Results for 'Charlie L.'

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  1.  92
    Stealing Time at Work: Attitudes, Social Pressure, and Perceived Control as Predictors of Time Theft.Christine A. Henle, Charlie L. Reeve & Virginia E. Pitts - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):53-67.
    Organizations have long struggled to find ways to reduce the occurrence of unethical behaviors by employees. Unfortunately, time theft, a common and costly form of ethical misconduct at work, has been understudied by ethics researchers. In order to remedy this gap in the literature, we used the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to investigate the antecedents of time theft, which includes behaviors such as arriving later to or leaving earlier from work than scheduled, taking additional or longer breaks than is (...)
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    « Quand la métaphysique s’en va-t-en guerre ». Du destin de la guerre de 14-18 dans la pensée contemporaine.Charlie Galibert - 2011 - Noesis 18:161-176.
    On n’en aura peut-être jamais fini avec la Grande Guerre, cette immense boucherie industrielle planétaire où s’engloutirent durant quatre infernales années les jeunesses des deux pays se prétendant les plus civilisés d’Europe. À l’échelle humaine, elle reste un des traitements les plus épouvantables de l’homme par l’homme et sans doute l’assomption d’une guerre historique à la pure logique de l’abstraction conceptuelle : La Guerre. 70 millions de soldats, 10 millions de morts. 3 à 4 fois plus...
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    Lettres d’une femme corse à son frère (années 1900).Charlie Galibert - 2004 - Clio 20:211-230.
    Cet article propose une approche de la société traditionnelle corse à travers la représentation qu’en délivre un de ses membres féminins. Nous privilégions, pour se faire, la correspondance échangée, autour de 1900, entre une soeur, restée au village (Sarrola-Carcopino, Corse du Sud) et son frère, soldat colonial en campagne à Madagascar. Nous y voyons apparaître les aspects de son rôle d’informatrice privilégiée et l’existence d’une division sexuelle des tâches d’information (regroupant les distinctions privé/public, affect/social, maison/patrimoine...). Cet échange ouvre tant du (...)
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  4. The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation.David L. Smith - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):424-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Implicit Soul of Charlie Kaufman's AdaptationDavid L. SmithI don't know what else there is to write about other than being human, or, more specifically, being this human. I have no alternative. Everything is about that, right? Unless it's about flowers.—Charlie Kaufman 1There are some things that cannot be observed directly, even in principle: a single quark, the present moment, ones own eye. What Richard Rodriquez calls (...)
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    Adaptation, Translation, and Philosophical Investigation in Adaptation.Garry L. Hagberg - 2019 - In Noël Carroll, Laura T. Di Summa & Shawn Loht, The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Springer. pp. 823-841.
    This chapter investigates the content of the concept of adaptation, as it is seen on analogy to linguistic translation and as it is seen as itself a representation of the process of human self-definition and self-composition. Word-to-word translation is uncovered as a misleading analogy, but larger frames of translation are shown to be illuminating. Quine’s work on the indeterminacy of translation is intertwined with Charlie Kaufman’s script for his film Adaptation, and the simple notion of the matching of the (...)
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    Pourquoi les théories du complot se portent-elles si bien? L’exemple de Charlie Hebdo.Gérald Bronner - 2016 - Diogène n° 249-250 (1):9-20.
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  7. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance and Listening in the Work of Charlie Chaplin.Carolyn Sara Giunta - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Dundee
    In this thesis, I use a close reading of the silent films of Charlie Chaplin to examine a question of listening posed by Jean-Luc Nancy, “Is listening something of which philosophy is capable” (Nancy 2007:1)? Drawing on the work of Nancy, Jacques Derrida and Gayatri Spivak, I consider a claim that philosophy has failed to address the topic of listening because a logocentric tradition claims speech as primary. In response to Derrida’s deconstruction of logocentrism, Nancy complicates the problem of (...)
