berlin: Springer. pp. 127--138.
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    Les médiations dans le processus de thérapie familiale psychanalytique.Christiane Joubert, Marine Ruffiot & Richard Durastante - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 213 (3):41-52.
    La psychanalyse de famille et de couple prend en compte le corporel pulsionnel, les ressentis, le sensoriel, les comportements, dans le champ transféro-contretransférentiel et intertransférentiel. Dans la rencontre intersubjective, patients et thérapeutes sont dans la co-émotionalité. La médiation, fréquemment utilisée en séance familiale ou de couple, vise à mobiliser dans l’ici et maintenant des affects, des sensations, pour aller vers l’émotion partagée. Elle permet de passer de l’indicible, innommable, impensable, à la figuration, l’imaginaire, puis à l’ordre symbolique grâce au récit.
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    Ontologische Erlösung und menschliche Sünde: John Milbank und Kathryn Tanner über die Erlösung der Menschheit durch die exzessive Positivität Gottes.Christiane Alpers - 2016 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 58 (2):190-205.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 58 Heft: 2 Seiten: 190-205.
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  24. Hommage à Jacques Bouveresse.Christiane Chauviré - 2022 - In Pascale Gillot & Élise Marrou (eds.), Wittgenstein en France. Paris: Éditions Kimé.
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  25. Logik, Semantik, Hermeneutik.Christiane Weinberger & Ota Weinberger - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (4):495-497.
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  26. Guerra e sociedade: a situação militar do Rio de Janeiro no vicereinado do Conde da Cunha, 1763-1767.Christiane Mello - 2004 - Topoi: Revista de História. Rio de Janeiro: Programa de Pós-Graduação Em História Social da Ufrj/7 Letras 5 (9).
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    From Silent to Salient Stakeholders: A Study of a Coffee Cooperative and the Dynamic of Social Relationships.Christiane Molina & Anabella Davila - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (8):1195-1224.
    Theoretical and empirical research on stakeholder behavior tends to focus on specific actions or responses in the context of the organization–stakeholder relationship. Despite increased efforts to look beyond the dyadic organization–stakeholder relationship, research still favors the perspective of the focal organization. The taken-for-granted assumption of the organization–stakeholder relationship may limit our understanding of how organization–stakeholder linkages are formed and evolve over time. By adopting the perspective of the stakeholder, this article examines organization–stakeholder relationship formation and tracks changes in the salience (...)
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    (1 other version)The specificity of medical facts: the case of diabetology.Christiane Sinding - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):545-559.
    The fact that Ludwik Fleck drew his inspiration from medicine has been largely overlooked, with the exception of a few scholars. Although Fleck considered his ideas applicable to all sciences, he always insisted on the specificity of medicine. To illustrate the usefulness of Fleck’s concepts for the history of medicine, three main ideas developed by Fleck are applied to the historical study of diabetes mellitus : first, that different and often divergent pictures of disease coexist within a given culture; second, (...)
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  29. Spiritueller Habitus.Christiane Burbach - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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  30. Dossier Charles Bonnet.Christiane Fremont - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 43:419-456.
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  31. Les replis du cœur: François lamy et la méconnaissance de soi.Christiane Fremont - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 63:39-63.
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  32. Sharing the benefits of using traditionally cultured genetic resources fairly.Christiane Gerstetter - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.), Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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  33. Esthétique et éclectisme: autour de Victor Cousin.Christiane Mauve - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 18:143-155.
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    Is Grief Self-Regarding?Christiane Pohl - 1997 - Philosophy Now 17:23-27.
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  35. Le clinicien et le chercheur. Des maladies de la carence a la medecine moleculaire.Christiane Sinding & Ilana Lowy - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
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    Youth in Education: The Necessity of Valuing Ethnocultural Diversity.Christiane Timmerman, Noel Clycq, Marie Mc Andrew, Alhassane Balde, Luc Braeckmans & Sara Mels (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Youth in Education_ explores the multiple, interrelated social contexts that young people inhabit and navigate, and how educational institutions cope with increasing ethnic, cultural and ideological diversity. Schools, families and communities represent important settings in which young people must make successful transitions to adulthood, and the classroom often becomes a battleground in which these contexts and values interact. With contributions from the UK, Belgium, Germany and Canada, the chapters in this book explore rich examples from Europe and North America to (...)
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    Considerações sobre a imaginação moral em John Dewey.Christiane Coutheux Trindade & Guilherme Mirage Umeda - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (2):94.
    A ética de John Dewey tem sido revistada por diversos autores como fonte fecunda e relativamente inexplorada de seu pensamento. Dentre as características mais marcantes de seus escritos está o destaque dado à imaginação, como faculdade essencial à deliberação moral. O filósofo caracteriza a imaginação moral como a capacidade de se projetar na condição de outro e de desenhar cursos de ação possíveis diante de um impasse. A imaginação é indissociável da experiência democrática, cujas marcas são a convivência com o (...)
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    War v. Justice: Terrorism Cases, Enemy Combatants, and Political Justice in U.S. Courts.Christiane Wilke - 2005 - Politics and Society 33 (4):637-669.
    What mechanisms led to the intractable legal situation of “enemy combatants” detained by the U.S. government in Guantánamo Bay and elsewhere? And what does the role of the judiciary in the enemy combatants cases suggest about politically contentious court cases in general? This article develops a two-stage theory of political justice that is based on the U.S. post-9/11 terrorism cases. It demonstrates mechanisms by which politically contentious cases turn into political justice. Political justice in these cases is mainly the result (...)
