Results for 'Chris Ralston'

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  1.  22
    Prenatal Genetic Testing.Chris Ralston - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (2):4.
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  2. Productive Laws in Relativistic Spacetimes.Chris Dorst - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    One of the most intuitive views about the metaphysics of laws of nature is Tim Maudlin's idea of a Fundamental Law of Temporal Evolution. So-called FLOTEs are primitive elements of the universe that produce later states from earlier states. While FLOTEs are at home in traditional Newtonian and non-relativistic quantum mechanical theories (not to mention our pre-theoretic conception of the world), I consider here whether they can be made to work with relativity. In particular, shifting to relativistic spacetimes poses two (...)
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  3. Qbism, Where Next?Chris Fuchs - 2023 - In Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche, Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics. New York, NY: Routledge.
  4.  21
    The limits of motivation theory in education and the dynamics of value-embedded learning.Chris Duncan, Minkang Kim, Soohyun Baek, Kwan Yiu Yoyo Wu & Derek Sankey - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):618-629.
    Over the past twenty-five years, or so, considerable advances have been made in understanding how learning occurs in the brain, though much of this research is still to make its way into education. One contribution it should be making is to furnish the philosophical critique of past and current theory with supporting empirical evidence. For example, motivation theory and its cognate expectancy-value theory continue to be taught in teacher education, even though their rational cognitivist foundations are philosophically shaky, and their (...)
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  5. If You 're So Smart, Why Are You under Surveillance? Universities, Neoliberalism, and New Public Management'.Chris Lorenz - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):599-629.
    Although universities have undergone changes since the dawn of their existence, the speed of change started to accelerate remarkably in the 1960s. Spectacular growth in the number of students and faculty was immediately followed by administrative reforms aimed at managing this growth and managing the demands of students for democratic reform and societal relevance. Since the 1980s, however, an entirely different wind has been blowing along the academic corridors. The fiscal crisis of the welfare states and the neoliberal course of (...)
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    Alternative Medicine and the Ethics Of Commerce.Chris Macdonald & Scott Gavura - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (2):77-84.
    Is it ethical to market complementary and alternative medicines? Complementary and alternative medicines are medical products and services outside the mainstream of medical practice. But they are not just medicines offered and provided for the prevention and treatment of illness. They are also products and services – things offered for sale in the marketplace. Most discussion of the ethics of CAM has focused on bioethical issues – issues having to do with therapeutic value, and the relationship between patients and those (...)
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    Notes on notes on notes.Tyson E. Lewis & Chris Moffett - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1359-1387.
    More often than not, notes are conceptualized as a technology for helping students stay focused on and attentive to subject matter deemed educationally valuable. This article concerns itself, however, with how notes may interrupt and render inoperative this learning function. To probe the question of attention and distraction, the authors devised an experiment in note taking. Our question is whether or not these forms of rendering the learning function of notes inoperative have any educational value. In conclusion, we suggest that (...)
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    Will the "Secular Priests" of Bioethics Work Among the Sinners?Chris MacDonald - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):36-39.
    In this paper, I explore briefly the "secular priesthood" metaphor often applied to bioethicists. I next ask: if, despite our discomfort with the metaphor, we were to embrace the best aspects of the priesthood(s) ? which I identify as the missionaries' willingness to work among sinners and lepers, at their own peril ? would we be able to live up to that standard of bravery? I then draw a parallel with the fears of contagion currently be voiced (by Carl Elliott (...)
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    Rescuing the Baby From the Triple-Bottom-Line.Chris MacDonald & Wayne Norman - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (1):111-114.
    We respond to Moses Pava’s defense of the “Triple Bottom Line” (3BL) concept against our earlier criticisms. We argue that, pacePava, the multiplicity of measures (and units of measure) that go into evaluating ethical performance cannot reasonably be compared to the handful of standard methods for evaluating financial performance. We also question Pava’s claim that usage of the term “3BL” is somehow intended to be ironical or subversive.
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  10. Argumentation, Metaphor, and Analogy: It's Like Something Else.Chris A. Kramer - 2024 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 33 (2):160-183.
