Results for 'Carmen Birkle'

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  1.  27
    The Femme Fatale in American Film Noir.Carmen Birkle - 2016 - In Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Ludwig Nagl, Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium Mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir Und Das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 145-164.
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    Una ética empática como fundamento de la apreciación estética no antropomorfista de los animales.Carmen Gutiérrez-Jordano - 2024 - Perseitas 12:246-272.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental analizar las bases de una apreciación estética de los animales en clave no antropomorfista, una con la que valorarlos en sus propios términos. Otras apreciaciones tienen un fundamento antropomórfico: la concepción de los animales desde el modelo artístico o desde nuestras necesidades evolutivas, por ejemplo. El contexto de esta investigación es doble: por una parte, la actitud antropomórfica dominante en la cultura moderna y, por otra, las nuevas iniciativas artísticas y culturales alejadas de la (...)
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  3. Konsten att vara vetenskaplig.Sven Ove Hansson & I. I. I. Carmen - unknown
    Förord .................................................................................................... ............... 4 1 Vilken kunskap vill vi ha?................................................................................ 6..
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    The brush as a dagger. The dialectical structure of Titian’s painting as wound and refuge.Carmen GutiÉrrez-Jordano - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:173-196.
    Resumen Este artículo muestra que la pintura de Tiziano contiene en el fondo un esquema dialéctico de tensión entre elementos opuestos: jovial/trágico, clásico/cristiano, puñal/refugio. Esta tensión alimenta la intersección de estructuras significativas que caracteriza a toda obra de arte. Esta dialéctica explica el sentido último que tiene la pintura para Tiziano. Centramos esta dialéctica en la obra Desollamiento de Marsias, obra que enseña que la pintura, el arte en general, para Tiziano abre heridas, es un puñal, pero también es un (...)
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    Influences of First and Second Language Phonology on Spanish Children Learning to Read in English.Carmen Hevia-Tuero, Sara Incera & Paz Suárez-Coalla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children learning to read in two different orthographic systems are exposed to cross-linguistic interferences. We explored the effects of school and grade on phonological activation during a visual word recognition task. Elementary school children from Spain completed a lexical decision task in English. The task included real words and pseudohomophones following Spanish or English phonological rules. Using the mouse-tracking paradigm, we analyzed errors, reaction times, and computer mouse movements. Children in the bilingual school performed better than children in the monolingual (...)
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    How and when employees' attributions of their employers' CSR activities affect their extra‐role work behavior.Carmen Castro-Casal, Guadalupe Vila-Vázquez & Romina García-Chas - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The objective of this research is to examine how and when employees' attributions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) affect their extra-role service behaviors. The research analyses the mediating role of work meaningfulness in the employees' CSR attributions–extra-role behaviors relationships. The moderating role of employees' attitudes toward CSR in both the relationships between CSR attributions and work meaningfulness and in the mediated relationship is also studied. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 204 frontline employees of four- and five-star hotels (...)
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    The H atom in CaTiO 3 : Structure and electronic properties.Milagros Castillo, Carmen Velasco & Arvids Stashans - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (15):1845-1854.
    In the present work we explore the effects that an H impurity produces upon the geometry and electronic structure of the CaTiO 3 crystal considering the cubic and orthorhombic crystallographic lattices of the material. A quantum-chemical method based on the Hartree-Fock formalism and the periodic large-unit-cell model is used throughout the work. The analysis of the results shows that the interstitial H impurity binds to one of the O atoms forming the so-called O-H group. At equilibrium, the O-H distances are (...)
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    The complexity in regulating the expression of tenascins.Ruth Chiquet-Ehrismann, Carmen Hagios & Susanne Schenk - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (10):873-878.
    The tenascins are a growing family of extracellular matrix proteins of typical multidomain structure. The prototype to be discovered was tenascin‐C. It shows a highly regulated expression pattern during embryonic development and is often transiently associated with morphogenetic tissue interactions during organogenesis. In the adult organism reexpression of tenascin‐C occurs in tumors and many other pathological conditions. Tenascin‐C expression can be regulated by many different growth factors and hormones. Furthermore, mechanical strain exerted by fibroblasts seems to induce the expression of (...)
