Results for 'Catastrophical, The Philosophy.'

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  1.  8
    The Philosophy of Crisis: the self-consciousness of humanity in the era of catastrophic changes.V. V. Ilyin - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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    Catastrophe and Philosophy.David J. Rosner (ed.) - 2018 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book investigates how a number of influential philosophies arose out of catastrophes, such as wars, plagues, and earthquakes. Central to the project is an explanation of how these catastrophes led to the questioning of basic assumptions and the introduction of new ideas to make sense out of a chaotic and often unintelligible world.
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    (1 other version)Risk and Catastrophe. The Failure of Science and Institutions: Finding Precarious Solutions in a Precarious life.Angelo Abignente & Francesca Scamardella - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The aim of this article is to investigate around the life in the contemporary society, characterized by risks and catastrophes. What does mean to live fearing that in any moment a catastrophe could happen (a tsunami, an earthquake, a nuclear explosion)? Despite of the failure of science and public institutions in the prevention of the catastrophes, the question is the following: Can we use the catastrophe as a paradigm of the contemporary uncertain life, trying to mean it as a theme (...)
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    The philosophy of cosmism: suprarealism, or the project of deontological synthesis (N.F. Fedorov).А. А Оносов - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (3):165-180.
    The article is devoted to the study of the philosophy of the common cause of N.F. Fedorov (1829–1903). The ideas related to the active-historical function of humanity in the world ontology are the subject of analytical attention. The method of meaningful analysis re­veals the main intentions of cosmosophy, aimed at the implementation of the project for the comprehensive regulation of nature and for the ontological transformation of the world. A semantic disclosure of a number of systemic categories of the philosophy (...)
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    The Democracy of Suffering: Life on the Edge of Catastrophe, Philosophy in the Anthropocene.Todd Dufresne - 2019 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    In The Democracy of Suffering philosopher Todd Dufresne provides a strikingly original exploration of the past, present, and future of this epoch, the Anthropocene, demonstrating how the twin crises of reason and capital have dramatically remade the essential conditions for life itself. Images, cartoons, artworks, and quotes pulled from literary and popular culture supplement this engaging and unorthodox look into where we stand amidst the ravages of climate change and capitalist economics. With humour, passion, and erudition, Dufresne diagnoses a frightening (...)
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    Tickle Your Catastrophe!: Imagining Catastrophe in Art, Architecture and Philosophy.Frederik Le Roy (ed.) - 2011 - Gent: Academia Press.
    A collection of essays that takes stock of the current impact of the image and imagination of the catastrophe in art, science and philosophy.
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    La traversée des catastrophes: philosophie pour le meilleur et pour le pire.Pierre Zaoui - 2010 - Paris: Seuil.
    Comment survivre à la vie? Car la vie finit mal, se passe mal aussi parfois, avec ruptures, chagrins, deuils, maladies, et mort. Comment traverser ces catastrophes? Avec l'aide de la foi, qui donne sens à ce qui n'est que souffrance? Mais qu'en est-il de l'athée? S'il veut être cohérent, il ne doit pas chercher à donner un sens à ces souffrances, à leur trouver une justification mais il ne peut faire fond que sur l'absurdité de la vie. Quelle fécondité trouver (...)
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    The catastrophic self: essays in philosophy, memoir and medical trauma.Marlene Benjamin - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Fisher Imprints.
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  9. The Ecological Catastrophe: The Political-Economic Caste as the Origin and Cause of Environmental Destruction and the Pre-Announced Democratic Disaster.Donato Bergandi - 2017 - In The Ecological Catastrophe: The Political-Economic Caste as the Origin and Cause of Environmental Destruction and the Pre-Announced Democratic Disaster. Dordrecht, Netherland: In L. Westra, et al., (eds.), The Role of Integrity in the Governance of the Commons, Dordrecht, Netherland, Springer, pp. 179-189. pp. 179-189.
