Results for 'Carolin Schonard'

971 found
  1.  31
    Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presuppositions of determiners using mouse-tracking.Cosima Schneider, Carolin Schonard, Michael Franke, Gerhard Jäger & Markus Janczyk - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104024.
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  2. Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt – Einleitende Bemerkungen zu einer interdisziplinären Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Transformation.Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres - 2022 - In Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres, Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Menschen im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation. Wiesbaden: Springer.
    Technologien haben schon lange Eingang in unseren Alltag gefunden und transformieren zahlreiche Lebensbereiche wie Politik, Wirtschaft, Bildung, Gesundheit und Pflege. Mittels Social Media pflegen wir zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und kommunizieren miteinander, wir haben Apps zum Schlafen oder für die Ernährung und in der Medizin werden Technologien in den Körper implantiert oder zur Untersuchung des Körpers verwendet. Wearables, wie z. B. die Smart Watch, werden direkt am Körper getragen und müssen kaum noch abgenommen werden. Smart Watches messen den Puls und Herzschlag, zählen (...)
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    Data infrastructure literacy.Liliana Bounegru, Carolin Gerlitz & Jonathan Gray - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    A recent report from the UN makes the case for “global data literacy” in order to realise the opportunities afforded by the “data revolution”. Here and in many other contexts, data literacy is characterised in terms of a combination of numerical, statistical and technical capacities. In this article, we argue for an expansion of the concept to include not just competencies in reading and working with datasets but also the ability to account for, intervene around and participate in the wider (...)
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    Symbol Grounding Without Direct Experience: Do Words Inherit Sensorimotor Activation From Purely Linguistic Context?Fritz Günther, Carolin Dudschig & Barbara Kaup - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S2):336-374.
    Theories of embodied cognition assume that concepts are grounded in non-linguistic, sensorimotor experience. In support of this assumption, previous studies have shown that upwards response movements are faster than downwards movements after participants have been presented with words whose referents are typically located in the upper vertical space. This is taken as evidence that processing these words reactivates sensorimotor experiential traces. This congruency effect was also found for novel words, after participants learned these words as labels for novel objects that (...)
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  5. Menschsein in einer technisierten Welt. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf den Menschen im Zeichen der digitalen Transformation.Anna Puzio, Carolin Rutzmoser & Eva-Maria Endres (eds.) - 2022 - Wiesbaden: Springer.
    Digitalisierung und technologischer Fortschritt verändern das menschliche Selbstverständnis. Während sich der Mensch in Abgrenzung zu Tier und Natur als kultiviertes und autonom handelndes Wesen definiert, steht er angesichts der zunehmenden Technologisierung nun vor der Frage: Was bedeutet Menschsein vor dem Hintergrund der neuen Technologien? Wie verändern sich die menschliche Lebenswelt, Verantwortungsstrukturen und Identitätskonzepte? Was können Menschen, was Technologien nicht können? Was macht den Menschen aus und wo wird er in Frage gestellt? Der Band bietet einen umfassenden Blick auf diese Fragestellungen. (...)
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    Can Consumers’ Altruistic Inferences Solve the CSR Initiative Puzzle? A Meta-analytic Investigation.François A. Carrillat, Carolin Plewa, Ljubomir Pupovac, Chloé Vanasse, Taylor Willmott, Renaud Legoux & Ekaterina Napolova - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Research into consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives has expanded in the past four decades, yet the evidence thus far provided does not paint a cohesive picture. Results suggest both positive and negative consumer reactions to CSR, and unless such mixed findings can be reconciled, the outcome might be an amalgamation of disparate empirical results rather than a coherent body of knowledge. The current meta-analysis therefore tests whether the mixed findings might reflect consumers’ distinct, altruistic inferences across various (...)
