Results for 'Carmelo Arroyo'

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    Fidei contemnentes initium.Roland Kany & Carmelo Arroyo - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):145-152.
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    Time Processing, Interoception, and Insula Activation: A Mini-Review on Clinical Disorders.Carmelo Mario Vicario, Michael A. Nitsche, Mohammad A. Salehinejad, Laura Avanzino & Gabriella Martino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Time processing is a multifaceted skill crucial for managing different aspects of life. In the current work, we explored the relationship between interoception and time processing by examining research on clinical models. We investigated whether time processing deficits are associated with dysfunction of the interoceptive system and/or insular cortex activity, which is crucial in decoding internal body signaling. Furthermore, we explored whether insular activation predicts the subjective experience of time (that is, the subjective duration of a target stimulus to be (...)
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  3. Against ‘Interpretation’: Quantum Mechanics Beyond Syntax and Semantics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Gilson Olegario da Silva - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1243-1279.
    The question “what is an interpretation?” is often intertwined with the perhaps even harder question “what is a scientific theory?”. Given this proximity, we try to clarify the first question to acquire some ground for the latter. The quarrel between the syntactic and semantic conceptions of scientific theories occupied a large part of the scenario of the philosophy of science in the 20th century. For many authors, one of the two currents needed to be victorious. We endorse that such debate, (...)
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  4. Between Physics and Metaphysics: A Discussion of the Status of Mind in Quantum Mechanics.Raoni Arroyo & Jonas Arenhart - 2019 - In J. Acacio de Barros & Carlos Montemayor (eds.), Quanta and Mind: Essays on the Connection Between Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. Springer Verlag. pp. 31-42.
    We discuss the ‘Consciousness Causes Collapse Hypothesis’ (CCCH), the interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which consciousness solves the measurement problem. At first, it seems that the very hypothesis that consciousness causally acts over matter counts as a reductio of CCCH. However, CCCH won’t go so easily. In this paper we attempt to bring new light to the discussion. We distinguish the ontology of the interpretation (the positing of a causally efficacious consciousness as part of the furniture of reality) from (...)
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  5. Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Ratings by Spanish Listed Firms.Carmelo Reverte - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):351-366.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze whether a number of firm and industry characteristics, as well as media exposure, are potential determinants of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices by Spanish listed firms. Empirical studies have shown that CSR disclosure activism varies across companies, industries, and time (Gray et al., Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 8(2), 47–77, 1995; Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 28(3/4), 327–356, 2001; Hackston and Milne, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 9(1), 77–108, 1996; Cormier (...)
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  6. The return of the living dead: Agency lost and found?Carmelo Aquilina & Julian C. Hughes - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.), Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press. pp. 143--161.
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    Political Responsibility: Responding to Predicaments of Power.Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Scholars in the humanities and social sciences have turned to ethics to theorize politics in what seems to be an increasingly depoliticized age. Yet the move toward ethics has obscured the ongoing value of political responsibility and the vibrant life it represents as an effective response to power. Sounding the alarm for those who care about robust forms of civic engagement, this book fights for a new conception of political responsibility that meets the challenges of today's democratic practice. Antonio Y. (...)
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  8. Idealization and the structure of theories in biololgy.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos & Xavier De Donato-Rodríguez - 2008
    In this paper we present a new framework of idealization in biology. We characterize idealizations as a network of counterfactual conditionals that can exhibit different degrees of contingency. We use the idea of possible worlds to say that, in departing more or less from the actual world, idealizations can serve numerous epistemic, methodological or heuristic purposes within scientific research. We defend that, in part, it is this structure what helps explain why idealizations, despite being deformations of reality, are so successful (...)
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  9. Derecho y economía.Arroyo Alba & Francisco[From Old Catalog] - 1941 - México,: D.F..
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    A fenomenologia na geografia da religião E a espacialização hierofânica.Karina Cruz Arroyo - 2016 - Synesis 8 (2):149-166.
    A Geografia da Religião configura-se no cenário acadêmico da Geografia Cultural como um subcampo dotado de potencialidades profícuas à apreensão do fenômeno religioso. Espacializar o rito, a prática cotidiana que se espraia em redes de informações fluídicas, repletas de subjetividades capazes de construir territórios e demarcar identidades é o objetivo principal deste campo do saber. É no tempo e no espaço que o sagrado se manifesta e semiografa indelevelmente como um mapa permanente as fronteiras entre o eu e o outro. (...)
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  11. Introducción del pienso en la dieta de los loros.Ana Alejaandra Arroyo & Teresa Masuet - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 58-61.
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    Lo sublime en el paisaje antrópico a través de la fotografía actual.María Antonia Blanco Arroyo - 2017 - Arbor 193 (784):388.