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    The role of thymidylate synthase as an RNA binding protein.Edward Chu & Carmen J. Allegra - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (3):191-198.
    Thymidylate synthase plays a central role in the biosynthesis of thymidylate, an essential precursor for DNA biosynthesis. In addition to its role in catalysis and cellular metabolism, it is now appreciated that thymidylate synthase functons as an RNA binding protein. Specifically, thymidylate synthase binds with high affinity to its own mRNA, resulting in translational repression. An extensive series of experiments has been performed to elucidate the molecular elements underlying the interaction between thymidylate synthase and its own mRNA. In addition to (...)
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    Papeles semánticos: instrumento y comitativo.Carmen Conti Jiménez - 2004 - Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
    No. 93: PAPELES SEMÁNTICOS Estudio de los papeles semánticos a partir de un enfoque tipológico, intentando unificar las distintas propuestas y analizar en profundidad el significado y la utilidad de esta etiqueta.
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    Vulnerabilidad, derechos humanos y empresas | Vulnerability, human rights and business.María del Carmen Barranco Avilés - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34:1-16.
    RESUMEN. El presente trabajo trata de mostrar cómo algunos de los presupuestos teóricos de una concepción tradicional de los derechos, como el modo en el que operan la autonomía y la racionalidad y la forma en la que se articula la separación entre lo público y lo privado, han permitido que resulte fácilmente justificable que las corporaciones y, entre ellas, las empresas transnacionales, sean titulares de derechos humanos, pero también han operado como obstáculos para atribuirles obligaciones. Tales presupuestos han de (...)
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  12.  79
    Judith Butler y las facetas de la “vulnerabilidad”: el poder de “agencia” en el activismo artístico de Mujeres Creando.María del Carmen Molina Barea - 2018 - Isegoría 58:221-238.
    The present paper adresses the objective of elucidating the phenomenological mechanisms which, according to the celebrated queer theory author Judith Butler, operate within performative politics. In this connection, this paper analyses the power of agency of minor identities as a resistance force against what Butler calls frames and its politic-ontological regularisation. Such biopolitical potential is fostered by the vulnerability and precarity of abject bodies. In this context, it will be considered the case of Bolivian anarcha-feminist group Mujeres Creando, which generates (...)
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  13.  20
    (1 other version)La alétheia de los gatos. Balthus, Rilke y el problema de lo “Abierto”.María del Carmen Molina Barea - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34 (2):419-456.
    Este artículo toma como punto de partida la colaboración artística entre Rainer Maria Rilke y Balthazar Klossowski –Balthus– que vio la luz en la publicación del libro titulado Mitsou. Historia de un gato, con ilustraciones del joven pintor y prólogo del poeta. Este caso de estudio sirve como hilo conductor de un análisis de mayor calado sobre el problema de lo “Abierto”, concepto de orden nouménico que Rilke acuña en su intercambio creativo con Balthus, y que fue motivo concreto de (...)
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  14.  21
    Discursos subversivos en el cine no hablado.M. ª Del Carmen Rodríguez Fernández - 2012 - Arbor 188 (758):1017-1027.
    “Discursos subversivos en el cine no hablado” se propone analizar las transgresiones de género que aparecen en algunas películas del cine mudo. Por sus características al tratarse de un cine no hablado, lo que sugieren algunas imágenes es fundamental para entender los significados de las películas. Las directoras de aquella época eran conocedoras de la importancia de las imágenes y del poder que les confería la cámara para expresar sus reivindicaciones al público espectador. El campo de la cinematografía era nuevo, (...)
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  15.  25
    El mito de Pigmalión en textos literarios y fílmicos.M. ª del Carmen Rodríguez - 2010 - Arbor 186 (741):33-42.