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    More Than (Single) Text Comprehension? – On University Students’ Understanding of Multiple Documents.Nina Mahlow, Carolin Hahnel, Ulf Kroehne, Cordula Artelt, Frank Goldhammer & Cornelia Schoor - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The digital revolution has made a multitude of text documents from highly diverse perspectives on almost any topic easily available. Accordingly, the ability to integrate and evaluate information from different sources, known as multiple document comprehension, has become increasingly important. Because multiple document comprehension requires the integration of content and source information across texts, it is assumed to exceed the demands of single text comprehension due to the inclusion of two additional mental representations: the integrated situation model and the intertext (...)
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  8.  20
    The School Garden: A Social and Emotional Place.Susan Pollin & Carolin Retzlaff-Fürst - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School gardens are part of many schools. Especially in primary schools, but also in secondary schools, they are used as a learning space and experience space for the pupils. Their importance for the development of cognitive and emotional-affective abilities of pupils is empirically well proven. It is also empirically well proven that exposure to nature has an influence on the prosocial behavior of children and adults. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the effect of the stay in the (...)
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  9.  42
    Positive Cognitive Reappraisal in Stress Resilience, Mental Health, and Well-Being: A Comprehensive Systematic Review.Antje Riepenhausen, Carolin Wackerhagen, Zala C. Reppmann, Hans-Christian Deter, Raffael Kalisch, Ilya M. Veer & Henrik Walter - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):310-331.
    Stress-related psychopathology is on the rise, and there is a pressing need for improved prevention strategies. Positive appraisal style, the tendency to appraise potentially threatening situations in a positive way, has been proposed to act as a key resilience mechanism and therefore offers a potential target for preventive approaches. In this article, we review n = 99 studies investigating associations of positive cognitive reappraisal, an important sub-facet of positive appraisal style, with outcome-based resilience and relevant other outcomes, which are considered (...)
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  10.  16
    Economical Assessment of Working Memory and Response Inhibition in ADHD Using a Combined n-back/Nogo Paradigm: An ERP Study.Carolin Breitling-Ziegler, Jana Tegelbeckers, Hans-Henning Flechtner & Kerstin Krauel - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11.  18
    A framework for antecedents of social entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence and research agenda.Sabine Bergner, Carolin Palmer, Megan Devaney & Philipp Kruse - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social entrepreneurship increasingly contributes to diversity in entrepreneurship. The different approaches to SE suggest a variety of antecedents which drive individuals' intention to become social entrepreneurs. While this variety of antecedents is insightful, it also creates a need for systemisation and prioritization. We address this need by introducing an integrative, multi-level framework for person-based antecedents of SE-intention. Based on this multi-level framework the antecedents are grouped on three theoretical levels which refer to an individual's personality, cognition, and entrepreneurial exposition. When (...)
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    Unbeatable Light: Melammu and Its Biblical Parallels. By Shawn Zelig Aster.Anne-Carolin Rendu Loisel - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    The Unbeatable Light: Melammu and Its Biblical Parallels. By Shawn Zelig Aster. Alter Orient und Altes Testament, vol. 384. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2012. Pp. xviii + 421. $114. [Distributed in North America by Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Ind.].
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    Natur, Umwelt, Nachhaltigkeit: Perspektiven auf Sprache, Diskurse und Kultur.Anna Mattfeldt, Carolin Schwegler & Berbeli Wanning (eds.) - 2021 - De Gruyter.
    Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen Natur und Mensch prägen unseren Alltag, unsere Sprache und öffentliche Diskurse im Themenspektrum der Nachhaltigkeit. Letztere entfaltet normatives Potential, steht bildungs- und wirtschaftspolitisch im Zentrum und bildet sich in der Literatur ab. Natur, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit sind Themen, die viele Wissensdomänen berühren – von naturwissenschaftlichen Fragen über rechtliche Aspekte bis zu Überlegungen der Sprachkritik. Sie bedürfen einer Betrachtung aus verschiedensten Fachdisziplinen, wie es etwa auch im Rahmen der Environmental Humanities gefordert wird. Um in diesem Zuge die Relevanz sprachbezogener (...)
