Results for 'Cemil Sena'

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    Büyük filozoflar ansiklopedisi.Cemil Sena - 1957 - [İstanbul]: Nebioǧlu Yayınevi.
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    Cemile İffet ŞAHİN.Cemile İffet ŞAHİN - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (32):213-217.
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    Eskiçağ Medeniyetlerinde Dünya Hakimiyeti Düşüncesi.Cemil BÜLBÜL - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):215-215.
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    From system integration to social integration.Cemil Boyraz & Ömer Turan - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (4-5):406-418.
    The modern republican history of Turkey and its relation with the question of ethnic diversity could be understood via the tension between the processes of system integration and social integration. This article, based on Jürgen Habermas’ conceptual framework, draws the sources of such tension with reference to the Kurdish identity in Turkey since the early republican era. For this purpose, from the 1920s to the 2000s, policies and discourses of system integration aiming at a certain degree of ethnic homogenization to (...)
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    Neoliberal populism and governmentality in Turkey: The foundation of communication centers during the AKP era.Cemil Boyraz - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (4):437-452.
    This article is based on the question “How does the current governing party in Turkey, namely Justice and Development Party, reproduce its social power?” In order to answer this question, it is suggested that a combination of the different techniques of governmentality of the ruling party should be analyzed, with particular reference to the policies and institutions reconfiguring the role of the state and the notion of public deliberation in the midst of the rising discontents of neoliberalism in Turkey. As (...)
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    A Theoretical Approach In The Context Of Quality And Functional Properties Of Dictionaries On The Habits Of Reading Dictionary And The Native Language Skills.Cemil Gülseren - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:135-147.
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    "Self" and "Other" İmages in Kazakh Poet Mağcan Cumabayev's Poems.Cemile Kinaci - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1663-1678.
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    Abdullah B. mes'ud ve kiraati.Cemil KÜÇÜK - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):40-59.
    Özet Hz. Peygamber’in her hâlini bizzat müşahede edecek kadar yakın ve Kur’ân’ın ilk muhatapları olan sahabe neslinin örnek hayatı ve ilmi kişilikleri hakkında çalışmak, bilgi edinmek, Kur’ân’ı ve Rasûlullah’ı doğru anlamanın temel yöntemini teşkil eder. Abdullah ibn Mes’ûd, ilmi yönden zengin birikime sahip ve yaşantısı bakımından farklı bir kişiliği vardır. Müslüman olduktan sonra Rasulullah’ın yanından hiç ayrılmayan, her türlü hizmetinde bulunan, öyleki ehl-i beytten fark edilmeyecek kadar O’na yakın olan İbn Mesʿud, aynı zamanda hemen hemen bütün savaşlarda Rasulullah’ın yanında bulunmaktan (...)
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    Harnessing Africa's Resources for a People-Centred Development: A Christian framework for a better understanding between Africa's MED organizations and partners in the North.Sarone Ole Sena & Sammy Mwangi - 2003 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 20 (3):154-160.
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    Türk Edebiyatında Yunan Mitolojisine İlişkin Kabul ve Redlerin Dayanak Noktaları.Sena KÜÇÜK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):271-271.
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    A luta por reconhecimento em Falas de Orgulho.Ercio Sena & Marcela Vouguinha - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):155-168.
    Este artigo analisa o programa Falas de Orgulho da TV Globo, que promove e destaca vozes da comunidade LGBTQIA+. Utilizando a teoria do reconhecimento de Axel Honneth, o estudo examina como essas representações refletem as complexidades das relações sociais, culturais e organizacionais, bem como os limites da narrativa midiática na problematização do reconhecimento da comunidade LGBTQIA+. A análise crítica do programa reflexiona como o debate sobre o reconhecimento pode desafiar e potencialmente transformar práticas sociais.
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    Questioning and Disputing Vaccination Policies. Scientists and Experts in the Italian Public Debate.Barbara Sena & Giampietro Gobo - 2022 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 42 (1-2):25-38.
    Most literature about vaccine hesitancy has been focused on parental attitudes. Less attention has been devoted to both scientists and experts who raise criticism about immunization policies and intervene in the public debate. This consideration aims to balance the current emphasis in the literature on parents’ attitudes about vaccination, offering a complementary angle to reframe and widen the controversy. Focusing on scientists and experts, an unattended complex picture of multiple attitudes towards vaccines and vaccinations has been discovered through a qualitative (...)
