Results for 'Charies Lee'

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  1. The Racist Disposal of Toxic Wastes.Charies Lee - 1987 - Business and Society Review 62:43-46.
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  2. Degrees of Consciousness.Andrew Y. Lee - 2023 - Noûs 57 (3):553-575.
    In the science of consciousness, it’s oftentimes assumed that some creatures (or mental states) are more conscious than others. But in recent years, a number of philosophers have argued that the notion of degrees of consciousness is conceptually confused. This paper (1) argues that the most prominent objections to degrees of consciousness are unsustainable, (2) examines the semantics of ‘more conscious than’ expressions, (3) develops an analysis of what it is for a degreed property to count as degrees of consciousness, (...)
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  3. Objective Phenomenology.Andrew Y. Lee - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (3):1197–1216.
    This paper examines the idea of "objective phenomenology," or a way of understanding the phenomenal character of conscious experiences that doesn’t require one to have had the kinds of experiences under consideration. My central thesis is that structural facts about experience—facts that characterize purely how conscious experiences are structured—are objective phenomenal facts. I begin by precisifying the idea of objective phenomenology and diagnosing what makes any given phenomenal fact subjective. Then I defend the view that structural facts about experience are (...)
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  4. The Structure of Analog Representation.Andrew Y. Lee, Joshua Myers & Gabriel Oak Rabin - 2023 - Noûs 57 (1):209-237.
    This paper develops a theory of analog representation. We first argue that the mark of the analog is to be found in the nature of a representational system’s interpretation function, rather than in its vehicles or contents alone. We then develop the rulebound structure theory of analog representation, according to which analog systems are those that use interpretive rules to map syntactic structural features onto semantic structural features. The theory involves three degree-theoretic measures that capture three independent ways in which (...)
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  5. Modeling Mental Qualities.Andrew Y. Lee - 2021 - The Philosophical Review 130 (2):263-209.
    Conscious experiences are characterized by mental qualities, such as those involved in seeing red, feeling pain, or smelling cinnamon. The standard framework for modeling mental qualities represents them via points in geometrical spaces, where distances between points inversely correspond to degrees of phenomenal similarity. This paper argues that the standard framework is structurally inadequate and develops a new framework that is more powerful and flexible. The core problem for the standard framework is that it cannot capture precision structure: for example, (...)
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  6. The Neutrality of Life.Andrew Y. Lee - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):685-703.
    Some philosophers think that life is worth living not merely because of the goods and the bads within it, but also because life itself is good. I explain how this idea can be formalized by associating each version of such of a view with a function from length of life to the value generated by life itself. Then I argue that every version of the view that life itself is good faces some version of the following dilemma: either (1) good (...)
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  7. Speciesism and Sentientism.Andrew Y. Lee - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (3-4):205-228.
    Many philosophers accept both of the following claims: (1) consciousness matters morally, and (2) species membership doesn’t matter morally. In other words, many reject speciesism but accept what we might call 'sentientism'. But do the reasons against speciesism yield analogous reasons against sentientism, just as the reasons against racism and sexism are thought to yield analogous reasons against speciesism? This paper argues that speciesism is disanalogous to sentientism (as well as racism and sexism). I make a case for the following (...)
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    Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices.John Law & Annemarie Mol (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Although much recent social science and humanities work has been a revolt against simplification, this volume explores the contrast between simplicity and complexity to reveal that this dichotomy, itself, is too simplistic. John Law and Annemarie Mol have gathered a distinguished panel of contributors to offer—particularly within the field of science studies—approaches to a theory of complexity, and at the same time a theoretical introduction to the topic. Indeed, they examine not only ways of relating to complexity but complexity _in (...)
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  9. Anticipatory Epistemic Injustice.Ji-Young Lee - 2021 - Tandf: Social Epistemology 35 (6):564–576.
    Epistemic injustices are wrongs that agents can suffer in their capacity as knowers. In this article, I offer a conceptualisation of a phenomenon I call anticipatory epistemic injustice, which I claim is a distinct and particularly pernicious type of epistemic injustice worthy of independent analysis. I take anticipatory epistemic injustice to consist in the wrongs that agents can suffer as a result of anticipated challenges in their process of taking up testimony-sharing opportunities. I distinguish my account from paradigmatic cases of (...)
