Results for 'Catherine Gordon'

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  1.  20
    Predicting Uncertain Multi-Dimensional Adulthood Outcomes From Childhood and Adolescent Data in People Referred to Autism Services.Gordon Forbes, Catherine Lord, Rebecca Elias & Andrew Pickles - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionAutism spectrum disorder is a highly heterogeneous diagnosis. When a child is referred to autism services or receives a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder it is not known what their potential adult outcomes could be. We consider the challenge of making predictions of an individual child’s long-term multi-facetted adult outcome, focussing on which aspects are predictable and which are not.MethodsWe used data from 123 adults participating in the Autism Early Diagnosis Cohort. Participants were recruited from age 2 and followed up (...)
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    Art and Society.Gordon H. Clark & Catherine Rau - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (2):241.
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    Ornament, Fantasy, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century French Literature.Catherine Nesci, Rachael Siciliano & Rae Beth Gordon - 1995 - Substance 24 (3):130.
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    Employee Participation in Cause-Related Marketing Strategies: A Study of Management Perceptions from British Consumer Service Industries.Gordon Liu, Catherine Liston-Heyes & Wai-Wai Ko - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):195-210.
    The purpose of cause-related marketing (CRM) is to publicise and capitalise on a firm's corporate social performance (CSP) by enhancing its legitimacy in the eyes of its stakeholders. This study focuses on the firm's internal stakeholders - i.e. its employees - and the extent of their involvement in the selection of social campaigns. Whilst the difficulties of managing a firm that has lost or damaged its legitimacy in the eyes of its employees are well known, little is understood about the (...)
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    The illustration of sir Walter Scott: Nineteenth-century enthusiasm and adaptation.Catherine Gordon - 1971 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 34 (1):297-317.
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    Potential of the CRISPR‐Cas system for improved parasite diagnosis.Hong You, Catherine A. Gordon, Skye R. MacGregor, Pengfei Cai & Donald P. McManus - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (4):2100286.
    CRISPR‐Cas technology accelerates development of fast, accurate, and portable diagnostic tools, typified by recent applications in COVID‐19 diagnosis. Parasitic helminths cause devastating diseases afflicting 1.5 billion people globally, representing a significant public health and economic burden, especially in developing countries. Currently available diagnostic tests for worm infection are neither sufficiently sensitive nor field‐friendly for use in low‐endemic or resource‐poor settings, leading to underestimation of true prevalence rates. Mass drug administration programs are unsustainable long‐term, and diagnostic tools – required to be (...)
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    Beyond Pathologizing Harm: Understanding PTSD in the Context of War Experience.Patricia Benner, Jodi Halpern, Deborah R. Gordon, Catherine Long Popell & Patricia W. Kelley - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (1):45-72.
    An alternative to objectifying approaches to understanding Post-traumatic Stress Disorder grounded in hermeneutic phenomenology is presented. Nurses who provided care for soldiers injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and sixty-seven wounded male servicemen in the rehabilitation phase of their recovery were interviewed. PTSD is the one major psychiatric diagnosis where social causation is established, yet PTSD is predominantly viewed in terms of the usual neuro-physiological causal models with traumatic social events viewed as pathogens with dose related effects. Biologic models (...)
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    Empathy.Catherine Belzung - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):177-191.
    When we see a child crying, the urge to help him and to comfort him comes to us spontaneously. We understand what he is experiencing, and feel in us something of his sadness, his distress: this is what we call empathy. This sense of the other is the fruit of our evolutionary history and is hardwired in our biology. Empathy has interested a lot of thinkers and in particular the Scottish philosophers of the Age of the Enlightenment such as Adam (...)
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    The Harmony Within: The Spiritual Vision of George MacDonald, by Rolland Hein; George MacDonald: A Devotional Guide to His Writings, edited by Gary and Catherine Deddo; The Wind from the Stars: Through the Year with George MacDonald, edited by Gordon Reid.Stratford Caldecott - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1/2):125-128.
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  10. In the Beginning ... Creativity.Gordon D. Kaufman - 2003
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  11. Reasonable Disagreement.Catherine Elgin - 2018 - In Casey Rebecca Johnson (ed.), Voicing Dissent: The Ethics and Epistemology of Making Disagreement Public. New York: Routledge. pp. 10-21.
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    L'avenir de Hegel: plasticité, temporalité, dialectique.Catherine Malabou - 1996 - Paris: Vrin.
    Comment la philosophie de Hegel pourrait-elle encore promettre quelque chose puisqu'elle est apparue, aux yeux des lecteurs contemporains, comme une entreprise d'annulation du temps? Le savoir absolu n'est-il pas le resultat du processus dialectique par lequel l'esprit releve toute temporalite et par la toute surprise, l'evenement se produisant toujours trop tard? D'une absence de pensee de l'avenir dans la philosophie de Hegel decoulerait une absence d'avenir de la philosophie hegelienne elle-meme. C'est contre une telle assertion que le present ouvrage s'inscrit (...)
