Results for 'Cherri Leonel'

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  1. Arte y violencia en América Latina.Leonel Cherri - 2018 - In Hugo Echagüe & Leonel Cherri (eds.), El texto como reflexividad: crítica y teoría en la literatura. Santa Fe, Argentina: Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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    El texto como reflexividad: crítica y teoría en la literatura.Hugo Echagüe & Leonel Cherri (eds.) - 2018 - Santa Fe, Argentina: Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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  3. La imagen como forma : los experimentos sensibles de Mario Bellatin (2000-2003).Cherri Leonel - 2018 - In Hugo Echagüe & Leonel Cherri (eds.), El texto como reflexividad: crítica y teoría en la literatura. Santa Fe, Argentina: Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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    Enunciación performática y politización estésica en La virgen de los sicarios de Fernando Vallejo.Carlos Leonel Cherri - 2013 - Aisthesis 53:127-140.
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    Foundations of the Culture Wars: Compassion, Love, and Human Dignity.Mark J. Cherry - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (3):299-316.
    Mark J. Cherry; Foundations of the Culture Wars: Compassion, Love, and Human Dignity, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, Volume 7.
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  6. The Moral Psychology of Anger.Myisha Cherry & Owen Flanagan (eds.) - 2017 - London: Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Moral Psychology of Anger is the first comprehensive study of the moral psychology of anger from a philosophical perspective. The collection provides an inclusive view of anger from a variety of philosophical perspectives.
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    Bioethics without God: The Transformation of Medicine within a Fully Secular Culture.Mark J. Cherry - 2019 - Christian Bioethics 25 (1):1-16.
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    "Ascensiones in corde": interpretación bíblica y/o anábasis plotiniana: estudio sobre el progreso espiritual en Agustín de Hipona.Leonel Miranda - 2010 - Roma: Gregorian and Biblical Press.
    Ascensiones in corde. Agostino d'Ippona. Studio di Miranda Leonel.
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    Contested Organ Harvesting from the Newly Deceased: First Person Assent, Presumed Consent, and Familial Authority.Mark J. Cherry - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (5):603-620.
    Organ procurement policy from the recently deceased recasts families into gatekeepers of a scarce medical resource. To the frustration of organ procurement teams, families do not always authorize organ donation. As a result, efforts to increase the number of organs available for transplantation often seek to limit the authority of families to refuse organ retrieval. For example, in some locales if a deceased family member has satisfied the legal conditions for first-person prior assent, a much looser and easier standard to (...)
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  10. The Case for Rage: Why Anger Is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle.Myisha V. Cherry - 2021 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    When it comes to injustice, especially racial injustice, rage isn't just an acceptable response-it's crucial in order to fuel the fight for change. Anger has a bad reputation. Many people think that it is counterproductive, distracting, and destructive. It is a negative emotion, many believe, because it can lead so quickly to violence or an overwhelming fury. And coming from people of color, it takes on connotations that are even more sinister, stirring up stereotypes, making white people fear what an (...)
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    Conscience Clauses, the Refusal to Treat, and Civil Disobedience—Practicing Medicine as a Christian in a Hostile Secular Moral Space.Mark J. Cherry - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (1):1-14.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Sleep quality in older adults with arterial hypertension.Adela Alba Leonel, Sofía Sánchez Piña, Samantha Papaqui Alba & Brandon Gerardo Montes Rodríguez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Alba Leonel, A., Sánchez Piña, S., Papaqui Alba, S., & Montes Rodríguez, B. G. (2022). Sleep quality in older adults with arterial hypertension. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–8. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. (...)
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    The Impact of Normative Influence and Locus of Control on Ethical Judgments and Intentions: a Cross-Cultural Comparison.John Cherry - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (2):113-132.
    The study extends the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in a cross-cultural setting, incorporating ethical judgments and locus of control in a comparison of Taiwanese and US businesspersons. A self-administered survey of 698 businesspersons from the US and Taiwan examined several hypothesized differences. Results indicate that while Taiwanese respondents have a more favorable attitude toward a requested bribe than US counterparts, and are less likely to view it as an ethical issue, their higher locus externality causes ethical judgments and behavioral (...)
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    Bioethics: Shaping Medical Practice and Taking Diversity Seriously.Mark J. Cherry - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (4):313-321.