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    El humanismo político oriental.Carmelo Elorduy - 1976 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
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    Zubiri y la estructura monumental del pensamiento.Manuel Gallego Arroyo - 2023 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
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  15. (1 other version)Estetica sperimentale. Genovese, Carmelo, [From Old Catalog], Dasi & Gerardo Filiberto (eds.) - 1969 - [Bologna],: Cappelli.
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  16. Ortega y Gasset y el problema del "apriori" de la conciencia / Ortega y Gasset and the Problem of the "apriori" of Consciousness.José María Izquierdo Arroyo - 1983 - Revista Agustiniana 24 (73-74):161-225.
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  17. Il problema soggetto-oggetto e le aporie della sintesi Kantiana.Carmelo Lacorte - 1951 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5:338.
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  18. Jacobi, Kant, e il problema del realismo.Carmelo Lacorte - 1962 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 41:306-327.
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  19. Conoscenza e arte.Carmelo Librizzi - 1971 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Private vices, business virtues?Carmelo Mazza - forthcoming - Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World.
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    Infinito lucreziano: De rerum natura 1, 951-1117.Carmelo Salemme - 2011 - Napoli: Loffredo. Edited by Titus Lucretius Carus.
    "La più vertiginosa teoresi sul massimo e più attuale problema dell'essere nella scrittura inarrivabile di uno dei massimi poeti di ogni tempo."--Page [2] pf cover.
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  22. Introduzione allo studio del Gioberti (gli studî giobertiani nel dopoguerra: 1918-1934).Carmelo Sgroi - 1935 - Udine,: Casa editrice "Aquileia,".
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  23. La ragione Della fede (cristiana).Carmelo Vigna - 2009 - Giornale di Metafisica 31 (2):225-234.
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    Philosophical, Experimental and Synthetic Phenomenology: The Study of Perception for Biological, Artificial Agents and Environments.Carmelo Calì - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1111-1124.
    In this paper the relationship between phenomenology of perception and synthetic phenomenology is discussed. Synthetic phenomenology is presented on the basis of the issues in A.I. and Robotics that required to address the question of what enables artificial agents to have phenomenal access to the environment. Phenomenology of perception is construed as a theory with autonomous structure and domain, which can be embedded in a philosophical as well as a scientific theory. Two attempts at specifying the phenomenal content of artificial (...)
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  25. Floating free from physics: the metaphysics of quantum mechanics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart - unknown
    We discuss some methodological aspects of the relation between physics and metaphysics by dealing specifically with the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Our main claim is that current attempts to productively integrate quantum mechanics and metaphysics are best seen as approaches of what should be called ‘the metaphysics of science’, which is developed by applying already existing metaphysical concepts to scientific theories. We argue that, in this perspective, metaphysics must be understood as an autonomous discipline. It results that this metaphysics (...)
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  26. The phylogeography debate and the epistemology of model-based evolutionary biology.Alfonso Arroyo-Santos, Mark E. Olson & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):833-850.
    Phylogeography, a relatively new subdicipline of evolutionary biology that attempts to unify the fields of phylogenetics and population biology in an explicit geographical context, has hosted in recent years a highly polarized debate related to the purported benefits and limitations that qualitative versus quantitative methods might contribute or impose on inferential processes in evolutionary biology. Here we present a friendly, non-technical introduction to the conflicting methods underlying the controversy, and exemplify it with a balanced selection of quotes from the primary (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Filosofía orteguiana y teología católica.Ciriaco Morón Arroyo - 1967 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 7:55-78.
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    Introducción a Kant.Francesc Arroyo - 2022 - Barcelona: Gredos. Edited by Marcos Jaén.
  29. Sobre la biografia del filósofo.Ciriaco Morón Arroyo - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):211-219.
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    La La Ley marroquí de violencia contra las mujeres: una aproximación al contenido y al debate ideológico.Carmelo Pérez Beltrán - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (48).
    This article has two objectives: firstly, studying the main contributions and deficiencies of the Law No. 103.13 on the fight of violence against women, enacted in Morocco on March 12th 2018. Secondly, studying ideological stress points between the civil society that is most committed with gender violence in Morocco, whose referents are based on the international declarations and conventions, and the governmental institutions of the Justice and Development Party, in power from January 2012, whose approaches are determined by the Islamist (...)
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    La educación democrática en el contexto de la deliberación y el agonismo político.Sergio Luis Caro Arroyo - 2015 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 36 (113):27.
    El propósito central de este artículo consiste en realizar una exploración crítica de la idea de educación democrática. La tesis que se defiende afirma que existe una relación de complementariedad entre los modelos deliberativo y agonista de la democracia, defendidos por Amy Gutmann y Chantal Mouffe, que permite una comprensión de la educación que satisface las exigencias morales que deben integrar una concepción democrática de ciudadanía. El texto inicia con un planteamiento acerca de la relación entre política y educación; seguidamente, (...)