    En este estudio se tomará como punto de partida a Roland Barthes y su definición de mito en el análisis de versiones clásicas y contemporáneas del mito de Pigmalión. Para Barthes, un mito no es eterno, sino transitorio ya que el curso de la historia de los pueblos puede subvertirlo y deconstruirlo. Así ocurre en las representaciones contemporáneas de Pigmalión. Al contrario de las versiones clásicas, que perpetúan la construcción de género, las obras más contemporáneas subvierten al personaje pigmalioniano, le (...)
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    Un paseo entre las jaulas: ensayos sobre arte y naturaleza.Carmen Rodríguez Martín (ed.) - 2020 - Albolote (Granada): Editorial Comares.
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    Theory of Mind Profiles in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adaptive/Social Skills and Pragmatic Competence.Belen Rosello, Carmen Berenguer, Inmaculada Baixauli, Rosa García & Ana Miranda - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is one of the most relevant concepts in the field of social cognition, particularly in the case of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Literature showing that individuals with ASD display deficits in ToM is extensive and robust. However, some related issues deserve more research: the heterogeneous profile of ToM abilities in children with ASD and the association between different levels of ToM development and social, pragmatic, and adaptive behaviors in everyday life. The first objective of this study (...)
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  18.  17
    Women’s Employment among Blacks, Whites, and Three Groups of Latinas: Do More Privileged Women Have Higher Employment?Mary Ross, Carmen Garcia-Beaulieu & Paula England - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):494-509.
    During much of U.S. history, Black women had higher employment rates than white women. But by the late twentieth century, women in more privileged racial/ethnic, national origin, and education groups were more likely to work for pay. The authors compare the employment of white women to Blacks and three groups of Latinas—Mexicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans—and explain racial/ethnic group differences. White women work for pay more weeks per year than Latinas or Black women, although the gaps are small for all (...)
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  19.  30
    Algunos matices ideológicos del siglo XVII en México: La controversia entre D. Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora y el Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino sobre la naturaleza y efectos de los cometas.María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:289-304.
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  20.  19
    Between specters and obsessions Jacques Derrida and survival.Carmen Ruiz B. - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):37-58.
    RESUMEN Se examina la noción de espectro para evidenciar la problematización que hace J. Derrida a la oposición entre vida y muerte. Se evidencia que la traza desde diversos textos que dan cuenta de un constante asedio que ronda su pensamiento: la sobrevida. A su vez, se analiza la discusión que sostuvo con el espectro de K. Marx para evidenciar: 1) de qué modo la herencia fiel-infiel de Marx contribuye al pensamiento de la sobrevida; 2) cómo en tal pensamiento de (...)
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  21.  16
    Diferència sexual a «La vida la mort».Carmen Ruiz Bustamante - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 66:95.
  22.  56
    Generational changes on the draw-a-man test: A comparison of Brazilian urban and rural children tested in 1930, 2002 and 2004. [REVIEW]Roberto Colom, Carmen E. Flores-Mendoza & Francisco J. Abad - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (1):79-89.
    Although gains in generational intelligence test scores have been widely demonstrated around the world, researchers still do not know what has caused them. The cognitive stimulation and nutritional hypotheses summarize the several diverse potential causes that have been considered. This article analyses data for a sample of 499 children tested in 1930 and one equivalent sample of 710 children tested 72 years later, the largest gap ever considered. Both samples comprised children aged between 7 and 11 who were assessed by (...)
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  23.  29
    Carmen de Burgos, traductora.María Del Carmen Simón Palmer - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):157-168.
    En el primer tercio del siglo XX, Carmen de Burgos realizó una notable tarea para lograr el conocimiento de la literatura extranjera en España y tradujo más de treinta obras de autores tan variados como Ruskin, Renan, Moebius, Salgari o Rachilde. Se ha elegido ordenar sus traducciones de acuerdo con las editoriales que las publicaron para distinguir la línea editorial de cada una de ellas.
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  24.  74
    Relationship of business and ngos: An empirical analysis of strategies and mediators of their private relationship.Carmen Valor & Amparo MerinoDiego - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (2):110-126.