    Bioethics functions within a world of deep moral pluralism; a universe of discourse debating ethical analysis, public policy, and clinical practice in which a common, generally accepted morality does not exist. While religious thinkers are often approached within a hermeneutic of suspicion for assuming moral standards that cannot be justified in rational terms, secular bioethicists routinely find themselves in exactly the same intellectual predicament. That ethical theory, proposed values, or normative content is secular, that it does not invoke God or (...)
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    La Época de la Fábula Del Mundo.Leonel Toledo Marín - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (45).
    En las siguientes páginas propongo partir de un amplio marco temporal, llamado aquí la época de la fábula del mundo, para reflexionar en torno al episodio intelectual específico que va de la publicación de la poesía cosmológica de Guillaume Salluste du Bartas a la de Le Monde ou le traité de la lumière de René Descartes. En primer lugar, enfatizaré los puntos de vista que, desde la perspectiva de la poesía cosmológica, conciben a la filosofía natural como una especulación que (...)
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  16. Metodi interpretativi e teoria dell'interpretazione.Leonel Cesarino Pessôa - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (4):611-628.
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    A problemática jurídica: uma introdução transdisciplinar.Leonel Severo Rocha - 1985 - Porto Alegre: S.A. Fabris Editor.
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    (1 other version)Kant em Portugal: 1974-2004.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (ed.) - 2007 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Los Estados Financieros Básicos, su uso e interpretación para la toma decisiones en las PYMES “Basic financial statements, its use and interpretation for decision making in small and medium enterprises”.Leonel Luis Sandoval & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (2):152-186.
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    Melancolia e apocalipse: estudos sobre o pensamento português e brasileiro.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos - 2008 - Lisboa: Impr. Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    The Pleasure Threshold: Looking at Lesbian Pornography on Film.Cherry Smyth - 1990 - Feminist Review 34 (1):152-159.
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    El escepticismo radical de Pierre Gassendi contra la filosofía natural de los aristotélicos.Leonel Toledo & Samuel Herrera - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (1):187-200.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo dar cuenta del escepticismo radical de Pierre Gassendi propuesto en el Exercitationes paradoxicae Adversus Aristoteleos (Disertaciones paradójicas contra los aristotélicos). Para dar cuenta de ello nuestro artículo se divide en tres momentos: Primero, damos cuenta de la estructura de la obra; segundo, se presentan los argumentos centrales propuestos por Gassendi para comprender su actitud crítica al escolasticismo. Y tercero, se muestra la crítica que realiza a la lógica aristotélica. La idea fundamental que sostenemos en este (...)
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    Bioethicist as Partisan Ideologue.Mark J. Cherry - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):22-25.
    Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To be clear, I do not think that blood transfusions necessarily...
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    Does Aristotle's polis exist 'by nature'?K. Cherry & E. A. Goerner - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (4):563-585.
    Aristotle claims man is a political animal and that the polis exists by nature. Taking literally his analogy between the legislator and the craftsman, Aristotle's critics contend that he 'blunders' because the polis is artificial, devised by a legislator/founder and imposed on a people. We defend Aristotle's claims by showing, first, how Aristotle's claim that man is by nature an animal possessing logos -- speech/reason -- grounds his account of the natural development of the polis out of the earliest partnerships (...)
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    Searching for the Truly Human: Standing at the Precipice of a Post-Christian Age.Mark J. Cherry - 2002 - Christian Bioethics 8 (3):307-331.
    Mark J. Cherry; Searching for the Truly Human: Standing at the Precipice of a Post-Christian Age, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Moralit.
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    The Inward and the Outward: Fantasy, Reality and Satisfaction.Christopher Cherry - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (sup1):175-193.
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    Adolescents Lack Sufficient Maturity to Consent to Medical Research.Mark J. Cherry - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (3):307-317.
    This study explores the ways in which adolescents, even so-called “mature minors”, lack adequate development of the intellectual, affective, and emotional capacities necessary morally to consent to medical research on their own behalf. The psychological and neurophysiological data regarding brain maturation supports the conclusion that adolescents are qualitatively different types of agents than mature adults. They lack full adult maturity and personal agency. As a result, in addition to the usual requirements for IRB approval, one or both parents, or a (...)