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    Katılım Bankacılığında Sorunlu Krediler, Varlık Yönetim Şirketleri ile İlişkileri ve Seçilmiş Ülke Örnekleri.Cemil Balkanlı - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):213-244.
    İslami finans, klasik iktisadi düzenin temel taşı sayılabilecek faizi finansal sistemin dışında bırakarak adil, kapsayıcı ve sömürüden uzak alternatif bir finansal sistem olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Sistemin temelinde faizsizlik ve işlemlerin İslam hukukuna uygun şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi yatmaktadır. İslami finans bugün dünya çapında bir finansal büyüklüğe ulaşmış olup bu finansal yapının en büyük birimini de katılım bankaları oluşturmaktadır. Ancak tüm ayrışma çabalarına rağmen katılım bankaları, hem konvansiyonel bankalarla aynı hukuki çerçevede hareket etme zorunluluğu hem de aynı piyasada rekabet etme durumu nedeniyle zaman (...)
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    A Semantics for Hyperintensional Belief Revision Based on Information Bases.Sena Bozdag - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):679-716.
    I propose a novel hyperintensional semantics for belief revision and a corresponding system of dynamic doxastic logic. The main goal of the framework is to reduce some of the idealisations that are common in the belief revision literature and in dynamic epistemic logic. The models of the new framework are primarily based on potentially incomplete or inconsistent collections of information, represented by situations in a situation space. I propose that by shifting the representational focus of doxastic models from belief sets (...)
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  15. Hilmi Omar Budda’s Contribution to the History of Religions / Hi̇lmi̇ ömer budda’nin di̇nler tari̇hi̇ di̇si̇pli̇ni̇ne katkisi.Cemil Kutluturk - 2017 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (36):139-167.
    Hilmi Omar Budda (1894-1952) has played a significant role in the process of institutionalization of History of Religions in Turkey. He, who was the first academician in the field of History of Religions in Turkey, lectured for many years in Dâru’l-Funûn (Ottoman University) Faculty of Divinity, which was found in 1924. Then he worked in department of Institute of Islamic Sciences, which was a branch of Istanbul University Faculty of Arts, by pursuing his same position and career. After that, Budda (...)
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  16. Modern Muslim cosmopolitanism between the logics of race and empire.Cemil Aydin - 2018 - In Dina Gusejnova, Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Recitations Preference Method of Mutawatir Qıraats Imams.Cemil KÜÇÜK - 2022 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 10 (17):48-68.
    Abstrack In this study, the subject of preference, its conceptual field and its historical process, as well as the methods of determining and choosing different readings of mutawatir recitation imâms are discussed. The different phrasing of the Qur'an began from the revelation period of the revelation. It is seen that there were some discussions about the different readings of the Qur'an among the Companions in the early period, albeit a little. These different recitations of some of the Companions, who see (...)
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    Nietzsche's New Grounding of The Metaphysical: Sensuousness and the Subversion of Plato and Platonism.Marylou Sena - 2004 - Research in Phenomenology 34 (1):139-159.
    This essay gives an extensive treatment of Heidegger's confrontation (Auseinander-setzung) with Nietzsche' thought. It argues that Heidegger's confrontation entails situating what Heidegger calls Nietzsche's "transformed" understanding of the sensuous outside the metaphysics of both Plato and Platonism. The essay establishes, by the end of the second section, that Heidegger's confrontation with Nietzsche's thought culminates with the insight that for Nietzsche sensuousness is metaphysical. The third section of the essay takes as its point of departure Heidegger's intimation at the conclusion of (...)
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    Pelas franjas dos santuários: turismo, fé e religião em flashes etnográficos.Emerson José Sena da Silveira - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):136-165.
    Neste artigo discute-se a relação entre turismo, fé e religião em torno dos santuários, a partir de três vivências etnográficas revisitadas em forma de flashes multissituados, com revisão bibliográfica parcial. O santuário, em sentido lato, abarca um núcleo central e uma extensa franja, espaciais e simbólicos. Entre o centro e a periferia estendem-se gradações, continuidades e descontinuidades. O santuário, desta forma, é compreendido neste artigo mais por suas sombras e simulacros do que por sua luminosa presença e esplendor, mais pela (...)
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    Towards Understanding the Impacts of the Pet Food Industry on World Fish and Seafood Supplies.Sena Silva & Giovanni Turchini - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (5):459-467.