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    Weder gerecht noch leistungsgerecht, sondern Sport. Über die Vergütung professioneller Athleten (und Athletinnen).Christiane Eisenberg - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (3):303-317.
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    Das Angehörigengespräch im Rahmen der postmortalen Organspende aus der Sicht von Ärzt:innen und Pflegenden: Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie aus Österreich.Christiane Posch & Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (2):133-150.
    Zusammenfassung Die enge Widerspruchslösung in Österreich erlaubt eine postmortale Organspende bei fehlendem Widerspruch zu Lebzeiten, da von einer mutmaßlichen Zustimmung ausgegangen wird. Liegt kein Eintrag im Widerspruchsregister vor, wird die Familie zum mutmaßlichen Willen der verstorbenen Person befragt. Um die praktische Umsetzung der Widerspruchslösung in Österreich zu beschreiben, sollen relevante Aspekte der Angehörigengespräche und die Rolle der Familie im Entscheidungsprozess zur postmortalen Organspende identifiziert werden. Es wurden insgesamt zehn leitfadengestützte Expert:inneninterviews mit Ärzt:innen und Pflegepersonen an einer österreichischen Krankenanstalt durchgeführt, die (...)
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    Grandparental investment facilitates harmonization of work and family in employed parents: A lifespan psychological perspective.Christiane A. Hoppmann & Petra L. Klumb - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):27-28.
    The target article emphasizes the need to identify psychological mechanisms underlying grandparental investment, particularly in low-risk family contexts. We extend this approach by addressing the changing demands of balancing work and family in low-risk families. Taking a lifespan psychological perspective, we identify additional motivators and potential benefits of grandparental investment for grandparents themselves and for subsequent generations.
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    Philosophie in Literatur.Christiane Schildknecht & Dieter Teichert (eds.) - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Je eigen persoon zijn.Christiane Seidel - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 4.
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    News factors and news decisions. Theoretical and methodological advances in Germany.Christiane Eilders - 2006 - Communications 31 (1):5-24.
    News value research has contributed a great deal to the understanding of news selection. For a long time scholars focused exclusively on news selection by the media. Yet, more recent approaches — inspired by cognitive psychology — have conceptionalized news factors as relevance indicators that not only serve as selection criteria in journalism, but also guide information processing by the audience. This article examines the theoretical and methodological developments in the German research tradition and discusses selected results for newspaper and (...)
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  45. (2 other versions)Dictionnaire philosophique.Christiane Voltaire, Andrew Mervaud & Brown - 1827 - Paris,: Garnier. Edited by Raymond Naves & Julien Benda.
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    Religion, Bildung und Erziehung bei Schleiermacher: eine Analyse der Beziehungen und des Widerstreits zwischen den "Reden über die Religion" und den "Monologen".Christiane Ehrhardt - 2005 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress.
    Diese transdisziplinäre Studie betritt Neuland in der Forschung, weil sie zeigt, dass die beiden disparaten frühen Schriften Schleiermachers ”Über die Religion, Reden an die Gebildeten unter ihren Verächtern“ und die ”Monologen“ aufeinander bezogen gelesen werden können und müssen. Sichtbar wird ein Kategoriengefüge im Denken Schleiermachers, das dessen Erziehungs- und Glaubenslehre, aber auch seine Ethik und Dialektik sowie seine schulreformerischen Überlegungen als konsequente Weiterführung und Erweiterung von Reflexionsformen ausweist. Es kommt ein Schleiermacher zu Wort, der agonal argumentiert, weil er sich die (...)
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    Lontano-"Aus weiter Ferne": zur Musiksprache und Assoziationsvielfalt György Ligetis.Christiane Engelbrecht, Wolfgang Marx & Britta Sweers - 1997
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    Keine Frage, keine Antwort.Christiane Nagel - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (2):249-268.
    Zusammenfassung Wissenschaft ist geprägt durch Ausdifferenzierungs- und Pluralisierungsprozesse, wodurch konkrete Forschung in Ansatz und Reichweite immer fokussierter und partikularer wird. Eine solche Spezialisierung ist einerseits sehr wünschenswert, birgt aber gerade für den in Disziplinen agierenden Diskurs bzw. das System Wissenschaft gewisse Schwierigkeiten in sich. Mit dem Ruf nach mehr Interdisziplinarität versucht Wissenschaft und die auf sie angewiesene Gesellschaft zu reagieren. Interdisziplinarität braucht aber klare Disziplinarität. Vor diesem Hintergrund will dieser Beitrag ein Angebot machen, Disziplinen nicht über bestimmte Gegenstände, Methoden oder (...)
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    Der Dualismus und die Rettung der Phänomene.Christiane Schildknecht - 2005 - In Gereon Wolters & Martin Carrier (eds.), Homo Sapiens und Homo Faber: epistemische und technische Rationalität in Antike und Gegenwart ; Festschrift für Jürgen Mittelstrass. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter. pp. 225.
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    Expérience et pensée: Saint-Simon, saint-simoniennes, saint-simonisme: naître à des liens menacés de silence.Christiane Veauvy - 2022 - Paris: Geuthner. Edited by Michelle Perrot.
    Chez Saint-Simon, la substitution d'une réorganisation sociale et d'un autre rapport à la nature à l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme, de l'administration des choses au gouvernement des hommes, entre autres, ont pris corps théoriquement en partant de l'expérience plutôt que de 'raisonnements a priori' (Le Producteur, oct. 1825 - oct. 1826). De la lecture de ses Œuvres éditées pour la première fois en 2012 en Œuvres complètes émergent des liens entre action et pensée, corps et esprit. Le saint-simonisme (1825-1835) apparaît, (...)
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