Results for 'Carlos Crivelli'

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  1.  16
    A Multidisciplinary Approach to Research in Small-Scale Societies: Studying Emotions and Facial Expressions in the Field.Carlos Crivelli, Sergio Jarillo & Alan J. Fridlund - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:204619.
    Although cognitive science was multidisciplinary from the start, an under-emphasis on anthropology has left the field with limited research in small scale, indigenous societies. Neglecting the anthropological perspective is risky, given that once-canonical cognitive science findings have often been shown to be artifacts of enculturation rather than cognitive universals. This imbalance has become more problematic as the increased use of Western theory-driven approaches, many of which assume human uniformity (“universality”), confronts the absence of a robust descriptive base that might provide (...)
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    Emotion and Expression: Naturalistic Studies.José-Miguel Fernández-Dols & Carlos Crivelli - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):24-29.
    Do basic emotions produce their predicted facial expressions in nonlaboratory settings? Available studies in naturalistic settings rarely test causation, but do show a surprisingly weak correlation between emotions and their predicted facial expressions. This evidence from field studies is more consistent with facial behavior having many causes, functions, and meanings, as opposed to their being fixed signals of basic emotion.
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    Parergon: Attribut, Material und Fragment in der Bildästhetik des Quattrocento.Anna Degler - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    "Die Unterscheidung in Haupt- und Nebensache ist ein kulturabhängiges ästhetisches Konstrukt, das immer wieder neu ausgehandelt wird. Dieser Band erschließt die Ästhetik des Beiwerks in der Bild- und Textkultur des Quattrocento über den historischen Begriff Parergon (dt. Beiwerk) folglich auch innerhalb einer Normen- und Rezeptionsgeschichte. Der Topos von der potentiellen Gefährdung des Werkes durch übermäßiges Beiwerk prägt seit der Antike westliche kunsttheoretische, theologische und nicht zuletzt auch wissenschaftliche Diskurse. In eingehenden Analysen verfolgt dieser Band das Phänomen aus der Perspektive von (...)
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    Interioridad y palabra en san Agustín de Hipona.Carlos Daniel Lasa - 2001 - Augustinus 46 (180-81):55-83.
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  5. Cuando la respuesta al clamor no es la liberación: Análisis de Jueces 6: 7-10.Carlos R. Sosa - 2009 - Kairos (misc) 44:33-56.
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  6. Mediational Fields and Dynamic Situated Senses.Carlos Mario Márquez Sosa - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:51-72.
    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notions of mediational fields and dynamic situated senses as a way to identify the structure of experiences, thoughts and their relations. To reach this purpose I draw some lessons from the debate between Dreyfus and McDowell about the structure of experience, from Cussins’s conception of mediational contents, and from Evans’s account of singular senses. I notice firstly that McDowell’s answer to Dreyfus consists in developing a practical and demonstrative notion of the (...)
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  7. Díaz, Jorge a.Carlos Soto - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):181-183.
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    Refabrikationen Rilkes:Refabrications of Rilke.Spoerhase Carlos - 2017 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 91 (4):455-477.
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    Neue Forschungen zum Neupiatonismus (1995–2003). Teil I.Carlos Steel & Christoph Helmig - 2004 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (2):143-162.
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    Fenomenologia E ciências humanas: A crítica de Husserl ao positivismo.Carlos Diógenes Côrtes Tourinho - 2010 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 22 (31):379.
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    Multisensory experiences: where the senses meet technology.Carlos Velasco - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Marianna Obrist.
    Multisensory Experiences: Where the senses meet technology takes you on a journey that goes from the fundamentals of multisensory experiences, through the relationship between the senses and technology, to what the future of those experiences may look like, and our responsibility in it.
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    The Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox: A Collection of Critical Appreciations.Carlos Alberto Sánchez & Jules Simon (eds.) - 2010 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox : A Collection of Critical Appreciations.
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    Cortés, F. (2020). Del arte de la paz: reflexiones filosóficas sobre justicia transicional. Siglo del Hombre.Carlos Thiebaut - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 63:173-177.
    Reseña del libro: Cortés, F.. Del arte de la paz: reflexiones filosóficas sobre justicia transicional. Siglo del Hombre.
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    The art of choosing.Carlos G. Valles - 1989 - New York: Image Books.
    Discusses the nature of choice in terms of discovering God's will, tells how to face the fear of choosing, and looks at the role of compromise.
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    Cuaderno de comprensión social.Carlos Vial - 1952 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial del Pacífico.
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    La Integración de las artes.Carlos Raúl Villanueva (ed.) - 1966 - Lima,: Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería.
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  17. Paul Feyerabend: en torno a dos trabajos.Carlos Díaz - 1974 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):587-590.
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  18. La teoría de la democracia del positivismo jurídico.Carlos Miguel Herrera - 2007 - In Rodolfo Arango Rivadeneira, Filosofía de la democracia: fundamentos conceptuales. Bogotá, D.C.: Ediciones Uniandes, CESO.