    The status of wild capture fisheries has induced many fisheries and conservation scientists to express concerns about the concept of using forage fish after reduction to fishmeal and fish oil, as feed for farmed animals, particularly in aquaculture. However, a very large quantity of forage fish is being also used untransformed (fresh or frozen) globally for other purposes, such as the pet food industry. So far, no attempts have been made to estimate this quantum, and have been omitted in previous (...)
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    Erken Çocukluk Dönemi Dini Gelişim Teorileri Bağlamında Din Eğitimi.Cemil Oruç - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):971-971.
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    Islam and Gandhi on Peace and Nonviolence.Cemil Kutlutürk - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (44):209-224.
    One of the basic issues of modern times is how to construct a nonviolent and peaceful society and achieve the goal of a one-world community that lives in peace and harmony. Islam and Mahatma Gandhi’s approaches, in this regard, are remarkable. Both share same aims about common ethical concepts such as nonviolent, compassion for all creation, freedom,justice, patience and tolerance. There are remarkable similarities between the ideas of Gandhi and teachings of Islam, particularly in the concepts of peace and nonviolence (...)
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    Theory-guided Therapeutic Function of Music to facilitate emotion regulation development in preschool-aged children.Kimberly Sena Moore & Deanna Hanson-Abromeit - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:146406.
    Emotion regulation is an umbrella term to describe interactive, goal-dependent explicit and implicit processes that are intended to help an individual manage and shift an emotional experience. The primary window for appropriate emotion regulation development occurs during the infant, toddler, and preschool years. Atypical emotion regulation development is considered a risk factor for mental health problems and has been implicated as a primary mechanism underlying childhood pathologies. Current treatments are predominantly verbal- and behavioral-based and lack the opportunity to practice in-the-moment (...)
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    Argentina, ¿trabaja?. Algunas reflexiones y miradas del Plan “Ingreso Social con Trabajo”.Angélica De Sena & Florencia Chahbenderian - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    En la última década en la Argentina se implementaron una serie de políticas sociales denominadas socio-productivas, socio-laboral y socio-económicas con el objeto de mejorar la situación de desempleo o precariedad laboral de la población. Las mismas pueden considerarse un modo de compensación de los efectos de exclusión del régimen de producción y acumulación vigente. En este contexto en el año 2009 nace el Plan “Ingreso Social con Trabajo” desde el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, que declara tener como objetivo generar puestos (...)
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    Islã e modernidade: um estudo sobre a comunidade muçulmana em Belo Horizonte.Edmar Avelar de Sena - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):177-177.
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  26. Kriz ve Küçülme.Sena Erten, Neslihan ŞAHİN & Yelda Tavlan - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  27. Etica e cosmopolitismo in Kant.Michelantonio Sena - 1976 - [Reggio Calabria]: Parallelo 38.
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    O Islã no Brasil: malês e “árabes” - dois momentos da presença muçulmana no contexto brasileiro.Edmar Avelar Sena - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38):829-861.
    This article presents the historical aspect about Islam in Brazil and analyzes events as the revolt of slaves Males in Bahia and migration of Syrians and Lebanese to Brazil. The aim is showing that the presence of Islam on Brazil in the 19th century, was provided by the trafficking of slaves brought from Africa, Known as Males, don't have connection with Muslim communities who installed here since the 20th century to the immigrations of Syrian and Lebanese. These two historical moments (...)
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  29. Taking Up Thagard’s Challenge: A Formal Model of Conceptual Revision.Sena Bozdag & Matteo De Benedetto - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):791-824.
    Thagard presented a framework for conceptual change in science based on conceptual systems. Thagard challenged belief revision theorists, claiming that traditional belief-revision systems are able to model only the two most conservative types of changes in his framework, but not the more radical ones. The main aim of this work is to take up Thagard’s challenge, presenting a belief-revision-like system able to mirror radical types of conceptual change. We will do that with a conceptual revision system, i.e. a belief-revision-like system (...)
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    Educational Policies In Kazakhstan From The USSR Period Until Today.Cemile Kinaci - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1304-1319.
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    Comentário ao artigo Caminos y esbozos para una apertura fenomenológica del horizonte mismidad desde la constitución del mundo en ser y tiempo de Heidegger.Sandro Sena - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):295-300.