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    From metaphysics to physics.Gordon Belot & John Earman - 1999 - In Jeremy Butterfield & Constantine Pagonis (eds.), From Physics to Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 166--86.
    We discuss the relationship between the interpretative problems of quantum gravity and those of general relativity. We argue that classical and quantum theories of gravity resuscitate venerable philosophical questions about the nature of space, time, and change; and that the resolution of some of the difficulties facing physicists working on quantum theories of gravity would appear to require philosophical as well as scientific creativity.
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    Three-year-olds' comprehension of contrastive and descriptive adjectives: Evidence for contrastive inference.Catherine Davies, Jamie Lingwood, Bissera Ivanova & Sudha Arunachalam - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104707.
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  15. Novel democracy : readers, evidence, and the commonplace book of Elizabeth Phillips Payson, 1806-1825.Gordon Fraser - 2023 - In Robert Mason Hauser & Adrianna Link (eds.), Evidence: the use and misuse of data. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press.
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  16. Novel democracy: readers, evidence, and the commonplace book of Elizabeth Phillips Payson, 1806-1825.Gordon Fraser - 2023 - In Robert Mason Hauser & Adrianna Link (eds.), Evidence: the use and misuse of data. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press.
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    Differences from somewhere: The normativity of whiteness in bioethics in the united states.Catherine Myser - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):1 – 11.
    I argue that there has been inadequate attention to and questioning of the dominance and normativity of whiteness in the cultural construction of bioethics in the United States. Therefore we risk reproducing white privilege and white supremacy in its theory, method, and practices. To make my argument, I define whiteness and trace its broader social and legal history in the United States. I then begin to mark whiteness in U.S. bioethics, recasting Renee Fox's sociological marking of its American-ness as an (...)
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  18. The representation of time and change in mechanics.Gordon Belot - 2006 - In Jeremy Butterfield & John Earman (eds.), Philosophy of Physics. Amsterdam and Boston: Elsevier. pp. 133--227.
    This chapter is concerned with the representation of time and change in classical (i.e., non-quantum) physical theories. One of the main goals of the chapter is to attempt to clarify the nature and scope of the so-called problem of time: a knot of technical and interpretative problems that appear to stand in the way of attempts to quantize general relativity, and which have their roots in the general covariance of that theory. The most natural approach to these questions is via (...)
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    Sexual variation in cortical localization of naming as determined by stimulation mapping.Catherine A. Mateer, Samuel B. Polen & George A. Ojemann - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):310-311.
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    Observations on hyperplanes: I State reduction and unitary evolution.Gordon N. Fleming - unknown
    This is the first of two papers responding to ‘recent’ commentary on various aspects of hyperplane dependence by several authors. In this paper I focus on the issues of the relations of HD to state reduction and unitary evolution. The authors who’s comments I address here are Maudlin and Myrvold. In the second paper of this set I focus on HD dynamical variables and localizable properties and measurements and address comments of de Koning, Halvorson, Clifton and Wallace. Each paper ends (...)
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  21. The Diplomats: 1919-1939.Gordon A. Craig & Felix Gilbert - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):79-80.
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    The Archbishop of.Gordon Lloyd - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi (ed.), Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press. pp. 428.
  23. Relativism, Knowledge and Faith.Gordon D. Kaufman - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (3):403-403.
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    The Heidegger Change: On the Fantastic in Philosophy.Catherine Malabou - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Elaborates the author’s conception of plasticity by proposing a new way of thinking through Heidegger’s writings on change.
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  25. The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic.Catherine Malabou - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is one of the most important recent books on Hegel, a philosopher who has had a crucial impact on the shape of continental philosophy. Published here in English for the first time, it includes a substantial preface by Jacques Derrida in which he explores the themes and conclusions of Malabou's book. _The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic_ restores Hegel's rich and complex concepts of time and temporality to contemporary philosophy. It examines his concept of time, relating (...)
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    Nuclear Families: Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and the Regulation of Parenthood.Catherine Mills - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):507-527.
    Since mitochondrial replacement techniques were developed and clinically introduced in the United Kingdom, there has been much discussion of whether these lead to children borne of three parents. In the UK, the regulation of MRT has dealt with this by stipulating that egg donors for the purposes of MRT are not genetic parents even though they contribute mitochondrial DNA to offspring. In this paper, I examine the way that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act in the UK manages the question (...)
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    Beyond Suffering: Commentary on" What (If Anything) Do We Owe Wild Animals" by Clare Palmer.Gordon M. Burghardt - 2013 - Between the Species 16 (1).