    Managing the relationship with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) is a key capability for most companies, because dialogue with stakeholders is a requested feature of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This paper analyses the relationship between businesses and NGOs in Spain. By applying grounded theory, the authors summarize this relationship in the dynamics of conflict and cooperation. NGOs' strategies vis-à-vis companies are categorized and the variables explaining different approaches on both companies' and NGOs' side are examined. The paper concludes by placing the private (...)
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  25.  48
    Herranz Pascual, Carmen. Los Sabios del Talmud.Carmen Motos López - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:336.
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  26. Mujeres con autoridad en el cristianismo antigüo, de Carmen Bernabé Urbieta, Elisa Estévez, Carmen Soto, Fernando Rivero y Carolyn Osiek.Carmen Peña - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):87.
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  27. María del Carmen Amaro Cano." Reflexiones éticas sobre la investigación científica en biomedicina desde el prisma de la universidad médica".María del Carmen Amaro Cano - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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  28.  8
    Globalization and Women in Academia: North/West-South/East.Carmen Luke - 2001 - Routledge.
    In this cross-cultural exploration of the comparative experiences of Asian and Western women in higher education management, leading feminist theorist Carmen Luke constructs a provocative framework that situates her own standpoint and experiences alongside those of Asian women she studied over a three-year period. She conveys some of the complexity of global sweeps and trends in education and feminist discourse as they intersect with local cultural variations but also dovetail into patterns of regional similarities. Western feminist research has established (...)
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    Puterea cuvintelor.Carmen Firan - 2007 - Craiova: Scrisul Românesc.
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  30.  40
    (2 other versions)CSR development in post-communist economies: employees' expectations regarding corporate socially responsible behaviour – the case of Romania.Carmen Stoian & Rodica Milena Zaharia - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (4):380-401.
    Drawing on stakeholder theory and the evolutionary approach to institutions, this paper investigates the channels through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) is developed in post-communist economies by focusing on the employee background factors that shape the employees' expectations with regard to corporate socially responsible behaviour. We identify three channels through which exogenous and endogenous CSR are developed: employees with work experience in multinational enterprises (MNEs) (leading to exogenous CSR), employees with CSR knowledge (leading to exogenous CSR) and employees with experience (...)
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  31.  28
    The German Ethical Culture Scale : Development and First Construct Testing.Carmen Tanner, Katharina Gangl & Nicole Witt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  32.  49
    Les noces splendides des Incas et des Jésuites.Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:197-203.
    En 1718, un peintre anonyme exécute une magnifique huile sur toile de grandes dimensions (174 x 166 cm) pour illustrer deux mariages de la descendance incasique impériale avec la Maison des Loyola et des Borgia, dont sont issus les deux saints jésuites du xvie siècle. Ces doubles noces ont eu lieu respectivement en 1572 et en 1611. Il s’agit donc d’événements du passé que ce tableau reproduit à grands frais, et dont la portée se mesure au nombre de copies qui (...)
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  33.  16
    Entre el alba y la aurora: sobre la filosofía de María Zambrano.Carmen Revilla - 2005 - Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
    Ser, pensar, ver, mirar son el sustrato de la escritura de María Zambrano, que se apoya y brota de una irrenunciable voluntad de pensar y trazar la palabra que la vida necesita. Por ello escribe con la intención de reconducir la filosofía a la concreción de la existencia, para hacer del pensamiento, como ha dicho Wanda Tommasi, una instancia mediadora capaz de llevar a la luz de la conciencia las realidades oscuras del cuerpo, del sentir, de la pasión. María Zambrano (...)
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  34.  99
    Vicarious action preparation does not result in sensory attenuation of auditory action effects.Carmen Weiss & Simone Schütz-Bosbach - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1654-1661.
    The perception of sensory effects generated by one’s own actions is typically attenuated compared to the same effects generated externally. However, it is unclear whether this specifically relates to self-generation. Recent studies showed that sensory attenuation mainly relies on action preparation, not actual action execution. Hence, an attenuation of sensory effects generated by another person might occur if these actions can be anticipated and thus be prepared for.Here, we compared the perceived loudness of sounds generated by one’s own actions and (...)
