Results for 'Catalina Perelló-Campaner'

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  1.  19
    Instrumentalisation of the health system: An examination of the impact on nursing practice and patient autonomy.Jesús Molina-Mula, Elizabeth Peter, Julia Gallo-Estrada & Catalina Perelló-Campaner - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (1):e12201.
    Most current management systems of healthcare institutions correspond to a model of market ethics with its demands of competitiveness. This approach has been called managerialism and is couched in terms of much‐needed efficiencies and effective management of budgetary constraints. The aim of this study was to analyse the decision‐making of nurses through the impact of health institution management models on clinical practice. Based on Foucault's ethical theory, a qualitative study was conducted through a discourse analysis of the nursing records in (...)
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    Causality and Explanation: Issues from Epidemiology.Raffaella Campaner - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber (eds.), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 125--135.
  3. The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks.Josep Perelló, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Land-Zandstra, Katrin Vohland, Katherin Wagenknecht, Claire Narraway, Rob Lemmens & Marisa Ponti - 2021 - In Katrin Vohland, Anne Land-Zandstra, Luigi Ceccaroni, Rob Lemmens, Josep Perelló, Marisa Ponti, Roeland Samson & Katherin Wagenknecht (eds.), The Science of Citizen Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 517--529.
    This book is the culmination of the COST Action CA15212 Citizen Science to Promote Creativity, Scientific Literacy, and Innovation throughout Europe. It represents the final stage of a shared journey taken over the last 4 years. During this relatively short period, our citizen science practices and perspectives have rapidly evolved. In this chapter we discuss what we have learnt about the recent past of citizen science and what we expect and hope for the future.
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    Wesley Salmon, Causality and Explanation. [REVIEW]Raffaella Campaner - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (1):121-125.
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    On the selection and balancing of multiple selfish goals.Catalina Kopetz, Wilhelm Hofmann & Reinout W. H. J. Wiers - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):147-148.
    The selfish goal metaphor is interesting and intriguing. It accounts for the idiosyncrasies and inconsistencies in peoples' goal pursuits without invoking free will, self-regulatory, or self-control failures. However, people pursue multiple goals, sometimes simultaneously. We argue that the model proposed in the target article may gain significant theoretical and practical value if the principles underlying goal selection and/or balancing on a moment-to-moment basis are clearly specified and integrated with the notion of the selfish goal.
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    1-800-Quit-Now.Catalina Meyer - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):12-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1-800-Quit-NowCatalina MeyerAs a healthcare interpreter, you are a communication tool, but more importantly, you are a bridge over a cultural barrier. Yes, we must repeat exactly what the provider says, and we must strive to convey the message—not so much the words but the meaning. To do this well, interpreters must be aware of cultural differences and advocate when something culturally interferes with understanding the message's meaning. Failing to (...)
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    Philosophy of Medicine and Model Design.Raffaella Campaner - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 467--478.
  8. Causalità manipolativa e interventi terapeutici.Raffaella Campaner - 2005 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 23 (3):99-112.
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  9. Part IV: From Psychology to Psychiatry: Limits of Computational Psychology and the Role of Causes as Interventions in Psychiatry: The Limits of Computational Psychology in J. Fodor / Pedro Chacón. The Interventionist Theory and Mental Disorders.Raffaella Campaner - 2018 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject: New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Realismo e antirealismo nelle scienze: un percorso multidisciplinare.Raffaella Campaner & Carlo Gabbani (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    La nostalgia de Cioran.Catalina Elena Dobre - 2020 - Sevilla: Thémata.
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  12. Secularización e infinito en Pascal y Kant.Catalina González - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 5:296-315.
    En este artículo examino el concepto de infinito en Pascal y Kant en el contexto del análisis contemporáneo de la secularización moderna, realizado por H. Blumenberg y H. Arendt. Los aspectos principales de mi análisis son: primero, el paso del sentido del término ‘infinito’ del ámbito trascendente al inmanente. Segundo, la comprensión de la modernidad secular como una mundanización desmundanizada. Tercero, la aplicación secular del concepto de infinito a la historia, en el ideal moderno del progreso. En mi opinión, estos (...)
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    Cartographies of Diasporic Thinking.Catalina Hidalgo Nieto & Nicolas Lema Habash - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (3):324-340.
    Inspired by Judith Butler’s critique of Zionism, this article explores one artistic practice that may be considered as developing a diasporic thinking that is specifically rooted in the experience...
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    Reflexive Transformation of Intimacy in Late Modernity Theories: Some Critiques and Conceptual Alternatives.Catalina-Ionela Rezeanu - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (1):35-54.
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  15. Una lectura no utòpica del Romanç d'Evast e Blaquerna.Maribel Ripoll Perello - 2012 - Studia Lulliana 52 (107):3-24.