    The political, economic and environmental policies of a hegemonic, oligarchic, political-economic international caste are the origin and cause of the ecological and political dystopia that we are living in. An utilitarian, resourcist, anthropocentric perspective guides classical economics and sustainable development models, allowing the enrichment of a tiny part of the world's population, while not impeding but, on the contrary, directly inducing economic losses and environmental destruction for the many. To preserve the integrity of natural systems we must abandon the resourcist (...)
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  10. On the Philosophy of Bitcoin/Blockchain Technology: Is it a Chaotic, Complex System?Renato P. Dos Santos - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):620-633.
    The philosophy of blockchain technology is concerned, among other things, with blockchain ontology, how it might be characterised, how it is being created, implemented, and adopted, how it operates in the world, and how it evolves over time. This paper concentrates on whether Bitcoin/blockchain can be considered a complex system and, if so, whether it is a chaotic one. Beyond mere academic curiosity, a positive response would raise concerns about the likelihood of Bitcoin/blockchain entering a 2010-Flash-Crash-type of chaotic regime, with (...)
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  11. The Philosophy of Inquiry and Global Problems: The Intellectual Revolution Needed to Create a Better World.Nicholas Maxwell - 2024 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Bad philosophy is responsible for the climate and nature crises, and other global problems too that threaten our future. That sounds mad, but it is true. A philosophy of science, or of theatre or life is a view about what are, or ought to be, the aims and methods of science, theatre or life. It is in this entirely legitimate sense of “philosophy” that bad philosophy is responsible for the crises we face. First, and in a blatantly obvious way, those (...)
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    The Philosophy of the Precautionary Principle.Per Sandin - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 151-154.
    Technology, in particular large-scale applications of it, offers enormous benefits. However, it also poses considerable, sometimes potentially catastrophic risks. For complex technical systems, the risks are not always reliably predictable.
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  13. The future and catastrophe : The concept of history in italian futurism.Manfred Hinz - 1985 - In Athanasios Moulakis (ed.), The Promise of history: essays in political philosophy. New York: W. de Gruyter.
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    The Coordinate System of Modern Korean Philosophy - Catastrophe, Enlightenment, Insurrection, Constitution, Persona and Ascesis. 문순표 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 94:129-153.
    이 글은 현대한국철학의 역사를 정립하기 위한 예비적 시도다. 이 시도는 우선 최근 정 치적 주체로 급부상한 '페미니즘 주체'의 탈역사적 성격, 즉 선험적 통일성을 담지하지 않 는 역사 이후의 주체로서의 성격을 적극 참조한다. 이른바 칸트가 개진했던 '이성의 역사'라고 하는 이성의 자기발전에 대한 역사적 성찰에 대해 이 탈역사적 주체는 그 뿌리에서부 터 문제제기를 하고 있다. 다시 말해 현대한국철학사 역시 서양철학사와 동일하게 '철학적 문제는 어떻게 발생하는가'(철학의 체계)와 '이 문제를 정식화하기 위한 개념들의 역사적 발생(철학사)', 이 양자의 이율배반적 관계에 직면할 수밖에 없다. 현대한국철학을 규정하기 위해 (...)
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    Catastrophe insurance decision making when the science is uncertain.Richard Bradley - forthcoming - Economics and Philosophy:1-17.
    Insurers draw on sophisticated models for the probability distributions over losses associated with catastrophic events that are required to price insurance policies. But prevailing pricing methods don’t factor in the ambiguity around model-based projections that derive from the relative paucity of data about extreme events. I argue however that most current theories of decision making under ambiguity only partially support a solution to the challenge that insurance decision makers face and propose an alternative approach that allows for decision making that (...)
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    Catastrophe modelling in the biological sciences.Michael A. B. Deakin - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (1):3-22.
    Catastrophe Theory was developed in an attempt to provide a form of Mathematics particularly apt for applications in the biological sciences. It was claimed that while it could be applied in the more conventional physical way, it could also be applied in a new metaphysical way, derived from the Structuralism of Saussure in Linguistics and Lévi-Strauss in Anthropology.Since those early beginnings there have been many attempts to apply Catastrophe Theory to Biology, but these hopes cannot be said to have been (...)