    A "good" arguer is like an architect with a penchant for civil and civic engineering. Such an arguer can design and present their reasons artfully about a variety of topics, as good architects do with a plenitude of structures and in various environments. Failures in this are rarely hidden for long, as poor constructions reveal themselves, often spectacularly, so collaboration among civical engineers can be seen as a virtue. Our logical virtues should be analogous. When our arguments fail due to (...)
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    Corporate Decisions about Labelling Genetically Modified Foods.Chris MacDonald & Melissa Whellams - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (2):181-189.
    This paper considers whether individual companies have an ethical obligation to label their Genetically Modified (GM) foods. GM foods and ingredients pervade grocery store shelves, despite the fact that a majority of North Americans have worries about eating those products. The market as whole has largely failed to respond to consumer preference in this regard, as have North American governments. A number of consumer groups, NGO’s, and activist organizations have urged corporations to label their GM products. This paper asks whether, (...)
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  12. Araucaria as a tool for diagramming arguments in teaching and studying philosophy.Douglas Walton with Chris Reed - manuscript
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    Can histories be true? Narrativism, positivism, and the "metaphoricalturn".Chris Lorenz - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (3):309–329.
    Narrativism, as represented by Hayden White and Frank Ankersmit, can fruitfully be analyzed as an inversion of two brands of positivism. First, narrativist epistemology can be regarded as an inversion of empiricism. Its thesis that narratives function as metaphors which do not possess a cognitive content is built on an empiricist, "picture view" of knowledge. Moreover, all the non-cognitive aspects attributed to narrative as such are dependent on this picture theory of knowledge and a picture theory of representation. Most of (...)
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    Mapping the Main Roads to Fairness: Examining the Managerial Context of Fairness Promotion.Chris P. Long - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):757-783.
    This paper explores the managerial context surrounding fairness promotion using a multi-method examination that employs interviews and a survey of practicing managers. The results of these examinations describe how managers tend to focus their efforts to promote fairness on fairly allocating rewards and responsibilities, accurately and consistently applying organizational policies and providing representation and understanding to their subordinates around key organizational issues. Analyses of the interview and survey data show how managers’ efforts to promote employee development, enact managerial propriety, and (...)
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    Perceived and Received Dimensional Support: Main and Stress-Buffering Effects on Dimensions of Burnout.Chris Hartley & Pete Coffee - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A spiking neural model of decision making and the speed–accuracy trade-off.Peter Duggins & Chris Eliasmith - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
  17. Kant and the New Philosophy of Religion.Chris L. Firestone & Stephen R. Palmquist (eds.) - 2006 - Indiana University Press.
    While earlier work has emphasized Kant’s philosophy of religion as thinly disguised morality, this timely and original reappraisal of Kant’s philosophy of religion incorporates recent scholarship. In this volume, Chris L. Firestone, Stephen R. Palmquist, and the other contributors make a strong case for more specific focus on religious topics in the Kantian corpus. Main themes include the relationship between Kant’s philosophy of religion and his philosophy as a whole, the contemporary relevance of specific issues arising out of Kant’s (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas, the inclusion of the other: Studies in political theory.Reviewed by Chris Latiolais - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4).
  19.  22
    College of Fellows Roundtable Transcript.Dennis Schmidt, Chris Fleming, Diego Bubbio, Anthony Uhlmann & Jennifer Mensch - 2020 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 1 (1):117-185.
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    Creating a space for recovery‐focused psychiatric nursing care.Jim Walsh, Chris Stevenson, John Cutcliffe & Kirk Zinck - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (3):251-259.
    Creating a space for recovery‐focused psychiatric nursing care Within contemporary mental health‐care, power relationships are regularly played out between psychiatric nurses and service users. These power relationships are often imperceptible to the practicing nurse. For instance, in times of distress, service users often turn to or/and ‘construct’ discourses, beliefs and knowledge that are at odds with those which psychiatric nurses rely on to inform them of the mental status of the service user. The psychiatric nurse is in the position to (...)
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    Philosophie des milieux habités.Chris Younès - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):83-92.
    Le mot «milieu» est précieux pour souligner que les installations humaines – l’architecture, la ville – tiennent compte de leur environnement, naturel ou bâti. Avant de configurer «un monde», l’art humain configure un lieu et même l’élit et le transfigure en le métamorphosant, faisant de milieux donnés des «lieux» habitables voire mémorables aux multiples formes de délimitations, d’échanges et de devenir. La notion de milieu habité est mise en perspective et pensée en termes de limites, passages, liens et métamorphoses.