  28. Exploring our nation's capital: exploring the role of cultural institutions in the teaching of history and social education in the primary classroom.Catherine Harris - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 13 (2):22-26.
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  29. Puerto Rico: Freedom and Power in the Caribbean.Gordon K. Lewis - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (1):96-101.
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    The structure of experience: Kant's system of principles.Gordon Nagel - 1983 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  31. Law and Psychology: Current Legal Issues.Belinda Brooks-Gordon & Michael Freeman (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Current Legal Issues, like its sister volume Current Legal Problems, is based upon an annual colloquium held at University College London. Each year, leading scholars from around the world gather to discuss the relationship between law and another discipline of thought. Each colloqium examines how the external discipline is conceived in legal thought and argument, how the law is pictured in that discipline, and analyses points of controversy in the use, and abuse, of extra-legal arguments within legal theory and practice.Law (...)
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    Remarks on disability rights legislation.John-Stewart Gordon & Felice Tavera-Salyutov - 2018 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. An International Journal 37 (5):506-526.
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  33. The Importance of "Mere Conception" in David Hume's Theory of Belief.Catherine Elaine Kemp - 1995 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    Belief is a species of mere conception, and is modifiable, rather than bivalent (believing or disbelieving). The attendant-impression theory of transformation of conception into belief expresses the moral dimension of one and the same thing, of which the manner-of-conception (without attendant impression) theory of the transformation refers to the epistemic dimension of that same thing. These two aspects of the transformation of conception into belief point to an ambiguity in Hume's use of the term IDEA: as act and as content. (...)
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    Persuasion and Allusion in Sophocles' 'Philoctetes'.Gordon Kirkwood - 1994 - Hermes 122 (4):425-436.
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  35. Kant and Crusius: Epigenesis and Preformation.Gordon Treash - 1989 - In Gerhard Funke & Thomas M. Seebohm (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research. Washington, D.C.: Upa. pp. 95-108.
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    A critical realist methodology in empirical research: foundations, process, and payoffs.Catherine Hastings - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (5):458-473.
    This article describes and evaluates the application of an explicitly critical realist methodology to a quantitative doctoral research project on the causes of family homelessness in Australia. It...
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    Deliberative Stakeholder Engagement in Person-centered Health Research.Gordon R. Mitchell, E. Johanna Hartelius, David McCoy & Kathleen M. McTigue - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (1):21-42.
    Robust stakeholder engagement in health research requires broad communicative integration, not only of patients but also other stakeholders such as health system leaders, clinicians, and researcher...
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  38. Le développement urbain en Syrie du Nord, étude des cas de Séleucie et Apamée de l'Euphrate.Abadie-Reynal Catherine & Gaborit Justine - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  39. Oxford Handbook of Early modern Philosophy.Desmonde Clarke Catherine Wilson (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
  40. Repatriation, cultural revitalization and indigenous healing in alaska.Gordon L. Pullar - 2008 - In Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl (eds.), Utimut: Past Heritage - Future Partnerships, Discussions on Repatriation in the 21st Century /Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl, Editors. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs and Greenland National Museum & Archives.
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  41. Regarding the earth: Ecological vision in word & deed.Catherine Rigby & Linda Williams - unknown
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  42. Transforming mysticism: Adorning pathways to self-transcendence.Gordon Rixon - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):719-734.
    The article develops an Ignatian perspective, from within which it then interprets and amplifies Bernard Lonergan's intellectual project. Exploiting recent analyses of medieval memorial culture and the rhetorical dynamicsof monastic spiritual practice, the article highlights the performative quality of key Ignatian texts, paying particular attention to the categories of ornamentation and ordering . Appreciating the vantage afforded by heightened self-presence, reflexive knowledge and intentional praxis, the article then explores Lonergan's project, employing the rubric of ornamentation and ordering to investigate the (...)
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  43. From household to polity.Gordon J. Schochet - 1980 - In Richard W. Wilson & Gordon J. Schochet (eds.), Moral development and politics. New York: Praeger. pp. 206--215.
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    Life, liberty, and property.Gordon J. Schochet - 1971 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
  45. Some strategies for sustaining conversation.Gordon Wells, Margaret MacLure & Martin Montgomery - 1981 - In Paul Werth (ed.), Conversation and Discourse: Structure and Interpretation. St. Martins Press.
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    My Life and My Theological Reflection: Two Central Themes.Gordon D. Kaufman - 2001 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 22 (1):3 - 32.
  47. Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective.Gordon D. Kaufman - 1968
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    Hermeneutics in practice: Gadamer on ancient philosophy.Catherine H. Zuckert - 2002 - In Robert J. Dostal (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 875--906.
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    Nature, history and the self: Friedrich nietzsches untimely considerations.Catherine Zuckert - 1976 - Nietzsche Studien 5 (1):55-82.
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    Reply to Van Cleve.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 267.
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