  16. Un aporte para la reconstrucción de las memorias feministas de la primera mitad de la década del setenta, en Argentina: Apuntes para una escucha de las historias que cuenta el archivo personal de Sara Torres.Catalina Trebisacce & María Luz Torelli - 2011 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:7 - 22.
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    The Impact of Differential Parenting: Study Protocol on a Longitudinal Study Investigating Child and Parent Factors on Children’s Psychosocial Health in Hong Kong.Catalina Sau Man Ng, Ming Ming Chiu, Qing Zhou & Gail Heyman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:524556.
    Adolescents who believe that their parents treat them differently from their siblings have poorer psychosocial well-being than otherwise. This phenomenon, which is known as parental differential treatment or PDT occurs in up to 65% of families. Past studies have examined socio-demographic variables (e.g., child gender, age, and birth order) as predictors of PDT, but these immutable characteristics do little to inform interventions and help these adolescents. Hence, this study extends past research by investigating links among parent empathy, parent perception of (...)
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    Law and courts' impact on development and democratization.Catalina Smulovitz - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The definition and measurement of the impact of laws and courts is a subject of disagreement and uncertainties. In this article, law is understood as a public, general, and binding command enforceable through state coercion. Assessments on the effects of laws on democracy and development focus on changes in specific social indicators. The evaluation of impact relates to the availability and reliability of judicial statistics and the impact of laws depends on political and social conditions. The interaction of laws can (...)
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    Causation and Mental Causation: Standpoints and Intersections.Raffaella Campaner & Carlo Gabbani - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (29).
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    Una respuesta a la interpretación de Hans Boersma sobre la visión beatífica en la doctrina tomista. Un diálogo cristológico (y pneumatológico).Catalina Vial - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (2):133-159.
    Algunos autores como Hans Boersma critican la doctrina tomista sobre la visión beatífica porque consideran que en ella la mediación cristológica es totalmente irrelevante, sea cuando hace referencia al medio como al objeto de la visión de Dios que los santos tienen en la gloria. La postura de Boersma ha dado lugar a un debate que, sin embargo, se ha centrado sobre todo en la Suma de Teología. Sin embargo, en el último tiempo se ha redescubierto la riqueza que contienen (...)
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  21.  10
    El mundo como teatro: la figura del espectador reflexivo en Hannah Arendt.Catalina Barrio - 2016 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Pascal, Kierkegaard, Buber: un nuevo modo de filosofar: la relación como fundamento de la existencia.Catalina Elena Dobre - 2013 - Madrid: Fundación Emmanuel Mounier.
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    ¿Espectador en acción?: representación e identificación del pueblo/masa en El Chacal de Nahueltoro.Catalina Donoso - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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  24. Elocuencia Estoica Y Persuasión Ciceroniana: Discurso Veraz Vs Discurso Inverosímil.Catalina Gonzalez - 2011 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 31 (2):171-191.
    En De Oratore y otros escritos, Cicerón critica la retórica de los estoicos. Afirma que su elocuencia es “confusa, oscura, árida y cortada” y que sus tratados de retórica sirven más “para aprender a callar” que para aprender a hablar persuasivamente. ¿Qué decían los estoicos de la retórica para que Cicerón tenga sus preceptos en tan baja estima? En este trabajo exploro el problema, con miras a entender los fundamentos psicológicos y epistemológicos de la concepción estoica de la retórica y (...)
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    Kant: filosofía práctica. De la política a la moral.Catalina González & Lisímaco Parra - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (S1):11-14.
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    Los trascendentales en cuanto clave cognoscitiva del Creador por medio de la criatura, y como condición de posibilidad de la estructura del universo.Catalina Velarde Lizama - 2023 - Franciscanum 65 (180):1-32.
    En este artículo se quiere mostrar cómo el bien la verdad y la belleza, al ser propiedades que se identifican con el ser, es decir, trascendentales, develan algunas características del ser perfecto en los entes imperfectos. Esto es posible desde el pensamiento de Tomás de Aquino, porque dios, que es aquel que crea, al hacerlo transmite algo de su propio ser a su obra; así como el artista se refleja en algún respecto en su creación. En el caso de dios, (...)
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    El ser, la naturaleza y la Psicología: algunos apuntes sobre la interpretación psicológica del concepto de persona.Catalina Cubillos Muñoz - 2022 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 25 (49):129-140.
    La Psicología se presenta desde sus inicios como una ciencia de carácter empírico, desmarcándose de la Filosofía. Esta independencia trae consigo una serie de dificultades de carácter epistemológico, una de las cuales consiste en la falta de consideración de la distinción filosófica entre persona y naturaleza en el campo de la Psicología. El desconocimiento del sentido tradicional de estos conceptos conlleva consecuencias semánticas relevantes para la disciplina. Mediante una breve reseña de su significado en Tomás de Aquino, se desarrollan algunos (...)