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    Representing and applying knowledge for argumentation in a social context.Chris Reed - 1997 - AI and Society 11 (1-2):138-154.
    The concept of argumentation in AI is based almost exclusively on the use of formal, abstract representations. Despite their appealing computational properties, these abstractions become increasingly divorced from their real world counterparts, and, crucially, lose the ability to express the rich gamut of natural argument forms required for creating effective text. In this paper, the demands that socially situated argumentation places on knowledge representation are explored, and the various problems with existing formalisations are discussed. Insights from argumentation theory and social (...)
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    Does Conceptual Compositionality Affect Language Complexity? Comment on Lou‐Magnuson and Onnis.Chris Thornton - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12772.
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    The effect of educational gymnastics on postural control of young children.Neil Anderson, Chris Button & Peter Lamb - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fundamental movement skill proficiency does not develop solely due to maturation, but also via diverse perceptual-motor experiences across childhood. Practicing gymnastics has been shown to improve postural control. The purpose of the present study was to examine potential changes to postural control of children following a course of educational gymnastics. Two groups of children both completed 20 × 45-min physical education lessons; one group completed educational gymnastics lessons in school delivered by a professional coach, the other group completed their typical (...)
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    Art, Aesthetic Theory, and the Two Faces of Ignorance.Chris di Carlo - 1996 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 30 (1):107.
  26.  6
    Umysł a mózg : przewodnik po współczesnej neuropsychologii.Anna Dobies & Chris Frith - 2012 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 18:421-424.
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  27. Society maintains itself despite all catastrophes that may eventuate : critical theory, negative totality, and permanent catastrophe.Chris O'Kane - 2022 - In Werner Bonefeld & Chris O’Kane, Adorno and Marx: negative dialectics and the critique of political economy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Professionalism and the social role of medicine.Peter L. Twohig & Chris MacDonald - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):3 – 5.
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    The Significance of the Philosophy of the Law Idea for the Theory of Human Society.Chris van Haeften - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 87 (1):105-107.
    Introduction to the translation of “De beteekenis van de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee voor de theorie der menschelijke samenleving” by Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosophia Reformata 2, pp. 99–116.
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    Zorg en normativiteit: Een kijk vanuit het leuvense personalisme.Linus Vanlaere & Chris Gastmans - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (4):443-469.
    In recent decades, care has played an increasingly crucial role in the self-understanding of the human being in the West. Nevertheless, there is a great deal of confusion and uncertainty surrounding the notion of care. One of the focal points of critics is the normativity of care. To what extent does care have an obligatory character? Only when the objective normative basis of care is sufficiently clarified, care practices can be evaluated and optimised from an ethical perspective. In this contribution (...)
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  31. Developmental differences in learning the forms of causal relationships.Chris Lucas, Alison Gopnik & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 28--52.
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  32. Cosmopolitan spaces : Europe, globalization, theory.Chris Rumford - 2011 - In Ann Brooks, Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  33. 10. Can Philosophy Offer Help in Resolving Contemporary Biological Controversies?Laura Ruetsche, Chris Smeenk, Branden Fitelson, Patrick Maher, Martin Thomson‐Jones, Bas C. van Fraassen, Steven French, Juha Saatsi, Stathis Psillos & Katherine Brading - 2006 - In Borchert, Philosophy of Science. MacMillan.
  34.  33
    Kalpana Rahita Seshadri: HumAnimal: race, law, language: University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2012, 309 pp, 1 b&w photo, price: $25 , ISBN: 9780816677894.Chris Lloyd - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (1):107-110.
  35.  14
    The Responsive University and the Crisis in South Africa.Chris Brink (ed.) - 2021 - Brill | Sense.
    _The Responsive University_ puts forward the proposition that the societal legitimacy of universities depends on whether and how they respond to societal challenges. This issue is exemplified in South Africa, one of the most unequal countries in the world.
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    Henry of Langenstein’s Principium on the Sentences, His Fellow Parisian Bachelors, and the Academic Year 1371-1372.Monica Brînzei & Chris Schabel - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (4):335-346.