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    L'essai au cinéma, de Chaplin à Godard.Bamchade Pourvali - 2023 - [Grâne]: Créaphis éditions.
    Comment définir l'essai au cinéma? Reprenant l'héritage des avant-gardes des années 1920, à travers notamment les œuvres de Dziga Vertov, Jean Epstein ou Jean Vigo, l'essai filmique s'inscrit dans le cinéma moderne qui se définit au moment de la deuxième guerre mondiale avec Le Dictateur (1940) de Charlie Chaplin. Cette évolution se caractérise par un retour au documentaire et de nouvelles relations entre l'image et le son. On assiste alors dans le cinéma hollywoodien, avec Citizen Kane (1941) d'Orson Welles (...)
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    La place de l’esprit dans la nature selon Whitehead.Ulysse Gadiou - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie 86 (4):13-31.
    Résumé Le rapprochement de Whitehead avec le courant émergentiste, notamment Samuel Alexander, Conwy Lloyd Morgan et Charlie Dunbar Broad, met en lumière l’articulation entre la dimension processuelle de sa philosophie et son effort pour rendre compte du caractère signifiant de l’univers. Pour tous, la philosophie se doit de montrer que ce qui relève de l’esprit appartient pleinement à la nature, et n’a pas à être rejeté dans un non-lieu métaphysique. Mais, chez Whitehead, cet effort prend une tournure différente, impartiale, (...)
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    What Does Bernard Dream About When He Dreams About His Son?Oliver Lean - 2018 - In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels, Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 173–182.
    In “Trompe L'Oeil”, the seventh episode of Westworld, Bernard Lowe discovers the plans for his own body. Bernard's are ready‐made by someone else and uploaded into his brain, apparently unrelated to any real events. Bernard has memories of his son Charlie, which he thought referred to a real boy with whom he had a real relationship, and whose real death is the cause of his inescapable grief. Bernard might respond that lifelong grief is an excessive response to the death (...)
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    La philosophie face à la violence.M. Crépon - 2015 - [Paris]: Éditions des Équateurs. Edited by Frédéric Worms.
    Face à la violence, que peut la philosophie? Cette question se pose avec une terrible acuité après les attentats de janvier contre Charlie Hebdo et l'hyper-cacher. Le présent ouvrage prétend y apporter une réponse en prenant du recul et à travers la philo française contemporaine de Sartre à Levinas en passant par Camus, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Simone Weil, Canguilhem, Cavaillès, Lévi-Strauss, Deleuze, Foucault, Jankélévitch et Derrida. Sartre, c'est à la fois l'être et le néant et toutes les questions politiques de (...)
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    De la beauté, dans ses rapports à l'humanité.Joël Gaubert - 2018 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Qu'y a-t-il de plus paradoxal et de plus profondément décevant que de ne plus pouvoir parler ouvertement aujourd'hui de la beauté sans être soupçonné de naïveté, tant elle a été elle-même frappée de mutisme voire d'interdiction par toutes les "déconstructions" de la métaphysique, toutes les "ruptures" des "avant-gardes artistiques", toutes les industries du divertissement de masse et toutes les formes de nihilisme qui en résultent? La beauté ne continue-t-elle pas, pourtant, de faire l'objet d'une irréductible expérience qui, modestement mais résolument, (...)
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    Complexity as a contrast between dynamics and phenomenology.L. C. Zuchowski - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:86-99.
  14. Notes sur l'argument ontologique chez Descartes et Bonaventure.L. Oeing-Hanhoff - 1973 - Archives de Philosophie 36 (4):643-655.
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    Habermas. Editor, Jason L. Powell.Jason L. Powell (ed.) - 2012 - Nova Science Publishers.
    Biography of Habermas -- Critical theory -- Habermas and his works -- An assessment of the impact of Habermas -- Conclusion.
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  16. La Réalité de l'Esprit, essai de sociologie subjective.D. Draghicesco & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (2):3-3.