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  28. The Errors and Limitations of Our “Anger-Evaluating” Ways.Myisha Cherry - 2017 - In Myisha Cherry & Owen Flanagan (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Anger. London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 49-65.
    In this chapter I give an account of how our judgments of anger often play out in certain political instances. While contemporary philosophers of emotion have provided us with check box guides like “fittingness” and “size” for evaluating anger, I will argue that these guides do not by themselves help us escape the tendency to mark or unmark the boxes selectively, inconsistently, and erroneously. If anger—particularly anger in a political context—can provide information and spark positive change or political destruction, then (...)
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  29. Love, Anger, and Racial Injustice.Myisha Cherry - 2018 - In Adrienne M. Martin (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Love in Philosophy. New York: Routledge Handbooks in Philoso.
    Luminaries like Martin Luther King, Jr. urge that Black Americans love even those who hate them. This can look like a rejection of anger at racial injustice. We see this rejection, too, in the growing trend of characterizing social justice movements as radical hate groups, and people who get angry at injustice as bitter and unloving. Philosophers like Martha Nussbaum argue that anger is backward-looking, status focused, and retributive. Citing the life of the Prodigal Son, the victims of the Charleston (...)
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    Religion without God, Social Justice without Christian Charity, and Other Dimensions of the Culture Wars.M. J. Cherry - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (3):277-299.
    A truly Christian bioethics challenges the nature, substance, and application of secular morality, dividing Christians from non-Christians, accenting central moral differences, and providing content-full forthrightly Christian guidance for action. Consequently, Christian bioethics must be framed within the metaphysical and theological commitments of Traditional Christianity so as to provide proper orientation toward God. In contrast, secular bioethicists routinely present themselves as providing a universal bioethics acceptable to all reasonable and rational persons. Yet, such secular bioethicists habitually insert their own biases and (...)
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  31. Ignoring the Data and Endangering Children: Why the Mature Minor Standard for Medical Decision Making Must Be Abandoned.M. J. Cherry - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (3):315-331.
    In Roper v. Simmons (2005) the United States Supreme Court announced a paradigm shift in jurisprudence. Drawing specifically on mounting scientific evidence that adolescents are qualitatively different from adults in their decision-making capacities, the Supreme Court recognized that adolescents are not adults in all but age. The Court concluded that the overwhelming weight of the psychological and neurophysiological data regarding brain maturation supports the conclusion that adolescents are qualitatively different types of agents than adult persons. The Supreme Court further solidified (...)
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    Whole-Body/Head Transplantation: Personal Identity, Experimental Surgery, and Bioethics.Mark J. Cherry & Ruiping Fan - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (2):179-188.
    This issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy brings together an international group of scholars from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and North America, critically to explore whole-body/head transplantation. The proposed procedure raises significant philosophical, ethical, and social/political questions. For example, assuming transplant is successful, who survives the surgery? Does personal identity necessarily follow the head? The contributors to this special thematic issue explore the nature and ground of personal identity, what it would mean to preserve personal identity, given such (...)
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  33. Political anger.Myisha Cherry - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (2):e12811.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2022.
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    Bioethics: An International, Morally Diverse, and Often Political Endeavor.Mark J. Cherry - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):103-114.
    Bioethicists often remind health care professionals to pay close attention to issues of diversity and inclusion. Approaches to ethics consultation, where the perspective of the bioethicist is taken to be more morally correct or necessarily authoritative, have been critiqued as inappropriately authoritarian. Despite such apparent recognition of the importance of respecting moral diversity and the inclusion of different viewpoints, authoritarianism is all too often the approach adopted, especially as bioethics has shifted evermore into concerns for public policy. Yet, secular values (...)
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    European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: The Moral Backwardness of International Society.Cherry Bradshaw - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (3):350-352.
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    Could You Marry a Sex Robot? Shifting Sexual Norms and the Transformation of the Family.Mark J. Cherry - 2021 - In Ruiping Fan & Mark J. Cherry (eds.), Sex Robots: Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations. Springer. pp. 97-113.
    Sex matters. How men and women regard sex and bond sexually powerfully shapes the lifeworld. Sex is one of the major forces that influence a society and its background taken-for-granted norms. This chapter explores the ways in which the now dominant Western secular culture has generally deflated and demoralized the significance of sexual activity. Differences in preferred sexual activities are, according to this secular culture, to be appreciated as morally neutral lifestyle choices provided that they are consensual and affirm the (...)