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    Consent and the problem of epistemic injustice in obstetric care.Ji-Young Lee - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):618-619.
    An episiotomy is ‘an intrapartum procedure that involves an incision to enlarge the vaginal orifice,’1 and is primarily justified as a way to prevent higher degrees of perineal trauma or to facilitate a faster birth in cases of suspected fetal distress. Yet the effectiveness of episiotomies is controversial, and many professional bodies recommend against the routine use of episiotomies. In any case, unconsented episiotomies are alarmingly common, and some care providers in obstetric settings often fail to see consent as necessary (...)
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  11. Does sentience come in degrees?Andrew Y. Lee - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (20).
    I discuss whether "sentience" (i.e., phenomenal consciousness) comes in degrees.
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  12. Malevolent global conspiracy.Lee Basham - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (1):91–103.
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  13. Ethical considerations for non‐procreative uterus transplantation.Ji-Young Lee - 2025 - Bioethics 39 (3):267-275.
    The growing demand for uterus transplantation (UTx) invites continued philosophical evaluation of the function of UTx (and what constitutes its ‘success’), as well as the recipient eligibility for UTx. Currently, UTx caters to partnered, cisgender women of childbearing age looking to get pregnant and give birth to a biogenetically related child. The medical justification for this—the treatment of uterine infertility—explains the primacy of this practice. However, this dominant conceptualization of UTx does not necessarily capture the diverse needs for which both (...)
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  14. Emergence and reduction in chemistry: Ontological or epistemological concepts?Lee McIntyre - 2007 - Synthese 155 (3):337-343.
    In this paper I argue that the ontological interpretation of the concepts of reduction and emergence is often misleading in the philosophy of science and should nearly always be eschewed in favor of an epistemological interpretation. As a paradigm case, an example is drawn from the philosophy of chemistry to illustrate the drawbacks of “ontological reduction” and “ontological emergence,” and the virtues of an epistemological interpretation of these concepts.
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  15. “Feeling My Way”: Jazz Improvisation and Its Vicissitudes—A Plea for Imperfection.Lee B. Brown - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2):113-123.
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    Who should provide the uterus? The ethics of live donor recruitment for uterus transplantation.J. Y. Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Uterus transplantation (UTx) is an experimental surgery likely to face the issue of organ shortage. In my article, I explore how this issue might be addressed by changing the prevailing practices around live uterus donor recruitment. Currently, women with children – often the mothers of recipients – tend to be overrepresented as donors. Yet, other potentially eligible groups who may have an interest in providing their uterus – such as transgender men, or cisgender women who do not wish to gestate (...)
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  17. Musical works, improvisation, and the principle of continuity.Lee B. Brown - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):353-369.
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    Does ectogestation have oppressive potential?J. Y. Lee, Andrea Bidoli & Ezio Di Nucci - 2025 - Journal of Social Philosophy 56 (1):133-144.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Mencius and Aquinas.Lee H. Yearley - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 651-665.
    This reconsideration of the descriptive and normative components of my earlier comparisons of Mencius and Aquinas suggests that the strengths of Aquinas’s account were highlighted while some of his shortcomings and the corresponding strengths in Mencius were missing. This is made clear by considering the treatment of their respective ideas about optimal human fulfillment and even clearer by considering their understanding of the relationship between theoretical and literary accounts of that fulfillment. The third subject, their different treatments of people’s failure (...)
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  20. Revisiting Moral Bioenhancement and Autonomy.Ji-Young Lee - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):529-539.
    Some have claimed that moral bioenhancement undermines freedom and authenticity – thereby making moral bioenhancement problematic or undesirable – whereas others have said that moral bioenhancement does not undermine freedom and authenticity – thereby salvaging its ethical permissibility. These debates are characterized by a couple of features. First, a positive relationship is assumed to hold between these agency-related concepts and the ethical permissibility of moral bioenhancement. Second, these debates are centered around individualistic conceptions of agency, like free choice and authenticity, (...)