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    Reality in Ruins Before and After the Catastrophe: The Case of Two Contemporary Polish Novels.Katarzyna Trzeciak - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    The ethical catastrophe of contemporary Russia and its foresights in Russian thought.Sergey S. Horujy - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (4):221-234.
    This paper examines the changing ethical consciousness in Russia since the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and discusses how this change was reflected in Russian religious philosophy. This process can be characterized by a series of sudden and violent replacements of contradictory ethical models, which, by disorientating the public consciousness, led to the atrophy of the ethical instinct. The last two models in the series correspond to the “anti-ethics” of the 1990s and the “non-ethics” of the third Millennium. The latter model (...)
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  19. Explicating Ethical Corporate Marketing. Insights from the BP Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe: The Ethical Brand that Exploded and then Imploded. [REVIEW]John M. T. Balmer, Shaun M. Powell & Stephen A. Greyser - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):1-14.
    Ethical corporate marketing—as an organisational-wide philosophy—transcends the domains of corporate social responsibility, business ethics, stakeholder theory and corporate marketing. This being said, ethical corporate marketing represents a logical development vis-a-vis the nascent domain of corporate marketing has an explicit ethical/CSR dimension and extends stakeholder theory by taking account of an institution’s past, present and (prospective) future stakeholders. In our article, we discuss, scrutinise and elaborate the notion of ethical corporate marketing. We argue that an ethical corporate marketing positioning is a (...)
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    Inhabiting the Ruins of Neoliberalism: Space, Catastrophe and Utopia.Chris Butler - 2019 - Law and Critique 30 (3):225-242.
    In Robinson in Ruins, the third of Patrick Keiller’s trilogy of fictionalised documentaries concerning the wanderings and speculations of an unseen protagonist, the narrator informs us that Robinson had been reading Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, which ‘locates the origin of twentieth century catastrophe in the development of market society in England’. Polanyi identifies how the self-regulating market is not a naturally emergent social form, but was the product of the active interventions of the state. For Robinson (and for Keiller) (...)
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    The People and the Population: Cabral, Democracy, and Climate Catastrophe.Larry Alan Busk - forthcoming - Philosophy and Global Affairs.
    This essay interrogates Amílcar Cabral’s distinction between “the population” and “the people” in the context of anticolonial liberation struggles. The former encompasses the totality of the existing individuals in a given geographical jurisdiction, while the latter includes only those committed to realizing the objective of ending colonial domination. This distinction represents a content-based understanding of the category of “the people,” a decisive departure from the formalist conceptions of this category that dominate deliberative, liberal, and radical traditions in democratic theory. I (...)
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    The ravages of social catastrophe: Striving for the quest of ‘Another World’.Baris Cayli - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):963-980.
    The social order of the current system has brought an increase in the public dissents and turned to a ‘normalized sociological pathology’ of the postmodern world. The unyielding public resistance examples in different cultural geographies, which are fragmented, limited and yet significant and expanding struggles, convey the message that the global order of the Powerful has entered the age of stagnation. This article aims to shed new light on the relationship between the social protests and global order that has given (...)
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    The Democracy of Suffering: Life on the Edge of Catastrophe, Philosophy in the Anthropocene: by Todd Dufresne, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, xxvi + 211 pp., $29.95 CAN/usd.Barnaby Ralph - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):865-866.
    At the outset of The Democracy of Suffering, Canadian philosopher Todd Dufresne suggests that we should stop worrying about the indifference of those ignoring the environmental plight of the world...
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    Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy.Christopher Nathan & Keith Hyams - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-18.
    An anthropogenic global catastrophic risk is a human-induced risk that threatens sustained and wide-scale loss of life and damage to civilisation across the globe. In order to understand how new research on governance mechanisms for emerging technologies might assuage such risks, it is important to ask how perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes towards the governance of global catastrophic risk within the research community shape the conduct of potentially risky research. The aim of this study is to deepen our understanding of emerging (...)
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    The catastrophe of neo-liberalism.Roger Foster - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (2):123-143.