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    The search for a global bioethics: Fraudulent claims and false promises.Mark J. Cherry - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (6):683 – 698.
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    How Can We Seize the Past?Christopher Cherry - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (247):67 - 78.
    My concern is to understand how it is that contemplation of the past— better, of this or that preferred past—evokes in some people an impression which is distinctively weird. It is unmistakable; and anyone who has felt it will soon know what I am talking about. What is the impression, and whence the impressionability? To help identify my concern I shall let it emerge from some highly selective remarks about an issue in philosophy of history which is, by contrast, familiar (...)
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    A literatura e as guerras em Angola. No Princípio Era o Verbo.Leonel Cosme - 2015 - Cultura.
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    Medical Fact and Ulcer Disease: A Study in Scientific Controversy Resolution.Mark Cherry - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):249 - 273.
    This study seeks to advance the understanding of controversy resolution in science. I take as a case study conceptualization and treatment of ulcer disease. Analysis of causal accounts and effective treatments illustrate the ways in which competing parallel research programs in medicine embody opposing social, political, and economic forces which are bound to the epistemological dimensions of scientific controversy (e.g., standards of evidence, reference, and inference), and which in turn shift perception of the burden of proof. The analysis illustrates the (...)
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  41. Metodología de valoracion para empresas pequeñas.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla & Sergio Augusto Fern Ndez Henao - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Social-emotional Education in Local Heritage.Leonel Fuentes Moncada - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-11.
    Social-emotional learning is a tendency in education and must be accounted for in all areas of study. Heritage education cannot ignore this reality and must include and its planning and delivery effective strategies to implement and promote social-emotional competencies. The following work, proves patrimonial visits are an innovative approach towards coping with emotions in society. The activity proposed and studied in this investigation demonstrated the opportunities for integer learning during these experiences are real and cause a significant impact in students (...)
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    Extensão rural: método para as tipologias de ação extensionista.Leonel Piovezana & Juliano Vitória Domingues - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021019.
    O artigo apresenta o método documentário para extensão rural, identificando tipologias da ação extensionista. É um estudo de caso e dos pressupostos da ação dos extensionistas rurais e da Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural. O método documentário possibilitou produzir informações com entrevistas narrativas referenciado por um roteiro. A análise de informações se desenvolveu a partir de cinco etapas: organização temática; interpretação formulada; interpretação refletida; análise comparativa; e construção de tipologias. O estudo aponta para três tipologias: extensionistas de (...)
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  44. Direito da sociedade policontextural.Leonel Severo Rocha, Vicente de Paulo Barretto, Francisco Carlos Duarte & Germano Schwartz (eds.) - 2013 - Curitiba-PR: Editora Appris.
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    Epistemologia jurídica e democracia.Leonel Severo Rocha - 1998 - São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil: Editora Unisinos.
    Política e saber são duas questões que se entrelaçam nesta obra que trata sobre as distintas manifestações do discurso do direito na sociedade contemporânea.
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    A concepção Kantiana da experiência estética: novidades, tensões e equilíbrios.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos - 2010 - Trans/Form/Ação 33 (2):35-75.
    Neste ensaio proponho-me identificar alguns aspectos peculiares da problematização kantiana da experiência estética, assinalando as suas tensões e os equilíbrios que a sustentam e mostrar que a sua fecundidade especulativa não se esgota no aproveitamento que a geração póskantiana (do Classicismo, Romantismo e Idealismo) fez de alguns dos seus elementos, mas continua a revelar-se na redescoberta que, nas últimas décadas, dela vem sendo feita e cujo alcance se tem provado na capacidade que oferece para revitalizar os debates actuais acerca dos (...)
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    Filosofia Kantiana do direito e da politica: seminario internacional.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos & José Gomes André (eds.) - 2007 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    O espírito da letra: ensaios de hermenêutica da modernidade.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos - 2007 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    "Uso polémico da razão", ou "Paz perpétua em filosofia"? Sobre O pensamento antinómico E o princípio de antagonismo em Kant.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (s1):93-116.
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    Was ist der Meusch? =.Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (ed.) - 2010 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia Universidade Lisboa.
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