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    La Belleza Ética como Realización del Telos Interior en Kierkegaard.Catalina Elena Nobre - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1767-1790.
    The focus on this article is to analyze the concept of beauty in Kierkegaard’s thought, starting from some questions that I try to answer in these pages: How does Kierkegaard understand beauty? What role does beauty play in the inner constitutive process? All this to argue that, as regards beauty, Kierkegaard recovers the Greek concept of kalokagathia to give it a modern interpretation; thus, distancing himself from the modern understanding of beauty as a mere object of study of aesthetics or (...)
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  29. El microcosmos femení en la literatura lul·liana.Maribel Ripoll Perelló - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel (eds.), Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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  30. High motivation and relevant scientific competencies through the introduction of citizen science at secondary schools : an assessment using a rubric model.Josep Perelló, Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Salvador Ferré, Toni Pou & Isabelle Bonhoure - 2018 - In Christothea Herodotou, Mike Sharples & Eileen Scanlon (eds.), Citizen inquiry: synthesising science and inquiry learning. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  31. Historia y arqueología.Miguel Barceló Perello - 1992 - Al-Qantara 13 (2):457-462.
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    Law and courts' impact on development and democratization.Catalina Smulovitz - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The definition and measurement of the impact of laws and courts is a subject of disagreement and uncertainties. In this article, law is understood as a public, general, and binding command enforceable through state coercion. Assessments on the effects of laws on democracy and development focus on changes in specific social indicators. The evaluation of impact relates to the availability and reliability of judicial statistics and the impact of laws depends on political and social conditions. The interaction of laws can (...)
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  33. The discovery of law : Political consequences in the argentine case.Catalina Smulovitz - 2002 - In Yves Dezalay & Bryant G. Garth (eds.), Global prescriptions: the production, exportation, and importation of a new legal orthodoxy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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    A critical history of the concept of experience in feminist epistemology.Trebisacce Catalina - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:285-295.
    This article analyzes the innovations produced by the concept of experience, introduced from the feminist theory during the eighties. The experience was an epistemic invention to give account of what used to result exceeding, subsidiary, or invisible to the science legitimated as such. This theoretical-methodological tool led to redefinitions around the sense of objectivity and pointed out the political condition of a perspective that was declared as neutral. This work tries to throw some light over the critical strength that this (...)
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  35. Drug adiction–it is just a medical problem?Mihaela Cătălina–Vicol, Oana–Cristina Stîngă, Lavinia Caba, Beatrice Ioan & Vasile Astărăstoae - 2008 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 6 (4).
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    Tácito y los hombres de mérito bajo el reinado de Tiberio.Catalina Balmaceda Errázuriz - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    Este trabajo busca analizar los personajes que Tácito destaca como dignos de mérito durante el nuevo sistema político del Principado y que reciben una alabanza o elogio por parte del historiador en la primera héxada de sus _Anales. _Se examinan también los factores que se constituyen como meritorios bajo el reinado de Tiberio y que reciben algún tipo de compensación política por parte del emperador.
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    El legado maquiaveliano en Merleau-Ponty: una lectura acerca de la constitución conflictiva de lo político.Catalina Barrio - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (8):135-150.
    This paper aims to restore, from the political thought of Merleau-Ponty, the rightful place of conflict. To achieve this hypothetical premise it is necessary to consider some issues that are woven into possible readings of the origin or foundation of politics. First, tracing back to the original cartesian proposition that the body is related with extensive substance invalid when detecting who we are. Then, considering the reading Merleau-Ponty makes of Machiavelli considering the notion of riot or mass under a conflicting (...)
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    A study of the self concept of Sāṅkhya Yoga philosophy.Francis V. Catalina - 1968 - Delhi,: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Arte y política en Jacques Rancière.Catalina Hernández - 2011 - Saga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 12 (22):17-23.
    En el presente escrito se intentará explicar de manera estructurada la compleja propuesta del filósofo francés Jacques Rancière acerca del vínculo entre el arte y la política, para luego llevar a cabo una consideración crítica de dicha postura.
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    Internationales Wissenschaftliches Cusanus-Symposion:“Der Gottes-Gedanke des Nikolaus von Kues”.Catalina María Cubillos - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:367-370.
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    Abraham y la Ética del Silencio en el Pensamiento de Søren A. Kierkegaard.Cătălina Elena Dobre & Rafael García Pavón - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:515-526.
    This paper presents an interpretation of the paradoxical decision of Abraham done by Søren A. Kierkegaard in his work Fear and Trembling as an ethics of silence. The main idea is to understand ethics not as moral standards or specific duties, but as the responsibility of becoming a single individual in time; singularity as the intimate and personal relationship with the calling of love. In such a way, that silence is the experience of the encounter with the paradox that being (...)