    My article provides a systematic interpretation of the transformation of capitalist society in the neo-liberal era as a form of what Karl Polanyi called ‘cultural catastrophe’. I substantiate this claim by drawing upon Erich Fromm’s theory of social character. Fromm’s notion of social character, I argue, offers a plausible, psychodynamic explanation of the processes of social change and the eventual class composition of neo-liberal society. I argue, further, that Fromm allows us to understand the psychosocial basis of the process that (...)
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  26. Catastrophic Times. Against Equivalencies of History and Vulnerability in the «Anthropocene».Ralf Gisinger - 2023 - Filosofia Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 39 (Philosophy and Catastrophe):61-77.
    With catastrophic events of «nature» like global warming, arguments emerge that insinuate an equivalence of vulnerability, responsibility or being affected by these catastrophes. Such an alleged equivalence when facing climate catastrophe is already visible, for example, in the notion of the «Anthropocene» itself, which obscures both causes and various vulnerabilities in a homogenized as well as universalized concept of humanity (anthropos). Taking such narratives as a starting point, the paper explores questions about the connection between catastrophe, temporality, and history, following (...)
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    The Plague: Human resilience and the collective response to catastrophe.Michael A. Peters - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (1):1-4.
    What’s true of all the evils in the world is true of plague as well. It helps men [sic] to rise above themselves.– Albert Camus, The PlagueMany novelists and philosophers have commented on the them...
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    Sociology: The Active Catastrophe.Keith Tester - 2016 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 277 (3):399-412.
    Bauman’s writing adopts different modes of address – it moves from the conventionally academic, through the essayistic, the diaristic and, most obviously, the conversational. This movement reflects the emergence of a late style in Bauman’s work. This late style is understood through Adorno. It highlights the bankruptcy and thoughtlessness of the hegemonic – world doubling – forms of sociology. Bauman’s late style is thinking with and for otherness. As such, the late style works are an active catastrophe. They refute the (...)
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    The Twilight of Reason: Benjamin, Adorno, Horkheimer and Levinas Tested by the Catastrophe.Orietta Ombrosi - 2012 - Gazelle [Distributor].
    “Think of the disaster” is the first injunction of thought when faced with the disaster that struck European Jews during the Shoah. Thinking of the disaster means understanding why the Shoah was able to occur in civilized Europe, moulded by humane reason and the values of progress and enlightenment. It means thinking of a possibility for philosophy’s future. Walter Benjamin, who wrestled with these problems ahead of time, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Emmanuel Levinas had the courage, the strength and (...)
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    The Catastrophic Essence of the Human Being in Heidegger’s Readings of Antigone.Scott M. Campbell - 2017 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7:84-102.
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    The Catastrophe to Come.Anthony Curtis Adler - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):365-383.
    Taking its departure from The Differend’s analysis of Auschwitz as a sign for the evental character of history, I argue that the looming ecological disaster we now face reveals both the continuing relevance and limits of Lyotard’s thought. While the form of political agency of the catastrophe to come involves a differend, this differend cannot be attached to a proper name, however problematic its mode of signification. This, however, suggests the even greater relevance of Lyotard’s treatment, in the conclusion of (...)
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    The intersubjective responsibility of durational trauma: Contributions of Bergson and Levinas to the philosophy of trauma.Hannah Rachel Bacon - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (2):159-175.
    In public discourse trauma is predominantly framed as an overwhelming event undergone by the individual. In this article I first provide a brief genealogy to trace the emergence of what is now the dominant temporal framework of psychological catastrophe. I supplement this evental nosology with a durational consideration of trauma by drawing on the works of Henri Bergson and his articulation of duration, memory, and lived experience. Durational trauma accommodates liminal and ongoing experiences of the catastrophic that are equally devastating (...)
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    Love and Catastrophe: Filming the Sublime in Hiroshima Mon Amour.Reni Celeste - 2005 - Film-Philosophy 9 (4).