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    On sets not belonging to algebras.L. Š Grinblat - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):483-500.
    Let A₁,..., An, An+1 be a finite sequence of algebras of sets given on a set X, $\cup _{k=1}^{n}{\cal A}_{k}\neq \germ{P}(X)$, with more than $\frac{4}{3}n$ pairwise disjoint sets not belonging to An+1. It was shown in [4] and [5] that in this case $\cup _{k=1}^{n+1}{\cal A}_{k}\neq \germ{P}(X)$. Let us consider, instead An+1, a finite sequence of algebras An+1,..., An+l. It turns out that if for each natural i ≤ l there exist no less than $\frac{4}{3}(n+l)-\frac{l}{24}$ pairwise disjoint sets not belonging (...)
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  18. Machina Ex Deo: Essays in the Dynamism of Western Culture.L. WHITE - 1968
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  19. al-Tafaqquh fī al-dīn: ḥiwār maʻa al-Sayyid Kamāl al-Ḥaydarī.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2007 - Qum, Īrān: Dār Farāqid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Ṭalāl Ḥasan.
  20. Structural analysis of.L. Hjelmslev - 1985 - In Jerrold J. Katz, The Philosophy of linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2--163.
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    (1 other version)Induction and deduction.L. T. Hobhouse - 1891 - Mind 16 (64):507-520.
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    The principle of induction.L. T. Hobhouse - 1891 - Mind 16 (61):80-91.
  23. Self-Portrait with Red Bird.L. K. Holt - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (1):42-42.
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  24. al-Nafs al-munbathiqah fī al-madrasah wa-al-bayt.L. Thomas Hopkins - 1960 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabah al-Nahḍah al-Miṣrīyah. Edited by Muḥammad ʻAlī ʻUryān.
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    Scientology.L. Ron Hubbard - 1952 - Phoenix, Ariz.,: Hubbard Association of Scientologists.
    Here are the answers to questions Man has sought through the ages; here are practical answers you hoped could be found somewhere; here are answers that work. ...
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  26. Introduction to multidisciplinary science in an artificial-intelligence age: chemical, nuclear, and thermonuclear reactions, and oxygenic and anoxygenic photosyntheses.L. Ikelle - 2023 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    In these five chapters we introduce, with significant details, the core fundamental notions of (1) deformability, (2) sound and hearing, (3) permeability and porosity, (4) viscosity, (5) immiscibility, (6) wettability, (7) gravity and geodesy, and (8) heat and thermodynamics. We then illustrate, with applications across disciplines, the importance of these notions in our lives and in understanding the world around us. These applications include the description of skyquakes and limnic eruptions, the origin of hydrocarbon accumulations underground, the description of the (...)
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  27. A Creed in Harmony with Modern Thought.L. P. Jacks - 1924 - Hibbert Journal 23:577.
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    Zu der ersten Catilinarischen rede Cicero's.L. V. Jan - 1856 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 11 (4):656-656.
  29. Wesen des Rechts.L. S. Jawitsch - 1982 - In Ingo Wagner & Werner Grahn, Probleme des objektiven und subjektiven Rechts. Leipzig: Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Sektion Rechtswissenschaft.
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    Abortion: pro and contra.L. Jebereanu, D. Jebereanu, R. Alaman, A. Tofan, S. Jebereanu & S. Pauncu - 2006 - Penn Bioethics Journal 2 (2):25.
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    Introduction to Indo-European Linguistics.Oswald J. L. Szemerényi - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Professor Oswald Szemerényi's Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, first published in 1970, remains the standard introduction to comparative Indo-European linguistics. It is available here in English for the first time, in a revised, enlarged, and updated fifth edition. The introductory section presents a general survey of the principles of diachronic-comparative linguistics, and the remainder of the book is a thorough and detailed analysis, according to those principles, of the phonological and morphological structure of the Indo-European group of languages. Each section (...)