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  14.  10
    The consistency of sense-related items in dictionaries Current status, proposals for modelling and applications in lexicographic practice.Carolin Miiller-Spitzer - 2010 - In Petra Storjohann, Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 28--145.
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    The consistency of sense-related items in dictionaries.Carolin Miiller-Spitzer - 2010 - In Petra Storjohann, Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 28--145.
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    Die Wanderung im Gebirge. Die Rezeption Eines Zentralen Motivs Bei Nietzsche In Künstlerischen Konzepten Von Olaf Metzel, Wladimir Kuprijanow Und Gerhard Richter.Carolin Von Roth - 2003 - Nietzscheforschung 10 (1):171-180.
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    An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.Nadine Simon, Ivo Kã¤Thner, Carolin A. Ruf, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Andrea Kã¼Bler & Sebastian Halder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  18. Security and Terror.Giorgio Agamben & Carolin Emcke - 2001 - Theory and Event 5 (4).
  19.  42
    Nonverbal signals speak up: Association between perceptual nonverbal dominance and emotional intelligence.Heike Jacob, Benjamin Kreifelts, Carolin Brück, Sophia Nizielski, Astrid Schütz & Dirk Wildgruber - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (5):783-799.
  20.  52
    Starting off on the right foot: strong right-footers respond faster with the right foot to positive words and with the left foot to negative words.Irmgard de la Vega, Julia Graebe, Leonie Hã¤Rtner, Carolin Dudschig & Barbara Kaup - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  21.  11
    Meet the Metaorganism: A web‐based learning app for undergraduate and graduate biology students.Susanne H. Landis, Agnes Piecyk, Manuel Reitz, Carolin Enzingmüller, Hinrich Schulenburg, Thomas Bosch, Katja Dierking, Peter Deines, Jonas Hunfeld-Häutle, Konrad Rappaport & Tom Duscher - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300043.
    Meet the Metaorganism is a web‐based learning app that combines three fundamental biological concepts (coevolution, community dynamics, and immune system) with latest scientific findings using the metaorganism as a central case study. In a transdisciplinary team of scientists, information designers, programmers, science communicators, and educators, we conceptualized and developed the app according to the latest didactic and scientific findings and aimed at setting new standards in visual design, digital knowledge transfer, and online education. A content management system allows continuous integration (...)
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  22.  22
    The Spillover of Socio-Moral Climate in Organizations Onto Employees’ Socially Responsible Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Impact.Marlies Schümann, Maie Stein, Grit Tanner, Carolin Baur & Eva Bamberg - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the pressing environmental and social issues facing the global economic system, the role of organizations in promoting socially responsible behavior among employees warrants attention in research and practice. It has been suggested that the concept of socio-moral climate might be particularly useful for understanding how participative organizational structures and processes shape employees’ prosocial behaviors. While SMC has been shown to be positively related to employees’ prosocial behaviors within the work context, little is known about the potential spillover effects (...)
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  23.  6
    Netze, Kräfte, Tiere: Bilder für die Sozialität des Wissens.Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn & Carolin Behrmann - 2012 - In Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn & Carolin Behrmann, Intuition Und Institution: Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp. De Gruyter. pp. 7-18.