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    Comentarios a los lugares del Poema de Parménides en el camino de Heidegger hacia los «pensadores del inicio».José Luis Díaz Arroyo - 2021 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 10:181-198.
    Se van mostrar algunos contrastes en los lugares de la noción de mismidad del Poema de Parménides de Elea entre diversos textos de Martin Heidegger, con especial atención a qué tiene que ver el olvido de la «palabra enigma» de Parménides en Sein und Zeit con la noción de Sí mismo que allí se elabora. A través del camino hacia los “pensadores del inicio”, distinguir el horizonte de cuestionamiento del diálogo de Platón de aquel del Poema de Parménides, nos llevará (...)
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    Il primo Hegel.Carmelo Lacorte - 2012 - G.C. Sansoni.
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  34. Kant. Ancora un episodio dell' alleanza di religione e filosofia.Carmelo Lacorte - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:328-329.
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    Kant e la possibilità dell'etica: lettura critico-sistematica dei Primi principi metafisici della dottrina della virtù.Carmelo Alessio Meli - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  36. Sobre la filosofía del filósofo.Ciriaco Morón Arroyo - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (de la Cátedra Jorge Santayana ():23-31.
  37. (1 other version)Critica dell'idealismo.Carmelo Ottaviano - 1936 - Napoli: A. Rondinella.
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  38. Una inedita "Compilacio ex dictis Thomae".Carmelo Ottaviano - 1930 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:392.
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  39. Neopedagogia spiritualistica.Carmelo Puglisi - 1959 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    Fire and Force.Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (1):53-65.
    The French Jesuit, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wrote provocatively about world civilization from his dual expertise as paleontologist and Catholic priest. This paper will extract from his many writings references to civilizational process in terms of his concept of the noosphere, that is, the transhuman accumulation of knowledge. Basing himself on the notion of a geogenetic process that he described in his important publication, Le Phenomenene Humain (1955), de Chardin considered the evolution of humankind to involve not merely the change (...)
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  41. Tractatus de universalibus.Carmelo Thomas & Ottaviano - 1932 - Roma: Reale accademia d'Italia. Edited by Carmelo Ottaviano.
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    Attualismo, problematicismo, metafisica.Carmelo Vigna - 1995 - Idee 28:33-51.
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    Studi gentiliani.Carmelo Vigna - 2018 - Napoli: Orthotes.
    Tomo I. La logica -- Tomo II. La religione (e dintorni).
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    Transcranial direct current stimulation: a remediation tool for the treatment of childhood congenital dyslexia?Carmelo M. Vicario & Michael A. Nitsche - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  45. The epistemic value of metaphysics.Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo & Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):337.
    It is sometimes argued that, given its detachment from our current most successful science, analytic metaphysics has no epistemic value because it contributes nothing to our knowledge of reality. Relatedly, it is also argued that metaphysics properly constrained by science can avoid that problem. In this paper we argue, however, that given the current understanding of the relation between science and metaphysics, metaphysics allegedly constrained by science suffers the same fate as its unconstrained sister; that is, what is currently thought (...)
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    Housing recovery outcomes after typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines: a critical realist perspective.Ivette Arroyo & Johnny Åstrand - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (2):142-168.
    ABSTRACTTyphoon Haiyan damaged around a million houses in the Philippines in November 2013. It especially affected the poor. Using a realist laminated ontology, this paper explains how multiple cau...
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  47. Usos y consumos del pago por visión digital en España.Carmelo Garitaonandía, Emilio Fernández Peña & José Oleaga - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 51:77-84.
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    Does Stakeholder Management have a Dark Side?Carmelo Cennamo, Pascual Berrone & Luis R. Gomez-Mejia - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):491-507.
    This article is a first attempt to line out the conditions under which executives might have a real self-interest in pursuing a broad stakeholder management (SM) orientation to enlarge their power. We suggest that managers have wider latitude of action under an SM approach, even when this is instrumental to financial performance. The causally ambiguity of the performance effects of idiosyncratic relationships with stakeholders not only makes SM strategy difficult for competitors to imitate but also increases managerial discretion. When managers (...)
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    Firm's emission reduction effectiveness and the influence of the five institutional dimensions of the quintuple helix model: European evidence.Carmelo Reverte, Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero & Emma García-Meca - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Based upon the quintuple helix model (QHM), this study explores whether the differences in firms' emission reduction effectiveness can be attributed to the five institutional helices related to educational system, economic development, political–legal system, cultural orientation, and the natural capital. Using a set of listed European firms for the 2015–2020 period, we show that firms with better emission reduction effectiveness operate in nations with more public educational expenditure and scientific production, more extensive economic development, and better institutional and governance quality. (...)
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    Methodological Factors Involved in the Study of Temporal Binding Using the Open Source Software Labclock Web.Carmelo P. Cubillas, Íñigo Landáburu & Helena Matute - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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