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    La teoría de la voluntad de José eusebio Caro: El concepto de hombre en el pensamiento colombiano Del siglo XIX Y su relación con la filosofía liberal francesa.Carlos Rubén Gélvez Higuera - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (75):123-149.
    In 1836, at 19 years of age, Colombian philosopher José Eusebio Caro wrote a sociological and anthropological treatise titled Mecánica social that illustrates in context the reception of French philosophy in 19th-century Colombian philosophical thought. The purpose of this paper is to present critically Caro’s theory of the will and to bring to light the philosophical sources from which he draw, especially physiology and its role as theoretical basis for both ideology and a new “scientific” anthropology that could, in turn, (...)
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    La querella del humanismo en el siglo XX: elementos para una tópica.Carlos F. Liria (ed.) - 2018 - Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor.
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    Sin vigilancia y sin castigo: una discusión con Michel Foucault.Carlos Fernández Liria - 1992 - Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi.
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    1er Coloquio Michel de Certeau.Carlos Álvarez - 2016 - Teología y Vida 57 (2):281-284.
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  23. La argumentación como camino para la búsqueda y conocimiento de la verdad en la historia de Occidente y en nuestros días.Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino - 2004 - In Francisco Puy Muñoz & Jorge Guillermo Portela, La argumentación jurídica: problemas de concepto, método y aplicación. [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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    Introduction to Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Perspective.Carlos Vidales & Søren Brier (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book traces the origins and evolution of cybersemiotics, beginning with the integration of semiotics into the theoretical framework of cybernetics and information theory. The book opens with chapters that situate the roots of cybersemiotics in Peircean semiotics, describe the advent of the Information Age and cybernetics, and lay out the proposition that notions of system, communication, self-reference, information, meaning, form, autopoiesis, and self-control are of equal topical interest to semiotics and systems theory. Subsequent chapters introduce a cybersemiotic viewpoint on (...)
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    Ser y ver.Carlos Silva - 1986 - Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia.
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  26. Metafísica y mística de San Agustín.Carlos Boyer - 1954 - Pensamiento 10 (40):415-422.
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    Innovation Policies From the European Union: Methods for Classification.Carlos Montalvo & Victor Rodriguez - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (6):467-481.
    This study focuses on taxonomic and typological methods of innovation policies in the European institutional context. Although many types of policies affect innovation, no universally accepted criteria exist to classify them. As innovation policy in a myriad of thematic areas—systemic model—has become pluralized, this article offers a method for classification. Such policies are grouped and categorized according to biological and neofunctional approaches.
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    La naturalización de la responsabilidad moral.Carlos J. Moya - 2005 - In Tobies Grimaltos & Julián Pacho, La naturalización de la filosofía: problemas y límites. Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos. pp. 59.
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    O descompromisso ontológico da ciência moderna E suas raízes medievais.Carlos Arthur R. Nascimento - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):649-658.
    Tomás de Aquino ou Roberto Grossetestenão podiam prever a importância que aciência matematizada da natureza assumiria apartir do século XVII. Eles, no entanto, nãocontestam a possibilidade de um conhecimentoda natureza baseado em seus aspectos quantitativose não na essência das substâncias naturais.Eles reservam um lugar para este tipo de ciênciae o justificam. Quanto a Tomás, é preciso aindalembrar que, embora para ele o objeto próprioproporcionado de nosso intelecto seja a essênciadas coisas materiais, não conhecemos as diferençasespecíficas nem das substâncias materiaisnem das (...)
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    2011. La cita de la química con la sociedad.Carlos Negro - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_1):159-165.
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  31. Some Confusions Surrounding Kelsen's Concept of Legal Validity.Carlos Santiago Nino - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson, Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many writers interested in Kelsen's concept of validity state that it is primarily related to such issues as the identity of a legal system, the membership of particular norms in a legal system, its internal consistency, and so on. The result is that for many, Kelsen's concept of validity bears no affinity to the idea of validity prevailing in traditional legal philosophy. This chapter argues that this reading of Kelsen's concept of validity is mistaken. Proponents of this reading have been (...)
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  32. Estratificación conceptual del proceso de producción de conocimientos matemáticos.Carlos E. Vasco - 1978 - Ideas Y Valores 27 (53-54):99.
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    Incertidumbre, congruencia e institucionalización desigual: Las dinámicas de la innovación institucional en sociedades en tránsito.Carlos H. Waisman - 2011 - Arbor 187 (752):1171-1183.
    El propósito de este artículo es analizar las variedades de Capitalismo que emergieron en Latinoamérica y la Europa Central del Este desde 1980 como ejemplos de transferencia institucional. En el artículo considero la posibilidad de que el capitalismo, al igual que la democracia, es un complejo paquete institucional antes que una institución elemental. Algunos de sus componentes viajan más rápido que otros a través de formas híbridas, constituyendo, por tanto, nuevas perspectivas con potencial suficiente para ser institucionalizadas.