    Film-Philosophy International Salon-Journal (ISSN 1466-4615) Vol. 9 No. 38, July 2005 Reni Celeste Love and Catastrophe: Filming the Sublime in _Hiroshima Mon Amour_ [1] This essay studies two scenes from Alain Resnais's film _Hirsoshima Mon Amour_ (1959) alongside the concept of the sublime in order to take film from a discussion of desire to one of love. Love is understood, according to philosopher Emmanuel Levinas's description, as an infinite alterity, rather than as totality or unity. Though Levinas insists on a (...)
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    The Catastrophic “Site and Non-Site” of Proximity.John Caruana - 1998 - International Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):33-46.
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    Catastrophe, Adherence, Proximity Sartre (with Barthes) in the Cinema.Patrick Ffrench - 2013 - Sartre Studies International 19 (1):35-54.
    Sartre's recollection, in Les Mots , of his first visit to the cinema is a multi-layered and ambivalent text through which Sartre proposes a number of interlocking arguments: concerning the contrast between the 'sacred' space of the theatre and the non-ceremonial space of the cinema, between the theatre as associated with paternal authority, and the cinema as associated with a clandestine bond with the mother. But the text also sets up a quasi-sociological account of the public Sartre encounters in the (...)
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    The future of ethics and education: philosophy in a time of existential crises.Charles C. Verharen - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (3):371-389.
    Philosophy confronts two existential crises: the threats to its existence from scientists like Stephen Hawking who claim that philosophy is dead; and the threat to life itself from catastrophic climate change. The essay’s first theoretical part critiques Nietzsche’s claim that philosophy’s primary function is to guarantee the future of life. The essay’s second practical part claims that philosophy must meet the challenge of life’s extinction through a revised model for ethics in education. Taking its start from recent conceptualizations of philosophy (...)
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    Catastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben.Jessica Stephanie Whyte - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _Offers a striking new reading of Agamben’s political thought and its implications for political action in the present._.
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    Catastrophe or apocalypse? The anthropocenologist as pedagogue.Chris Peers - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):263-273.
    The fact that humans are responsible for climate change is certain. But the meaning of the fact of human responsibility is not disclosed by stating the fact: there is a distinction between the two principles, de facto and de jure, the right to state a fact and the right to assert the meaning of the fact. This distinction must be preserved in order that humans may interpret the nature of our responsibility, as a form of justice. In fact, the nature (...)
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    In the Shadow of Catastrophe: German Intellectuals Between Apocalypse and Enlightenment.Anson Rabinbach - 1997 - University of California Press.
    These essays by eminent European intellectual and cultural historian Anson Rabinbach address the writings of key figures in twentieth-century German philosophy. Rabinbach explores their ideas in relation to the two world wars and the horrors facing Europe at that time. Analyzing the work of Benjamin and Bloch, he suggests their indebtedness to the traditions of Jewish messianism. In a discussion of Hugo Ball's little-known _Critique of the German Intelligentsia_, Rabinbach reveals the curious intellectual career of the Dadaist and antiwar activist (...)
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    The latest catastrophe: history, the present, the contemporary.Henry Rousso - 2016 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Jane Marie Todd.
    Introduction ; "you weren't there!" -- Contemporaneity in the past -- War and the time after -- Contemporaneity at the heart of historicity -- Our time -- Conclusion : in the face of the tragic.
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  41. Ontological Catastrophe: Zizek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism.Joseph Carew - 2014 - Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press.
    In Ontological Catastrophe, Joseph Carew takes up the central question guiding Slavoj Žižek’s philosophy: How could something like phenomenal reality emerge out of the meaninglessness of the Real? Carefully reconstructing and expanding upon his controversial reactualization of German Idealism, Carew argues that Žižek offers us an original, but perhaps terrifying, response: experience is possible only if we presuppose a prior moment of breakdown as the ontogenetic basis of subjectivity. Drawing upon resources found in Žižek, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and post-Kantian philosophy, Carew (...)
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    The cylinder theory & the metaphysics of catastrophe.Carlo Maria Flumiani - 1978 - [Albuquerque, N.M.]: Institute for Economic & Financial Research.