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    Macaque Gaze Responses to the Primatar: A Virtual Macaque Head for Social Cognition Research.Vanessa A. D. Wilson, Carolin Kade, Sebastian Moeller, Stefan Treue, Igor Kagan & Julia Fischer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Suppression of Taboo Word Spoonerisms Is Associated With Altered Medial Frontal Negativity: An ERP Study.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf, Carolin Gottschlich, Carina Robert, Anna Cirkel, Marcus Heldmann & Thomas F. Münte - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  26. Beyond Screen Time: A Synergistic Approach to a More Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure During Early Childhood.Rachel Barr, Heather Kirkorian, Jenny Radesky, Sarah Coyne, Deborah Nichols, Olivia Blanchfield, Sylvia Rusnak, Laura Stockdale, Andy Ribner, Joke Durnez, Mollie Epstein, Mikael Heimann, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Annette Sundqvist, Ulrika Birberg-Thornberg, Carolin Konrad, Michaela Slussareff, Adriana Bus, Francesca Bellagamba & Caroline Fitzpatrick - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  27.  20
    Importance and Feasibility of Animal Welfare Measures from a Consumer Perspective in Germany.Heinke Heise, Sirkka Schukat & Carolin Winkel - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The subject animal welfare is increasingly in the public discourse. Consumers and policymakers are increasingly demanding products that are produced under increased animal welfare standards. The profession of the farmer involuntarily gets into disrepute. Many consumers want fundamental changes in pig farming, but are not aware of the consequences of implementation. In this representative study, consumers (n = 1101) were asked about their assessment of 33 animal welfare measures with regard to their importance and the feasibility of implementing those measures. (...)
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  28.  27
    Male Majority, Female Majority, or Gender Diversity in Organizations: How Do Proportions Affect Gender Stereotyping and Women Leaders’ Well-Being?Melanie C. Steffens, Maria Angels Viladot & Carolin Scheifele - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Non-verbal emotion communication training induces specific changes in brain function and structure.Benjamin Kreifelts, Heike Jacob, Carolin Brück, Michael Erb, Thomas Ethofer & Dirk Wildgruber - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  30.  66
    The Politics of Real-time: A Device Perspective on Social Media Platforms and Search Engines.Esther Weltevrede, Anne Helmond & Carolin Gerlitz - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (6):125-150.
    This paper enquires into the politics of real-time in online media. It suggests that real-time cannot be accounted for as a universal temporal frame in which events happen, but explores the making of real-time from a device perspective focusing on the temporalities of platforms. Based on an empirical study exploring the pace at which various online media produce new content, we trace the different rhythms, patterns or tempos created by the interplay of devices, users’ web activities and issues. What emerges (...)
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  31. Epistemic practices in arts and technology.Andrew Newman, Matthias Tarasiewicz & Sophie-Carolin Wagner - 2015 - Journal for Research Cultures 1 (1).
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    Individual Baseline Performance and Electrode Montage Impact on the Effects of Anodal tDCS Over the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Maike Splittgerber, Ricardo Salvador, Hannah Brauer, Carolin Breitling-Ziegler, Alexander Prehn-Kristensen, Kerstin Krauel, Rafal Nowak, Giulio Ruffini, Vera Moliadze & Michael Siniatchkin - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  33.  17
    Intuition Und Institution: Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp.Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn & Carolin Behrmann (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Als einer der prominentesten Vertreter seines Faches hat Horst Bredekamp nicht nur die Kunst- und Bildgeschichte tiefgehend geprägt, sondern auch in Kultur und Politik gewirkt. Dabei hat er es geschafft, belastbare Brücken zwischen diesen oft weit auseinander liegenden Bereichen zu schlagen. Ein Porträt Bredekamps als Gelehrter und disziplinübergreifender Vermittler scheint aufgrund dieser Fülle an Handlungsebenen nur über ein Tableau von Berichten derjenigen möglich, die mit ihm über die Jahre im Austausch standen, ihn begleitet und geprägt, mit ihm diskutiert und gestritten (...)
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    Professionalization of the University and the Profession as Macintyrean Practice.Ignacio Serrano del Pozo & Carolin Kreber - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):551-564.
    Since the nineteenth century, the debate around the process of professionalization of higher education has been characterized by two extreme positions. For some critics the process carries the risks of instrumentalizing knowledge and of leading the university to succumb under the demands of the market or the state; for other theorists it represents a concrete opportunity for the university to open up to the real needs of society and for reorienting theoretical and fragmented disciplines towards the resolution of concrete and (...)