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  34. Consideraciones sobre el concepto de ley natural en San Pablo.Carlos López Bravo - 2002 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 9:275-286.
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    Dios como causa eficiente del ser del cosmos, según Aristóteles.Carlos A. Casanova - 2013 - Acta Philosophica 22 (2):279-302.
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    Complexity at large-19.4.Carlos Gershenson - 2014 - Complexity 19 (4):1-9.
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    De la crítica a la filosofía de la conciencia a la reivindicación de la conciencia moral.Carlos Gómez - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 10:10-50.
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    Tierno galván, Enrique: Bandos Del alcalde, tecnos, madrid, 2011, 10ª ed., 128p.Carlos Alberto Gomes - 2015 - Agora 34 (2).
    Pretende-se, nesta recensão, mostrar a dimensão englobante da política e da filosofia, em Galván, a partir do envolvimento cívico-ecológico que Tierno Galván manifestou politicamente, enquando alcaide de Madrid, traduzida numa preocupação prática e vivencial pelo bem-estar comum.
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  39. Empédocles de Agrigento.Carlos García Gual - 1995 - Universitas Philosophica 25:11-26.
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  40. Informes, Explicaciones y Política: Yo también preferiría no hacerlo.Carlos Muñoz Gutiérrez - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70:13.
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    Semántica cognitiva: modelos cognitivos y espacios mentales.Carlos Muñoz Gutiérrez - 2005 - A Parte Rei 43:5.
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    Universidad Nacional de Colombia.Carlos B. Gutiérrez - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 14:251-256.
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    Rousseau chez les juristes: histoire d'une référence philosophico-politique dans la pensée juridique.Carlos-Miguel Herrera (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle, la référence à Rousseau devient incontournable pour la pensée juridique, comme si toute réflexion sur le droit, et pas uniquement dans le domaine du droit public, devrait régler ses comptes avec le Genevois. Bien entendu, cette référence changera de signification politique avec le temps et l’évolution des institutions étatiques européennes. Mais l’extension du suffrage universel et la consolidation de la démocratie au XXe siècle sont loin de signer la (...)
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    La necesidad de fundar la tradición: 'Sobre el concepto de historia' de Walter Benjamín.Carlos Marzán Trujillo - 1995 - Laguna 3:47-56.
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  45. Let’s not agree to disagree: the role of strategic disagreement in science.Carlos Santana - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 25):6159-6177.
    Supposedly, stubbornness on the part of scientists—an unwillingness to change one’s position on a scientific issue even in the face of countervailing evidence—helps efficiently divide scientific labor. Maintaining disagreement is important because it keeps scientists pursuing a diversity of leads rather than all working on the most promising, and stubbornness helps preserve this disagreement. Planck’s observation that “Science progresses one funeral at a time” might therefore be an insight into epistemically beneficial stubbornness on the part of researchers. In conversation with (...)
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    Acuerdos Comunes de Validez: Diálogo entre la Metodología Cuantitativa y Cualitativa.Carlos Acevedo - 2011 - Cinta de Moebio 42:276-287.
    Este artículo se halla dividido en tres partes.En la primera, se define el estado de la ciencia física y del positivismo lógico, concluyendo el tránsito de ambos hacia el constructivismo.En la segunda, se realiza un esbozo del constructivismo de Piaget.Finalmente, en el tercer apartado, con la intención de desarrollar un ejemplo de esta confluencia en las ciencias sociales,se constata que ciertos criterios de validez defendidos para la metodología cualitativa se complementan totalmente con los contenidos en la estadística .This article is (...)
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  47. La interpretación ontológico-político del buen vivir.Carlos Andrés Duque Acosta - 2021 - In Idrobo Velasco, Jhon Alexánder, Orrego Echeverría & Israel Arturo, Ontología política desde América Latina. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ediciones USTA.
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  48. Sinaptopías evolutivas : hipertoroides y metahibridación de las redes de información.Carlos Andrés Acosta & Camilo Leyva Y. Santiago Castañeda - 2016 - In Iliana Hernández García, Estética de los mundos posibles: inmersión en la vida artificial, las artes y las prácticas urbanas. Bogotá, D. C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Bogotá.
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  49. Negación y tercero excluido.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 1981 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 7 (1):73.
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  50. Para una lógica de las razones prima facie.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 1996 - Análisis Filosófico 16 (2):113-124.
    Standardly, the usual approach to rationality is based on the notion of ‘being a reason for’. Honouring the traditional distinction between practical and theoretical philosophy, reasons are classified as justificative and explicative. In both cases, a reason-statement has the form ‘’. For reasons of type , ‘A’ is a factual statement and ‘B’ is a statement which describes an action of the agent. The reason-statement has a prescriptive sense because ‘A is a reason for doing B’ means ‘A is a (...)
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