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    Ethics of bewilderment.Lee H. Yearley - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):436-460.
    An ethics of bewilderment, which differs dramatically from the more familiar ethics of ease, is best understood through poetic presentations. Using examples drawn from Chinese and Western sources—notably Du Fu and Dante—this inquiry treats bewilderment as both an emotion and a virtue. Both these forms of bewilderment involve an acknowledgment of how minimal is the ethical confidence we have, given the feelings we have and the judgments we must make, but they also extend in productive ways the implications of that (...)
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    Phonography, repetition and spontaneity.Lee Brown - 2000 - Philosophy and Literature 24 (1):111-125.
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    Shoemaker on second-order belief and self-deception.Byeong D. Lee - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):279-289.
    In a number of papers, Sydney Shoemaker has argued that first-order belief plus rationality implies second-order belief. This paper is a critical discussion of Shoemaker's argument.
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    Corporate Accountability Towards Species Extinction Protection: Insights from Ecologically Forward-Thinking Companies.Lee Roberts, Monomita Nandy, Abeer Hassan, Suman Lodh & Ahmed A. Elamer - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):571-595.
    This paper contributes to biodiversity and species extinction literature by examining the relationship between corporate accountability in terms of species protection and factors affecting such accountability from forward-thinking companies. We use triangulation of theories, namely deep ecology, legitimacy, and we introduce a new perspective to the stakeholder theory that considers species as a ‘stakeholder’. Using Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood regression, we examine a sample of 200 Fortune Global companies over 3 years. Our results indicate significant positive relations between ecologically conscious companies (...)
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  25. Morgenbesser's Coin and Counterfactuals with True Components.Lee Walters - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt3):365-379.
    Is A & C sufficient for the truth of ‘if A were the case, C would be the case’? Jonathan Bennett thinks not, although the counterexample he gives is inconsistent with his own account of counterfactuals. In any case, I argue that anyone who accepts the case of Morgenbesser's coin, as Bennett does, should reject Bennett’s counterexample. Moreover, I show that the principle underlying his counterexample is unmotivated and indeed false. More generally, I argue that Morgenbesser’s coin commits us to (...)
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  26. An Existentialist Reading of Book 4 of the Analects.Lee Yearley - 2001 - In Bryan W. Van Norden, Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 237--74.
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    Selves, Virtues, Odd Genres, and Alien Guides: An Approach to Religious Ethics.Lee H. Yearley - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (3):127 - 155.
    Complex tensions define us, and that is why rational evaluative analysis and the deliberate application of principles to cases can, at best, claim to account for only a limited register in the full compass of ethical voice. Close analysis of brief texts from the "Mencius" and Dante's "Inferno" discloses in both an approach to ethical reflection that aims to expand the capacity for virtue, the ethical skillfulness exercised in response and evaluation, through affective engagement of the reader. This approach, a (...)
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  28. Bystander Omissions and Accountability for Testimonial Injustice.J. Y. Lee - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (4):519-536.
    Literature on testimonial injustice and ways that perpetrators might combat it have flourished since Miranda Fricker’s ground-breaking work on testimonial injustice. Less attention has been given, however, to the role of bystanders. In this paper, I examine the accountability that bystanders may have for their omissions to redress testimonial injustice. I argue that bystander accountability applies in cases where it is opportune for bystanders to intervene, and if they are also sufficiently equipped and able to redress the testimonial injustice. Moreover, (...)
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    Critical Thinking as Conceptual Competence.James Lee - 2025 - Teaching Philosophy 48 (1):59-82.
    This paper presents a novel approach to teaching critical thinking. The approach centers around developing the student’s ability to engage in analytic reasoning. By “analytic” in the previous sentence I mean reasoning about analyticity, i.e., coming to know truths about analytic propositions as opposed to synthetic propositions. I consider the ability to engage in this kind of reasoning to be what some philosophers call “conceptual competence”. I argue that focusing on conceptual competence in critical thinking courses benefits philosophy departments in (...)
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    Ethical considerations for non‐procreative uterus transplantation.J. Y. Lee - 2025 - Bioethics 39 (3):267-275.