  43. The Loss of the Great Outdoors: Neither Correlationist Gem nor Kantian Catastrophe.Toby Lovat - 2017 - Perspectives 7 (1):14-27.
    This article concerns Quentin Meillassoux’s claim that Kant’s revolution is responsible for philosophy’s catastrophic loss of the ‘great outdoors’, of our knowledge of things as they are in themselves. I argue that Meillassoux’s critique of Kant’s ‘weak’ correlationism and his defence of ‘strong’ correlationism are predicated on a fallacious argument (termed ‘the Gem’ by David Stove) and the traditional, but in my view mistaken, metaphysical interpretation of Kant’s transcendental distinction. I draw on Henry Allison’s interpretation of Kant’s idealism to argue (...)
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    Chinese Cosmopolitanism: The History and Philosophy of an Idea.Shuchen Xiang - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A provocative defense of a forgotten Chinese approach to identity and difference Historically, the Western encounter with difference has been catastrophic: the extermination and displacement of aboriginal populations, the transatlantic slave trade, and colonialism. China, however, took a different historical path. In Chinese Cosmopolitanism, Shuchen Xiang argues that the Chinese cultural tradition was, from its formative beginnings and throughout its imperial history, a cosmopolitan melting pot that synthesized the different cultures that came into its orbit. Unlike the West, which cast (...)
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    Metaphysical Elements of Creativity In the Philosophy of W. E. Hocking, Part I.John Howie - 1972 - Idealistic Studies 2 (3):249-264.
    William Ernest Hocking has been described as “the people’s philosopher,” “the last of the Golden Age of American philosophy,” and “the dean of American philosophers.” These labels reflect something of the sensitivity of the man and the magnitude of his achievements. Hocking’s own words illustrate the appropriateness of the diverse labels. “Philosophy is the common man’s business,” he once remarked, “and until it reaches the common man and answers his questions it is not doing its duty.” “Philosophic thinking, stirred to (...)
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    Narrating the Catastrophe: An Artist's Dialogue with Deleuze and Ricoeur.Jac Saorsa - 2011 - Intellect.
    A highly original—and visually appealing—take on a high-profile issue in contemporary critical debate, this book will appeal to all those interested in visual arts and philosophy.
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    After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophes.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In this book, the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy examines the nature of catastrophes in the era of globalization and technology. Can a catastrophe be an isolated occurrence? Is there such a thing as a “natural” catastrophe when all of our technologies—nuclear energy, power supply, water supply—are necessarily implicated, drawing together the biological, social, economic, and political? Nancy examines these questions and more. Exclusive to this English edition are two interviews with Nancy conducted by Danielle Cohen-Levinas and Yuji Nishiyama and Yotetsu Tonaki.
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    Philosophy, Society and the Cunning of History in Eastern Europe.Costica Bradatan (ed.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    Philosophy, Society and the Cunning of History in Eastern Europe charts the intellectual landscape of twentieth century East-Central Europe under the unifying theme of 'precariousness' as a mode of historical existence. Caught between empires, often marked by catastrophic historic events and grand political failures, the countries of East-Central Europe have for a long time developed a certain intellectual self-representation, a culture that not only helps them make some sense of such misfortunes, but also protects them somehow from a collapse into (...)
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    Assessing climate policies: Catastrophe avoidance and the right to sustainable development.Darrel Moellendorf & Daniel Edward Callies - 2021 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 20 (2):127-150.
    With the significant disconnect between the collective aim of limiting warming to well below 2°C and the current means proposed to achieve such an aim, the goal of this paper is to offer a moral assessment of prominent alternatives to current international climate policy. To do so, we’ll outline five different policy routes that could potentially bring the means and goal in line. Those five policy routes are: (1) exceed 2°C; (2) limit warming to less than 2°C by economic de-growth; (...)
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    Catastrophe, commemoration and education: On the concept of memory pedagogy.Jun Yamana - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (13):1375-1387.
    Dealing with memories of catastrophes is undoubtedly important for education. Yet, how is such an education possible? On which theoretical basis can we describe it? In this article, I build a bridg...
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