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  32. La révolution naturiste.Albert Joël - 1973 - [Paris?]: Éditions de Thélème.
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    (1 other version)Wandlungen der Weltanschauung.Karl Joël - 1965 - Tübingen,: Mohr .
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  34. The Discipline of Pure Reason.S. J. John L. Treloar - 1982 - Idealistic Studies 12 (1):35-55.
    The present study is the result of two questions which arose in dealing with the Critique of Pure Reason. What is the relationship of the “Doctrine of Method” to the “Doctrine of Elements?” Does the “Doctrine of Method” tell us anything important about Kant and his philosophy? It will be the contention of this paper that the second half of the Critique relies heavily on the “Doctrine of Elements,” and is a natural expansion of the first half of the Critique. (...)
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    Comments on 'Is Early Buddhism Atheistic?' by David J. Kalupahana.L. M. Joshi - 1993 - Buddhist Studies Review 10 (2):207-212.
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    The concept of three dimensions on different psychic levels.L. Kaiser - 1961 - Synthese 13 (2):111 - 126.
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    Mariology: the socio-psychological aspect.L. O. Kalinina - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:101.
    At the present stage of the development of theological thought of a new sound acquires the marijolic conception of Catholicism. The theologically developed image of Virgin Mary, laid the foundation of marly, formed into a universal concept.
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    The cult of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism.L. Kalinina - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 4:52-56.
    One of the central places in the cult of the Catholic Church is the virgin Mary, the Virgin. She is revered as a woman who gave life to the son of God Jesus Christ and brought him up.
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  39. Jinofobyay Ocelan: r̄exne le "têzekanî jinolojî" sebaret be meseley jin u sêksî w azadî.Aso Kamāl - 2018 - Silêmanî, Herêmî Kurdistan [Iraq]: Aso Kamāl.
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    Is There Progress in Mathematical Discovery and Did the Greeks Have Analytic Geometry?L. Karpinski - 1937 - Isis 27 (1):46-52.
  41. al-Manṭiq ʻinda al-Ghazzālī.Bakrī Muḥammad Khalīl - 2001 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah. Edited by Ghazzālī.
  42. Hay lezuabanutʻean aṛajatsʻman patmutʻiwně ew kʻerakanagitakan mitkʻě V-XVI darerum.L. G. Khacheryan - 1992 - Lizpon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
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    Nihāyat al-ḥikmah.Ibrāhīm Khalīl - 2016 - Um Durmān: Dār al-Ḥikmah.
  44. Politically Constructed Solidarity: The Idea of a Cosmopolitan Avant-Garde.L. Ypi - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (1):120-30.
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  45. E divino l'intelletto umano? S. Tommaso, S. Bonaventura e GD Scoto a confronto.L. Di Pasquale - 1990 - Miscellanea Francescana 90 (1-2):131-202.
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    IV*—Solving the “Naval Battle”.L. D. Harris - 1978 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 78 (1):45-62.
    L. D. Harris; IV*—Solving the “Naval Battle”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 78, Issue 1, 1 June 1978, Pages 45–62,
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  47. Essays in Honor of Hubert L. Dreyfus.Hubert L. Dreyfus, Mark A. Wrathall & J. E. Malpas - 2000
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    Jonathan J. Loose, Angus J. L. Menuge, and J. P. Moreland, eds. The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism.Martine C. L. Oldhoff - 2019 - Journal of Analytic Theology 7 (1):753-758.
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  49. Issledovanii︠a︡ analiticheskogo nasledii︠a︡ Lʹvovsko-Varshavskoĭ shkoly.V. L. Vasi︠u︡kov (ed.) - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Mir.
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  50. Le problème de l'être à l'ère atomique: A propos d'un récent ouvrage de M. Heidegger: Du principe de raison.L. Oeing-Hanhoff - 1958 - Archives de Philosophie 21:5-25.
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