    Resumen El objetivo principal del artículo es terminar quién es el Dasein desde el aparecer del mundo en la obra de Martin Heidegger Ser y tiempo. Para ello, se plantea la posibilidad de aprehensión del horizonte del sí mismo del Dasein, en contra de los propios análisis heideggerianos sobre el uno, y, también, se muestra de qué manera la mismidad del Dasein se presupone ya en el modo de aparición del mundo-entorno a través del existenciario significatividad. La conclusión del artículo (...)
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    Dionysos as antidote: The veils of Maya.Marylou Sena - 1994 - Research in Phenomenology 24 (1):189-205.
  33. La paideia cosmica di Emanuele Kant: motivi pedagogici della Critica della ragione pura.Michelantonio Sena - 1974 - Messina: Peloritana.
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  34. Tattva-kathā.Surendranātha Sena - 1983 - Kāmākhyā, Āsāma: prāptisthāna Kālipura Āśrama.
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    Matrimônios e batismos na freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Albuquerque – Província de Mato Grosso -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i1.715. [REVIEW]Divino Marcos de Sena - 2013 - Dialogos 17 (1).
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    Seelsorge Im Islam: Theorie Und Praxis in Deutschland.Cemil Şahinöz - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Cemil Şahinöz liefert eine wissenschaftliche und theologische Grundlage für den Begriff der islamischen Seelsorge und entwickelt darüber hinaus ein Konzept über die Arbeit der Seelsorge für die Gruppe der Muslime in Deutschland. Der Autor analysiert mehrere Seelsorgedisziplinen, macht eine breite Bestandsaufnahme, interviewt Seelsorger und Ausbilder islamischer Seelsorger und untersucht islamische Seelsorgekonzepte in anderen Ländern. Die islamische Theologie und die historische Entwicklung der Seelsorge innerhalb der muslimischen Gemeinschaften standen für die Erarbeitung seines Konzepts im Fokus.
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    A trajetória do dado fenomenológico (1874-1945):: de Brentano a Merleau-Ponty, o panorama das ideias e as polêmicas.Paulo Henrique Reis de Sena - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (1):26-42.
    O artigo versa sobre a aparição e os desdobramentos de algumas, dentre as principais abordagens da fenomenologia, no que se refere ao problema do sentido intuitivo do dado fenomenológico. Qual sua natureza? Como deve ser teorizada sua objetividade? Bem como, o sentido de sua imediaticidade? É um artigo bastante simplificador do problema, no qual se tem como objeto apresentar a dinâmica do trabalho fenomenológico no período entre 1874 e 1945 a partir de uma brevíssima exposição das polêmicas internas da tradição (...)
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    İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Epistemolojik İnançları ve Akademik Erteleme Durumlarının İncelenmesi.Afra Nur Tuna & Cemil Osmanoğlu - 2024 - Atebe 11:1-30.
    Bu araştırmanın amacı İlahiyat Fakültesi öğrencilerinin epistemolojik inançları ve akademik erteleme durumlarını incelemektir. Araştırmada İlahiyat Fakültesi öğrencilerinin epistemolojik inançları ve akademik erteleme durumları cinsiyet, sınıf, mezun olunan ortaöğretim kurumu ve öğretim durumu değişkenleri açısından incelenmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcıların epistemolojik inançları ile akademik erteleme durumları arasındaki ilişki de irdelenmiştir. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama modeli benimsenmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında Deryakulu ve Büyüköztürk tarafından Türk kültürüne uyarlanan ‘Epistemolojik İnanç Ölçeği’ ile Çakıcı tarafından geliştirilen ‘Akademik Erteleme Ölçeği’ kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın örneklemini Türkiye’de farklı İlahiyat Fakültelerine devam eden öğrenciler (...)
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    Mal-estar docente na universidade mercantilista: novo negócio e antigo apartheid.Isael de Jesus Sena, Leandro de Lajonquière & Marcelo Ricardo Pereira - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:250-268.
    Os desafios evidenciados pela universalização dos direitos por meio do acesso à universidade mercantilista, que excede a questão da origem popular e/ou da tradicional oposição homogeneidade cultural versus heterogeneidade, colocam um conjunto de vicissitudes para o professor, que interroga a si mesmo e que considera digno ou ignóbil endereçar sua palavra professoral aos destinatários com o objetivo de possibilitar a vivência de uma experiência formativa. O nosso problema, como sociedade brasileira, consiste no fato de que instalamos nacionalmente o imaginário de (...)