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  35.  32
    Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Novel Sounds on Task Performance in Children With and Without ADHD.Jana Tegelbeckers, André Brechmann, Carolin Breitling-Ziegler, Bjoern Bonath, Hans-Henning Flechtner & Kerstin Krauel - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Distractibility is one of the key features of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and has been associated with alterations in the neural orienting and alerting networks. Task-irrelevant stimuli are thus expected to have detrimental effects on the performance of patients with ADHD. However, task-irrelevant presentation of novel sounds seems to have the opposite effect and improve subsequent attentional performance particularly in patients with ADHD. Here, we aimed to understand the neural modulations of the attention networks underlying these improvements. Fifty boys participated (...)
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  36.  32
    The Role of Social Isolation and the Development of Depression: A Comparison of the Widowed and Married Oldest Old in Germany.Franziska Förster, Melanie Luppa, Alexander Pabst, Kathrin Heser, Luca Kleineidam, Angela Fuchs, Michael Pentzek, Hanna Kaduszkiewicz, Carolin van der Leeden, André Hajek, Hans-Helmut König, Anke Oey, Birgitt Wiese, Edelgard Mösch, Dagmar Weeg, Siegfried Weyerer, Jochen Werle, Wolfgang Maier, Martin Scherer, Michael Wagner & Steffi G. Riedel-Heller - 2021 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (13):6986.
    Widowhood is common in old age, can be accompanied by serious health consequences and is often linked to substantial changes in social network. Little is known about the impact of social isolation on the development of depressive symptoms over time taking widowhood into account. We provide results from the follow-up 5 to follow-up 9 from the longitudinal study AgeCoDe and its follow-up study AgeQualiDe. Depression was measured with GDS-15 and social isolation was assessed using the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6). (...)
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  37. Die Philosophie der Antike. Band 2/1: Sophistik. Sokrates. Sokratik. Mathematik. Medizin. Die Philosophie und ihre Geschichte. [REVIEW]Hellmut Flashar, Klaus Döring, George B. Kerferd, Carolin Oser-Grote, Hans-Joachim Waschkies & Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (2):362-363.
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    Making realism work, from second wave feminism to extinction rebellion: an interview with Caroline New.Caroline New & Jamie Morgan - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):81-120.
    Caroline New is an energetic activist who has interpolated critical realist ideas into the front-line of political activism. In this wide-ranging interview, she begins by reflecting on her life and how she became a realist and her account is illustrated with personal anecdotes recalling memories of well-known philosophers and activists from the time. She discusses how her position set her apart from other feminists and she examines the interacting threads of longstanding debates on the political left, as well as longstanding (...)
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  39. Conversations with Caroline.Caroline Bressey - 2016 - In Antoinette M. Burton & Dane Keith Kennedy, How Empire Shaped Us. London: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    A Realist Theory of Science.Caroline Whitbeck - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (1):114.
  41.  29
    When life is ending booklet release.Caroline Ong - 2017 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 22 (3):5.
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    Introduction to the Special Thematic Symposium on the Ethics of Controversial Online Advertising.Caroline Moraes & Nina Michaelidou - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):231-233.
    The field of marketing and consumer ethics has evolved considerably over the past 20 years, yet research on specific areas of advertising ethics remains limited. This limitation persists despite developments in digital technologies, and the impact they have had on advertising practice generally and online advertising more specifically. Online media are becoming increasingly populated by advertising content, as consumers continuously navigate ever-evolving mediascapes. Thus, there is a need to examine the ethical issues associated with the use of controversial advertising online, (...)
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  43.  27
    Incremental planning in sequence production.Caroline Palmer & Peter Q. Pfordresher - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (4):683-712.