    The growing demand for uterus transplantation (UTx) invites continued philosophical evaluation of the function of UTx (and what constitutes its ‘success’), as well as the recipient eligibility for UTx. Currently, UTx caters to partnered, cisgender women of childbearing age looking to get pregnant and give birth to a biogenetically related child. The medical justification for this—the treatment of uterine infertility—explains the primacy of this practice. However, this dominant conceptualization of UTx does not necessarily capture the diverse needs for which both (...)
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  31. Phonography, rock records, and the ontology of recorded music.Lee B. Brown - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (4):361-372.
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    Equal Access to Parenthood and the Imperfect Duty to Benefit.J. Y. Lee & Ezio Di Nucci - 2023 - Philosophy of Medicine 4 (1).
    Should involuntarily childless people have the same opportunities to access parenthood as those who are not involuntarily childless? In the context of assisted reproductive technologies, affirmative answers to this question are often cashed out in terms of positive rights, including rights to third-party reproduction. In this paper, we critically explore the scope and extent to which any such right would hold up morally. Ultimately, we argue for a departure away from positive parental rights. Instead, we argue that the state has (...)
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  33. Reply to Ahmed.Lee Walters - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (1pt1):123-133.
    I reply to Ahmed’s rejection (2011) of my argument (Walters 2009) that all counterfactuals with true antecedents and consequents are themselves true.
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  34. Finkelstein on the difference between conscious and unconscious belief.Byeong D. Lee - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (4):707-716.
    ABSTRACT: In a recent article, D. H. Finkelstein offers a new proposal about the distinction between conscious and unconscious belief On his proposal, someone’s belief is conscious if he has an ability to express it simply by self-ascribing it; and someone’s belief is unconscious if he lacks such an ability. In this article, I argue that his proposal is inadequate, and then offer a somewhat different proposal. On my proposal, someone’s belief is conscious if he has self-ascribed this belief without (...)
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    Chapter 10. conflicts among ideals of human flourishing.Lee H. Yearley - 1992 - In Gene Outka & John P. Reeder, Prospects for a Common Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 233-253.
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    Personal identity, the temporality of agency, and moral responsibility.Win-Chiat Lee - 1990 - Auslegung 16 (1):17-29.
  37. Human nature and modernist ethics.Lee Oser - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):284-299.
    : I argue that the modernist synthesis of the higher self and dehumanized art prepares the way for the Age of Biotech. The high modernists went "out of nature" to recreate man and morality. The critical heirs of modernism, including postmodernists, inherit this ambitious effort — the modernist moral project. The roads of modernism run from the City of Art in Yeats's Byzantium poems, through the dehumanized aesthetic of Woolf and others, to the postmodernist deconstruction of character, as well as (...)
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Relational Approaches to Personal Autonomy.J. Y. Lee - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (9):e12943.
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  39. (1 other version)Getting Moral Luck Right.Lee John Whittington - 2014 - Metaphilosophy 45 (4-5):654-667.
    Moral luck, until recently, has been understood either explicitly or implicitly through using a lack of control account of luck. For example, a case of resultant moral luck is a case where an agent is morally blameworthy or more morally blameworthy or praiseworthy for an outcome despite that outcome being significantly beyond that agent's control . Due to a shift in understanding the concept of luck itself in terms of modal robustness, however, other accounts of moral luck have surfaced. Both (...)
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    Framing gestation: assistance, delegation, and beyond.J. Y. Lee - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):448-449.
    Assisted conception can be distinguished from assisted gestation.1 These processes have tended to be grouped together under the generic term assisted reproductive technology in the bioethical literature. According to Chloe Romanis, however, it is worth distinguishing interventions such as surrogacy, uterus transplantation, and potentially artificial placenta technology, as falling under the genus assisted gestative technologies. This is because gestation carries unique ethico-legal implications as compared with conception. The proposed genus of assisted gestative technologies is a helpful first step in the (...)
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    Temporal Part Theory, Material Constitution and the Self.Lee Yungwhan - 2022 - Modern Philosophy 20:425-454.