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    Comentário a “Ser para a morte, possibilidade existencial e finitude da existência em Ser e tempo”.Sandro Sena - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e02400143.
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  41. The Ottoman Empire and the global Muslim identity in the formation of Eurocentric world order, 1815-1919.Cemil Aydın - 2014 - In Fred Reinhard Dallmayr, M. Akif Kayapınar & İsmail Yaylacı, Civilizations and world order: geopolitics and cultural difference. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Turkish secularism and Islam.Murat Borovalı & Cemil Boyraz - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (4-5):479-488.
    In this article, recent attempts by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) to address the problems of Alevi citizens in Turkey are analysed. After briefly outlining the sources of Alevi revitalization in the 1990s, the article critically discusses different aspects of the Alevi Opening process. It concludes by arguing that the Alevi question reveals many aspects of the problematic nature of secularism in Turkey.
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    Türk ve Amerikan Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Kültürel Miras Eğitimine Yönelik Tutumlarının.Cemil Cahit Yeşi̇lbursa - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):879-879.
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    The use of the construct of self-esteem in health research in Brazil: conceptual contributions towards clinical Castro Sena Rômulo Mágnus & Chaves Maia Eulália Maria - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):383-395.
    El concepto de autoestima ha ido cambiando a lo largo de los tiempos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar como el uso de este constructo para la investigación en salud en Brasil contribuyó a su sistematización conceptual y aplicabilidad clínica. Se trata de un estúdio descriptivo de revisión de la literatura; en el que se llegó a la conclusión de que la medición de la autoestima resultó ser eficiente en la conducción de la investigación en salud con diferentes audiencias, que (...)
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    Beyzik Toplama Tahtasının İlköğretim Aritmetik Problemlerinde Kullanılmasının Öğrencilerin.Cemil İnan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 11):295-295.
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    Okul Öncesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Matematik Dersini Ögretebilme Konusunda Hazır Bulunuşluk Düzeylerin.Cemil İnan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):537-537.
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    PISA Sınavlarında Türkiye'nin Performansı ve Öğretmen Eğitiminde Çözüm Önerileri.Cemil İnan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):1097-1097.
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  48. A Civil Phenomenon in the Shadow of Mourning: Religious Associations in Iran.Zeynep Sena Kaynamazoğlu - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (58):67-76.
    Şiî halk dindarlığının en güçlü unsuru Muharrem ayında icra edilen matem merasimleridir. Muharrem matemi ve benzeri dinî merasimler Şiî Müslümanlara İmam Hüseyin başta olmak üzere On İki İmam’la olan bağlarını tazeleme ve toplumsal hafızalarını canlı tutma imkânı vermektedir. Bireysel dindarlığın önemli bir bileşenini oluşturan bu merasimler aynı zamanda kapsamlı bir toplumsal ve siyasî muhtevaya sahiptir. Bunun günümüz İran’ındaki en önemli örneği, merasimleri icra etmek için bir araya gelmiş insanlardan müteşekkil dinî heyetlerdir. Fütüvvet geleneğinin etkilerinin görüldüğü dinî heyetler, modern dönemde İran (...)
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    Educação Para o Pensar, Educação Matemática e PCN.André Luiz Sena Mariano - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    Os PCN e o Programa Educação para o Pensar podem colaborar singularmente para a prática do ensino de matemática, uma vez que objetivam desenvolver no aluno um espírito crítico e uma atenção ao contexto no qual se inserem.
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    Yetişkinlerde Maneviyat Erteleme Davranışı İlişkisinde Yetersizlik Duygusunun Aracılık Rolü.Hilal Sena Teke & Sema Yılmaz - 2024 - Atebe 12:88-118.
    Erteleme davranışı ve yetersizlik duygusu, bireyin yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkileyen iki önemli faktördür. Öte yandan, maneviyat bireylere güç, moral ve anlam kazandırarak, zorluklarla başa çıkmada ve olumsuz duygularla mücadelede önemli bir içsel kaynak sunar. Bu çalışma, yetişkin bireylerde erteleme davranışı ile yetersizlik duygusu arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek ve bu ilişkinin üzerinde maneviyatın oynadığı rolü araştırmak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma nicel desenli ve ilişkisel tarama yöntemi ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, yaşları 18 ile 60 arası değişen 600 gönüllü kadın ve erkek katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Veriler, (...)
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