    This research note identifies for the first time the principium on book I of the Sentences by the prolific polymath Henry of Langenstein. This discovery, when combined with the four principia of the Augustinian Denis of Modena, provides the evidence necessary to demonstrate that Langenstein lectured on the Sentences at Paris in 1371-1372. The note also establishes the identity of the other eight bachelors of theology who participated in the principial debates that year.
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  37. Do calendrical savants use calculation to answer date questions? A functional magnetic resonance imaging study.Richard Cowan & Chris Frith - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith, Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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    Instantiating the Progress of Neurotechnology for Applications in National Defense Intelligence.Mary Layne Kalbfleisch & Chris Forsythe - 2011 - Synesis: A Journal of Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy 2 (1):T9 - T16.
  39.  21
    Ethical perspectives on the environmental impact of property development.A. Sentle Mokori & Chris E. Cloete - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3).
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    Increasing the use of functional and multimodal genetic data in social science research.Benjamin C. Nephew, Chris Murgatroyd, Justin J. Polcari, Hudson P. Santos & Angela C. Incollingo Rodriguez - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e223.
    Genetic studies in the social sciences could be augmented through the additional consideration of functional (transcriptome, methylome, metabolome) and/or multimodal genetic data when attempting to understand the genetics of social phenomena. Understanding the biological pathways linking genetics and the environment will allow scientists to better evaluate the functional importance of polygenic scores.
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    Henri Lefebvre and the Critical Theory of Society.Chris O’Kane - 2018 - In Robert Fischer & Jenny Bauer, Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre: Theory, Practices and (Re)Readings. De Gruyter. pp. 55-74.
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    The Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words.Bertrand Russell, Chris Farley & D. C. Hodgson - 1972 - Nottingham,: Spokesman Books. Edited by Chris Farley & David Hodgson.
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    Interview with Catherine Camus.Russell Wilkinson & Chris Mitchell - 1995 - Philosophy Now 14:24-27.
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    Do Internal Auditors Make Consistent Ethical Judgments in English and Chinese in Reporting Wrongdoing?Peipei Pan & Chris Patel - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):433-453.
    We contribute to the literature on intentions to report wrongdoing by examining whether Chinese internal auditors make consistent judgments when an ethical dilemma is presented in English and when the same dilemma is presented in Chinese. We invoke cultural frame switching theory, and our findings, which are based on a randomized experiment using between-subjects and within-subject mixed design, support the hypothesis that Chinese internal auditors are more likely to report wrongdoing when the ethical dilemma is presented in English than when (...)
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    Trust in the Marketplace.Chris MacDonald - 1997 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 16 (1-2):225-238.
  46. In defense of dharmakīrti -- a response to Tanaka.Chris Mortensen - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):253-256.
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    The Vox Populi Group, Marx, and Equal Rights for All.Tyler DeHaven & Chris Hendrickson - 2015 - In Luke Cuddy, BioShock and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 114–126.
    The story of the Vox Populi embodies conflict theory, one popular interpretation of Marx's ideas, portraying a bloody revolution that loses sight of its ideals, turns anarchistic, and becomes the new oppressor. In Columbia, Zachary Hale Comstock and Jeremiah Fink illustrate the way the bourgeoisie may come to create and control the means of production. As the friction builds between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, historical processes contribute to the inevitable collapse of capitalism. In BioShock Infinite, the simmering friction between (...)
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    The Virtual Ninja Manifesto: Fighting Games, Martial Arts and Gamic Orientalism.Chris Goto-Jones - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Draws on the traditions of the martial arts to ask whether playing violent videogames actually transform gamers into better people.
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    Improving Medicine through Research and the Constitutive Nature of Altruism.D. Micah Hester & Chris Hackler - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):51-52.
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    Stochastic processes in particle-number fluctuations in an electron-photon shower.S. W. Hinkley & Chris P. Tsokos - 1975 - Acta Biotheoretica 24 (1):58-74.
    The paper is concerned with the existence and asymptotic character of the nonlinear boundary value problemdG/dt=F ¦ –¦dF/dt=gG =k 1,G=k 2 as ¦– ¦ o+ The discussion is related to the problem of particle-number fluctuations in the theory of cosmic radiation andG andF denote respectively the probability generating functions for the electron distribution in an electron-initiated and a photon-initiated shower.A solution of the system satisfying the boundary conditions is constructed so that specified limiting conditions are fulfilled.
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