    이 논문은 데이빗 루이스의 시간적 부분 이론(temporal part theory)과 물질적 구성(material consitution)에 대한 반 인와겐의 입장에 대한 논의를 출발점으로 삼는다. 먼저 필자는 루이스의 시간적 부분이론을 반박한다. 루이스의 이론의 핵심적인 내용을 똑같이 반영(mirror)하면서도 그 이론과 상충하는 이론을 구성하고 이 두 이론 중 어느 한 쪽을 선택하는 것은 결국은 임의적인(arbitrary) 결정을 하는 것인데 이 사실은 이 두 이론 모두를 매력적이지 않게 만든다고 주장한다. 이 두 이론을 모두 거부한다면 우리는 사물을 (특별히 문제되는 사물이 ‘자아’라면 더더욱) 어디에 위치시켜야 하는지 새로운 가능성을 탐색해 보게 된다. (...)
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    A literary common ground.Lee Rust Brown - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Literary Common GroundLee Rust BrownLet me make note of a few things that have occurred to me during this conference. Some of these will be observations; some will be practical inferences. One of them, though, involves the crossing of an expectation, or maybe a fear, I had brought with me to Minneapolis. Since this has to do with the whole tone of the conference, we might as well (...)
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    Resurrecting Hegel to Bury art.Lee B. Brown - 1989 - British Journal of Aesthetics 29 (4):303-315.
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    Ethics of pronatalism: a reply to critics.Ji-Young Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    I reflect herein on the diverse commentaries for my feature article, ‘Towards an ethics of pronatalism in South Korea (and beyond),’1 taking up each commentary in turn. Shandilya and Murphy claim that the state is “entitled to take measures to ensure economic and demographic sustainability,”2 contrary to my characterisation of state viewpoint neutrality. Pronatalist policies are, after all, one of many tools that the state might deploy to protect long-term economic and social stability. I don’t object to the view that (...)
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    Is the use of personalised patient preference predictors consistent with autonomy?Ji-Young Lee - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    To overcome certain challenges with surrogate decision-making traditionally understood, technological support tools have been proposed. One such proposal, as presented by Earp et al, is the development of a ‘Personalised Patient Preference Predictor’ (P4).1 This system would leverage patient-specific data to train a personalised large language model which could then—hopefully—accurately predict that patient’s treatment preferences. Using P4 would be compatible with respect for patient autonomy, at least on the substituted judgement standard, in which making the decision the incompetent person would (...)
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  46. Hierarchy helps it work that way.Lee Spector - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (2):109-117.
    Jerry Fodor argues, in The mind doesn't work that way (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000, that the computational theory of mind is undermined by the pervasive context sensitivity of human cognition. His objections can be easily met, however, by noting the properties of appropriately structured representation hierarchies.
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    Two Strands of Confucianism.Lee H. Yearley - 2009 - In Richard Madsen & Tracy B. Strong, The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World. Princeton University Press. pp. 154-158.
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    Confucius and Confucianism: The Essentials.Lee Dian Rainey - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    These are carefully placed in the context of Chinese society, demonstrating how Confucius responded to the conflicts and pressures of his time and offered ...
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    Jewish Ceremonial Art and Religious ObservancePerspectives on the Study of the FilmAnimals in Art and ThoughtJohn Crowe Ransom, Critical Principles and Preoccupations.Lee T. Lemon, Abram Kanof, John Stuart Katz, Francis Klingender, E. Antal, J. Harthan & James A. Magner - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (4):569.
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    Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies.Mathieu Albert & Daniel Lee Kleinman - 2011 - Minerva 49 (3):263-273.
    Bringing Pierre Bourdieu to Science and Technology Studies Content Type Journal Article Pages 263-273 DOI 10.1007/s11024-011-9174-2 Authors Mathieu Albert, Wilson Centre and Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 200 Elizabeth Street , Eaton-South 1-581, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4, Canada Daniel Lee Kleinman, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 348 Agricultural Hall 1450 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA Journal Minerva Online ISSN 1573-1871 Print ISSN 0026-4695 Journal Volume Volume 49 Journal Issue Volume 49, Number (...)
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