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  44. (1 other version)Ethics in engineering practice and research.Caroline Whitbeck - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Engineers encounter difficult ethical problems in their practice and in research. In many ways, these problems are like design problems: they are complex, often ill-defined; resolving them involves an iterative process of analysis and synthesis; and there can be more than one acceptable solution. This book offers a real-world, problem-centered approach to engineering ethics, using a rich collection of open-ended scenarios and case studies to develop skill in recognizing and addressing ethical issues.
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  45. The Role of Personal Values in Fair Trade Consumption.Caroline Josephine Doran - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):549-563.
    Research in the U. S. on fair trade consumption is sparse. Therefore, little is known as to what motivates U. S. consumers to buy fair trade products. This study sought to determine which values are salient to American fair trade consumption. The data were gathered via a Web-based version of the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) and were gleaned from actual consumers who purchase fair trade products from a range of Internet-based fair trade retailers. This study established that indeed there are (...)
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    Hyper-Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Experimental Manipulation of Inter-Brain Synchrony.Caroline Szymanski, Viktor Müller, Timothy R. Brick, Timo von Oertzen & Ulman Lindenberger - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  47.  63
    A Defense and Definition of Construct Validity in Psychology.Caroline Stone - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1250-1261.
    Psychologists say a measure has construct validity when it, in fact, measures the construct it is intended to measure. Construct validity is both an important notion in psychological research methods and the source of much confusion and debate among psychologists. I argue that this confusion arises, in part, because of a failure to distinguish between construct validity, a feature of measures relative to a construct, and construct legitimacy, a feature of the construct itself. I propose a prescriptive account of construct (...)
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    Why James Taggart Is No Prince Charming.Caroline Breashears - 2014 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 14 (1):10-37.
    This article examines how and why Ayn Rand uses fairy tales as intertexts in her novels. It argues that she evokes and revises fairy tales to exemplify the metaphysical values that her novels resist. For Rand, fairy tales like “Cinderella” are problematic because they typically endorse conventionality over the truly heroic. She therefore associates them with secondhanders and villains. She rejects their message that mindless conformity leads to happily-ever-after, and she exposes how fairy tales can be formidable vehicles for promoting (...)
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  49.  13
    Der Buddha und der "Andere": zur religiösen Differenzreflexion und narrativen Darstellung des "Anderen" im Majjhima-Nikaya.Caroline Widmer - 2015 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Als wahrscheinlich älteste vollständige Überlieferung des Buddhismus reflektiert der Pali-Kanon in literarisch-narrativer Form die Auseinandersetzung mit religiös,Anderen' aus emischer Perspektive. Die Suttas berichten nicht nur, wie der Buddha Mitglieder seines Ordens belehrt, sondern auch, wie er Vertretern anderer religiöser Gruppierungen begegnet und mit ihnen diskutiert haben soll. Caroline Widmer untersucht, inwiefern in diesen Begegnungen religiöse Abgrenzung im Sinne eines Otherings literarisch dargestellt wird, und behandelt diese religionswissenschaftliche Fragestellung im Bereich des Buddhismus erstmals durch eine literaturwissenschaftlich angelegte Analyse der narrativen Gestaltung (...)
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    COVID‐19 as moral breakdown: Entangled ethical demands experienced by hospital‐based nurses in the early onset of the pandemic.Caroline Trillingsgaard Mejdahl, Berit Kjærside Nielsen, Mimi Yung Mehlsen, Maj Rafn Hollesen, Mathilde Zilén Pedersen, Georgij Engkjær-Trautwein, Louise Vase Funch & Morten Deleuran Terkildsen - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (1):e12508.
    Abstract2020 saw the rapid onset of a global pandemic caused by the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus. For healthcare systems worldwide, the pandemic called upon quick organization ensuring treatment and containment measures for the new virus disease. Nurses were seen as constituting a vital instrumental professional component in this study. Due to the pandemic's unpredictable and potentially dangerous nature, nurses have faced unprecedented risks and challenges. Based on interviews and free text comment from a survey, this study explores how ethical challenges related to (...)
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