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  42. 'Sesus communis': de la imaginación en Vico, a la tradición en Gadamer.Catalina González - 2002 - Ideas Y Valores 51 (120):79-93.
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  43. Vico y Bacon: la historia de una reconciliación entre los antiguos y los modernos.Catalina González - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):89-98.
    Se plantea un intento de "reconciliación" histórica de 'antiguos' y 'modernos' a través de la conexión postulada entre el empirismo baconiano y las "pruebas filológicas" de Vico en la Ciencia nueva.Here is proposed a historical "settlement" of 'ancients' and 'moderns', through the connexion between Bacon's empiricism and Vico's "philological proofs" in the New Science.
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    Tras Los vestigios ontológicos en el relato mítico Del yurupary: Una aproximación fenomenológica.Catalina González Sierra - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (110):13.
    En el presente texto se hace una lectura fenomenológica del relato mítico amazónico del Yurupary. A partir de esta, se defiende la tesis de que en la oralitura que se manifiesta en este relato se ofrece la cosmovisión de una cultura precolombina; en esta, se plasma en su estructura interna una determinada manera de estar-en-el-mundo, es decir, devela rasgos de la dimensión ontológica de la misma. Para exponer la tesis anterior el texto se divide en tres partes: I. “De la (...)
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    The Adultification of Black Girls as Identity-Prejudicial Credibility Excess.Catalina Carpan - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):793-807.
    On Miranda Fricker’s influential account, the central case of testimonial injustice occurs if and only if the speaker receives a credibility deficit owing to identity prejudice of the hearer. Her critics have taken issue with her view, arguing that cases in which speakers are given more credibility than they deserve, may also amount to testimonial injustice. Furthermore, they argue, these cases cannot be captured by Fricker’s account of objectification as the primary epistemic harm of testimonial injustice; rather, it is an (...)
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  46.  16
    Escepticismo y feminismo Una alianza posible.Catalina González Quintero & Allison B. Wolf - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72.
    Este artículo problematiza la forma en la que el feminismo ha interpretado al escepticismo como una amenaza para su proyecto epistemológico, ético y político, y plantea que, a pesar de dicha interpretación, el escepticismo es inherente a la filosofía feminista y un aliado útil para su proyecto. El problema ha estado en cómo el feminismo ha reducido su comprensión del escepticismo a una versión cartesiana extrema y ha pasado por alto otras corrientes de la tradición —como la de David Hume— (...)
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    When Agricultural Waste Transforms into an Environmentally Friendly Material: The Case of Green Concrete as Alternative to Natural Resources Depletion.Cătălina Mihaela Grădinaru, Adrian Alexandru Şerbănoiu, Danut Traian Babor, Gabriel Constantin Sârbu, Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag & Andrei Cristian Grădinaru - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):77-93.
    In an increasingly urbanized world, construction industry is called upon to serve the needs of human society, such as environmental protection and safety in terms of infrastructure. In this context, a sustainable and ethical development means a close connection between buildings and environment. This connection can be achieved through, for example, the concept of ecological concrete or green concrete, as it is often called. The conventional process of obtaining cement and mineral aggregates from the concrete composition generates pollution, especially through (...)
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    Procesos de gramaticalización en la formación de locuciones preposicionales: en cabeza de y a la cabeza de.Catalina Insausti - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (1):206-220.
    The paper is focused on the process that creates prepositional phrases in Spanish, from the perspective of the theory of grammaticalization and cognitivism, tracking semantic transformations through associative processes such as metaphor and metonymy. After reviewing these theoretical bases, the research follows two particular expressions in the Spanish prepositional phrases inventory: en cabeza de and a la cabeza de. The analysis starts by the study of the central noun, cabeza, in historic dictionaries, followed by a study of their use in (...)
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    Understanding mechanisms in the health sciences.Raffaella Campaner - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (1):5-17.
    This article focuses on the assessment of mechanistic relations with specific attention to medicine, where mechanistic models are widely employed. I first survey recent contributions in the philosophical literature on mechanistic causation, and then take issue with Federica Russo and Jon Williamson’s thesis that two types of evidence, probabilistic and mechanistic, are at stake in the health sciences. I argue instead that a distinction should be drawn between previously acquired knowledge of mechanisms and yet-to-be-discovered knowledge of mechanisms and that both (...)
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    Evidence and the Assessment of Causal Relations in the Health Sciences.Raffaella Campaner & Maria Carla Galavotti - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (1):27-45.
    This contribution claims that the two fundamental notions of causation at work in the health sciences are manipulative and mechanistic, and investigates what kinds of evidence matter for the assessment of causal relations. This article is a development of our 2007 article, ‘Plurality of Causality’, where we argue for a pluralistic account of causation with an eye to econometrics and a single medical example. The present contribution has a wider focus, and considers the notion of evidence within a whole range (...)
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