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  35. XXVI Reuniones Filosóficas. Pamplona, 6-8 de marzo de 1989.Carmen María Eguílaz Alsúa - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 14:281-282.
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  36. Mujeres en las estructuras eclesiales.Carmen Bernabé - 2004 - Critica 54 (913):61-65.
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  37. El Otro en la fenomenología de E. Husserl.María del Carmen Astigarraga - 1996 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:221-245.
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  38. El método yóguico.Carmen Dragonetti - 1972 - Buenos Aires,: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Oriental.
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  39. Educar a una mujer es educar a un pueblo.Carmen Jiménez - 2004 - Critica 54 (911):8-12.
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  40. Dreadful/Delightful Killing: The Contested Nature of Duck Hunting.Carmen McLeod - 2007 - Society and Animals 15 (2):151-167.
    Hunting ducks with a firearm has become increasingly contested in industrialized and urbanized contemporary societies. In southern New Zealand, an area that maintains strong connections to rural life ways, duck shooting is still a very popular activity. However, even duck shooters living in this region are increasingly finding that they must justify an activity their grandparents practiced without compunction. This paper considers ethical discourses associated with the killing of ducks, particularly the ways in which people who shoot ducks construct the (...)
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  41.  62
    Apuleius and the Square of Opposition.Carmen Johanson & David Londey - 1984 - Phronesis 29 (2):165-173.
  42. Dr Lawrence's acceptance speech: Australia's Indigenous heritage.Carmen Lawrence - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:2.
    Lawrence, Carmen Why should we protect our heritage? In the broadest sense our heritage is what we inherit; it's what we value of that inheritance and what we decide to keep and protect for future generations. Heritage is both global enough to encompass our shock at the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan and as local as our own sepia-tinted family photographs. Everything which our predecessors have bequeathed, both tangible and intangible, may be called heritage - landscapes, (...)
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  43. Informal Proceedings from the Panel Discussion on Diversity.Carmen Maria Marcous, Shelley Park & Brook J. Sadler - 2014 - Florida Philosophical Review 14 (1):24-25.
    Recently, Anglo-American philosophy has become something of a scandal. The disturbing lack of women and minorities in the field, combined with revelations of institutional discrimination and sexual harassment in several departments of Philosophy, have placed philosophy in the national and international spotlight. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, and other under-represented groups in the discipline have created blogs, conferences, task forces, guides, and other sites to give voice to, and address the concerns of, the philosophically marginalized. It is this background that (...)
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    Los falsos Sagunt de las fuentes árabes.Carmen Barceló - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (1):237-243.
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  45. Eclécticos portugueses del siglo XVIII y algunas de sus influencias en América.Rovira Carmen & María del - 1958 - México]: Colegio de México.
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    La unificación de las instituciones upanishádicas Badarayana. El inicio de la escuela Vedanta.Carmen Dragonetti & Fernando Tola - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:183-209.
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    Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection.Carmen F. Ionita, Deborah Talmi & Jason R. Taylor - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that while the proposed memory model by Bastin et al. can explain familiarity-based memory judgements through the interaction of a core representation system and an attribution system, recollection-based memory judgements are not based on non-mnemonic signals being attributed to memory.
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    Review: Ute Guzzoni: Über Natur. Aufzeichnungen unterwegs: Zu einem anderen Naturverhältnis.Carmen Kölz - 1996 - Die Philosophin 7 (14):117-120.
  49.  30
    La importancia de la mirada en el comportamiento artístico: identidad histórica y percepción visual.Carmen Porta - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:11-28.
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  50. La política como res pública.Carmen Ferrete Sarria - 2000 - Diálogo Filosófico 46:77-91.
    Dos son los objetivos fundamentales de estas páginas. En primer lugar, analizar la postura de Unamuno ante el avance de la democracia en la Europa de principios de siglo. Esta posición que en apariencia se muestra contradictoria, adquirirá sentido pleno al distinguir entre democracia liberal y no liberal. Y en segundo lugar, rastrear las principales aportaciones que su pensamiento político puede ofrecer hoy en día a la teoría política en general y la teoría de la democracia en particular.
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